Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests
Degree of Knight of the Red + of Jerusalem


Compiler's Notes: This ceremony is the subject of numerous rituals, some twenty plus variants being known, with at least four or five similar ceremonies still being worked in the present day by different Grand Bodies. The degree is given in two parts, the Council of Knights is the Second Part and the lay out of the Council Chamber is that of the Opening and Closing also. Working this ceremony as an exemplification will be a tribute to the energy and enthusiasm of those demonstrating the degree from bath a ritualistic, and a logistic, view point. The cast list of the Red + is as follows:- Grand Knight Sovereign Master, Knight Chancellor, Knight Master of the Palace, Knight Prelate, Knight Master of Finances (Treasurer ), Knight Master of Dispatches (the Recorder), Knight Master of Cavalry, Knight Master of Infantry, Knight Standard Bearer, Knight Sword Bearer, Knight Warden (IG) and Knight Custodian (OG). The Order now appears to be an Order of Knighthood held within the Court of Darius, King of Persia who presides as the Grand Knight.
The regalia worn is as follows, a cap of crimson with a ribbon of green around it, for Knights the ribbon is half an inch, for the Officers, one inch and for the Commander, two ribbons of half an inch each with a one half inch space between them. The sash is of green with a one half inch ribbon on each side of crimson. A sash of green only is required for each candidate. Swords with belts and frogs are required for certain officers and also for the Candidate.
The Council Chamber is divided by a curtain of green, placed at a point approximately two thirds of the floor length towards the East from the West. When the Council is open in ample form this curtain is open. When the Royal Arch Chamber is in session, (for the admission of the Candidate), the curtain is drawn. A small wooden structure, representing an arched bridge is also required although other alternatives may be used.
The Grand Knight Sovereign Master presides in the Council from the East but in the R.A. Chamber, the Knight Prelate presides from the North. When the Council is to be opened from the R.A. Chamber, the Knight Warden will take up a station within the curtain.



All Officers and members with the exception of the Grand Knight Sovereign Master and his Standard Bearer and Sword Bearer who remain outside the Council door, take up their places. When all are present the Knight Master of Cavalry calls upon to be upstanding and proceeds as follows:
Knights, To Order. All stand. Knights of the Second Line, you will advance toward the First Line and form Lines of Inspection. Under the command of the Knight Master of Infantry the Second Line is ordered to march forward and halt three paces from the Knights of the First Line, thus forming two parallel ranks.
Knights of both Lines, draw swords. Sir Knight Master of Infantry you will inform the Grand Knight & Sovereign Master that our Lines are formed for inspection and review.
The KMI turns about, crosses to the South side and proceeds around the Council Chamber to the door. he passes through and repeats the directive given to him and returns to his station in the Line. When he has resumed his station, the Knight Warden announces the entry of the GKSM and the Grand Knight Sovereign Master enters, preceded by his Sword Bearer and the Standard Bearer.
They pass slowly through the Lines and proceed to the East where the Grand Knight Sovereign Master assumes the throne. The Std Br. and Swd. Br. pass around the Chamber until they reach their own stations, where they remain standing.
Sir Knights, it is my desire to open this Council of Knights of the Red + of Jerusalem. Attend your posts. Gives *.
Knights of the Second Line, about turn. Knights of the Second Line, retire. About turn.
The Second line retire and at their original position halt and on the order, turn about.
Knights, return swords. All do so and the whole body remains standing.
Knight Warden, where is the station of the Knight Custodian?
Without the door of this Council, Grand Knight & Sovereign Master.
His duties there?
To protect and guard the Council, to bar entry to all but Red + Knights and those who have been elected as Candidates and to ensure that the latter are properly prepared.
Knight Warden, your station in this Council?
Within the door of the Council in the West.
Your duties?
To announce your approach, Grand Knight & Sovereign Master, to see that the Knight Custodian is at his post and the Council Chamber duly guarded.
Knight Sword Bearer, your station?
In the West. at the left of the Knight Standard Bearer, Grand Knight & Sovereign Master.
Your duties?
To assist in the protection of our Banner and your person, to watch for your signals and see your orders duly executed.
Knight Standard Bearer, your station?
