Worshipful Society of Freemasons, Rough Masons,
Wallers, Slaters, Paviors, Plaisterers and Bricklayers
VI° Passed Master
S.P.M. knocks *. All rise.
S.P.M.: W.Bro. B., what is the first care of a P.M.?
B.: To see that we are tiled externally.
S.P.M.: Perform that duty.
B. goes outside, sees the O.G. in his place or that the Preparation Room
is empty and the V° doors closed, returns and says:
W.S.P.M., we are properly tiled externally.
S.P.M.: W.Bro. J., our next care?
J.: To see that we are tiled internally.
S.P.M.: The P.Ms. will appear to order in the VI°.
P.Ms. give the d.g.s.
S.P.M., J. & B. simultaneously answer with the p.s.
OMNES discard signs.
S.P.M.: W.Bro. J., what is your position?
J.: On Mount Sinai.
S.P.M.: Whom do you represent?
J.: J....n, the Asst. High Priest.
S.P.M.: What further?
J.: The Soul in Man.
S.P.M.: Your duty?
J.: To offer up daily prayer for the success of the
work and propitiation for the sins of the people.
S.P.M.: W.Bro. B., what is your position?
B.: On Mount Tabor.
S.P.M.: Whom do you represent?
B.: B.
S.P.M.: What further?
B.: The Body of Man.
S.P.M.: Your duty?
B.: To relieve suffering humanity and to prepare the
B.: W.S.P.M., what is your position?
S.P.M.: On Mount Moriah.
J.: Whom do you represent?
S.P.M.: The Three G.M.Ms. — S.K.I., H.K.T. and H.A.B.
B.: Your duty?
S.P.M.: To lay schemes, draw designs, assist the three
G.M.Ms., rule in their absence and see that the work is properly executed
according to the antient usages and established customs of the Craft of Free
J.: May the Supreme G.M. of All bestow His blessings
on our labours.
S.P.M.: In the name of the Supreme G.M. of All, I declare
this L. of Harodim open in the VI°.
S.P.M., J. and B. advance to column carrying their Ss.; S.P.M. takes out
plans; J. takes out H.B. and opens at 11 Chron. chap.3, v.1. J. places two
(Ss) in position and S.P.M.
and B. complete the symbol. S.P.M., J. and B. return to places and each
gives knocks *** ***. (At
this point, if the doors to the VII° are open the G.M.Ms, may order the
7—fold salute to the M.H.
All business should now be transacted so that the Closing may follow
immediately after the Ceremony of Raising.
VI° Raising
If there are several Candidates a representative must be selected and
the remainder asked if they abide by his acts as if they were their own.
When all is ready the Conductor and the Actg. S.I.W. retire. The latter
introduces the non-representative Candidates and seats them in the S. East
facing N.East.
The representative Candidate is introduced prepared in accordance with the
wishes of the
S.P.M. The full preparation is b.a, b and kns made bare, feet s.s. and
wearing a Toga Candida, but this may be dispensed with and partial preparation
COND.: To attain your desires involves undergoing great
trials. Are you determined to persevere through the Ceremony of being Raised a
Passed Master?
Cand.: I am.
COND.: Then, as you have already been examined and
entrusted with the p.g. and p.w., follow me and obey my instructions.
COND. knocks *** ***.
B.: W.S.P.M., there is an alarm.
S.P.M.: Ascertain the cause.
B. opens door: Who comes here?
COND.: The Wy. Super Intendent ..., who has passed the
necessary examination, and now earnestly solicits this Worshipful Lodge of PMs.
that they will raise him to the high degree of P.M., that he may rule over
Lodges engaged upon the work.
B.: Have you proofs of competence?
CAND.: I have these. Gives
p.g. and p.w.
B.: Halt, while I report you to the Worshipful Lodge. Closes
B.: W.S.P.M., to the door of the Lodge cometh the Wy.
Super Intendent ..., who has passed the necessary examination, and now
earnestly solicits this Worshipful Lodge of P.Ms., that they will raise him to
the high degree of a P.M., that he may rule over Lodges engaged upon the work.
S.P.M.: Has he proofs of competence?
B.: I have received from him our p.g. and p.w.
S.P.M.: Let the Wy. Super Intendent be admitted.
COND. conducts Cand. to East of Column, facing West.
