Universal Brotherhood of the World
Installation Ceremonies


General Directions

The Installing Officer shall be a G. or S.C. or a D.D.G or S.C., appointed by him, assisted by a G. or S., H. at A. and G. or S., M. of C. Deputies when acting in an official capacity shall be entitled to all the honors of their principals.
Any well qualified members of a Commandery may be appointed by the Installing Officer as assistants in place of the G. or S. assistants, in case of their absence.
Should a Grand or Supreme Officer officiate, he shall be received as per the form for the reception of Grand and Supreme Officers.
Should a D. D. officiate, omit the Ante-room ceremonies. He should commence by approaching the Shrine with H. at A., giving sign, and then proceed as usual.
The brethren should not be permitted to enter or retire during the Installation ceremonies.

Grand Commander:
We will now proceed with the Installation. The C. of R. will announce the names of the officers elect and to what stations they have been assigned.
C. of R. does so, and as their names are called they take their positions in a semi-circle facing the G. C., the I. C. being on his left, and so on in rotation according to office.
Grand Commander:
Sir Knights, are these the officers you have seen fit to elect to high and honorable positions?
Does any one know of a reason why each and every one should not be installed in the positions severally allotted in them in your hearing?
Do you and each of you accept the positions to which you have been chosen?
Have the laws touching officers, tribute and returns been fulfilled?
You will assume position for obligation by ….
The G.C. leaves station, advances in front with H. at A. on right, and M. of C. on left.
Master of Ceremonies:
I, …, do most sincerely promise, upon my honor as a Sir Knight, that in assuming the office to which I have been elected, that I will endeavor to fulfill all its requirements, as laid down in the charges, laws, rules or regulations of the Order; that I will by precept and example so act as to promote the Harmony and best interests of this Commandery; and that I will punctually fulfill the duties of my office in all cases, unless prevented by good and sufficient reasons. I also declare that I will use the trust committed to my care in such a manner as to redound to the honor and well-being of our noble Order; and when my term of office expires, I will still endeavor to promote the general interests of our Commandery in all honorable ways; all of which I affirm on the honor of a Sir Knight.
Illustrious Commander:
With pleasure I will now invest you with the insignia of your office.
The H; at A. (who should have the insignia all ready and properly arranged, beginning with the Warder of the Outer Gate) as the word in the following address is pronounced, which is the motto of the office, invests the corresponding officer with his badge.
Illustrious Commander:
Let us all remember that we should use VIGILANCY in guarding our beloved Order from all danger; CONSTANCY in our endeavors to promote its general interests; HONESTY in our transactions with all men: whilst INTEGRITY of purpose should characterize us everywhere. Let ACCURACY be our ambition, whilst our Polar star shall, be FIDELITY to our obligations; our motto, SECRECY in the private matters of the Order; but above all let the great virtue CHARITY guide and control us all, whilst Fraternity unites us together as a band of Brothers.
The retiring officers will please vacate their chairs. The newly installed officers will now occupy their respective stations.
The G. C. and assistants now assume their stations near the corresponding officers of the Commandery.
Grand Commander:
To the newly installed officers, it is only necessary to say that by the fact of your accepting the various offices to which you have been elected. as well as by your obligations, you have signified your readiness to fulfill to the letter, your various duties. See that you prove yourselves worthy of the confidence bestowed upon you, and that the interests of the Order do not suffer in your hands.
The G. H. at A. will make the proclamation.
Grand Herald at Arms approaching Shrine:
In the name of Secrecy, Charity and Fraternity, and by authority of … Commander of the Jurisdiction of …, I now proclaim the officers of … Commandery, No. …, legally installed in due form.
Grand Commander:
Illustrious Commander, I now present you this emblem of authority gives gavel or bell and bid you assume your station.
I.C. seats the Commandery.
