Council of Knight Masons
Ritual and Ceremonial


Note: The D.C. should also ensure that the Roll of the Law (Bible) is already open on the Altar before the Procession enters the room and that the Trowel and Sword are on the Wardens' table.
Note: The D.C. should see that the Officers are in their places and the outer door is closed, then he should present the Signet of Authority to the B.C. and afterwards take his position to the left of the E.G.
Excellent Chief, I present to you the Signet of Authority.
E.G., *:
Sir Knights and Ancients arise, I am about to open a Council of Knight Masons.
Sir Knights, draw Swords.
Note: On this command all present draw their swords, with the exception of the E.G. who uses the handle of the trowel to give the knocks, and the Priest.
Note: E.C. gives the knocks of the Council, these are repeated by the S. and J. Kts.
Brother Junior Knight, in opening a Council of Knight Masons what is the first duty to be discharged?
To see that the Captains of the Guard are at their post and that the Council may meet in seclusion, Excellent Chief.
See that the Captains of the Guard are so placed.
Note: The J.Kt. goes to the 1st C.G. at the door, who gives the knocks, awaits a reply and then opens the door so that the J. Kt. can see that the Tyler is positioned outside the door. The door is closed and then the J.Kt. returns to his place.
Excellent Chief, the Captains of the Guard are at their post and the seclusion of the Council is assured.
Brother Senior Knight, what next demands our attention?
To prove that all present are Knight Masons, Excellent Chief.
How shall all present prove themselves to be such?
By imparting the Word and dividing the Sign.
Brother Senior Knight, direct the Wardens to prove that all present are in possession of the Word.
Brother Wardens, it is the command of the Excellent Chief that you prove that all present are in possession of the Word.
Note: The S.W., starting from the West, takes the Word from the Kts. on the North side and the J.W., also starting from the West, the South side, and they should omit the S. and J. Kts. whilst moving towards the East, passing behind their chairs. Whoever finishes first in the East should await the other, so that they turn together outwards towards the West and proceed to the S. and J. Kts., to receive the Word from them and pass in front of them. They should then proceed in parallel towards their places where the J. W. gives the Word quietly to the S.W., who then reports to the S.Kt.
Brother Senior Knight, all present are in possession of the Word.
Excellent Chief, all present are in possession of the Word.
Brother Junior Knight, direct all present to divide the Sign.
Sir Knights, it is the command of the Excellent Chief that you divide the Sign.
Note: Having ascertained that all present including, the Captains of the Guard on this occasion, have divided the Sign or displayed it on their own, the J.Kt. divides the Sign with the S.Kt. on the end of the following statement to the E.G.
Excellent Chief, all present have divided this Sign.
Note: The E.G. acknowledges the sign and on his declaration all present complete the sign.
I declare all present to be Knight Masons.
Before opening the Council let us render homage to the Great Creator.
Note: At this point the Priest moves, without giving the sign, via the East and South to the West side of the Altar and faces East; when he is in position the J.W. continues.
Sir Knights; depress Swords.
O Great Creator of Heaven and Earth, guide us in our labours that the work we endeavour to accomplish may be bonded with Chivalry and cemented with Brotherly Love.
So mote it be.
Sir Knights; carry Swords.
Note: The Priest should take two steps back from the Altar. The S. W. and the J. W. return their Swords and then in unison lift the Trowel and Sword respectively from their table and carrying them proceed to the Altar, passing to the north and south of the Priest. They place in their proper positions the Trowel and the Sword when these symbols are referred to by the E. C. in his next statement. The Trowel is placed across the Roll of the Law with the handle to the North-west and the point of the blade to the South-east; the Sword is placed across the blade of the Trowel with the handle towards the South-west and the tip of the blade towards the North-east.
It is my will and pleasure that this Council of Knight Masons do now open for the transaction of business which may be regularly brought before it, requiring all Sir Knights to apply themselves to that constructive work which is symbolised by the Trowel, pause and to see that their conduct becomes true Knights of Chivalry as indicated by the Sword.
Note: On completion of this declaration, the S.W. and J.W. immediately draw their Swords, turn outwards towards the West and proceed directly to their places. The Priest proceeds via the North side of the Altar to his place, without giving the sign.
Let the Senior and Junior Knights proclaim that this Council of Knight Masons is now open.
Sir Knights, this Council of Knight Masons is now open.
Sir Knights, this Council of Knight Masons is now open.
Note: The knocks are given by the E.G., the S.Kt., the J.Kt., the 1st C. G. and answered by the Tyler. All present should divide the Sign with Swords in pairs, if possible. The E.C. acknowledges the Sign.
Sir Knights; return Swords.
Note: All the Sir Kts., with the exception of the 1st and the 2nd C.G., should return their Swords partly into their scabbards and await a signal from the J.W. to complete the return in unison.
Note: An ode may be sung at this point.
Be seated Sir Knights.
Note: All Sir Knights should acknowledge this last command with the hand sign.
Note: The 1st and 2nd Captains of the Guard must retain their Swords in their hands, in the carry position, throughout the entire time that the Council is open and at labour upon any and all of the Degrees. They should also remain standing unless the E.G. permits them to be seated.