B. resumes his seat.
S.P.M.: Your desire to be raised to the degree of a P.M.
has been duly reported to this Worshipful Lodge of P.Ms. and has been
carefully and favourably considered; but the rank you seek is no light matter,
requiring, as it does, the utmost competence in all the details of the work,
for the members of this degree are the Chief Officers and direct
representatives of the three G.M.Ms. Are you fully prepared to accept the
serious duties which will devolve upon you, and do you pledge yourself to
perform them?
CAND.: I accept the duties and will perform them to the
utmost of my ability,
S.P.M.: By our Constitutions, I must further enquire if
you have been Installed in the Chairs of a Craft Lodge and a Mark Lodge
holding under or recognised by the United Grand Lodge of England and the Grand
Lodge of Mark Masons of England and Wales etc. respectively? All Candidates
must be able to answer in the affirmative or be excluded from the Ceremony.
S.P.M.: You will perambulate the Lodge.
Questions are put by P.Ms. seated. They rise only when necessary to
receive a grip.
COND. leads Cand. via the N. to the P.M. in the N.E.
P.M. in N.E.: We do not doubt your
for the tongue of good report has ever been heard in your favour, but, have
you anything to show for it?
Cand., Prompted by Cond. in a whisper:
I have this Sign. Gives
the d.g.s. of the V°.
P.M. gives p.s. of V° and says:
COND. leads Cand. behind B. and J. to the P.M. in the S.E.
P.M. in S.E.: Have you anything to show me?
CAND., prompted as before says:
I have this sign and gives the p.s. of the V°.
P.M. in S.E.: What is that?
Cand.: The p.s. of the V°, indicating that I would have
that penalty inflicted upon me if ever I betrayed the trust reposed in me.
P.M. in S.E.: It is well. Pass.
COND. leads Cand. to the P.M. in the S.W.
P.M. in S.W.: Have you anything to show me?
CAND., prompted as before: I have this sign. Gives
the embl. sign of the V°.
P.M. in S.W.: What is that?
CAND.: The Embl. sign of the V°.
P.M. in S.W.: To what does it allude?
CAND.: To the two pillars at the Porch of K.S.T.
P.M. in S.W.: Pass.
COND. leads Cand. behind S.P.M. to P.M. in N.W.
P.M. in N.W.: Have you anything to show me?
CAND., prompted as before: I have this. Takes s..p
of V° and gives the g. and w.
P.M. in N.W.: Pass.
COND. leads Cand. back to E. of column, facing W.
COND.: W.S.P.M., the Wy. Super Intendent has undergone
examination and has been approved in all the four corners. I therefore present
him for your approval.
S.P.M.: Does any P.M. desire to put other questions? Any
reasonable question may be put and when the examination is completed.
S.P.M.: Have you anything further to show me?
CAND.: No. I claim help. Gives sign of distress.
S.P.M.: Help shall be accorded to you at your time of
need; but, before I am able to aid you, it is requisite that you enter into a
solemn OB. in respect to the duties of the rank you seek, an OB. which must
not be taken lightly, for it regulates your conduct for the remainder of your
natural life and governs your relations with your fellow men. Are you prepared
to take it?
CAND.: I am.
Supernumerary Candidates now line up two abreast behind Cand. i.e. one to
N. and one to S. of Table, with L.H. on sh. of Cand. in front and giving s. of
f. with R.H.
S.P.M.: Kneel on both knees, place your R.H. on the H.B.
and with your L.H., hold the ┐ supplied
by Acting S.I.W. over your Rt. W...t, the ends resting. upon the
S.P.M., remaining in his place, knocks ┐. All rise.
S.P.M.: State your names at length and mentally assent to
the OB. that I shall now read to you.
I, ..., in
the presence of the M..H.G., and of this Worshipful Lodge of Passed Masters of
the Arts and Sciences, do hereby and hereon solemnly and sincerely confirm all
my previous Obligations and do further swear that I will never improperly
reveal any of the things done since my Acceptation, nor the secrets and rites
that now be revealed to me, to anyone in the world, unless it be to him or to
them to whom the same may justly and lawfully belong, or to a true and lawful
Free Mason who is about to be passed Master in the body of a just and perfect
Lodge of Passed Masters of Arts and Sciences, where not less than three are
present. I further solemnly pledge myself that, if I am called upon to preside
as a Master of a Lodge, I will take due and proper care of the Charter,
Constitutional Charges of Antient F.Ms., By-Laws and Regalia, and that I will
permit no man nor body of men to make any change in the antient usages and
established customs of the Craft of Free Mason, that I will also take due and
proper care of all furniture and other property belonging to the Society
during the period of my Mastership, and will exercise no undue authority
whilst I hold that honourable station, but will duly and truly administer
justice between Brethren and Fellows and oppose all changes in the fundamental
basis of our Fellowship, and will discharge the important trust committed to
me, as a Master of a Lodge, with the utmost fidelity.
