National Sojourners
Order of Ceremonies
The following program for the opening and closing ceremonies and the
reception of new members, is issued for the instruction and guidance of the
officers of all Chapters.
The President of the Chapter is responsible for the proper performance of
these ceremonies; but can delegate parts to other officers, when in his judgment
the impressiveness of the effect is promoted.
In these ceremonies the effects to de desired are:
1. Proper reverence to Deity
2. Proper respect to the emblem of our Country.
3. The promotion of the patriotic ideals of the National Sojourners
4. Upholding the principle of a rational national defense.
5. The cultivation of fellowship and good will among officers and Masons
The ceremonies herein indicated are short and are not necessarily secret, but
are something that any patriotic man or woman may listen to with fervor and
One rap of the gavel, for attention.
PRESIDENT: Brother Marshal, are all present brother Sojourners?
MARSHAL, ascertains and reports. If the Marshal reports that there are
non-members present the President may then introduce them singly or collectively
and will announce that this is an open meeting.
PRESIDENT: Brothers Marshal and Color Bearer, you will secure and
present the Flag of our Country.
Marshal and Color Bearer retire, secure Flag, unfurl same and carry it to the
West. President gives three raps with gavel, all come to attention, and
Flag is carried to East. If a Chapter is provided with a National Sojourners’
Flag it may also be presented at this time. One verse of "Star-Spangled
Banner" or "America" should be sung.
The Flag is then deposited in the stand to the right of the President.
Chapters may make the presentation of the Colors more ceremonious and may use
a full squad as color guard.
PRESIDENT: Brothers, Masonry teaches us that no great or important
undertaking should be begun without first asking the aid of Deity. You will be
reverently attentive while the Chaplain invokes the divine blessing.
Opening Prayer
O God our Father, Supreme Architect of man’s destiny, we bow before Thee in
reverence as we undertake the business of our brotherhood in this evening hour.
We ask Thy guidance in the deliberations in which we shall engage and Thy
blessing upon such transactions as we shall here accomplish.
May the prosperity, ideals and security of our Country be furthered and
May unity, harmony and fraternity prevail in our midst. And may all that is
said and done here prosper Thy Kingdom and glorify Thy Holy Name.
PRESIDENT: Brothers, you will now give attention to the purposes
of National Sojourners
President or Chaplain: My Brothers: The purpose of National
Sojourners shall be to organize Commissioned Officers and Warrant Officers (past
and present) of the uniformed forces of the United States as hereinafter
provided for, who are Master Masons, into Chapters for the promotion of good
fellowship among its members, or assisting such as may be overtaken by adversity
or affliction, for cultivating Masonic ideals, for supporting all patriotic aims
and activities in Masonry, for developing true patriotism and Americanism
throughout the Nation, for bringing together representatives (past and present)
of the uniformed forces of the United States in a united effort to further the
military need of national defense, and for opposing any influence whatsoever
calculated to weaken the national security.
PRESIDENT: Brethren, do you reaffirm your loyalty to your Flag and
Country, your obedience to its Constitution, your determination to combat all
its enemies, your intention to support and strengthen the national defense, and
your steady attachment to principles of Free Masonry?
PRESIDENT: May your conduct as Sojourners and Citizens be guided
by these principles and our Country profited by your lives.
PRESIDENT: Without further ceremony, I now declare … Chapter No.
…, National Sojourners, to be open and ready for business.
PRESIDENT: * All seated.
PRESIDENT: Brother Secretary, you will read the Minutes.
Secretary reads Minutes.
Reception of New Members
PRESIDENT: Brother Secretary, are there any candidates present who
have been regularly elected?
SECRETARY reports.
PRESIDENT: Brother Marshal, present them for reception into this
MARSHAL: Brother President, I have the pleasure of presenting
Brothers … for instruction.
One rap for attention.
PRESIDENT: Brother Officers: The purpose of National Sojourners
shall be to organize Commissioned Officers and Warrant Officers (past and
present) of the uniformed forces of the United States, as hereinafter provided
for, who are Master Masons, into Chapters, for the promotion or good fellowship
among its members, for assisting such as may be overtaken by adversity or
affliction, for cultivating Masonic ideals, for supporting all patriotic aims
and activities in Masonry, for developing true patriotism and Americanism
throughout the nation, for bringing together representatives (past and present)
of the uniformed forces of the United States in a united effort to further the
military need of national defense, and for opposing any influence whatsoever
calculated to weaken the national security.
