Kappa Sigma Pi
Ritual of the Third Degree - Order of Rome


The Apostolic Circle

The Order of Rome is the inmost, the apostolic circle. It is for the tried and the true only. Quality of character and not quantity in numbers is the first consideration. Clean, promising, dependable boys. Not an aristocratic exclusiveness, but a definite, consecrated purpose to lead and assist others to become worthy of apostolic fellowship.
Loyalty to the church and the service of Christ, faithful at the public services and always sincerely and humbly found at the sacramental table when offered. Being ignorant of no important point in the known life and character of St. Paul, our hero.
The world's problems of today and tomorrow are so intricate and gigantic that we must have men of strong bodies, clear heads, trained minds, pure hearts, heroic, unselfish purposes, an unconquerable faith in God, and a fraternal bond with those of like mind to hope that righteousness shall prevail.

The first members of the Chapter are to be selected by the Chaplain from those members in good standing over seventeen years of age who have worthily belonged to and kept the vows of the first and second degrees, and whom he has reason to believe are sincere and able to keep the vows of the Order of Rome., On recommendation of the Chaplain the first group are elected by the district or visiting team when possible to secure them. In an emergency, upon approval of the Grand Chaplain, the men of the church may be pledged and used to form a team.
Candidates thereafter are elected by the local Third Degree members of the Chapter, upon recommendation of the Chaplain. A unanimous vote by secret ballot is required for this election. After one month a rejected name may again be balloted upon. Notice of an election must always be given. Unfair advantages and unkind feelings have no place in the spirit and purpose of the Order. Do not lower the standard for mere personal friendship. Do not admit a friend to reform him. Reform him first; it works better. Be kind and patient, but uncompromising with sin.

The initiation fee is fixed by the District Chaplain, who is usually in charge of the district team and equipment, so that this degree may be given most impressively and economically.
The fee for the set of rituals is sent to the Grand Chaplain with application.
Until a District Chaplain is available the local Chaplain is in charge.
Weekly or monthly dues must be paid in common with other degree members to the regular purser of the Chapter, including the annual renewal fee to the Central Office for the general membership card and official monthly magazine.

The PASTOR, if he is not the Chaplain, should have his part in this initiation ceremony and keep in close fellowship with the Order.
The CHAPLAIN is the counsellor and court of appeal. The Chapter elects the following officers at least annually:
PETER is the Chief Apostle and presiding officer.
JAMES is his first assistant. Second Chief.
JOHN, sentinel at the door. Watchman.
MARK does the writing, keeps the roll and parchments.
BARNABAS, custodian of money and property. Prepares room for initiation and all meetings.
Peter, with the approval: of the Chaplain, appoints the following additional initiatory' officers: Mob Leader, Governor Festus, Ship Captain, Julius Centurion, Emperor Nero, Executioner, Chorister.

The meetings should be held each month as an after-meeting on the third weekly meeting night of the Chapter, as suggested in the Local Chapter Hand-Book. Special meetings may be called by Chaplain. With the Big Brother idea always in mind the most important effort will be to see that every K. S. P. boy is growing stronger and helping him to qualify for the degrees in due time. T raining for Christian leadership is the theme, and opportunity for service to individuals, the church and the community is attractive to every true member of the
Order of Rome.
This degree is the recognition of the physical, moral and religious development of the young man, a marked aristocracy of character and fitness to be and do noble things for God and humanity, but it must not be made a mark of blood or wealth or foolish pride.
Pastors frequently invite the Order to attend the communion service in a body. Some mark with plate a K. S. P. pew and the Third Degree boys see that it is filled with members at all regular services.

The equipment for this work may be purchased or rented from the Central Office. However, the Local District should own the "ship," which is not difficult to make and not convenient to ship over the country on a rental basis. It is a platform about 5 x 5 feet, on a pivot block. To use the lightning shock, it must be covered with a tin or metal plate. A gas-pipe mast sets in the center of platform and block, one inch by seven feet. Four guy ropes from top of mast, which the sailors hold to control the swaying motion of the ship. Storm effect by shaking metal sheet, flashlight, splashing water.

