Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar
Grand Cross of Saint John
Compiler's Note: History tells us that when the Knights Grand
Cross of The
Holy Temple of Jerusalem at Newcastle signed an agreement with
the Allied
Masonic Degrees in 1895, transferring the superintendence of the
Knight Templar
Priest and Appendant Degrees to the latter body, they
specifically excluded the
ceremony of the Knight Grand Cross. Therefore, there would
appear to be little
doubt that this ceremony is not the one still worked by the
Knights Grand Cross.
This is further confirmed by the fact that the titles of the
Officers listed as
the participants in the Grand Cross of the Appendant Degrees,
have absolutely no
resemblance to those listed in the Statutes of the Knights Grand
In its original form, the degree was conferred only upon those
who had served
as Most Enlightened Commander of the Order of Knights of
Palestine of the Order
of Saint John. The degree was conferred under the presidency of
the Senior
Knight Grand Cross or, in some versions, a Knight Grand Cross
representing the
King of Jerusalem. The latter version is replicated here.
Additionally, no Past
MEC could be invited to the honour of Grand Cross until at least
five years had
elapsed since he had occupied the Chair in a Sanctuary and no
Grand Cross was
permitted to confer the Grand Cross until he held that rank for
at least nine
A meeting of Knights of the Grand Cross was held in a divided
chamber, the
innermost part being the Supreme Sanctuary and the outer chamber
the Sanctuary.
The original fitments called for in the ritual would be most
expensive to
reproduce today, and an exemplification would probably have to
include an
explanation of what had been omitted rather than attempt to
duplicate the
original requirements. These were: That in the East is a frame
extending wide
enough to allow five persons to be seated underneath it is a
line. From its
frame are cloth curtains of red, green, white, black and yellow
forming a
backdrop. Some 8 to 10 feet in front of the five seats is a rail
on which is
suspended another cloth representing a balustrade, on which are
paintings of
windows and in the centre, hung on suitable posts, are two doors
which swing
open from the middle. These doors may be decorated with an
heraldic device or
similar pattern. Within these doors and to the immediate right
these should be
placed a small table covered with a fall of cloth reaching the
floor, of a red
colour. On this table should be placed the Book of the Laws (the
VSL), a Menorah
or Seven Branched candle holder, suspended over this table
should be a Blazing
The Officers of the Sanctuary are: The King, four Patriarchs and
Chamberlain. The King and the four Patriarchs are seated in the
East within the
balustrade which represents the Supreme Sanctuary. The King is
seated on a
throne in the centre, of his far right is seated the Patriarch
of Edessa, on his
near right is seated the Patriarch of Jerusalem. On his
immediate left is seated
the Patriarch of Antioch and on the far left, the Patriarch of
Acre. The
Chamberlain is placed just within the door of the meeting place.
In front of
each of the five in the East is a small table. On the King’s is
a sceptre, a
white candle and a small gong with hammer. On the tables of the
Patriarchs are
candles of the colours of their domains.
The King wears a black funk on which is patterned a large eight
pointed cross
of red and white divisions with a square on the right of the
cross and a set of
compasses on the left. The compasses should be portrayed with
the points just
touching the upper and lower extremities of the cross.
Over his left shoulder falling to the left hip, he should wear a
sash of two
colours red and green, and over his left shoulder to the right
hip, one of black
and yellow. The King should also wear a cloak of purple trimmed
with sable. The
Patriarchs wear single coloured sashes as follows: P of E – Red,
P of J –
Green, P of Ant – Black and P of Acre – Yellow.
The Jewel of a Grand Cross is also the eight pointed cross, with
each double
arm in red, green, black and yellow at top, right, bottom and
left. The jewels
for all but the King are suspended around the neck on a one inch
wide blue
collar. The jewel of the King is the same cross but it is
suspended by a gold
ring from a crown, while the whole is hung on a two inch collar
of red, green,
white, black and yellow.
The Patriarchs wear plain white tunics, with their respective
sashes, and
wear the mantles of Hospitaller Knights, they carry batons. The
King may wear a
crown and the Patriarchs coronet. The Grand Crosses who are only
(sometimes called assistants) sit within the Sanctuary and wear
the same without
sashes, the jewel and collar, and may wear chapeaux with a blue
The members (or Assistants) file into the meeting place and take
their seats
in the Sanctuary, in the North and South only. When all are
assembled the
Chamberlain calls for silence and bids the Grand Crosses to
stand. The
Chamberlain raps once on the floor and the King enters without
fanfare or
salutation and proceeds through the door of the Supreme
Sanctuary and takes his
seat. He raises the hammer and strikes the gong. On hearing this
summons, the P
of J enters and lights the green candle on his pedestal, gives
the sign of
admiration toward the King, then assumes his seat. Thereafter
the King strikes
once to call the other three Patriarchs in turn, that is
Antioch, Acre and
Edessa who light their respective coloured candles, sign and
sit. When all have
done so, the King lights the white candle on his table and then
the Patriarchs
stand and the King proceeds to light the seven white candles in
the menorah.
