Ceremony for the degree of Sublime Pastor of the Huts, 46°
Dit Amerikaanse rituaal
dateert uit de tweede helft van de negentiende eeuw.
The degree paints our morals. The two columns symbols of life and death;
mysterious Jewels pass from hand to hand and change Masters; the descent of true
doctrine march of the Neophyte; ecnounter with the green lion; labour of the
Great Work; allegory of the fig-tree as an emblem of the truth-seeker; discovers
a useful number. Sign: place reciprocally the left hand on each other's right shoulder,
and the right hand on each other's head.
Touch: place right hand on the heart, and the left on each other's right
Password: Lux (light).
Secret Word: Deus (God).
Jewel and Symbol: on a circular plate, seven tents: 2, 3, 2.
Battery: ** ** ***
*** *** ** **.