Order of Service
PETER, presiding; raps twice for all to stand, and says:
Brother John, are only members of the Order of Rome here?
If not already done, you may now receive the password from each.
JOHN, having complied:
All here belong in the Apostolic Circle.
Possible exceptions reported.
Brethren, what did Paul write to the Church at Rome about our consecrating ourselves to the services of the Master?
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." (Rom. 12: 1, 2.).
How do we know that this is not too great a sacrifice of worldly things to ask of young men?
The master himself said that we need not be so concerned about temporal reward, for if we seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, all these things will be added unto us.
What then is God's attitude toward His children in this regard?
He will withhold no good thing from them that love Him.
The Pastor or Chaplain will lead us in prayer.
Prayer. Sentence prayer by members occasionally.
We are now ready for transacting the Lord's business.
Initiation Ceremony
Part I - Apostolic Circle

Seashore camp, Peter presiding. Imitation fire by red light or tissue paper, under tripod and kettle.; Beheading ax, and chain laid on the floor in the form of a cross, etc. Circle of Apostles reclining on the floor about the fire, in robes or sheets or blankets. A member for each candidate must have a hoodwink ready for Scene II.
Brother John, are all present worthy to witness this sacred ceremony?
I believe all here are faithful and sincere members.
Brother Barnabas, are all the officers prepared and equipment ready for the initiation ceremony?
BARNABAS, if true:
All is ready.
Brother Mark, you may read from the parchment the names of those who seek admission to our communion.
MARK reads the list:
…. These have been duly elected.
Have you received and turned over to Barnabas the initiation fee for each of these?
MARK, as the case may be:
I have; or I will now do so.
Brother Chaplain, have you had opportunity to talk with each candidate, so that he knows the seriousness of the vow and the importance of the step he is about to take?
I have, or I will now do so. As the case may be.
Now, since all is ready. Brother John, you take your station at the door; the brethren will remain seated and silent, with space between you for the candidates to find room, and Barnabas will usher them in in due form.
BARNABAS and JOHN salute Peter and follow instructions, walking backwards to the door.
Gentlemen candidates, you are each to respond to the name and part of Paul. The Apostles have invited you to join their circle and have sent me for you. Remember that you are being tried for your fitness for a permanent seat among us, so conduct yourself with dignity, and prompt obedience, You will now follow me in single file.
Leads to the door and raps * *** **, signifying Apostolic Circle.
JOHN opens crack in the door:
A friendly sound, but who cometh?
Thy brother Barnabas, with others who would be brothers also by the blood of Jesus.
Are there none here except those invited by the Apostles?
Truly so.
JOHN, opening the door:
Come in with welcome, and pass to the circle.
BARNABAS, leading in and around the circle:
Gentlemen candidates, you will find places in the circle between the members and recline as you find they are doing.
BARNABAS, saluting and speaking to Peter:
Brother Peter, according to your instructions. I have brought to our circle the candidates found awaiting without. Each answers to the name of Paul.
Brother Mark, what do you find inscribed on the scroll?
There is a good account of Paul on the record. He who formerly persecuted us, saw the light from heaven, was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision, and his conversion to
Christ is not doubted.
Candidates, if we did not have confidence in you, we would not have invited you to come with us, but we must have from your own lips in the presence of these witnesses certain promises to assure us that we have not misplaced our confidence.
1. When you took the first degree, you promised to live the right life avoiding evil habits, and study the Book of Life in the Sunday-school. Have you made an honest effort to keep that vow since then?
Candidates answer.

2. When you entered the second degree you were convinced that the right life is the Christian life, and promised to live it clean and straight. Are you still convinced that it is the wise thing to do?
Candidates answer.

3. Do we understand in your coming to our door that you mean to press onward and upward, giving your lives to Christ and the service of His spiritual kingdom as you have opportunity?
Candidates answer.

