Order of The Royal Purple
Auxiliary of the B.P.O. Elks of Canada
Initiation Ritual


General Instructions

The general instructions shall be read in open Lodge under the heading of "Good of the Order", twice each year, at suitable intervals by the Associate Royal Lady, so that the Officers and Lodge members may fully acquaint themselves with the instructions herein contained.
The position of the Officers shall be as follows:
Honored Royal Lady, at the head of the room and midway of its width.
Associate Royal Lady, directly opposite the Honored Royal Lady's station.
Loyal Lady, on the left side of the room looking from the Honored Royal Lady's station, and midway between the stations of the Honored Royal Lady and Associate Royal Lady.
Lecturing Lady, directly opposite the Loyal Lady.
Secretary, at the desk to the left of the Honored Royal Lady.
Treasurer, at the desk with the Secretary, sitting at her left.
Historian, at the right of the Honored Royal Lady.
Chaplain, at the front and immediately to the right of the Honored Royal Lady.
Conductress, at the front and immediately to the left of the Honored Royal Lady.
Inner Guard, to the immediate right or left of the Associate Royal Lady, depending on the location of the inner door.
Outer Guard, next to the Inner Guard closest to the door.
Trustees, at the side of the room and to the right of the Honored Royal Lady.
Drill Team, at both sides of the room between the stations of Loyal Lady and Honored Royal Lady and Lecturing Lady and Honored Royal Lady.
The Altar shall be placed in the center of the Lodge Room and covered by an Altar cover, upon which shall be placed a pillow, the Bible and small flag and stand.
The Bible must be opened and remain open during the meeting, closed for recess, and re-opened for the resumption of business.
The Charter shall be displayed on the wall of the Lodge room OR on a stand in front of the
Honored Royal Lady's station. When Draping the Charter, it must be placed on a stand in front of the Honored Royal Lady's station and draped as per Ritual.
Signs must not be used before the Bible is opened, nor after it is closed.
Each order of business is opened and closed with one rap of the gavel.
Music is required for all floor movements.
Straight lines and square corners must be taken in all movements about the room during Lodge Meetings.
All Officers and members must stand at attention when the Conductress presents and retires the flag, also during the Conductress' and Chaplain's approach and return from attending the Altar.
Members, in moving about the room during a session, must not pass between the Altar and the station of the Honored Royal Lady, except when necessary in special ceremonies such as Initiation, or when directed by the Honored Royal Lady to perform a specific duty.
No member shall be permitted to enter or retire from the Lodge room during Opening Ceremony, Reading of Minutes, Balloting, Initiation or Closing Ceremony.
No member shall retire without first receiving permission from the Honored Royal Lady.
All Officers shall enter and leave their station at the right as they face the station.
All Officers shall memorize their several parts within thirty days after their election. At the discretion of the Honored Royal Lady and for sufficient cause, an Officer may be permitted the use of her Ritual and Floor Work Book when found necessary and in the best interest of the Order.
In all floor work, except otherwise specified, all Officers and members shall fall in line as the line of march passes their chair.
The Conductress shall have charge of all paraphernalia and regalia, and see that these things are properly placed before the meetings open, and collect them at the close of the meetings. She shall not be required to give the sign at the Altar, or give the password when entering or retiring on official business, except when so directly stated in the Ritual and Floor Work Book.
The Outer Guard will accompany all late members to the Altar.
The Outer Guard shall see that the property of the Lodge is safely stored, before leaving the Lodge room after meeting is closed. It is also her duty to see that all Officers and members sign the register before entering the Lodge room.
It shall be the responsibility of the Outer Guard to ascertain that all visiting members are in possession of a paid up dues receipt card when they enter the Lodge room.
When visiting in a body for any special occasion, the Honored Royal Lady or Secretary of the visiting lodge shall vouch for their members not in possession of a paid up dues receipt card.
The Outer and Inner Guards shall attend to the doors. The Outer Guard shall attend to the telephone if required. Urgent matters shall be referred to the Associate Royal Lady who will report same to the Honored Royal Lady.
The Ritual for announcing the death of a member shall be the first order of business after Roll Call.
When participating in or attending the funeral of a member, or Brother Elk, Officers shall wear short white dresses and the regalia of their office.
Regulation O.O.R.P. hats and blazers should be worn wherever possible. Members may also wear short white dresses, regulation hats and blazers when attending the funeral of any of the immediate family of a member of the O.O.R.P. or B.P.O. Elks. - Hats, except regalia, must be removed before entering the Lodge room.
The members of Lodges participating in authorized parades may wear O.O.R.P. hats and blazers according to Section 36 (f) Constitution and Statutes.
The regulation O.O.R.P. blazer shall not be worn with long white dresses during the exemplification of ritualistic work.
The wearing of gloves in the Lodge room is out of order.
The Clock, Purple Cross, Pansy, O.O.R.P., Four Principles, B.P.O.E. and Elks Drill may be exemplified at Lodge functions open to the public.
The term password is chosen by the Supreme Honored Royal Lady. It is forwarded from the Supreme Lodge Office to the Secretary of each Lodge, to be given to the Honored Royal Lady for decoding and presentation to the members.
The password will not be sent to Lodges unless their per capita tax for the term is paid.
The Ritual and Floor Work Books (property of the Lodge) and the code card, are kept in the custody of the Honored Royal Lady. The Honored Royal Lady shall receive the signature of each Officer on receipt of a Ritual and Floor Work Book at the time of distribution of same.
Doing fancy work, knitting, etc., at Subordinate Lodge meetings and Supreme Lodge Sessions is not permissible.
No forms of ceremonies shall be used by Lodges other than those provided by the Ritual and Floor Work Book and the Order. It is impossible to provide specific instruction to cover extra-ordinary circumstances and situations. Discretion and common sense should be applied.
Only presentations pertaining directly to the Installation of Officers be made on the night of Open and Joint Installations. Other presentations may be made in accordance with Subordinate Lodge By-Law(s).
The Flag shall be saluted at both Open and Joint Installations.
The Sign of Fidelity shall be used during the Elks Eleven O'Clock Service.
Memorial plaques shall be opened or unveiled prior to the Seating of Officers and closed after the Officers Retiring March.
According to Protocol it is undignified to clap hands to music during ceremonies.
Etiquette interprets the crossing of legs by a lady to be immodest and states a lady should sit with her knees together, crossing the feet at the ankles if she wishes.