When he has done so, the King resumes his seat but all others
remain standing.
KING: Patriarchs, do
your duty.
The four Patriarchs pass out of the Supreme Sanctuary and the P
of E and the
P of J proceed to the West end of the South column while the
other two do so in
the North column. They then alternately take the Token and
Challenge from each
one present until they have tested all and they then resume
their places. The
King stands, then strikes the gong again and without command
all, except the
King, take the step and kneel on their left knees with the
Ordinary Sign of a
Grand Cross.
KING: O heavenly Ruler
and Great
Architect of our Destinies, deign to preside over this Supreme
Sanctuary and
Sanctuary which meet in Your Name and act according to Your desires.
Be pleased
to bless our labours and forgive our weaknesses. Strikes
gong again once and all rise to their feet. Patriarchs,
our precious labours are unrestrained.
May the splendour which invests you, lead you in the path of virtue.
gong and all resume their seats with further command.
The King strikes the gong and unbidden the Chamberlain arises
and enters with
the Candidate, dressed in a plain white mantle and tunic wearing
the jewel of a
Past MEC. He is conducted to the centre of the Sanctuary and the
interrogation takes place.
CHAM: Are you a
Master Mason? Cand. assents.
Then prove yourself to be so.
Are you entitled to wear the Red Apron? Cand.
assents. You will prove
this also.
The Cand. then assents and proves himself as follows:
Within the Grades of Knighthood, are you a Knight of the Order of
the Cross?
Have you Entered the Temple?
Have you been Perfected as a Black Cross Knight?
Have you been Enrolled as a Knight of Bethany?
Have you seen the Light of the White Cross?
Have you been Admitted as a Knight of Death.
Have you been Created a Knight Rosae Crucis and of St. Andrew?
Do you bear the Christian Mark?
Have you been Enlightened in the North and South?
Are you a Redeemed Knight?
Have you Protected the Holy Grave?
Have you Crusaded under the Triple Cross.
Have you Been Constituted a Knight of Palestine owning to St. John?
Have you commanded those Knights of Palestine? Cand.
In what year?
In the Year of the Lord ... and of the Order .... This
must be at least five full years prior to the date of the
reception. If this is so, the Chamberlain advises the Cand. to
hold fast while
he reports.
CHAM approaches the doors of the Supreme Sanctuary and raps once
upon them.
KING: Who approaches?
CHAM: The Chamberlain
to the King of
KING: For what purpose
do wish to
CHAM: To deliver a
KING: Then enter.
Chamberlain enters through the
doors, gives the
sign of Admiration and stands before the King.
CHAM: Lord King, within
Sanctuary, among a gathering of your Grand Crosses, stands a Knight
of Palestine
of the Order of St. John who desires to be considered as a Candidate
for the
Honour of Grand Cross.
KING: Is he qualified
to receive such
an Honour.
CHAM: Truly and duly
qualified for he
has given the requisite proofs of Masonry and Knighthood.
KING: That may be so,
but since the
Honour of the Grand Cross may only be given to a Commander of his
Order, does he
still deserve to stand among my Grand Crosses?
CHAM: Even so Lord
King, his service
as a Commander is a matter of record and proof.
KING: Toen you will
advise this
Knight to hold fast while I confer with the Patriarchs.
The Chamberlain returns to the Cand. and stands by him. The
Patriarchs then
rise and pass into the Sanctuary around the edges of the
balustrade and take up
temporary seats as follows: The P of J in the mid East, the P of
Ant. In the mid
West, the P of Acre in the mid South and the P of E in the mid
North. When this
has been accomplished, it is seen that the King is working on
some letters at
his pedestal. After a minute he calls for a messenger, one of
the members who
has been before appointed as the messenger arises and enters the
Sanctuary, gives the Admir. Sign and waits upon the King.
KING: Take these
letters and depart
with all speed to the four Patriarchs. The
takes the letters, signs again and retires from the Supreme
Sanctuary. On
re-entering the Sanctuary he proceeds to the North, West, South
and East,
delivering a letter to each P. When they have read the letters,
the Ps rise from
their temporary seats, which are then removed, and gather
together in line,
Jerusalem, Antioch, Acre and Edessa and request entry on the rap
of the P of J.
The King bids them welcome, they give the Admir. Sign and resume
their places as
before. The Chamberlain now steps two paces in front of the
Cand. and turns to
face him.