In the West on the right of the Knight Sword Bearer, Grand Knight & Sovereign Master.
Your duties?
To display, support and protect the Banner of the Order.
Why is your station in the West?
That the brilliant rays of the sun rising in the East, will shed their lustre upon the Banner and thus encourage and animate all true and courteous Knights as well as dismay and confound our enemies.
Knight Master of Dispatches, your station?
In front of the Knight Master of the Palace, Grand Knight & Sovereign Master.
Your duties there?
To observe with attention the transactions of the Council; to keep a just and regular record thereof, collect the revenue and pay the same over to the Knight Master of Finance.
Knight Master of Finance, your station in the Council?
In front of the Knight Chancellor, Grand Knight & Sovereign Master.
Your duties there?
To receive in charge the funds and property of the Council, pay all orders drawn upon the treasury and to render a just and regular account when called upon.
Knight Master of Infantry, where stands your station in the Council?
At the western post of the Second Line, Grand Knight & Sovereign Master.
Your duties?
To command the Second Line or Division, teach them their duty and exercise and also to prepare all candidates, attend them on their journey and finally introduce them into the Council Chamber.
Knight Master of Cavalry, where stands your station in the Council?
At the eastern post of the First Line, Grand Knight & Sovereign Master.
Your duties?
To command the First Line or Division, teach them their duty and exercise, to form an avenue for the reception and departure of the Grand Knight & Sovereign Master and prepare the Lines for inspection and review.
Knight Prelate, your station?
On the right of the Knight Chancellor, Grand Knight & Sovereign Master.
Your duties?
To preside in the Royal Arch Council, to administer at the altar and to offer prayers and adoration to the Deity.
Knight Master of the Palace, your station in the Council?
On the left of the Knight Sovereign Master in the East, Grand Knight & Sovereign Master.
Detail your duties.
To ensure that the Officers undertake their respective duties in preparing for all meetings of the Council, to take special care in ensuring that the Council Chamber is in suitable array for the reception of Candidates and the dispatch of business and to receive and communicate all orders issued by the Grand Knight & Sovereign Master through the Officers of the line.
Knight Chancellor, your station in the Council?
On your immediate right, Grand Knight & Sovereign Master.
Detail your duties.
To receive and communicate all orders and petitions; to assist the Grand Knight & Sovereign Master in the discharge of his various duties and in his absence, to preside over the Council.
Further, Knight Chancellor, the station of the Grand Knight Sovereign Master?
In the East.
Detail his duties.
To preside in this Grand Council, confer this Order of Knighthood upon those of whom the Council may approve; to preserve inviolate the laws, constitutions and customs of our Order; to dispense justice, reward merit, encourage truth and diffuse the sublime principles of universal benevolence.
Even so Knight Chancellor, you will advise the Council that it is my will and pleasure that this Council of Knights of the Red + of Jerusalem be now opened and stand open for the dispatch of such business as may regularly come before it at this time, requiring all the Knights now assembled, and those who may come, to govern themselves accordingly.
Knight Master of the Palace, you will advise the Knights here assembled that it is the will and pleasure of the Grand Knight & Sovereign Master that this Council be now opened.
Knights of the Red + of Jerusalem, it is the will and pleasure of the Grand Knight & Sovereign Master, that this Council be now opened.
And it is now opened. Gives ** * ** followed by the KC, KMP, KW and KCstd. after which all are seated.
Any necessary business is now transacted.



After all business is transacted, the Knight Prelate removes to the Royal Arch Chamber and the curtain is closed. Thus the Council now contains the Grand Knight Sovereign Master and the other nobility, while the R.A. Chamber contains the Knighthood. The Knight Prelate sits in the North and the altar is placed before him. All being ready, the Knight Master of Infantry retires and prepares the Candidate ensuring that he wears the regalia of an RA. Mason. When the KMI has retired the Knight Prelate, who temporarily is titled Most Excellent Prelate, gives the knocks ** * * and says:
Companions, I declare this Royal Arch Chamber opened.
An alarm ** * * is then heard upon the door and the KW stands says. with S.of Fid.:
Most Excellent Prelate, there is an alarm at the door.
Attend to the alarm and see who comes there.