S.P.M.: If you accept this Obligation you will repeat
after me:— All this I swear, under no less a penalty than the loss of my
life by having my tongue lit from the tip to root, my right hand severed at
the wrist and slung round my neck, my body burnt to ashes on the centre and
those ashes scattered to the winds of Heaven with the scattering seed so that
no Trace or Memory may remain amongst Men. So help me the M.H.G. and give me
strength to carry out this my solemn Obligation, being that of a P.M. of Arts
and Sciences.
S.P.M.: You will seal that Obligation with your lips six
times on the H.B. Cand. does so with ┐ still in position and then place the
┐ upon it.
The representative Cand. now rises and stands to one side whilst each Cand.
in turn seals his OB. When all have done so, the rep. Cand. again kneels and
the S.P.M. continues.
S.P.M.: The reason for placing you in that position for
your Obligation is this:— Previously, your hands have been employed in
executing the noblest works of Operative Masonry. Now, when you are about to
be passed a Master of Arts and Sciences, your right hand was laid on the Holy
Book, and your wrist was confined
by the ┐ to figure to your mind that God’s Word must be the standard
by which you will square every operation of your future life.
S.P.M.: Rise, newly Obligated, Passed Master. Cand.
rises and is led to the w. of column.
All except Candidates resume seats.
S.P.M.: Some years ago, when you proved your ability to
produce perfect Ashlar Stones, a new sign was communicated to you and you were
told that a new word would be withheld until you had attained the VI°.
The sign you may recall is given by raising the
right arm vertically, hand with fingers and thumb together in line with the
arm; at the same time raise the left arm to the horizontal position to the
side, hand, with fingers and thumb together, in line with the arm, both palm
forward, and the word is G…m.
S.P.M. stands in front of his
pedestal: I will now entrust you with the signs by which we
recognise one another as a Passed Master.
Take a step forward with your left foot and bring
the heel of the right across the toe of the 1eft so as to form a S Discard
when done.
The secrets consist of Signs, Tokens and Words.
The Signs and Tokens are of a threefold character.
The first sign is the due guard or hailing sign and is given thus: hold right
hand as if holding a P.L. with thumb and finger.
As always, you give no further information until
answered by the penal sign or sign of secrecy which is clench right hand,
thumb vertical, place t.n. of left. Both
The third or emblematical sign is given thus: lay
back of right hand against left side of neck; draw right hand diagonally
across the breast from left to right and bring thumb to the centre.
This act symbolically confirms all your previous ps.
The grip or token is given thus: Give step and
discard and the:
1. grasp both wrists of a Bro., who on being
challenged, says “from a grip to a span”
2. slide right hand to
his left elbow and he slides his left hand to your right elbow. You say “a
three-fold cord is strong”
3. slide left hand to his
right elbow and he slides his right hand to your left elbow. He says “a
four-fold cord is not easily broken”.
Cond. here assists Cand. in giving the proper replies to the challenger.
There is a tradition that this was the grip used to
place K.S. on his throne when he had grown old and decrepit, and, in a
measure, it is a symbolic answer to your prayer for help.
You will now prove to the P.Ms. that you are
competent to rule as Master of a Lodge, and properly prepared to be raised as
a Passed Master.
S.P.M. directs the supernumerary
Cands. to resume their seats.
Cond., leads Cand. direct to B.:
W.P.M..B., I present to you a Brother who aspires to be raised to the rank of
a P.M. of Arts and Sciences.
B.: Advance to me as such.
Cand. advances as previously instructed by S.P.M. The step having been
taken, Cand. resumes his normal stance.
B.: Have you anything to communicate?
Cand.: I have. Gives
due guard sign which B. answers with penal sign — both then discard.
B.: Have you anything further?
Cand. gives the emblematical sign.
B.: Pass.
Cond. leads Cand. to J.: W.P.M.J., I present to you a
Brother who aspires to be raised to the rank of a P.M. of Arts and Sciences.
J.: Have you anything to communicate?
Cand. gives the grip and exchanges the words, J. being the challenger.
