Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar
Degree of Knight of the South
Compiler's Note: This Degree may only be worked as a
continuation of the
Degree of Knight of the North, either at the same Meeting or
subsequent to the
conferral of the KoN. The Officers are identical to those of the
ceremony with the exception that the Knight Master of the South
is now the
senior Knight. The regalia remains the same with the addition of
a black ribbon
behind the rose. The Altar is removed but a kneeling cushion
should be placed
near the pedestal of the KMS and a sword, unsheathed, is laid
across his
pedestal. As before, the passages are read from prepared scrolls
and are
delivered standing for the "Writings" and seated for the
''philosophical" parts.
The small rods are again used for giving the knocks. The Novice
is seated at
the readings.
KMS: ****.
KMN: ***.
KMW: **.
KME: *.
KMS: Knights, we are
again well met
and I now declare the Second Chamber of Enlightenment duly opened. *.
All take up their seats. Knight
of Novices, you will now retire to instruct, pledge and then present
any Knights of the South who may seek to be received into this
Order. KCN
stands, gives the Sign of a KoS and retires. Outside he advises
the candidate(
s) that the lessons portrayed in the KoN will now be continued
and further
passages of the ancient writings and new philosophy will be
imparted to
him/them, but before he can allow him/them to enter the Chamber
the following
vow must be taken, spoken by the KCN and repeated by the
Novice(s). He/they then
kneel on both knees.
KCN: I, …, a Knight of
the North,
do hereby promise to carefully observe the Proceedings of this
Order; to Guard
its Secrets and profane them not. I further promise ever to exalt
the Blessed
Jesus Christ and to Him, remain ever true. Amen and Amen.
KCN: Arise. This is the
only sign of
a Knight of the South. Extend both arms before you, palms of the
hands upward
turned and say, Lord, I come. We will now enter the Second Chamber
Enlightenment. KCN conducts the Novice
into the Chamber
and standing within the entrance proclaims.
Knights of the South, I now present to you Knight Companion …, a
Knight of the North who now seeks to be received as a Knight of this
KME: Has he been
properly instructed?
KCN: He has and in
proof thereof- KCN
instructs Nov. to give Sign and exclamation.
KME: Then let him be
admitted and
instructed accordingly. KCN conducts the
Nov. around
the Chamber and halts at the pedestal of the KME, where he is
caused to give the
Sign and exclamation.
KME: Knight Companion,
what is your
NOV, prompted by KCN: I
nothing but come prepared for Light. Nov.
is seated.
KME: Then listen well.
After these
things Pilate went to the Temple of the Jews and called together all
the Rulers
and Scribes and Doctors of the Law and went with them into a chamber
within the
Temple and commanded that all the gates and doors be closed that
they may not be
disturbed and said unto them, I have heard that ye have a certain
large book in
this Temple, and I command therefore that it be brought before me.
And when the great book, carried by four acolytes of the Temple, and
adorned with gold and precious stones, was brought before him,
Pilate said to
them all, I adjure you in the name of the God of your Fathers, who
desired and
commanded that this Temple be built, that ye conceal not the truth
from me. Ye
know all of things which are written in this book, tell me therefore
now, if in
these Scriptures ye have found anything of that Jesus whom ye have
and at what time of the world he ought to have come; show it me now.
Then having sworn Ananias and Caiaphas, who then commanded that all
others of
the Jews must go out of the chamber and after they had departed and
had again
shut the doors of the chamber and the gates of the Temple, they said
Pilate. Thou hast made us to swear, O Judge, by the building of this
Temple, to
declare to thee that which is true and right. After we had crucified
Jesus, not
knowing that he was the Son of God, but supposing that he wrought
his miracles
by some magical arts, we summoned a large assembly into this Temple.
And when we
were deliberating amongst ourselves about these miracles which Jesus
wrought, we found many witnesses among our own tribes and countrymen
who swore
that they had seen Jesus alive after his death and that they heard
discoursing with his disciples and saw him ascending unto the height
of the
heavens, and entering into them. And we heard two witnesses whose
bodies Jesus
had raised from the dead and who told us of the many strange things
Jesus did
among the dead, of which we now have a written account in our hands.
