Rectified Scottish Rite - Grand Priory of England and Wales
Ritual of Scottish Master



Music is played throughout entry procession, but ceases when MC reaches his place.
Members take their places in Lodge room. Procession is formed outside Lodge room.

MC: Brethren, please be upstanding to receive the Worshipful Deputy Master.
Procession enters and forms two columns in North, facing inwards, as is customary. Doors of Lodge room are closed by the Outer Guard, WDM walks between columns preceded by Brother carrying a 3-branch candelabrum. He places candelabrum on left side of WDM's pedestal, (right, facing the pedestal) and moves aside whilst MC conducts WDM to his place. MC then returns to conduct the CM (if present) to his place on dais. MC conducts any visiting Grand Dignitaries, Prefect and Dignitaries (in order of seniority and separately) to their respective places on dais. All remain standing. Finally, conducted by MC, Wardens proceed around Lodge room to stand at their respective pedestals. MC opens VSL.
WDM gavels *
To order, Brethren.
WDM draws his sword and lays it flat on open copy of Holy Gospels on his pedestal, hilt to the north. The Brethren stand, those with swords will draw them and hold them vertically point down to the floor in the left hand. All stand to order with the Grade sign and then discharge. WDM displays Warrant of the Lodge
Brethren, may the purest light illuminate our labours.
WDM lights taper from centre of 3-branch Candelabrum and proceeds, clockwise and in silence, to light candles around TB's in centre of Lodge room.
WDM returns to his seat. Together, using tapers, Wardens will drop their signs and light single candles on their pedestals, taking light from those at Western end of TBs.
Brother Senior Warden, what is the first duty of all Wardens?
SW stands to order by holding his sword with his left hand, point towards floor, and gives Grade Sign with his right hand.
Worshipful Deputy Master, it is to watch over the safety of the Brethren so that we may not be interrupted in our work.
Brother Junior Warden, therefore watch and assure yourself that our labours are duly guarded.
JW stands to order and salutes WDM with Grade Sign. He then goes to door of Lodge Room, checks outside, closes door and returns to stand in his place.
JW again stands to order and salutes WDM with Grade Sign.
Worshipful Deputy Master, the profane cannot approach us. The Brethren are in safety and our work is guarded against all surprise.
Brother Wardens, what is the hour?
SW & JW:
The break of day, Worshipful Deputy Master. (spoken together).
It is time to commence our labours but, before doing so, let us invoke the assistance of the Supreme Being that He may deign to favour our design.
WDM picks up his sword lying across Holy Gospels on his pedestal. Holds it upright in his left hand, pommel resting on pedestal.
Brethren, let us pray. All stand to order with the Grade sign.
O Thou, Whom we hail as the Great Architect of the Universe; Eternal and Infinite, Who art Justice, Goodness and Truth itself; Who by Thine Omnipotent and Invincible Word hast given life to all things: receive that homage which the Brethren, assembled here in Thy presence, do offer Thee for themselves and for the whole of humanity! Bless, we beseech Thee and direct the labours of the Order and of ourselves in particular. Deign to crown our zeal with success, that the Temple, which we have undertaken to erect to Thy Glory, being founded on Wisdom, adorned by Beauty and sustained by that Strength which comes from Thee alone, may be an abode of peace, a fraternal union, an impenetrable rampart against vice and a sanctuary for truth; so that we may finally attain that true happiness of which You are the sole source.
All discharge sign.
WDM replaces his sword on copy of Holy Gospels on his pedestal. (M.C. places sword on Holy Gospels on separate pedestal when an additional one is employed)
Brother Wardens, inform the Brethren in your columns that I am about to open this Scottish Lodge.
Brethren in the South, the Worshipful Deputy Master is about to open the Lodge.
Brethren in the North, the Worshipful Deputy Master is about to open the Lodge.
In the name of the Great Architect of the Universe, and by the power vested in me by the Grand Priory of England & Wales, I open this Lodge of Scottish Masters.
WDM gavels ** * * (Repeated by both Wardens in turn).
SW & JW:
Brethren, this Lodge of Scottish Masters is open. (Respond together.)
