Loyal Guard
Initiation Ritual


Opening Ceremonies
The officers and Guards, except the Board of Auditors and Musical Director will assemble in a room adjoining the Division hall, and clothe themselves in proper regalia. Precisely at the appointed time, the Musical Director will take position ready to start the music as soon as the march begins. The Senior Lieutenant, having ascertained from the Captain General that everything is in readiness, should take the Senior Lieutenant’s station, and in a voice loud enough to be heard throughout the hall, make proclamation as follows: The Captain General is now about to open … Division No. …, of the Loyal Guard, in accordance with the  established usages of the Order. If there be any present not justly privileged to remain, they will at once retire. Members will take their seals, and upon the entrance of the Standard Bearer, all arise, salute, and remain standing for the reception of the officers.
Here the music starts and the Senior Lieutenant proceeds to the door and admits the officers, the Standard Bearer leading, bearing the flag, then the officers in the following order: Captain General, Senior Captain, Junior Captain, Chaplain, Paymaster, Recorder, Senior Lieutenant, Junior Lieutenant, Sergeants, Sentinel. The Senior Lieutenant stands at the door at a salute as the line passes, and falls into position behind the Recorder. There should be at least eight, and may be twelve, sixteen or twenty four guards, with lances, who march in the rear of the officers. The line of march is around the hall by right angles, the officers and guards falling out when opposite their respective stations. The Guards take their seats promptly at the right and left of the Captain General, Senior Captain, Junior Captain and Chaplain. The Captain General seats the Division promptly with one rap of the gavel.
CAPTAIN GENERAL seats Division: The Sentinel will report at the Altar and receive instructions.
The Sentinel proceeds to the Altar and salutes the Captain General.
CAPTAIN GENERAL: Sentinel, please. inform me of your duties.
SENTINEL: My duty is to guard the approaches, and permit none to enter but members of the Loyal Guard in good standing.
CAPTAIN GENERAL: You will proceed to your post, at the entrance dour, either inside or outside of the Division room, as you can best discharge your duties. Your station requires, and we expert it will receive, your strict attention.
Sentinel salutes Captain General, and retires.
CAPTAIN GENERAL: Senior Lieutenant, place our flag upon the Altar.
The Senior Lieutenant salutes, proceeds to the Altar, covering it with the American flag, and after again saluting the Captain General, returns to proper station.
CAPTAIN GENERAL: If any present are not in good standing they will forthwith reinstate themselves or retire.
Senior Captain, are you sure that all present are members of the Loyal Guard in good standing and in possession permanent and annual pass words?
SENIOR CAPTAIN: Captain General, I am not sure, but will ascertain through the proper officers and report.
The Sergeants will present themselves at this station!
The Sergeants, by right angles, proceed to the Senior Captain’s station, and salute.
SENIOR CAPTAIN: Sergeants, you will report to the Captain General, to whom you will each communicate the permanent and annual pass words, and proceed right and left through the lines, collecting the same from each member present.
The Sergeants report to the Captain General, salute, and each give the permanent and annual pass words in a whisper, and, if correct, the Captain General says: The permanent and annual pass words are given correctly.
Captain General calls up the Division.
The Sergeants salute the Captain General, and one taking the right of the hall and the other the left, they collect the permanent and annual lass words from the members, the words being given in a whisper, members resuming their seats as soon as the pass words are given. Should a member be found without the pass words, the Sergeant says: Senior Captain, Sir knight (or Noble Lady) …, is without the pass word.
SENIOR CAPTAIN: Paymaster, is Sir Knight (or Noble Lady) … in good standing?
If in good standing the Senior Captain will say: Sir Knight (or Noble Lady) … is entitled to the pass word. Sergeant, you will communicate and receive the pass words.
Having collected the pass words from all present, the Sergeants return to the Senior Captain and salute.
FIRST SERGEANT: Senior Captain, all present on the right are members of the Loyal Guard in good standing, and in possession of the permanent and annual pass words.
SECOND SERGEANT: Senior Captain, all present oil the left are members of the Loyal Guard in good standing, and in possession of the permanent and annual pass words.
SENIOR CAPTAIN: Thank you, you may return to your stations.
Sergeants salute and return to their posts.
SENIOR CAPTAIN: Captain General, all present are found to be in good standing and in possession of the required pass words.
CAPTAIN GENERAL: Sir Knights and Noble Ladies, the grand central letter of our Order is ‘L,’ representing Loyalty, which is the motto of the Loyal Guard— signifying ‘Loyalty’ to our God, our country, to our Order and our homes.
The Sergeants will assemble the Guards and form this letter.
