Ceremony for the degree of Sublime Hermetic Sage, of Hermetic
Philosopher, 43°
Dit Amerikaanse rituaal
dateert uit de tweede helft van de negentiende eeuw.
The degree you have in print will answer for this; but when reprinted might
be much improved (consult our English Lectures of a Chapter, Senate, and
Council). The Aspirant, in Marconis last revision, overruns the 12 Symbolic
Houses of the Sun. The degree teaches that birth and death are represented by
the two emblematical columns, and enclose our earthly destiny that life is the
workshop in which is found the hidden treasure-house, where the wise learn to
accomplish their destiny with strength, courage and dignity. The ancient
Hermetic language is threefold, religious, philosopic and scientific; as a
religion k is that or the initiates of all ages; as a philosophy its principles
must be sought in the schools of Egypt; as an Art in the pages of Lulti,
Paracelsus, Flammel, and a score of Alchemists.
The temple is approached by seven steps, the first is a square, or symbol of
the four elements; the second a triangle for the three principles, and these
have an important signification in reference to our own humanity, and are found
in systems analagous to our own.
Sign: point upwards with the right thumb and say Tacendo (silence).
Answer: place right hand flat on the heart, thumb forming a square, and say
Sprendo (Hope)
Touch: make the Hermetic cross left hand palm down, the other covers with
left, same with right.
Password: Abot (the East), Answer: Helios (Sun, or gold) Mene (Moon or
Silver) Tetrammaton (Sacred name of God).
Secret Word: Karnak, Answer: Hermes (Greek Thoth).
2nd Secret Word: I.N.R.I. (given only in Consistory).
R. of W.: Thoimosis.
Battery: ***** ***** *****
***** ***** ** **
***** ***** ***** ***** *****.
Jewel and Symbol: On a triangle 7 stars 4 an 3.
N. H.: The new part might be used for another Hermetic degree.
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