Ceremony for Grand Elect Knight Kadosh

Dit rituaal dateert uit de tweede helft van de twintigste eeuw en wordt gebruikt door de Noordelijke Jurisdictie van de Schotse Ritus in de Vernigde Staten. Op deze site staat ook een (oude) nederlandstalige versie van het rituaal voor deze graad.


The Illustrious Commander gives *.
Knight Lieutenant of the Guard, do all present understand the mysteries we are about to celebrate?
Lieutenant of the Guard makes the examination, and, saluting reports:
Illustrious Commander, all present understand the mysteries, and are ready to perform their duty.
Knight Lieutenant of the Guard, you will station the guard; that a Chapter of Knights Kadosh of the Order of the White and Black Eagle may be opened.

The Lieutenant of the Guard performs his duty, returns, and reports:
Illustrious Commander. The guards are stationed. All is secure.
Eminent Prior, are you a Knight Kadosh?
Em. Prior:
A vault can bear witness that I am..
What did you in the vault?
Em. Prior:
I executed my commission, and thereby became entitled to initiation into the greater mysteries.
What is the hour?
Em. Prior:
The shadows lengthen upon the earth's surface. The sun hath sunk below the western horizon. Light thickens, night approaches.
At what hour are the labors of the Knights Kadosh opened?
Em. Prior:
At the approach of night.
You will then, givo notice to the Brother Knights that I am about to open a Chapter of Knights Kadosh of the Order of the White and Black Eagle, and direct them to give their attention and assistance.
Em. Prior:
Attention, brother Knights! To order.
All rise and stand at the Sign of Fidelity.

The Illustrious Commander is about to open a Chapter of Knights Kadosh. You will give your attention and assistance.
To the Glory of the Grand Architect of the Universe, in the name and under the auspices of the Supreme Council of Sovereign Grand Inspectors-General of the Thirty-third and last degree of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of America, and by virtue of the authority upon me conferred, I declare the works of this Chapter of Knights Kadosh of the Order of the White and Black Eagle open.
Excellent Orator, inform the Knight Marshal that this Chapter of Knights Kadosh is open.
Knight Marshal, a Chapter of Knights Kadosh is open. The Illustrious Commander is ready to receive any communication that may properly come before him.
Orator, returns and salutes:
Illustrious Commander, the Marshal is informed.
Marshall retires.
Marshal makes an alarm of **   **   **   *, which is answered by the Lieutenant of the Guard, who opens the door and says:
Who dares disturb the silence and repose of this Chapter of Knights Kadosh of the Order of the White and Black Eagle?
Marshal: The Marshal, with a Knight of St. Andrew, who seeks to be admitted to this Chapter, and to be constituted a Knight Kadosh of the Order of the White and Black Eagle.
Lieut. of the Guard:
Who vouches for him?
A Knight Kadosh, the Marshal.
Lieut. of the Guard:
Tarry awhile. Closes the door.

Illustrious Commander, a Knight of St. Andrew, waits without, seeking to be admitted to this Chapter, and to be constituted a Knight Kadosh of the Order of the White and Black Eagle.
Who vouches for him?
Lieut. of the Guard:
The Marshal.
If you are satisfied that he is a true and worthy Knight of St. Andrew, and not an imposter, you will admit him.
Lieut. of the Guard opens the door:
The Knight of St. Andrew has permission to enter.
Marshal and postulant enter, Lieut. of the Guard returns to chair.
My Brother, you have. asked to be admitted to this Order. Certain rules and regulations you must follow, if you expect to accomplish your destiny. To attain what you desire, you must bind yourself by solemn vows, and may expose yourself to much trouble and many dangers. You will have to watch when you would sleep, to endure fatigue when you would rest; to suffer from hunger and thirst when you long to eat and drink; to obey the orders of your superiors when required, even at the sacrifice of your own will.
Do you still desire to be admitted!
I do.
Do you promise that you will cheerfully conform to all the rules and regulations of the Order?
I do.
You resolve, then, to proceed. Believing that you possess the necessary courage and purity of heart to assume the duties of a Knight Kadosh. I am willing to answer for you. Come with me.
All things whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, do ye even so unto them. Do not unto another that which thou wouldet not wish he should do unto thee.
Adore the Supreme Being, and pay him homage with a worship free from superstition.
Make not unto thyself a deity in thine own image.
Be not selfish in the noblest things, standing coldly aloof from the unlearned and unknown.
Strive, not to be better than others, but to be better than thyself.
Think not that a man’s life consists in the abundance of the things that he possesses.
Do not abher sin so much as to come to love men too little.
Aid and assist the unfortunate.
Be sincere, and shun falsehood.
Be patient and indulgent to the errors of thy Brethren.
Seek not for faults, but rather for virtues, in other men.
Be faithful to thy engagements, and hold discretion to be one of the chief virtues.
Bear adversity with resignation.
Such are the duties of a. true Knight Kadosh. Mark them well and forever upon the tablets of thine heart.

