Dit Amerikaanse rituaal dateert uit de tweede helft van de negentiende eeuw.
These were a body of Nine Dignitaries entitled Grand Tribunal of Defenders
of ihe Order. The President is named Grand Suffete, a word used by the
Carthagenians for their Chief Magistrate, and derived from the Tyrian and Hebrew
word Shofet or Sofet, a judge.
Sign: extend the right hand horizontally, as if holding a balance, then with
the left hand, take, as it were, from the heaviest scale to put in the lightest,
as if to establish equality. (It is an Egyptian design, and implies: Never weigh
thy fellows in one scale alone; if evil has the advantage take from it the human
weakness with which it is charged, and let charity do the rest.
Touch: press each others hand seven times. (It implies that a lodge is not
perfect without the number seven, which is that of Harmony. Harmony is born of
justice, which gives true happiness.)
Password: Midgard (elevated Sanctuary).
Secret Word: Astree (justice).
Battery: ******* ******* *******
******* ******* ******* *******.
Jewel and Symbol: four-pointed rayed star enclosing a square with central