Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia
Grade V – College of Adepts - Adeptus Minor
The College of Adepts meets in chamber called the Vault of the Adepts.
The three Grades of Adeptship are conferred by the Most Worthy Supreme Magus,
or by a Chief Adept.
The Ceremony of Reception into each grade of Adeptship is performed by three
Officers; an Inductor, in the East; an Expositor, in the West; and a Conductor
beside the Portal.
A Chief Adept of a Province may appoint any Frater to act as Inductor or
Expositor for the purpose of conferring a Second Order Grade, but the Frater so
appointed must be of a higher Grade than that being conferred.
Small pedestals should be provided for the Inductor and Expositor: on these
pedestals an illuminated transparency of a red cross should be placed, that of
the Expositor being optional.
Progress into and within the Second Order rests with the Chief Adept, who
should receive the recommendation of the College through his Provincial
Secretary. Colleges are not empowered in their warrants to confer Adept Grades.
The Provincial Secretary is responsible for obtaining the approval of the
Chief Adept for advancement to Grades V, VI and VII of all Fratres in the
Province, and for arranging the ceremonies (which will normally be held before
the meeting of a College), and for summoning the Candidate to attend.
Summonses should be sent to all eligible Fratres in the Province, but for
convenience these summonses may, if time permits, be passed to College
Secretaries to send out with the College summonses. The Provincial Secretary,
under the direction of the Chief Adept, arranges the Officers for the Adept
ceremonies, and ensures that they are informed in advance.
The Provincial Secretary is responsible for submitting the Return (Form A/C),
which he must sign to confirm that the Grade(s) have been conferred, to the
Secretary-General, immediately after Adept Grades have been conferred, so that
Certificates can be made out, for administrative convenience he may arrange with
the College Secretary to submit these returns with the College returns. The
appropriate fee should be sent by the College Secretary for the Second-Order
Grades with the Form A/C, duly signed by the Provincial Secretary, for the
Candidate’s Grade V.
The Form A/C must show who officiated in each ceremony Minutes – Minutes
should be kept of all Adept Grades worked in the Province, and these should be
read and confirmed immediately after opening on the next occasion Adept Grades
are worked in the Province, even though this may be at some other venue.
Furniture - The Provincial Secretary, or, if one has been appointed, the
Provincial D.C., should see that the following arrangements are complied with,
as far as is practicable, for each Adept ceremony. Seats to be arranged in the
form of a seven-sided figure, in the centre the Pastos (failing which a black
cloth folded to shape and placed on the floor), on the Pastos, from West to
East, the Holy Bible (open at St John Chapter 1), small ‘in memoriam' plate,
circular altarplate (Grade VII only), sanctuary lamp or candle. Pedestals for
the Inductor in the East and Expositor in the West, each bearing a light
enclosed by a transparency, so that the Illuminated Cross is seen by the
Candidate, and the officer has the benefit of a dim light.
NOTE: ensure that the Fratres do not move the chairs from the sevensided
shape, and that they understand the significance of the form of the Vault.
The Candidates should be veiled, and not blindfolded in the Adept Grades.
Prologue – If the Prologue is to be given in Grade V, it is necessary that
there is a banner, or diagram, of the Tree of Life outside the Portal of the
Vault and that it can be illuminated during the explanation, the anteroom should
otherwise be in darkness.
Lighting - In Grade V, if it is the custom to show the Candidates a diagram
of the Tetractys to enable them to follow the explanation in the Lecture,
sufficient light should be given for them to see this diagram while this part of
the lecture is given, or a transparency of a Tetractys may be used. With these
exceptions (and the lights in the transparencies on the two pedestals and the
Sanctuary Lamp on the Pastos) there should be no lights in evidence during the
Adept ceremonies, but if available, a very dim blue light may be used
throughout, to facilitate movements.
Formalities - Before opening the Vault of Adepts the Inductor should satisfy
himself by enquiry, that nobody is present who has not taken the Grade about to
be worked. He should then call upon the Provincial Secretary to read from Form
A/C the names of the Candidates for the Grade, and to confirm that the form
bears the signature of the Chief Adept (or Supreme Magus) approving the
Note. When in College, Adepti Minores should wear the Jewel of the
Rosicrucian Society suspended by a yellow ribbon upon which is the number V, and
in addition may wear the Ancient
Jewel of an Adept as described in the Lecture.
Adeptus Minor
In this Grade the Vault is prepared by placing upon the floor a pastos, with
its head near the centre of the Vault and its foot to the East. The Sacred
Volume is placed on the pastos at the head, and a lighted lamp at the foot: a
memorial tablet maybe placed on the pastos, and if this is done it should be
placed so that it can be read from the East. The chairs should, as far as is
practicable, be set out to form a seven-sided shape, with apex to the East. The
Vault is but dimly lit, in the anteroom, by the entrance to the Temple, should
be a banner or chart of the Kabalistic Tree of Life, with a light to illuminate
it during the explanation (This will apply only if the Prologue is to be given).