The Guards (who are seated on each side of the four principal officers, i.e., the Captain General, Senior Captain, Junior Captain, and Chaplain) arise promptly, and follow the Sergeants, the Guards at the Junior Captain’s and the Chaplain’s station to march behind the Second Sergeant, and the Guards at the Captain General’s and the Senior Captain’s station to march behind the First Sergeant.
The Sergeants march in opposite directions at the head of the Guards once around the room, and form the letter “L”, with the head of the letter toward the station of the Senior Lieutenant and the foot toward the Junior Lieutenant’s station, each line being at a distance of about six or eight feet from the altar, according to the size of the hall. The First Sergeant will be at the head and the Second Sergeant at the foot of the letter when the order “halt” is given.
CAPTAIN GENERAL: Senior and .Junior Lieutenants, form the lines for inspection.
Calls up Division with three raps.
The Lieutenants, by right angles, approach the Captain General’s station, salute and take their positions at the corners of the hall. One at the right and the other at the left of the Captain General. The Lieutenants align the ranks by commanding in clear and distinct voice “Right Dress” and “Left Dress,” according to their respective positions, and give the order ‘Front,’ as soon as the line is straight. The Lieutenants will then present themselves at the station of the Captain General, salute, then right face, and march to Standard Bearer’s station who will precede them, carrying the American flag mounted upon a standard, and the three will present themselves at the station of the Junior Captain.
SENIOR LIEUTENANT: Junior Captain, the lines are formed for inspection.
JUNIOR CAPTAIN: You will escort me to the station of the Senior Captain.
The Junior Captain steps down between the two Lieutenants and all march single file, the Standard Bearer at the head, to the Senior Captain’s station, where the Junior Captain salutes.
JUNIOR CAPTAIN: Senior Captain, the lines are formed for inspection.
SENIOR CAPTAIN: You will accompany me to the Captain General’s station.
All march single file, or by twos, to the Captain General, where the Senior Captain salutes.
SENIOR CAPTAIN: Captain General, the lines are formed for inspection.
Lieutenants and Standard Bearer step backward one pace. Captain General takes position at the right of Senior Captain.
CAPTAIN GENERAL: Together, Officers Attend Inspection Forward, March!
The Captain General, Senior and Junior Captains, and all other officers falling in behind, march once around the hall by right angles. The Captain General, Senior Captain and Junior Captain taking their positions in front of the Captain General’s station, with the Captain General in the center and facing the Altar, standing about six feet in front of the Captain General’s station. The Recorder and Paymaster-Treasurer will take their places in this line, at the right and left of the Senior Captain and Junior Captain. The Standard Bearer leading, with the Chaplain between the two Lieutenants, march, turning by a right angle in front of the Standard Bearer’s station, and by another right angle proceed to the Altar, where the four remain in line, the Chaplain directly at the Altar, facing the Captain General.
CAPTAIN GENERAL: Friends, I extend to you a Loyal Guard fraternal greeting. Let us all join in singing ‘America,’ our National anthem.
CAPTA1N GENERAL: Officers and members, give attention to our Eminent Chaplain.
CHAPLAIN: Almighty God, our Creator and Preserver we ask Thy blessing upon the members of this Division and the entire Order. May we be ever faithful to Thee, to our country, to our homes, and to the principles of the loyal Guard. May Truth, Honor, Peace and Loyalty forever lie promoted.
Entire Division joins in repeating the Lord’s Prayer.
Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed he Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven; Give us this day Our daily bread Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil; for Thine is the kingdom and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.
CAPTAIN GENERAL: Together, all will give the sign of time Loyal Guard.”
All give the sign.
Sergeants, Standard Bearer or Guards carrying flag or lances should not attempt to give the sign.
CAPTAIN GENERAL: I will now ask the recognition question. …
You will unite in giving the response. …
I will now give the traveling recognition or salutation sign. …
You will respond with the return recognition or salutation sign …
I will now give the sign of affliction or distress. …
You will respond with the answer to the same. …
I will now give the words of trouble or distress. …
You will give the answer. …
I will now give the warning or danger sign. …
You will give the answer. …
I will now give you the salute of the Loyal Guard. …
You will please respond with the same. …
All together, please give the Loyal Guard Grand Honors. …
I will now give the voting sign of the Order. …
CAPTAIN GENERAL: Officers to your Posts!
All march promptly and by right angles, and when all have reached their places, the Captain General seats the Division with one rap and calls up officers with two raps.
CAPTAIN GENERAL: Junior Captain, what, is the first star of the Loyal Guard?
JUNIOR CAPTAIN: The first star is Truth, Captain General, its five points representing letters which together form this word.