Opening Ceremony

Promptly at the hour set for opening the Lodge, the Honored Royal Lady and all Officers assume their stations and the Honored Royal Lady calls the Lodge to order by giving one rap of the gavel and says:

Officers, you will take your places for formal seating.
The Pianist will play one chord, on which all Officers will stand and proceed to their places in the line up for Seating of Officers.

The Immediate P.H.R. Lady will cross in front of the H.R. Lady's station to lead the Officers on the right side of the room in order of line up, and the Secretary will lead the Officers on the left, also in order of line up. The Two Term Trustee on reaching the Lecturing Lady's station crosses to the opposite side of the room and falls in behind the Loyal Lady. The Inner and Outer Guards walk together to the station of the Associate Royal Lady, proceed to the Altar and then right and left to their places. (Music by Pianist.)

Drill Team, you will conduct the Officers to their respective stations.
The Inner and Outer Guards join in march directly behind the Drill Team and the other Officers follow in order.

When a Drill Team is not present, the Honored Royal Lady shall ask the Inner and Outer Guards to conduct the Officers to their respective stations.

When all Officers are in their stations and the Drill Team return to their places, the Officers shall put on their collars in unison. The Outer Guard shall take her place in the anteroom.


All Officers and members rise immediately when addressed by the Honored Royal Lady.

Lady Conductress, you will present the Flag. * * *.

Appropriate march music shall be played by the Pianist during the presentation and retiring of the Flag. Conductress retires to the door, picks up the Flag, carrying it upright and to the right, slightly in front; the right hand uppermost with forearm parallel to the flagstaff; the left hand steadying the flagstaff with forearm parallel to the waist.

The hand should never touch or grasp the Flag.

