Order of the Secret Monitor
Ritual for the Degree of Supreme Ruler


Any Past Supreme Ruler of a Conclave may install a brother as Supreme Ruler of that Conclave, but the further ceremony of commissioning a Supreme Ruler within the Order can be performed only by a Grand Officer.
The Conclave having been duly opened, the S.R.-elect is presented to the presiding Officer by two Past Supreme Rulers. The two P.S.R.s (preferably Director of Ceremonies and Assistant Director of Ceremonies), who should be seated in the West, rise and on DC’s command draw swords. Then DC, followed by ADC, with swords at the "carry", move down North side to North East corner. They halt, turn to face South and move side by side to opposite Chaplain’s chair and halt leaving a space between them. DC bows to Chaplain, who rises and steps between DC and ADC. All then turn to face West and move in single file down South side, ADC leading, to West end of Holy Ground, then wheel right and halt opposite Ezel. Then all turn to face East. Before Ceremony commences DC should warn S.R.-elect to remove his 1st Degree sash (if worn) as soon as DC and ADC start moving towards him.
PSR, on right of S.R.-elect:
Worthy Installing Officer, we have the pleasure to present to you our worthy Brother ... the S.R.-elect of this Conclave in order that his Installation may be proceeded with according to our accustomed rites and ceremonies (and also that he may receive his Commission as a Supreme Ruler within the Order).
Installing Officer: I willingly comply with your request, but it is my duty first to require replies to the questions I shall now proceed to put.
1. Brother ..., have you been regularly inducted as a Brother of David and Jonathan in a properly warranted Conclave and duly admitted as a Prince of the Order?
I have.
2. Have you been duly elected to the office of Supreme Ruler at a regular meeting of the Conclave and after due notice given to the Officers and Brethren thereof?
I have.
3. Have you also served the office of Counsellor or Guide for the space of a full year in a regularly warranted Conclave?
I have
4. Brothers Past Supreme Rulers, is our brother well skilled in the ritual of the first and second degrees, and sufficiently acquainted with the landmarks and constitutions of the Order?
Presenting Past Supreme Rulers (both speak):
We are satisfied on these points, Supreme Ruler.
Installing Officer:
Thus assured, I will now request the Supreme Ruler-elect to testify before the brethren here assembled his acceptance of the duties of his Office.
The two Past Supreme Rulers drop back a pace, leaving the S.R.-elect standing before the Installing Officer, stepping forward again later for the Obligation.

Installing Officer:
Brother Supreme Ruler-elect, are you generally conversant with the qualifications necessary in every Brother who accepts the office of a Ruler, and are you willing to undertake the duties thereof and to be installed as the Supreme Ruler, of this worthy and worshipful Conclave?
I am.
Installing Officer:
Then I will direct your careful attention to our Brother Guide while he reads those pledges, to which your full assent is required. You will signify your compliance by the Secret Monitor sign of approval after each clause.
The Guide stands and reads from the Constitutions and Regulations the several pledges, to each of which the Secret Monitor sign of approval is given by the S.R.-elect.

Installing Officer:
You will now advance to the Ezel, kneel on both knees, place your left hand upon the Volume of Sacred Law, the right upraised with the fore finger pointed to the sky and take a solemn Obligation with respect to your duties as Supreme Ruler of this Conclave.
Repeat your name at length, and say after me:
Installing Officer gavels and the Brethren stand to order with the Sign of Fidelity.
During the Obligation the two presenting Past Supreme Rulers should face each other on either side of the S.R.-elect and cross their swords over his head. The sword being held in the right hand, no attempt should be made by them to give the Sign of Fidelity.

I, ..., in the presence of the Almighty Friend of all friends, and before this Conclave of Brothers of David and Jonathan regularly held, assembled, and properly dedicated, do hereby agree to accept the office of Supreme Ruler of this Conclave and the commission of a Supreme Ruler within the Order and promise that the duties thereby devolving upon me I will faithfully, zealously and impartially discharge, to the best of my skill and ability, until the next regular period of election within this Conclave, and until a successor shall have been duly elected and installed in my stead.
I further solemnly promise that at no time during my rulership will I permit or suffer any innovation in the established ritual of the Order or the administration of any rite or ceremony other than such as may be authorised by the Grand Conclave of the Order. All these points I solemnly pledge myself to observe, upon the fidelity of a Brother of David and Jonathan and evince my sincerity by sealing this my Obligation with my lips upon the Volume of Sacred Law.
S.R.-elect does so.