My Brother, you have crossed the threshold of an Order which has labored, in silence and in secrecy for centuries, in the cause of the injured, the innocent, and the oppressed. It requires of its soldiers that chivalric bravery which knows no fear when duty calls, even unto death. Its watchword is, "God and the Right!" and its grand characteristics ore Honor, Virtue, and Truth..
Do you realize, my Brother, that your admission here will impose upon you the performance of duties, will exact sacrifices, may expose you to dangers, and that our Chapter, as in ages past, deals with the wrong-doer impartially, without regard to his worldly rank or station; that we demand of our adherents the practice of the daily walk and conversation that exemplify chastity and temperance, the self-government. that ennobles character, the charity that 'suffereth long, and is kind', and the courage that wavereth not!
Do you realize this, my Brother?
I do.
Illustrious Commander, the Knight of St. Andrew has been informed in regard to our initial requirements. What he is to encounter he does not know, but, having received his pledges, and observed his resolution to proceed, I am willing, knowing the responsibility I assume, to vouch for him as a man of pure heart and unwavering courage.
It is well. And since thou, Knight Marshal. dost so fully vouch for this brother, we may not do otherwise than accept your commendation. Nevertheless, he should be well informed that his acceptance here requires that he shall solemnly obligate himself to the performance of the duties we have just set forth.
To the Postulant:
Are you willing to so obligate yourself, my Brother? Before you answer, let me admonish you to reflect.

Knights of the Chapter, in union:
Knights of the Chapter, in union:
Marshal and Postulant will rise from their seats.
The Knight of St. Andrew is fully aware of the importance of his undertaking, and he is conscious that nothing will be required of him that does not contribute to his own good, and tend toward his usefulness to his fellow men.
Then approach the sacred altar, and join with us in an invocation to the Source of all Wisdom and Power.
Marshal and Postulant will come to the altar and stand.

To order, Brother Knights! *   *   *.
Excellent Chancellor, lead us in a petition before that higher altar at which all our vows are registered.
Chancellor walks to center between altar and East:
O Omnipotent and Infinite Wisdom! Holy and Merciful accept the love and reverence which we endeavor to express through our words and ceremonies. Enable us to know how sacred is the performance of our duty toward the betterment of our fellow men. Sustain us, as with faltering steps, we try to walk in thy paths. Thou only art the light whose radiance can dissipate the darkness that surrounds us. Make us conscious that we are thy children, wander from the light as we may. Purify us, and give us strength for thy service, and hasten the hour when Honor, Virtue, and Truth shall reign in the hearts and actions of all men. So shall thy kingdom come. Amen.
The Knights, in unison:
So mote it be.
All remain standing, uncovered, at order.
Knight of St. Andrew, kneel at this altar, and make the vow required of all who seek admission to the Order of Knights Kadosh.
Say "I," pronounce your name in full, and repeat after me: Seeking admission to the Knights Kadosh of the Order of the White and Black Eagle, after due admonition and reflection, do solemnly and sincerely vow, that I will faithfully devote myself to the objects of the Order, and zealously assist in attaining them by such means as shall be ordered by competent authority.
To this service I do consecrate myself, without any reservation whatever.
I promise that I will be submissive and obedient to the Commander, and to my lawful superiors of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, and that I will strive to do my duty as a Knight Kadosh.
This I promise on my knightly honor.
Rise, my Brother. Relying implicitly upon your promises we now grant you permission to proceed.
In the preceding degrees of Freemasonry through which you have passed, you had a friend or guide to accompany you, to advise or prompt you, and to answer questions for you. You are now about to be thrown upon your own resources, and forced to depend upon your own powers of endurance. In your first steps our Knight Marshal may direct you, but in every emergency you will be required to exercise your own judgment. Be of good courage, and fail not. And may God, whom we worship, sustain you and give you a safe deliverance from danger. Fare well.
Marshal and postulant will retire by the entrance, which is opened by the Lieutenant of the Guard.