4. Will you gladly take solemn vows to this end?

Brethren, having, heard these responses, have any of you any reason to suspect the sincerity or integrity of heart of any of these candidates?
All silent unless there is some serious objection.
Brother Peter, we believe we have made no mistake in inviting any of these young men to join our circle, and I suggest that we proceed to the Chaplain's station for our most solemn devotions.
Aye, so say we all of us.
Then let us arise, and in the order in which we stand, follow our Chaplain to the altar.
Part II - Communion Service
Prepare the sacramental service and elements in the usual place and manner of the church and pastor involved. It is a real communion service to teach and pledge the boys to its observance in their church life. For the sake of saving time, use only the essential parts of your church ritual.
The following form is offered as a substitute. A member with a hoodwink is standing, kneeling, or sitting next to each candidate. Imagine this scene taking place in the Temple at Jerusalem, where Paul had gone to worship with the proselytes when the mob of Jews set upon him in the outer court. Acts 21 :26.

The Vow
Before administering these sacred elements it is necessary to ask you candidates the following questions as to your faith and purpose:
1. Are you all members or applicants for membership in some Church of Jesus Christ? Each answers.
2. Will you gladly attend the services regularly and partake of the Lord's Supper in sincerity when possible?
3. Will you take 'such exercise and training within your reach to make yourself strong as a leader for righteousness among men?
4. Will you hold sacred the secrets, the good name, and fellowship of the Order of Rome?
We must never forget our solemn obligations.
Sacramental Ceremony
Brethren, all ye that do truly and earnestly repent of your sins, and are in love and charity with your neighbors, and intend to lead a new life, following the commandment of God, and walking henceforth in His holy ways, draw near with faith, and take this Holy Sacrament to your comfort, and devoutly kneeling, make your humble confession to Almighty God.
All kneel at the altar, candidates in the middle.
Let us all pray.
Almighty God, unto whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid, cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of thy Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love thee, and worthily magnify thy holy name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Almighty God, our heavenly Father, who of thy tender mercy didst give thine only Son Jesus Christ to suffer death upon the cross for our redemption, and did institute and in his holy Gospel command us to continue a perpetual memory of his precious death until his coming again; we most humbly beseech thee, that we receiving these thy creatures of bread and wine, according to thy Son our Savior Jesus Christ's holy institution, in remembrance of his death and passion, may indeed be partakers of his most blessed body and blood, and be so filled with his life and spirit as to serve thee acceptably.
The Chaplain will now hold the plate of bread in his hand and say:
This represents the body of our Lord Jesus Christ which was given on the cross for our redemption Take, eat this in remembrance that Christ died for you.
Pass to each one present. Take the cup of unfermented wine in hand and say:
This wine represents the blood of Jesus which was shed for you. Drink this in remembrance of the great debt of gratitude we each owe, and be thankful.
Pass the cup to all present.
Let us all pray.
It is very meet, right, and our bounden duty that we should at all times and in all places give thanks unto thee, O Lord, holy Father, Almighty, Everlasting God.
Therefore with angels and archangels, and all the company of heaven, we laud and magnify thy glorious name, evermore praising thee and saying, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts, heaven and earth are full of thy glory. Glory be to thee, O Lord most high! Amen.
Brethren, arise to your feet and listen to me. When the jews from Asia shall learn that Paul is at the altar, they will stir up the multitude and his life will be in danger. Cover his eyes from the distressing sights that may follow and hurry from this sacred place that it may not be polluted with strife and bloodshed.
Part III - Mob of the Outer Court
Mob Leader in charge, having previously assigned certain stations and duties to each member of his gang. Avoid extremes, and the possibility of personal injury, or damage to clothing, but make it appear to the candidate that his life is sought by the angry Jews. Let angry voices be heard as follows:

1. This man teaches against the law. He preaches Christ Jesus.
2. Yes, he brought Gentiles into the Temple.
3. He hath polluted this holy place.
4. Away with him. Let him die.
5. Stone him. He should not live.
Just at the critical time. and it should only last a minute the Centurion and soldiers are supposed to appear, charging the mob and rescuing the candidates. Let the Centurion's voice be a new one, distinct from the mob, but mob members may quickly turn to soldiers and help lead the candidates into the castle or ante-room.
In the name of Caesar. I command that you cease this tumult. Rome gives her citizens a court of justice, not violence! Soldiers, take the prisoner into the castle.
Part IV - Hearing Before Governor Festus
Festus in charge. As governor he sits upon a judgment seat, officers and court about him. Group of candidates together in charge of the Centurion brought in when ordered. If costumes and scenery are used the hoodwinks may be removed for this act.
FESTUS, cries out in a loud, deep voice:
Bring forth one Paul for trial. He hath been long two years awaiting judgment.
Let the Centurion represent his case.
Centurion leads candidate or candidates before Festus.
Most worthy Governor. I am happy to represent this noble man and will speak for him that which I believe he would say for himself.
I will hear the accusations of the Jews from the lips of Tertullus,
Seeing that by thee we enjoy much peace, and by thy providence evils are corrected for this nation, we accept it in all ways and in all places, most excellent Governor, with all thankfulness. But that I be no further tedious unto thee, I entreat thee to hear us of thy clemency a few words.
For we have found this man a pestilent fellow and a mover of insurrections among all the Jews throughout the world and a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes; who moreover essayed to profane the temple; on whom also we laid hold; from whom thou wilt be able by examining him thyself to take knowledge of all these things whereof we accuse him.
Other voices may speak here confirming these things.
Let me now hear the defense.
Forasmuch as I know that thou hast been for many years a judge unto this nation. I cheerfully make the defense; seeing that thou canst take knowledge that it is not more than twelve days since he went up to worship at Jerusalem; and neither in the temple did they find him disputing with any man or stirring up a crowd, nor in the synagogues, nor in the city.
Neither can they prove to thee the things whereof they accuse him.
But this I confess unto thee, that after the way which they call a sect. so he serves the God of our fathers, believing all things which are according to the law, and which are written in the prophets; having hope toward God which these also themselves look for, that there shall be' a resurrection both of the just and the unjust.
Herein he also exercises himself to have a conscience void of offense toward God and .men always.
Now after some years he came to bring alms to his nation and offerings; amidst which they found him purified in the temple, with no crowd nor yet with tumult; but there were certain jews from Asia who ought to have been here before thee to make accusation if they had aught against him. Or else let these men themselves say what wrong-doing they found when he stood before the council, except it be for this one voice, that he cried standing among them. Touching the resurrection of the dead he is called in question before you this day.
Paul. wilt thou go up to Jerusalem and there be judged more fully of these things before me?
EACH CANDIDATE, instructed by the Centurion: No. I appeal to Caesar!
Thou hast appealed unto Caesar; unto Caesar thou shalt go! Julius the Centurion, take this prisoner to the court of Caesar at Rome, and may the gods be gracious unto thee. Each is returned to prison to prepare for the journey.
Part V - Perils by Sea
Ship Captain in charge. Candidates handled one at a lime. The Captain should have the ship set up and ready In advance. Four sailors, are assigned to hold the guy ropes. Others to make storm effect. Speaking parts also distributed in advance. Be careful.
CENTURION to candidate:
Paul, as you value your life, remove your shoes and stockings. The slippery deck of an ocean vessel is no place for modern shoes. Off With them.
Candidate may be assisted to remove footwear.
Attention! Augustan Band, prepare for the dangerous journey to Rome. Bring forth the prisoners and be especially careful of Paul the Christian. Let the chain be securely fastened to his wrist. Come, follow me for a ship of Adramyttium is waiting for us. Mark, the companion of Paul, may join us.
After the chain has been hooked around the wrist the candidate is led out to the gang plank leading up to the ship.