Brethren, be seated. (Those unable to sheathe their swords will hold them when sitting, in the left hand, with the point on the floor)
Brethren, the Minutes of our previous Meeting have been circulated already. I propose to take them as read. Brother Wardens.
Brethren in the South Column, the Minutes of our previous Meeting having been circulated already, is it your wish that they be confirmed?
Brethren give assent in usual way observed among Freemasons.
Brethren in the North Column, the Minutes of our previous Meeting having been circulated already, is it your wish that they be confirmed?
Brethren give assent in usual way observed among Freemasons. Minutes of previous meeting are then presented to WDM for signature by Secretary and for counter signature by Prefect, or by GM, if either is present.
Brother Senior Warden, with what object are we gathered here?
SW stands to order and salutes WDM with Grade Sign.
To continue the work already commenced, to bring it to perfection by the practice of those virtues on which it depends and by increasing the number of labourers - when those, who are worthy to co-operate in so noble a design, may offer themselves for that purpose. (Sits.)
Brethren, Brothers … (gives names of candidates), worthy Master Masons, present themselves, with the consent of the Grand Priory of England & Wales, for reception as Scottish Masters. They have worked on the Tracing Board and have prepared plans to co-operate with us in the rebuilding of the Temple.
They deserve the reward of their labours. Brother Sponsor, having conducted the Candidates into the Chamber of Reflection, do you still support their applications for admission among us?
Sponsor (SB) stands to order and salutes WDM with Grade Sign.
Worshipful Deputy Master, I do. (Sits.)
Preparing Brother, charged with the examination of these candidates, have you acquitted yourself of your duty and can you tell us now of their present disposition?
Preparing Brother (PB) stands to order, salutes WDM with Grade Sign, presents brief verbal report on each candidate, and then sits.
Brethren, having heard the report of our Preparing Brother, do you consent to the reception of these Candidates into the Fourth Grade?
Brethren give consent in the manner usually observed among Freemasons.
Brother Master of Ceremonies, you will proceed with Brother Sponsor to the Chamber of Reflection now occupied by the Candidates and there you will complete their preparation in accordance with the Laws of our Order. Afterwards you will present them to the Lodge.
MC and SB both rise, go to door of Lodge room, turn to face East, stand to order and salute WDM with Grade Sign. On receiving signal from MC, JW opens doors of Lodge room and they leave. JW closes doors behind them. Solemn music may be played and other routine business, not requiring votes, may be conducted during their absence.

In the Chamber of Reflection
MC ensures that each candidate (CAN) wears his MM apron but no collar or jewels and has white gloves in a pocket. MC then addresses each candidate in turn:
Brother …, have you meditated carefully on the step, which you are about to take? Affirmative reply.
Are you still resolved to continue on the course, which you have entered? Affirmative reply. Are you still willing to bind yourself to the Rectified Scottish Rite, to our Order and to the Brethren by new and more solemn pledges? Affirmative reply.
Have you read and signed with today's date the copies of the Obligations, which were left with you here? Affirmative reply.
Are you now ready to be presented to our Lodge? Affirmative reply.
Brethren, during your Reception you are about to be presented with certain epochs, which are memorable to Freemasons. But firstly, you must permit me to bind your hands with these chains.
Assisted by SB, MC ensures they know how to advance as a Master Mason and then chains the candidates, conducts them to door of Lodge Room and knocks (with sword pommel) ** *.

Introduction of the Candidates
JW stands to order and salutes WDM with Grade Sign.
Worshipful Deputy Master, there is an alarm.
Brother Junior Warden, see who wants admission and report to me in due order.
JW goes to door of Lodge and knocks (with sword pommel) ** *.
Who comes and what do you seek? (Loudly, through door.)
We are Master Masons who have escaped from captivity and we seek to be reunited with our Brethren. (Loudly, through door.)
JW turns to face East stands to order and salutes WDM with Grade Sign.
Worshipful Deputy Master, Master Masons stand outside the portal. They have come out of the long Captivity and now request that they may rejoin their Brethren.
Ascertain their names, their ages and on what work they have been engaged.
JW opens door of Lodge Room partly.
