Mystic Workers of the World


Opening Ceremony

The Prefect calls the lodge to order with one rap of the gavel. The officers will assume their respective stations and the members be seated. Each officer rises when he is addressed and is seated when his replies are completed or his duties performed.
Worthies, the Mystic hour approaches. It is my will that this Lodge now be opened. If any present are not members, they will please rise and be vouched for while the officers take their stations. Pause. The Prefect fills any vacancies and proceeds.
Worthy Warder, you will see that the Sentinel is in his place.
Worthy Prefect, the Sentinel is in his place and your orders will be obeyed.
PREFECT, * * *, calls up the Lodge:
Worthy Marshal and assistant, ascertain if all present are qualified to remain.
If all present are known to be members or entitled to remain no password need be taken. Strangers may be required to give pass word.
Worthy Prefect, I have examined all on the right and find them entitled to remain.
Worthy Prefect, I have examined all on the left and find them entitled to remain.
Worthy Marshal, raise the Colors.
He raises the American Flag, and holds it during the salute, then places it in the flag-stand where it remains during the session.
PREFECT, * * *, calls up the Lodge:
Worthies, salute the Colors. Pause.
Place the thumb of the right hand under and parallel with the index finger, raise the arm on a level with the breast, and touch the left breast, palm down, and drop hand quickly to the side.
We will now sing our Opening Ode.
We have gathered in our Lodge, friends, gathered once again,
Singing the joyful song of friendship;
We've resolved to be true, more knowledge to obtain.
Singing the joyful song of friendship.

United forever, we'll by each other stand,
Protecting the helpless all o'er the land;
Yes, we'll rally 'round our standard so noble and so grand,
Singing the joyful song of friendship.
Let harmony prevail in all that we may do,
Singing the joyful song of friendship;
We'll labor for the right, the noble, grand and true,
Singing the joyful song of friendship.
Worthies, what is the motto of our Order?
MEMBERS, all answer:
Hope, Love and Truth.
How are these best exemplified?
By obedience of our laws, assistance to all sick or distressed Worthy members, and protection to home and loved ones.
With this high purpose to guard our deliberations, a firm belief in your loyalty to the Order, and patriotism for our Country, you will now unite with the Monitor in giving the Recognition Sign.
Prefect answers same and says:
I now declare … Lodge, No. …, Mystic Workers regularly opened.
Worthy Warder, you will so inform the Sentinel.
Warder opens the door, informs the Sentinel and returning to his station, salutes the Prefect and says:
Worthy Prefect, your instructions are obeyed.
Prefect seats Lodge with one rap.
When the roll of officers is being called by the Correspondent at the opening of the Lodge, the Marshal rises and responds for them.