And it is
our custom at the beginning of each year to open this holy book
before an
assembly and to search therein for the counsel of God.
And we found in the first of the seventy books, where Michael the
is speaking to the third son of Adam the first man, an account that,
after five
thousand five hundred years, Christ the most beloved Son of God was
come on
Earth and we further considered that he might have been the very God
of Israel
who spoke thus to Moses: Thou shalt make the Ark of the testament,
two cubits
and a half shall be the length thereof; and a cubit and a half the
thereof and a cubit and a half the height thereof. By these, giving
a total of
five and a half cubits for the building of the Ark of the Old
Testament, we
perceived and held it true that in five and one half thousand years,
Christ was to appear in an Ark or tabernacle of a human body, and so
Scriptures testify that he is the Son of God, and the Lord and King
of Israel.
And because after his suffering, our chief priests were surprised at
signs which were wrought by his actions, we again opened that book
to search all
the generations even to that of Joseph and Mary the father and
mother of Jesus,
supposing him to be of the seed of David; and we found the account
of the
Creation and at what time God made the Heaven and the Earth and the
first man
Adam and from thence to the Flood, were two thousand two hundred and
And because after his suffering, our chief priests were surprised at
signs which were wrought by his actions, we again opened that book
to search all
the generations even to that of Joseph and Mary the father and
mother of Jesus,
supposing him to be of the seed of David; and we found the account
of the
Creation and at what time God made the Heaven and the Earth and the
first man
Adam and from thence to the Flood, were two thousand two hundred and
years. And from the Flood to Abraham, nine hundred and twelve years,
and from
Abraham to Moses, four hundred and thirty years and from Moses to
David the
King, five hundred and ten years. And from David to the Babylonish
five hundred years and from thence to the incarnation of Christ,
four hundred
years. The sum of all of which gives the total of five and one half
years. It therefore appeals that Jesus whom we crucified, is Jesus
Christ the
Son of God, the True and Almighty God. Knight Companion. Journey now
to the
KMN escorts the Novice before the pedestal of the KME. where he
is instructed
to give the Sign and exclamation.
KME: Knight Companion,
what is your
NOV, prompted: I desire
nothing but I
am prepared for Light. Nov. is seated.
KME: Then the Price of
castigated Satan and with great indignation said to him. O thou
Prince of
Destruction, author of Beelzebub's defeat and banishment, the scorn
of God's
Angels and loathed by all righteous persons, what inclined thee to
act thus?
Thou wouldst crucify the King of Glory, and by his destruction hast
made us
promises of great advantages but as a fool thou were ignorant of
what you were
about. For behold, now that Jesus of Nazareth, with the brightness
of his
glorious divinity, puts to flight all the evil powers of darkness
and death. He
has destroyed our prisons completely, liberated all the captives,
released all
who were bound and all who formerly groaned under the weight of
their torments,
have now insulted us and we are likely to be defeated by their
prayers. Our
impious dominions are now subdued and no part of Mankind is now left
in our
subjection, but on the other hand, they all boldly defy us. Before,
they would
never behave themselves insolently towards us, nor, being our
prisoners, could
ever on any occasion, be merry.
O Satan, thou Prince of All Wickedness, Father of the Impious and
why did you even attempt this exploit, in that hitherto our
prisoners were
always without the least hope of salvation and life? But now there
is not one of
them who is caused to groan, nor is there the merest appearance of a
single tear
of forlorn expectation in any eye. O Prince Satan, thou Great Keeper
of the
Infernal Regions, all the advantages you accrued from the Forbidden
Tree and the
loss of the Paradise of Man, have now been forever lost by the rough
wood of the Cross. And thy happiness did even expire when you did
crucify Jesus
Christ the King of Glory.
Thou have acted against thine own interest, and mine, as you will
perceive from those great torments and infinite punishments which
you are about
to suffer. O Satan, Prince of all Evil, Author of Death and Source
of all Pride,
thou should have first inquired into those supposed evil crimes of
Jesus of
Nazareth and thou would have found that he was guilty of no fault
worthy of
death. Why did thou venture, without either reason or justice, to
crucify him
and thereby has brought down to our regions, a person innocent and
and so doing has lost to us all the sinners, all the impious and all
unrighteous persons in the whole world?