What are the names of the Brethren, what are their ages and what labours have occupied them?
Their name is G…N. They are S…N years and over. They have worked on the Tracing Board and in preparing the plans for the rebuilding of the Temple.
JW closes door, turns to face East, stands to order and salutes WDM with Grade Sign.
Worshipful Deputy Master, their name is Q…N. They have passed the age of S…N years. They have worked on the Tracing Board and were engaged in preparing the plans for the rebuilding of the Temple.
Enquire whether they will unite with the Brethren for the completion of the work, which they have begun, and whether they will execute it with zeal and perseverance.
JW turns, opens the door of Lodge Room partly.
Do these Master Masons desire to unite with the Brethren for the completion of the work and will they execute the same with zeal and perseverance?
They earnestly desire to aid the Brethren in all of their labours.
JW closes door, turns to face East, stands to order and salutes WDM with Grade Sign.
Worshipful Deputy Master, the earnest desire of these Brethren is to aid us in all of our labours.
Let the Brother Masons enter in order that we may prove whether their courage is equal to their goodwill.
JW knocks on door (with sword pommel) ** * and opens doors of Lodge Room fully. Solemn music is played.
Brother Master of Ceremonies, the Worshipful Deputy Master authorises you to introduce the Master Masons.
JW returns to his place. MC enters Lodge room and instructs each candidate in turn to advance with the three steps of a Master Mason, each one in the form of a square, starting between the Wardens' pedestal and finishing up mid-way between the Western end of First TB and the Wardens' pedestals.
MC points (with sword) towards First TB in centre of Lodge Room.
Brethren, look upon the ruin of this majestic Temple, which was one of the marvels of the world, and reflect thereon.
The First Discourse
The true signs of stability are wanting in all things in the world and all pass like smoke. The first Temple of Solomon itself, a magnificent and holy edifice constructed to symbolise in its plan the highest aspirations of humanity in accordance with divine counsel, could not escape this inexorable Law. Virtue, hope and faith in a better future are alone imperishable. They alone can elevate Mankind to that height from which we rule all events of this life.
In following, MC indicates with his sword as necessary.
Consider, Brethren, this diagram before you. The ruins of the Temple of Solomon are represented therein. That famous edifice, in which the glory of the Lord came down to abide, was the palladium of the Jewish people so long as they remained faithful to the divine law and to the Sacred Word which was uttered by the voice of the prophets. But these people, chosen from among all to guard in its purity the truth confided to them, eventually revolted.
The Sacred Word was lost. In their pride they raised up powerful enemies and thus provoked the forces which were destined to destroy them.
In following, MC indicates with his sword as necessary.
Nebuchadnezzar, King of Assyria, became the unconscious instrument of divine justice. After a siege of nine months, he conquered Jerusalem. The city was pillaged; the Temple was destroyed; the Sanctuary was profaned; Jehoiakim, the King, was loaded with chains and the people, who had lost the Sacred Word which until then had been their strength, were carried into captivity to Babylon. Many of those who did not perish of suffering and misery in this Exile were dispersed among other nations, there to lament their misfortunes. This diagram, Brethren, symbolises this terrible event and, in particular, the violent destruction of the first Temple. But although the Temple is in ruins, its base still subsists. The pillars are broken but their pedestals remain intact.
'Adhuc Star'. This marvellous edifice was rebuilt and if similar causes encompass its destruction again, it is destined to arise yet again, still more beautiful and glorious. You have come among us today like the dispersed masons of the first Temple came of old to Jerusalem, and you seek to cooperate in the building of that Sanctuary which we raise to Virtue and Beneficence. Like Zerubbabel, we seek to re-assemble the workmen to assist in the sublime task. Brethren, are you willing to unite with us in this important labour?
I am. (Prompted by MC, if required).
The Grades through which you have passed already have taught you what the Order of Freemasons requires of you. At the same time they have been for us the means of testing your zeal, your perseverance and your love of truth. We have judged you worthy of the favours of the Order and of the rewards that it can place at our disposal. And you yourselves, Brethren, are you sufficiently satisfied with your progress to desire still further advance?
I am. (Prompted by MC, if required).
