The Ceremony of Installation
of Master is conducted by an Installed Master, who on most occasions will
be the outgoing Master of the Lodge, for the sake of convenience the Installing
Master is referred to throughout as I.M.
If the Master elect is not fully
qualified under the Constitutions and Regulations to be installed into
the Chair, because either he has not served the office of Warden in a Regular
Mark Lodge for the full period of one year, or he has not served as Master
of a Lodge of Craft Freemasons, then it will have been necessary
to have applied for and to have obtained a dispensation from the appropriate
authority in accordance with Reg. 73 (ii).
If the outgoing Master is not
to carry out the Ceremony, he will invite the Installing Master to take
the Chair at an appropriate moment
The Installing Master will invite
Past Masters to occupy the Chairs of Senior Warden and Junior Warden, and
to undertake the office of Inner Guard. He may also invite a Past Master
to undertake the duties of Chaplain, and also those of Director of Ceremonies.
These Past Masters should be conducted formally to their respective posts
by the D.C., and the Brethren who are relieved of these duties should be
conducted to seats elsewhere
D.C. presents Master Elect (M.E.)
from a position immediately to the East of the Master Overseer’s pedestal.
D.C.: Worshipful Master
(or Worshipful Installing Master), I present to you Brother … the Master
elect of this Lodge for the ensuing year, to receive at your hands the
benefit of Installation, the better to qualify him for the discharge of
his important trust.
D.C. resumes his seat, M.E.
remains standing
I.M.: Brother …,
I congratulate you on the honour which has been conferred upon you by your
Brethren and I shall have pleasure in complying with the request now made.
Before proceeding, however, to install you as Master of this Lodge of Mark
Master Masons, it is necessary that I should address some questions to
you, with a view to testing your qualifications for the office You will
accompany your reply to each with the Sign of Fidelity.
Have you been legally elected to fill the First Chair
by the members of this Lodge regularly assembled for that purpose?
M.E.: I have.
I.M.: Have you duly
served the office of Warden for a full year in a lawfully constitutcd Lodge
of Mark Master Masons?
M.E.: I have.
I.M.: Have you been
regularly installed in the Chair of a Craft Lodge of Freemasons?
M.E.: I have.
If the answer to either of the
last two questions is in the negative, the dispensation must be read aloud
at this point.
I.M.: Do you consider
yourself qualified to undertake the management of the Lodge by reason of
your conduct as a man and as a Mason, your skill in our noble art and your
knowledge of the traditions, landmarks and constitutions of the Mark Degree?
M.E.: I do.
I.M.: Do you promise
faithfully and impartially to discharge your duties as Master of this Lodge,
and neither in that capacity, nor at any time when the Lodge may be under
your direction, to permit any deviation from the established landmarks,
regulations and ceremonial of the Order?
M.E.: I do.
I.M.: Then you will
ratify and confirm these promises by sealing them once with your lips on
the Volume of Sacred Law.
D.C. rises, returns to M.E.
and conducts him to the Master’s pedestal, where he ratifies the promises,
D.C. then leads M.E. to a onvenient seat.
I.M.: I will now
thank the Brethren below the rank of Installed Master in this Degree to withdraw.
Those Brethren, with the exception
of the M.E. retire from the Lodge without saluting, Officers should have
left their Collars on their seats, or handed them to the A.D.C., before leaving.
Inner Working
D.C. conducts M.E. from his seat
to position just East of the M.O. and stands just behind him.
I.M.: I declare this
a duly constituted Board of Installed Masters in the Degree of Mark Master Mason.
Gavels once, not repeated by Wardens.
I.M.: The Brethren
will rise, turn to the East and assume an attitude of prayer
Brethren place right hand on
heart. D.C. prompts M.E. to do likewise.
I.M., or Chap.: Almighty
Father and Great Overseer of the Universe, vouchsafe Thy blessing on this
our solemn rite, and grant that the Brother who is about to be numbered
among the Rulers in Mark Masonry may be endued with wisdom to comprehend,
judgment to define and ability to enforce obedience to Thy most holy law.
Sanctify him with Thy grace, strengthen him with Thy
mighty power and enrich his mind with genuine knowledge, that he may the
better be enabled to enlighten the minds of his Brethren and to promote
the honour and glory of Thy most holy name.