As soon as the Marshal and postulant have disappeared, the Commander will direct the officers to take their several posts, and they will march out slowly and silently. The mausoleum guard and postulant will proceed to the mausoleum.

Mausoleum Guard:
I stand here, not to prevent you from accomplishing your mission, but to admonish you that, having taken the first steps, it you falter, or your courage fails, you are lost. If you attempt to retrace our steps, having once entered this gloomy abode, you may never again see the light of day. Within this vault is shadowed forth the destiny of sinful man; the law of nature, from which there is no appeal, and from which no mortal is exempt! Are you armed with fortitude sufficient to look upon decaying mortality undismayed? Reflect, and answer.
I am.
Mausoleum Guard:
Then enter. Fare well.
Choir Music.

Skeleton: Who art thou, and what dost thou desire? Why comest thou hither to disturb our repose?
Dost thou seek to know the secrets of this charnel-house before thy time?
They are not for thee. And even didst thou know them, thou couldst not thereby change thy doom. Mere thou shalt come at last, and know as thou art known. Behold ! Skeletons come out of the coffins. This is the state to which thou art hastening. If thou wouldst known more than this, thou must come in other guise than these habiliments of mortal life.
What headstrong folly or rashness led thee hither?
Second Skeleton:
We also would not step back from the verge of the abyss, where darkness grows more dark, and naught is heard but the gnawing of the undying worm.
If thy soul be not as pure as crystal, and thy courage true as steel of Damascus, thou shalt wish thou hadst not hither come.
O, son of man, beware! As thou sowest so shalt thou reap.
Choir chant Miserere (one verse).

The Marshal approaches with slow and heavy steps. A torch or taper in his left hand, and a drawn sword in his right hand, he moves around, contemplating the scene, without at first recognizing Postulant.

Death! Death! Death! Mortality! Mortality! All are mortal!
Observing Postulant, he lays his sword and torch on the sarcophagus, and pointing to the relics, says: Reflect upon these ghastly relics of what were once men like ourselves; men who loved, hated, labored, were moved by joys and sorrows, and by all the passions that agitate humanity! Set thy house in order, for thy life passes with every breath thou drawest. Death tracks thee with silent but unerring footsteps. Perhaps his arm is even now raised over thy head to strike, and not many days hence all that remains of this frail body may take the place of one of them!
Choir chant Miserere (one verse).

In what thou seest lies hidden a mystery. This somber gloom, these relics of the dead, this tomb, are not vulgar appliances to create a senseless terror, nor do they merely teach the evanessence of human life. They sum up in a few symbols the history of the human race.
Thou seekest initiation into the greater mysteries.
"He who shall overcome the fear of death shall come safe out of the bowels of the earth, and have the right to initiation into the greater mysteries."
Knight of St. Andrew, if thou has not overcome the fear of death, thou hast partially failed to live thy life, and hast little understood that bounteous gift of thy Creator. Thou canst not, then, be helper to thyself nor to thy fellow men. The secret and the mystery of death cannot be learned through fear, but through the Surety that the ended life in the dawning of a glorious immortality. If in thy soul is still the dread of death, then must thou seek, with all thy heart, and mind, and strength, for knowledge of this sure and steadfast faith. To him who hath this knowledge, life’s duties are plain, for him death. hath no terrors, and therein lie the Greater Mysteries.
Humbly petitioning the Source of Life, kneel before this sarcophagus, and offer up a silent prayer.
Choir will sing solemnly and in low voice an appropriate praycr or devotional chant.

The skeleton will approach the sarcophagus to witness the vow and libation.