E.G., *:
Sir Knights and Ancients arise, I am about to close this Council of Knight Masons.
Sir Knights; draw Swords.
Note: The S. W. and the J. W., carrying their drawn Swords, proceed to the West of the Altar and stand facing East.
Brother Wardens, what are our duties in closing this Council of Knight Masons?
To seek the blessing of the Great Creator on the work we have accomplished.
To see that at all times our work is in keeping with the highest motives of Chivalry.
Note: At this point the Wardens return their Swords, and in unison lift the Trowel and the Sword, turn outwards towards the West and proceed directly to their places. They place the Trowel and Sword on their table and together draw their Swords.
Let us seek the blessing of the Great Creator.
Note: At this point the Priest moves, without giving the sign, via the East and South to the West side of the Altar and faces East.
Sir Knights; depress Swords.
May the favour of the Great Creator of Heaven and Earth be upon the work we have accomplished and may His blessing rest upon and abide with us now and for ever more.
So mote it be.
Note: The Priest does not close the Roll of the Law, it must remain open until the Council is closed.
Sir Knights; carry Swords.
Note: The Priest now returns to his place, without giving the sign, via the North side of the Altar.
Let the Senior and Junior Knights proclaim that this Council of Knight Masons is now closed.
Sir Knights, this Council of Knight Masons is now closed.
Sir Knights, this Council of Knight Masons is now closed.
Note: The Knocks are given by the E.G., the S.Kt., the J.Kt., the 1st C.G. and answered by the Tyler. All present should divide the Sign with Swords in pairs if possible. The E. C. acknowledges the Sign.
Sir Knights; return Swords.
Note: All the Sir Kts. should return their swords partly into their scabbards and await a signal from the J.W. to complete the return in unison.
Note: It is only at this point that the Captains of the Guard return their Swords, having retained them in hand and at the carry position throughout all the ceremonies and Degrees.
Note: An Ode may be sung at this point.
Note: The E.G. should return the Signet of Authority to the D.C.
Excellent Sir Knight Director of Ceremonies, I return to you the Signet of Authority.
Note: The D.C. now assembles the retiring procession as shown below. He first calls the S.Kt. and the J.Kt. to attend in the South-west and when they are in position instructs them to draw their Swords. He then calls the E. C. and the other Officers. When all are assembled, the D.C. leads them from the Council room. Only the Senior and Junior Knights carry drawn Swords in the Retiring Procession.
Note: The commands for the Retiring salute, which should be obeyed by all Sir Knights not in the Retiring Procession, are given by the 2nd Captain of the Guard.
2nd C.G.:
Sir Knights; draw Swords.
The Officers are about to retire.
Retiring Salute.
Note: Those Knights without Swords do not give any salute, because the Council has been closed.
Note: The procession leaves the Council room.
2nd C.G.:
Sir Knights; carry Swords - return Swords.
Retiring Procession
assembled in the South-west facing towards the West
Director of Ceremonies
Senior Knight       Junior Knight
Excellent Chief
Scribe       Treasurer
Senior Warden      Junior Warden
1st Captain of the Guard

Council of Knights of the Sword
Red Cross of Daniel or Babylonian Pass
The Date is circa B.C.E. 536.
The Presiding Officer represents King Cyrus of Persia in his court at Ecbatana, and as the Great and Mighty King is seated in the East, and may wear a robe.
The Senior General is seated in the North, to the west of the Altar.
The Junior General is seated in the South, to the west of the Altar.
The Wardens are seated together at a table in the West.
The Priest is at the right of the Great and Mighty King.
The 1st Captain of the Guard is inside the Tower, and the 2nd Captain of the Guard at the inner door of the Tower.
An Acting Captain of the Guard is placed at the door of the Council room, in order to admit the Candidate(s) at the appropriate time, and allow them to depart at the end of the Degree.
The Officers wear a broad watered green silk sash over the left shoulder, having removed the Knight Mason's sash.
All others may remain clothed as in a Council of Knight Masons.
The Candidate represents Z., a Prince of the House of Judah, and is dressed as a Royal Arch Mason.

G. & M.K., *:
Sir Knights arise, I am about to open a Council of Knights of the Sword.
Sir Knights; draw Swords.
Note: All Sir Knights, with the exception of the G. & M.K. and the Priest, draw their Swords. The G. & M.K. gives the one knock of the Degree, and it is repeated by the S.Gen. and the J.Gen.
G. & M.K.:
Sir Knight Junior General, what is the first care of a Knight of the Sword?
To see that the Guards are placed at the Tower that the Council may meet in seclusion, Great and Mighty King.
G. & M.K.:
See that the Guards are so placed.
Note: The J.Gen. goes to the inner door of the Tower. The 2nd C.G. knocks. The J.Gen. ascertains that the 1st. C.G. is within the Tower, closes the door and returns to his place and reports.
Great and Mighty King, the Guards are properly posted and the seclusion of the Council is assured.
G. & M.K.:
Sir Knight Senior General, what next demands our attention?
To prove that all present are true Knights of the Sword, Great and Mighty King.
G. & M.K.:
Direct the Wardens to prove that all present are true Knights of the Sword.
Brother Wardens, it is the command of the Great and Mighty King that you prove that all present are true Knights of the Sword.
Note: The Wardens receive the P.W. from each Kt., starting from the West and passing behind the Generals whilst proceeding towards the East, and from the Generals when returning to their stations; the J. W. then gives P.W. quietly to the S.W.
Sir Knight Senior General, all present are true Knights of the Sword.
Great and Mighty King, all present are true Knights of the Sword.
G. & M.K.:
I now declare this Council of Knights of the Sword open and let the Generals so proclaim it.
Sir Knights, this Council of Knights of the Sword is now open.
Sir Knights, this Council of Knights of the Sword is now open.
Note: The G. & M.K. gives the knock of the Degree, and it is repeated by the S.Gen., the J.Gen., the 2nd C.G. and the 1st C.G. within the Tower.
Sir Knights; return Swords.
G. & M.K.:
Be seated Sir Knights.
Note: All Sir Knights are seated.

Degree of Knight of the Sword
Note: The Conductor, having retired from the Council room to ensure that the Candidate(s) is properly prepared as a Royal Arch Mason, gives one knock on the door.
Act. C.G.:
Great and Mighty King, there is an alarm.
G. & M.K.:
Ascertain the cause.
Note: The Acting C.G. gives one knock and opens the door.
Act. C.G.:
What is the cause of the alarm?
A Candidate duly qualified.
Note: The Acting C.G. closes the door and reports.
Act. C.G.:
Great and Mighty King, a Candidate duly qualified.
G. & M.K.:
Admit the Candidate.
The Acting C.G. gives one knock, awaits an answering knock, opens the door and the Candidate, prepared and hoodwinked, is permitted to enter with his Conductor who leads him to the centre of the passage to the Tower.
Are you willing to make a solemn declaration of secrecy?
Note: On receiving an affirmative reply, the Conductor asks the Candidate to place his right hand on his left breast and repeat the following declaration.