PREFECT: Are there any candidates for initiation into our lodge?
Candidates should be admitted to lodge room before starting the initiation. If there are candidates present in the lodge room for initiation, Correspondents rises and says:
There are …, Worthy Prefect, whose names are: … Correspondent then reads the names of candidates present.
Worthy Correspondent, have the applicants qualified for membership?
They have, Worthy Prefect.
Worthy Marshal, conduct the candidates to seats in a circle about the altar.
The new members are in seats of honor, Worthy Prefect.
The Mystic Workers is a fraternal beneficiary society. It is organized for the mutual benefit of its members, the protection of their beneficiaries, and for the practice of fraternalism. Our society undertakes to benefit us by placing at our disposal the means whereby we can protect our dependents and ourselves from the possibility of becoming dependent upon public or private charity.
But our membership brings us other benefits, we gain friends and become friends of others, through our affiliation with the Mystic Workers. We are given the opportunity of serving each other and our community more effectively through an organization than it would be possible to serve as individuals working independently. We benefit by practicing fraternalism.
PREFECT, * * *, calls up Lodge:
Worthies, gather around the candidate(s), form the Mystic Circle and witness the solemn promise.
Stranger(s), to become one of us, you must make a solemn promise in which there is nothing to conflict with either your religious or political opinions. Please repeat after me the solemn promise.
A Solemn Promise
I do most sincerely promise never to reveal, unlawfully any of the secrets of this Order communicated to me as such. I will be cautious in speech, helpful in good work and will aid in increasing the membership of this Lodge. I will not knowingly recommend for membership any person whom I know to be unworthy.
I further promise that I will not communicate the annual password to any other than the proper officers of a Lodge while at work.
Worthies, do you accept the promise made by the candidate(s)?
We do, Worthy Prefect.
Prefect seats lodge with one rap of gavel.
Let us listen to what our officers have to say concerning the benefits, organization, insurance and fraternalism of the Mystic Workers.
Worthy Banker, how does money enter into the practice of fraternalism in the Mystic Workers?
BANKER, rises:
Every human life has a value measurable in dollars and cents, as well as a value beyond measure to those near and dear.
Worthy Monitor, is there any other way in which money serves in the practice of fraternalism?
MONITOR, rises:
Yes, our benefit certificates, while protecting our dependents from financial distress in the event of our death, are making us self-reliant. Those who own property are beyond the need of charity. Our benefit certificates are property.
Worthy Correspondent, do we benefit from funds other than the society's insurance funds?
Yes, this local lodge maintains a fund out of the local lodge dues paid by each member in addition to his life insurance premiums. The lodge fund also receives money from other sources from time to time.
For what purposes may our lodge fund be disbursed?
The lodge fund is maintained for the benefit of any whom the lodge may see fit to help.
If the lodge has a long record of service to its members and the community, it is proper for the Correspondent to elaborate on this subject at this time, either extemporaneously or reading from a prepared report.
Worthy Banker, if a member is sick, is it the duty of the lodge to keep his benefit certificate in force?
No, but upon recommendation of the Sick Committee, after its investigation, the lodge fund may be drawn upon for that purpose.
Can we, as members, depend upon the lodge fund for any specific benefits?
Every member can rely upon this―that the lodge and its members, will do whatever we can to comfort and help any member who may be in distress, if the membership of the lodge is satisfied that relief is deserved. Banker is seated.
Worthy Monitor, we have learned that the Mystic Workers is a great financial institution. How is it organized?
MONITOR, rises:
The Mystic Workers is organized like a republic, with a representative form of government. The society is managed by its Officers, and a Board of Directors.
How do the Officers and members of the Board of Directors derive their authority?
They are elected by the Supreme Lodge of the Mystic Workers, at each regular biennial session.
What is the Supreme Lodge of the Mystic Workers?
The Supreme Lodge is composed of representatives elected by the local lodges. Each local lodge is entitled to one or more representatives, according to the number of members in the lodge. Thus each and every member of the Mystic Workers has a voice in the management of our society.
Are the Officers and Board of Directors responsible only to the Supreme Lodge?
No, the insurance business of the Mystic Workers must be conducted in accordance with the laws of Illinois and of every other state in which our society is licensed. Monitor is seated.
Worthy Correspondent, who are eligible to membership in the Mystic Workers?
Men, women and children of the white race, between the ages of 1 and 60, who are of good moral character and acceptable as insurance risks.
How many adult and Juvenile members has this lodge?
… members.
According to your records, how much money has been paid to the beneficiaries of the deceased members of this lodge?
$ … has been paid to the beneficiaries of deceased members of this lodge.
How much money has been paid to the beneficiaries of deceased members of the
Mystic Workers, since the society was organized in 1896?
The last report received from the home office, shows beneficiaries of deceased members of the Mystic Workers have received a total of over $ ….
Note: The Correspondent should be prepared at all meetings to insert correct amount of all benefits paid.
When a member of this lodge dies, how does the beneficiary secure the money due?
The Correspondent of the lodge is notified as soon as possible. I keep on hand a set of blanks on which to make formal proof of death.
Do you understand how to fill out the blanks properly?
It is a duty of my office to know how the death proof blanks should be filled out, and to assist the beneficiary in securing the information necessary to complete the proofs.
When the proofs are completed, what is done?
They are mailed to the Home Office of the Mystic Workers, at Fulton, Illinois. There they are examined, and if the member was in good standing at the time of his death, a check is mailed immediately.
Can a member change his benefit certificate or secure additional insurance after joining the Mystic Workers?
Yes, by notifying the Correspondent.
How does our society differ from any life insurance company?
The Mystic Workers is a co-operative association or brotherhood conducting a life insurance business the same as any life insurance company, but solely for the benefit of members and not for profit. Our society adds to the benefits of modern life insurance the benefits of practical fraternalism. Correspondent is seated.
Worthy Marshal, how is this lodge organized to practice fraternalism?
By means of standing committees, such as the Sick Committee and the Flower Committee, and special committees appointed as occasion may demand.
What are the duties of the Sick Committee?
To investigate every case of sickness and distress among the members, and to take whatever steps may be necessary in order that the lodge and its members may render assistance as needed.
And what are the duties of the Flower Committee?
To provide floral and other testimonials of the fraternal interest of the lodge in those who may be in sorrow or trouble.
We have heard the words "practical fraternalism" mentioned several times. What do they mean?
Practical fraternalism is the practice of the Golden Rule of life in all our relations with our fellow men.
The new members whose names have been read this evening will please rise.
My friends, you have learned something of the benefits, organization, insurance and fraternalism of the Mystic Workers. Our society is worthy of your confidence and of your active endeavors to extend its beneficent services to increasing thousands of men, women and children. It should be a happy privilege for you to invite your friends to join with us, and to assist the Field representatives and the officers of this lodge to make our organization larger, stronger, and more efficient in the noble work undertaken.
As you join with us, you promise to abide by the laws of our society and to practice fraternalism to the best of your ability, according to the plans of the Mystic Workers.
The members of this lodge will please stand.
On behalf of the members and as Prefect of … Lodge, No. … of the Mystic Workers, I welcome you most sincerely into our membership. May your years of work and association with us be many and happy, and may they be crowned with a priceless realization that you have done your part to advance the Brotherhood of Mankind.
Worthies, greet the new members with the honors of fraternity.
Closing Ceremony
Does any Officer or Worthy know of any further business that should be transacted at this meeting?
Worthy Prefect, we know of none.
Prefect calls up the lodge with three raps.
Worthies, we are about to close this lodge, and I trust the deliberations of tonight may be suggestive of greater good and serve to stimulate the prosperity of our fraternity. Let us join in singing the closing ode.
Long live our order bright,
Offspring of truth and right,
Bent from above,
Long may our Worthies stand,
A firm, united band,
Strong pillars in our land,
Our pride and love.
Worthies, form the Mystic circle of fraternity around our Altar.
Members form a circle around the altar. Prefect takes position inside of circle near altar.
Worthies, what should be the constant care of all Mystic Workers?
Obedience to our laws, assistance to all sick and distressed worthy members and protection to our home and loved ones.
Gathered thus in this fraternal Mystic circle let us resolve to follow the precepts of a pure conscience and regulate our conduct so as to bring credit to ourselves and honor to our noble order. May the good work of this society continue to bring rays of sunshine and consolation to the grieving soul.
Together, Worthies, let us join in giving the honors.
All give honors.
Prefect continues after the honors are given:
May peace, prosperity and happiness be yours until we meet again. I now declare this lodge closed and fraternally bid you all good night.
All respond:
Good night.