After the S.R.-elect has saluted the Volume of Sacred Law the two Past Supreme Rulers sheath their swords and then say:
Rise duly obligated Supreme Ruler-elect.
Installing Officer calls upon all brethren who are not Installed Supreme Rulers to retire.
Director of Ceremonies tells brethren to leave 1st Degree sashes on their chairs before leaving. DC seats S.R.-elect on South side opposite East edge of Holy Ground.

The DC should see that such brethren retire; tile the Conclave; move the 3 Great Lights to the pedestal of the Supreme Ruler; when on pedestal put Square and Compasses on left side of Volume of Sacred Law; place the Presents on top of the Stone Ezel; remove the chairs of the 1st and 3rd Visiting Deacons and place the kneeling stool on the edge of the Holy Ground between the Ezel and the Supreme Ruler.

Installing Officer, gavels once:
I now declare this a duly constituted Convocation of Supreme Rulers in the Order, and I appoint Worthy Brother ... as Chaplain.
Installing Officer invites the Director of Ceremonies to continue to act for the ceremony and to depute a Past Supreme Ruler to act as Guarder until a new Guarder is appointed.

S.R.-elect does not return to "floor" until Installing Officer says "You will now kneel ..." when DC conducts him to kneeling stool and then retires a few paces. If S.R.-elect is wearing spectacles DC should ensure that he removes them when he kneels and that he replaces them after sealing Obligation.

Installing Officer:
Brother Supreme Rulers, our Worthy Brother ... having been duly elected to the office of Supreme Ruler of this Conclave and having before the Brethren signified his willingness to accept that office, and pledged his fidelity to abide by, support, and uphold the rules and regulations thereto appertaining, I, by the authority in me vested, shall now, with your assistance, proceed to install him as the Ruler of this Conclave and shall then ask that he may be commissioned as a Supreme Ruler within the Order.
You will now kneel in front of the Ezel and be attentive to a portion of the sacred writings appointed to be read at this stage of the ceremony.
Chaplain reads I Chron., chap. xi, vv. 1, 2, 3:
Then all Israel gathered themselves to David unto Hebron, saying, Behold, we are thy bone and thy flesh. And moreover in times past even when Saul was King, thou wast he that leddest out and broughtest in Israel;
and the Lord thy God said unto thee, Thou shalt feed my people Israel, and thou shalt be ruler over my people Israel. Therefore came all the elders of Israel to the king to Hebron; and David made a covenant with them in Hebron before the Lord; and they anointed David king over Israel, according to the word of the Lord by Samuel.
S.R.-elect remains kneeling.

Installing Officer:
The Brethren will now turn to the East and assume the attitude of prayer.
Let us pray.
Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord, blessed be His Holy name for ever and ever. We humbly beseech Thee, O Grand Supreme Ruler of the Universe, to look down upon our sacred Rite, and to endow this our Brother with strength and fortitude to abide by the solemn Obligation he is now about to take; assist him with Thy might, prevent him by Thy grace, and enrich him with Thy knowledge. so that he may rule this Conclave with wisdom, and exhibit to all who are placed under his authority a bright example of honour and true friendship - to the Glory of Thy Holy Name.
So mote it be.
Installing Officer:
Brother ..., are you prepared to take upon yourself one of the most solemn Obligations of Freemasonry, the infraction of which will forfeit one of your senses, to keep inviolate the secrets of this the third degree of our Order?
I am.
Installing Officer:
Then you will rise and advance to the Pedestal and, remembering that you are calling upon the Holy Name of your Maker, place your right hand upon the Volume of Sacred Law and with your left pressed firmly upon your Closed Eyes, thus take a Solemn Obligation with respect to the secrets belonging to a Supreme Ruler.
Repeat your name at length, and say after me: Installing Officer gavels I in the presence of the God of Abraham, the Father of His people, and of Moses the Leader of His people and of this solemn Convocation of Supreme Rulers in the Order of the Secret Monitor duly constituted and regularly convened, do hereby and hereon most solemnly promise and swear that I will keep inviolate the secrets and mysteries of this degree now entrusted to my care, and communicate them to none, unless it be to a duly Installed Ruler in the Order, or to a Brother regularly elected or designated as Ruler of a Conclave and so acknowledged in my presence, by two or more Rulers in the Order, at a meeting of Rulers regularly convened for that purpose. All these points I solemnly swear to observe, under the penalty of being struck blind that I may never be able to see the light of the sun to gaze upon the face of a brother or to perceive his warning sign. So help me the Most High and preserve me faithful in this my Solemn Obligation of a Supreme Ruler in the Brotherhood of David and Jonathan.
Installing Officer:
As a pledge perpetually binding you to fidelity you will seal this Obligation with your lips four times upon the Volume of Sacred Law.
S.R. elect does so.

