Native Sons of Oregon


Opening Ceremonies

The President will rise, give one rap and say:
Brothers, the appointed time has arrived when we should sit in council. You will thererefore come to order and clothe yourselves with the proper regalia, the officers of the Cabin assuming their respective stations.
Marshal, you will proceed to the outer door, withdraw the latch-string and instruct the Sentinels to report at the altar. You will remain at the inner door until relieved by the Inside Sentinel, when you will satisfy yourself that all present are qualified to remain.
The Marshal proceeds to the altar, salutes the President with the voting sign, retires and instructs the Sentinels, when he will assume guard duty at the inner door until relieved. The Sentinels will proceed to the altar, facing the President, and salute him with the voting sign, when the President will say:
Sentinels, during our deliberations you will see that the doors, when you are on duty, are kept secure from the intrusion of those not members of our Order, allowing no one to pass you without first giving you the proper signals and the required passwords, unless otherwise directed by the President. You will at once enter upon the discharge of your duties.
The Sentinels salute the President with the voting sign and retire to their stations, when the President will be seated. The Marshal being relieved, will proceed to the altar, salute the President and then advance to the station of the latter, to whom he will communicate the passwords, after which he will satisfy himself that all present are in possession of the same. When ready to report his findings he will advance to the altar, salute the President and say:
Mr. President, all present are entitled to remain.
The Marshal will assume his station, when the President will rise and say:
Brothers, our forefathers recognized the existence of a Supreme Being, controlling their destinies and appealed to Him for guidance and direction. We, as their descendants, wisely follow their example and imitate their reverence. Therefore, you will rise gives three raps while our Past President invokes the Mercy Seat in our behalf.
The Past President advances to the altar,. facing the President and says:


Almighty Father above, in Whom we live and move and have our being, look down from Thy majestic throne of grace with smiles of approval upon the purposes for which we are assembled. Grant that harmony and good-will shall guide us during our deliberations to the end that truth and justice shall prevail.
We beseech Thee to shower Thy best gifts upon the pioneers of this state and upon their descendants; preserve them and those dear to them from danger and bring unto them happiness and prosperity. May Thy blessing rest upon all of this great land of freedom and forever keep it the "land of the free and the home of the brave." Give unto it peace and plenty and insure respect for its starry flag wherever it be unfurled to the breeze.
Inspire the officers of our Grand Cabin with wisdom that they may be able to guide the Cabins thereunder in the right path that they go not astray and follow the walk of evil.
May the endeavors of the Native Sons of Oregon tend to maintain and strengthen their aims in a manner most pleasing in Thy sight, and to Thee shall be given all honor and glory. Amen.
The Past President will assume his station and the President will say:
Brothers, we will now sing our Opening Ode.
God bless each Native Son
Of glorious Oregon,
Noble and free!
From snow-crowned mountain domes,
Down where the ocean foams,
Rise from our happy homes
Praises to Thee.
Be with us in this hour,
Guiding us by Thy power
And by Thy light!
Let rays of love divine
On our work brightly shine,
Our judgment be as Thine—
Ever the right.
Brothers, in opening this Cabin for the transaction of such business as may legally come before it, let me admonish you, to allow no animosity to hold an influence over your hearts; nor unseeming conduct or language mar the pleasure of our meeting. Unity of opinion cannot be expected upon all subjects, but the harmony of the Cabin will not be disturbed if the members will submit to the will of the majority. With these motives actuating us, we shall not fail in our objects—the advancement of our country, our state and our beloved Order.
Gives one rap, when all will be seated.
Mr. Vice President, I would thank you to give the Inside Sentinel the proper instructions.
Inside Sentinel, please notify those waiting in the ante-room that they may now enter the Cabin.
A brief time should be allowed for the admission of brothers in waiting before the first number of the Order of Business is called.