KW, opens door and says:
A worthy Companion who has been regularly initiated, passed and raised in the three degrees of Masonry and has been exalted in the most august degree of a Royal Arch Mason, now solicits the honour of being created a Knight of the Illustrious Order of the Red + of Jerusalem.
Is it of his own free will and accord that he presents himself?
It is.
Is he worthy and otherwise well qualified?
He is.
Has he made suitable proficiency in the preceding degrees?
He has.
By what further right and benefit does he expect to gain admittance?
By the benefit of a pass and with your assistance we will give it.
I will gladly assist, bring forth the Candidate. The three then form the RA. position and collectively give the word J-B-N.
The pass is correct. Wait here with patience until the Most Excellent Prelate is informed and delivers his answer.
KW stands within the seated Companions and says:
Most Excellent Prelate, within the door stands a worthy Companion who has been regularly initiated, passed and raised in the three degrees of Masonry and has been exalted in the most august degree of a Royal Arch Mason, now solicits the honour of being created a Knight of the Illustrious Order of the Red + of Jerusalem.
Let him be admitted within the Chamber.
KMI leads the Cand. to the two seats set out in the midst of the Knights and both are seated, the KMI on the right of the Cand.
Companion, the Council you see here assembled represents the Grand Council assembled at Jerusalem in the first year of the reign of Darius the King of Persia, and this Royal Arch Chamber meets within that Council. The purpose of the Council is to meet to deliberate upon the upon the unhappy situation regarding the Temple and to devise means whereby it may obtain the favour and assistance of the new King, in rebuilding the House of the Lord. If you are desirous of joining us in these deliberations, you must first assume the name and character of Zerubbabel, one of the Princes of the House of Judah, whose hands laid the foundations of the First Temple and whose hands, the Lord promised should finish it. Do you so agree?
The KMI instructs the Cand. to stand, give a bow of assent, and resume his seat.
Companions, we will attend to a lesson from the records of our Fathers.
While the Prelate reads, all the Companions place their left hands and the right cheek and support the left elbow with a cupped right hand. Prelate now reads Esra Ch.III vs vüI - xi and Esra Ch.IV. After the reading is completed, the KMI motions the Cand. to rise and then says:
Most Excellent Prelate, in consequence of our Sovereign Lord, Darius the King, having ascended the throne of Persia, new hopes are inspired of protection and support in the noble and glorious undertaking of rebuilding the house of the Lord in which we have been so long and so often interrupted by our adversaries on the other side of the river; for Darius, when a private man in life made a solemn vow to God, that should he ever ascend the throne of Persia, he would send all the holy vessels at Babylon back to Jerusalem. Our most excellent and faithful companion Zerubbabel, who was formerly honoured with the favourable notice and friendship of the Sovereign, now offers his services to encounter the hazardous enterprise of traversing the Persian dominions and seeking admission to the presence of the Sovereign, where the first favourable moment will be seized to remind the King of his vow and to impress on his mind the almighty force and importance of truth; and from his known piety, no doubt can be entertained of obtaining his consent, that our enemies be removed far hence, and that we be no longer hindered or impeded in the noble and glorious undertaking of rebuilding the House of the Lord at Jerusalem, in which we have been so laudably engaged.
Companion Zerubbabel, the Council with great joy accepts our noble and generous offer and will invest you with the necessary passports, by the means of which you will be enabled to make yourself known to the friends of our cause. wherever you may find them; but on entering upon an undertaking of such import to the Craft, it is necessary that you take a solemn Obligation to be faithful to the trust reposed in you.
MEP stands and takes up a sword and moves to the Cand.:
I now invest you with this sword which will enable you to defend yourself against your enemies. You will now kneel at the altar to receive your Obligation. All in the RA. Chamber now stand. The Cand. kneels on his left knee, his right hand grasping the hilt of his sword which is held upwards while his left hand is placed on a V.S.L. upon which are the Square & Compasses and on them, two crossed swords.
