Pythian Sunshine Girls
When hour for opening Council arrives, the Mystic One goes to Charity’s
station and gives * and says: The Royal Princess and her staff
are in waiting. Rise Pythian Sunshine Girls to receive her.
The Mystic One retires to the ante-room. As the Royal Princess and her
staff enter, the girls make the sign of the sun and stand at attention until
all officers are at their stations. Then the Royal Princess seats the Council
(***). The Royal Sentinel retires to ante-room. A march should be played for
this work.
ROYAL PRINCESS: Royal Warder, rises
inform the Royal Sentinel that this Council is ready to open. Instruct her to
see that the outer portal is secured.
ROYAL WARDER: Royal Sentinel, the Council is
ready to open. You will see that the outer portal is secured.
ROYAL SENTINEL: Royal Warder, it is secured.
ROYAL WARDER: Royal Princess, your order has
been obeyed.
ROYAL PRINCESS: Royal Prelate, she
what is the foundation of our Order?
ROYAL PRELATE: To love and revere the Giver of
the beautiful sunshine; to love, honor and obey our parents; to bring
happiness to all our associates and be ever ready to defend our country’s
emblem with our lives if need be.
ROYAL PRINCESS: Royal Guide, she
you will present our country’s emblem.
The Royal Guide goes to foot of the hall, passing Charity’s station into
the ante-room. Royal Warder opening the inner portal for her. She turns square
corners always. As she re-enters, carrying the flag at an angle of 45 degrees,
the Royal Princess gives **, and all stand at attention until the Royal Guide,
retracing her steps, places the flag in the standard at right of the Royal
Princess’s station.
The Royal Princess says: All will pledge
allegiance to our country’s emblem.
The pledge and salute are the same as used in the Pythian Sisters’
Temple. The Royal Guide goes to her station. A march should be played for this
work. ***.
ROYAL PRINCESS: Royal Guide, she
you will challenge all present to see if they are entitled to remain.
The Royal Guide goes to the Royal Princess, gives her the pass, and then
beginning with Royal Recorder goes to each member. They rise and give the
pass. When she reaches the inner portal, the Royal Warder opens the portal and
the Royal Guide takes the pass from the Royal Sentinel. After all have been
examined, the Royal Guide returns to her station. If any members should be
without the pass, the Royal Guide so reports to the Royal Princess, who orders
them to approach her station and be instructed. There should be music for this
ROYAL GUIDE: Royal Princess, your order has
been obeyed. All are entitled to remain.
ROYAL PRINCESS: Royal Prelate, you will gives
thanks to our Heavenly Father for the sunshine and all the blessings we enjoy.
The Royal Prelate goes to the foot of the hail, then to Charity’s
station, then to the altar and kneels facing the Royal Princess. **.
We sincerely ask Thy blessing, Thou Supreme Ruler
of the Universe upon the officers and members of this Council. We pray Thee,
give them aid in conducting the business for which we are here assembled. May
our lives be so filled with sunshine and good deeds that harmony and love will
prevail among us. Help us to obey our parents, to appreciate this great and
glorious nation of ours, and to do unto others as we would have them do unto
us. And finally, permit us to be gathered around Thy throne at the last day a
happy and united band to share Thy Heavenly Home. Bless us in all our efforts
for doing good and may Thy divine grace be showered upon us. Amen ***.
In returning to her station the Royal Prelate retraces her steps.
ROYAL PRINCESS: Royal Warder, she
you will retire and instruct the Royal Sentinel to report for duty.
ROYAL WARDER: Royal Sentinel, you will report
for duty.
The Royal Warder goes to ante-room and remains there until the Royal
Sentinel returns.
The Royal Sentinel goes to Charity’s station, then to the altar and
says: The Royal Sentinel reports for duty.
ROYAL PRINCESS: Royal Sentinel, your office in
this Council is a very important one. A Sentinel guards the sentry line from
the enemy, so you will always see that the outer portal is protected from
those not entitled to enter Return to your station.
The Royal Sentinel goes to Charity’s station, turns a square corner, and
retires to the ante-room.
ROYAL WARDER: Royal Princess, the Royal Warder
returns to her station she
reports from her station.
ROYAL PRINCESS: Royal Warder, why are you
stationed at the inner portal?
ROYAL WARDER: To assist the Royal Sentinel in
protecting the Council from those not entitled to enter. To greet all with a
ray of sunshine and to practice loyalty to all.