She proceeds to the Altar, grounds the Flag, left arm at her side, and remains there during the singing of "O Canada". She does not sing.

O Canada! Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The true north strong and free!
From far and wide, O Canada we stand on guard for thee,
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
The Conductress then proceeds with the Flag to the right of the Historian, grounds it, and takes two paces back after which she and all present salute the Flag.
The salute is made by raising the right hand over the right eyebrow, finger tips touching the forehead, fingers extended and palm out.
Conductress returns to her station. *.
Neither the salute to the Honored Royal Lady nor the Altar sign shall be used before the Bible is opened or after it is closed.
Lady Conductress, you will see that the Outer Guard is at her post and that our doors are properly closed and guarded by those entrusted with this duty.
Conductress retires to the anteroom; she shall give four raps on the Inner door to signify to the Inner Guard that she is ready to return to the Lodge room, then reports at the Altar.

Honored Royal Lady, our doors are closed and properly guarded. The Inner and Outer Guards are at their posts.
Conductress returns to her station and resumes her seat.

Lady Conductress and Lady Chaplain, you will see that all present are in possession of the term or permanent password entitling them to remain, and you will be sure that the words you receive are the same as you now give to me.
Honored Royal Lady, we will perform that duty. * * *.

The Conductress and Chaplain shall give the term and permanent passwords to the Honored Royal Lady.

It shall be the responsibility of the Outer Guard to ascertain that all visiting members are in possession of a paid up dues receipt card when they enter the Lodge room.

Visiting members must give term or permanent password and hand the Conductress or Chaplain a card with name, official title if any, also name and number of Lodge to which she belongs.

Visitors cards received by the Chaplain shall be handed to the Conductress when they meet at the station of the Associate Royal Lady after the password has been taken. The Conductress shall use the cards to introduce visiting members.

All ladies are to sit down immediately after giving the Conductress or the Chaplain the password. If any Lady does not have the password, she will remain standing until the Conductress or the Chaplain escorts her to the Honored Royal Lady's station, informally, to receive it.

It is not necessary for the Conductress or Chaplain to escort ladies not having the password around the Altar. She may take them directly to the station of the Honored Royal Lady and back to their places, taking straight lines and square comers at all times. visiting members shall receive the term password from their own Honored Royal Lady or they may receive the permanent password from the presiding Honored Royal Lady.

When the password has been received from all present, the Conductress and the Chaplain approach the Altar, the Conductress reports to the Honored Royal Lady, and they shall then return to their stations, and resume their seats.

Honored Royal Lady, we are all obligated ladies.
Lady Conductress and Lady Chaplain, you will return to your stations. *.

Lady Chaplain and Lady Conductress, you will attend the Altar and the Chaplain will lead in repeating the Lord's prayer. * * *.

Before the meeting is called to order, the Bible and pillow are placed on a small table or stool in front of the Honored Royal Lady's station, the Bible resting on the pillow. The Chaplain and the Conductress will take a few steps forward, turn, march toward each other, and when they meet in front of the table, they will turn and face the Honored Royal Lady. The Chaplain will take one step to the right, one step forward, and pick up the Bible with both hands. She will then take one step back and one step to the left. The Conductress will take one step to the left, one step forward, and pick up the pillow. She will then take one step back and one step to the right. The Chaplain will tum left and the Conductress will turn right. They will then march to their original line of march, turn simultaneously without stopping and approach the Altar. The Chaplain will carry the Bible on the palms of her hands with the thumbs flat. The thumbs should not be placed over or around the Bible but should lie flat supporting the edges of the Bible on the palms of her hands and should be scarcely visible along the side of the Bible.

When they meet at the Altar, the Conductress will take one step to the left and one step forward and place the pillow on the Altar and raise the Flag, which is placed at the top right hand comer of the Altar, take one step back and one step to the right. The Chaplain takes one step to the right- and one step forward and places the Bible on the pillow, using both hands to open the Bible slowly and reverently, takes one step back and one step to the left and leads in repeating the Lord's Prayer. They will then give the Altar sign and return to their stations. The Chaplain and Conductress assume a reverent attitude, approaching and returning from the Altar.