Knight of St. Andrew, you will remain kneeling, and be silent until I bid you to speak:
I promise and vow on this tomb, representing that of our Illustrious Grand Master Jacques de Molay, that I will look upon death without fear, and that I will Consecrate my discourse, my arms, and my life if necessary, to the defense of Honor, Virtue, and Truth; that through the whole course of my life I will observe a chaste habit of body; that in all my contentions as a Knight. Kadosh I will strive to be armed inwardly with faith and a good conscience; and that, though alone when assembled, I will not turn my back on my assailants, although three in number.
I furthermore promise and vow, that I will renounce my own will, if it be counter to the laws and requirements of the Knights Kadosh of the Order of the White and Black Eagle, to which laws and requirements I engage ever to be submissive and obedient. Amen.
Skeletons solemnly:
Do you desent to these vows?
I do.
Arise, my Brother.
You will now drink with mo from this cup, as a sacred pledge of the sincerity of your professions and of your fidelity to your vows. Done. And may the bitterness of this cup be sweetened by your victory over the fear of death, and by your knowledge of the Greater Mysteries!
The skeletons having witnessed the vow and libation, will slowly retire to their place in the coffin.

You must give us additional proofs of your fitness to be fully united with us in our unselfish enterprise. We must be assured that the lessons you have received, and the vows you have contracted, have been fully comprehended by you, and that you are ready and willing to put them into practical use when opportunity offers.
Therefore, as a trial of your courage, your fidelity, and your power of endurance, this Chapter enjoins upon you a symbolic pilgrimage to the Holy Land.
Go forth as an advocate and defender of the principles of our Order. Protect poor and weary pilgrims; assist the weak, the injured, the needy, and the oppressed; confident that you will never betray your trust nor desert the banner of the Cross, for it has been, and, when truly interpreted, will ever continue to be, the glorious emblem of civil and religious liberty.
Let me caution you to beware of impostors whom you may encounter, who, under the assumed title of Knights or Masons, may seek to ingratiate themselves into your confidence, for no other purpose than to subserve their own unworthy and selfish ends, and to betray you. Beware of such, under whatever garb or name they may present themselves.
On the other hand, let me remind you that, as a Knight, you should be courteous, affable, and kind to all, and not lightly assume, without sufficient cause, that all whom you encounter are impostors.
Be assured that your future and final advancement in the Masonic army will largely depend upon your deportment in the probationary journey you are about to begin.
We assure you that the eyes of every Knight of this Chapter will be upon you, and their good wishes for your final triumph will accompany you in all your wanderings. But should you prove recreant to our trust in you, or in any wise foil in your duties you can hope for no favor at our hands.
My Brother, the time has arrived for you to enter upon your probationary journey. Henceforth you must act for yourself and exercise your own judgment. Whatever misfortune overtakes you on your way, dreary and tedious as it may be, be ever mindful of your duty to the principles of our Order. Never slight or neglect the poor and needy, if in your power to relieve them.
Beware of impostors, who may beset you, and by specious words and acts endeavor to enmesh you in their toils and draw from you some or our secret mysteries. You will also remember that cowardice is a crime. You have vowed that you would never turn your back to a foe, even though three should attack you at once. Remember, too, that you are a sworn foe to all enemies of our Order, and that. you are to espouse its cause on all proper Occasions.
I arm you with this good sword. As a Knight and soldier of the Temple who has overcome the fear of death, go forth and prove yourself a true defender of the principles of our Order, and, while armed with steel outwardly, strive to be armed inwardly with Faith and Love; Faith in God, and Love for your fellow man.
Come, let us have this abode of decaying mortality.

First Incident

Scene: A rugged pathway in a desolate landscape. A log or mound for pilgrim to recline against. Confused cries and sounds of an assault outside. The pilgrim staggers in, looking behind him, as if in fear. He falls exhausted, so as to recline against the log. He soliloquizes upon the sinfulness etc. of his assailants, and otherwise creates 'business' till Postulant approaches.
Enter Postulant.
Sir Traveler, for the love of Heaven, stop and hear me. I am a poor and weary pilgrim, traveling from afar, and journeying to the Holy Land to offer up my devotions at the Holy Shrine. I am poor and needy. Notwithstanding this, I have been beset by cruel robbers, who have maimed and wounded me sorely. They have despoiled me of all that, I possessed, and I am left here on the roadside to die. I am greatly in need of assistance. If I cannot obtain it, I must remain here, for, unaided, I cannot proceed further, and all my hopes and prayers will fail to be realized.
Will you not help me. I am sure you will not refuse to aid me, it it is in your power.
What can I do to help you?
I greatly need nourishment, and my thirst craves for water or wine. Ah. You have food and drink? Remember the blessing is to him who gives even a cup of cold water to the least of God’s children.
Postulant bestowes such assistance in food and drink as he can, and Pilgrim eats and drinks.