"I solemnly declare on my word of honour as a man and a Mason that I will always conceal whatever I may see, hear or learn, upon being admitted into a Council of Knights of the Sword or may at any time hereafter be instructed in concerning the Council or its usages, and that I will not communicate the same to any but to a well known Brother Knight of the Sword or in a lawful Council of the same.
All this I do solemnly and voluntarily promise on my sacred word of honour."
Note: The hoodwink is now removed. The Candidate is placed in chains and conducted to the outer door of the Tower (or the North-west corner if no Tower is available). The Conductor gives one Knock. Without opening the door the 1st. C.G. enquires:
1st. C.G.:
What is the cause of the alarm?
One Zerubabbel, the first amongst his equals, a Mason by rank and a captive by misfortune, entreats permission to present himself before the throne of the Great and Mighty King.
1st. C.G.:
He cannot enter until the pleasure of the Great and Mighty King be made known.
Note: The 1st. C.G. knocks at the inner door of the Tower. The 2nd. C.G. on hearing the knock proceeds to the S.Gen. and announces:
2nd. C.G.:
Sir Knight Senior General, the Guard gives signal of approach.
Note: S.Gen. rises, draws his Sword and accompanied by the 2nd. C.G. approaches the G. & M.K. and reports:
Great and Mighty King, the Guard gives signal of approach.
G. & M.K.:
Generals; make the necessary enquiries and take all due precautions for the safety of the Council.
Note: When the G. & M.K. says 'Generals', the J.Gen. rises, draws his Sword and then joins the S. Gen. and the 2nd. C. G., as they proceed to the Tower. The S. Gen. knocks on the inner door and, after the 1st. C. G. opens the wicket, enquires:
What is the cause of the alarm?
1st C.G.:
One Zerubabbel, the first amongst his equals, a Mason by rank and a captive by misfortune, entreats permission to present himself before the throne of the Great and Mighty King.
Note: The 2nd. C.G. remains at his post whilst the S. and J.Gens. return to the G. & M. K. and the S. Gen. reports:
One Zerubabbel, the first amongst his equals, a Mason by rank and a captive by misfortune, entreats permission to present himself before the throne of the Great and Mighty King.
G. & M.K., *:
Generals and Knights attend.
Note: All Sir Kts. rise.
Sir Knights, draw Swords.
G. & M.K.:
I will relate the particulars of a dream. Interpret and assist me with your Counsel.
"In my sleep I perceived a lion ready to devour me, and at a distance Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazzar (my predecessors) in chains contemplating that which Masons know as the Great Architect of the Universe. In the clouds above appeared an Eagle from whose beak issued a scroll whereon was written, 'Render liberty to the Captives.'"
G. & M.K.:
Generals and Knights deliberate.
Note: At this point the Generals should turn and face each other, leaving sufficient space to give the Sign of Assent.
G. & M.K.:
Do you consent to the Stranger being interrogated?
Note: The Generals and Knights advance one step with the right foot, then depress their Swords in token of assent, and raise them again stepping back with the right foot in the last motion. The timing for these movements should be taken from the J. Warden.
G. & M.K.:
Let the stranger be admitted and the Senior and Junior Generals escort him into our presence.
Note: S.Gen. and J.Gen. still with drawn Swords return to the Tower, the S.Gen. knocks, is answered by the 1st. C.G., and the Candidate is admitted through the Tower; they escort him to a position North-east of the Wardens and remain on either side of him. The Conductor may now give the Candidate a card with the answers to the G. & M. K's. questions.
G. & M.K.:
Worthy stranger, for what reason do you appear before us?
Great and Mighty King, I wish to gain your esteem and supplicate your justice.
G. & M.K.:
Upon what account?
Great and Mighty King, for my companions who have been seventy years in bondage.
G. & M.K.:
What do you request?
Great and Mighty King, to grant us liberty; to permit us to return to our own Country, and to assist us in rebuilding the Temple of the Most High.
G. & M.K.:
We are ready to grant your request on condition that you communicate to us the Secrets of Masonry, an Order for which we have always had a high esteem, but to which we do not belong.
Great and Mighty King, my engagements are inviolable and I can not reveal to you our Secrets. If my liberty is to be thus purchased I prefer captivity.
G. & M.K.:
We admire your Zeal, Courage and Fidelity.
Generals and Knights, the Captive merits liberty for his attachments to his engagements.
G. & M.K.:
Worthy stranger - We grant your request and consent to your being set at liberty.
Free him from his chains.
Note: The Conductor should remove the chains from the Candidate. The Generals then return to their stations, passing east and south of the Altar.
Sir Knights, return Swords.
Note: The Candidate is now conducted to the East before the throne of the G. & M.K. and instructed, by the Conductor, to kneel.
G. & M.K.:
Henceforward we will be to you a friend, and as a token of our esteem we create you a Knight of the Sword.
Note: The G. & M.K. using a Sword, which should be available near to his seat, taps Candidate once on the left shoulder.