The reverent attitude is with one hand resting in the palm of the other hand. All other members must stand at attention.

When a recess is called, the above procedure does not apply. The Chaplain alone, walks directly to the Altar, makes the Altar sign, closes the Bible and returns to her station.

Either the Canadian Flag or Union jack may be used.

The Obligation sign is not used until the Chaplain begins to open the Bible, and is used until the Chaplain has completed the prayer or prayers.

Prayer for the sick

Oh God, may it please Thee, to bless our sister,
Lady and to send Thy grace upon her.
Restore her to health and strength if it be Thy
gracious will. To the glory of Thy Holy name.
This prayer to be given at the discretion of the Honored Royal Lady before the Lord's Prayer in the case of a member being seriously ill.

Ladies, we will sing our opening ode.


In Charity's sweet name, we meet,
our pledges to renew.
With friendship, love and kindness as
our Motto, we shall do
Our work as loyal ladies of
The Royal Purple, true.
In Charity's sweet name, we meet,
and dedicate each day
To works of love and kindness as
we pass along life's way.
We're sisters all, united strong,
To one another true;
To God and country loyal, too,
In all the things we do.
May love and harmony be ours
And may we ever be
True to the promises we've made to our Society.
Lady Inner Guard, you will admit the Outer Guard and waiting members.

Ladies, we will repeat the Obligation, using the Obligation sign.


I, voluntarily and in the presence of the members of the Order of the Royal Purple here assembled, do solemnly promise that I will never divulge any of the secrets of this Order to anyone. I will obey the Constitution and Laws of the Supreme Lodge, and By-Laws of the Lodge of which I am a member. That I will obey the laws of the Lodge in whose jurisdiction I may be.
Furthermore do I promise to help, aid and assist any poor, distressed, worthy member of the Order so far as it may be in my power to do so.
Furthermore do I promise that I will not defame but will always defend, the reputation of a worthy member of the Order, to the best of my ability, and I will not wrong a member or see her wronged, without apprising her of approaching danger, if, in my power to do so. Furthermore do I promise that I will not become a member of any organization using the name Order of the Royal Purple, Auxiliary of the B.P.O. Elks unless officially recognized by the Supreme Lodge Order of the Royal Purple of Canada.
All this I most solemnly promise, under the penalty of suspension, or expulsion, should I violate any portion of it, either with or without intent. To the faithful performance of which I pledge my most sacred honor.
I now proclaim … Lodge No. … of the Order of the Royal Purple, open for the transaction of such business as may properly come before it. *.

After the Honored Royal Lady has declared the Lodge open, the Outer Guard and any waiting members approach the Altar, in single file, give the Sign and take their places in the Lodge room. On Initiation nights only, the Outer Guard shall retire to be with the candidate until she is admitted to the Lodge room. The Outer Guard also re-enters the Lodge room at this time. The Inner Guard, only, opens and closes the door for all Officers and members.

Duties of Officers

Officers remain standing after stating duties.
Past Honored Royal Lady, what are your duties?
Honored Royal Lady, it is my duty to assist the Honored Royal Lady and to further the interests of the Order.
Lecturing Lady, what are your duties?
Honored Royal Lady, it is my duty to instruct and give words of wisdom to those seeking knowledge in the beauty of our Fraternity. In the absence of my higher ranking Officers, it becomes my duty to preside over the sessions of the Lodge.
Loyal Lady, what are your duties?
Honored Royal Lady, it is my duty to instruct all candidates and members in the secret work of our Order, and to see that all candidates and members are well versed in the mysteries of our Honorable Institution. In the absence of my higher ranking Officers, it becomes my duty to preside over the sessions of the Lodge.
Associate Royal Lady, what are your duties?
Honored Royal Lady, it is my duty to assist in the initiation of candidates, in preserving order, and to act for the Honored Royal Lady in her absence.
Honored Royal Lady, what are your duties?
It is my duty to preside at all sessions of the Lodge, appoint all committees, preserve the laws of the Order, have general supervision over all business, and to see that the laws of the Order are enforced. *.