The candidate must be a Philosophus, Grade IV and must wear the Jewel of the
First Order of the Society. He must have been a member of the Society for not
less than four years: if, exceptionally, it is desired to permit advancement at
an earlier date, a Dispensation from the Supreme Magus must have been obtained
from the Secretary General before the ceremony can take place.
Whenever possible, although this may be varied by permission of the S.M or a
Chief Adept, there should be not more than two Candidates for Grade V.
In the anteroom the Acolyte prepares the Candidate and instructs him how to
knock for admission. (One and Four).
Ind.: Right (or Very) Worthy Conductor, please confirm that all
within the Vault are of Grade V or higher.
Con.: Right Worthy Inductor, I confirm this.
All rise.
Ind.: Very worthy Fratres, I open this College of Adepts by giving
five and one knocks and with the Mystic Word Thanatos.
The knocks are repeated by the Expositor and Conductor: the Conductor opens
the Sacred Volume.
The Minutes of the last Adept Grade meeting in the Province should be read at
this point, unless they have already been read in Grade VII or Grade VI: the
Ind. then calls on the Prov. Sec. to produce and read the Form bearing the
authority of the Supreme Magus or Chief Adept for the advancement of the
Ceremony of Reception
The Candidate knocks as a Philosophus, one and four.
Cond.: Right Worthy Inductor, A Frater Philosophus seeks admission
to our Vault.
The following should be audible for all within the Vault.
Ind.: I will accompany you and see if he is one of the chosen.
Ind. follows Conductor to the Ante-room and stands in the doorway
Ind.: Who are you, and what do you seek?
Can., (prompted by Con.): I am a Philosophus and I seek Adeptship;
if I am received I will never break my covenant with you.
The Banner is illuminated, and the Ind. indicates with a pointer or by hand
the points marked.
Ind.: Worthy Frater Philosophus, for four years and upwards you
have been seeking the path of the return of the Soul to its Source. In the
symbolism of the Kabalistic Tree of Life you started as a Zelator in the Sephira
of Malkuth and, in subsequent Grades you have progressed to the Sephiroth of
Yesod, Hod and Netzach. Thus prepared you have returned to Yesod on the middle
pillar but now you are looking upwards towards the Supernals. Before you is the
path of Ayin which leads to the Sephira of Tiphareth, the Christ-centre, while
beyond is the hidden Sephira of Daath where all things are dissolved into one.
Across the Path of Ayin is the Veil of Paroketh, but my Frater, this Veil has
been rent asunder by the Redeemer of Mankind and the way laid open for all who
follow Him. Are you, my Frater, in all humility, resolved to follow on that path
and dedicate yourself to the Christ-life?
The Candidate answers.
Beyond this portal is the Vault of the Adepts; it is a sanctuary of seven
sides and seven angles wherein you may learn to travel the Path. No earthly sun
can shine therein, but the glimmering ray of a sanctuary lamp serves to make
darkness visible. You seek to be an Adept and must learn that the central maxim
of the true life of Adeptship is Jeheshua Mihi Omnia – Jesus is all things to
You may now enter the Vault but your eyes are still veiled and a Conductor
must lead you.
The light on the banner is extinguished and the Ind. returns to the Vault.
Ind.: V.W. Fratres, the candidate has proved himself one of the
chosen and the Conductor will admit him.
The Conductor places a black veil over the head of the Candidate, leads him
into the Vault and stops before the Expositor
The Conductor then places his right forefinger upon the lips of the
Candidate, saying:
Con.: Speak not, but follow me.
The Conductor leads the Candidate once round the Vault in profound silence,
and as they pass the Inductor the Conductor utters the word of the 4th Grade,
The Inductor answers: Pass, Theosophia.
Then they move onward and stop in the West facing the Expositor
The Conductor places his right forefinger on the lips of the Candidate
Con.: I remove the seal of Silence.
Exp.: Frater, who art thou?
Con. (for Can.): I am one who mourns in darkness because of the
King of Terrors; my days are compassed with griefs, and my nights with sorrows.
Show me the dawn of that Celestial light, which crowns with joy the perfect man.
Exp.: Are you a Christian?
Can.: I am
Exp.: Enough; watch and pray till the True light shineth.
The Conductor places the Candidate at the head of the pastos facing the East.
Ind.: Worthy Frater, It was the practice of a distinguished Sage
to enjoin strict silence upon all who sought instruction in the mysteries. The
disciples of this great Teacher were not permitted to speak for a certain number
of years, when the seal of silence was removed by the potent voice which had
imposed it. This was a sure test of the Candidate’s prudence and discretion,
and of his ability to keep the secrets with which he might be entrusted.