Receive a poor wayfarer’s benison, my kind friend. Your beneficence has imparted new life to me. I am already stronger, and with your further assistance
I may be able to resume my journey.
Pilgrim attempts to rise, and will incite Postulant to help him. In, so doing, Pilgrim discovers postulant’s badge.
By this emblem I might have known that my faith in you is well founded, and the world shall know that charity and hospitality live among men while your magnanimous Order is abroad in the land. But I must not detain you. Yonder pointing outside appears to be a place of shelter, and, as I am still much exhausted, I will halt there until I recover strength. Thanks, noble Knight, a thousand thanks for your kindness and assistance to me. Heaven will bless and reward you for it!

Second Incident

Scene: A mountain road: at one side a hut or shelter; a rough altar and crucifix; rustic table and seats, and other appliances od a friar's retreat. Food, wine, cups, two combat foils and bags of coin hidden from view.
The object and aim of this incident is to put the integrity and courage of Postulant to the severest test. For the monk a thoroughly good actor should be selected, and his garb should fit the character to the minutest detail. He should be keen of wit and prepared with historical or imaginary anecdote of the period to entertain Postulant and throw him off his guard. The monk is an impostor, who may exhibit a superficial knowledge of signs, passwords etc., by which to cajole or wheedle Postulant and get him to betray himself into divulgement of some secret or the violation of some vow. Failing this, he will attempt to gain his ends by using force. The practice of levity and unseemliness is absolutely forbidden. The monk, accompanied by two free companions enters and says:
These many days have I watched and waited here. My vigil is waxing tedious, and I have not succeeded in ingratiating myself into the favor of those whose secrets are so necessary to my schemes.
Standing admiringly before his hut.

This sanctuary of mine is certainly a triumph of cunning. Its appearance, and mine, are calculated to deceive the very elect, and this spot on the road from Jericho to Jerusalem is well chosen so as to intercept the pilgrims and wayfarers who contribute to our spoils; most of them too simple and weak to be worth saving.
But for these Knights Kadosh we would have a clear field. If I could only succeed in possessing myself, of their signs, passwords, and mysteries, I would consider them ample reward for all my toils and hardships.
He goes toward the wings or entrance, and, shielding his eyes with his hand as if looking off in the distance (Postulant is proceeding on his journey) he exclaims:
By the mass! Yonder is a lone traveler coming this way. I must to my orisons.
To the free companions:
Conceal yourselves and be prepared to come forth and assist me if I give the signal.
He kneels before the crucifix, unctuously repeating Latin prayers with genuflections. The Postulant enters and approaches him. After a time the monk rises from his knees and pretend to discover Postulant. He feigns surprise, and welcomes Postulant as a brother:
Welcome, thrice welcome, my brother, to my lowly abode. By the badge you wear, I judge you are a brother Mason. Perhaps a Kadosh Knight? I am always glad to extend the hospitality of my humble retreat to those of our chivalric Christian Order. Enter, my Brother. Be seated and rest yourself. On your way to Jerusalem? Is it so?
Monk produces food and wine. With appropriate running comment, filling glasses etc.

You must stand in need of refreshment after your long and laborious journey. Let me offer you a sentiment: "To that noble and chivalric Order, the pride of the Christian world - the Knights Kadosh!" They drink.