J.: I congratulate you.
J.: W.S.P.M., I present to you this duly instructed
Bro. that he may be raised to the rank of a P.M. of Arts and Sciences.
S.P.M.: My Brother, I warn you that a great trial awaits
you, but, as you have so earnestly persevered, your desire shall be
In antient times you would, at this stage, have
been bound on a St.Andrew’s Cross of the proportions of three to one, and
the Cross would have been raised shoulder high by five brethren, who would
then have borne you round the Lodge and halted at the centre, so that your
five points were directly under the Five Points of the Fellowship marked by
the plumb-lines erected by the Carpenters’ guild, symbolically let down from
the Heavens.
As, at the present day, we do not enact this
portion of the antient ceremonial in full, you will place yourself in the
proper attitude at the centre.
S.P.M.: Let our Brother be raised in due and antient form.
Cond. instructs Cand.
S.P.M. knocks * and says: Worshipful Passed Masters, To Order. All
S.P.M. goes to position at South
centre of Cand.
S.P.M.: Concentrating your mind upon your symbolic
position, you will now repeat after me, “I, ..., in this position, five cubits in
the air, neither in Heaven, nor on Earth, with space above, with space below,
and space on either hand, do confirm my solemn Obligation, that I will
maintain inviolable secrecy upon our Rites, our Mysteries and our Labours, and
never will them renounce or denounce.
May the divine Builder of All reward or punish in
accordance with my vows. Amen.
Omnes: So mote it be.
S.P.M.: It is in this position that the secret word is communicated. It is H...
meaning a P...(n).
I mark you with the mark or signature of a Passed
Master with
mallet and chisel provided by Actg. S.I.W.; symbolically incises ┐ on
the breast and thus receive you as a Passed Master raised to the VI°.
Then, striking one blow with the mallet and round centre-punch chisel on
the centre of the new P.M. says: I have struck the centre,
work ye to it.
returns to his seat.
S.P.M.: Worshipful Passed Masters, be seated.
Cand. is released from his position and is seated, with Cond. between J.
and B.
This may be given by the S.P.M, by J. or by any Passed Master, at the
discretion of the
S.P.M.: W.P.M., In antient times, when Free Masonry was a
closed Trade Guild, and it was actual death to reveal any of its secrets much
information was given to P.Ms. as to the weights of various types of stone per
solid cubit, their capacity, the effect of “grain’, the methods used to
raise them to their required setting, the construction of machines to achieve
this — and many other matters connected with the Craft of Free Masonry.
Thus a P.M. could claim truly to be a P.M. of Arts
and Sciences.
With the decay of the Guilds, this knowledge ceased
to retain its secret nature, and became more generally available through the
Text Books and Tables of the great Architectural and Engineering
Professions, which have now taken the place of the Guilds.
In these circumstances, we will confine the
instruction to certain symbolic aspects of Temple Building.
So far as can be ascertained by research, this
symbolic aspect was present in the Guilds from a very early date, and is not
merely a modern interpretation of disused operative processes.
Indeed, the general design of the Guild working
seems well illustrated by the characteristics of the emblematical pillars at
the Porch of K.S.T. — the actual stones reaching the building through the
operative yards, represented by B. and the workmen being promoted through the
ceremonial Lodges, which may be likened to the special functions of J.
The journey of the stones provided, ready to hand,
a symbolism of the advance of the men who wrought the stones, and thus, quite
naturally, the stone and its worker became identified in the Lodge symbolic
On this premise, we will discuss certain symbolic
features of the Building or Masons’ Guild.
Three standard Ground Plans are used in Square
Masonry: 1 x 1 or Square, 2 x 1 or Oblong Square, 3 x 1 or Temple Square.
This last, being associated with K.S.T., is the one
we use, and, in your progress through the degrees of the Society, you have
represented, in succession, each of the different types of stone used in the
Thus, as an Apprentice, you portrayed a stone
roughed to approximate dimensions.
As a Fellow of the Craft, you typified that stone
wrought to a smooth face and with regular surfaces.
In the III° you represented a particular stone for
the first time, being marked and fitted as one of the Running Stones which
were used for headers or stretchers.
In the IV° you were a Footing Corner Stone of the
first and subsequent odd courses, and lastly, in the V°, you were the Elbow
Corner Stone of the second and other even courses.