Preparing for Initiation

On Initiation nights only, after the Outer Guard and waiting members have been admitted to repeat the Obligation and the members have been seated, the Outer Guard will retire to the anteroom to be with the candidate until she is admitted to the Lodge room. When admitted the Outer Guard will take care of her purse in order that she will not have to carry it when being initiated. She will return it when the ceremony is completed.
The Pansy Chain is placed on the Altar and a large pansy on each of the four Chair Officers' stations.
A candle is placed on the Altar and each of the four stations. Candles may also be placed on the piano and at the Secretary's desk.
The candles are lit in unison and without form by the respective Officers immediately after the Honored Royal Lady opens the Initiation. The lights to be dimmed or turned off as the candles are lit.
In all Initiation work, where there is more than one candidate, Officers shall exercise care in using the plural term instead of the singular. During Initiation, the Altar sign is given only when specified in the Ritual and Floor Work Book.


Lady Conductress, you will retire and ascertain if there is a candidate waiting outside our door.
Conductress advances to the Altar, gives Altar sign and retires to the anteroom, returns, approaches the Altar, where she gives Altar sign and reports.

Honored Royal Lady (Miss or Mrs.) … is desirous of joining us this night.
Conductress returns to her station.
Lady Secretary, has this candidate been duly elected by ballot and paid the required fees?
Honored Royal Lady, she has.
Should the Secretary report in the negative, the Honored Royal Lady will direct that the fees be collected before proceeding with the Initiation. No candidate can be initiated who has not paid the full Initiation fee.

Lady Conductress, you will retire and present the candidate at the Altar.
The Conductress is escorted to the door by the Drill Team, the conductress retires to the anteroom to escort the candidate.

The following procedure shall be used:

a) One Candidate - The Conductress takes the candidate by the left arm.

b) Two Candidates - The Conductress walks between them taking each by the arm.

c) Three or More Candidates – Conductress takes a candidate by the left arm and the

others follow in twos.

Conductress gives raps on door necessary to gain admittance to Lodge room. Inner Guard opens the door and questions Conductress as follows:

Lady Conductress, whom have you here?
A candidate, who desires to learn the principles of our Order.
Lady Conductress, you will wait until your presence has been reported to the Honored Royal Lady.
Inner Guard closes door and from her station salutes the Honored Royal Lady and says:

Honored Royal Lady, a candidate waits at our door, who desires to learn the great principles of our Order.
Lady Inner Guard, you may admit the candidate.
Inner Guard opens door and says:

By order of our Honored Royal Lady you may enter the Inner door of our Lodge and I ask you to give close attention to that which will be imparted to you.
The Drill Team leads the Conductress and candidate around the room clockwise, the Chaplain joins in behind the candidate as they pass her station on the first round of march. The Associate Royal Lady joins in as they pass her station, marching on the left of the Chaplain.

When the Honored Royal Lady's station is reached, the Associate Royal Lady enters the Honored Royal Lady's station and the Chaplain walks to the Altar and takes her position to the right.

Drill Team, Conductress and candidate continue march around room and approach Altar from the station of the Associate Royal Lady.

Lady Conductress, whom bring you here?
Honored Royal Lady, I present (Miss or Mrs.) … who is desirous of becoming a member of this Lodge of the Order of the Royal Purple.
Are you willing to assume an obligation which will not conflict with your personal or religious feeling, or your duty to womankind?
Candidate replies in the affirmative.

You have given me these assurances. We will now proceed with your initiation.
Ladies, you will form the Diamond and become witnesses to the Obligation this candidate now takes. * * *.

Honored Royal Lady will leave her station, walk to the Altar while all Officers and members form Diamond. The Associate Royal Lady remains in the Honored Royal Lady's station. The Immediate Past Honored Royal Lady will form the point of the Diamond near Honored Royal Lady's station and the Drill Team will form the bottom point of the Diamond.

The Secretary and Historian will lead the Officers and members in forming Diamond.

Drill Team about turn and march to a straight line in front of the Associate Royal Lady's station.

All present will use the Obligation sign and the Conductress will repeat the Obligation with the candidate. The Obligation sign is used until after the Chaplain gives the prayer.