Displays the star.
CAPTAIN GENERAL: What is its color, Junior Captain?
JUNIOR CAPTAIN: Its color is red, Captain General. Red being the color of that vital fluid without which life cannot be sustained, so Truth is the vital principle which keeps alive and sustains our noble Order.
CAPTAIN GENERAL: Senior Captain, what is the second star of the Loyal Guard?
SENIOR CAPTAIN: The second star is Honor, Captain General. This station teaches us to read the five points to spell this word.
Displays the Star.
CAPTAIN GENERAL: What is its color, Senior Captain?
SENIOR CAPTAIN: Its color is white, Captain General, like that unsullied honor and purity which is essential in the character of a true and worthy member of the loyal Guard.
CAPTAIN GENERAL: Eminent Chaplain, what is the third star of the Loyal Guard?
CHAPLAIN: The third star of our Order is Peace, Captain General, its letters each representing one of the five points of the star.
CAPTAIN GENERAL: What is its color, Eminent Chaplain?
CHAPLAIN: Its color is blue, Captain General, as the never-changing sky. May the blue star ever remain an emblem of peace in our lives, and although storms may at times dun life’s pathway, let us remember that where true fraternity reigns, there Peace and harmony will find a resting place.
CAPTAIN GENERAL: And here is the grand central star. Its color is pure gold, representing the golden sunlight of true friendship and brotherly love which fraternity has shed upon the world. This grand central star of gold is surrounded by the three great stars of red, white and blue, directing us to patriotism and good citizenship. The grand central letter of our Order is L, indicative of Light, Love and Loyalty. Love being the foundation of all true happiness, and Loyalty the cornerstone upon which the Loyal Guard has been erected. Thus the teachings and principles of our Order are typified and symbolized by four stars, of which the three outer stars, Truth, Honor and Peace, surround and protect the central star which bears on its face our grand central letter L, especially representing Loyalty, the motto of our Order.
In joining the three outer stars to encase the grand central star, there are nine outer tips, each of which may represent a letter from which each station forms a word. Senior Lieutenant, what do the nine points represent at your station?
SENIOR LIEUTENANT: Captain General, this station spells the word Character from the nine points of our emblem teaching us that Character is a chief requisite in the Loyal Guard.
CAPTAIN GENERAL: Junior Lieutenant, what word do the points form at your station?
JUNIOR LIEUTENANT: Captain General, this station finds the word Fraternal formed from the nine outer points, indicating the fraternal spirit which always governs a true member of the Loyal Guard.
CAPTAIN GENERAL: First Sergeant, what do the nine outer points reveal at your station?
FIRST SERGEANT: The word Permanent. Captain General, representing the permanent protection afforded in the Loyal Guard.”
CAPTAIN GENERAL: Second Sergeant, how do you read the letters of the nine outer points?
SECOND SERGEANT: Captain General, the nine letters spell Stability, which is the groundwork of our Order.
CAPTAIN GENERAL: Recorder, will you please form a word for your station from the nine outer points?
RECORDER: Captain General, this station forms the word Emergency, which directs our attention to the Emergency Fund of our society.
CAPTAIN GENERAL: Eminent Chaplain, what is our duty as members of the Loyal Guard?
CHAPLAIN: To live peaceably, to protect our families, practice charity, and in all things and at all times to observe and practice that most cherished precept of our Order, the ‘Golden Rule’—“Whatsoever ye would that others should do unto you, do ye even so unto them.” The first word of our Order admonishes us to be Loyal, and the second teaches us to Guard our homes, our country, our honor and our friends.
CAPTAIN GENERAL: Senior Captain, you will announce this Division of the Loyal Guard duly opened.
SENIOR CAPTAIN: By direction of the Captain General, I now proclaim … Division No. … of the Loyal Guard opened for the transaction of such business as may lawfully be brought before it, and for the advancement of the principles and teachings of our noble Order.
CAPTAIN GENERAL, seats officers with one rap: Sir Knights and Noble Ladies, it is my duty to preside over this Division; to promote peace and harmony, and to work for the prosperity of our Order. I ask your earnest co-operation and assistance.
When in the order of business “Initiation” is reached, the Captain General gives one rap.
CAPTAIN GENERAL, pauses for Senior Lieutenant to rise and salute, the Senior Lieutenant responding by saying Captain General: Senior Lieutenant, present my compliments to the Junior Lieutenant, and direct that officer to ascertain if there are any candidates in waiting to receive the lessons of our Order, and take upon themselves, the obligation as members of the Loyal Guard.
