Princes of Iran of the World
Initiation Ritual


Opening Ceremonies
The Most Noble Emir will call the Conclave to order. The Officers and Princes will immediately robe themselves in their regalia and assume their proper posts.
Most Noble Emir:
Simurgh advance to my throne and communicate to me the mystic words.
Simurgh salutes, advances and does so.
Most Noble Emir:
Simurgh advance to the station of the Great Nazeer and receive from him the mystic words.
Simurgh salutes and retires to the station of the Great Nazeer, who communicates the words, whereupon the Simurgh returns to the throne of Most Noble Emir and salutes:
Most Noble Emir the Great Nazeer is in possession of the mystic words.
Most Noble Emir:
Simurgh retire to your post.
Inner and Outer Sentinels advance to the station of the Great Nazeer and communicate to him the mystic words, and receive instructions in your duties.
Great Nazeer, standing:
Outer Sentinel, your duty is to protect the outer gates and allow no one to enter unless in possession of the mystic words, except pilgrims in charge of the proper officers.
Inner Sentinel, your duty is to guard the portals of the inner court and allow no one to enter unless in possession of the mystic words, except pilgrims under escort.
Sentinels, you will now assume your posts, where you will faithfully remain and depart not until so ordered by the Most Noble Emir.
Most Noble Emir, the Sentinels have been instructed and are at their posts.
Takes his seat.
Most Noble Emir:
It is well. Calls Conclave to their feet. Three raps of gavel.
Simurgh, examine all Princes here assembled, and report to me all who are not in possession of the annual and permanent words.
Simurgh examines all present in the inner and outer courts and reports at once any who may not be in possession of the proper words; returns to the throne of the Most Noble Emir and salutes.
Simurgh, prostrating himself before the throne:
Most Noble Emir.
Most Noble Emir:
I find none but Princes of Iran within our courts, and the Inner and Outer Sentinels are at their posts.
Most Noble Emir:
In whose name do you assemble?
In the name of the Prince of Iran; may his tribe increase.
Most Noble Emir:
Even as the sands of the desert. Join me in the song of the desert.
Seats Conclave. One rap of gavel.



Part one is not to be altered, abridged or added to by any Subordinate Conclave and must be conferred upon each pilgrim as laid down in this ritual, provided only that there may be added thereto any display or floor work of a solemn or impressive character: nothing of a frivolous or ludicrous nature shall be permitted under any circumstances and it shall be the duty of the Emir to see that these requirements are strictly enforced.
The lodge room shall be in total darkness excepting only the fire and the incense burning upon the altar and alcohol torches being carried by the Phelewans, it being the intention that only a subdued light shall permeate the room.
The Simurgh accompanied by two torch bearers and as many additional Phelewans as necessary shall escort the pilgrims in their ordinary dress into the inner court marching twice around the room to slow music and forming in a crescent around the altar facing the Emir's throne.
Simurgh, prostrates in front of the throne and salutes:
Most Noble Emir.
Most Noble Emir:
By your gracious permission, I here present Pilgrims whom I found wandering in darkness.
Most Noble Emir:
Noble Simurgh, you and your Phelewans have done well to secure such a goodly number of Pilgrims, and while watched over by you we have no fear of harm coming to them. You will now resume your watch.
Simurgh salutes M. N. E. and returns to his place.
Most Noble Emir:
Pilgrims, to build up the good and tear down the bad, to elevate virtue and humble vice, to teach patience in adversity and wisdom in prosperity, to unite in a common brotherhood the rich and the poor, the employer and the employed, the fortunate and the unfortunate, to always press forward and never look backward, to bear aloft the banner of the PRINCE OF IRAN: (May his tribe increase), to keep untarnished its dimless lustre, and add new laurels to its ancient fame, are the tenets on which our order is founded. In whichever one of these classes you may be found, it will be your duty to apply in your every day life the lessons that you receive here to-night. It has ever been the custom of nations and orders to trace their origin back to the misty past. No order has more attractive and authentic history than the Princes of Iran. The Province of Iran, firmly established in history as one of the most enlightened countries of ancient times, was justly renowned for the noble character of its men, whose virtues have descended to the Princes of Iran of this day. It was but natural that they should form themselves into a body to perpetuate those virtues which had made their nation great. Living at a time when might made right, and when skill on the field of battle seemed to be the highest ambition of many, they yet exemplified in their lives that true courage is oft-times found in the gentler walks of life. Never shrinking from the challenge to battle or the thickest of the fight, they were ever ready to extend charity to the vanquished and the hand of sympathy and fraternity to the weak and unfortunate. With this spirit we greet you in your noble ambition to become a follower of the Prince of Iran. It is my duty to inform you that you must prove by your acts that you are in possession of that courage and high moral character shown by all loyal followers of our Noble Prince. Are you willing to take upon yourself an obligation that will in no wise conflict with your religious or political freedom, but is as binding as any obligation you may have assumed in any order of which you are now a member, pledging your sacred word of honor, that you will never improperly reveal any of the secrets that you may hear or see, or that may in any other way be communicated to you?