While the Prince of all Hell was thus speaking to Satan, the King of
said to Beelzebub, the Lord of Heil, Satan the Prince, shall be
subject to thy
dominion forever, in the Room of Adam and his righteous sons, who me
Knight Companion, journey now to the North.
KCN conducts the Novice to the pedestal of the KMN, where he is
caused to
give the sign and make the exclamation.
KMN: Knight Companion,
what is thy
NOV, prompted: I wish
for naught but
I am prepared for Light. Nov. is seated.
KMN: Then Jesus
stretched forth his
right hand and said, Come to me all my Saints, who were created in
my image and
who were condemned by the fruit of the Forbidden Tree and by the
Devil and
Death. Live now by the wood of my Cross for the Devil, the Prince of
this World
is overcome and Death is conquered.
Then presently all the Saints were assembled together under the hand
of the
Most High God. And the Lord Jesus laid hold on the right hand of
Adam and said
unto him, Peace be on Thee, and also on all thy righteous posterity,
which is
mine. Then Adam cast himself at the feet of Jesus and addressed him
in humble
language with a calm voice and said, I will extol Thee, O Lord, for
thou hast
lifted me up and has not made my foes to rejoice over me. O Lord,
thou has
brought up my soul from the realm of the dead, out of the grave.
Thou has kept
me alive, that I should not descend to the stinking pit. Sing ye,
unto the Lord,
all ye who are his Saints, and give thanks for the remembrance of
his holiness.
His anger endureth for but a moment, yet his favour is life.
In a like manner all the Saints then laid themselves prostrate at
the feet of
Jesus and said with one voice, Thou have come, O Redeemer of the
World and have
accomplished all manner of things which thou foretold by the Law and
through the
Holy Prophets. Thou hast redeemed the living by thy Cross and have
come down to
us so that by thy death on the Cross, Thou hast delivered us from
Heil, and by
thy power, hast averted our death. O Lord, as Thou hast put the
ensigns of thy
glory in Heaven and set up the sign of thy redemption, even thy
Cross upon this
Faith, so Lord, set the sign of the victory of thy Cross in Hell,
that Death may
have dominion no more.
Then the Lord stretched forth his hand and made the Sign of the
Cross over
Adam and over all his Saints and taking hold of the right hand of
Adam, he
ascended from Hell and all the Saints of God followed him. The Royal
David boldly exclaimed and said, O sing unto the Lord a new song,
for he hath
done many marvellous things, his light hand and his holy aim have
won him the
victory. The Lord hath made known his salvation and his
righteousness he has
imposed in the sight of the Heathen. And the whole multitude of
Saints answered
saying, Such honour have all his Saints, Amen, Praise ye the Lord.
Then the
Prophet Habbakuk cried out, saying, Thou went forth for the
salvation of thy
people, and all the Saints said, Blessed is he who cometh in the
name of the
Lord, for the Lord has enlightened us. This is om God for ever and
ever and he
shall reign over us to the everlasting ages, Amen. In a like manner,
all the
Prophets acknowledged the sacred covenants of his praise and
followed the Lord.
Knight Companion, journey now to the South.
The KCN escorts the Novice before the pedestal of the KMS. where
he is made
to give the sign and the exclamation.
KMS: Knight Companion,
what is your
NOV, prompted: I wish
for naught but
l am prepared for Light. Nov. is seated.
KMS: Then the Lord
holding Adam by
the right hand, delivered him to Michael the Archangel, who led all
the Saints
into a Paradise, filled with mercy and glory. And two very ancient
men met the
Saints who asked of them, Who are you and why do ye not dwell in
Paradise. And
the first answered saying, I am Enoch who was translated by the Word
of God and
my companion is Elijah the Tishbitc who was translated in a fiery
chariot. Here
we have been out with the gates of Paradise, awaiting our challenge
and yet have
not tasted death but we are now about to return for the coming of
Anti-Christ, and being armed with divine signs and miracles, to
engage him in
battle, and to be slain by him at Jerusalem, and to then be taken up
alive again
into the clouds, after three and one half days.