Rise Sir Knight , Knight of the Sword.
Note: The G. & M.K. will hand the Candidate a Sword in scabbard on a sword belt, and the Conductor will assist the Candidate to put the belt on. Similarly he will assist with the Green sash.
G. & M.K.:
We arm you with this Sword the emblem of our Order. You will never use it save in the cause of Justice or in your own defence. We decorate you with this green sash which, though not accompanied with any mysteries like those of your Order, we grant as an honour to the Princes of our Court. You will hereafter enjoy the same distinction. Go into your Country. We grant you liberty to rebuild the Temple destroyed by our predecessors, and will give instructions to our Guards to allow you and your companions to pass safely through our Dominions.
Note: The green sash should be made with press-fasteners or velcro at the shoulder for easy removal at the end of this ceremony.
Priest reads Ezra, chapter I, verses 1,2 and 3:
Now in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, that the word of the Lord by the mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled, the Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom, and put it also in writing, saying,
Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia, the Lord God of heaven hath given me all the kingdoms of the earth; and he hath charged me to build him an house at Jerusalem, which is in Judah.
Who is there among you of all his people? His God be with him, and let him go up to Jerusalem, which is in Judah, and build the house of the Lord God of Israel (he is the God), which is in Jerusalem.
G. & M.K.:
Further instruction will now be given by your Conductor.
Be seated, Sir Knights.
Note: The Conductor takes the Candidate to the west side of the Altar, before continuing with the instructions.
Note: After the instructions the Conductor continues:
Now accompany me to the throne of the Great and Mighty King.
Note: The Conductor takes the Candidate to the East, before the throne of the G. & M.K.
Great and Mighty King, Prince Zerubabbel's mission is now completed and he attends to take leave of your Court.
G. & M.K.:
Sir Knight Zerubabbel, you are about to take leave of us to return to your fellow countrymen in Babylon. To do that you must pass beyond the confines of our Kingdom.
Our Guards, at the frontier of our Kingdom, will demand from you a Password. That word is ….
Once passed the Guards our protection ceases.
G. & M.K.:
Should you at any time thereafter meet with armed resistance you must defend yourself, but fear not for your cause is just.
Note: The Candidate is conducted to the Tower where he gives the Password to the 2nd. C.G. who then knocks once on the Tower and, when the 1st. C.G. replies, opens the door and permits the Candidate to pass through.
After exiting the Tower, he is met with armed resistance at the Bridge, which he eventually overcomes and is conducted out of the Council room.) (Two Sir Knights of the Council should briefly give battle, with the safety of the Candidate in mind, before dropping their Swords
Note: Whilst the brief battle is in progress the Conductor should remove the green sash by parting the fastening at the shoulder.
Note: The Acting C.G. gives one knock on the door of the Council room and when answered, opens the door and permits the Conductor and the Candidate to retire.
Note: The Council of Knights of the Sword is now closed.

G. & M.K., *:
Sir Knights, arise, I am about to close this Council of Knights of the Sword.
Sir Knights; draw Swords.
G. & M.K.:
Generals, our labours being ended, proclaim that this Council of Knights of the Sword is now closed.
Sir Knights, this Council of Knights of the Sword is now closed.
Sir Knights, this Council of Knights of the Sword is now closed.
G. & M.K.:
Accordingly I now declare this Council of Knights of the Sword closed.
Note: G. & M.K. gives the knock of the Degree, and it is repeated by the S.Gen., the J.Gen., the 2nd. C.G. and the 1st. C.G. within the Tower.
Sir Knights; return Swords.
G. & M.K.:
Be seated Sir Knights.
Note: All Sir Knights are seated.
Note: The Degree of Knight of the East must be given immediately after the Degree of Knight of the Sword, and at the same meeting.

Council of Knights of the East
Jordan Pass

The Date is circa B.C.E. 520, which is sixteen years later than the visit of Z. to King Cyrus when he journeyed from Babylon. This time Z. comes from Jerusalem to visit King Darius at the Court of Persia in Ecbatana.
The Presiding Officer represents King Darius, and may wear a robe.
The other Officers are placed as in the Degree of Knight of the Sword and the Captains of the Guard are at the door.
A couch should be provided for the Presiding Officer.
The Tower used in the Council of Knights of the Sword is not required again.
The Officers wear a pale blue watered silk sash with gold fringe tied round the waist, the ends hanging at the left side. The Knight Mason's sash is removed.
All others may remain clothed as in a Council of Knight Masons.
The Candidate represents Z., is clothed as a Royal Arch Mason and wears a Sword.
A copy of the Roll of the Law should be available on a pedestal, near the G. & M.K, in the East.

G. & M.K., *:
Sir Knights arise, I am about to open a Council of Knights of the East.
Sir Knights; draw Swords.
Note: All Sir Knights, with the exception of the G. & M.K. and the Priest, draw their Swords. The G. & M. K. gives the one knock of the Degree, and it is repeated by the S.Gen. and the J.Gen.
G. & M.K.:
Sir Knight Junior General, what is the first care of a Knight of the East?
To see that the Council is duly guarded, Great and Mighty King.
G. & M.K.:
See that duty performed.
Note: The J.Gen. goes to the 1st. C.G. at the door, who gives the knock, awaits a reply and then opens the door so that the J.Gen. can see that the Tyler is positioned outside the door. The door is closed and then the J.Gen. returns to his place.
Great and Mighty King, the Council is guarded.
G. & M.K.:
Sir Knight Senior General, what next demands our attention?
To prove that all present are true Knights of the East, Great and Mighty King.
G. & M.K.:
Direct the Wardens to prove that all present are true Knights of the East.
Brother Wardens, it is the command of the Great and Mighty King that you prove that all present are true Knights of the East.
Note: The Wardens starting from the West, divide the P.W. with each Kt., and pass behind the Generals whilst moving towards the East, and then divide the P. W. with the Generals when returning towards the West to their stations; the J. W. then divides the P. W. with the S.W.
Sir Knight Senior General, all present are true Knights of the East.
Great and Mighty King, all present are true Knights of the East.
G. & M.K.:
I now declare this Council of Knights of the East open, and let the Generals so proclaim it.
Sir Knights, this Council of Knights of the East is now open.
Sir Knights, this Council of Knights of the East is now open.
Note: G. & M.K. gives the knock of the Degree, and it is repeated by the S.Gen., the J.Gen., the 1st. C.G. and answered by the Tyler.
Sir Knights; return Swords.
G. & M.K.:
Be seated Sir Knights.
Note: All Sir Knights salute the G. & M.K. as Knights of the East and are seated.