Have the instructions that have been given produced so great and durable an impression upon you, that you feel strengthened against the dangers to which we are all exposed in this life?
They have. (Prompted by MC, if required).
Beware, Brethren, for though you may mislead us, you cannot deceive Him who reads in the depths of your hearts! The vulgar man has too often the word Virtue' on his lips. The freemason has it locked in his heart. Therefore, examine yourselves seriously, and the answers to those questions which have been put to you.
MC hands card to each candidate.
Brethren, you will hold these cards in your left hands and read the assurance thereon aloud in unison.
Worshipful Deputy Master, I can only offer my assurances to you and to the assembled Brethren that, so far as may lie in my power, I shall endeavour to deserve the high honour to which you have this day called me. As a faithful worker among you, I shall emulate the zeal which moves in your spirit while working for the Great End to which your time is devoted - the creation of that Holy House shown forth as in all great images by all of the Temples of the Universe but itself not made with hands.
MC takes cards from candidates then stands aside.
Brethren, you have learned to know the danger of those passions, which enslave the hearts of men, whose first duty is to govern them. Have courage then and since you have resolved to achieve your own improvement and to make yourselves more useful to mankind, whether by example or by counsel, come forward of your own freewill to take your Obligation. Brother Junior Warden, the Candidates have been brought here wearing the mark of servitude and, therefore, are as those who are still subject to those passions and failings, which so often dishonour humanity. You will now remove those chains as a symbolic sign of their own will to renounce the empire of evil.
JW instructs candidates to drop their chains to the floor and step over them.
MC disposes of them quietly.
Brother Junior Warden, conduct the Candidates by the steps of a Scottish Master to the East where I shall administer the Obligation.
Solemn music is played quietly.
JW instructs each candidate in turn how to make steps of Scottish Master over TB, then to approach Altar and kneel before it. (If candidate is physically unable to do this, JW demonstrates and candidate repeats steps between TB and Altar).
Candidates end up kneeling before the Altar. JW returns to stand at his pedestal, while AMC removes First TB, over which candidates have just stepped to its place in front of the JWs pedestal revealing Second TB, covered with black cloth.
Music ceases.
WDM knocks *
To order, Brethren.
Obligation of the Candidates
All Brethren, except candidates, stand with Sign of the Grade. MC hands copies of Obligation of Scottish Master to candidates.
Brethren, place your right hands on the copy of the Holy Gospels on the Altar before you, take these cards in your left hands and, saying your own names individually, you will read your Obligation aloud and in unison.
I, …, do hereby solemnly promise on these Holy Gospels, before God and in the presence of my Brethren, that I shall remain faithful to the religion which I testified to profess on entering Freemasonry; that I shall be faithful to my country and to the laws that rule it; and that I shall do nothing of my own free will which would be contrary to these Covenants.
I promise never to reveal anything concerning Ecossais Masonry to any person who is not recognised by my superiors as a lawfully received Scottish Master.
I shall observe strictly the Rules and Instructions of the Order and shall submit as regards these, to those who are charged with their execution but always on the strict understanding that they, on their part, will never go contrary to the pledges that I have taken previously.
Finally, I undertake to love all of my Brethren and I shall ensure, to the full extent of my power, the respect due to the Order by the steady practice of those virtues, which it imposes as a duty on all of its members. I shall exercise beneficence; I shall be useful to other men so far as may be in my power; and I shall neglect nothing for my own advancement in the love of goodness, justice and truth.
If I fail in my engagement, which I contract freely and voluntarily, or in those which I have assumed already in my progress through Freemasonry, I consent to be repudiated as a man devoid of faith and honour deserving the contempt of all of my Brethren. May the Great Architect of the Universe be my aid and my protection herein.
All discharge sign.
MC quietly instructs candidates to remove right hands from Holy Gospel and takes cards from them. Holding gavel in right, WDM lightly presses one point of Compasses on left breast of each candidate, in turn, and taps gently on Compasses' hinge ** * * while addressing each candidate in turn as follows.
In the Name of the Great Architect of the Universe, by the authority of the Grand Priory of England & Wales and by the power vested in me, I receive you, Brother …, as a Scottish Master.