In accordance with the custom thus observed by Pythagoras, we require a proof
of obedience in this respect from each one who seeks the rank of an Adept of the
Second Order of our Society.
You have obeyed the injunctions of your Conductor, and are doubtless
impressed with the importance of Secrecy and Silence in the manifold affairs of
our Society.
In days of peril and persecution, when priests and princes sought the lives
of all who truly worshipped the Creator, our vows of Fidelity, Secrecy and
Silence secured the Order from the attacks of pretended friends and of open
foes; therefore, even as the Holy Prophet Jeremiah exclaims in the 5th verse of
the 50th Chapter of his Prophecies, "Come, let us join ourselves to the
Lord in a perpetual covenant that shall not be forgotten."
The Anthem is then recited or read, not necessarily by the Inductor:
"Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth"
The Conductor restores the Candidate to light.
Ind.: Let the Candidate kneel.
The Expositor, Candidate and Conductor kneel at the head of the pastos.
Ind.: Are you ready and willing to enter into a sacred and solemn
Covenant with the Adepts of the Rose and Cross?
Can.: I am
Ind.: Then you will place your left hand beneath the Sacred Volume
and extend your right hand upwards. State your Christian and Surnames, and the
Motto by which you are known in the Society of the Rose and Cross and say after
Both: I, …, in the presence of the living God, Who hath
triumphed over death and the terrors of the grave, solemnly swear that I will
ever obey the just commands of the Supreme Magus; that I will not communicate to
any living Soul, unless to a duly sworn Adept, the time, place and occasion of
my induction; that I will study the mysteries of the Three Worlds, Elemental,
Intellectual and Celestial; and finally that I will consider myself bound to the
Fratres of this Grade by a peculiar tie, respecting and loving them while
living, and mourning for them when dead. So help me, the Lord and Arbiter of
Life and Death, and keep me faithful to this solemn Covenant.
Ind.: You will now once kiss the Sacred Volume which you hold.
This is done and the Sacred Volume is replaced on the pastos.
Ind.: Having entered into the Covenant of the Adepts, you may
The Expositor, Conductor and Candidate rise and the Expositor returns to his
Ind.: Let me now inform you that the time of your reception as an
Adeptus Minor is midnight, the place a Grave.
The Word is Thanatos. Pronounce the Word, Thanatos.
I recognise you, Frater, by that Word.
I meet you here, my Frater, at this solemn hour and in this solemn place, not
to awaken your sympathies by allusion to the grief and anguish caused by death
throughout the world, but that henceforth you and I may have something more in
common - the precious heritage of the faithful and discreet - that you may learn
that only by dying to your lower self, with its passions and prejudices, and
being raised to a higher plane of life and knowledge can you accomplish your
task as a Rosicrucian Adept, and guide those learners who may be committed to
your charge.
The Conductor leads the Candidate to the Inductor in the East.
The Inductor then gives the Secrets.
Ind.: The sign of Adeptship is that of a teacher: stand erect and
copy me.
Raise right hand and point up with the forefingers, left hand in small of the
I also give you the Grip of Adeptship; in this position we repeat the Secret
Word already given, Thanatos.
We face each other. Can: Both hands extended to front, palms up, fingers bent
up. Ind.: Both hands extended to front, palms down, fingers bent down. We now
grip each others fingers.
The grip implies that perfect bond of fidelity which should henceforth exist
between us; it is within our hearts that this bond originates, and while Truth
has her residence there, it can never be weakened nor destroyed. The Knocks are
5 and 1: five implying Adeptship and one the first of the Adept Grades. Be
seated, my Very Worthy Frater, in the vault of the Adepts, and the Expositor
will read a Lecture on the aims and duties of the Adepti Minores.
The Lecture of the Expositor
Right Worthy Inductor, and Very Worthy Fratres Adepti. Frater Adeptus Minor.
—You were chosen for admission to the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia because
having attained the rank of a Master Mason in a duly warranted Lodge, you had in
that position shown yourself a man of worth and discretion, seeking more
knowledge of the Mysteries that encompass us.
You have been received into the Second Order of our Society this day, because
you have made steady progress in the studies and duties allotted to Fratres
while they are members of the Four Grades of the First Order.
In the Grade of Zelator you were recommended to study the powers and
properties of Numbers. and the philosophy of the Hebrew Kabala, in which the
relations between Numbers, Letters, Words and Things are defined.
In the Grade of Theorises, the mysteries of Nature, of mineral, vegetable and
animal life, are proper studies, and its ritual of admission teaches you that
beyond the colours, as well as the forms of objects, there are occult relations
which need investigation.
The Grade of Practicus has special relation to the ancient art of Alchymy and
particularly in its spiritual aspects.