Companion, you are now about to take an Obligation pertaining to this degree which, like those you have previously taken in the name of Masonry, will not conflict with your duty to family, civic laws or your God. Are you willing to proceed. Cand. assents. Then you will repeat after me:


I, …, of my own free will and accord, in the presence of the Supreme Architect of the Universe, and these witnesses, do hereby and hereon, most solemnly promise and swear, that I will always hale, conceal and never reveal, any of the secret arts, parts or points of the mysteries appertaining to the Order of Knights of the Red + of Jerusalem, unless it be to a true and lawful Knight of that Order or within the body of a just and lawful Council of the Order, and even then, unto no one save those J find, after due trial, strict examination and lawful information, to be lawfully entitled to receive the same. I furthermore promise and swear that I will answer all due signs and regular summonses received from Knights or a Council of the Red + of Jerusalem, pressing family duties, natural infirmities or unavoidable accidents only, excusing me.
I furthermore promise and swear, that I will not be present at the conferral of this Order of Knighthood upon any man, unless he shall have been regularly admitted into the three degrees of Craft Masonry and properly exalted as a Royal Arch Companion.
I furthermore promise and swear, that I will not assist in, or be present at a forming or Opening of, a Council of Knights of this Order unless there be a least five Knights present and working under lawful authority.
I furthermore promise and swear, that I will support and maintain all laws and by-laws of the Council and obey all orders and commands of the Grand Knight & Sovereign Master and his Officers.
All this I swear, under a penalty no less than having my house pulled down and the timbers thereof set up, a rope hung thereon, and I be hanged therefrom, and when the last trump shall sound that I should be forever excluded from the company and society of all true and courteous Knights, should I ever wilfully, or knowingly, violate any part of this Obligation, now taken as a Knight of this Order. So help me God and keep me steadfast in the performance of the same. The Cand. is then directed to seal the Ob. once with his lips and afterwards to rise.
Companion Zerubbabel, the Knight Master of Infantry will now make known to you the JEWISH PASS by means of which you will be able to make yourself known to to the friends of our cause wherever you may find them and which will ascertain you of such assistance and protection as they can offer. Knight Master of Infantry, invest Zerubbabel with the Jewish Pass.
Companion Zerubbabel, the method of identifying yourself by giving the Jewish Pass is as follows. If you are challenged by a Knight or Guard at the point of a sword you will draw your sword and come to the carry thus, take one step forward with the right foot and lower the sword into the first cut thus, when the cut is made and both blades are in contact you must say the word Judah. You will then raise the sword into the second cut thus and your challenger will say the word Benjamin, you will then make another lower cut and again say the word Judah. You will then hold the cut and both will raise your left hands and place them on the other's right shoulder, in this position the words Judah, Benjamin, Judah will again be exchanged, thus time with your challenger beginning. When this has been done, both step back with the right foot and return swords to the carry.
Since this Pass is of great importance let us go through again for your instruction.
This time the KMI calls upon another Knight to act as challenger while he stands with the Cand. and prompts him if necessary.

If either or both are not wearing a sword, then your challenger may require of you a Word, that word, which is exchanged when you have placed your left hand on the other's right shoulder and have exchanged the grip with the right, is VERITAS, meaning Truth. The grip is given by interlocking the fingers of your hands. The KMI now stands beside the Cand. and the MEP again rises and approaches with a green sash.
Companion, I now invest you with this sash as a mark of our friendship and esteem. You will wear it as a constant reminder to stimulate you to the performance of your duties. As you see, it is green in colour which should remind you, that the memory of him who falls in a just and virtuous cause, is forever blessed and flourishes like the green bay tree. Fare you well my Companion, may success attend your enterprise. At this point, the Cand. is led by the KMI to the far west and is made to face the door of the Council. The Knights remove their chairs and form them into the two lines again. The MEP also moves back into the Council as Knight Prelate. The Knight Warden slips into the Council and stands just within the curtain. The bridge is now placed before the curtain and four Knights are stationed as guards.
KMI to Cand.:
Follow me. They pass on to the First Guard who challenges the KMI with his sword.
1st Grd.:
Who comes here?
A friend.
1st Grd.:
Advance and give the pass. KMI advances and gives the Jewish Pass, after which the KMI assists the Cand. in the same. Both having given the Pass, the First Guard says:
1st Grd.:
Pass on, friends. The same then takes place with the Second Guard as above. The KMI and the Cand. then proceed to the small bridge, or other device representing it. As the Cand. is passing to the bridge, the first two Guards resume their seats.
