Auxiliary United Spanish War Veterans
Initiation Ritual
Opening Ceremonies
Color Team and all Officers, except Musician, assemble in ante-room where
President fills vacancies and Conductor distributes Rituals, Altar Cloth and
Bible having previously been placed on Altar by Chaplain.
Members standing at "Attention" while officers are being seated.
Color Team enters, to Altar, forms square, to stations. As soon as Color Team
is at stations, Officers enter, to Altar, form square, to stations passing under
crossed flags, saluting.
President, *: Patriotic Instructor, place the Flag. *.
Patriotic Instructor, and Conductors with flags, to Altar, Patriotic
Instructor salutes; to ante-room, Conductors leading.
President, ***: Auxiliary, Attention.
Patriotic Instructor, with Auxiliary Flag, enters two paces in advance of
Conductors, to Altar.
Members, in unison: Americanism.
Americanism is an unfailing love of country, loyalty to its institutions and
ideals; eagerness to defend it against all enemies; undivided allegiance to the
Flag, and a desire to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and
Patriotic Instructor and Conductors, Patriotic Instructor leading, advance to
right of President's station. Patriotic Instructor places Flag, steps back
between Conductors, facing Flag.
President: Auxiliary, Attention.
Music: Star-Spangled Banner.
Not to be sung.
Star-Spangled Banner must not be played while marching.
Patriotic Instructor and Conductors to Altar, Conductors leading. Patriotic
Instructor salutes; all to stations.
President, *: This is a regular (or special) meeting of the …
Auxiliary, No. …, Department of …, Auxiliary, United Spanish War Veterans.
Guard(s), close the door(s) and permit no one to enter.
Guard(s) without flag(s) to Altar, salute(s) execute(s) command, to Altar,
salute(s), to station(s).
President: Conductors, ascertain if all present are entitled to
remain, ***.
Conductors, without flags, turn, salute, and show receipt for current dues to
President, proceed around the room, to each member, who shows receipt for
current dues (neither saluting), and is seated. If a member is without receipt
for current dues, she is so reported and she advances to Altar, salutes, and the
treasurer may vouch for her, if she is in good standing, and she returns to her
seat. Conductors to Senior Vice President's station, to Altar, salute.
Conductor: Madam President, I find all on your right entitled to
Assistant Conductor: Madam President, I find all on your left
entitled to remain.
Conductors salute, to stations.
President, *: Sisters, we have assembled once more for the
transaction of such business as may properly come before this Auxiliary. May
this meeting be of great good to all, and bind us closer as Sisters.
Let us again renew our loyalty to our Country, our Comrades and our
Officers and Color Team arise.
President: Senior Vice-President, who are we, the members of this
Senior Vice-President: We are the relatives of those eligible to
membership in the United Spanish War Veterans: also nurses and patriotic women
engaged in organized relief work during the war with Spain and the incident war
in the Philippines.
President: Junior Vice-President, what are the objects of this
Junior Vice-President: To perfect and maintain National, State and
local organizations; to extend aid and sympathy to all soldiers, sailors and
marines eligible to membership in the United Spanish War Veterans and their
dependents; to co-operate with the United Spanish War Veterans in all their work
and social functions, and to promote patriotism, humanity and a proper reverence
for the Flag.
President: To add value to the work of our Organization, we must
preserve the individual and general history of the Spanish-American War and the
work of the American women during the war with Spain and the incident war in the
Philippines; to teach all love of Country; promote interest in National
institutions; encourage observance of all patriotic days, and instill at all
times lessons in good citizenship. Chaplain, read a portion of scripture for our
Regular military march.
Color Team direct to Altar, form square, cross flags by twos, facing Altar.
Chaplain to Senior Vice-President's station, to Altar, saluting under flags.
Chaplain reads a portion of Scripture previously selected.
President, *: Parade Rest.
Chaplain: Our Father in Heaven, we humbly implore Thy blessings
upon our labors, and grant that everything we do may be in accordance with Thy
will. Help us to more fully realize and appreciate the blessings which we enjoy
as a free people; enable us to follow the lofty examples of pure patriotism
shown by those who made possible this wonderful Republic of ours.