ROYAL PRINCESS: Royal Exchequer, she
explain your duties in this Council.
ROYAL EXCHEQUER: To receive all funds belonging
to the Council, and to pay all bills when properly approved. To always
remember that upon my fidelity depends largely the success of our Council and
that to be trusted by our associates, and to be honest and upright in our
dealings are of more value than great riches.
ROYAL PRINCESS: Royal Recorder, she
explain your duties.
ROYAL RECORDER: To keep a correct record of the
Council meetings, to conduct the correspondence and to draw all warrants for
the payment of bills, never forgetting that upon my promptness and accuracy
the good name of our Council depends.
ROYAL PRINCESS: Royal Guide, she
what are your duties?
ROYAL GUIDE: To see that all are in
possession of the pass To conduct those who are seeking the ray of sunshine
through paths that lead to light, peace and joy into the real sunlight And at
all times to obey your orders.
ROYAL PRINCESS: Royal Prelate, she
what are your duties?
ROYAL PRELATE: To require of each girl, before
she can become a member of our Council, an obligation to live up to our motto,
to obey our laws and be a real ray of sunshine in her home and community where
she lives. To ask a blessing on our Council and to be ever mindful of the
sacredness of my office and to perform any other duties.
ROYAL PRINCESS: Friendship, she
what is the lesson you teach, and what is your duty?
FRIENDSHIP: That friendship is a pearl of
great price. My duty is to extend to all a helping hand in time of need,
remembering that to be a real friend at all times is one of the noblest
attributes a girl can possess. With true friendship comes the sunshine.
ROYAL PRINCESS: Charity, she rises explain your duties to this
CHARITY: To try by word and deed to exemplify to all that
charity is the greatest virtue in life; to be ever ready to cover the faults
of others with sweet charity, illuminated with the blessed sunshine from God.
ROYAL PRINCESS: Mystic One, she
what is your mission in this Council?
MYSTIC ONE: It is my duty to represent the
beautiful name of our Order. To assist at initiation so that those who seek
admission to our Order may learn that the sun is the lifegiving health from
God to all creation; and to obey your commands.
ROYAL PRINCESS: Standing as I do in the first
official office, it is my duty to preserve order, see that our laws are
obeyed, appoint all committees unless otherwise ordered. To conduct myself so
that all my acts will reflect the same beautiful ray of friendship that the
sun does on a pleasant day With a deep sense of these obligations, may I
preside with justice and impartiality as my guide.
ROYAL PRINCESS: Mystic One, you will see that
our altar is arranged.
The Mystic One goes to Charity’s station, then to the altar, opens the
Bible very slowly and with reverence; then holds her wand up over it and says:
May God help us to live up to out motto.
She then returns to her station by way of Charity’s station.
ROYAL PRINCESS: Please sing the opening ode. **.
ROYAL PRINCESS: I proclaim … Council, No …
Pythian Sunshine Girls ready for official work. Royal Warder, you will so
instruct the Royal Sentinel.
The Royal Warder opens the inner portal and says so all can hear: The Council is ready for work.
The Royal Sentinel secures the outer portal and comes into the Council
The Royal Princess then seats the Council. ***.
No one may enter or retire during initiation Six Banner Girls will assist
during the work. All the officers and Banner Girls shall be dressed in white,
also the pianist.
ROYAL PRINCESS: Royal Sentinel, you will retire
to the outer Council Room to see if there are any strangers there, who desire
to become members of our Council.
Royal Sentinel retires, Royal Warder opening the inner portal for her.
Royal Sentinel giving ** reports to the Royal Warder from outer Council Room.
ROYAL SENTINEL: Royal Warder, there is a
stranger in the ante-room, who desires to Join our Order.
ROYAL WARDER: Royal Princess, the Royal
Sentinel reports a stranger in the outer Council Room who has come to learn
the Story of the Sunshine.
ROYAL PRINCESS: Mystic One, as no one can be
admitted to our Council who is not in sympathy with our work, you will retire
to see if she is qualified to become a Pythian Sunshine Girl.
The Mystic One goes to Charity’s station, then to the altar, holds up
her wand over the Bible, then goes to Charity’s station. turns a square
corner, and retires to the ante-room, the Royal Warder opening the door for
her to retire.
Pledge and Examination
MYSTIC ONE: Do you believe in God, the
Father of us all?
Ans.: I do.
Do you promise to obey your patents or guardians
and do all you can to make your home a happy one?