Masonry is the worlds greatest example of individualistic evolution. If we
can turn the rough ashlar of our character into a more perfect harmony, if we
can subdue the unworthy passions of selfishness and greed within us, we can
obtain a happier family, a more stable society, and a Nation purer in its
To be selected by your brothers here you must be a Mason not in word only,
not a member by obligation simply, but true indeed without reservation. As you
have pledged yourself to be true to your brother, your neighbor, and yourself
you have, also taken the oath of service to your Country. You are, or have been,
officers in the military or naval establishments of the United States
Let your eyes rest upon the beautiful Flag of your Country, an emblem
conceived by Masons and representing Masonic ideals Under it you must serve with
a lofty patriotism and a zealous devotion, which expresses itself in loyal
obedience to our Country’s laws, as well as a sacrifice to our Country’s
So live day by day that the Nation shall be prospered through your industry,
established through your fidelity, and honored through your integrity. Such
service to your Country becomes possible only when the individual man becomes a
true Masonic brother, strong in the integrity of his actions, zealous in his
Trust in God, and firm in his Faith of his Country’s ideals.
Three raps, all rise.
President: My brothers, if you still desire to continue, you will
take the position of a soldier at Attention, place your right hand over your
heart and repeat after me the
Sojourner Obligation
I solemnly and sincerely promise and vow that I will do all in my power to
advance and promote the interests of National Sojourners, and that I will
faithfully uphold and support the Laws, Rules and Regulations of the Order so
far as they may come to my notice.
I furthermore promise that I will abide by and conform to the Constitution
and By-Laws of … Chapter No. … or those of any other Chapter of which I may
become a member.
To the faithful performance of this obligation I solemnly pledge my word.
President: All will repeat after me the American Creed.
All: I believe in the United States or America as a government of
the people, by the people, for the people, whose just powers are derived from
the Consent of the governed, a democracy in a Republic, a sovereign Nation of
many sovereign States, a perfect Union one and inseparable, established upon
those principles of Freedom, equality, justice and humanity, for which American
Patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.
I therefore believe it is my duty to my Country to love it, to support its
Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its Flag and to defend it against all
My Brothers, I am happy to extend to you the right hand of fellowship, to
congratulate you on becoming Sojourners, and I feel honored to welcome you into
… Chapter No. …, National Sojourners. I earnestly remind you, however, of
our purpose of supporting all patriotic activities and aims in Masonry, of
cultivating Masonic ideals and of furthering the glory and honor of our Country.
PRESIDENT: Before proceeding to close this Chapter has any one
present anything to offer to advance our objects?
Does any one know of a member sick or in distress?
PRESIDENT: Brothers Marshal and Color Bearer, secure the Flag of
our Country. One rap of the gavel.
Note: Secure the Flag and stand in East, all rise and stand to attention.
Sing one verse of:
My Country ‘tis or thee,
Sweet Land of Liberty,
Of thee I sing
Land where my fathers died,
Land of the Pilgrims’ pride,
From every mountain side
Let freedom ring.
Closing Prayer
Almighty God, in whom we live and move and have our being, and through whom
are all things builded if they are to endure, we lay before Thee the plans of
our Order, the aspirations of our hearts and the work of our hands, asking that
they may be found acceptable in Thy sight.
As we have collaborated hare in Thy presence and under Thy guidance, may we,
as we go our separate ways, carry with us the inspiration of the hour. And may
each in his respective walk of life give practical expression and helpful
furtherance to the ideals that here prevail.
Forgive us our transgressions and abide with us in all the vicissitudes of
Make happy our homes and loved ones, prosper our community and Nation, and
lead us all to Thy glory in service to Thee, our Country and our fellowmen.
PRESIDENT: Brothers, to promote harmony among our members, to
zealously guard our Country’s welfare, should actuate all our actions.
Brothers Marshal and Color Bearer, retire the Colors. Three
raps of the gavel.
The Flag is retired and furled.
PRESIDENT: I now declare … Chapter No. …, National Sojourners,
closed. One rap of the gavel.