Degree of Knight of the East
Note: The Conductor having prepared the Candidate, knocks once on the door.
1st. C.G.:
Great and Mighty King, there is an alarm.
G. & M.K.:
Ascertain the cause.
Note: The 1st. C.G. knocks once and then opens the door.
1st. C.G.:
What is the cause of the alarm?
One Zerubabbel, who having received liberty from Cyrus to rebuild the Temple, comes to demand Justice from the Great and Mighty King.
Note: The 1st. C.G. closes the door.
1st. C.G.:
Great and Mighty King, one Zerubabbel, who having received liberty from Cyrus to rebuild the Temple, comes to demand Justice from the Great and Mighty King.
G. & M.K.:
How does he expect to be admitted?
Note: The 1st. C.G. knocks once, awaits an answer from outside and then opens the door.
1st. C.G.:
How does he expect to be admitted?
By the liberty he has received.
Note: The 1st. C.G. closes the door.
1st. C.G.:
Great and Mighty King, by the liberty he has received.
G. & M.K.:
Let him be admitted.
Note: The 1st. C.G. knocks once, awaits an answer, opens the door and gives the reply.
1st. C.G.:
It is the will of the Great and Mighty King that he be permitted to enter.
Note: The Conductor brings the Candidate in, if possible behind the Wardens, and places him in the West, in front of the Wardens. The 1st. C.G. closes the door as soon as the Candidate enters.
G. & M.K.:
Worthy stranger, who are you?
Great and Mighty King, I am one Zerubabbel, who having found favour in the sight of Cyrus your predecessor, obtained from him liberty to rebuild the Temple of the Most High, but on the journey to my Country, I was attacked by the enemies of my Nation, despoiled of the Insignia with which I had been honoured by Cyrus, and was enabled to force my way over the bridge, which crosses the river, only by means of this Sword which Cyrus bestowed upon me. I now crave your gracious permission to continue the building of the Temple at Jerusalem, and to be favoured with your protection during the progress of the work.
G. & M.K.:
Generals and Councillors, let search be made amongst the records of our predecessor, to see if the Stranger's declaration be confirmed.
Note: On being addressed the Generals rise and face the East, they then proceed to search for the Roll and eventually find it. They should return to their stations before it is read by the S.Gen.
Great and Mighty King, we have searched the records and have found at Achmeta which is in the province of the Medes, a Roll by which the declaration of the Stranger is confirmed.
G. & M.K.:
Let the Roll be read.
S.G. reads Ezra, chapter 6, verses 3 and 4:
In the first year of Cyrus the king, the same Cyrus the king made a decree concerning the house of God at Jerusalem; Let the house be builded, the place where they offered sacrifices, and let the foundations thereof be strongly laid; the height thereof threescore cubits, and the breadth thereof threescore cubits; with three rows of great stones, and a row of new timber; and let the expenses be given out of the king's house.
G. & M.K.:
Zerubabbel approach.
Note: The Candidate is conducted to the East, in front of the C. & M.K., is instructed to draw his Sword and place it on the cushion at the foot of the throne, and then to kneel on both knees.
Priest reads Ezra, chapter 6, verses 6 to 8 and 11 to 13:
Now therefore, Tatnai, governor beyond the river, Shethar-boznai, and your companions the Apharsachites, which are beyond the river, be ye far from thence:
Let the work of this house of God alone; let the governor of the Jews and the elders of the Jews build this house of God in his place.
Moreover I make a decree what ye shall do to the elders of these Jews for the building of this house of God: that of the king's goods, even of the tribute beyond the river, forthwith expenses be given unto these men, that they be not hindered.
Also I have made a decree, that whosoever shall alter this word, let timber be pulled down from his house, and being set up, let him be hanged thereon; and let his house be made a dunghill for this.
And the God that hath caused his name to dwell there destroy all kings and people, that shall put to their hand to alter and to destroy this house of God which is at Jerusalem. I Darius have made a decree; let it be done with speed.
Then Tatnai, governor on this side the river, Shethar-boznai, and their companions, according to that which Darius the king had sent, so they did speedily.
It is now necessary for you to take an Obligation, are you willing to do so?
Note: The Candidate should affirm that he is willing.
G. & M.K., *:
Rise Sir Knights.
Note: This Obligation must be administered by the Conductor.
Place your right hand on your left breast and your left hand on the Roll of the Law.
You will insert your full name after the personal pronoun "I" and then repeat the Obligation after me.
I, …, of my own free will and accord in the presence of Almighty God and of this August Council of Knights of the East, do hereby solemnly promise, vow and declare that I will ever hele, conceal and never will reveal any of the Secrets of or belonging to the Degree of Knight of the East, which have heretofore, shall now, or may hereafter become known to me in any manner whatsoever and that I will not communicate those secrets to any but a well known Brother Knight of the East or in a lawful Council of the same.
I will hold myself bound in a closer tie to a Brother of this Degree than to a Brother of any of my former degrees.
All these points I solemnly promise, vow and declare to observe without evasion, equivocation or mental reservation whatsoever, bearing in mind the ancient penalty invoked by King Darius, of having my house pulled down, the timbers taken and being set up, of being hanged thereon, and binding myself under the real penalty of being degraded from Knighthood should I ever violate in letter or in spirit this my solemn, sincere and voluntary Obligation being that of a Knight of the East, and I invoke the aid of the Great King of Heaven and Earth to keep me steadfast in the due observance of the same.
You will now ratify the Obligation in a manner which you deem binding on your conscience.
G. & M.K.:
Zerubabbel, we admire your zeal and perseverance in endeavouring to promote the work you have undertaken.
We will give orders for the future protection of your brethren in rebuilding the Temple.
In the meantime as a mark of our esteem and favour we create you a Knight of the East.
Note: The G. & M.K. using a Sword, which should be available near to his seat, taps Candidate once on the left shoulder.