Installing Officer leaves the chair, removes Robe as he leaves and places it on the back of Immediate Past Supreme Ruler seat, then says:
I now invest you with the collar and the jewel of your office, and the sash of Supreme Ruler of this Conclave
I also form with you the living Magen David and with this sign place you in the seat of authority, and whisper into your ear the word of a Supreme Ruler, which is Shaddai, which means Lord. Only Shaddai is whispered, Lord is said aloud.

The due guard of the degree is given by pressing the left hand firmly over the closed eyes. This alludes to the penalty of your Obligation wherein you have sworn that you would rather be struck blind than violate your obligation as an Installed Supreme Ruler.
I now communicate to you the sign of a Supreme Ruler in our Order, which is given by placing the hands side by side with the first two fingers of the right hand overlapping the first two of the left hand, thumbs under the palm of the opposite hands, the third and fourth fingers together at an angle from the first two, thus forming as nearly as possible the letter w and represents Schin, the first letter of the Hebrew word Shaddai. It was in this position shows sign and maintains it until words Abram Oveni that Aaron placed his hands when he blessed the Children of Israel, as I now bless you.
May the Most High grant you health for many years to come, to share with us the blessings of pure and unselfish friendship and communion, and when in the fullness of time He shall in His mercy call you to that land from whose bourne no traveller returns, may you leave behind you the imperishable inheritance of a good name, as did our Grand Supreme Ruler Abram Oveni.
Installing Officer salutes the Supreme Ruler with Supreme Ruler-sign.

The Past Supreme Rulers form a semi-circle and salute the Supreme Ruler with sign of a Supreme Ruler four times accompanied by the appropriate words.

Installing Officer:
These words signify: Be thou strong in the Everlasting Lord.
Installing Officer asks Supreme Ruler to gavel:
I now declare this Convocation of Supreme Rulers closed.
Installing Officer requests Director of Ceremonies to admit the Princes and to form them in a line in the North.

Installing Officer:
Princes, you will pass before our newly installed Supreme Ruler and salute him as Princes of the Order.
The Director of Ceremonies leads the procession. He and each Prince give the salute of the degree, with the words semper fidelis, in passing the Supreme Ruler.

Installing Officer:
Princes, I now proclaim our Brother ... the duly installed Supreme Ruler of this Conclave until the next regular period of election within the Conclave and until a successor shall have been regularly elected and installed in his stead. I now call upon him to appoint and invest the Officers necessary for this degree.
Director of Ceremonies:
Princes be seated.
The Director of Ceremonies, addressing the Supreme Ruler, asks him to invest the Immediate Past Supreme Ruler as Jonathan (this is a fixed appointment) and then to appoint and invest Abishai, Adino, Eleazar, Shammah and the Lecturer.

Officers after being invested should be placed in the appropriate seats. If possible Director of Ceremonies or Assistant Director of Ceremonies should not be appointed to any of these Offices.

Installing Officer:
To your regularly elected and installed Supreme Ruler ... you, the Officers and the Princes of this Conclave, owe allegiance, honour and fealty, and I feel assured, it will be your pleasure, as well as your duty, to render him your best individual and collective support, during the term of his office. As Supreme Ruler of this Conclave he will have many privileges and responsibilities, not the least of which will be judiciously to husband the resources of the Conclave so that no distressed brother may apply in vain for sympathy or relief, and no perplexed brother may lack discreet direction and guidance.
In all these matters, I am convinced your Supreme Ruler will command your fullest confidence, and he in his turn will rule you worthily and well.
I must now request him to leave for a few moments the exalted position in which your suffrages have placed him, in order that our distinguished Brother ..., by the power vested in him by the Grand Supreme Ruler as a Commissioning Officer, may confer upon our newly Installed Brother the wider jurisdiction of a Supreme Ruler within the Order, and empower him to bear a more extended sway over all brethren of the inferior degrees throughout the British Isles and in Territories Overseas.
The Supreme Ruler steps down and is conducted by the Installing Officer to kneeling stool in South East facing East. The Director of Ceremonies calls the Princes to order and waits upon the Commissioning Officer, escorting him to his position, presenting oil and napkin and being prepared to offer him his own sword if necessary.
1. Commissioning Officer anoints Supreme Ruler with oil, saying:
Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed David in the midst of his brethren.
In the name of David and Jonathan I anoint on crown of head you Supreme Ruler within our Order.
2. With the sword gives the accolade on the left shoulder, saying:
Take authority to execute the office of Supreme Ruler within our Order, thus committed unto you, to rule conclaves, to induct candidates, to admit princes, and to install a brother duly elected or designated as Supreme Ruler in any Conclave.
3. Invests him with a purple robe with gold facings, saying:
I now invest you with this robe of a Supreme Ruler within our Order: the colour is purple, an emblem of imperial dignity, and I exhort you to wear it worthily.
4. Hands him a bow or a sword saying:
I present you with this bow (or sword) as an emblem of power; wield it boldly but discreetly: be faithful to your God, your Country, and your Order.
Commissioning Officer takes back bow or sword and hands it to Director of Ceremonies.