Let us embark. Fasten the prisoner to the mast. Gentle motion of ship.
Today we touch at Sidon, the ancient city of our fathers. Now we are sailing under the lee of the island of Cyprus, where thou didst go with Barnabas on thy first missionary tour. Tomorrow we will be at Myra on the coast of Lycia.
We are now leaving Myra on this vessel of Alexandria. Sailors, look well to your lines and sails, for the wind is contrary, and while sailing close to Crete a storm called Euraquilo is sure to overtake us.
Gradually increase the motion of the ship. Add storm effects if desirable, such as to fan him silently, shake tin sheet for thunder, atomizer with salt water in his face, etc. One could pour water from one bucket into another and call out that the vessel is filling with water.
l. Let us kill the prisoners, lest they escape.
2. Yes, for they may swim ashore.
3. Then we would be punished.
The lightning shock effect is secured by connecting the shocking batteries with the metal mast which the candidate holds with his hands, and the metal deck upon which he stands. The deck sheet and mast must not touch. The Captain should operate this and see that it is never overdone, One or two short strokes is enough.
No! Paul has given us good advice. He has cheered us by calm courage and assurance that we shall all be saved from the storm. The vessel is breaking up; let us struggle to reach the coast of Melita, where there are friendly barbarians and from where we may sail to Puteoli, Italy, and in time reach Rome.
Paul is released from mast and dragged or carried to safety.

Part VI - The Appian Way
The Centurion in charge. Stock slide, may be purchased or rented, selected from list on Rome and vicinity. As the candidates pass a given point in traveling around the room the hoodwink is lifted, and a new view and announcement is given, ending at the Maritime Prison. Making as though to enter the prison, the eyes are blinded and candidates led to the ante-room.

Part VII - Before Caesar
Caesar the Emperor in charge. Sitting on his judgment seat. Candidates blindfolded unless full costume and scenery is used.
Centurion, bring in thy prisoners for trial.
CENTURION, salutes and retires to ante-room:
Candidates, form in line, hands on shoulder of the man in front of you. Caesar, the Emperor, the bloody Nero, has summoned Paul for trial. Follow me.
When they have entered Nero cries out:
The next man I fain would have brought before me is Paul the Jew!
Noble Caesar the divine, it is my duty to present before thee one Paul, whom I was entrusted to bring unto thee, by thy servant the Governor of Judea, my lord Festus.
What message doth he send?
I present thee with the parchment.
CAESAR takes the paper and reads aloud:
To my lord the Emperor, the divine Caesar. I am sending under guard of the Centurion one Paul of Tarsus, who was taken from a mob at the temple of Jerusalem and who is accused by his own race of belonging to a despised sect that has arisen among them. They have not proved their charges of crime against him and I would have released him, but that he is a Roman citizen and has appealed to thee.
Behold this quarrel among the Jews doth not concern me; hence I command thee to release the prisoner and let him go his way.
I have heard it said that this one has taught even since he has been in Rome, that there is one greater than Caesar─some Nazarene who he declares is the son of God and hath risen from the dead.
CAESAR, in rage:
One greater than Caesar, eh! Would worship another God besides Caesar, eh! He must be a Christian! Away to the block with him! Hold! He may yet learn to obey Caesar rather than his Christ. What sayest thou, Paul? Wilt thou renounce thy Christ and live?
Answer. If silent, the Centurion instructs each to say:
I cannot deny my Christ.
What! Dost thou choose to die rather than forsake thy religion?
PAUL, instructed by Centurion:
I am now ready to be offered;
Thou art a brave man, but far too dangerous to me. Let him die by the executioner's ax. Form the death march line. Chain or rope the prisoners together. Sever their heads from their bodies. Let their blood run hot until they are dead, Away with them!
Following this instruction apparently the candidates are tied together and led out to the ante-room to await summons for execution line at a time.
Part VIII - The Execution
In charge of the Executioner. Headman's ax is a large, ancient style, especially made for the purpose. Sold or rented by the Central Office. The beheading block is made to fit the neck. A common kitchen wood bottom chair turned on side may be substituted. A cardboard or wet rag is used to strike the neck when the ax hits the block. With a medicine dropper let a few drops of blood-warm water now down over his neck.
After the act the candidate is laid over on the floor as though dead and room made for the next one. No harm is done if he "comes to" and watches the others, but he must keep his position for the next scene. The team must handle the candidates in a serious, matter-of-fact way, without levity, which would make a farce of it.
Bring on the next victim of Nero's orders. My ax hath a keen edge. My arms cramp for exercise. My heart hath turned to stone. Bring him on and strip him for the block.
l. Let us divide his clothing between us.
2. Give me this outer coat.
3. I want this waistcoat, with all valuables in the pockets.
4. The collar and tie are mine.
5. Let us cast lots for his shirt.
These things only are taken off so that his neck may be bared for the ax, etc. He is now made to kneel and lay his head upon the block and held so that no possible harm can come to him by the blow.

