Ceremony for the degree of Sublime Magus, 57°

Dit Amerikaanse rituaal dateert uit de tweede helft van de negentiende eeuw.

Development of the true Secret; derivation of all things from one Almighty Spirit; progressive steps of creation from the mineral to the vegetable, and thence to animal life; the elements soften stones and minerals, these feed the plants, then to animals and men. Key to all allegories, spirit and matter, God in nature, knowledge of the property of plants from the Cedar of Lebanon, to the lowly hyssop, sublimity of moral.
Sign: touch forehead, and say: 'To thee belongeth'; left shoulder, and say 'Glory'; right shoulder, 'Power'; stomach, 'Wisdom'; heart, 'The Kingdom'.
Touch: right hand on each others heart, look upwards.
Password: same as previous.
Secret Word: Saphenath (spiritual Temple)
Battery: *****   *****   *****   *****   *****.
Jewel and Symbol: a Sun upon which is the double triangles.

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