Ans.: I do.
Do you promise to help in very possible way to make
our Council a credit to the community in which you live?
Ans.: I do.
Do you promise to respect and uphold the laws of
our country, to always defend our flag, to help protect and uphold out public
Ans.: I do.
Do you promise to help any girl in our Council who
is in need, to defend her from slander and unkindness so far as truth will
Ans.: I do.
My friend, these are a few of the things that will
be required of you in order to become a Pythian Sunshine Girl. Do you still
desire to learn more of our teachings?
Ans.: I do
You will wait for further orders.
The Mystic One gives **. Royal Warder answers and takes the pass. The
Mystic One goes to the altar by way of Charity’s station, holds up het wand
and says: Royal Princess, the examination was satisfactory. She
then returns to her station.
ROYAL PRINCESS: Royal Guide, retire and see that
our candidate is received courteously.
The Royal Guide goes to the altar, gives sign of courtesy and retires by
way of Charity’s station The Royal Warder opens the door.
When all is ready the Royal Guide and the candidate approach the inner
portal, the Royal Guide gives ** which is answered by the Royal Warder who
opens the door and takes the pass. The Mystic One has gone to the station of
the Royal Warder, as she acts as escort to the Royal Guide and candidate. As
they come through the door, the Council sings the welcome ode. They match
around the hall twice by way of Charity’s station, stopping its front of the
Royal Princess.
ROYAL GUIDE: Royal Princess, I have the
pleasure of presenting to you this candidate, who has been elected to become a
member of our Council, and who has promised obedience to our pledge, and now
awaits your instruction.
ROYAL PRINCESS: My friend, I am fully convinced
that your request for admission to our Council is prompted only by a sincere
desire for the higher attainments of life. To not only receive from us, but to
give to us, that God given blessing, true friendship. Our Order teaches the
highest ideals of life, and while none are perfect, every one must to the best
of her understanding and ability exemplify its teachings. Knowing this, are
you willing to proceed? Ans.:
ROYAL PRINCESS: Royal Guide, you will present
this candidate to the Royal Prelate.
The Royal Guide and candidate, preceded by the Mystic One, march past the
Royal Exchequer’s station to foot of hall, to Charity’s station, and then
to the altar, the Royal Guide causes the candidate to kneel, facing the
station of the Royal Princess. The Royal Guide places the Bible in the right
hand of the candidate and the flag of the country in the left hand. The Banner
Girls march to position.
ROYAL GUIDE: Royal Prelate, I present this
candidate for obligation.
The Royal Guide steps back, forming left corner of triangle. The Royal
Princess calls up the Council ** and goes to the altar, standing at the right
of the Royal Prelate.
If you are willing to obligate yourself to become a
Pythian Sunshine Girl, you will repeat after me, using your name where I use
mine: I do solemnly promise upon my honor that I will never reveal any of the
secret work of this Order to any one not entitled to it. That I will endeavor
to be loving, kind, and patient with all my associates in my daily life as
well as in the Council; that I will strive to be happy myself and make some
one else happy each day. That I will always remember our motto, and I promise
to put forth my best efforts to brighten the lives of those with whom I come
in contact. I will obey all laws and do all in my power to aid in the
advancement and prosperity of the Pythian Sunshine Girls.
The Council sings the ode “Be a Blessing”. The Royal Princess and
Royal Prelate return to their stations The Royal Princess seats the Council,
ROYAL PRINCESS: Royal Guide, present this
candidate to the Royal Prelate that she may learn our first great lesson,
The Royal Guide, candidate and Banner Girls march to Royal Prelate’s
ROYAL GUIDE: Royal Prelate, I present one who
comes to learn the first lesson in search of the Sunshine.
ROYAL PRELATE: Friend and sister, you have
promised obedience to our pledge and have taken our obligation. You have
proven that you have faith in this Order. Our Heavenly
Father has taught us that without faith nothing can
be accomplished. As a member of this Order you must exemplify that faith which
comes from God. In so doing you will prefer goodness to greatness, worthiness
to wealth, which will strengthen your faith in Him who gave us the sunshine.
Faith to believe that within yourself lies the success of your own life.
Dedicate your life to spreading kindness and so be one of God’s sunbeams The
Bible and passion flower are emblematic of this lesson and a symbol of our
faith in God.
ROYAL PRELATE: Royal Guide, take this sister to
the Shrine of Friendship.
