Ceremony for the degree of Sublime Unknown Philosopher, 61°
Dit Amerikaanse rituaal dateert uit de tweede helft van de negentiende eeuw.
Studies the old occult Medicine of curing disease by plants correlative to
the parts of the body affected. These observations extend to the colour of the
Sap, the number of the leaves, and the petals. The Mandrake. The astrological
import of the plants, and these relations to the different parts of the human
The colours preferred in costume, coupled with physiognomical traits as a
guide to character amongst mankind.
Thus (Marconis says) the basil, the lavender, and the Saffron for curing
derangements of the stomach, because the viscera is under the dominion of the
Lion, and these plants correspond to that Sign. They also employed plants of
which the form had some similitude to the parts affected; the Anthora resembles
two hearts united, and was recommended for maladies of the heart. The Camomile
passed for an Opthalmic plant, because the flower has some similitude to the
organ of sight.
Thus the affinities of the three kingdoms, with the astrological applications
of the Hierophants, who had determined the concordances between man, the
elements, and the celestial bodies, prove that if they sometimes erred in their
system, they had pushed far in the observations of nature.
Sign: carry the three fingers of the right hand to mouth.
Touch: join the insides of left foot, knees touching.
Password: Chemia (the Alchemy of old.)
Battery: ****** ****** ******
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Jewel and Symbol: a delta upon which is a branch having six leaves on each