Omnes: So mote it be.
Brethren drop right hand, and
turn face inwards. D.C. prompts M.E. to drop right hand.
I.M.: Brother …,
you will now take a solemn obligation with regard to the duties of your
office and the secrets restricted to the Master’s Chair. For that purpose
you will advance to the pedestal.
D.C. conducts M.E. to the pedestal
and returns to his place.
You will stand erect, place your right hand on the Volume
of Sacred Law and elevate your left hand towards heaven.
State your several names at length and repeat after me:
I, …, in the presence of the Great Overseer of the Universe,
and of this worshipful assembly of Installed Masters in the Degree of Mark
Master Mason, do accept the office of Master of this Lodge and pledge myself
to a faithful discharge of the duties thereof, until the next annual period
of election within the Lodge, and until a successor shall have been duly
elected and installed in my stead.
I hereby bind myself to maintain and preserve the ancient
discipline, landmarks and traditions of the Order.
I solemnly vow that I will never divulge the secrets
restricted to the Master’s Chair in this Degree to anyone in the world,
unless it be to an Installed Master of a Lodge of Mark Master Masons, or
to a candidate duly elected to that office, and then only in the presence
of and with the assistance of at least one other Installed Master in the
Mark Degree duly summoned for that purpose.
I further engage myself to uphold the authority and supremacy
of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales and its Districts
and Lodges Overseas.
Lastly I pledge myself to an exemplary practice of the
principles of this Degree and to the maintenance of its peculiar rites
and ceremonies.
All this I do on my honour, so help me the Great Overseer
of the Universe and keep me steadfast in this my solemn obligation of an
Installed Mastcr of a Lodge of Mark Master Masons
I.M.: As a pledge
of your fidelity and to render this a solemn obligation you will seal it with your lips four times on the Volume of Sacred Law
M.E. drops left hand and complies.
I.M.: I now acknowledge
you as the duly obligated Master of a Lodge of Mark Master Masons.
I.M. lifts right hand of M.E.
clear of V S L , and releases it.
I.M. leaves his pedestal by
the South side, takes M.E. by both hands, turns him anti-clockwise and
places him just to the South of the pedestal facing North, I.M. faces him
about one pace away.
I.M.: After the death
of our Master, Hiram Abif, with the circumstances of which you are of course
well acquainted, it was necessary to elect a presiding Master to fill his
place, but on account of the number of able and intelligent craftsmen,
it was difficult to choose one without giving umbrage to the rest.
It was at length determined to select twelve from among those Mark Master
Masons who had already held office as Overseers, and who were deemed superior
to the others These were required to repair on the following morning to
a particular spot and it was arranged that he who should first see
the rays of the rising sun should be acknowledged Master and supply the
place of Hiram While the majority looking towards the East, I.M.
instructs M.E. in a whisper to remain still, he himself turns to the East
and shews Screen Sign
screened their eyes with their right hands, thus, to
guard them from the approaching glare, Adoniram, turning to the West, I.M.
instructs M.E. in a whisper to follow his example, both turn to the West
observed a sunbeam strike the roof of the Temple. He immediately
fell on his right knee I.M. and M.E. kneel on
right knee and held out his right hand in the Plumb Sign to
indicate his discovery, this being peculiarly appropriate to him as it
was his particular duty to prove Masonry perpindicular by thus holding
the infallible plumb line.
I.M. rises, but restrains M.E.
from so doing.
He was at once acknowledged as the legitimate successor
of Hiram Abif, one of his companions then raised him with this Grip
I.M. takes hold of right wrist
of M.E. between his own right thumb and forefinger, raises him and turns
him to face North
The whole of them then saluted him thus: I.M.
gives Screen Sign followed by Plumb Sign, M.E. does not copy.
The Words of an Installed Master are Sar Habbonim, signifying
Chief of the Builders.
The full sign of an Installed Master is given by the
Screen Sign, followed by the Plumb Sign and the last part alludes to the
ancient punishment of having the tongue slit from root to tip.
These Signs and the Words are the distinguishing secrets
of an Installed Master of a lodge of Mark Master Masons.