Initiation Ceremonies

Financial Secretary, if there are any candidates awaiting initiation you will retire to the ante-room, learn their names and report the same to the Cabin.
The Financial Secretary proceeds to the altar, salutes with the voting sign, retires, and again enters, proceeds to the altar salutes with the voting sign, and then reports:
Mr. President, I find Mr. … in waiting.
The President will then give one rap and say:
Brothers, we are now about to confer the mysteries of our fraternity upon a Native Son, thereby granting to him such rights and privileges as our Order affords. During the ceremonies every member, except the officers in the performance of their duties, will keep his seat and observe strict silence and decorum.
Marshal, you will retire to the ante-room and conduct the candidate within the Cabin.
The Marshal retires, takes the candidate by the right arm and advance to the inner door. Should there be more than one candidate he will instruct them to follow him in single file. When he enters the ante-room he should leave the door wide open, which will show a false door, representing the door of a pioneer cabin, with a latch-string hanging thereon. When all is in readiness the Marshal will give a loud knock on the inner door, when the Sentinel will partially open it and say:
Who dares to knock upon the door of this Cabin, when the latch-string hangs on the outside?
A friend (or some friends) unused to your customs, but who would enter your Cabin and become one of your members.
Was he born in Oregon?
He was.
Does he (or they) understand the aims and objects of this Order?
He does. (They do).
If we grant admission is he willing to share our future, be it weal or woe?
He is.
Mr. Vice President, a friend knocks upon the Cabin door and asks that he be admitted and enrolled among our membership.
Does he possess the qualifications necessary for him to be hailed a Native Son?
He does.
Then tell him to pull the latch-string and come in.
The Marshal, with candidate, will then enter the Cabin, proceed to the right and march around the same until they arrive at the station of the Vice President, when they will face him. The Marshal will then say:
Mr. Vice President, I present to you a friend, who, from a knowledge of the aims and objects of our Order, desires to secure membership therein.
My friend, we have admitted you into our midst because we know that, like ourselves, you were born in the state of Oregon, and in consequence your sympathies must be with us in the objects we have in view— the uniting together of Native Sons in closer bonds of harmony, fraternity and assistance; to perpetuate and keep alive the deeds of our brave pioneer fathers and mothers and advance the interests of our state, our country and our country’s flag.
Before you can be made fully acquainted with our initiation ceremonies we will require of you a pledge of secrecy and fidelity, which is to be kept by you through life. Are you willing to thus bind yourself?
I am.
Believing in your sincerity, I present you with this evergreen hands the candidate a cedar twig which you will present to our Past President as a token of your intent.
Marshal, conduct our friend to the altar and inform the Past President of his desires.
The Marshal will conduct the candidate to the altar, place him in position so he will face the Past President He will then advance a few steps and say to the Past President:
Mr. Past President, I present you this friend who wishes to take the obligation.
The Past President advances to the altar, accompanied by the Marshal. The Marshal will take the cedar twig from the candidate and hand it to the Past President and say:
As evidence of his faithfulness he bears this symbol.
My friend, this evergreen is indicative of the constancy with which you will be expected to observe the pledge we require all who enter our Order to take upon themselves. Before I administer it let me assure you that it will in no wise conflict with your civil or religious liberty. Are you still willing to proceed?
I am.
Then let your thoughts be seriously upon the pledge while you repeat it after me. You will advance to the altar, place your right hand upon the Bible over this twig, and use your name where I use mine.
The President will call up the Cabin, when the Past President will administer the pledge of honor.