The Conductress does not place her hand on the Bible.

If there are more than two candidates, the first two shall place their left hand on the Bible, the other candidate shall place her left hand on the left shoulder of the lady in front.

HONORED ROYAL LADY, to candidate:
You will now place your left hand upon the Bible, place your right hand over your heart, and repeat after me the following Obligation, using your name where I use mine.
Initiation Obligation
I, …, voluntarily - and in the presence of the members of the Order of the Royal Purple, here assembled - do solemnly promise - that I will never divulge any of the secrets of this Order - about to be entrusted to my keeping- to anyone.
I will obey the Constitution and Laws of the Supreme Lodge, - and By-Laws of the Lodge of which I am a member. - That I will obey the laws of the Lodge, in whose jurisdiction I may be. -
Furthermore do I promise to help, aid and assist any poor, distressed, - worthy member of the Order - so far as it may be in my power to do so. -
Furthermore do I promise that I will not defame, - but will always defend, -the reputation of a worthy member of the Order, - to the best of my ability,- and I will not wrong a member or see her wronged, - without apprising her – of approaching danger, - if in my power to do so. -
Furthermore do I promise that I will not become a member -- of any organization using the name Order of the Royal Purple, - Auxiliary of the B.P.O. Elks - unless officially recognized by the Supreme Lodge, Order of the Royal Purple – of Canada. –
All this I most solemnly promise, - under the penalty of suspension, - or expulsion, - should I violate any portion of it, -either with or without intent. - To the faithful performance of which - I pledge my most sacred honor.
Almighty God, the reader of our minds and hearts, you have heard the covenant made by our Sister; give her strength and courage to go forward in the great work for which we stand, and cause her to feel that her life is a link in the great chain of Ladies' lives who are trying to carry out Your command. Aid, cheer and protect our fellowmen. O Lord, let us keep these promises binding and sacred unto the end of life. Amen.
The Conductress instructs the candidate to remove her hand from the Bible after the Prayer.

Officers and members, you will return to your places.
Officers and members return to their places from the Diamond. Lines of march do not crossover at the point of the Diamond in front of the Honored Royal Lady's station.

Drill Team about turn and form a straight line in front of Associate Royal Lady's station.

HONORED ROYAL LADY, to candidate:
Remember well these words you have spoken. Let them dwell in your heart, never to be forgotten.

Initiation Ode

With robes of Royal Purple,
Our noble Order clothed;
Its precepts and its teachings
By all of us beloved;
Protected by its raiments
Of Virtue, Duty, Love,
Our firm faith in B.P.O.E.
Is true as stars above.
And when 'tis time to say goodbye
To friends and loved ones dear,
We want to have our Sisters of
The Royal Purple near.
So, Lord teach us ne'er to forget
The vow sincere we took,
That we may surely have our names
Inscribed within your Book. *.

During the singing of the Ode, the Honored Royal Lady and Chaplain return to their stations walking together from the Altar. As soon as the Honored Royal Lady reaches her station, the Associate Royal Lady will vacate it and return to her station.
The Conductress and candidate remain at the Altar.
Lady Conductress, you will conduct the newly obligated sister to the station of the Associate Royal Lady.
Associate Royal Lady, by order of our Honored Royal Lady, I bring an obligated sister.
Lady, our principles, Justice, Charity, Sisterly Love and Fidelity are without doubt those which tend to the betterment of the world at large and as we try to deal justly with all, we naturally and without seeming effort, dispense that Charity which prompts us "To do unto others as we would that they should do unto us."
"Charity is not strained,
It droppeth as a gentle rain from Heaven
Upon the place beneath.
It is twice blessed, it blesses him who gives
And him who receives.
It is an attribute to God himself."
Our Love and Fidelity are made stronger through the influence of frequent association, they increase as we become more interested in each other's welfare and endeavor by acts of kindness to promote universal benevolence.
Our work is to do good, our benevolence is spontaneous and in becoming a member of our Order, you must be faithful to its teachings and obligations. Whenever misery can be relieved or the tears of sorrow dried, there will be found work for a member of the Order of the Royal Purple.
The Conductress will now take you to the station of the Loyal Lady for instructions in the signs and tokens of our Order.

