The Ceremony of Installation
of a Commander is conducted by an Installed Commander, who on most occasions
will be the outgoing Commander of the Lodge; for the sake of convenience
the Installing Commander is referred to throughout as I.Cdr.
If the Commander elect (Cdr.elect)
is not fully qualified to be installed into the Chair, either because he
has not served the office of Warden in a regular Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners
for the full period of one year, or because he has not served as Master
of a Lodge of Mark Master Masons, then it will have been necessary
to have obtained a dispensation from the appropriate authority in accordance
with Regulation No. 8 for the government of the Degree of Royal Ark Mariner.
The Worshipful Commander (seated)
may thank his officers (who remain seated) for their services during the
If the outgoing Commander is
not to carry out the Ceremony, he will invite the Installing Commander
to take the Chair.
The Installing Commander will
invite Past Commanders to occupy the Chairs of Senior Warden and Junior
Warden and to undertake the office of Guardian. The outgoing Wardens and
the Guardian remove their collars and place them on their chairs and the
two Wardens proffer their sceptres to the Past Commanders before being
conducted to their seats elsewhere by the Director of Ceremonies (D.C.)
(If one of the Wardens is the Commander elect he should be seated in the
South West) Other officers, without invitation, will continue to discharge
their duties.
D.C. presents Commander elect
in the West and remains with him.
D.C., with court bow:
Worshipful Commander (or Worshipful Installing Commander), I present to
you Brother …, the Commander elect of this Lodge for the ensuing year,
to receive at your hands the benefit of Installation, the better to qualify
him for the discharge of his important trust.
I.Cdr.: Brethren,
as it is your wish that ... should be Commander of this Lodge, I
will at once proceed with the Ceremony of Installation.
I.Cdr.: Brother …,
have you duly served the office of Warden for a full year in a lawfully
constituted Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners?
Cdr. Elect: I have.
I.Cdr.: Have you
been duly installed in the Chair of a Lodge of Mark Master Masons?
Cdr. Elect: I have.
If the answer to either of the
last two questions is in the negative, the I.Cdr. will request the Scribe
to read the dispensation at this point.
I.Cdr.: You will
now attend to the Scribe who will read the ancient charges and regulations,
to each of which you must shew your assent by placing your right hand upon
your heart.
Scribe, rises, salutes the Installing
Commander, and reads: Do you agree to hold in veneration the
rulers of the Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Royal Ark Mariners and
their regular successors supreme and subordinate according to their stations
and to submit to the decisions of the Grand Master’s Royal Ark Council,
being in every respect consistent with the Regulations of the Degree?
Do you promise to respect true and regular Royal Ark
Mariners, and to discountenance impostors?
Do you agree to promote the general good of the Degree
and to propagate the knowledge of the Ancient and Honourable Fraternity
of Royal Ark Mariners so far as your influence and ability extend?
Do you promise to pay homage and strictly to conform
to the edicts of the Grand Master for the time being?
Do you admit that no new Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners
can be properly formed without the permission of the Grand Master’s Royal
Ark Council and that no countenance shall be given to any irregular Lodge
of Royal Ark Mariners or to any person elevated therein?
Scribe, salutes the Installing
Commander and resumes his seat.
I.Cdr.: Do you submit
to and promise to uphold these Regulations as your predecessors have done
in all ages?
Cdr.elect: I do.
D.C. conducts Cdr. elect to
a seat next to the A.D.C. and resumes his own station.
I.Cdr.: I will now
thank the Brethren below the rank of Installed Commander to withdraw.
Those Brethren, with the exception
of Cdr.elect, withdraw from the Lodge without saluting. The D.C. should
request all officers to leave their collars on their seats.
D.C. conducts Cdr.elect from
his seat to a position just to the East of the Triangle on the floor and
remains with him.
I.Cdr: I declare
this a duly constituted Assembly of Installed Commanders.
Knocks once, not repeated by
I.Cdr.: The Brethren
will rise, turn to the East and assume the sign of reverence.
Brethren place right hand on
heart without kneeling; D.C. prompts Cdr.elect to do likewise.
I.Cdr. (or Chap.):
Let us pray. Most Glorious Commander of Heaven and Earth, Whose eyes pervade
the Universe, Who seest every minute circumstance therein, our intentions
being perfectly known to Thee, fulfill now our request according to the
riches of Thy mercy. Cause Thy Holy Spirit to descend on this Brother who
is set apart as a representative of righteous Noah to teach and govern
the Brethren of this Lodge; may his rule be regulated by true wisdom, that
they may have unity of spirit in the bond of peace and that all their work
may tend to Thy Glory.