D.C. presents Master’s Apron,
on cushion to I.M., he then removes apron of M.M.M. from M.E.,and returns
to his place.
I.M.: I now invest
you with the badge of an Installed Master.
I.M. invests M.E. with Master’s apron.
I also invest you with the Collar and Jewel of your office,
which is the highest honour the Lodge can bestow on any of its members.
I.M. takes hold of right wrist
of M.E. between his own right thumb and forefinger, and leads him to the
North side of the Master’s pedestal, I.M. walking backwards, when M.E.
is in position in front of Chair.
With the Grip and the Words Sar Habbonim of an Installed
Master, I install you in the Chair of Adoniram.
As I.M. says the Words, he places
Master in the Chair, releases Grip and steps away to the South
I.M.: I offer you
my congratulations on your past services having been such as to justify
the Brethren in submitting themselves to your direction.
I.M. goes to front of pedestal,
picks up gavel and returns to South side.
I place in your hands this gavel gives
gavel to Master the symbol of your rule.
Master places gavel on pedestal.
I.M. places right hand on heart
And may God speed you in your work.
I.M. goes to front of pedestal,
salutes Master with full sign of an Installed Master, he returns to South
side of pedestal
I.M.: Worshipful
Master, will you now be pleased to invest the Immediate Past Master?
D.C. offers Collar and Jewel
of I.P.M. to Master, who rises and invests I.P.M. with suitable words,
Master then sits.
I.M.: I now have
to inform you that the reading of the Hebrew characters on the obverse
of the keystone, as communicated to an Installed Master, is Hiram The Whole
Structure Showed To King Solomon.
I.M.: Brethren, now
that Worshipful Brother … has been regularly installed in the chair of
Adoniram according to ancient custom, I call upon you to salute him as
Installed Masters with five, taking the time from me.
Installed Masters salute the Master with full sign of
an Installed Master, five times.
I.M.: Worshipful
Master, will you be pleased to close this Board of Installed Masters?
Master: I declare
this Board of Installed Masters closed. Gavels once, not repeated by Wardens.
I.M.: Be seated, Brethren.
End of Inner Working
I.M.: Brother Inner
Guard, admit the Brethren.
Visiting Brethren below the
rank of Installed Master are admitted first and, without saluting, return
to their seats.
Brethren of the Lodge below
the rank of Installed Master are admitted and under the direction of the
D.C. form a line along the North side of the Lodge, facing South, D.C.
takes his place at the East end of the line, he places his wand in a stand
or hands it to a Brother seated behind him.
I.M.: Brethren, during
your temporary absence, Worshipful Brother ... has been duly installed
in the chair of Adoniram according to ancient custom, and I call upon you
to pass before him and to salute him as Mark Master Masons.
D.C. leads procession round
Lodge, each Brother salutes Master as a Mark Master Mason without halting,
procession re-forms line in the North, D.C. recovers his wand.
I.M —I now proclaim Worshipful Brother ... Master of
the … Lodge of Mark Master Masons, No ... on the Register of the Grand
Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales and its Districts and
Lodges Overseas, until the next regular period of election within the Lodge,
and until a successor shall have been duly elected and installed in his
stead; and I call upon you to greet him as Mark Master Masons with three
taking the time from me.
Brethren greet Master, with
handclaps in the rhythm of the knocks of the Degree three times.
I.M.: Be seated, Brethren.
Brethren from Column in North move to convenient seats
and sit.
I.M.: Worshipful Master, I now present to you the Working
Tools of a Mark Master Mason, which are the Mallet and Chisel, I.M.
points to Mallet and Chisel lying on the Volume of the Sacred Law on
which also you were admitted to this Degree. With their symbolic uses in
other degrees you are familiar. In this Degree they are employed to indent
the Triangle, the Mark Master’s mark of approval of the work, as being
fitted for its place in the intended structure. But as we are not all operative
but free and accepted or speculative Masons, we are by these tools again
reminded of the moral advantages of discipline and education and are led
to entertain a firm but humble hope that, by the correction of irregularities
and the subjugation of our passions, we may hereafter be found worthy to
receive the approving mark of the Great Overseer of the Universe, as fitted
to form part of that spiritual edifice, "that house not made with hands,
eternal in the heavens".