I also am a Knight Mason, and on the way to the tomb of our Lord. Seeing that we are brothers in the same holy service, let us join together. In blissful communion let us beguile the tediousness of the way, and we will be more secure. The road is infested by robbers and impostors. What say you?
Postulant answers of his own motion and monk will use his most wily suggestions in favor of his propositions. Monk will also urge Postulant to drink freely. In the course of monk’s suggestions, he will give certain signs and passwords (in which there should not be any burlesque or apparent lack of seriousness), attempting thus to prove himself a Knight Mason.
I am not quite sure that my password of Knight Kadosh is correct. It is so sacred to me that I have not allowed myself to use it. Now, as we are to fare together on our journey, suppose you give it to me, so as to make assurance doubly sure.
Postulant refuses. Monk persists, and exercises all his powers of persuasion and entreaty. At last he says:
If you will have gold, you shalt have all you can carry produces bags of coin, if you will give me the password and sign as required. Will you do it?
Postulant continues to refuse. Monk in desperation draws the combat foils from under cover, and says:
Knight. you shall not have this spot till you have given me the password and sign of a Knight Kadosh. If you will not do this, you shall yield your life, etc. By the mass, you shall not escape me till you give them up to me, etc.
They fence, and after a fruitless struggle, Monk says:
What nonsense! Let us be reasonable men and brothers. Why should you and I, two Christians, fall by the ears and seek each other’s life about so trivial a matter as a password and sign, to which one is as much entitled as the other? Why, man, yield them up Here are no witnesses. None of the Order will ever be the wiser, and we shall travel in peace and friendship as companions. You will not? Then Heaven help you, for I will either have them or your life?
Apparently couraged the monk appears to make a desperate onslaught. He allows himself to be worsted, but, still fencing, he will retreat, saying impulsively:
By the mass! You have the advantage now, but we shall see if you can hold out.
He gives the signal to his companions. At this the two free companions come forth from their place of concealment to the side of the monk and join the monk in his assault on the Postulant. As they do so they appear to discover the approach of the Templars from behind the Postulant; they hastily communicate this fact to the monk by crying, 'The Templars'. The monk looking up discovers the rescue party close at hand, and hastily retires with the free companions. Hereupon the pilgrim enters upon the scene, accompanied by the Chief Templar and his party, whose attention he directs to the Postulant. The Chief Templar approaching the Postulant, says:
My Brother, our good friend here, the Pilgrim, informed us or your desperate condition, and your need or help because of your encounter with a cunning monk, who, enticing travelers into his hut, betrays them into the hands of a band of marauding free companions. We hastened to your relief and rejoice that we arrived in time to succor you from certain death at their hands.
Judging from your resistance of the temptations which have beset you, and your charity to the poor and needy, they have been recounted to us by this good Pilgrim, we are convinced of your zeal and devotion to the principles of our Order, and of your firmness to discharge your duties as a true and faithful Knight Kadosh.
Advancement in the Order requires a life of trials which may be difficult and dangerous; and the performance of labors long and severe.
Our mission in this life is to battle for the right, and, while fighting in this cause, we count upon a glorious victory and a happy immortality. Will you join us in this Enterprise?
I will.
Chief Templar:
Then come with us.
In the asylum the Commander will have taken his station in the East. The Officers as before. The altar at the base of the triangle.
Marshal will have taken his station also.
Chief Templar and Postulant will proceed to the entrance of the asylum. Chief Templar knocks **   **   **   *.
Lieut. of the Guard, within:
Illustrious Commander, there is an alarm of seven at the entrance of the asylum.
See who makes the alarm as a Knight Kadosh.
Lieut. of the Guard, opening the door:
Who approaches the entrance to this Chapter of Knights Kadosh?
Chief Templar:
An aspiring Brother, returning from his probationary pilgrimage, who prays to be admitted to the rewards due to faithful service.
Lieut. of the Guard:
Give me the Sign and Password of a Knight Kadosh. Given. Tarry awhile until your request is made known to the Illustrious Commander. Closes the door.
Illustrious Commander, an aspiring Knight, returning from his probationary pilgrimage, prays to be admitted to the rewards due to faithful service.
Let him enter.
Lieut. of the Guard , opening the door:
The Chief Templar and Postulant will pass to the altar.