SENIOR LIEUTENANT: Junior Lieutenant, the compliments of the Captain General, who directs you to ascertain if there are any candidates in waiting.
JUNIOR LIEUTENANT: My compliments to the Captain General. I have already ascertained that there are.
The Senior Lieutenant goes to the Altar by right angles, and, saluting the Captain General, reports as follows: Captain General, I have the honor to report that candidates are in waiting desirous of admission into our Order.
CAPTAIN GENERAL: Thank you, Senior Lieutenant. Return to your post.
Senior Lieutenant salutes and returns to proper station.
CAPTAIN GENERAL: Recorder and Paymaster, you will escort the Chaplain to the ante room, there to greet any who desire to avail themselves of the privileges and benefits of membership in our Order, each performing the work of your respective offices.
The Recorder and Paymaster proceed to the Chaplain’s station, where the Recorder will say: Chaplain, it is the order of the Captain General that you accompany us to the ante room, there to propound the required questions to candidates in waiting, and report to the Division.
The Chaplain, Recorder and Paymaster proceed to the Altar, where they give the sign, and then by right angles, retire to the ante room.
CAPTAIN GENERAL: Noble Ladies and Sir Knights, we are about to perform the ceremony of initiation. Let the work be done with such care and dignity that honor shall be conferred upon the Order and profit and pleasure upon all present. The Division may be at ease until called to attention. In the meantime, the Senior Lieutenant will inspect the Division and see that everything is in readiness for the work before us.
Examination in the ante room
The Chaplain will propound the following questions.
CHAPLAIN: My friend, it is my duty to ask you several important questions, which I trust you will answer in all sincerity.
Did you carefully and correctly answer all questions in your application?
Applicant gives answer
Are you, as far as you know, in good health at the present time?
Applicant gives answer
Do you agree to abide by all the laws of the Order which are now or may hereafter become in force?
Will you join with us in carrying out the mission of the Loyal Guard, which is, to serve our country, to assist the widow and the orphan, to visit, the sick, and to aid the distressed?
Applicant gives answer.
The Recorder and Paymaster will explain the amount of the payments and local dues, and collect the required fees.
The Recorder, Paymaster and Chaplain, go to the inner door, give four raps, as a signal that they are ready. The Junior Lieutenant rises, salutes, and announces to the Captain General.
CAPTAIN GENERAL, giving sharp stroke of gavel: The Division will come to attention! Junior Lieutenant, what report have you to make?
JUNIOR LIEUTENANT: An entrance signal has been made.
CAPTAIN GENERAL: Let the signal be respected and entrance given.
Junior Lieutenant opens the door and the Chaplain, Recorder and Paymaster proceed to the Altar, where they salute the Captain General, and the Recorder reports: Captain General, we found in waiting …, who have paid the required fees, and qualified to our satisfaction, and now await your pleasure.
CAPTAIN GENERAL: Thank you! Please return to your stations.
Recorder and Paymaster will escort the Chaplain to station, and resume their respective places.
CAPTAIN GENERAL: Senior Lieutenant, rises, faces the Captain General and salutes, to you we commit the care of the candidates. In all emergencies, your loyalty must not fail. With the Sergeants for escort, you will retire and give safe and courteous conduct to any who may be in waiting.
SENIOR LIEUTENANT: Guards assemble! Sergeants, form escort.
At this command, the Senior Lieutenant stands at attention, the Guards rise and bring lances to a carry. The Standard Bearer, carrying the colors, marches around the hall, being joined by the Sergeants when passing their station. The three fall in behind the Senior Lieutenant the Guards promptly falling in behind the Sergeants. All march to the door and halt. The Junior Lieutenant opens the door and immediately closes it after the Senior Lieutenant and the Sergeants pass out. Guards remain at ease. senior Lieutenant with candidate on his left, and Sergeants in rear, takes position outside the door and gives four raps. Guards at once come to a carry, inward face. The Sentinel opens the door, the Senior Lieutenant and party start to advance, but just as they are inside the door, the Junior Lieutenant steps in front, between them and the Guards, and sharply challenges.
JUNIOR LIEUTENANT: Halt! Your rank and purpose!
SENIOR LIEUTENANT: My rank is that of a Senior Lieutenant.
My purpose is to introduce this candidate, my friend, who seeks admission into our Order.
Friendship’s claims are strong, but fidelity to my duty, demands caution. Is this candidate worthy of this honor?
SENIOR LIEUTENANT: Of that the future will determine. Enough for now that my word as a Loyal Guard is pledged to perform this service. Announce my rank and purpose.
