Ceremony for the degree of Sublime Orphic Doctor, 55°
Dit Amerikaanse rituaal dateert uit de tweede helft van de negentiende eeuw.
Marconis’ Notes for the "Conferences", are on the Perfectionment
of Man, search for Truth, love of Justice; and the practise of all the virtues.
These may be greatly extended; the Greek Theurgists had great veneration for
him, and many hymns of his are preserved, and indicate a magical knowledge of
the Spiritual Forces to which they are addressed. The Mysteries of Eleusis were
founded on his System, and dedicated to Ceres and Proserpine.
Sign: cross arms below stomach, and stand as if musing.
Touch: touch each others left side with right hand.
Password: same as last degrees.
Secret Word: Orpheus (founder of Greek Mysteries).
Battery: ******* ******* ******* *******
******* ******* *******.
Jewel and Symbol: a key crossed with a wand.