Omnes: So mote it
Brethren drop right hand and
turn to face inwards. D.C. prompts Cdr.elect to drop right hand
I.Cdr.: Brother …
, you will now take the solemn Obligation of a Commander. You will advance
to the pedestal. D.C. conducts Cdr.elect to the pedestal and returns to
his station.
You will stand erect, place your right hand on the Porphyry
Stone and elevate your left hand towards Heaven.
Brethren shew Sign of Fidelity.
State your several names at length and repeat after me
I, …, do hereby agree to accept the office of Commander
of this the … Lodge, No ... on the Roll of the Ancient and Honourable Fraternity
of Royal Ark Mariners and solemnly promise faithfully. zealously and conscientiously
to discharge the duties thereof, to the best of my ability, until the next
annual period of election within the Lodge and until a successor shall
have been elected and installed in my stead.
I also promise that I will do my utmost to forward the
interests of the Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Royal Ark Mariners,
whensoever and wheresoever it may be possible. I further promise that I
will not divulge the secrets restricted to the Commander’s Chair to any
but those duly qualified to receive them.
So help me the Supreme Commander of the Universe and
keep me steadfast in this the great and solemn Obligation of Commander.
I.Cdr.: I now acknowledge
you as a duly obligated Commander of a Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners.
Brethren discharge Sign of Fidelity.
I.Cdr. lifts right hand of Cdr.elect
clear of Porphyry Stone, and releases it; he prompts Cdr.elect to
lower his left hand.
I.Cdr. lays down his sceptre
on pedestal, which he leaves by the South side; he takes Cdr.elect by both
hands, turns him anticlockwise until both face West; they then advance
together and take post about two paces to the East of the Triangle, Cdr.elect
on the left of I.Cdr.
D.C. requests Brother Commanders
to form a circle round the triangle. He then takes a container of salt
and offers it first to the I.Cdr., then to the Cdr.elect and then
in turn to each Commander clockwise round the circle; each takes a pinch
of salt with his right forefinger and thumb and places it on the
back of his clenched left hand.
I.Cdr: When the Arab
of the desert has tasted salt with his guest, that guest is sacred to him,
even if his hands be red with the blood of the father or son of
his host. Let us in like manner seal our vows of fidelity to the Ancient
and Honourable Fraternity of Royal Ark Mariners.
I.Cdr. then recites the following,
phrase by phrase, which is repeated by all present.
With this salt I confirm my vow, and whenever any Brother
Commander who has tasted this salt of inviolable faith, or anyone on his
behalf, shall call upon me to aid him in distress, need or danger, and
with the mark of the Triangle, this solemn pledge shall be redeemed.
All Commanders taste salt, after
which the D.C. requests them to resume their stations
I.Cdr. turns Cdr.elect to face
I.Cdr.: The Grip
is given thus: an ordinary handclasp, a slip, then put your right hand
on your heart, then raise your right hand towards heaven. Symbolically
this Grip implies: However strong the ties of friendship may be in this
life, death must intervene, but there will be a memory in our hearts and
finally a rallying place in the Grand Lodge above.
The Sign is given by raising both hands over the head
with the fingertips touching; thus performing a Perfect Bow, in contrast
to the 'imperfect rainbow' Sign of the Degree.
The Pass Word is Apo-Baterion, meaning: a sacrifice after
landing. The Word is Ararat and the Grand Word is El Elohim, meaning 'Lord
D.C. presents Commander’s apron
on cushion to I.Cdr.; he then removes R.A.M. apron from Cdr.elect.
I.Cdr.: I now invest
you with the badge of an Installed Commander.
I.Cdr. assisted by D.C., invests
Cdr. with Commander’s apron.
I also invest you with the Collar
and Jewel, the insignia of the Office of Commander of the Lodge.
D.C. resumes his station.
I.Cdr. grasps right hand of
Cdr.elect and, walking backwards leads him via the North side of Commanders
pedestal to a position in front of the Chair. I.Cdr, resting his left hand
on right shoulder of Cdr.elect, places him in the Chair.
I.Cdr.: With the
Grip and the Word Ararat I now place you in the Chair of Commander of the
I.Cdr. slips Grip, places his
right hand on heart, and raises his right hand towards Heaven.
I.Cdr. picks up Sceptre and
hands it to Commander.