And while the holy Enoch and Elijah were relating this, behold,
approached another man, of miserable appearance, carrying a cross
upon his
shoulders. And when all the Saints saw him, they said unto him, Who
are you? For
your countenance has the look of one who steals and why do you carry
that cross
upon your shoulders? To which the man answered saying, You have
spoken truly for
I was a thief and committed all kinds of wickedness upon the earth
and because
of this, the Jews crucified me along with Jesus.
However, I observed the wondrous things which occurred while Jesus
was hung
upon his cross, and because of what I saw, I now believe him to be
the creator
of all things and the Almighty King. I prayed to him saying, Lord
remember me
when thou arrive in thy kingdom. He presently acknowledged my
supplication and
said unto me, Verily, I say unto thee, this day thou shall be with
me in
Paradise and he gave me this cross saying, Carry this and journey to
and if the Angel who is the guardian of Paradise will not at first
admit thee,
then show unto him the cross that you bear and say to him, Jesus
Christ who is
now crucified, hath sent me hither. So thus I came to the gates of
Paradise and
said these things unto the guardian Angel and on hearing what I
said, he
presently opened the gates and beckoned me in and thereafter
introduced me and
bade me sojourn in the right side of that place. Then the Angel
said, wait here
for a little time until Adam, the Father of All Mankind shall enter
in with all
his sons who are the holy and righteous servants of him who was
On hearing this account from the lips of the thief, the Patriarchs
with one voice, Blessed be Almighty God, the Father of everlasting
goodness and
the Father of mercies, who has shown such favours to those who were
against Him, and yet has brought them to the mercy of Paradise and
has placed
them with great and spiritual provisions, in a spiritual and holy
life. Amen.
Thus, My dear Knight Companion, are concluded the writings of the
Prophets of
old. Hearken now to the Philosophy of the New Day and hear the word
Joy and Sorrow.
Your joy is your sorrow unmasked and the selfsame well from which
laughter arises, is oftentimes filled with your tears. And how else
can it be?
The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the greater your
capacity for
joy. Is not the cup which holds your wine, the very cup which was
glazed in the
searing heat of the potter's oven? Is not the lyre which soothes
your spirit,
made from the very wood that was fashioned with the sharpest blades.
When you
are joyous, look deep into your heart and you shall find it is only
that which
has given you sorrow, that now brings out your joy. When you are
sorrowful look
again into your heart and you shall discover that, in truth, you are
weeping for
that which has been your delight.
Some of you say, Joy is greater than Sorrow, while others opine that
is the greater. But I say to you that they are inseparable. Together
they exist
and when but one sits alone with you at your table, you should
always remember
that the other lies asleep on your bed. Verily, you are suspended
like scales
between your sorrow and your joy. Only when you are empty, is your
spirit at a
standstill and balanced. When the Treasure Keeper calls upon you to
weigh his
gold and also his silver, needs must your joy or sorrow rise or
Knight Companion you will pass on to the Knight Master of the North
for his
final instructions on the New Philosophy.
Novice is so conducted by the KCN but now no sign is given. The
Nov. is
KMN: Knight Companion,
I would now
have you listen intently concerning the Law. Man delights in laying
down laws,
yet he delights more in breaking them! Like children when playing by
the ocean
who build towers of sand with serious intent but then destroy them
laughter. But while man build his sand towers, the ocean brings more
sand to the
shore and when he destroys his towers the ocean laughs with him for
the ocean
always laughs with the innocent of the heart.
But what of those for whom Life is not an ocean and man-made laws
are not
sand towers but to whom life is a rock and the law a chisel with
which they
would carve it in their own likeness? What of the lawmaker who deems
the wild
boar and the deer of the forest as stray and vagrant things? What of
the old
serpent who can no longer shed his skin therefore calls the others
naked and
shameless. And of him who comes early to the wedding feat and after
gorged his fill travels on his way crying that all feats are
violations and that
those who feast are surely lawbreakers?
What can I say of such as these save that they too stand in the
sunlight with
their backs to its radiance. They choose to see only their shadows
and their
shadows are their laws. And what is the sun to them but a caster of
shadows. And
what is it to acknowledge the laws but to stoop down and trace their
upon the earth. But you who walk facing the sun, what images traced
by the sun
can hold you? You who travel with the wind, what weather vane shall
direct your
course? What man's laws shall bind you if you break your yoke
against no man's
prison door? What laws shall you fear if you dance merrily but
stumble over no
man's chains? And who is he that shall bring you to your judgment if
you tear
off your garment and leave it on no man's path?