JUNIOR LIEUTENANT, turning and saluting Junior Captain Junior Captain rises promptly and salutes.): Junior Captain, one hearing the rank of Senior Lieutenant in our Order stands at the door, demanding admittance for himself and friend, who is a candidate for admission into our Order.
JUNIOR CAPTAIN: Admission for himself is lawful, but by what right does he demand it for a stranger?
JUNIOR LIEUTENANT: By right of a pledge in which the word and honor of a Loyal Guard has been given.
JUNIOR CAPTAIN, salutes Captain General, who rises quickly, returning salute: Captain General, one bearing the rank of Senior Lieutenant in our Order, stands at the door, demanding admission for a friend, to whom is pledged the word and honor of a Loyal Guard to grant this favor.
CAPTAIN GENERAL: There may be a danger at our door, but the pledge of a Loyal Guard should always be a safeguard.
Junior Lieutenant, who is it approaches oar Division and for what purpose?
JUNIOR LIEUTENANT: A candidate impelled by right emotions and desirous of learning how best to serve our country, to cultivate patriotism, practice true fraternity, and provide certain protection for loved ones.
CAPTAIN GENERAL: Noble Ladies and Sir Knights, yon have heard the report of our Junior Lieutenant. What think you of this petition?
SENIOR CAPTAIN: Who are they that bear this witness?
RECORDER: Loyal members of our Order.
JUNIOR CAPTAIN: Can we rely upon this testimony?
THE WHOLE DIVISION: Ever, and forever. They are members of the Loyal Guard.
CAPTAIN GENERAL: Junior Lieutenant, it is the pleasure of this Division that the candidate be received. You will admit them and give a fraternal welcome.
JUNIOR LIEUTENANT: Senior Lieutenant, enter with your associates, and may peace come with you.
Captain General calls up Division with three sharp strokes of the gavel. Senior Lieutenant conducts candidate through the line of Guards. Sergeants fall in directly behind, followed by Guards. Standard Bearer marches in front of Senior Lieutenant. All march once around the hall to Captain General’s station. Music of Welcome song begins promptly as march starts.
With song we welcome you
To this, our home, a true
Fraternal band.
Let brotherhood he strong,
Lift grateful hearts in song
And speed our cause along,
With heart and hand.
Tonight we gather here
Around our Altar dear,
Our vows renew.
Come sorrow’s heavy hand
Or dangers round you stand,
You’ll find this noble band
Loyal and true.
Long may our Order he
Strong bond of love.
Firm on this rock will we
Members of the L. G.
Guard it with Loyalty
‘Till called above.
Arriving at Captain General’s station, Captain General seats Division. Guards march to their places, Senior Lieutenant, Candidates, Sergeants and Standard Bearer standing, facing Captain General, who remains standing.
SENIOR LIEUTENANT, salutes: Captain General, I have the honor of introducing to you a friend and guest, who desires to be instructed in the high amid noble principles of our Order.
CAPTAIN GENERAL: In Friendship’s name we welcome you, In the Loyal Guard we are banded together for the protection of our homes and loved ones, and for the practice of those virtues which make homes happy and communities prosperous.
If in the deepest sincerity of your heart, you approve of our aims and motives, and, if you are willing to take a solemn obligation to guard our country and her flag, to be loyal to this Order and to act honorably at all times, you will answer ‘I do’.
CAPTAIN GENERAL: With the fullest confidence in your sincerity, permit me to present to you this five-pointed star, the first of the four emblem stars of our Order. This star represents Truth. You will bear it in your right hand, and we admonish you to let Truth ever abide with you, to loyally guard it, and may it he your guide at all times. This star will be to the Junior Captain a token of your integrity and good intentions.
Senior Lieutenant, conduct the candidate to our Junior Captain, there to receive the first instructions in the lessons of our Order.
Music resumes, and the candidate is conducted to the Junior Captain.
SENIOR LIEUTENANT: Junior Captain, by direction of the Captain General, I present to you this candidate for instruction, with a view to advancement in the fraternal Order of the Loyal Guard.
JUNIOR CAPTAIN: What token does the candidate bring that there may be sufficient assurance to justify compliance with the request?
SENIOR LIEUTENANT: The candidate bears the star of Truth.
Candidate presents the star of Truth with the right hand.