I.Cdr.: I deliver
to you this Sceptre, which shows your authority to the Brethren.
I.Cdr. goes to front of pedestal,
faces Commander, and salutes him as an Installed Commander
and then returns to South side of pedestal.
I.Cdr.: Worshipful
Commander, will you now be pleased to invest the Immediate Past Commander?
I.Cdr.: Brother Commanders,
I call upon you to salute our newly installed Commander with five, taking
the time from me.
Installed Commanders salute
Commander with Perfect Bow Sign five times.
I.Cdr.: Worshipful
Commander, will you be pleased to close this Assembly of Installed Commanders?
Cdr.: I declare this
Assembly of Installed Commanders closed.
Knocks once, not repeated by
I.Cdr.: Be seated,
D.C. offers Collar and Jewel
of Immediate Past Commander to Commander, who rises and invests Immediate
Past Commander with suitable words; Commander then sits.
I.Cdr.: Brother Guardian,
admit the Brethren.
Visiting Brethren are admitted
first and, without saluting, return to their seats.
Brethren of the Lodge are admitted
and, under the direction of the D.C., form a line along the Northern path
of perambulation, facing inwards. D.C. takes his place at the East end
of the line.
I.Cdr.: Brother Royal
Ark Mariners, during your temporary absence, Worshipful Brother … has been
duly installed as Commander of this Lodge, and I call upon you to proceed
round the Lodge saluting him as Royal Ark Mariners in passing.
D.C. leads procession round
the Lodge; each Brother salutes Commander as a Royal Ark Mariner without
halting; procession reforms line as before.
I.Cdr.: Brethren,
I now proclaim Worshipful Brother … Worshipful Commander of the … Lodge
of Royal Ark Mariners, No. ... on the Roll of the Ancient and Honourable
Fraternity of Royal Ark Mariners, until the next regular period of election
within the Lodge and until a successor shall have been duly elected and
installed in his stead and I call upon you to greet him as Royal Ark Mariners
with three, taking the time from me.
Brethren greet Commander with
handclaps in the rhythm of the knocks of the Degree three times. They remain
I.Cdr. requests Commander to
I.Cdr.: Worshipful
Commander, I hand to you the Volume of the Sacred Law, which contains the
rules by which all Royal Ark Mariners should regulate their actions
I.Cdr. requests Commander to
I.Cdr.: I present
to you the Regulations for the Government of the Ancient and Honourable
Fraternity of Royal Ark Mariners, which are included in the Constitutions
and Regulations of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons, and by which
you will govern those under your rule; also the By-Laws which you are to
enforce in your Lodge.
D C.: The Brethren
will be upstanding, for the presentation of the Warrant.
I.Cdr opens Warrant and he and
the Commander hold it by the two top corners, so that it is displayed
to the Brethren.
I.Cdr.: I now entrust
to your charge the Warrant of the Lodge, which is the authority under which
its meetings are held.
Commander relinquishes hold
of Warrant, which I.Cdr. puts away.
D.C.: Be seated,
D.C. instructs Brethren to turn
left and follow him. D.C. halts in front of his chair and faces inwards.
The Brethren triangulate on the Path of Perambulation, halt in front of
their respective chairs and face inwards.
When all are in position the
D.C. gives a court bow and all sit.
I.Cdr.: Worshipful
Commander, will you now be pleased to appoint and invest your officers?
I.Cdr. sits on the immediate
left of the Commander.
The presentation of officers
for investiture is normally done by the D.C. from a position to the East
of the Triangle; D.C. does not salute, as he has his wand in his hand;
a court bow will suffice. D.C. asks Commander whom he appoints to each
office. Officers to be invested who are Past Commanders are conducted to
the South side of the Commander’s pedestal; all other Officers to the North
side. Sceptres are not brought to the Commander for presentation to the
Wardens, wands are not presented to the Deacons or the A.D.C. The A.D.C.
may collect the relevant collar, which he hands to the D.C. at the Commander’s
pedestal. The Commander invests each officer with a few appropriate words;
there are no formal addresses to the officers being invested. In the case
of the Treasurer and the Warder, both of whom are elected officers, D.C.
should announce each with suitable words It is sufficient for officers
to acknowledge their investiture with a court bow.
When the Warder is due to be
invested, the Commander will give two knocks, not repeated by the Wardens.
When the Warder enters the Lodge, the Guardian will take his place outside
the door. After the Warder has retired, D.C. may announce
D.C.: Worshipful
Commander, that concludes the appointment of your Officers.