Rise Sir Knight …, Knight of the East.
G. & M.K.:
We appoint you one of our Guards, and as a further mark of approbation invest you with this scarf of pale blue watered silk with gold fringe, tied round the waist, the ends hanging at the left side, in token of the victory you obtained over your enemies at the passage of the river.
Further instruction will now be given by your Conductor.
Be seated, Sir Knights.
Note: The Conductor takes the Candidate to a position to the West of the Altar for the instruction.
Note: After the instructions the Conductor continues as follows:
In the remaining portion of this Ceremony will be enacted the closing scenes of this famous discussion, in which you will take a part.
Note: At the close of the instruction the G. & M.K. calls his S.Gen. to him and holds quiet converse with him. The G. & M.K. then reclines in rest and as the S.Gen. returns to his station the J.Gen. rises before the S.Gen. announces:
Sir Knights, the Great and Mighty King makes known his pleasure through me that we three should each of us give his opinion in answer to this question - "Which is the strongest. Wine, the King, or Women?"
And he that shall overcome, and whose sentence shall seem wiser than the others, unto him shall Darius give great gifts and great things in token of Victory.
Priest reads I Esdras, chapter 3, verses 4 to 8 and 10 to 12:
Then three young men that were of the Guard that kept the King's body spake one to another.
"Let everyone of us speak a sentence; He that shall overcome and whose sentence shall seem wiser that the others, unto him shall the King Darius give great gifts and great things in token of victory; as to be clothed in purple, to drink in gold and to sleep upon gold, and a chariot with bridles of gold and a headtire of fine linen, and a chain about his neck, and he shall sit next to Darius because of his wisdom, and shall be called Darius his cousin."
And then everyone wrote his sentence, sealed it, and laid it under King Darius his pillow.
The first wrote - Wine is the strongest.
Note: The Priest pauses while the S.Gen. places his billet under the G. & M.K's. pillow and returns to his station.
The second wrote - The King is strongest.
Note: The Priest pauses while the J. Gen. places his billet under the G. & M.K's. pillow and returns to his station.
The third wrote - Women are strongest; but above all things Truth beareth away the Victory.
Note: Z. now places his billet under the G. & M.K's. pillow and returns to his position west of the Altar. The G. & M.K. arises, draws the billets from under the pillow, and resumes the throne.
G. & M.K., *:
Sir Knights; attend.
Note: All Sir Knights rise.
G. & M.K.:
Sir Knight Senior General deliver your judgement on the "Strength of Wine."
Note: The S.Gen. goes to the G. & M.K., salutes, is given his billet, returns to his station and reads.
S.G. reads 1 Esdras, chapter 3, verses 18 to 24:
O ye men, how exceeding strong is wine! It causeth all men to err that drink it:
It maketh the mind of the king and of the fatherless child to be all one; of the bondsman and of the freeman, of the poor man and the rich:
It turneth also every thought into jollity and mirth, so that a man remembereth neither sorrow nor debt:
And it maketh every heart rich, so that a man remembereth neither king nor governor, and it maketh to speak all things by talents:
And when they are in their cups, they forget their love both to friends and brethren, and a little after draw out swords:
But when they are from the wine, they remember not what they have done.
O ye men, is not wine the strongest, that enforceth to do thus?
G. & M.K.:
Sir Knight Junior General deliver your judgement on the "Strength of the King."
Note: The J.Gen. goes to the G. &M.K., salutes, is given his billet, returns to his station and reads.
J.G. reads 1 Esdras, chapter 4, verses 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, and 12:
O ye men, do not men excel in strength, that bear rule over sea and land and all things in them?
But yet the king is more mighty: for he is the lord of all these things, and hath dominion over them; and whatsoever he commandeth them they do.
If he bid them make war the one against the other, they do it; if he send them out against the enemies, they go, and break down mountains, walls, and towers.
If he command to smite, they smite; if he command to make desolate they make desolate; if he command to build, they build.
If he command to cut down, they cut down; if he command to plant, they plant.
O ye men, how should not the king be mightiest, when in such sort he is obeyed?
G. & M.K.:
Prince Zerubabbel, deliver your judgement on the "Strength of Women."
Note: Z. goes to the G. & M.K.,salutes,is given his billet, returns to his position and reads.
Z. reads 7 Esdras, chapter 4, verses 14 to 17, 32, 34, 35, 36 and 38:
O ye men, it is not the great king, nor the multitude of men, neither is it wine, that excelleth; who is it then that ruleth them, or hath the lordship over them? Are they not women?
Women have borne the King and all the people that bear rule by sea and land.
Even of them came they; and they nourished them up that planted the vineyards, from whence the wine cometh.
These also make garments for men; these bring glory unto men; and without women cannot men be.
O ye men, how can it be but women should be strong, seeing they do thus?
O ye men, are not women strong? great is the earth, high is the heaven, swift is the sun in his course, for he compasseth the heavens round about, and fetcheth his course again to his own place in one day.
Is he not great that maketh these things? therefore great is the truth, and stronger than all things.
All the earth calleth upon the truth, and heaven blesseth it! all works shake and tremble at it, and with it is no unrighteous thing.
Wine is wicked, the king is wicked, women are wicked, all the children of men are wicked, and such are all their wicked works: and there is no truth in them; in their unrighteousness also they shall perish.
As for the truth, it endureth, and is always strong; it liveth and conquereth for ever more.
Note: At these words, the C. & M.K. and all the Knights raise their hands and exclaim:
Great is Truth and mighty above all things.
G. & M.K.:
Ask what thou wilt more than is appointed in the writing and we will give it thee because thou art found wisest and thou shalt sit next to us and be called our cousin.
Z. reads 1 Esdras, chapter 4, verses 43 and 46:
O King, remember thy vow, which thou hast vowed to build Jerusalem, in the day when thou earnest to thy Kingdom.
And now, O Lord the King, this is that which I require, and which I desire of thee, and this is the princely liberality proceeding from thyself; I desire therefore that thou make good the vow, the performance whereof with thine own mouth thou hast vowed to the King of Heaven.
G. & M.K.:
We grant your request and will perform our vow.
Note: The G. & M.K. comes to Z, embraces him with the Grip, and declares:
G. & M.K.:
Great is Truth and mighty above all things. (Magna est veritas et praevalebit). The Grand Word is ….
Note: The G. & M.K. then conducts Z. to a seat beside the throne.
Priest reads 1 Esdras, chapter 4, verse 47:
Then Darius the King stood up and kissed him, and wrote letters for him unto all the treasurers and lieutenants and captains and governors that they should safely convey on their way both him and all those that go up with him to build Jerusalem.
G. & M.K.:
Let the Senior and Junior Generals conduct Prince Zerubabbel safely on his way.
Note: Z, accompanied by his Conductor, salutes and retires, being conducted to the door by the Generals.
G. & M.K.:
Be seated Sir Knights.
Note: All Sir Knights salute the G.& M.K. as Knights of the East and are seated.
Note: The Council of Knights of the East is now closed.