Loyal Lady, I bring a sister that she may learn from you the signs and tokens of our Order.
LOYAL LADY, to candidate:
Lady, you are now entitled to receive the signs and tokens of our Order, which are secret and must be well guarded.
As proof of our faith in your integrity and in the sincerity of your motives, I now intrust to your keeping the following - and I would ask that you follow me in making all signs:
Officer demonstrates all signs.
THE GRIP- Clasp hands, pressing the second knuckle with the thumb. It is used in giving or receiving the passwords.
OBLIGATION SIGN - Place the right hand over the heart. This should be used during opening and closing of the Bible and during all prayers, also when repeating the Obligation.
THE SALUTE - It is always used in rising to address the Honored Royal Lady, in this manner, using left hand; left hand slightly curved over the left eyebrow. The Honored
Royal Lady will return the salute, recognizing said Lady as having the floor.
THE VOTING SIGN is made by raising the left hand to level of shoulder, index finger extended, second finger and thumb joined, remaining fingers folded in palm of hand.
THE PERMANENT PASSWORD. The permanent password is used when visiting, and not in possession of the term password, due to absence from the Lodge of which you are a member. This password is received from any Honored Royal Lady on presentation of your paid up dues receipt card.
THE ALTAR SIGN. In crossing the room after the meeting is opened, pass below the Altar, never between Altar and station of the Honored Royal Lady, pause and give the following sign: The left hand opened, palm out raised to the shoulder.
The same sign is made before the Altar when leaving or entering the Lodge room after meeting is called to order.
When late enter in the following manner: Knock on the Outer door and you will be admitted by the Outer Guard after you have given her the first half of the term password. You will remove your hat, unless regalia, and approach the Inner door, there you will give four distinct knocks which will represent the words Justice, Charity, Love and Fidelity. When the
door is opened by the Inner Guard, give her the second half of the term password, pass into the room, approach the Altar accompanied by the Outer Guard, and make the sign which has already been entrusted to you.
In entering, leaving and moving about the room, always take straight lines and square corners.
The Gavel is used to maintain order, open and close all orders of business, call the members to their feet and seat all, as follows:
One rap, calls to order, opens and closes orders of business and seats all.
Two raps, call the Officers to their feet.
Three raps, call up the entire Lodge.
This completes our secret work my friend, guard it well.
Lady Conductress, you will proceed to the station of the Lecturing Lady.
Lecturing Lady, I bring an obligated sister for further instructions in the work of our Order.
Lady, at our Altar, with your hand upon the Bible, you have this night taken an obligation, the principles of which are Justice, Charity, Sisterly Love and Fidelity.
Justice is that standard of right which should impel us to give to others that which we expect to receive from them. This virtue is consistent with the laws of God and man and should shine forth in our every action.
We are told that the greatest virtue is Charity. It teaches us that every organization should be founded upon that charity, "whose broad mantle covers a multitude of sins." It should influence us to cherish a kindly recollection of the virtues of a sister, overlooking her imperfections.
Sisterly Love is important in the work of this Order. True Love giveth without looking for return, thus should we, in the best interests of womankind, remember the words, "Love your enemies, do good to them that hate you."
We must practise the virtue Fidelity, remembering that in the knowledge of duties faithfully performed will be found a satisfying portion of this life and will bring its own reward.
Our obligation makes you one of us, and I now charge you never to reveal any of the secrets of this Order to anyone who is not an obligated member of the Order of the Royal Purple. The penalty for revealing any part of the secret work is expulsion from the Order.
Lady Conductress, you will conduct this lady to the station of our Honored Royal Lady, who will reveal to her the passwords.
Honored Royal Lady, I bring an obligated sister that she may receive the passwords of the Order.
You have now learned from the respective Officers, the principles, signs and tokens of our Order, and it becomes my duty to give into your keeping our passwords which if used with our working signs, will gain you admittance into any Lodge room in which Ladies of the Royal Purple are assembled. The passwords are never written or spoken aloud. The term password must not be given by anyone other than your own Honored Royal Lady and the permanent password may be received from any Honored Royal Lady provided you are in possession of a paid up dues receipt card. Gives passwords.