There is one other stone of which you have heard
report, and that is the Great Corner Stone — the Cubic Stone or Perfect
Ashlar. This is the final stone which completes the Temple and, therefore, we
are not yet concerned directly with it, further than to point out that each
one of us is, potentially, that stone.
The precise method of setting out the Foundation is
one of the secrets of the VII° whose members alone are responsible for that
duty. It is our task, however, to see that the Building is truly erected upon
the Foundation Plan and Border that they have laid down. We are, therefore,
responsible that the stones are of a proper proportion, and that each course
bonds correctly with the one below it.
There are many forms of bond, but the one we adopt
is known as the Hollow Flemish Bond, formed by Headers and Stretchers, and, by
the use of proper corner stones, the weakness of a perpend or continuous
vertical joint is avoided.
You would have received exact instruction during
your labour in this degree but it will suffice to say that, in all perfect
building, each component part is itself a miniature of the whole, and, if we
make the footing stones conform to a general proportion of 6 x 6 x 2, and
the elbow stones, which are always in pairs, to a proportion of 4 x 4 x 2, we
find that each course fits precisely upon the Border laid out by our G.M.Ms.,
and that the bond is also correct.
We would now direct your attention particularly
towards two points:— First, that the wall itself is laid on the Border and
is, in our Lodges, a living one. Hence the Border is known as the Candidate’s
Track. The Ground within the Border has been declared Holy and, therefore, no
stone may be placed thereon preparatory to setting. In the words of the
Tradition, it is “for the H.P. to walk upon”.
Secondly, that the elbow stones are in pairs
supporting one another. Herein lies a mystery which culminates in the Great
Corner stone. This we recommend to your serious meditation.
In this degree, you have represented, not a
particular stone, but the G.M.Ms. Plan of the Holy Ground.
For the Cross on which you were raised is an emblem
of a Temple of the proportions of 6 x 2, with its centre and the diagonals
leading, from that centre to the four corners.
The frames, from which are suspended the five
plumb—lines, as if from Heaven, represent the superstructure, also 6 x 2,
which was erected by the Carpenters’ Guild to carry these plumb—lines, by
which the Super Intendent of Work was enabled to prove the accuracy of the
progress of the building; and, had you, at any stage of the Ceremony, deviated
from those plumb—lines, the “setting” would have been bad and would have
had to be done again.
You have surmounted many difficulties and obstacles
and attained to a high rank, but there yet remains for you the greatest trial
of all — that of the Great Corner Stone.
The following explanation is given by the S.P.M. or by B. or any P.M. so
S.P.M.: On the external side of this degree, there is a Catechism which,
in antient days, was sometimes used as a preliminary means of testing the
credentials of a stranger P.M., and is as follows:—
S.P.M.: W.P.M. ...
will you assist me to demonstrate? The
P.M. signifies his assent.
S.P.M.: What is a Square?
P.M.: What description?
S.P.M.: A Square angle?
P.M.: That of a four—sided square.
S.P.M.: An Ashlar Square?
P.M.: The tour-sided square itself.
S.P.M.: An Arris or Ear of Corn Square ?
P.M.: A square of two arms to test a right angle.
S.P.M.: A Pyramid Square?
P.M.: To test a pyramidal angle.
S.P.M.: A Coptic Square?
P.M.: Three Squares of two arms representing the three
S.P.M.: What is a Centre?
P.M.: That point from which we set out the ground.
S.P.M.: What other Square is there?
P.M.: There is one of twelve areas, or a section of the
diamond border.
S.P.M.: In earlier days, the Operative Masons annually
commemorated the Dedication of
K.S.T. It is recorded in 1 Kings chap. vii, verse
21, that King Solomon stood in the West and faced East “He set up the
pillars in the porch of the Temple: and he set up the right pillar and called
the name thereof Jachin: and he set up the left pillar and called the name
thereof Boaz”. The dedication ceremony also gave prominence to the mystical
mountains of Moriah, Sinai and Tabor, and as a memorial, the three Officers
who now rule in a P.Ms. Lodge are described as being seated on those three
mystical mountains. They are equal with the other members of the VI° being
merely first among their fellows, but they have special functions.
In the West, as the representative of the G.M.Ms.
the S.P.M., seated on Mount Moriah, is the D.G.M.M. and the Grand S.I.W, of
his Division or Region. He, or his representative, rules in all the Lodges as
The P.Ms. in the S.E. (indicates) and the N.E.
(indicates) represent J. (indicates) on Mount Sinai and B. (indicates) on
Mount Tabor.