After WDM Receives candidates, he discards Compasses, takes each candidate with both hands and raises each one separately.
Brethren, you are thus solemnly covenanted to fulfil your new duties. Thus are you more strictly constrained to honour those pledges, which you have given previously. Finally, you are thus bound more intimately to the Masonic Order. You have dedicated yourselves henceforth to share the labours of your Brethren in the rebuilding of the Holy Temple but remember, through all, that this work is difficult and will call for great effort on your part. Arm yourselves, therefore, with courage and may your caution be equal to your zeal. With this object in view, I present you with these swords of our fraternity.
MC presents swords over his left arm to WDM, who hands one to each candidate, using his right hand. Candidates must receive swords with their right hands, then they are instructed how to hold them in their left hands at an acute angle to the floor.
You should hold them in your left hands with the blades downwards. This will leave your right hands free and with them you will make use of these trowels, which I also confide to your care.
See that you never abuse either the one or the other. By useful labours, it is now yours to deserve the honoured title of Scottish Masters. I give you into the charge of the Senior Warden who will guide you in the work, which you must accomplish today.
WDM gavels *.
Brethren, be seated.
MC conducts candidates to West, and stands them in line across Lodge Room facing East, midway between Wardens' pedestals and the Tracing Boards. SW stands to order and salutes WDM with Grade Sign.
Worshipful Deputy Master, the new Scottish Masters are in the West and await your orders. (Sits.)
Brother Scottish Masters, the labour which you are about to undertake, is painful and difficult. You have already been advised that, in important enterprises, courage by itself is insufficient. Courage without prudence leads only to misfortune, and he who is wanting in foresight is lost at the moment when he looks to find his salvation. Brethren, it is the continued virtue of courage and prudence which characterises every Scottish Master.
MC or WDM if convenient reveals Word 'F…E' and points to it.
This is the virtue, which you should acquire. See that you do not look upon it in vain.
MC stands aside.
Brethren, he who loves justice, who observes the law of moderation, who follows the counsels of prudence, which should direct all of his actions, is assuredly on the right path. But he still needs force and energy to complete his equipment and - above all - the force of goodwill, which enables him to persevere in his good resolutions and assures him of the fruits of his labours. Turn your eyes to the East and, in confidence, ask Him who alone can give it for that strength without which you cannot attain the end of your desire.
Brother Senior Warden, direct one of our new Scottish Masters in the labour, which remains to be performed.
SW, indicating with his sword as necessary, quietly instructs the representative candidate standing at the West of TB to use both sword and trowel correctly and, proceeding clockwise around TB, to make five folds parallel with the edges of the TB, so as to reveal the board in such a way that the brass plate is still covered. Note: Each candidate should participate in some stage of this operation.
(Space permitting).
SW stands to order and salutes WDM with Grade Sign.
Worshipful Deputy Master, the new Scottish Master has already uncovered the Seven-Branch Candlestick, the Table of Shewbread and the four Masonic Instruments, without which every construction is irregular. He has also opened the place destined to receive the Altar of Incense.
Brother Senior Warden, instruct him how he should raise up the Altar of Incense in order that he offer his sacrifices. See that this is done without your help, for the strength to which he aspires cannot be gained except by personal effort and voluntary sacrifice.
Between Man and his Creator, there can be no intermediary.
SW, indicating with his sword, quietly instructs a candidate how to complete this task using both sword and trowel by taking Altar of Incense from SE corner of central altar and placing it upright on tile. MC pours spirit into incense burner.
SW stands to order and salutes WDM with Grade Sign.
Worshipful Deputy Master, the new Scottish Master has raised the Altar of Incense and placed it before the Ark of the Covenant.
Brother Senior Warden, direct him to continue his labour until the whole work is accomplished.
SW quietly instructs representative candidate to use both his sword and trowel to remove cloth from TB thereby exposing triangular brass plate.
SW stands to order and salutes WDM with Grade Sign.
Worshipful Deputy Master, the new Scottish Master has just discovered the Plate of Gold on which is engraven the Sacred Name which was lost!