Noble Simurgh, escort the Illustrious Mollah to the sacred altar that he may administer the obligation of the faithful.
Simurgh, steps to Illustrious Mollah's Station and says:
Illustrious Mollah, there is in waiting at our sacred altar a band of Pilgrims, whose wish it is to become followers of the Prince of Iran, and it is ordered by the Most Noble Emir that you accompany me hence and fulfil the duties of your worshipful office in their behalf.
Simurgh escorts Illustrious Mollah to space between throne and altar.
Illustrious Mollah. I here present to you a baud of Pilgrims, and by order of the Most Noble Emir you will now administer to them the obligation of the Faithful.
Illustrious Mollah:
Pilgrims, to nobly aspire shows the desire of attaining true greatness. To add the hot spurs of constant effort to the wings of aspiration is to show honesty of purpose. Every such soul has the certainty of achieving its desire, as it already possesses the elements of greatness. It should be the object of life to become developed, to cultivate and enlarge our better natures. True manhood is the birthright of every soul. That which makes manhood is character. You have expressed your willingness to assume this solemn and binding obligation. I now bid you kneel upon both knees, place the right hand in the left, palm upward, which place against your forehead, bow your head, and with reverence repeat after me the following:
I, (your name) in the presence of Allah and the Noble Princes here assembled, do most solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, that I will never divulge any of the secrets of the order that have now or may hereafter be entrusted to me, to any person or persons, except I shall know that he or they have been duly obligated in a Conclave of the Princes of Iran, working under legal authority of the Sovereign Conclave Princes of Iran of the World.
I further promise and vow that I will, to the extent of my ability, relieve a Prince of Iran in distress, by giving him employment or assisting him to obtain employment, providing he apply to me as such and I know him to be worthy.
All this 1 most solemnly promise and swear, so help me Allah, and if I fail in this my solemn obligation, may my name be stricken from the rolls of this Conclave and sent to the Sovereign Conclave, that the order universal may know that I have violated my solemn oath and my bond of brotherhood.
You will now rise to a standing position.
Noble Simurgh, conduct the Pilgrims to the Great Nazeer for further instructions.
Simurgh, escorts the Pilgrims once round the hall to slow music, halting in the form of a crescent in front of the Great Nazeer's station:
Great Nazeer, by your gracious permission and the Illustrious Mollah's instructions I here present Pilgrims who have been duly obligated and now seek instruction in the work of our order.
Great Nazeer:
Pilgrims as you have already taken a solemn and binding obligation of secrecy. I will now instruct you in the secret work of the order.
In order to gain admittance when the Conclave is in session, you will make any ordinary alarm at the door of the outer court, and if required, give your name and that of your Conclave, to the Outer Sentinel, who will open the door, when you will impart to him in a whisper the annual pass-word which will be communicated to you by the Most Noble Emir of your Conclave, or the Most Noble Emir of an}' other Conclave, on presentation of an official receipt for dues in your Conclave.
The official copy-righted receipt bears upon it the Seal of the Sovereign conclave, signature of the Sovereign Secretary and must be countersigned by the Secretary of the Conclave to which you belong; no other form of receipt will be recognized and you may also be required to pass a satisfactory examination.
The annual pass-word will be communicated to you before you retire.
You will then be admitted to the outer court. To gain admittance to the inner court you will give any ordinary rap on the inner door and the permanent password to the Inner Sentinel in a whisper. The permanent pass-word is
At the opening of a Conclave you will give these pass-words to the Simurgh when called upon to do so by the Most Noble Emir.