The Commissioning Officer takes Supreme Ruler by the hands:
Rise Supreme Ruler within our Order.
The Director of Ceremonies calls upon the Princes to form a circle round the Magen David and the Commissioning Officer conducts Supreme Ruler to the circle. Supreme Ruler stands immediately on right of Commissioning Officer in circle.

Chaplain reads I Chron., chap. xvi, vv. 2-3:
And when David had made an end of
offering the burnt offerings and the peace offerings, he blessed the people in the name of the Lord. And he dealt to every one of Israel, both man and woman, to every one a loaf of bread, and a good piece of flesh, and a flagon of wine.
The Director of Ceremonies hands the plate of bread and meat to the Commissioning Officer, who gives it to the Supreme Ruler, telling him to offer it to each one in the circle, moving clockwise, offering it first to the Commissioning Officer. When he returns, the Commissioning Officer should take the plate, offer it to the Supreme Ruler for him to partake, and then return it to the Director of Ceremonies. The Director of Ceremonies then brings the Cup of Wine which is handed round in the same manner. The following Anthem is read or sung during the distribution of the Presents.

Behold, how good and joyful a thing it is: brethren, to dwell together in unity!
It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down unto the beard: even unto Aaron’s beard, and went down to the skirts of his clothing.
Like as the dew of Hermon: which fell upon the hill of Sion.
For there the Lord promised his blessing: and life for evermore.
After completion of the distribution the Commissioning Officer retaining cup exclaims:
This is the Supper of King David Melaoveh, Malkah.
The Director of Ceremonies should call on the Princes to form two lines facing each other in the North, having previously arranged for those with swords to go to the East end of the lines.

He marshals the Princes, while the Commissioning Officer leads the Supreme Ruler to the West, and gives the orders "Draw swords", "Arch of Steel - Engage," then after Supreme Ruler is seated "Carry swords", "Return swords". The Commissioning Officer conducts the Supreme Ruler between the two ranks and under the Arch to the throne.

Director of Ceremonies:
Princes, be seated.
Installing Officer, asks Supreme Ruler to gavel:
I now declare this assembly of Princes closed.
The 3 Great Lights are restored to their place on the Ezel, the chairs of the Visiting Deacons replaced by the Director of Ceremonies and Assistant Director of Ceremonies and then the Installing Officer orders the Brethren of the 1st Degree to be re-admitted.

The Director of Ceremonies meets the brethren at the door and forms them in a line in the North. If insufficient Brethren, Director of Ceremonies should call on a few Princes.

Installing Officer:
Brethren, you will proceed round the Conclave and salute the Supreme Ruler as Secret Monitors in passing.
The Director of Ceremonies leads the procession, salute only is given.