CHAM: Let me now make
you aware of
the History of the Honour known as the Knight Grand Cross. When the
Order was founded in the Holy Land, it took part not only in the
defence of that
land but many members of the Order also assisted in the government
of the
domains of the King of Jerusalem. The Order of St. John held sway in
the four
provinces of Jerusalem, Antioch, Edessa and Acre and in each, there
was a
garrison of Knights of the Order assisted by their serjeants and
men-at-arms and
in each place they established a Hospital to aid and succour the
sick and weak
and provide a respite from arduous travels for the vast number of
Pilgrims who
visited the Holy Places. The Order of St. John, and its many sub
Orders swore
fealty to the King of Jerusalem and successive monarchs leaned ever
more heavily
on the council of the leaders of the Order.
So much so that by the year 1180, the government and administration
of these
four provinces was entrusted to Knights of the Order. Since the
title Patriarch
was used by the Church to designate the spiritual leader in any
given territory,
so the Kings of Jerusalem conferred that title upon the secular
heads of
government also. One King, Baldwin IV. after long consultation with
the Grand
Master of the Hospitallers, decreed that any Patriarch should only
be selected
from the Knights Grand Cross as they had proved their worth, both in
battle and
in their administrative offices within the Orders.
Thereafter, it was further agreed that the King would have the sole
prerogative of granting the Honour of the Grand Cross. provided that
he at all
times. bad the unanimous consent of the four Patriarchs.
No Knight could be recommended for the Honour unless he had proved
worthy by taking command of men on the field of battle and by
supervising the
working of a Hospital and even then, he might only be considered
after so doing
for a period of no less than five years.
In the event that such a qualified Knight was so recommended by his
Master, the King would send a dispatch to all four Patriarchs,
calling them to
his palace in Jerusalem, for the sole purpose of determining the
suitability of
the Candidate. When the four arrived at the palace, they withdrew
into a Supreme
Sanctuary to consider their decision, while the other Knights Grand
remained in an Outer Sanctuary, awaiting the outcome of their
Thereafter, if the Candidate was proved acceptable, before he was
granted the
Honour he was caused to travel to all four of the provinces to
receive the
acclamation of those in the garrison The first act of the summoning
of the
Patriarchs you have already witnessed.
KING: Brother Knight
Commander, we
have reviewed your application and find you qualified in all
aspects. Journey
now and receive the acclamation and
return to us.
The white mantle is removed and replaced with the Malta cloak.
The Grand
Cross present divide themselves into four equal assemblies and
one assemblage
gathers at each of the NW, SW, NE and SE points of the
Sanctuary. When this is
done the Chamberlain conducts the Cand. once around the hall and
then stops
before the assemblage at the SE point.
CHAM: Knights Grand
Cross of the
Domain of Jerusalem, do you accept the Knight Commander … as your
All in the SE cry Aye with one voice. The Chamberlain and the
Cand. proceed
to the SW point and halt.
CHAM: Knights Grand
Cross of
the Domain of Antioch, (... same as
before and
at the NW and NE points the question is asked of Edesa and Acre
also with same
responses. The Chamberlain then leads the Cand. to the doors of
the Supreme
Sanctuary and instructs him to rap once.)
KING: Who comes?
CHAM: The Chamberlain
of the King and
Knight Commander ….
KING: From whence have
you come?
CHAM: From the Marches
of the four
Provinces, O King.
KING: What is your
CHAM: It is with
pleasure that I
report that this Knight was received by acclamation in Jerusalem and
and also in Edessa and Acre.
KING: Then conduct him
to the
The Chamberlain takes the Cand. through the doors and causes him
to kneel at
the red covered table. The King arises, and accompanied by the
four Patriarchs,
goes to the table. The Patriarchs extend their arms and cause
their batons to
form two crosses over the table after which the King says:
KING: Do you promise
ever to hold
what you have seen and heard this day in silence and secrecy under a
penalty of
having your name erased from the Roll
of Knights
Grand Cross the Cand. Assents and the
Patriarchs raise
their batons then do I
now and forever
Honour you as a Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Saint
John. King
traces the shape of an X on the forehead of the Cand. Rise
and be furthered Honoured by your equals. The
King leads the new Grand Cross by the right hand, and passes out
through the
door into the centre of the Sanctuary and proclaims: Knights
Cross of the Four Provinces, I now present to you, …, a Knight Grand
Cross of
the Order of Saint John.
ALL, with one voice: Welcome
Join our ranks.
The King leads the new Grand Cross to a vacant station in the N
or S and all
resume their seats.
KING: Knights Grand
Cross, while an
Instruction will now be demonstrated for our new Grand Cross, I
charge you all
to heed its message and meaning.
