International Hod Carriers’ Building and Common Laborers’ Union of America



The hour of the meeting having arrived, the President, or in his absence, the officer entitled to the Chair, will call the meeting to order. The regular order of business will then be followed. When all of the business has been fully covered, the meeting will then be declared adjourned by the Chairman.
All of the officers will perform their duties at meetings as outlined in the International and Local Union constitutions and as may be required of them by the Chairman.
No discussion of partisan politics or sectarianism shall be permitted during the meeting. Order shall be observed by all present and in the event of any disturbance, the Chairman shall require the disturber to cease the disorder; if the disorder continues, the Chairman shall order the individual removed from the meeting.


At the proper time, in the order of business, new members shall be initiated. The Chairman shall request the Sergeant-at-Arms to admit the candidates, who shall stand in front of the rostrum and face the Chairman, who shall advise the candidates that their applications have been accepted after inspection and consideration, and shall ask the candidates if they are ready to take the oath as members of the International Union and of the Local Union. Upon receiving an answer from each of the candidates that they are ready, the Chairman shall then ask each candidate to take the oath as follows:
I, of my own free will and accord, and in the presence of these witnesses, solemnly and sincerely promise on my sacred honor that I will never reveal any of the business or proceedings of any meeting of this Union that I will faithfully aid and protect the interest of this Union and all worthy members of the same, as lies in my power. I further promise that I will obey all laws of this Union, and Constitution of the National Union and that I will pay all dues, fines and assessments ordered by this Union, and that I will protect and defend the principles of this Organization to the best of my ability.
And, I further promise that I will do all in my power to procure employment for such brothers as may desire situations rn preference to any and all non-union men.
To all this I pledge my sacred honor, and to violate this pledge will stamp me as a man devoid of honor.