The Honored Royal Lady remains at her station, the Conductress guides the candidate to the Honored Royal Lady's right. The candidate repeats the passwords to the Honored Royal Lady.

Ladies, you may now have the opportunity to welcome Lady as a member of this Lodge of the Order of the Royal Purple. * * *.

Lights are turned on for the Welcoming March and dimmed for the Pansy Ceremony.

During the Welcoming March the Conductress will stand first to the right of the candidate and then to the left. Each member will introduce herself to the candidate.

Lady, you have now been regularly initiated into our Order and are now a qualified member and we trust that your membership will be of mutual benefit. You will remain at the close of this meeting to transact such business as may be required by the Secretary.
Lady Conductress, you will conduct Lady to a seat among us.

Closing Ceremony

Officers and members, do you know of any business neglected or left undone this night?
Honored Royal Lady, the work is finished.
Officers members form the Diamond. * * *.

When members have formed the Diamond, the four Chair Officers shall step in front of their respective stations to form the points. After forming the Diamond, all turn in, in unison, join hands and repeat the Mispah Benediction. All hands remain clasped until after the singing of the Closing Ode.
In the absence of a Drill Team, the Conductress and Chaplain shall lead in forming the Diamond.

Mispah Benediction

May the Lord watch between me and thee, while we are absent one from the other.

Closing Ode

God be with you till we meet again,
By His counsel guide, uphold thee,
With His sheep securely fold thee,
God be with you till we meet again.
The four Chair Officers will return directly to their stations, then all return to their places led by the Drill Team.

Lady Chaplain and Lady Conductress, you will attend the Altar.
The Chaplain and Conductress approach the Altar and give the Altar sign. The Chaplain repeats a closing prayer, closes the Bible, and lifts the Bible from the Altar. The Conductress lowers the Flag, lifts the pillow, and both Officers return the Bible and pillow to the table in front of the Honored Royal Lady's station. They then return to their respective stations. These Officers will take one step over and one step forward, when performing their duties, then one step back and one step over, and return to their stations as directed.

Oh Lord, protect, guide and guard all our members and their families and bring Peace and Happiness to the world. Amen.

Now that our meeting is over,
And at the closing of the day
Let Kindness and Love be our watchword
As we pass along Life's way.
May God grant us the wisdom
And this of Thee we ask
That we may soon meet again
To work and resume our task.

Lord, Bless us and our day's work.
Keep us safe throughout the night.
Fill us with understanding of Thy ways
And the wisdom to judge our errors.
Grant us the blessing of a new day and
A new opportunity to serve Thee.
Lady Conductress, you will retire the Flag and leave it with the Outer Guard for safe keeping.
Conductress retires the Flag, grounds it, and holds it until after the singing of The Queen.

She then hands it to the Outer Guard.

The Queen

God save our gracious Queen,
Long live our noble Queen,
God save the Queen.
Send her victorious,
Happy and glorious
Long to reign over us,
God save the Queen.
I now declare … Lodge No…. of the Order of the Royal Purple, closed until its next regular session, unless sooner convened in special meeting by my order. *.

We will have the Officers' retiring march. * *.

Retiring March

Honored Royal Lady joins the line immediately behind the Team to the right, followed by all Officers at right of room. Past Honored Royal Lady joins the line immediately behind the Team to the left followed by all Officers at left of room. At the Altar the Past Honored Royal Lady leads, walking alone.
The Honored Royal Lady follows alone until the line reaches the Associate Royal Lady's station when the Associate Royal Lady joins in line at the left of the Honored Royal Lady.
Other Officers meeting at the Altar shall walk together as follows:
Lecturing Lady .......... . Loyal Lady
Two Term Trustee ......... Three Term Trustee
One Term Trustee ................. Secretary
Historian . . . . . . . . . . . . Treasurer
Chaplain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conductress
Outer Guard and Inner Guard will join at the end of the line.