I.M. requests Master to stand,
I.M. opens Warrant, and he and Master hold it by two top corners
so that it is displayed to the Brethren.
If the Warrant is framed, I.M.
goes to it and points it out.
I.M.: I now present
to you the Warrant of the Lodge, which has already passed through the hands
of many worthy and distinguished Brethren, and I trust that it will be
transmitted to your successor pure and unsullied as you now receive it.
Master relinquishes hold of
Warrant, which I.M. hands to D.C. to fold and put away I.M. requests Master
to sit.
I.M.: I now present
to you the Constitutions and Regulations, of which it will be your duty
to make a careful study, and the By-Laws which you are to enforce in your Lodge.
Form of closing a Lodge of Mark Master Masons
W.M., seated, gavels once, repeated
by Wardens; he rises: I rise to inquire for the first time whether
any Brother has aught to propose for the good of Mark Masonry in general
or this Lodge in particular. W.M. sits.
W.M., as before: I
rise to inquire for the second time …
W.M., as before:
I rise to inquire for the third and fourth times …
S.D. collects working plans
from W.M. and Overseers and deposits them on S.W.'s pedestal.
W.M., seated, gavels once, repeated
by Wardens: Brethren, assist me to close the Lodge.
All rise.
W.M.: Brother Junior
Warden, what is the constant care of every Mark Master Mason?
J.W. gives Sn. M. and stands
to order with H. Sn.: To prove the Lodge close tyled.
W.M.: Direct that
duty to be done.
J.W. gives third party of first
sign and discharges it: Brother Inner Guard, prove the Lodge
close tyled.
I.G. goes to door and knocks
* * **; Tyler replies * * **; I.G. returns to his station, gives Sn. M.
and then stands to order with H. Sn.: Brother Junior Warden,
the Lodge is close tyled. Gives third part of
first sign and discharges it.
J.W. gavels * * **, gives Sn.
M. and then stands to order with H. Sn.: Worshipful Master,
the Lodge is close tyled.
W.M.: Brother Senior
Warden, what is our next care?
S.W. gives Sn. M. and then stands
to order with H. Sn.: To see that the Brethren appear to order
as Mark Master Masons. Gives third part of first
sign and discharges it.
W.M.: To order, Brethren,
as Mark Master masons.
All give Sn. M. and stand to
order with H. Sn.
W.M.: Brother Senior
Warden, where is your constant place in the Lodge?
S.W.: In the West
W.M.: Why are you
placed there?
S.W.: As the sun
sets in the West to close the day, so is the Senior Warden placed in the
West to close the Lodge by command of the Worshipful Master, after having
seen the wages distributed and the working plans deposited in a place of safety.
W.M.: Have the working
plans been so deposited, the dues all rendered and the wages paid?
S.W.: They have,
Worshipful Master, to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Chaplain or W.M.:
Before the Lodge is closed, let us with all reverence and humility express
our gratitude to the Great Overseer of the Universe for favours already
received and, as the stone rejected by the builders, possessing merits
to them unknown, became the head of the corner, so may we by patient continuance
in well-doing be built up as living stones into a spiritual house, meet
for His habitation.
Omnes: So mote it be.
W.M.: Brother Senior
Warden, our labours being ended, you have my command to close the Lodge.
Gavels with left hand * * **.
S.W.: In the name
of Adoniram, and by command of the Worshipful Master, I close the Lodge.
All give third part of first sign and discharge it; S.W. gavels * * **.
J.W.: And it is closed
accordingly until the next regular meeting, emergencies excepted, of which
due notice will be given. Gavels * * **.
I.G. goes to door and knocks
* * **; Tyler replies * * **; I.G, remains at door; J.D. adjusts Tracing
Board; P.M. goes to front of pedestal, removes Mallet and Chisel, closes
Volume of the Sacred Law, places Mallet and Chisel thereon and returns
to his place.
P.M.: Nothing now
remains but, according to ancient custom, to lock up our secrets in the
safe repository of our hearts, uniting in the act of Fidelity, Fidelity,
Fidelity Fidelity.
All place right hand on heart
four times to the rhythm of the knocks of the Degree.
A closing hymn may now be sung.