ROYAL GUIDE: Friendship, our Royal Prelate
has directed me to present this sister that she may learn from you our second
lesson, Friendship.
FRIENDSHIP: My sister, there is no more
beautiful picture in life than a person replete with friendship. Without this
attribute this world would be a very unhappy place. Friendship is the love we
have for others, a divine gift from God to make those with whom we associate,
and the sorrowful, happy Life at us best is filled with many cares and
shadows, hut if we possess true friendship, all that is unkind fades away, the
bright ray of the sunshine dispelling the darkness and friendship guiding us
to peace and joy. The emblem of this lesson is the clasped hands, the flower,
the ivy; both symbols of friendship.
FRIENDSHIP: Royal Guide, escort our sister
to your station that she may be instructed in the third lesson, Patriotism.
The Color Bearer steps up to the station of the Royal Guide and gives the
ROYAL GUIDE: Color Bearer, thus sister comes
to you to learn the lesson so necessary to good citizenship
COLOR BEARER: My sister, our forefathers left
to us a great legacy, thus free country of ours, a land where all are equal and
free to worship God as our own hearts tell us is right, and where every person
may own a home and every child have an education. Thus, my sister, has been
purchased by the life blood of men whose ideas were the highest, whose vision
was as bright as the sunshine for the future prosperity of our country. Let us
as Pythian Sunshine Girls perpetuate their memory by obeying our laws,
protecting our public schools and defending this flag she
takes hold
of the
The emblem of this lesson us the flag, the flower, the nasturtium, symbols of
patriotism and devotion.
COLOR BEARER: Royal Guide, take our sister to
the Mystic One that she may learn the fourth lesson, Hope.
The Council sings Grand Old Glory.
While the Council us singing, the Banner Girls march to the station of the
Mystic One. On completion of the singing, the Mystic One, Royal Guide and
candidate march to the station of the Mystic One, passing the station of the
Royal Princess and Royal Exchequer and Charity. The Mystic One steps up to her
ROYAL GUIDE: Mystic One, I present this
sister to learn from you the lesson of Hope.
MYSTIC ONE: My dear sister, there is nothing that
inspires a girl so much as hope. Life is so full of hope for the future, sister,
many times nor for the things that are for a girl’s best good. In becoming a
Pythian Sunshine Girl it will be your duty to try to cultivate a desire for only
the things which are helpful to you and your associates As the joy of a bright
day is to every one of us replete with hope, by the assurance that it will bring
health and happiness to God’s children, so may you strive each day by some
kind act or deed to inspire in the hearts of those in your home, at school, or
whomever you may meet the same joy. The emblem of this lesson is the anchor, the
flower, the hawthorn, both reaching us to be ever hopeful.
MYSTIC ONE: Royal Guide, present this sister
to Charity to learn from her the fifth lesson.
ROYAL GUIDE: Charity, this sister comes to
you to learn our fifth lesson.
CHARITY: Sister, the Book of Law on our altar tells us that
charity us the greatest virtue in life. It is another name for love, and love us
the foundation of every good and perfect work. What does it really mean? That
you and I, sister, must strive to be unselfish, to make every one with whom we
come in contact happy by some act of kindness. To always be ready to walk with
Charity as down life’s path we go, shielding from the world the faults of
those who are unfortunate. That is true charity. Remember, we are all God’s
children. Let us all strive to be as pure and noble in our intentions at home,
in school, or at work, as the sun is bright, never forgetting that our Guide has
said “Blessed are the pure in heart lot they shall see God.” The emblem of
this lesson is the crown; the flower, the mountain laurel, symbols of charity
and victory.
CHARITY: Royal Guide, escort our sister to the Royal
Princess that she may learn the lesson so essential for every member to
The Royal Guide, candidate and Mystic One march past the station of
Friendship to the station of the Royal Princess.
ROYAL GUIDE: Royal Princess, this sister
comes to you to learn the last lesson, Fidelity.
ROYAL PRINCESS: Fidelity, my sister, is one of
God’s laws, which all nature obeys. The seasons come and go, the sun warms the
earth, the rain gives nourishment and we have a harvest sufficient for the needs
of all creation. Everything bows in obedience to His law. If we are true to
ourselves, we shall learn from nature the lessons of fidelity, and in so doing,
obey and respect the laws of this Order. The emblem of this lesson is the globe,
a symbol that the world is obedient to fidelity; the flower, the blue violet.
Council sings “Just Being Happy”.