G. & M.K., *:
Sir Knights arise, I am about to close this Council of Knights of the East.
Sir Knights; draw Swords.
G. & M.K.:
Generals, our labours being ended, proclaim that this Council of Knights of the East is now closed.
Sir Knights, this Council of Knights of the East is now closed.
Sir Knights, this Council of Knights of the East is now closed.
G. & M.K.:
Accordingly I declare this Council of Knights of the East to be now closed.
Note: G. & M. K. gives the knock of the Degree, and it is repeated by the S.Gen., the J.Gen., the 1st. C.G. and answered by the Tyler.
Sir Knights; return Swords.
G. & M.K.:
Be seated Sir Knights.
Note: All Sir Knights salute the G. & M.K. as Knights of the East and are seated.

Council of Knights of the East and West
Royal Order

The date is circa B.C.E. 520, synchronising with the return of Z. to Jerusalem from his visit to King Darius and with the latter's confirmation of the decree of Cyrus.
The Scene is laid in Jerusalem.
The Officers and clothing are the same as in a Council of Knight Masons.
The Candidate represents Z., is clothed as a Royal Arch Mason and wears a blue sash and a sword.

E.C., *:
Brother Knights and Ancients arise, I am about to open a Council of Knights of the East and West.
Sir Knights; draw Swords.
Note: E.C. gives the knocks of the degree, these are repeated by the S.Kt. and the J.Kt.
Brother Junior Knight, in opening a Council of Knights of the East and West what is the first duty to be discharged?
To see that the Captains of the Guard are at their post and that the Council may meet in seclusion, Excellent Chief.
Brother Junior Knight, see that the Captains of the Guard are so placed.
Note: The J.Kt. goes to the 1st. C.G. at the door, who gives the knocks, awaits a reply and then opens the door so that the J.Kt. can see that the Tyler is positioned outside the door. The door is closed and the J.Kt. returns to his place.
Excellent Chief, the Captains of the Guard are at their post and the seclusion of the Council is assured.
Brother Senior Knight, what next demands our attention?
To prove that all present are true Knights of the East and West, Excellent Chief.
Brother Senior Knight, direct the Wardens to prove that all present are true Knights of the East and West.
Brother Wardens, it is the command of the Excellent Chief that you prove all present are true Knights of the East and West.
Sir Knights; return Swords.
Note: The Wardens prove that all present are Knights of the East and West by taking the word from each Sir Knight, commencing in the West, and then from the Senior and Junior Knights on returning to their stations. The J. W. then gives the Word to the S.W.
Sir Knights; draw Swords.
Brother Senior Knight, all present are true Knights of the East and West.
Excellent Chief, all present are true Knights of the East and West.
Brother Senior Knight, what is the hour?
The hour of rebuilding the Temple, Excellent Chief.
Let the Senior and Junior Knights proclaim to the Knights and Ancients of the Tribes of Judah and Benjamin that this Council of Knights of the East and West is now open for the fulfilment of our labours.
Brother Knights and Ancients, this Council of Knights of the East and West is now open for the fulfilment of our labours.
Brother Knights and Ancients, this Council of Knights of the East and West is now open for the fulfilment of our labours.
Note: The Knocks are given by the E.G., the S.Kt., the J.Kt., the 1st. C.G. and answered by the Tyler.
Sir Knights; return Swords.
Be seated Sir Knights.
Note: All Sir Knights salute the B.C. and are seated.

