American Patriotic League
Position of Officers
The President sits directly opposite the entrance to and at the furthest end
of the room. The Secretary will sit at the right, and the Treasurer at the left
of the President. The Vice-President will be directly opposite the President.
The Sergeant-at-Arms will sit at the side and centre of room, and the Chaplain
on the opposite side. The Doorkeeper will gurad the inner door and the Sentinel
the outer door.
The Altar
The Altar should be placed in the middle of the room and draped with the
American Flag.
The President will be responsible for the rituals and the Secretary for all
other property belonging to the League.
President: The hour for opening this League having arrived, all
persons present who are not members will retire, the officers will take their
respective stations, and the doors will be closed and guarded.
The Sergeant-at-Arms will now take up the pass.
The S.-at-A. advances and gives the pass to the Pres., and then receives it
from the other members in a whisper. All being found correct the S.-at-A. will
so report, and the Pres. will declare the L. opened for business. But should any
person present be without the pass he must retire unless vouched for.
Pres.: The Secretary will now call the roll of officers.
The S.-at-A. will then proceed to the ante-room, ascertain if there are any
candidates awaiting admission, getting their names &c., and report. While
the S.-at-A. is absent the Secretary will read the minutes of the last meeting.
On the return of the S.-at-A. he will hand the Sec. the names of such
candidates, and if the parties have not been elected, they may be balloted for
by unanimous consent.
This being done and the candidates having been elected, the S.-at-A. will
again see the candidates, and ask them these questions:
Ques.: Do you believe in a Supreme Being?
Ans.: I do.
Ques.: Do you understand the object of this League?
Ans.: I do.
If the candidates do not know our objects and principles, they should be read
in full from the card.
Ques.: Are you willing to give them your support?
Ans.: I am.
The S.-at-A. will then return and report. If the candidates have
satisfactorily passed the examination the P. will direct their admission. The
S.-at-A. will again retire and all being in readiness will rap at the inner
door. The Door-Keeper raises the wicket and asks S.-at-A. in a loud voice:
Doorkeeper: What is the cause of this alarm?
S.-at-A.: Friends who seek admission to our brotherhood.
Doorkeeper: Have they been found worthy?
S.-at-A.: They have.
Doorkeeper to Pres.: Worthy President, the Sergeant-at-Arms
announces friends who seek admission to our brotherhood, and have been found
Pres.: Admit them.
The Pres. strikes the gavel 3 times, all members rise, the candidates enter
and march around the room three to the Vice-Pres.’s desk while a stanza of
some patriotic song is sung in which all join.
S.-at-A.: Worthy Vice-President, I am pleased to present to you
friends to whom the principles of this League have been made known, and who
having been elected and tested are qualified to proceed.
Vice-Pres.: Friends, you have sought admission to our ranks, but
before you assume the responsibilities devolving on a member, you should know
more of the objects of the League.
These are troublous times; the citadel of American liberty is threatened by
dangerous, powerful and subtle foes. The peril is imminent and volunteers are
called for to man the ramparts. The institutions of our country are assailed,
and we propose to defend them. The battle is to be fought at the ballot box, and
through legislation we hope to erect bulwarks so formidable and strong, that no
earthly power can successfully assail them. To secure this object we have
adopted a platform of principles which has been made known to you, and which you
have endorsed. It is our purpose to act politically, and support for public
office only those who will adopt our views. At times it may be hard for you to
oppose the candidates of the party with which you have hitherto affiliated, but
on entering this League, party lines must be effaced, and principles of this
organization must be maintained to the exclusion of all other party interests.
If you are not willing to act in conformity with these sentiments you are
still at liberty to withdraw.
Do you desire to proceed?
Should the response be in the negative, the candidate will pledge himself to
secrecy and leave the room. If in the affirmative the Vice-Pres. will continue:
You will be conducted to the Chaplain who will invoke the Divine Blessing.
S.-at-A. before the Chaplain: Worthy Chaplain, these persons
having been found suitable for admission to our brotherhood, you are requested
to invoke the Divine Blessing that they may remain steadfast and true.
Chaplain: Almighty God, Creator of the Universe, we ask thy
blessing on, these our friends, who desire to unite with us in protecting and
perpetuating the holy cause of liberty. Let not selfish interests, nor the
strife of political factions ever cause them to swerve from the path of duty,
and the obligations they are about to assume. As they are true to these
responsibilities, so may they be prosperous and happy through endless years to
come. We ask Thee to confirm their loyalty, strengthen their resolution, and
endow them with usefulness in the cause we hold most dear, and to Thy Name be
the glory. Amen.
You will now be conducted to the P
The candidates will again march around the room, while
all join in singing another verse, after which they will form around the altar,
facing the Pres.
S.-at-A.: Worthy President,
these candidates desire further instructions from you.
Pres., advancing to the candidates:
Brothers, for such I hope to call you, having been thus far admitted to our
ranks, it is now incumbent upon you to take an obligation which will bind you
still closer to us, and which has been assumed by all here assembled. I assure
you it will not in any way conflict with the duties you owe to your God, your
country, your family or yourself.
If you are willing to assume this obligation raise your right hand, place your
left on the flag of your country as evidence of your sincerity and repeat after
m, using your full name after the word I.
I, …, do solemnly declare and affirm, that I have answered truthfully all the
questions asked me here tonight; and that I will support and defend the
Constitution of the United States and of the State of …; I will use my best
endeavors to promote civil and religious liberty, and will oppose all attempts
to appropriate the public funds or property for sectarian purposes. I will to
the extent of my ability, aid, protect and perpetuate one general non-sectarian
Free School system throughout the United States, and will not knowingly vote
for, nor appoint nor assist in electing or appointing to any political office,
any person who is known to me to be opposed to the principles of the American
Patriotic League. I furthermore promise that I will not make known to the
uninitiated the name of any member of this order, its places of meeting, its
numerical strength and its private work and business. All this I promise on my
honor as a man, and without hesitation or mental reservation.
Pres.: I now welcome you as brothers, and
trust you will keep in mind the solemn pledge which you have here voluntarily
taken. I will now instruct you in the secret work.
The Pres. then gives the work in the following order :
1st: To gain admission to the ante-room.
2nd: To obtain entrance to the meeting room.
3rd: Salutation on entering and leaving room.
4th: Recognition signs, challenge, &c.
5th: Grip, questions and answers.
6th.: Pass word.
The pass word is only to be used to gain admission to the Lodge.
You can give it to no one but the guardians and the Sergeant-at-Arms
and can receive it from no one but the President.
You will now proceed to the Secretary's desk and sign the roll of membership.
The initiation fee should be collected by the S.-at-A.
in the ante-room before the candidates are admitted.