As the Council sings, he Royal Guide and candidate march around the hall
and stop at the Royal Princess’s station. The Banner Girls go to their
stations, turning square corners.
Secret Work
ROYAL PRINCESS: My sister, you have learned the
six important lessons of life in your journey through this Council. Heed well
each lesson as your future depends upon your faithfulness You are now entitled
to our secrets Should you arrive at the outer portal after the Council has been
called to order, you will give … raps, which signifies “A member stands
without.” The Royal Sentinel answers by giving … raps, which signifies
“Enter.” The Royal Sentinel will receive the annual password which is and
you will be admitted to the anteroom. You will remove your wraps and advance to
the inner portal on which you will give … raps. which signifies “A member
seeks the sunshine.” The Royal Warder will give … raps which signifies you
are welcome. She will receive the permanent password, which is …
You will then approach the altar, salute the flag
by placing the right hand over the heart, and after dropping it to the side,
make the sign of the sun Explain
how at is made. The Royal Princess will return the sign and you may
be seated.
The voting sign is made by …
Should you wish to speak or take part in any
debate, you will rise and say, ‘Royal Princess’. After being recognized by
the Royal Princess, you may proceed.
Should you wish to retire before the Council
closes, you will approach the altar, salute the flag, and make the closing sign.
Explain how it is
made. The Royal Princess will recognize you with a slight bow and you
may then retire.
The grip is given by taking the hand as you would
when meeting a friend with a …
Our jewel is a triangle on which is the color worn
by each officer and the sun. The triangle is emblematic of the relation of the
Pythian Sunshine Girls to the Great Order of Knights of Pythias, whose ritual is
founded on the friendship of Damon and Pythias. The sun is to remind us that we
stand as a beacon light to every girl who is in trouble and needs help and that
we have a duty to perform in the great Pythian army.
Should you wish to make yourself known as a Pythian
Sunshine Girl, you will make the sign of recognition. Explain
how it is made.
The party (if a member) will ask ‘Where are you
The Royal Guide will answer the questions.
Ans.: To the land of sunshine.
What do you find in your journey?
Ans.: Six wonderful lessons.
What are they?
Ans.: Faith, Friendship, Patriotism, Hope, Charity and
Is that all?
Ans.: No, a beautiful motto by which to live.
What is it?
Ans.: Do all the good you can, in all the ways you can,
to all the people you can.
We welcome you to our Order, and may the lessons
learned here be your guide as long as life shall last. The Royal Guide will
conduct you to the Royal Recorder to sign the membership book. You will then be
ROYAL PRINCESS: I declare a short recess to
greet the new sister.
ROYAL PRINCESS: Royal Recorder, has all business
of the Council been transacted?
ROYAL RECORDER: Royal Princess, it has.
ROYAL PRINCESS: Charity, she rises what should be the duty of
every Pythian Sunshine Girl when she leaves this meeting?
CHARITY: Royal Princess, to remember the six lessons taught
in our Council, and to practice our motto.
ROYAL PRINCESS: Royal Prelate, she
from what source does every girl receive strength to resist temptation
ROYAL PRELATE: Royal Princess, from our
Heavenly Father.
ROYAL PRINCESS: Royal Prelate, you will invoke
His blessings on us all.
The Royal Prelate then goes to the foot of the hall, then to Charity’s
station, then to the altar and kneels, facing the Royal Princess. **.
O, Lord, as we are about to close our Council
meeting, grant to us Thy Heavenly Wisdom, that we may have perfect faith in
Thee. In all of our acts be a true friend, not only to the members of this
Council, but to all of Thy children, ever ready to cover their faults with the
mantle of charity. Help us, God, to have loving hearts, to love and obey our
parents, to defend our flag and to protect our public schools. Help us to always
live up to our motto and to bring to all the blessed sunshine, so that we may
grow more like Thee each day. Amen.
The members all say together:
Lord, help us to be ever faithful.
The Royal Prelate returns to her station.
ROYAL PRINCESS: Royal Guide, present our country
s emblem. **.
The Royal Guide takes the flag from the standard, goes to her station and
holds it as if marching, and replaces it.
ROYAL PRINCESS: Please sing the closing ode.
ROYAL PRINCESS: Sisters, unite with me in giving
our motto “Do all the good you can, in all the ways you can; to all the people
you can.”
ROYAL PRINCESS: I declare this meeting closed ***.
The members will remain seated until the officers march out.