Companion, we have now arrived in sight of the Persian dominions and I can accompany you no further. You must cross alone over the bridge before which you now stand, fare you well, may your enterprise prove successful.
The KMI stays at the west end of the bridge white the Cand. passes over it. As he reaches the far side, the Persian Guard challenges him.
Who enters the land of Persia?
A friend.
Advance and give the Pass.
Note: The Persian Pass is the opposite from the Jewish Pass as it is given by the first and third cuts being elevated and the second lowered and the Word is REHUM, SHIMSHAI, REHUM [Ezra IV]. The Cand. attempts to give the three cuts of the Jewish Pass while the Guard gives the cuts of the Persian Pass. Being unsuccessful the Guard then asks for the Word.
What is the word.
An enemy, an enemy. Seize him! The second Persian Guard advances. The Guards divest the Cand. of his sword and his green sash and bind his wrists with a chain. At this point, the KMI moves beside the Cand. [He does NOT pass over the bridge.] and speaks for him thus:
Why do you engage me with such violence? Why do treat in this manner? I am no enemy of your land! I am a Prince of the House of Judah and I do now demand an audience with my friend, the Sovereign and Master of all Persia.
At this point, the Knight Master of Cavalry who has approached the curtain from the north end, appears and takes the part of the Captain of the Persian Guard.
KMC, with a sarcastic tone of voice:
You, a Prince of the House of Judah, Hah. I shall tell you what you are! You are my slave and you may only appear in the presence of our Sovereign as such. Do you agree, slave?
KMI, after a moment's pause:
Very well, I agree if you will take me to him immediately.
I shall take you before him, but you will wear the garb of a slave. A cloak of sackcloth is placed on the Cand.'s shoulders. The KMC takes the Cand. to the curtain followed by the two Persian Guards who have drawn swords at the carry. The Cand. is still accompanied by the KMI. The KMC gives ** * **.

Reception into the Council

KW, draws the curtains a little apart and says:
Who comes here?
A detachment of His Majesty's Guard who have taken prisoner one who calls himself a Prince of the House of Judah.
From whence is he come?
From Jerusalem
How is he called?
Zerubbabel. The must among his equals, a Mason, free by rank but a captive and slave by misfortune.
What is his desire?
An audience with His Majesty.
Wait with patience, and I will soon return with the Grand Knight & Sovereign Master's orders ill the question of this matter. KW closes the curtain.
KW turns about and reports the above to the GKSM.
Ascertain that he hides no hostile weapon on his person and if this be so, permit him entry.
passes through the curtain without drawing it back: Is he armed with any hostile weapon?
He is not.
Then he has the permission of our Grand Knight & Sovereign Master to enter the Council Chamber.
At this point, the two Guards or two other Knights pull back the curtain, opening it fully and the Cand. is conducted before the GKSM, the KMC being on his right with drawn sword and the KMI on his left. As this is done those who have acted as the Persian Guards resume their seats.
GKSM, turning to his senior Officers in the west:
Hold, this is no enemy, this is my friend and companion of my youth. Now addressing the Cand.: Zerubbabel, having now gained entry into our presence, we demand that you now explain your immediate reasons for journeying through our dominions without our parole, and for your request for an audience.
Grand Knight and Sovereign Master, the tears and complaints of my companions in Jerusalem have fallen on the dusty ground and deaf ears of Persia. They have been long ignored and impeded in their noble and glorious undertaking to rebuild the House of the Lord at Jerusalem, notwithstanding that they were permitted to do so by our late sovereign and master, Cyrus the King. However, certain enemies within your domain have conspired with others in our own lands, and have, by the use of power and force, caused the work to cease. I have now come before you to implore your clemency and request that you restore us to favour and grant me employment among the servants of your household.
Zerubbabel, I have often thought, with great pleasure, of our early intimacy and companionship, and I have frequently heard, with great satisfaction, of your fame as a wise and accomplished Mason and, having myself a profound veneration for that ancient and honourable Craft, and, having a sincere desire to become a member of the same, I will this moment grant your request, on condition that you will now reveal to me all the secrets of Masonry known to you, which distinguish the Architects of the Hebrews from those of other lands.