Having gaining admittance to the inner court you will advance to the center of the inner court in front of the altar upon which is burning the everlasting fire, and salute the Most Noble Emir. Should he be engaged you will salute the Great Nazeer. He will recognize you and thereupon you will be allowed to be seated.
The salute must not be communicated at this time.

The grip is given thus: ….
The sign of recognition is made thus: …, and is answered in the same manner.
Voting is by aye and nay.
The gavel is used to preserve order and to call the Princes to their feet, and seat them. Three raps call the Princes to their feet, and one rap calls to order or seats them. When the sound of the Emir's gavel is heard, complete silence must prevail.
Pilgrims you have now received all the instructions which is in my province to give you, and I greet you as seekers after knowledge. There are crooked paths for you to travel, and while remembering that with every tick of the clock a human life passes out into the Great Unknown, yet guided and guarded by our Noble Simurgh you may pass safely through the perils which beset every human life, and attain the high honors which await every true follower of the Prince of Iran.
May his tribe increase.
Great Nazeer:
Noble Simurgh, you will escort the candidates into the outer court, prepare them and await the tolling of the bell which calls the pilgrims to the worship of the true prophet.
Part Two
The following ceremonies may be altered, transposed, omitted or added to as the Conclave may desire.
Pilgrims will be taken to the outer court at the end of Part One; here the Simurgh and Phelewans will prepare the Pilgrims by securely blindfolding them and await the tolling of the bell. When all is in readiness within, toll a bell. At the tolling of the bell the Simurgh will escort the Pilgrims into the inner court, marching around the room to slow music and form a crescent in front of the Emir's throne.
Simurgh, salutes and says:
Most Noble Emir.
Most Noble Emir:
By your gracious permission, and the Great Nazeer's instruction I present Pilgrims who have been duly obligated and prepared.
Most Noble Emir:
Noble Simurgh, why are they deprived of sight?
To see danger is to avoid it; dizzy heights are better reached with obscurity beneath. It is inability to look into the future that gives us courage to press forward in what we undertake.
Most Noble Emir:
Pilgrims, with the knowledge before you that the way is dangerous, are you willing to proceed?
Most Noble Emir:
No man ever became a hero without great suffering or at some time assuming a personal risk. Great Generals are made only through weary campaigns and hard fought battles. I am at liberty to inform you that both trials and dangers beset your pathway. You may be called upon and even compelled to endure untold tortures more terrible than that of being burned alive at the stake, or your body may be hurled all bleeding and mangled into a yawning chasm or bottomless pit for aught I know. Death may not overtake you in the events that follow, but at times you will find it a welcome relief.. Remember, it is only through the suffering you undergo that you will be recognized as a worthy Prince by those who have passed through a like experience, but by prom fit obedience to all orders you may progress in safety.
Simurgh, seat the Pilgrims according to the custom of the faithful.
Simurgh seats Pilgrims in the form of a crescent in front of the Most Noble Emir's throne.
Most Noble Emir:
Pilgrims, you have taken the obligation which entitles you to recognition as Warriors of the order of the Princes of Iran; but to enable you to prove your fidelity and your right to this claim, it is necessary to show by scars upon your body indicating the Warrior's crown of victory that you have nobly won this Station by valiant deeds upon fields of battle.
Simurgh, you and your Phelewans will now imprint: on these Pilgrims the seal of their Station.
After … Simurgh forms Pilgrims before Most Noble Emir's throne and Salutes.
Most Noble Emir.
Most Noble Emir:
By your most: gracious permission, I here present Pilgrims who have been duly … and are now entitled to be known as Warriors of the order of Princes of Iran.
Most Noble Emir:
Warriors, you are now entitled to aspire to the Sheik's Station, where you must show your ability to enter the tents and cities of the enemy; nor is this a light task. Many of the gates are low and narrow and the streets rough and rocky.
Simurgh, present the Pilgrims at the Station of the Great Nazeer that they may receive the instructions necessary to make their way into the enemies' country.
Simurgh, escorts the Pilgrims around the hall directly to the Great Nazeer's Station:
Great Nazeer, I present these Warriors that they may receive from you the advice and admonition that will enable them to penetrate the tents and cities of the enemy.