King strikes gong once and the Ps of J and Ant. Arise, no sign
is given, walk
to the centre of the Sanctuary and face each other at a distance
of some six
feet. J. in the East and Ant. In the West.
P. of J: When did you
begin your
P. of Ant.: In the
third year.
P. of J: Who was your
first Master?
P. of Ant.: TUBALCAJN.
who to be
admitted undertook a search in which he succeeded. He made the first
for the Temple.
P. of J: Had he not a
chief, and what
was his name?
P. of Ant.: JACHIN of a
Tribe allied
to the Hebrews
P. of J: Have you
worked under any
other Masters?
P. of Ant.: Under many
Masters have I
learned different kinds of work.
P. of J: When did you
change your
P. of Ant.: In the
fifth year of the
reign of the Sage.
P. of J: Who then
became your Master?
an old
Sidonian and Conductor of the daily work.
P. of J: Had he not
also a chief?
P. of Ant.: Yes BOAZ,
chief of the
Tribe and Conductor of the remote work.
P. of J: When did you
come to know
the first chief?
P. of Ant.: In the
seventh year on
the day dedicated to Great and Holy Prayer.
P. of J: Does anything
connect itself with that day?
P. of Ant.: GIBLIM, an
dissatisfied with his pay.
P. of J: How many
chiefs had this
P. of Ant.: Two. MAK
and BENAK, two
Brothers Palatine.
P. of J: Do you
remember the bloody
P. of Ant.: It is too
memorable ever
to be forgotten.
P. of J: Who made it
known to you?
P. of Ant.: MAHABON,
but he also made
known to me that which is above all.
P. of J: Do you know
P. of Ant.: I know
something else,
P. of J: Do you know
anything else?
P. of Ant.: GABOAN,
P. of J: Who were the
P. of Ant.: The
P. of J: And who was
their chief?
P. of Ant.: ADONHIRAM.
P. of J: What is now
your age?
P. of Ant.: Past 81
years since the
last celebration.
P. of J: Have JEHOVAH,
ABISHAI decorated you?
P. of Ant.: I have a
bearing seven names. Four I must ever conceal but the three in chief
I shall
name to you.
P. of J: What are they?
P. of Ant.: JEHOVAH,
P. of J: Have you seen
the sacred
Sanctuary, with the chiefs adoring it?
P. of Ant.: I have seen
more, for the
Holy of Holies was, as it were, open.
P. of J: Who was the
chief of the
P. of Ant.: GOD, the
Father of the
P. of J: Had he not
another name?
P. of Ant.: INRI, but
he did not
assume this title until he had undergone calamities.
P. of J: Had he not a
third name?
P. of Ant.: He had that
P. of J: What is the
sign of a Grand
P. of Ant.: The
Ordinary Sign, that
of recognition is given by raising the index finger of the left hand
thus, it is
also given during prayer. The sign within the Sanctuary is that of
where both hands are clasped together with the fingers entwined,
thus. This sign
is used when approaching the King.
P. of J: What is the
Step of a Grand
P. of Ant.: That is
taken when a
prayer is offered up. We should take one step with the right foot
and then kneel
on the left knee. Demonstrates.
P. of J: What is the
Sacred Word?
P. of Ant.: JEHOVAH -
P. of J: What is the
Pass Word?
P. of Ant.: MAK
P. of J: Explain
the token of a Grand Cross.
P. of Ant.: The first
offers his
right hand with the forefinger extended, the second extends his
left hand with
the forefinger extended and lays it over that finger of the other
thus forming a
cross. When the cross is formed, the
first says
HIBUK, the second says I RECOLLECT.
Ps now step toward each other and demonstrate the Token and
P. of J: What is the
jewel of a Grand
P. of Ant.: A Cross
of four colours,
representing the four Provinces and hung from a blue ribbon with
the exception
of our Master the King, whose collar is of the four colours also,
but with the
addition of a central portion of white which represents the
Judgment of the King
and the Power of his Throne. Both Ps now
resume their
seats, in the East.
KING: Let us pray. All,
except the King, take the STEP and kneel, with the Ordinary
Sign. O
Glorious and Powerful Architect, we
request that
Thy Blessing fall upon all those gathered here in your name and
that Thy Love
and Devotion will protect each one. AMEN.
Patriarchs, let us now close this Supreme Sanctuary.
Strikes the gong once. The Patriarch extinguish their candles
and depart in
the opposite form to the Opening. When the Patriarchs have
departed, the King
extinguishes his candle, and strikes the gong once more, then
This Supreme Sanctuary is closed. He
then rises, goes to the table and extinguishes the candles on
the menorah before
taking his leave. After the King has made his exit, the
members stand without
command and the Chamberlain announces:
CHAM: This Sanctuary
is now closed.
All present take their leave.