Grand Knight and Sovereign Master, when our Grand Master, Solomon, King of Israel, first instituted the fraternity of Masons, he taught us that truth was a divine attribute and the foundation of every virtue. To be good men and true is the first lesson taught to every Mason and the obligations that I have taken in Masonry, must ever be sacred and inviolable. If I can only obtain your pleasure at the expense of my integrity and the violation of my honour as a Mason, then I must most humbly decline your protection and I will cheerfully submit to an honourable exile or, a glorious death.
Zerubbabel, your virtue and integrity are truly commendable and your fidelity to your sworn oaths is worthy of imitation. From this moment you are free. Captain of the Guard, strike off his chains and may these emblems of slavery never again disgrace the bands of a Mason, more particularly, a Prince of the House of Judah.
Zerubbabel, we assign you a place of honour here in our Council.
At this point. all those in the Council rise and come forward to the Cand. to congratulate him on receiving such favour. Two Knights bring forward trays of wine and these are passed around. The GKSM proposes a toast to Zerubbabel after which all sit or stand and slowly partake of the drink. As they finish all within the chamber leave down their glasses and pass out of the Council until only the GKSM, the Knight Chancellor and the Knight Master of the Pa/ace remain in their respective places, with the Cand. and KMI seated within the Council.
A discussion my friends. It has often occurred to my mind, to determine which is the greatest, the strength of wine, that of the king or that of women.
KC, rising to his feet:
Grand Knight and Sovereign Master, I think that wine is the strongest. He sits.
KMP, also rising:
Grand Knight and Sovereign Master, l think that the king is the strongest. He sits.
KMI, rising and speaking for Cand.:
Grand Knight and Sovereign Master, I think that women are stronger, but above all things, truth bears the victory.
Knight Chancellor, Companion Zerubbabel has made a very important addition to the discussion which needs full consideration, you will now recall the members to this Council to hear this question debated in full.
Knight Master of the Palace, you will recall the members of the Council.
KMP gives ** * **:
Knights of the Red + of Jerusalem, the Council is in session.
All now return to their appointed places, when all have done so the GKSM says:
We are assembled to hear discussion on which is the strongest, wine, the will of the king or women. The Knight Chancellor wilt now speak.
KC rises and says:
O, Princes and Rulers, how exceeding strong is wine. It causes all men to err that drink it; it makes the mind of the Icing and the beggar to be one and of the bondsman and the freeman and of the poor and the rich. It turns every thought into folly and mirth so that a man will remember neither his sorrow, duty or debt. It changes and makes the spirits soar and lightens the hearts of the miserable. It makes a man ignore his brother and even draw his sword against him. O Princes and Rulers, is not wine the strongest that makes man do all these things? KC resumes his seat.
We will now hear the Knight Master of the Palace.
It is not beyond dispute, O Princes and Rulers, that God has made Man master of all things he surveys under the sun? To command them, to make use of them and apply them to his service as he deems fit? But whereas, men have power only over sublinary creatures and slaves, does not a Icing have power over men and the right to rule over others by his will and pleasure alone? Now, therefore the king must be the master of those who are but the masters of other things and has no earthly authority over him. Therefore O Princes and Rulers, is not the power of the king, the strongest? KMP resumes his seat.
Let us now hear from the Prince Zerubbabel. Cand and KMI stand.
KMI, speaking for Cand.:
O Princes and Rulers, the force of wine cannot be denied, neither that of kings which unites so many men in one common allegiance but the supremacy of women is yet above this for are kings not but the gift of women who give them birth and nurture them, as women are also the mothers of those who tend the vineyards? Women have the power to make men abandon their native countries, families and friends and is it not so, that after men abandon their best friends and forsake all other comforts to live, and also die, with a woman? But, when all is said, neither women, nor wine nor kings are comparable to the mighty force of Truth. As for all things, these three are earthly, mortal and therefore transient while Truth alone is unchangeable and infinite. The benefits obtained from Truth are not subject to variations or vicissitudes of time, or place or fortune but stand alone, ever constant. In the judgment of Truth there is no unrighteousness for Truth is Wisdom, Strength, Power and Beauty and the Majesty of all ages. Blessed be the God of Truth.