JUNIOR CAPTAIN: You have in Truth the first star of our Order. At the outset, let me inform you that the Loyal Guard has for its aims the advancement and happiness of mankind, and the protection of our loved ones. As its name indicates, it is a patriotic and fraternal organization
whose field of endeavor is to loyally guard the home. Its first cardinal principle is symbolized by a five-pointed star, whose points or tips spell the word Truth, the foundation precept upon which the entire structure of our Order is grounded. Its color is red. As red is the color of that vital fluid without which life cannot be sustained, so Truth is the vital principle which keeps alive and sustains our noble Order. As you enter upon your journey in our midst, you are presented with this star of Truth. In this Division, as in your walk through life, ever cherish
it. Under no circumstances are you to part with it, for without Truth, you will find your efforts to attain success, will result in desolate failure. Truth is a priceless jewel and should be your constant companion. Senior Lieutenant, you may continue your journey.
While the first lesson is being given, the Guards will have gathered in a group near the Recorder’s station The Senior Lieutenant with candidate, Sergeants and Standard Bearer march around the hall. As they meet the group of Guards or members, they gather around and say:
FIRST GUARD: Hail, Senior Lieutenant, what have you here?
SENIOR LIEUTENANT: Please do not delay us. We have just received the first great star of our Order.
GUARD: Oh, let us see it!
Candidate hands it to them.
GUARD: What a pretty star? How many points has it?
SENIOR LIEUTENANT: It is a five-pointed star, each point representing a letter, which, when placed together, spell a word, which is the first and foundation word of the Loyal Guard.
FIRST GUARD: Five points, with each point a letter, forms the word Flint,’ where the Order of the Loyal Guard was founded.
SECOND GUARD: Its five points form die five letters of the word ‘Loyal.’
THIRD GUARD: Perhaps you are both wrong. Its five points form the word ‘Guard.’
One of the Guards retains the star, and they converse upon any topic until the Senior Lieutenant gets impatient.
SENIOR LIEUTENANT: We must resume our journey, and cannot be detained longer.
Senior Lieutenant marches around the hall with candidate to Senior Captain’s station. Guards take their seats.
The Guard whose station is at the right of the Senior Captain, will take the star, march to the Senior Captain’s station, salute, hand the star to the Senior Captain, and immediately resume proper station at the right of the Senior Captain. This must be done promptly, so that the Guard will have handed the star to the Senior Captain and resumed seat before the arrival of the Senior Lieutenant and candidate at the Senior Captain’s station.
SENIOR LIEUTENANT: Senior Capt am, I present to you a candidate who desires admission into our Order, whose wish has been favorably considered by this Division, and who has passed the Senior Captain, received the first lesson, and is now presented to you for further instruction.
SENIOR CAPTAIN: My friend, you are seeking admission to this fraternity, to its privileges, to share in its honors, and to engage in its work. The Loyal Guard imposes no religious test other than a belief in the Diety. Its object is to bind its members with a fraternal bond, aid them in sickness and distress, and provide for the beneficiaries of its deceased members. Will you comply with these requirements, and aid us in this great work?
SENIOR CAPTAIN: What, if any, token did the Captain General and Junior Captain present you with?
CANDIDATE: The star of Truth.
SENIOR CAPTAIN: With what declaration was it presented?
CANDIDATE: That it should ever abide with me.
SENIOR CAPTAIN: Present the star of Truth.
SENIOR LIEUTENANT: The candidate gave the star of Truth away during our travel to this station.
SENIOR CAPTAIN: So soon, my friend, have you forgot ten the admonition of our Captain General and Junior Captain, and, abandoning the Truth, after solemn injunction, do you come here in search of advancement? The star of Truth was to us the symbol of your sincerity. It was your warrant to proceed in the initiatory steps of our Order, and yet, at the first request, you yielded it up. We hesitate to advance you, but in view of your endorsement by loyal members of our Order, we will believe it was due to no wrong intention. Believed we otherwise, not one step further could you go in these ceremonies. Let us caution you to never again separate from the Truth. Have we your promise?
CANDIDATE: You have.
SENIOR CAPTAIN: Candidate, this has not been done to trifle with your feelings, but to teach you an important lesson which we all should learn, that Truth is the always necessary element of right life, and without it, no one can pass in higher things.
Now, with new confidence in your continued sincerity, we return to you the star of Truth, and with it, present the second five-pointed star, known in this Order as the star of honor. Its color is white like that unsullied honor and purity which is essential in the character of a true and worthy member of the Loyal Guard. Bear it to our Chaplain who will direct you further in that which is necessary to your reception into this Order.
Senior Lieutenant conducts candidate to Chaplain. Music resumed.
CHAPLAIN: I greet you, friends.
Senior Lieutenant., to what extent has this applicant progressed in our ceremonies?
SENIOR LIEUTENANT: Eminent Chaplain, we have stood before the Junior Captain and received instruction in the first lesson of our Order, and at the Senior Captain’s station, we gained further knowledge, and, hearing the stars of Truth and Honor, we come to you and await your advice.