Pledge of Honor

I, …, in token of my fidelity to the Native Sons of Oregon, do most solemnly pledge my sacred honor as a man that I will keep secret from all persons not members of this Order, or members thereof not properly qualified to receive the same, all matters that may now or hereafter be revealed to me concerning the signs, passwords, ceremonies or other matters thereto belonging or coming into my keeping. That I will not improperly use any of the same, nor will I make known any of the proceedings of this, or any other Cabin, which should not be divulged. That I will at all times give due consideration to a worthy member of this Order and, all other things being equal, I will hold him as entitled to my recognition and support in preference to any one not a Native Son, provided that in rendering the same I shall not be obliged to work harm to myself or those dependent upon me. And I furthermore promise and bind myself to assist him when in distress, if in my power and within my means so to do. Should danger threaten him, I will endeavor to warn him of it. That I will not injure or defraud him, nor suffer others to do so, if I can prevent it. That I will guard against speaking evil or falsely of him, and when others assail his reputation I will endeavor to defend it. I further promise to obey the laws and usages of the Order and of this Cabin, or of any other Cabin of which I may become a member.
This my solemn covenant, I do most sincerely and heartily adopt, promising to keep and observe the same during life, truly, faithfully and honestly.
The President gives one rap, when all hut the Past President, Marshal and candidate will be seated.
Marshal, conduct our friend to the President, who will instruct him in the secret work of the Order.
The Past President retires to his station. The Marshal marches to the left, and arriving at the station of the President, says:
Mr. President, our friend has been duly obligated and awaits further instruction.
My friend, I congratulate you upon the step you have taken in becoming identified with this Order, and it is with pleasure that I welcome you to membership in this Cabin.
It will be expected of you to use all the energy and ability you may possess to assist in
bringing about permanence and prosperity to our Order, further its objects and maintain and practice its precepts. What is worth doing at all, is worth doing well, and to properly reach our aims the counsel, advice and co-operation of all is essential. I trust that you will never be drawn aside from the path of duty in this respect or grow forgetful of the fact that upon you rests the performance of a part of our labors and responsibilities.
I will now proceed to instruct you in the secret work of the Order.
In order to gain admission to a Cabin when in session, you will make any ordinary alarm at the outer door that will attract the attention of the Outside Sentinel.
Upon hearing your signal, he will open the wicket when you will give him the semi-annual password and the last half of the permanent password, which are …. Having received these, he will admit you to the ante-room, where you will clothe yourself with the regalia of the Order.
You will then advance to the inner door and give this alarm …. This will attract the attention of the Inside Sentinel, who will report the alarm to the Vice President. The Vice President will direct him to learn the cause. He will then give this answer to your signal … to which you will reply by giving …. He will then open the wicket when you will give him your name and the name and number of the Cabin of which you are a member. This is … Cabin, No: …. The Inside Sentinel will report you to the Vice President, who will direct him to admit you, if correct. The Inside Sentinel will again open the wicket, when you will give him the first half of the permanent password …. He will then permit you to enter the Cabin.
You will then advance at right angles to the altar, situated in the center of the Cabin, and face the President, to whom you will give the Salutation Sign. It is made thus …, and signifies …. He will answer with the same sign, when you will be seated.
Should you wish to leave the Cabin during deliberations you will advance to the altar and salute the President with the same sign as on entering, and if recognized you may pass out.
You will perceive that the words, in part, used in gaining admission to the ante-room and Cabin constitute the compound word …. The … was a part of the pioneer cabin of Oregon, and it was always … on the … outside of the … inviting all pioneers …. So should the … of the homes and hearts of all Native Sons of this state be at all times within the reach of every worthy brother of our Order.
These passwords, especially the semi-annual one, should always be given, by you so low that none but the proper officers entitled to receive the same can hear them, and they should then be given only when a Cabin is in session or in process of being convened.
The Voting Sign is made thus …, which signifies, "I will strike down all opposition from without this Order and all bigotry, class distinction, personal animosities, discord and petty spites among the membership comprising it." This sign is also used as one of respect—upon rising to speak, upon depositing a ballot, passing the President, and by the officers of the Cabin who retire from or re-enter the same on business incident to their respective duties.
We have a Recognition Sign, which is made thus …. The answer is made thus …. The signification of this sign is ….
The grip is given in this manner … and its meaning is represented in the position of the …. Side ….
The Sign of Distress is given thus … meaning "I am in trouble and without means of self-defense; help me." The answer to this sign is made …,which signifies "I am here; I take your hand as my brother and will help you." Should you be so situated as to be heard and not seen you may use the word …, meaning …. If there is a Native Son near he will reply …, which means …, and hasten to your assistance, if in his power to do so.
Connected with these we have a Hailing Sign, which may be used when and where another manner of conveying your ideas or wishes might be inopportune or difficult to express. It is made thus …, and signifies the first to be at a brother’s side in distress and the last to leave him in his extremity.
The motto of our Order is "Klose Nesika Illahee." These words are from the Chinook jargon and mean "my country is good (or best)."
You have perhaps noticed that we have, in arranging our Cabin, given prominence to the Stars and Stripes, the Beaver Banner and the Bible. We have done this because the first is ever the brightest ornament of decoration wherever freedom dwells, the second to commemorate the institution of Oregon’s first industry — the coining of beaver money — and the last because the Bible is the first and best of books. It always remains open during our sessions at the thirteenth chapter of Corinthians, and for the reason that the language of such is devoted to one of the grandest themes within its pages — a lesson on the subject of Charity.
In addition to these we have a badge, which is our regalia. This consists of a bar having the letters F. P. C. thereon. To this, suspended by an American flag, is a wreath of oaken leaves encircling a log cabin set in a back-ground of royal, purple. By the letters on the bar we indicate the cardinal principles of our Order: "Friendship, Protection and Charity."
To impress upon our mind the fact that in concert of action gives strength; that union of sentiment insures progress; that mutual assistance in the performance of duty makes lighter burdens; that the voice tuned to kindly key and the hand extended with the heart beating in unison of good-will therewith, brings cheer and fraternity in its truer sense, we have adopted Friendship as the first of these virtues.
To this we have added Protection—that protection exemplified by the devotion of the father for his child, the mother for her helpless babe— that which we crave during our stay upon earth at the hands of Omnipotence.
Around these we have entwined Charity— that charity which is expressed by a smile, which costs the giver nothing, though it may be a Godsend in the way of hope and a panacea for depression for him upon whom it is bestowed; that charity which leads one to express satisfaction over a brother’s success, and imparts pleasure by a fraternal grasp of the hand; that charity which brings us grief to know that sorrow, affliction and disappointment have come upon him, and which prompts us to comfort and assist him when sick or in distress; and when death’s arrow has caused the light of life to fade from his eyes we will, in remembrance of his virtues, follow him to the tomb and deck his resting place with our flowers; that charity so full, so free, that, like a rainbow of tenderness, it will arch and span with its solicitude all the clouds of care.
By the Stars and Stripes, we express our loyalty to our country, promising to maintain its permanency, defend its integrity and protect its flag, and cherish in remembrance and in honor the founders of this Republic, who, in hours drear and dark, pledged "their fortunes, their lives and their sacred honor" to throw off the yoke of dependency and oppression, making it possible that all could enjoy "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness," and thereby established laws of equality so that the most humble born could aspire to and occupy the proudest and most honorable position in the land.