The moment the KMI ends his presentation all stand and say:
Great is Truth and mighty above all things and then all, except the Cand. and KMI, resume their seats.
Zerubbabel, ask what you will and I will give it to you, because we have ascertained that you are the wisest among your Companions.
KMI for Cand.:
Remember now your vow, to build Jerusalem in the day when you assumed the throne of Persia, for did you not swear to return to Jerusalem the holy vessels which were taken from there. Did you not also agree to assist in the rebuilding of the Temple there, which was ravaged by fire and laid desolate by the Chaldees. So bear me now, for my one, my only desire, is that you now fulfil that which has came from your own mouth, in these oaths made before the King of Heaven.
It shall be done, letters of instruction will be dispatched to all parts of my realm and you shall be given passports which will ensure that you, and all who accompany you, will be given safe passage throughout this land. Jerusalem the city and the Temple on its site shall be rebuilt without hindrance or interference and the holy vessels you shall carry with you. Before you depart thereto, Prince of the House of Judah, we must ensure that you will find a warm acceptance should you return to this Council. I have heard that you came to our lands by means of the pass of your people, known as the Jewish Pass, and it is our pleasure now to enlighten you as to the method and words of the Persian Pass, given as before. Further let me now invest you with this, the sash of this Council, which as you wilt note is of the same hue of green as that given you by your Companions at Jerusalem with the addition of a double crimson ribbon. Truth will flourish in the immortal green and the crimson represents the blood that we will spill to defend it.
I will also ask you to kneel, Cand, is instructed kneel on both knees, a kneeling cushion should be placed and removed by the KW.
Knights of the Red + of Jerusalem, to Order. All stand. Draw swords - Salute. The knights point the tips of the swords downwards.
By virtue of the power in me vested as the successor of the mighty Darius, King of Persia, I now create you a Knight of this Order of the Red +, which as a memorial to your valour and courage and the almighty defense of the power of truth you made, will for all time coming be known as the Order of the Red + of Jerusalem.
(GKSM then lays the blade of his sword on the right shoulder, left shoulder and head of the Cand. The GKSM then raises him by the Grip.
Knights, carry swords. Sheath swords. Be seated.
The KMI then presents a sword to the GKSM who places it in the Cand's. right hand saying:
The sword of which you were deprived is now returned to your hand. It is endowed with three most excellent qualities, the hilt with Faith, the blade with Hope and the point with Charity. These teach us an important lesson that when we draw our swords, in a just and noble cause, having Faith in God, we may reasonable Hope for victory but remember to extend Charity to a fallen foe. Let it now be sheathed. Cand. does so. And there let it remain until consumed by rust rather than draw it in an unjust cause. The Jewish and Persian Passes and their Words have been explained to you, as was the Word, VERITAS. The Sign is given by inverting the Right Hand. around the neck, the thumb on the Adam's Apple alluding to the penalty of your Obligation.
Cand. is then given a vacant seat, preferably in the Second Line. The KMI resumes his station in the Second Line.



Knight Master of Dispatches, is there other business to come before this Council?
None of which I am aware. Grand Knight and Sovereign Master.
Then Knight Chancellor let it be known that it is my will and pleasure that this Council be closed.
Knight Master of the Palace, let it be known to the Knights that it is the will and pleasure of the Grand Knight and Sovereign Master, that this Council be closed.
Knights, be it known that it is the will and pleasure of the Grand Knight and Sovereign Master that this Council of the Red + will now be closed. All stand.
As it is now closed. ** * **, repeated by the KC, KMP, KW and KCstd.
Knights of the First Line. Form Lines of Inspection As in the Opening. except that the First Line marches to the Second at the Closing. When this done. KMC says:
Knight Standard bearer and Knight Sword Bearer, attend the Grand Knight and Sovereign Master.
Both Knights, left turn and perambulate the Chamber until they are in position slightly to the south of the Throne. The GKSM leaves the throne and stands behind the K.Swd.Br.
Knights, the Grand Knight and Sovereign Master will now retire. The party of three passes between the lines and retires.
Knights. Dismiss.
