Ceremony for the degree of Sublime Elect of the Sanctuary of
Mazias, 80°
Dit Amerikaanse rituaal dateert uit de tweede helft van de negentiende eeuw.
Neophyte on entering is surrounded, by brethren clothed in long white robes
like winding sheets. A clatter, as of bones is heard. These question him anew on
the Myths of the Ancient East, the dogmas of the Vedas, and the living
regenerative fire.
Sign: cross arms on breast, and bend seven times before Altar.
Touch: grasp each others arm above elbow, press seven times.
Password: the same.
Secret Word: Monach Ninicharon Mini (I count the days of Anger).
Battery: **** **** ****
**** *** *** ***.
Jewel and Symbol: a square with 3 points.