You may muffle the drum and loosen the strings of the harp but can
command the sky lark not to sing?
Knight Companion, you will now pass on to the Knight Commander of
the West
for his final instructions.
As before, without the Sign. The Nov. is seated.
KMW: My Knight
Companion, I would
that you now listen intently concerning Crime and Punishment. It is
when your
spirit goes wandering upon the wind that you, alone and unguarded,
commit a
wrong unto others and thereby, unto yourself. And for that wrong
committed, so
must you knock then wait awhile, unnoticed and unheeded, at the Gate
of the
Blessed. Like the ocean is your goodself for it remains forever
undefiled, like
the ether is your goodself for it lifts only the winged, like the
sunlight is
your goodself for it does not know the way of moles nor seeks them
in the
darkness of the holes of the serpents, therefore your goodself
dwells not alone
in your being. Much in your being is of man and yet there is also a
part of you
that is not of man. The latter is like a shapeless child that walks
in the mist
of sleep searching for its own awakening. It is of the man in you
that I would
now speak, not your goodself nor that child in the mist, that knows
crime and
the punishment of crime.
Often have I heard you speak of one who commits a wrong as though he
were not
one of you but a stranger who has come among you from afar, and
intrudes upon
your world. But I say that even as the holy and the righteous cannot
rise beyond
the highest which is in each one of you, so the wicked and the weak
cannot fall
lower than the lowest which is in each of us. And as a single leaf
turns yellow
in the sure knowledge that the whole tree will so do, so the wrong
doer cannot
commit that wrong without the latent will of all of us. Like a
procession you
walk together towards your goodself. For you must see that not only
are you the
way but also the wayfarers and when one stumbles and falls, he falls
down for
all those who come behind, and is a caution against the stumbling
stone. And
truly, he also falls for those ahead of him, who being surer of step
and faster
of foot, have not paused to remove the stumbling stone from the path
of others.
And hear this also, although the words may lie heavy upon your
hearts. The
murdered is not unaccountable for his own murder and the robbed is
not blameless
for being robbed, the righteous is not innocent of the deeds of the
wicked, and
those who wash their hands me not clean of the actions of the felon.
Thus, the
guilty is often the victim of the injured and still more often, the
condemned is
the burden bearer for the guiltless and unblamed. You cannot
separate the just
and the good from the wicked for they stand together in the light of
the sun.
Even as the black thread and the white dread are woven together, but
when the
black thread breaks, the weaver must also examine the white thread
and the cloth
and even the loom.
If any of you would bring to judgment the unfaithful wife, let him
also weigh
the heart of her husband in scales and measure his soul with
measurements. And
can you lay blame at her feet yet not look for fault in him who took
her? And
further, let him who would lash the offender, look also unto the
spirit of the
offended. And if any of you would punish in the name of
righteousness and take a
felling axe to the evil tree. Let him seek first among the roots and
surely he
will find that the roots of the good and those of the bad, the
fruitful and the
fruitless, are intertwined together in the silent heart of the
earth. And you
judges who would be just, what judgment pronounce you upon him who
is honest in
the flesh but is a thief in spirit. What judgment lay you upon he
who kills in
the flesh yet is himself slain by the spirit of conscience. And how
will you
punish him who is a deceiver and an oppressor but is himself also
aggrieved and
And how shall you punish those whose remorse is already greater that
crime they have undertaken. Is not remorse the justice which is
administered by
that very law which you would deem to serve? Yet, you cannot lay
remorse upon
the innocent nor lift it from the heart of the guilty. Unbidden
shall it call
you in the night, that men may wake and gaze upon themselves.
And you who would understand justice, how shall you do so unless you
all the deeds in the fullness of the light? Only then shall you know
that the
elect and the fallen are but one person standing in the twilight
between the
night of his child self and the day of his goodself. And that die
keystone of
the Temple is not higher than the lowest stone of its foundations.
Knight Companion you will now pass to the Knight Master of the East
for his
final Instruction in the New Philosophy.