They or their deputies are nowadays found in
Assemblages of Lodges IV° — V° to remind the brethren of the dedication of
K.S.T., and to provide that in every Lodge, three P.Ms. are available to
reprimand, correct abuses or adjudicate disputes which, in olden times, were
carried out by P.Ms., who travelled about the country in groups of three,
visiting Lodges to deal with such matters.
The new P.Ms. are conducted to the West of the column.
S.P.M.: I will now instruct you in the method of greeting
on the Five Points of our Fellowship, warning you that it must never be used
except in open Lodge VI°.
The greeting is given thus: hand to hand, foot to
foot, chest to chest, forming a 3 x 1 Cross and is in allusion to the Cubits
on which you were raised.
Hail, Harod, five points well met on the centre.
I now invest you with the jewel of the Chair and
with the grip, place you, Harod in the Chair of S.P.M. of this Lodge of the VI°
to show to all present that you are qualified in future to rule in the
position you now occupy and, also, in any of the Lodges from the V° to the I°.
Your working tools handed to the S.P.M. by the Actg. S.I.W.
are the Pencil and the Compasses and, in laying out a foundation under the
direction of the three G.M.Ms., the S.P.M. uses a Skirret.
The knocks of the degree are ***
The H.B. is opened at 1 Kings chap. 5, v.: 16 or 11
Chron. chap 3, v. 1.
I place in your hands this mallet, with which you
will keep due order, and commit to you the Antient Charges, which are the Laws
and Regulations under which we labour operatively, and, lastly, the Charter,
Furniture and Regalia of the Society.
If you feel yourself capable, you are now qualified
to install Officers in the V° and the lower degrees, but, it at first you do
not feel confident of your ability to undertake this work, I will send a more
experienced P.M. to perform that duty.
Cond. prompts Cand.: Thank you for bestowing this
honour upon me and I now resign into your hands the symbol of authority and
ask you to resume your rule over us. Transfers collar and jewel to S.P.M.,
hands him the mallet and vacates the Chair.
S.P.M.: I now invest you all Candidates with the Collar and
the S., the jewel of your rank. You will now take your seat in the Lodge.
S.P.M. knocks *. All rise.
S.P.M.: W.Bro. B., what is the first care of a P.M.?
B.: To see that we are properly tiled externally.
S.P.M.: Perform that duty.
B. goes outside, sees the acting Outside Guard in his
place or that the doors to the
V° Lodge are properly closed and returns:
W.S.P.M., we are properly tiled externally.
S.P.M.: W.Bro. J., our next care?
J.: To see that we are tiled internally.
S.P.M.: The P.Ms. will appear to order in VI°. P.Ms.
give the d.g.s.
S.P.M., J. and B. simultaneously answer by p.s.
All discard sign.
S.P.M.: W.Bro. J. what is your position?
J.: On Mount Sinai.
S.P.M.: Whom do you represent?
J.: J., the Assistant High Priest.
S.P.M.: What further?
J.: The Soul in Man.
S.P.M.: Your duty?
J.: To offer up daily prayer for the success of the
work and propitiation for the sins of the people.
S.P.M.: W.Bro. B., what is your position?
B.: On Mount Tabor.
S.P.M.: Whom do you represent?
B.: B.
S.P.M.: What further?
B.: The Body of man.
S.P.M.: Your duty?
B.: To relieve suffering humanity and to prepare the
B.: W.S.P.M., what is your position?
S.P.M.: On Mount Moriah.
J.: Whom do you represent?
S.P.M.: The three G.M.Ms., S.K.I., H.K.T. and H.AB.
B.: Your duty?
S.P.M.: To lay schemes, draw designs, assist the three
G.M.Ms., rule on their absence, and see that the work is properly executed
according to the antient usages and established customs of the Craft of Free
J.: Thanks be to the Supreme G.M. of All for the
blessings we have received this day.
S.P.M.: The day being at an end, nothing now remains but
to lock up our secrets in a safe repository.
S.P.M. carries plans back to the column. J. and B. join him at Centre.
S.P.M., J. and B. take their Ss. leaving one S. inside the H.B.
J. closes the H.B.
Plans and H.B. should be locked in column. S.P.M., J. and B. return to their places.
S.P.M.: In the name of the Supreme G.M.
of ALL I declare this Lodge of Harodim closed.
S.P.M. knocks *** ***,
followed by J. and B.