The Oaken Wreath represents the steady and sturdy manner in which all are expected to faithfully perform their share of the labors and responsibilities incident to the perpetuity of the Order and of our Cabin.
By the Cabin, we would call, to mind the obligations which we owe to our pioneer fathers and mothers, whose sturdy hands fought their determined way over plains strewn with, perils and mountains beset with danger and death, to build for themselves and their descendants a home in a far away and unknown land. This is a symbol that should be sacred to all of us, and so sacred because of the hardships and privations braved by them for you and for me.
What Oregon is to-day is their work. Whatsoever things are here beholden of learning, of advancement and of domestic or public worth is owing to them. If our work shall speedily be forgotten, theirs is safe from the touch of time.
Their children cannot forget them if they would, for, even to the farthest generations, they shall behold little else than the evidences of their lives and the munificent fruits of their labors.
By the Purple Background, we assert the fact that we are of as royal blood as the greatest of earth and that our ancestry were as worthy as any who ever lived to have worn a crown.
I now invest you with the badge and proclaim you a member of … Cabin, No. …, of the Native Sons of Oregon. Let us hope that you will never regret having become a member of our Order, and that you will, by your exemplary conduct, become one of its leading spirits and brightest ornaments. I also present you with a copy of the Constitution and By-Laws of this Cabin which I trust you will carefully study.
This gavel is the symbol of authority in the Cabin, and its sound is as potent as the voice of its presiding officer. One rap calls the Cabin to order or seats it when standing. Two raps calls up the officers. Three raps calls up the entire membership.
Marshal, conduct the brother to our Past President for the final charge.
The President will now call up the Cabin. The Marshal will escort the candidate twice around the room and proceed to the altar with the candidate, salute the President and retire to the anteroom, the President seating the Cabin with the usual signal.
Marshal and candidate remain in ante-room until they are notified that all is in readiness. The signal given him to enter will be the opening of the door by the Inside Sentinel. The Marshal will then advance to the improvised cabin, pull the latch-string and open the door. The Past President will be standing within and near. He shall have dressed himself as an aged pioneer. After the Marshal makes the announcement, as in the Regular Form, the Past President will take charge of the candidate.
Mr. Past President, our brother comes to you for final instructions.
My son, allow an old pioneer to be your guide while in fancy you view a scene of Oregon’s early history.
The Past President starts toward his station, at right angles, and when near the station of the Vice President a screen will be drawn aside, exposing a pioneer cabin door. To this they will advance and pull the latch-string and when the door is opened the Vice President, representing a pioneer within, will step forward and say:
Howdy, neighbors? Shakes hands with them. Come in.
Thank you; we can’t stop, but would be obliged to you if you would direct us to the cross-roads.
They cross down at the district schoolhouse, about three miles below here.
Haven’t you a schoolhouse nearer than that?
That’s the nearest, and we are lucky if we have school in that one for three months of the year.
Much of a family?
Six—three and three. Two oldest boys clearing, a. patch of land over here; oldest daughter helping mother make rag carpet; little tots playin’ rol’ly holly; and as for myself, I’ve been dressing buckskin for Sunday go-to-meeting suits for the boys. But come in, and be friendly. Supper will be ready soon, and I guess we can fix you out for a place to sleep.
Thank you; but can’t do it, neighbor. Must be going on, as we want to reach Champoeg as soon as possible. Good day.
Takes a few steps aside.
Good day. Sorry you can’t stop?
The Pioneer closes the door and the screen covering the same is again drawn, obscuring it. The Past President will then say to the candidate:
Yonder pioneer was disappointed because we could not remain and accept his hospitality. What, he offered was more, than freely tendered us. It was always so among the pioneers. Each holding that it was of right, of worthiness and of true manhood to extend the hand of friendship to their neighbors and welcome them to their table and to their firesides. In all ways exemplifying the old adage: "That a friend in need is a friend indeed."
The Past President will further proceed and about the time he reaches his own station another screen will be drawn aside showing another Cabin with a pioneer standing in front of it holding a gun. The Past President will approach and say:
Looking for trouble, neighbor?
Yes. Howdy do? Heard that the red skins, were on the war path and don’t propose to be caught napping.
Here another pioneer advances, with gun, and says:
Hello, John! See you still got your scalp.
Yes; but if them red devils cone this way I may not keep it long.
Well, that’s a risk the pioneer must run.
Ain’t you afraid that they’ll burn your ranch while you are away?
Can’t help it; flesh and blood are better than a cabin, and as I am an old bach, I have come over to help you protect your family.
The latch-string is on the outside; step in and have some supper second pioneer goes inside; and you, my friends, also; there’s a plenty, and my wife’s the best of cooks and will gladly welcome your coming. I must remain here and guard as a protection against expected savages.
Thank you; but as yet we are not hungry, and will journey on and warn the settlers along our way of the outbreak. Good day.
Good day to you.
The Past President takes a few steps forward, the scene being obscured by drawing the screen, when he will stop and say:
The lives of the sturdy pioneers and of their families were beset with dangers and disadvantages on every hand. The wild beast, and yet the wilder Indian, obliged him to be ever on the alert to protect his family, home and stock. Rude in structure their habitation, homespun the women’s clothing, and a buckskin suit for the men was esteemed a luxury.
At this time two pioneers will cross the hail, carrying a basket, sack of flour, bacon or something to represent eatables, and enter a Cabin situated near the station of the President which has been brought into view by drawing aside a screen. The Past President will then advance, and on reaching the Cabin stop and say:
We will enter here and seek for food and rest.
The Past President opens the door, when one of the pioneers who entered the Cabin will say:
Howdy, neighbor? Come in, but don’t make a noise; Jim’s not only laid up, but nearly starved to death.
Starved to death!
Yes. Got back and couldn’t get out. leave him and the babies, her; so grub got worse than in hopes that some one unluckily for them no been without anything
his leg broke a spell His wife could not nor take them with scarce. They lived
would drop in, but one did and they have to eat for a day or so.
Heard of it this morning, and Johnson and myself loaded up with bacon, spuds and such and stocked up their cupboard enough to last for some time, and before that is gone there’ll be more brought in. Going far?
Yes; on our way to Champoeg.
If Jim was well he wouldn’t let you go on, but you see how it is; so if you will stop at my cabin down the road and go in and help yourselves I’ll be obliged.
All right, neighbor; thank you.
Good day.
Good day.
The screen is drawn and the scene obscured. The President advances a few steps, stops and says to the candidate:
Our pioneer fathers and mothers not only extended the hand of true
friendship, protected their families and neighbors, but practiced the sweetest of virtues—charity—a virtue well worthy of emulation by their descendants.
The Past President will proceed to a point near the station of the Marshal, when a screen is drawn aside, exposing to view a coffin draped with the American flag, with a soldier on guard at its head and foot and a kneeling female in deep mourning placing a wreath of marguerites on the coffin. The Past President will say:
The boast of heraldry and the pomp of power,
And all that beauty, all that wealth e’re gave,
Alike await the inevitable hour;
The path of glory leads but to the grave.
Yes, the time has come when others must bear the burdens. The pioneer men and women who builded this heritage for us. are fast passing away and their descendants, Oregon’s Native Sons and Daughters, must take up the good work necessarily left in their charge. Duty’s call may end in death—the common lot of all—but the end will be sweeter when it comes in defending the great and beneficent gifts bequeathed to us by our fathers and mothers, who builded that we might defend and perpetuate.
The screen is drawn hiding the scene, when the Past President will advance to the station of the Inside Sentinel and deliver the Charge.



