International Order of Co-Masonry
'Le Droit Humain'
Le Droit Humain works in the following degrees of the Scottish Rite:
Blue Degrees:
1. Entered Apprentice
2. Fellow Craft
3. Master
Lodge of Perfection (Green Degrees):
4. Secret Master
8. Intendant of the Building, or Master if Israel
Degrees by Communication
9º, 10º, 11º en 12º
13. Royal Arch
14. Grand Chosen One, Perfect Master
Chapter of the Rosy Cross (Red Degrees):
18. Knight of the Rosy Cross of Heredom
Areopagus (Black Degrees):
30. Elected Knight of the White and Black Eagle, Knight Kadosh
Consistory (White Degrees):
32. Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret
Supreme Council:
33. Grand-Inspector-General
Besides these degrees, the order works in the Netherlands
also in the degrees of Mark Master Mason, Master
of a Mark Master Mason Lodge, Royal Ark Mariners and the Holy Royal Arch of
In 1990 the order had 540 members in the Netherlands, by 1999 the number had
dropped till 456, organized in lodges
and various working places. Membership at the end of 2006 was 338. On July 1st
2009 membership was 331, and there were 16 lodges active.
Late 2001, early 2002 the Lodges De Ruwe Steen (Rough Ashlar)
and Fiat Lux left the Dutch Federation. Fiat Lux Lodge has made their reasons
clear in an open letter to all members of the
On October 20th, 2002 the Triangle (a pre-stage to a lodge) Emergo was founded
in Terneuzen by the Dutch Lodge George
Martin I and the Belgian Lodge Baken.
statutes National Council