Great Nazeer:
Pilgrims, you have already been warned of the dangers and difficulties that you may encounter; in order to best avoid them it is necessary that you faithfully follow the instructions given you; when you again enter our inner court, you will be led across the plains of Iran, and when your guides so request, you will upon your hands and knees enter the narrow gates to the enemies' cities. On this journey I would admonish, and charge you to always press forward and never look backward.
Noble Simurgh, yon will now retire to the outer court and properly prepare these warrior pilgrims.
Simurgh retires with Warriors to outer court, blindfolds each one and admits them singly. Warriors pass through the tents and cities of the enemy. … after which Simurgh without retiring from the hall presents Warriors in usual form before Mo«t Noble Emir, Salutes as usual.
Most Noble Emir.
Most Noble Emir:
By your most gracious permission, I present to you Warriors, who, having penetrated the tents and cities of the enemy, now bring to you rich trophies of courage and skill, and humbly beg permission to prove by deeds of daring on the Ship of the Desert, that they are still invincible, and that they have the courage and prowess necessary to face the King of Beasts the Lion of the Plains.
Most Noble Emir:
Simurgh, hast thou a full understanding of what perils may be met on granting your request?
Most Noble Emir, I have.
Most Noble Emir:
Know you, Warriors, while the tents and cities of the enemy have presented dark and tortuous paths and many dangers, yet in the desert you must face perils unknown and difficulties seemingly insurmountable.
Commending you in the name of the Prince of Iran for the courage you have exhibited, 1 now consign you to the care of our noble Simurgh, who will prepare you as Warriors of the desert and your final acceptance as Sheiks in the order of the Princes of Iran.
Simurgh conducts Warriors to outer court, blindfolds and conducts them in singly. … after which Simurgh presents Warriors to Most Noble Emir in usual form.
Most Noble Emir.
Most Noble Emir:
By your gracious permission, I present Warriors, who, having crossed the desert and having conquered the Lion of the Plains, now humbly ask to be instructed in the Mystic Sign of the Desert.
Most Noble Emir:
Warriors, your desire is a truly laudable one, and in order that you may be able to make yourself known to the Sheiks of the Desert wherever found or met, you will now retire to the outer court, and on re-entering you will be instructed in the Mystic Sign of the Desert.
Return to outer court and enter singly. Simurgh presents the Sheiks to the Magi of the Desert.
The following for each individual Sheik.
Oh, most learned Magi, Behold this Sheik, who craves to learn the Mystic Sign of the Desert.
Sign of the Desert and repeat until all are admitted.
Most Noble Emir, raps to order:
Noble Simurgh retire with the Shieks to the outer court and on re-entering present them in front of the Station of the Great Nazeer.
The Simurgh blindfolds Sheiks and brings them in two at a time.
NOTE--if the class is large, all need not engage in the duel combat.
Great Nazeer.
Great Nazeer:
By your most gracious permission, I present these Shieks.
Great Nazeer:
Have all the Shieks been instructed in the secrets of their Station in this order?
They have.
Great Nazeer:
Shieks, in ancient times the Ayrians were not only valiant on the field of battle but also waged many contests for individual honors. Following their example we of today require that all who aspire to wear the turban of a Noble Prince must win it in personal combat in the arena of this Conclave.
Simurgh you will now conduct these Shieks to their respective positions when our Sublime Gil Shah will announce the rules of combat.
The Simurgh with Four Phelevvans will arm the Shieks-only four Phelewans are to be on the floor at this time.
Sublime Gil Shah:
Repeat after me the following obligation:
I, …, being bodily and intellectually sound, do solemnly vow, by that which I am and that which others think me to be, by the male and the female, by the camel of the desert and the fish of the sea, by the owl of the night and eagle of the day, by an honest day's toil and a night spent in pleasure, that I will not reveal to any female of whatsoever age or color, and especially not to the hired girl, any of the secrets f may hear or see within the inner court of this Conclave, and I further promise and declare that I will maintain the honor of a Brother Prince as I now defend myself.
Prepare for action.
Gill Shah announces rules of contest, after which the next two candidates will be brought in and above ceremonies in full repeated after which,
Most Noble Emir, raps to order:
Noble Simurgh retire with the Sheiks to the outer court and on re-entering present them to the Illustrious Mollah that they may take the obligation of a Prince.