Discovery of the Plate of Gold and the Sacred Word
WDM gavels *.
To order, my Brethren.
All Brethren rise and give Sign of the Grade with their right hands. Solemn music is played quietly and the room lighting lowered. The candidate and SW return to the west of the TB. The JW picks up taper, lights it and stands ready to ignite fuel at precise moment required.
How happy are you, Brother, if you truly grasped the sense of the discovery which you have now symbolically made and if it penetrates your heart to its core! Many have desired to know it, but few have attained that ineffable state which that knowledge brings. In the symbols of our holy rites we can but show forth to you the way that leads thereto. Brethren, within yourselves must be found the strength necessary to walk with a firm step therein. Strive, therefore, to arrive at the knowledge of that which is the most sublime among all things. May this symbolic discovery of the Lost Word be unto you a happy omen of one that is far more precious: the secret of contemplation in spirit and that of the ineffable truth. You will now pronounce aloud and with confidence that Sacred Name which the High Priest dare not utter save only once a year and in the presence of the true Initiates in the Temple.
Music is played loudly. SW instructs representative candidate to shout J…H, which he does. At that precise moment JW ignites spirit in Altar of Incense. Level of lighting in Lodge Room is raised simultaneously.
Music ceases. Pause.
All discharge sign.
How wonderful are Thy works, O Lord our God! Truly he who trusts in Thee is transported with joy. And you, Brethren, if in this symbol you can recognise a manifested sign of the Divine Omnipotence, it is our privilege to say that the re-discovered Sacred Word is a pledge of our happiness to come. Our sorrows are finished; our hopes are crowned. Let us, therefore, be firm and immovable in the practice of those virtues, which can alone assure the stability and permanence of our labours. Brethren, you are now about to receive the recompense of your labours and the distinctive marks of this Grade.
Brethren, be seated.
All Brethren in North and South Columns, and those on dais, sit and the Wardens return to their seats leaving the candidate/s with the M.C.


Second Discourse
Brethren, the task we have undertaken and the progress accomplished so far in this symbolical labour, designed as it is to ensure the full restoration of the Temple, always calls for increased consideration on our part. In particular, you, our newly received Brethren, must pay attention to that which we are about to impart. The Supreme Architect of the Universe, as you will know, abandoned the Jewish people for a time to the natural consequences of their pride and of the disorders into which they had fallen.
The sacred fire, which had once burned in the destroyed Temple, slept hidden from sight - but it was not extinguished. During the period of their servitude they acknowledged the hand that had fallen so heavily upon them. They recognised the gravity of their errors. Conscious of their moral misery, they meditated on the cause of their downfall and all of its misfortunes. Their blindness then ceased and they turned towards the Supreme Power to find help there from for a better future. The divine Bounty, which had never ceased to watch over them, raised up among those enlightened men - prophets - to whose words they listened.
After seventy years, their liberty was eventually restored to them. Zerubbabel, son of Salathiel, of the race of David, who was a favourite both of Cyrus and Darius, was the chosen instrument of their deliverance.
According to the History of Josephus, one day Cyrus addressed the following question to his assembled courtiers: "Where dwells the greatest power on earth?" One of them answered: "It is in thyself." Another answered: "It is in woman, for she it is "who gives birth to the most valiant warriors." Questioned in his turn, Zerubbabel rose and replied solemnly: "It is in Truth alone I that the greatest power resides and it is " in the search and love of Truth that thou, O King, wilt find true strength and greatness! It is Truth which endures forever in unfading beauty."
Impressed by this reply, Cyrus authorised Zerubbabel to return accompanied by those of his nation who were in a position to follow him, into that country which God had given to their fathers. He then ordained that the precious vessels, which had been taken from the Temple in Jerusalem, should be restored for use in that Sanctuary, which Zerubbabel was authorised to rebuild. The latter did not delay the arrangements for the journey.
Assembling the flower of the nation, he started for Jerusalem, accompanied by Ezra, Nehemiah, Mordecai, Serebacus and Cadmiel and followed by about forty-three thousand of the people.
