Union of Royal Family Heroes and Heroines of Friendship of America
Ritual for the Installation of Officers


At the time appointed the installing officer call upon the Kingdom Court in the simple and
brief ritualistic form. The Scribe shall call the roll of officers-elect.
Installing Officer:
Are all the officers elected in good standing?
The obligating vow shall be declared.

All officers-elect will stand at the altar, place left hand upon your heart and extend your right hand, and repeat after me: I … (each his or her name), do of my own will and accord, accept the election … (repeat office elected to) at the hands of the members of the Royal Family Heroes and Heroines of Friendship, as an honor conferred upon me, and furthermore I promise if I should be installed in said office I shall perform my duties impartially, punctually, faithfully and honestly and shall respect my superior office and grant at all times counsel to my inferiors in office; also each and every member of the Royal Family whom I find worthy. I furthermore obligate myself to be attentive to the members of my kingdom, special, called and regular, and I will not cause delay of its proper opening by tardiness. All these promises I shall endeavor to keep if I am installed.
I. O.:
May you ever keep your obligation and be true to your vow.
I. O.:
The officers will now form a circle around the altar, linking hands; members will form circle around officers, link.ng hands, and encircling three times, sing:
"A charge to keep I have,
A God to glorify;
A never-dying soul to save,
And fit it for the sky.

"To serve the present age,
My calling to fulfill,
O may it all my powers engage
To do my Master's will.

"Help me to watch and pray,
And on Thyself rely,
Assured if I my trust betray
I shall forever die.
I. O.:
I shall now administer the oath of office to each duly elected officer. You will please repeat your names and say after me: "I, of my own accord, do accept the office (each naming his or her office) of this Kingdom and am confident that I was elected without undue influence on my part. I therefore solemnly vow and affirm in addition to my former obligation that I will always keep myself posted with the conditions, laws and printed edicts of the Union of Royal Family H. and H. of F. I will use all honorable means in my power to promote the welfare of the U. R. F. H. & H, of F.
I. O., to King or Queen:
I place this crown upon your head; you are the ruling officer in this Kingdom. I present to you this Sceptre; sway it in love, and this Gong by which you will give signal and notice of commands.
I. O., to Prince or Princess:
I place this crown upon your head and present you this sceptre and gong. You are to assist in ruling the Kingdom in the absence of the ruling officer, King or
Queen. You are to assume the duties of the throne. Your position is opposite the Chief Throne.
I. O., to Scribe:
You are to keep a record of all meetings of the Kingdom; keep a true and faithful account of all dues paid by each member and so credit them on your books and their cards. I present to you the Seal; you are to do the legal correspondence and attach the Seal to all documents requiring it and under direction of King or Queen send all Universal and State taxes, endowment and otherwise, receive the money after reporting the receipts turn over to the treasurer. Receive your crown.
I. O., to Assistant Scribe:
I present to you a receipt book and your crown. In the absence of the Scribe you are to keep records, receive all dues, fines and taxes, but do not credit on the card; instead give your receipts, turn it over to the Treasurer. Receive your crown.
I. O., to Treasurer:
I present to you the Kingdoms bank book and the golden key with your crown; guard well the money of the Royal Family, for there is no office more important than yours. Your position is important and it is highly necessary that you be present at all meetings to receive the finances of the Royal Household.
I. O., to Bishop:
You are to administer the obligation and spiritual advice, visit the sick, and with the King, Queen, Prince and Princess form the relief committee; accept the Bible as an insignia of your office.
I. O., to Legal Adviser:
I present you the constitution and by-laws of the Royal Family; you are to see that this Kingdom is protected and that all the members receive justice; see that all complaints and charges are in accordance with our law.
I. O., to Escort:
You are to superintend all mitigations, instruct the candidates, receive the passwords at the opening of the meetings; your position is an important one; be thou faithful. Accept this staff and insignia of your office.
I. O., to the Herald:
Your office is an honorable one, a supporter to the Escort and next to the Prince or Princess' Throne. You are to assist the Escort in the meetings and to deliver the special and regular notices to the Kingdom.
I. O., to the Imperial Guard:
You are the keeper of the throne room. You are to allow none to pass within the throne room without the proper passwords or without authority from the ruling authority. Take this spear, the insignia of your office. Be thou faithful.
I. O., to the Sentry:
Your station is at the outer door; you are to keep off all intruders, allow none to enter without the proper passwords or authority from the Prince or Princess. Take this imperial lancet, the implement of defense, using it as a hero and you shall wear a crown.
I. O., to Com. of Management:
You are the custodian of the Royal Family's property; you are to hold the bonds of the bonded officers, all applications for help outside of direct relief in sickness, disability or distress. You are to recommend such help or loans of the Kingdom's fund. You are to act jointly with the King or Queen, Prince or Princess. You are to become conversant with our law tablet of loans and saving account. Be faithful and impartial in the discharge of your duties.
I. O., to Grand Marshal:
You are to act as guide in our processions, funerals and parades. Lead well the way, guard our ranks of march from intruders. I place on you the sash of honor.
I. O., to Queen Mother:
You are to look after the children, organize and bring them up in the Royal Family. Your position is an important one. Be faithful and success is yours.
I. O.:
Now, Esteemed Sovereigns, as officers you will form the Royal Circle, place your right hand on each shoulder, kneeling upon your right knee.
Installing officer within the circle shall place sceptre on head and left shoulder and repeat
at each:
In mind and heart you must serve your Kingdom.
Each answers:
I will.
I. O.:
Now, rise, Sovereigns, encircle the Kingdom, give the Royal honors and take your offices.