Help each of us to feel that we are engaged in a just and holy work, and when
our mission here is ended, may we dwell with Thee, we ask in our Savior's name.
Members: Amen.
President, *: Attention.
Color Team and Chaplain direct to stations, Chaplain passing under crossed
Song: America.
President, *: Guard, admit any member with her receipt for current
dues, or Life Membership Card.
If a member is without a receipt for current dues, the Guard will instruct
her to advance to the Altar, salute, and the Treasurer may vouch for her, if
member is in good standing.
If National or Department Officers are present, this is the time to receive
(a) If a visitor be a National President, a Past National President, a
National Officer for the time being, or a Comrade of like rank, she (or he)
shall receive the Triumphal Arch.
(b) If the visitor be a Department President, a Past Department President, a
Department Officer for the time being, or a Comrade of like rank, she (or he)
shall receive the Triumphal Arch, ONLY when making official visits.
(c) If a member of an Auxiliary be a present or past Department or National
Officer, honors shall be given her by her Auxiliary at the first meeting she
attends after her election to said office, after which time honors will only be
given her on special occasions.
(d) All other visitors, whether or not members of the Organization, shall be
presented at the Altar by the Conductors; introduced and seated, or escorted to
the President's station, if so directed.
President: I now declare this meeting open for the transaction of
such business as may properly come before it.
Roll Call of Officers
President: Secretary, call the roll of Officers.
Conductor rises, without flag, faces Altar at Attention, answers Present or
Absent as names are called and checked by Secretary.
President: Secretary, call names of absentee Officers of the
previous meeting.
Secretary reads names of absentee Officers, stating whether first, second, or
third consecutive absence. If an Officer has been absent the previous three
consecutive meetings without an excuse acceptable to the Auxiliary, her chair
shall be declared vacant.
Reading and Approving of Minutes
President: Secretary, read the minutes of the last regular
Also of any special meetings.
President: Are there any corrections to the minutes?
If not corrected.
President: The minutes are approved as read. *.
If corrected, The minutes are approved as read and corrected.
Secretary writes Approved in lower left hand corner of last page, followed by
date of approval and her signature. Any corrections are made on margin.
President: Historian, retire to anteroom and register any
candidates who are in waiting. *.
Historian with Registration Book to Altar, salutes, to Ante-room for
signatures of candidates; returns to Altar, salutes and announces: has signed
the Register and is in waiting, salutes, to station.
President: The Officers and members of the Auxiliary will take
their proper positions, and Colors will present the candidate(s) at the Altar. ***.
Junior Vice-President: The objects of our Auxiliary are to extend
aid and sympathy to all soldiers, sailors and marines who are eligible to
membership in the United Spanish War Veterans, and their dependents, to
co-operate with them in all their work and social functions; to promote
patriotism, humanity and a proper reverence for the Flag; to teach love of
Country; to promote interest in national institutions; to observe all patriotic
days, and to instill everywhere and at all times, lessons in good citizenship.
Senior Vice-President: The motto of our Organization is
'Fraternity, Patriotism and Humanity.' Fraternity signifies a love of home and a
spirit that makes us ready and willing to assist our Comrades and their
dependents when opportunity affords.
Patriotism is the love of Country which is best shown by obeying its laws,
and by being ready to advance the interests of our community, State and Nation,
and thus bring honor to the Flag for which our Comrades suffered and died.
Humanity is the love of fellowmen, one of the best demonstrations of which was
made by the volunteers of '98 when they offered their lives in behalf of the
downtrodden people of another country. Let us never forget the debt of gratitude
which the world owes our Veterans.
President: Are you ready and willing to take our solemn
Candidate: I am.
President: You will raise your right hand and repeat after me the
following obligation: 'I, … (name), do
solemnly promise to further all the objects of the Auxiliary, United Spanish War
Veterans, to live up to its Rules and Regulations to the best of my ability; to
act justly and conscientiously in all my associations with members of this
Organization and the Comrades of the United Spanish War Veterans. To the
faithful Performance of all, I pledge myself, on my honor, and pray God to keep
me true and constant in this sacred obligation.
