United Glass and Ceramic Workers of North America


CHAIRMAN, gives one rap of gavel: All officers of this Local will now assume their respective offices.
Brother Inner Guard, you will satisfy yourself that all present are qualified to remain in this meeting.
Bro. Chairman, I am satisfied that all present are entitled to remain.
Brothers, I now declare this meeting regularly opened for the transaction of such business as may lawfully come before it. Gives two raps of gavel.
Brothers, arise; let us bow our heads in prayer.
Our Father, Thou great Workman, Thou who has created heaven and earth, Thou who has made all things well, we are but little workmen in this great world in which we have found ourselves, mingling our lives together, trying to help one another to find how we can live on this earth, serve Thee and be to one another as brothers should be. We ask Thy divine blessing on this meeting and the brothers here assembled and we pray that every action taken by them will work for the good of our membership. We ask it in the name of Jesus. AMEN.
We will remain standing and pledge allegiance to our flag.
I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands; One Nation, under God indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.
We will remain standing for thirty seconds of silence in honor of any member that has passed away (died) since the last meeting.
Brothers, will those who are to take the obligation come forward. Gives two raps of the gavel. Brothers, arise.
To the candidate:
You will raise your right hand. Do you, of your own free will and accord, in the presence of almighty God, solemnly swear to abide by the Constitution and all the laws of this United Glass and Ceramic Workers of North America, AFL-CIO CLC, and to assist its officers in the rightful performance of their duties; do you agree to submit to the will of the majority as laid down in the laws; do you swear that you will not divulge except to a member, any of the secrets of this International Union, do you promise upon your honor as a man to encourage harmony among the members, and oppose all discord and dissention; and do you willingly agree to expulsion from this United Glass and Ceramic Workers of North America, AFL-CIO, CLC if so ordered by the membership, should you ever be guilty, of wilfully violating this, your oath and obligation?
Candidate answers:
I do.
My Brother, on behalf of the brothers of this Local and the membership at large, I extend to you my hand which is to signify the right hand of fellowship, and I welcome you as a member and Brother of the United Glass and Ceramic Workers of North America. AFL-CIO, CLO I trust that you will always prove to be a loyal member, and that you will never be guilty of violating in any way the obligation you have just taken.
Brother Secretary, will you now read the minutes of our last regular meeting?
Brothers, you have heard the reading of the minutes. Are there any corrections? If not, they will stand approved as read.
Brother Secretary, have you any applications presented for first reading? If so, Secretary shall read them. Brothers, you have heard the reading of the applications. What is your pleasure?
Brother Secretary, you will now read the communication and correspondence from Headquarters.
Brothers, you have heard the reading of the correspondence. Are there any remarks? If not, they should be placed on file for future reference.
Brothers, are there any reports to be made by the Chairman of any committees?
Brothers, is there any unfinished business to come before this meeting?
Brothers, have you any report to make in regard to conditions or any special matters pertaining to this Local?
Brothers, is there any new business that you desire to present for consideration of the Local?
Has any Brother any suggestions to offer for the good of this International Union?
Brother Secretary, have you any excuses of absentees to present?
Brother Secretary, we will now have the roll call of the members.
Brothers if there is no further business at this time, I shall declare this meeting adjourned to meet again in this hall, on the third … of next month, unless a special meeting shall be necessary, in which case you will receive due notice. Gives one rap of gavel.
