Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets - Grotto
Installation Ceremonies


The Grand Monarch says: Prophet Grand Marshal, you will present the Monarch-elect for installation.
The Grand Marshal presents the Monarch-Elect for installation.
The Grand Monarch says:
Previous to your enthronement, the Supreme Council requires your assent to the following ordinance.
Do you solemnly vow upon your honor:
That you will exert your best endeavor to promote true sympathy and good-fellowship of your brother Prophets of the Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm?
That you will endeavor at all times to promote the general good of the Order and observe the solemnity of the ceremonies with profound respect and reverence?
That you will endeavor to hold two full .form ceremonies yearly?
That you will ever maintain and support the authority of the Supreme Council and enforce obedience to its Constitution, By-Laws, General Regulations and Edicts?
Do you subscribe to all these ordinances and promise a cheerful compliance and practice them faithfully?
After the questions are completed the Monarch-elect will say:
I do.
The Grand Monarch says:
You will kneel at the Altar and place your hands on the Holy Bible.
The Monarch-elect kneels at the Altar.

Say, I, pronounce your name in full and repeat after me, do promise and swear that I will serve this Grotto as its Monarch during the time for which I have been elected, and will perform all the duties of the office to the best of my ability;
That I will at all times, and under all circumstances support and maintain the Constitution and Regulations and obey all the Laws and Edicts of the Supreme Council of the Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm, during my term of office, so help me God.
The Grand Monarch then requests the Monarch to rise, after which he delivers to him the following charge.

Charge to the Monarch
Prophet it now becomes my duty as Grand Monarch (or, as Special Deputy of the Grand Monarch) of the Supreme Council of the Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm, to emblematically, place upon your head the Crown of this Realm, and hail you as Monarch of Grotto.
Your election to this high office by the suffrages of your fellow Prophets, is sufficient assurance of their confidence in you, and of your fitness for the position you now hold.
It is hardly necessary for me to instruct you in the duties of your office; these are clearly stated in the Constitution and Regulations of the Supreme Council which you have just sworn to support and maintain.
The honor, reputation, and success of your Grotto will materially depend upon the way you manage its affairs, so see to it that your rulings and decisions are made with wisdom, with justice, and with equity.
You will now be seated on the Throne.
The Grand Monarch now says:
Prophet Grand Marshal, you will present all the other officers, elective and appointive, for installation.
The officers are then placed in the same position as when taking the obligation as Veiled Prophets, and take the following obligation.

I, …, do promise and swear, that I will serve this Grotto in the office to which I have been elected (or appointed), during the time for which I have been elected (or appointed), and will perform all the duties of the office to the best of my ability;
That I will serve the Monarch loyally, and support him with enthusiasm during my term of office, so help me God The officers then rise.
The Grand Monarch then says:
Prophet Grand Marshal, you will present the … elect naming the officer at his proper station for the charge.
This order should be repeated by the Grand Monarch for each officer in turn.
When the Grand Monarch, or his Deputy, is attended by enough Grand Officers or Past Monarchs to fill the stations, the charge can be given to each officer by the respective Grand Officer or Past Monarch, otherwise by the Grand Monarch.

Charge to the Chief Justice
Prophet …, you have been elected Chief Justice of this Grotto by the suffrages of your fellow Prophets. This is the second highest office in the Grotto.
It is your duty to assist the Monarch, and in his absence, or at his request, to preside over the Grotto.
When presiding as Monarch, your powers and responsibilities are the same as those of the Monarch.
As Chief Justice you are the arbitrator in all questions or controversy. See to it that your knowledge of the Constitution of the Supreme Council is such that you are in truth the Chief Justice.
The Chief Justice is then presented with his Fez and conducted to his station.

Charge to the Master of Ceremonies
Prophet …, you have been elected Master of Ceremonies by the Prophets of this Grotto. Your office is one of great importance.
It is your duty to see that the ritualistic work of the Grotto is properly performed, and that nothing vulgar or profane is allowed to mar the harmony of the work.
You are to determine the credibility of visiting Prophets, and see that all who enter the Grotto are duly qualified.
In the absence of the Monarch and Chief Justice, or at the request of the Monarch, you are to preside over the Grotto. When thus presiding, your powers and responsibilities are the same as those of the Monarch.
The Master of Ceremonies is then presented with his Fez and conducted to his station.

Charge to the Treasurer
Prophet …, you have been elected Treasurer of this Grotto by your fellow Prophets, who have thereby manifested in the strongest way possible, their confidence in your honesty and integrity. It is an honor of which any man may feel proud.
You are the financial safeguard of the Grotto. See to it that the confidence reposed in you is as strong when your successor is elected as it is now.
The Treasurer is then presented with his Fez and conducted to his station.

Charge to the Secretary
Prophet …, you have been elected Secretary of this Grotto. It is an office which requires special qualifications for success.
In the amount and variety of the work which he has to do, and in the demands to which he has to respond, a good Secretary is second to no other officer in any organization.
You are undoubtedly familiar with the duties of your office. May you always perform them so as to merit the commendation of your fellow Prophets.
The Secretary is then presented with his Fez and conducted to his station.

Charge to the Chaplain
You have been appointed to the most revered office in all of Masonry. You are to give the Invocation at our meetings, visit and pray for the sick and afflicted, and assist at our memorial services. The Holy Bible we trust to your care, guard it with all your might, for it holds for us precious teachings of freedom, and truth, and light.
The Chaplain is then presented with his Fez and conducted to his station,

Charge to the Venerable Prophet
To be given by the Grand Monarch:
Prophet …, you have the distinguished honor of being the Venerable Prophet of this Grotto.
YOU SHOULD BECOME PROFICIENT IN THE OPENING AND CLOSING CEREMONIES, so that you could relieve any of the officers if called upon.
Also be ready at all times to carry out any order of your superior officers.
The Venerable Prophet is then presented with his Fez and conducted to his station.

Charge to the Marshal
Prophet …, you have been (elected or) appointed Marshal of this Grotto. You are the special Messenger of the Monarch, and as such you are to assist him in opening and closing the Grotto. At the request of the Chief Justice you are to command the Captain of the Guard, and the Sentinel to take up the inside and outside passwords. You are to take charge of all processions and generally assist the other officers in the discharge of their duties.
The Marshal is then presented with his Fez and conducted to his station.

Charge to the Captain of the Guard
Prophet …, you have been appointed Captain of the Guard of this Grotto. You are the special messenger of the Chief Justice. You are to see that all who enter the Grotto are duly qualified, and entitled to enter.
You are to receive the inside password from the Prophets, when requested to do so by your Chief, and perform such other duties as may be required of you by your superior officers.
The Captain off the Guard is then presented with his Fez and conducted to his station.

Charge to the Sentinel
Prophet …, you have been appointed Sentinel of this Grotto. It is a position of great responsibility. You are to receive the outside password from all Prophets who enter the Grotto, and see that all have their annual dues card, Visiting Prophets, unknown to you, should be reported to the Master of Ceremonies, and admitted only when avouched by him.
Guard well the outer borders of our Realms.
The Sentinel is then presented with his Fez and conducted to his station.

Proclamation of Installation
The Prophets should now be called up (three blows of the gavel), and remain standing during the proclamation.
The Grand Monarch then says:
Grand Marshal of the Realm, make the usual proclamation.
The Grand Marshal then says:
In the name of the Supreme Council of the Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm, and by the order of the Grand Monarch, I now declare the officers of … Grotto, elective and appointive, duly installed.