At the institution of the laws, drawn up by Ezra, by which the people were to be governed, at the time when the ravished city was being rebuilt by Nehemiah, the labours of the regenerated Israelites continued unceasingly, despite many obstacles, enemies and temptations which surrounded them. History tells us that they carried out the rebuilding, holding their swords in their left hands and their trowels in their right hands – a poetic image of the labour necessary for those who have fallen into the abyss of vice from the heights of innocence and virtue.
After seven years of labour and perseverance, the Temple was eventually restored on its old foundations. At the sight of it the younger generation, who had not known the magnificence of the first Temple, uttered cries of admiration and joy while the elders, remembering the former's splendour, remained silent and in tears. But the Sovereign Arbiter of human destinies confirmed the joy of the one and consoled the others by a miraculous event, which occurred at the dedication of the new building. The offering was placed on the Altar of Holocausts which, as well as that of Incense, had been duly erected – but the Sacred Fire was wanting. When the Jews were taken captive to Babylon, the prophet Jeremiah had concealed this Holy Element in an underground cavern, the entrance to which was walled up. Acquainted by his initiation with this secret and with the conservation of the Sacred Word among the children of Levi, Nehemiah caused the cavern to be opened but found only a bituminous substance and resin diluted with water. However, he did not lose confidence and caused it to be drawn up. When it was poured upon the Altar and the Sacred Word uttered over it, a ray of sunlight set it on fire.
The incense rose up and the people were translated with joy, glorifying God and filling the air with their songs of triumph. I shall add nothing to this narrative, as it is best left to the reflections, which it is certain to cause.

Investiture and Entrusting of Candidates
Brethren, you will .now advance to receive the Badge, the Sign, the Grip and the Words of this Grade.
MC quietly instructs candidates to stand in line in the South, facing North. WDM leaves seat to face them, bringing his gavel.
WDM is assisted by MC and SB in investing and entrusting candidates.
WDM instructs candidates to put down their swords and trowels (which are no longer required) and to remove their MM aprons and to set them aside (candidates assisted by MC and aprons removed by SB). SB returns with aprons on a cushion and each candidate is formally presented with his Fourth Grade apron, which WDM instructs him to put on (assisted by MC). Cushion is set aside when finished with, MC and SB returning to stand close by candidates.
The white of these aprons is the symbol of the cleanliness and purity of manners, which should characterise the Freemason on all occasions of his life. It is the same that has accompanied you since your entry into the Order. The colours green and red around the border will be explained to you later.
MC quietly instructs candidates to pick up their swords and hold them in their left hands, vertically down.
Please copy me Brethren. The Sign of the Fourth Grade is given by raising your right hand, (demonstrates) pressing it in the form of a square on your forehead above your eyes, the thumb being extended towards your right ear, as if to shade yourself from a bright light from above.
MC, SB and PB, with swords held in left hands, blades vertically downwards, stand in front of candidates to share Grip with them.
The Grip of the Fourth Grade is given in two stages. Firstly, grasp the hilt of your sword in your left hand, blade downwards, to signify the work that has been accomplished. Secondly, use the Master Mason's grip to seize another Brother's right hand.
After exchanging Grip, SB and PB sit.
The Sacred Word of the Fourth Grade is J…H.
Candidates are instructed by MC to repeat Word clearly, letter by letter, and then completely.
The recognition leading to the completion of the degree is N…A.
Candidates are instructed by MC to repeat Particular Word of Grade letter by letter and then completely.
The knocks of the Grade are four: two rapid and then two slow. (WDM demonstrates) Brethren, I sincerely commend to you the duty of devoting your efforts and perseverance with a view to deserving admission in due course among the Scottish Masters of St Andrew. It is only by unremitting labour that you will obtain those favours, which our Order can yet confer upon you.
WDM returns to his seat.
Brother Master of Ceremonies, conduct our new Scottish Masters to the antechamber of our Temple.
MC conducts candidates to door of Lodge Room. They carry their swords in their left hands, blades pointing downward at acute angle to floor. MC instructs them to turn face East, and give a court bow. JW opens doors of Lodge Room fully. MC and candidates exit. JW closes doors.
Music is played during candidates' exit and while the Room is being prepared for the following ceremony.