CHAPLAIN: Before you can complete your initiation, it will be necessary for you to take a solemn and binding obligation. In this obligation, there is nothing to which a man or woman with right desires, may not subscribe. Are you willing to take the obligation?
CHAPLAIN: Then present me with the star of Honor.
SENIOR LIEUTENANT, speaking for candidate: That, Eminent Chaplain, we cannot do.
We were taught by the Senior Captain, our error in relinquishing the star of Truth, and in obedience to the instructions of that officer, we hesitate to give you the star of Honor.
CHAPLAIN: Your appreciation of the lesson of Truth is commendable. The Truth you should never abandon, nor may you transfer your responsibility to another. But your Honor when confided to me, or to any member of the Loyal Guard, will he kept as sacred as if it were altogether in your custody. Your Honor, in this Order, will be our Honor, amid our Honor we will trust in your hands.
THE DIVISION: Ever, and Forever!
CHAPLAIN: I now present you with the third five-pointed star of this Order, the star of Peace, bringing to our minds the glad song of the angels when our Saviour was born “Peace on earth, good will to men.” Its color is blue, as the never-changing sky. May the blue star ever remain an emblem of Peace in our lives, and although storms may at times darken life’s pathway, let us remember that where true fraternity reigns, there Peace and harmony will find a resting place.
You will now proceed to the Altar where you will take upon yourself the obligation as a member of the Loyal Guard.
Senior Lieutenant, Standard Bearer, Sergeants and candidate march by right angles to the Altar.
The Senior Lieutenant will salute the Captain General, and say: Captain General, I present to you who desires to take the obligation necessary to become a member of the Loyal Guard.
CAPTAIN GENERAL: Sergeants amid Guards, form the grand central letter of our Order.
As soon as the letter “L” is formed, the Captain General calls up the Division with three raps: Lieutenants, align the ranks!
As soon as lines are formed, the Captain General assembles officers as follows: Officers, assemble for the ceremony of obligating candidates!
The Recorder. Chaplain, Senior Captain, Junior Captain, Paymaster-Treasurer and Junior Lieutenant, march around the hall to the Captain General’s station, where all face the Altar, the Captain General in the center. The Captain General marches forward to the Altar. Senior Lieutenant returns to Altar as escort and guide to the candidate.
CAPTAIN GENERAL: Having expressed a desire to take the obligation, which all members of the Loyal Guard have done before, I take pleasure in informing you that it will in no way conflict with your religions creed, political belief, or the duty you owe to your God, your country, yourself or any who may be dependent upon you. If with this assurance, you are willing to proceed, you will grasp the standard of our country’s flag in your left hand, and with your right hand over your heart, remain in that position, repeating after me the following:
I, …, in the presence of this fraternity, do most solemnly promise and pledge my honor, that I will comply with all the laws, rules and regulations of this order which are in force at this time or which may at any subsequent time be enacted, made or promulgated for its government, or for the government and control of any of its Divisions, councils, officers, or members; that I will preserve time secrets of this Order and obey its laws. That I will be loyal to this Order , and do all in my power to advance its interests and promote its growth and prosperity. That I will assist and protect the members of this Order as far as is in my power, without material injury to myself or those dependent upon me , that I will not knowingly recommend anyone of unsound health or immoral character for membership. That I will not reveal any of the secrets of this Order, and should I violate this my solemn obligation I hereby consent to be expelled from this Order . Should I be expelled or suspended or voluntarily sever my connection with the Loyal Guard I hereby pledge my sacred honor that I will not disclose or make public the passwords, signs, or secret work of this Order. I further promise that I will not injure any members of this Order in their person, property or reputation but will help them whenever I can without injury to myself or family and that I will give them aid and comfort I in sickness and distress. I further promise to be loyal to my country and to faithfully guard my home, thereby remaining true to the teachings and obligations of the Loyal Guard
To the faithful observance of this obligation I pledge my sacred word of honor.
CAPTAIN GENERAL: Sir Knights amid Noble Ladies, the obligation has been taken, and you are witnesses to the pledge. Let all gather around the Altar, forming the circle of fraternity.
Members form circle around the Altar, the Guards forming a square or triangle.
CAPTAIN GENERAL: You are now surrounded by a living circle of fraternity, emblematic of the protection afforded in the Loyal Guard, every member of whom is pledged to protect and defend you.
You will kneel at this shrine, where your pledges were made, and receive the rank amid title of Knighthood (or Noble Lady).
(For Men--Ceremony of Knighting.)