My friend, the lessons you have learned in the ceremonies you have listened to, I trust, will never fade from your memory, and in remembrance of such you will be no laggard in bringing them to that permanent position their import merits.
I charge you to ever be an honest, upright and worthy member of this Cabin. Do by your brothers thereof as you would that they should do unto you, and never in your life descend to the narrow level of thought, that, as they do unto you so will you do unto them.
Consign to forgetfulness and oblivion any wrongs, real or fancied, that a brother may inflict upon you, so far as you can in justice to humanity and your better nature. Let intercourse with all be unbroken by strife and unfair action.
Everywhere and at all times, in sickness, in health, in joy or sorrow, exemplify these virtues to your brother Native Sons. Seek to promote their happiness, and admit of no contention, except to excel in good deeds and the welfare of the Order.
Give not reproof in their hour of despondency, but by your own brave bearing and friendly words cheer their hearts to beating with better and more hopeful feeling. Should they seek preferment and you can consistently aid them without a sacrifice of principle, do so. To them, as to you, the seasons dispense their gifts. For them, as for you, the light shineth and the pleasant shadow falleth. In their souls, as in your own, are doubts and longings, and over them, as over you, watcheth the same Great Spirit. It should then be incumbent on you to mark your path of life with action toward your brothers, with treatment such as you would expect or covet on their part, and in all ways prove that the Order of Native Sons of Oregon is not only a name, but a fraternity, whose objects, guided by Friendship, Protection and Charity, is the welfare of its members and of mankind.
Marshal, conduct the brother to the altar, there to await the pleasure of the President.
The charge being completed, the Marshal will escort the candidate into the ante-room. The scenes will be removed and the officers lay aside their costumes. The Marshal will then conduct the candidate within the Cabin, taking him to the altar and salute the President, who will say:
Marshal escort the brother to the Recording Secretary’s desk to sign the Constitution and By-Laws, and then introduce him to the Cabin.
The Marshal conducts the brother to the desk of the Recording Secretary, where he signs the Constitution and By-Laws, after which he is conducted by the Marshal to a position in front of the President, facing the altars when the Marshal will say:
Officers and Members, I take pleasure in introducing to you Brother …. At the proper time I trust you will join me in extending to him a cordial welcome.
Brothers, the Cabin will be at ease until the sound of the gavel is heard at the station of the President.