Brother Chief Templar, whom have you in charge?
Chief Templar:
An aspiring Knight returning from his probationary pilgrimage, who now prays to be admitted to our Order.
Has he fulfilled the conditions he voluntarily assumed?
Chief Templar:
Illustrious Commander, I cannot report as to the actions and conduct of the Knight previous to my encounter with him. A good Pilgrim was a witness to these, who will be brought forward when required. He has shown patience in adversity. He was in needy and desperate condition. We but now rescued him from the free companions, and he has promised to serve in our enterprise, for the glory of God and the advancement of the Order.
Com., to Postulant:
Having, so far as our knowledge extends, complied with the conditions enjoined upon you, we will now receive you into our number, and create you a Knight Kadosh.
Advance and kneel at this altar, place your right hand on the Holy Bible, square, compasses, delta, and naked dagger, and you left hand in mine and assume a solemn vow to be faithful to the trust reposed in you.
Com. knock *  *  *:
To Order brethren, Brother Knights!
You will say 'I', pronounce your name in full and remain silent until I bid you to speak: Of my own free will and accord, in the presence of the Grand Master of Heaven and Earth, and in the sight of the Knight Masons about me assembled, solemnly vow, on my knightly honor, that I will not reveal, or make known in any manner whatever, the secrets and mysteries of a Knight Kadosh of the Order of the White and Black Eagle, or any part thereof, except to those who are lawfully entitled to receive the same; or in a regular Chapter of Knights Kadosh, and by constitutional authority so to do.
I furthermore solemnly vow, that I will not confer, or assist in conferring, this order upon any one who has not received all the preceding degrees of Freemasonry, in a regular and constitutional manner, to my full and entire satisfaction.
I furthermore solemnly vow that I will, so far as lies in my power, protect and defend my brethren, that I will not countenance impostors, perjurers, apostates, and traitors, and that I will strive to increase my zeal for the principles of the Order.
If I willfully violate this, my solemn vow of a Knight Kadosh of the Order of the White and Black Eagle, may I be dishonored among men and Masons; and I imprecate upon myself the penalties of my former Masonic obligations and Knightly vows.
You will now repeat after me: And may God maintain me in right and equity! Amen!
Com., releasing the left hand, Postulant still kneeling at the altar:
To the Glory of the Grand Architect of the Universe, in the name and under the auspices of the Supreme Council of Sovereign Grand Inspectors-General of the Thirty-third and last degree of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of America, and by virtue of the authority upon me conferred I constitute, create and dub you a Knight Kadosh of the Order of the White and Black Eagle. The word 'Kadosh', the designating title of our Order, is of the same ancient derivation, and signifies 'Consecrated,' 'Purified'.
The Prior and Preceptor will withdraw the arch of steel and return swords and with the other Officers resume stations.

The Commander returns his sword, goes to the newly created Knight:
Arise, Knight Kadosh. Be faithful and true unto death.
Com. knocks once.

As a tried and true Knight, you are armed with the sword as a means of defence against your enemies and the foes of the Order. You will wield it also in the defence of poor pilgrims, and of innocence and virtue.
I also arm you with this dagger. It is the avenging blade and the dagger of mercy.
I now invest. you with these golden spurs. Wisdom is symbolized by gold. Therefore, may wisdom, with temperate zeal and true love for your brethren, never forsake you. You are invested with these golden spurs to symbolize to you that, henceforth and forevermore, you should be spurred to the performance of every duty as a good man and Mason. And I admonish you to beware lest, through your negligence or unfaithfulness, you become unworthy or our confidence, these golden spurs be stricken from you and you be degraded from the society of all worthy Masonic Knights.
I now have the pleasure of proclaiming you fully created and installed as a Knight Kadosh of the Order of White and Blandk Eagle, the Thirtieth Degree of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, and I most sincerely congratulate you upon having attained thereunto.
Your name is in the urn for advancement, and I trust that in the future, as in the past, your deportment wilt be such that in due time you will be found worthy thereof.
You will now be seated as member of this Chapter of Knights Kadosh.


Com.: Eminent Prior, At what hour are the labors of the Knights Kadosh closed?
At the break of day, Illustrious Commander.
Then give notice to the Brother Knights that I am about to close this Chapter of Knights Kadosh, and direct them to give their attention and assistance.
Attention, Brother Knights!
All rise and stand at the sign of order.

The Illustrious Commander is about to close this Chapter of Knights Kadosh. Give your attention and assistance.
Com., knock *  *  *:
To Order, brethren, on the sign of fidelity.
To the Glory of the Grand Architect of the Universe, in the name and under the auspices of the Supreme Council of Sovereign Grand Inspectors-General of the Thirty-third and last Degree of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of America, and by virtue of the authority upon me conferred, I declare the works of this Chapter of Knights Kadosh of the Order of the White and Black Eagle closed. Gives *.