When this is done the Installing Officer standing in the South-East says:
Brethren, I now proclaim Brother ... Supreme Ruler of the ... Conclave numbered ... on the books of the Grand Conclave of the Order of the Secret Monitor in the British Isles and in Territories Overseas, until the next regular period of election within the Conclave, and until a successor shall have been duly installed in his stead, and I call upon you to greet him with three, taking the time from the Director of Ceremonies.
Installing Officer:
Brethren, be seated.
The Installing Officer goes up to the pedestal:
Supreme Ruler, Supreme Ruler stands I now present to you the Warrant of this Conclave; distinguished Brethren have treasured it as a sacred trust, and as you receive it pure and unsullied, so I am convinced you will transmit it to your successor. Supreme Ruler sits. I also hand you an official copy of the ritual of the third degree, which you must carefully study.
I likewise present to you the Constitutions and Regulations of the Order, and the By-laws of your Conclave. From a perusal of these you will find guidance and help in all cases of difficulty and doubt that may arise within your Conclave. You will now proceed to appoint and invest the Officers chosen to assist you in governing the Conclave during the ensuing year.
Installing Officer then proceeds to a position between the 2nd and 4th Visiting Deacons, facing the Supreme Ruler:
Supreme Ruler, now that you have undertaken the important duties of a Ruler in our Order, let me point out to you that as in other degrees in Freemasonry so in this our brotherhood of David and Jonathan the Volume of Sacred Law goes up to the Ezel the Square and Compasses represent the three Great Lights whose uses have been taught in those degrees, and whose teachings this degree will continue and develop.
Let the pathetic incident upon which our Order is founded ever remind you that its Principles are those imparted in the Sacred Volume, and let the conduct of our great exemplar David to Jonathan his brother teach you to regulate your life upon the principles of the square and guide your actions within the compasses of disinterested and friendly generosity to all.
Installing Officer gives Sign of Reverence.

May the God of David and Jonathan grant you strength and wisdom to rule your Conclave wisely and well, drops sign and may peace and prosperity attend you and the Conclave during your term of office, so that when you shall cease to occupy the chair of Supreme Ruler, the remembrance of your presidency may ever be recalled with pleasure by the Brethren, and by yourself with the approval of a good conscience.
The Installing Officer directs the Visiting Deacons to stand, and the new Supreme Ruler says:
Brother Visiting Deacons, as the peculiar foundation of this Order is to give friendly monition and warning to its members in time of danger, and to afford support and assistance to them in time of sorrow and distress, you, as officers specially appointed to fulfill that duty, are strictly enjoined to search out and warn any Brother who may be exposed to danger, secret or apparent, and to visit and console those who may have fallen into adverse circumstances, or who, in any other way, may stand in need of fraternal help and consolation.
Your faithful performance of these duties during the term for which you are appointed will enhance the reputation of this Conclave and will evince your qualification for higher posts, while failure therein will entail discredit, alike upon yourselves, and upon our Order.
The Installing Officer directs all Officers to stand and the Supreme Ruler continues:
Brother Officers in the two degrees, from the zeal you have already displayed in subordinate positions, I feel assured that you may be relied upon to discharge with fidelity the important duties attached to your several offices, and that your future conduct will fully justify my confidence and trust in conferring these appointments upon you.
Installing Officer:
Brethren, be seated.
Installing Officer, returning to the East, continues:
Brethren, the weapons of a Secret Monitor are the Bow and Arrow. The Bow picks it up which though bent bends it by superior power for some wise purpose known only to the bender, yet springs back releases it to its former shape, is an emblem of our mortal life.
It typifies that the trials sent us by the Almighty hand should not leave us cast down, dejected and repining, but like the Bow, bends it which, when the strain is relaxed releases it at once resumes its original form, so we, aided by the help that comes from above, should learn to rise superior to our griefs, intent only on doing our duty, in our day and generation, with joy and friendliness puts down Bow.
And as the Arrow picks one up shot by the unerring hand of a skilful archer speeds straight to its destined mark, so the brethren and officers of this Conclave, each in his particular sphere, will strive, we trust, with single mind and clear intention to carry out the commands of their Supreme Ruler to render to each other comfort and aid, and to fulfill the great ends for which God has placed us here on earth puts Arrow down.
Thus the weapons of a Secret Monitor teach us to remember the duties we owe to our Conclave and to each other; they also remind us of the great archer Death, whose unerring and remorseless shaft will, sooner or later, strike each one, and summon him to render an account of the manner in which he has discharged his duty to his brother and his God.
The Installing Officer bids all Brethren to stand with Sign of Reverence.

Commissioning Officer:
Brethren, may the Grand Supreme Ruler of us all have you in His holy keeping, may our lives be such that we may appear justified in His sight, and, while here below, may we so participate in the joys of mutual concord and harmonious friendship, that when from time to time, one and another shall be summoned from his labours here, the union of hearts begun below may be found to have been but the prelude to an eternal reunion of spirits in the Grand Conclave above, where pain, distress and sorrow never penetrate, where the wicked cease from troubling, and the weary for ever are at rest. There the harmony is unbroken, and peace, perfect peace, reigns eternally supreme.
So mote it be.
The Conclave is then closed in the usual manner.