Closing Ceremonies

The President will rise, give one rap and say:
Brothers, I thank you for your attendance during the session of the Cabin. We are now about to disperse and return to our families and friends. As we separate, let us carry away with us the precepts we have adopted as our motto, and may they rule us in our intercourse with all. Then by our deportment we will deserve and retain the love of our families, the respect of each other and the applause of those who are not Native Sons.
Marshal, instruct the Outside Sentinel to enter the Cabin. You will now arise gives three raps while our Past President asks of the Great Master of Life His blessing and protection until we meet again.
The Past President will advance to the altar, face the President, and say:

Closing Prayer
Almighty Father, be Thou our guide as we separate and go to our respective homes. May Thy watchful care remain with us during the slumbers of the night and Thy hand .be our help until we assemble again. Grant that no evil come upon those dear to us, but keep them under the protection of Thy good providence, and when done with this life, do Thou grant unto all a heritage and home everlasting with Thee. Amen.
The Past President will retire to his station.
The members will sing the Closing Ode.
Dear brothers, companions,
The hour of rest has come;
Our labors are ended,
Our thoughts are now of home;
Of firesides and sweethearts
That wait our coming there,
To cheer, heal and comfort
The heart benumbed with care.
CHORUS— Home, home, dear, sweet home,
Of all earthly blessings
There’s none so sweet as home.
And let us remember
Our fathers strong and bold;
Our mothers, whose tender
And loving care we hold.’
O’er wild, trackless mountains
And deserts they have come
And found it the wild West
The greatest boon, a home.
Brothers, before retiring from the Cabin you will leave, your badges at the Station of the Inside Sentinel and deliver the odes and all rituals not receipted for to the Marshal, who will now collect them.
After the Marshal collects the rituals the President will say:
Mr. Vice President, I will thank you to give the Sentinels the proper instructions.
Sentinels, at the sound of the President’s gavel you will open the doors at your respective stations and permit the members of the Cabin to retire.
I now declare this Cabin closed.