And lastly the Grade of Philosophus teaches the need of the highest mental
culture in order to comprehend the works of the philosophers, and the sacred
volumes of the World Religions.
The Theology of the Christian Church suggests a study of the older Jewish
Faith, and this leads to researches into the pagan beliefs and the realms of the
Greco-Roman mythology, also to the religions of Ancient Egypt and the great
Buddhist, Hindu and Islamic Faiths.
Your studies in the First Order should have been so extensive as to give you
broad views of human knowledge, life and duty.
Your reception into Adeptship introduces you into a new status - that of the
Teacher, and be assured, my Very Worthy Frater, that your long probation and
extensive tuition have not been only for your own benefit. Your studies should
have been directed and your mind well stored with science, and your hands well
trained in art, in order that you might teach others. What you have received,
that freely give. Know, then, that in the First Order you are learners, in the
Second Order you are Teachers, while in the Third Order you may become Rulers,
Magi, or Magistri.
The Right Worthy Inductor has conferred upon you the Sign, Grip, and Word of
the Grade of Adeptus Minor. To these secrets I now add that the Jewel of the
Rosicrucian Society should still be worn. but suspended by a yellow ribbon,
bearing Grade number.
In addition the Adept Grades have their own jewel, which is a triangular
plate of gold, an equilateral and equiangular triangle, suspended by a ribbon of
yellow colour. Upon its face is engraved the Tetractys, so called of Pythagoras,
the famous Greek philosopher of Crotona, who lived about 520 B.C.
This consisted of ten stars, which were in later times replaced by ten Yods,
or Jods, the Chaldee or Hebrew letter corresponding to the English I or Y. These
were arranged in four rows of 1, 2, 3, and 4, so as to be seen also as four rows
in the alternative position. The Yod was considered as the Sacred Symbol of God.
In Hebrew Numeration Yod was the Number Ten, called the Decad by ancient
philosophers, and in this figure the Decad is considered as composed of One Yod
referring to God, Unity, the Monad. Two Yods refer to IH, Jah; as above, so
below; the Dyad, Matter.
Three Yods refer to IHV; to Adam, Seth and Enoch; and to the Holy Trinity of
the Christian Faith, and Four Yods to Yod He Vau He - Jehovah, - the
Tetragrammaton, becoming INRI in the Christian symbolism.
Around this figure of the Tetractys are spaces in which the names and numbers
of the Three Grades can be engraved. On the reverse side are the words Soc.
Rosic. in Anglia; around this are the Divine initials IHVH and INRI, and there
may be added the initials of the owner and of his motto.
The Decad was called the emblem of the universe. If we further consider the
Decad and the Tetractys of Pythagoras in the light of the hebrew Kabbalah, and
according to the numerical values of the hebrew letters we shall find that the
important symbolic number, Seventy two is produced. Yod, I, alone is ten, Yod,
Heh, IH is ten and five, that is fifteen. Yod, Heh, Vau, IHV is ten, five and
six that is twenty-one. Yod, Heh, Vau, Heh, IHVH is ten, five, six, five, that
is twenty-six. The total is seventy-two, the number of steps of the Ladder of
Jacob which reached from earth to heaven; upon each step, says the Talmud, was
an Angel bearing one of the names of God. These names are derived from the words
and letters of the nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-first verses of the
fourteenth chapter of the book of Exodus, and to each name is added the angelic
title of AL or AH as a termination.
The number 72 is the numeration of the name Chesed. Cheth Samech Daleth, 8,
60, 4, which signifies Mercy; it is the 4th Sephira in the Kabalistic Tree of
Life and signifies one of the Divine attributes of the Ten holy Sephiroth.
As has been already stated, the work of the Adepts is that of Thition as well
as self improvement; as an Adeptus Minor it is your special duty to teach the
Zelatores and the Fratres of the Grade of Theoricus, while in the College
ceremonials you should be at all times able and willing to perform the duties of
an Ancient.
You may feel well assured my Frater that the most sure way to fix any
knowledge in the memory, is to practise the art of teaching that knowledge to
others who are seeking to reach your own stage of progress.
Exp.: Right Worthy Magister Inductor my task is done.
The Conductor leads the Candidate to the Inductor who invests him with the
jewel of the Grade and presents him with a copy of the ritual.
Inductor rises and gives one knock; all rise.
Ind.: Fratres, the admission of our Frater to the grade of Adeptus
Minor is now completed. May he long be spared to pursue his studies, and to
assist others in their efforts to attain the Summum Bonum, - True Wisdom and
Perfect Happiness.
Ind.: With the Mystic Word Thanatos and with the knocks *****
*, I close this college of Adepts.
Expositor and Conductor repeat the knocks.
Con. closes Sacred Volume.
Inductor gives the Benediction: Benedictus Dominus Deus noster per
secula seculorum. Amen.