Chaplain: Our Father in Heaven, we ask Thy divine blessing to be with this
Sister (or Sisters). Keep her ever mindful of the solemn obligation she has
taken at this Altar. Grant that she may long remain with us, and that she may be
an honor and credit to our Organization.
Watch over, protect and guide her in all her actions; we ask it for our
Redeemer's sake. Amen.
All: Amen.
President: It is my duty to call your attention to the vital
importance of cherishing and cultivating the tie of sisterly love which should
exist between yourself and the members of this Auxiliary with whom you now take
your place. Be regular in your attendance at Auxiliary meetings, so that your
example may be an incentive to others. If you are true to the Organization, this
Auxiliary will prosper.
In commemoration of the patriotism of our Veterans during the war with Spain,
the Organization has adopted this pin to be worn by its members when on duty. It
is an emblem of which you should be justly proud, and as President of this
Auxiliary, and in behalf of its members, I now present it to you to wear as a
member. You will now advance and receive the Membership insignia and Instruction Pamphlet of the Auxiliary.
Candidate(s), escorted by Conductor, to left of Altar, to President, receives
Membership insignia and Instruction Pamphlet, continuing around Altar to place.
Officers to stations, members to seats, Color Team and new members remain at
President: Conductors, escort our new member(s) to this station.
Conductor leads with new member(s) following, Assistant Conductor last, to
position in front of President, facing Altar, while remaining Colors return to
President: Sisters, it is my pleasure to present to you Sister(s)
… as a member (members) of this Auxiliary. May our associations be of mutual
benefit and keep us together in love and harmony all our lives. We will now
greet our new member (s). *.
Conductors remain with new member(s) introducing membership; President
leading greeting line, followed by members, led by Junior Vice President.
Colors, without flags.
President: Conductors, seat our new member(s).
Conductors seat new member(s), to stations.
Closing Ceremonies
President: There being no further business to come before this
meeting, we will proceed to close.
Retiring of the Flag
President: Patriotic Instructor, retire the Flag. ***.
Patriotic Instructor, and Conductors with flags, to Altar. Patriotic
Instructor salutes, to President's station. Patriotic Instructor removes Flag
from socket, leads to Altar.
President: Auxiliary, give the 'Pledge to the Flag'.
Members: I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of
America and to the Republic for which it stands; one Nation, indivisible, with
liberty and justice for all. *.
Patriotic Instructor, two paces in advance of Conductors, retires Flag;
returns to Altar, Conductors leading; Patriotic Instructor salutes, all to
stations. *.
Closing Prayer
President: Chaplain, invoke the Divine blessing. *.
Color Team and Chaplain to Altar as in opening ceremonies.
President: PARADE REST.
Chaplain: Grant, O most merciful God, our Father, that the sacred
principles of our Organization, which we honor in our thoughts, may be honored
in our lives, Let the banner of Thy love be over our Country, that civil and
religious liberty may be the inheritance of generations to come. Help us to be
constant in our ministrations to all needy Comrades and the widows and orphans
of those who fell in our most worthy cause, and let Thy kingdom come in all our
hearts and Thy will be done in all our lives, that the name of our Father may be
hallowed in all the earth. Amen.
Chaplain closes Bible.
All: Amen.
President, *: Auxiliary, Attention.
Color Team and Chaplain direct to stations, Chaplain passing under crossed
Stacking of Colors
President: Stack the Colors. ***.
Color Team to Altar, forms square, flags stacked on Altar, each bearer
holding same upright.
All members at salute.
Members: I pledge my allegiance to God and my Country, one Nation,
one language, one Flag. *.
Color Team to stations. *.
President: The next meeting of … Auxiliary, No. … will be ….
President: I now declare this meeting closed.
Retiring of Officers
President: The Officers will now retire.
Color Team to Altar, forms square, to Senior Vice-President's station.
Conductor to right of room, Assistant Conductor to left. Senior Vice-President
falls in line after Guard, followed by Historian, Chaplain and Treasurer.
Patriotic Instructor falls in line after Assistant Guard followed by Junior
Vice-President and Secretary. President last. When Conductors meet at
President's station, they march double file past Altar to Senior
Vice-President's station, to ante-room.
Senior Vice-President follows Color Team, marching alone; other Officers in
double line, with President last.