Done with no sign or exclamation. Nov. is seated.
KME: Knight Companion,
I would now
have you listen intently concerning Freedom. At the city gate and
even at your
own fireside I have seen you prostrate yourself and worship your own
Even as slaves humble themselves before a tyrant and praise him
although he
slays them, and even in the grove of the Temple
in die shadow of its citadel I have seen the wholly free among you
wear that
freedom as a yoke and a manacle. And my heart bled within me for man
can only be
free when even the desire of seeking freedom becomes a harness to
you and when
you cease to speak of freedom as a goal and a fulfillment. You shall
be free
indeed when your days are not without a care nor your nights without
a want and
a grief, but rather when these things girdle your life and yet you
rise above
them naked and unbound. And how shall you rise beyond your days and
nights un
less you break the chains which you, at the dawn of your
understanding, have
fastened around your noon hours? In truth, that which you call
freedom is the
strongest of these chains, though its links glitter in the sun and
dazzle your
And what is it but fragments of your own self that you would discard
that you
may become free. If it is an unjust law that you would abolish,
remember that
that law was written by your own hand upon your own forehead. You
cannot erase
it by burning the books of the law nor by washing the foreheads of
the judges,
even though you have immersed them in the sea of purity.
And if you would dethrone a despot, ensure first that you destroy
his throne
which is part of you. For how can a tyrant rule the free and the
proud, but for
the tyranny in their own freedom and a shame in their own pride? And
if it is a
care you would cast off, that care has been chosen by you rather
than it has
been imposed upon you. And if it is fear that you would dispel, the
seal of that
fear is in your heart and not in the hand of the feared.
Verily, all things move within your being in constant half embrace,
desired and the dreaded, the repugnant and the cherished, the
pursued and that
which you would escape. These aspects move within you as lights and
shadows, in
pairs that ding, and when the shadow fades and is no more, the light
remains becomes a shadow to another greater light And thus, your
freedom when it
sheds its fetters, becomes itself the shackle of a greater freedom.
Go now my Knight Companion to the Knight Master of the South who
rules this
Second Chamber, for the final act of this ceremony.
The KCN conducts the Novice before the KMS. he then places the
cushion about three paces in front of the KMS pedestal and
causes the Novice to
kneel on both knees. When the KMS rises, all others do likewise,
when so
instructed by the KMN. the KMS takes up the sword and approaches
the Novice.
KMS: My Knight
Companion, it is my
happy privilege to dub you a Knight of the South on the
head Triumphant on
the right shoulder and
Victorious on
the left shoulder. May
you ever bear
with honour that title, as I am certain in my heart that you wilt so
Arise. Knight ..., and receive this parting dictum. The
Knights sit without command. No
man can
reveal to you ought but that which already lies half asleep in the
dawning of
your knowledge. The teacher who walks in the shadow of the Temple,
among his
followers, gives not of his wisdom but rather of his faith and his
love. If he
is indeed wise he does not bid you enter the house of his wisdom but
leads you to threshold of your own mind. The astronomer may speak to
you of his
understanding of the universe but he cannot give you his
understanding. The
musician may sing to you of the rhythm which is in all compositions
but he
cannot give you the ear which senses that rhythm, nor the pitch of a
single note
nor the voice that echoes it. And he who is versed in the science of
numbers can
tell you of the aspects of weight and measure, but he cannot manage
understanding of them. For the vision of one man lends not its wings
to another
and even as each one of us stands alone in God's knowledge, so must
each one of
us be alone in his knowledge of God and in His understanding of the
Thus my Knight, we have shown you the Temple of Wisdom and Truth but
it is
your own duty to find your way through the halls thereof.
Before you take your place among the Knights, I would remind of the
Vow you
have taken, the Sign you have been given and ask you to note that we
wear the
black rosette behind the rose in memory of Him who was lost to us.
You will now
take your place among the body of Knights.
The newly dubbed Knight is conducted to a vacant place in the
South by the
KCN, who then returns to his own station.
KMS: Knights of the
South, be
upstanding. All do so.
Knights, give the sign and the Exclamation. All
do so.
KMS: ****.
KMN: ***.
KMW: **.
KME: *.
KMS: Knights of the
South, you are