The Simurgh blindfolds Sheiks and brings them in singly.
Illustrious Mollah, I here present a Shiek that he may take the obligation of a Prince.
Illustrious Mollah:
Sheik prostate yourself to receive the obligation of a Prince of Iran. May his tribe increase.
I, (your name) do solemnly vow, by the Tomb of the Prince, and the beard of the Prophet:, by Khadijah the Beautiful, and the gates of the Eternal City, by the daybreak and ten nights, by that which is double and that which is single, by the sun and his rising brightness, by the fig and the olive and all the fruits of the earth, that I. will never again, in the presence of the Princes of Iran, get ….
After as many pilgrims as is desirable have been obligated the Most Noble Emir raps to order. Simurgh presents Shieks to Most Noble Emir in usual manner.
Most Noble Emir, I here present a company of Shieks who are entitled to further instructions.
Most Noble Emir:
Princes, you have received the instructions and lessons of the order, but there remain a few secrets that have not as yet been imparted to you; when instructing you as to our salutation sign on entering a Conclave, our Great Nazeer omitted to give you the complete sign; you will on entering the inner court proceed to the center thereof and salute the Most Noble Emir by the Oriental Salaam, making this sign, accompanied by this vocal sound …. The Most Noble
Emir will recognize you, and thereupon you will be allowed to take your seat.
The sign of distress is made thus and is answered by putting hand in … and pulling out a ….
You are now entitled to carry an 8-penny nail; and that you may never find yourself penniless I now present you the emblem.
Princes, you will now retire to the outer court and work your way into this court, that we may see how you have profited by our instructions.
On initiating a class of Pilgrims the Conclave may elect a Grand Arluk Wohn whose duties are as per secret instructions.
Most Noble Emir:
Simurgh, present the Grand Arluk Wohn elect at my throne, that he may take the obligation of his office.
Simurgh does so.
Most Noble Emir:
Grand Arluk Wohn, elect, kneel upon both knees and repeat after me:
I, (your name), in the presence of the Noble Princes of this Conclave, with a full appreciation of the importance of my office, now register my solemn vow to fill the same to the best of my ability, yea, even to excel in zeal, and ever hasten to fulfill my duties to a Noble Prince, and should I fail to perform the same, may my office be declared vacant and my name stricken from the roll of officers of this Conclave.
Most Noble Prince, it has been the custom of mankind in all ages to choose for exalted honors from among their number one who has exemplified in his life those virtues which peculiarly fit him for the important position. You have been elected to the most ancient and honorable position in this Conclave. That your office is truly ancient is proven by the fact that from the days of Adam down to the present time your office has always existed and been ably filled. Other orders may boast of their antiquity, but nowhere in the records of secret societies can your office in this respect be equaled. That it is also honorable is attested by the fact that princes and potentates and the- mighty of all climes and ages have gladly fulfilled these duties. With such a record to inspire you in the faithful performance of your duties, we may with confidence hope, that you will add new laurels to the glorious past. Noble Prince, to those who have not yet been permitted to sit within our courts and drink in the words of wisdom handed down to us through many centuries, you are known and honored as the Grand Arluk Wohn, but in the sacred precincts of this Conclave, surrounded by the Noble Princes who delight to do you honor, you are known, loved and respected as the ….
Closing Ceremonies
Most Noble Emir, raps to order:
Simurgh secure the rituals and bring them to this throne.
Your orders have been obeyed.
Most Noble Emir, calls Conclave to their feet. Three raps of the travel:
The business and pleasures of the evening having been concluded, we go forth into the world with the consciousness that we are linked to a large class of our fellow men. As we stand together here, united in the bonds of fraternity, so may we ever be while going forth and mingling with the outside world. With us all men are equal, if worthy. Be loyal, kind hearted and forgiving; charitable to all, with malice toward none, and many clouds that obscure your pathway will be dispelled. It is my duty to remind each and every Prince of the solemn obligation he has taken not to reveal any of the secrets of this order. Allah il Allah and the Prince of Iran is my master.
May his tribe increase.
Most Noble Emir:
And now by the power vested in me I declare this Conclave closed until our next convention.