Degree of Knight of the East and West
Note: The Conductor having prepared the Candidate now introduces him. The knocks are given on the door.
1st. C.G.:
Excellent Chief, there is an alarm.
Ascertain the cause.
Note: The 1st. C.G. answers the knocks and opens the door.
1st. C.G.:
What is the cause of the alarm?
A Brother who had received liberty from Cyrus to rebuild the Temple and afterward obtained a confirmation of the same from Darius now comes to reside with his brethren in Judea.
Note: The 1st. C.G. closes the door and addresses the E.C.
1st. C.G.:
Excellent Chief, a Brother who had received liberty from Cyrus to rebuild the Temple and afterward obtained a confirmation of the same from Darius now comes to reside with his brethren in Judea.
His name?
Note: The 1st. C.G. knocks, awaits reply from the Conductor, opens the door and makes the enquiry. He then closes the door and reports to the E. C.
1st. C.G.:
Brothers Knights and Ancients, Zerubabbel is the Prince of the favoured Tribe. He it is who is to finish the rebuilding of the Temple. Let Zerubabbel enter the Council.
Note: The 1st. C.G. knocks, awaits a reply, opens the door and permits Zerubabbel to enter with his Conductor. The door is then closed, and Z. is conducted, behind the Wardens, to a position in the West in front of the Wardens.
Let us be made acquainted with your claims.
Note: At this point the Cand. should he given a card to read with the following reply.
Excellent Chief, when the years of our captivity had expired, I appeared before the throne of Cyrus, who admitting the Justice of my claims granted me liberty, and arming me with this Sword, admitted me a Brother of his Order, the insignia of which I lost in a contest with our enemies at the Bridge, and had it not been for my good Sword, I should not have been able to force a passage. The strength and opposition of our enemies continuing to increase, I presented myself before King Darius, who, having honoured me with the rank of Knight of the East, of which the sash I now wear is the Emblem, has given orders for our protection during the progress of our Work.
I now claim your gracious permission to be received into your Order.
Brother Zerubabbel, the zeal and perseverance you have shown in the great cause, merits a participation in the highest honours we can bestow, but you must first convince us that the long and painful captivity you, in common with our Brothers have suffered, has not obliterated from your memory the knowledge of the mysteries you have already received; therefore advance to the East, and exhibit the signs of the Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, Master Mason, Mark Master Mason and Royal Aarch Mason.
Note: The Candidate, in the charge of his Conductor should now be positioned at the Altar.
We are convinced that zeal and perseverance can overcome all difficulties and dangers. You have been despoiled of the insignia granted you by Cyrus, and yet retained those principles of Masonry implanted in your mind by the gradations of our Order. This will convince you (if anything should be lacking) that no honours are so permanent as those of Masonry.
Draw your Sword and lay it on the cushion on which I now ask you to kneel on both knees. It is necessary for you to take a further Obligation, are you ready and willing to do so?
Note: The Candidate should affirm his willingness.
E.C., *:
Sir Knights, arise.
Note: The Obligation is now administered by the Cond. or the E.C.
Place your right hand on your left breast and your left hand on the Roll of the Law.
You will insert your full names after the personal pronoun "I" and then repeat the Obligation after me.
I, …, of my own free will and accord in the presence of Almighty God and of this August Council of Knights of the East and West, do hereby solemnly promise, vow and declare that I will ever hele, conceal and never will reveal any of the secrets of or belonging to Knight Masonry, which have heretofore, shall now or may hereafter become known to me in any manner whatsoever, and that I will not communicate those secrets to any but a well known Brother Knight of the East and West, or in a lawful Council of Knight Masons.
I will hold myself bound in a closer tie to a Brother of this Degree than to a Brother of any of my former degrees.
All these points I solemnly promise, vow and declare to observe without evasion, equivocation or mental reservation whatsoever, and binding myself under the penalty of being degraded from Knighthood, I humbly invoke the aid of the Great Creator of Heaven and Earth to keep me steadfast in the due observance of the same.
I would now ask you to ratify that Obligation in a manner you deem binding on your conscience.
You may rise.
Note: Conductor brings the Candidate to the E.C.
Cyrus created you a Knight and invested you with a sword.
I present you with this trowel, that in future you may use either one or the other during the rebuilding of the Temple.
Priest reads Nehemiah, chapter 4, verses 17 and 18:
They that builded on the wall and they that bare burdens with them that laded, every one with one of his hands wrought in the work, and with the other hand held a weapon.
For the builders, everyone had his sword girded by his side and so builded, and he that sounded the trumpet was by me.
Kneel; as a token of my esteem I create you a Knight of the East and West.
Taps Candidate once on the left shoulder.

Arise Sir Knight , Knight of the East and West.
Note: Cand. is now invested with the sash and apron.
This sash and apron are the Emblems of the Rank or Degree to which you have attained and in commemoration of the green sash with which Cyrus presented you we have added rosettes of the same colour.
Priest reads Ezra, chapter 1, verse 5:
Then rose up the chief of the fathers of Judah and Benjamin and the priests and the Levites with all them whose spirit God had raised, to go up to build the house of the Lord which is in Jerusalem.
Be seated Sir Knights.
Further instruction will now be given by your Conductor.
Note: The Conductor takes the Candidate to the west side of the Altar, before continuing with the instructions.
Note: After the instructions, the Candidate is seated in the South, and is then saluted as a Knight of the East and West.

E.C.. *:
Brother Knights and Ancients arise, I am about to close this Council of Knights of the East and West.
Sir Knights; draw Swords.
Brother Senior Knight, what is the hour?
Excellent Chief, the hour when captivity has ceased and the building of the Temple is to be completed.
Let the Senior and Junior Knights proclaim to the Knights and Ancients of the Tribes of Judah and Benjamin that this Council of Knights of the East and West is now closed.
Brother Knights and Ancients, this Council of Knights of the East and West is now closed.
Brother Knights and Ancients, this Council of Knights of the East and West is now closed.
Brother Knights and Ancients, accordingly I declare this Council of Knights of the East and West to be now closed.
Note: The Knocks are given by the B.C., the S.Kt., the J.Kt., the 1st. C.G. and answered by the Tyler.
Sir Knights; return Swords.
Be seated Sir Knights.
Note: All Sir Knights salute the B.C., as Ktx. of the East and West, and are seated.
Note: On resumption of labour the Candidate is instructed in matters pertaining to the Council of Knight Masons, is invested with the jewel and saluted.

Knight Mason's Council
Note: After the Council of Knights of the East and West has been closed, the E.G. requests the Conductor to bring the Candidate into the centre of the Council room, to the West of the Altar and to continue with the instructions.
Note: After the instructions the Conductor brings the Candidate to the east and presents him to the Excellent Chief, for the presentation of the jewel, the Laws and Constitutions of Grand Council and the By-Laws of the Council.
The Jewel is part of the regalia of a Knight Mason and must be worn at all meetings, as you are now wearing it.
Note: The E.C. now reads the following charge.

Three of the most outstanding events in the religious history of the Jews were the building of the First Temple by King Solomon, the restoration of that Temple by King Josiah and the building of the Second Temple by Zerubbabel, a Prince of the House of Judah.
The first of these represents the traditions of Ancient Craft Masonry; the second forms the subject of Royal Arch Masonry; whilst the return of the Jews from Babylon and the building of the second Temple form the theme of Knight Masonry.
You have now attained to the rank and dignity of a Knight Mason and thus obtained the complete series of degrees comprised within Irish Universal Masonry.
As a Knight of the Sword you were invested with a Sword, the emblem of Justice, to remind you to deal justly by all men.
As a Knight of the East and West you were presented with a Trowel, a symbol of labour, to remind you that it should be your constant care to labour with us in our efforts to achieve that Ideal of Masonry - The Brotherhood of Man.
We dramatise the return of the Judeans from their captivity in Babylon and the building of the second Temple by Zerubbabel under hostile attacks by enemies and in doing so adhere closely to the records of Holy Writ. In your symbolic journey through these degrees you have represented a great prototype who has left us outstanding examples of Fidelity, Faith and Courage and in enacting these scenes you have demonstrated the great lesson that Truth beareth away the Victory.
Note: The Cand. is now seated again and saluted as a Knight Mason.