6. This man dies like a fool. He might have saved himself if he had only denied his Christ.
7. Yes, he is one of those Christian martyrs dying like a dog.
Part IX - The Resurrection
In charge of the Chorister, While the candidates remain as dead on the floor, the singers have gathered in a distant part of the church and come marching in singing a Familiar Christian hymn such as "Am I a Soldier of the Cross?" or "My Faith Looks Up to Thee." They circle in and around the group of prostrate candidates lying as dead men and at the end of the song the following remarks are made, all pre-arranged:
Ah, brethren, here are some more of the victims of the bloody Nero. May God have mercy on that Wicked tyrant.
1. Sad indeed, but if they died in the faith of Jesus Christ, they would live again, for He conquered death.
2. Let us examine these men and see if they have the mark of the Christian.
3. Indeed, they have every mark of discipleship and no doubt died for Christ's sake.
4: Then they must live again to serve him and build up His kingdom.
Brethren, take them by the hand and help them to their feet, for they have won the crown of victory. Help them to dress for the closing ceremony.
Part X - Closing Ceremony
The Apostolic Circle gather in the "upper chamber" for feast and fellowship, sitting or reclining about the tables, upon which refreshments are served at the word of Peter.
Let our candidates stand while the Chaplain gives the closing lecture.
Candidates, fortunately your lives have been spared for a good and definite purpose.
The young man that declares he would rather die than renounce his loyalty to Christ is surely a fit subject to live and the interest of the Church and Kingdom can be safely entrusted in his hands. If you are true to God he will not let you suffer more than you can bear, and will not let you die before your work on earth is finished.
From the solemn promises you have made in our hearing, and the display of courage and confidence you have given us tonight, we have reason to expect-great things of you in service to Christ and the Church, besides your loyalty to your brethren in the ORDER OF ROME.
The better you understand and the more you participate in this initiation ceremony the more you will appreciate Its great significance, and the more you will be inspired to heroic living for the cause of Christ.
As an honored Knight of St. Paul many doors of opportunity will open to you and with the vision God has given you of his truth and service it is for you to decide whether you will be great or small.
Man is never truly great for what he is, but ever for what he may become. You will frequently need to go apart alone with your thoughts and with God for vital recreation, leaving the world to get strength to live in the world. Self-control divinely given in support of your own supreme decision will make you the master of your every situation; it will make you a king in a land where every man may be a king and but few are.
We sometimes envy the wonderful power of leadership and spiritual strength of Paul, without realizing that he was the development of Saul of Tarsus, the weak, bigoted persecutor of the truth.
The members of the Order of Rome expect from what they have learned of you in this Kappa Sigma Pi fellowship of recent years that you, having taken these solemn vows and received the vital instruction of the ceremonies, and having had a part in the stimulating activities of the, Order; that you will master the weak elements as they appear in your life, that you will permit yourself to be a slave to no unworthy thought or practice, that you will do faithfully the little tasks before you, and be ready to step into the open door when it shall open for you to do the great heroic service from which selfish slaves and the mediocre shrink.
You will not be fettered by sectarian narrowness nor creed prejudice. Our Great Commander is Jesus Christ, who gave his life that the world might know the truth and live. Our orders come not from ecclesiastical potentate, but from the record of his Word, reinforced by the Divine Spirit, which confirms and gives force to the truth. Thus equipped you will indeed fight a good light, keep the faith, finish your course, and wear the crown of righteousness which is laid up for you, and not for you only, but for all who love His appearing.
Having completed the business of the evening, you will now stand and join me in the drill of confidential signs.
Salute. grip, heart, cross, etc.
We will now sing our closing ode, "Blessed be the tie that binds."
Blest be the tie that binds
Our hearts in Christian love;
The fellowship of kindred minds
Is like to that above.
When we asunder part,
We're tempted to complain,
But we shall still be joined in heart,
And hope to meet again. ,
The Chaplain will now dismiss us with prayer.