(Kneels at Altar, the Left hand grasping the standard of the American flag which is held by the Standard Bearer, with the right hand over the heart. The Captain General comes forward, and taking the sword, says: Four strokes I give you with this shining sword. First on your shoulder, thus, (strikes on shoulder), that you may ever strongly bear your part among us. Next on your breast (strikes), that you may ever loyally guard the home, the order, the flag we love, and the honor of every member of the Loyal Guard. Next upon the standard of our country’s flag, that you may ever prove yourself a valiant and loyal Knight. And lastly, upon your head, charging you to make Truth the inspiration of your intelligence, Honor the standard of your conduct, and Peace the object of your endeavors. These four strokes of the sword are, in part, symbolical of the four stars of this Order, three of which you have already received.
Arise, Sir Knight, and receive what is your right, the secret work of the Order.
Secret work is here imparted by the Captain General or by any other person who may be designated by that officer. If Supreme Officers are present, one of them maybe called upon to give the secret work
(For Women—Crowning Noble Lady.)
(Kneels at Altar in same position as for ceremony of Knighting.)
CAPTAIN GENERAL: Inspired by the. same high chivalry toward women that ennobled the lives and deeds of ancient Knighthood, we receive you, and place upon your brow this crown, (crowns her) which is the symbol of our respect and ho nor, and carries with it the pledge of faithful friendship and regard. Thus we crown you, Noble Lady, in the Loyal Guard, and as the memory of this occasion comes back to you in after years, may it always bear a charm to cheer and help you, and should the hour of trial amid distress overtake you, may you find among these loyal hearts true sympathy, warm friendship, abiding integrity and loyalty.
Arise and receive what is your right, the secret work of the Order.
The secret work is here imparted by the Captain General or by any other person who may be designated by that officer.
If Supreme Officers are present, one of them may be called upon to give the secret work.
CAPTAIN GENERAL: Sir Knight— (or Noble Lady—), you are now entitled to receive the signs and words pertaining to our Order. You will please repeat after me the words, questions and responses, following me as the various signs are made known to you.
The sign of the Loyal Guard is given in this manner. Captain General gives the sign.
You will please imitate me in giving the sign of the Loyal Guard. It is derived in part from your position when you were taking obligation as a member of this Order. This sign is given during the opening services at each regular and special session of a Division of the Order.
In case you should enter a Division while in session, or wish to retire from the same, it would be necessary for you to proceed to the Altar, face the Captain General, and give this sign.
This sign is not given in addressing the chair. When a member of this Order addresses the Captain General, a right hand military salute only is given.
I will now give you the recognition question. Captain General gives question.
The response is given as follows. Captain General gives response.
By this means you can make yourself known as a member of the Order when traveling, or at all times outside of the regular meetings of the Division, in the dark as well as in the light. When this question is asked of you, you should answer it promptly, and by your words and actions exemplify that true fraternity which is characteristic in this Order.
I will now give you the traveling recognition or salutation sign. Captain General give sign.
By this means members of the Loyal Guard can make themselves known to each other even though previously perfect strangers, and when this sign is given, you will respond promptly with the return recognition or salutation sign, which is given as follows: Captain General here gives sign.
I will now give you the sign of affliction or distress. Captain General gives sign.
When the sign is given, it is an indication that a member of this Order is in sorrow or trouble, and you should at once respond, following it with an offer of such fraternal assistance as it is in your power to give.
The response is given as follows: Captain General gives response.
The above sign is given, where a member prefers it to giving the trouble or distress word, or where the conditions are such that it is impossible or inexpedient to speak direct. There is, however, a means whereby we may inform each other of trouble or affliction by word direct.
I will now give you the words of trouble or distress. Captain General gives words.
The response or answer is given as follows: Captain General gives answer.
I will now give you time warning or danger-sign: Captain General gives sign.
This is an indication that a member of this Order us in need of immediate assistance in some manner, or it is a warning from a member to another that there is threatened danger.
The answer is given as follows: Captain General gives answer.
I will now give you the salute of the Loyal Guard, which is a right hand military salute, and should be given at all times, either in or out of the Division room, when members of the Loyal Guard meet, and is an evidence of the spirit of true fraternity and fellowship which should always exist among us.
You will please respond with the salute of the Loyal Guard.
I will now give the Loyal Guard grand honors.
These are given in honor of our country’s hag, or for distinguished guests of the Division. In memorial services in honor of the dead, in the burial services for members of the Order, and upon occasions of visits of Supreme Officers or eminent members of the Order from other Divisions, and upon all occasions where distinct and especial honor and compliment is desired to he conferred.
In our Order there is an annual and a permanent pass word.
I will now give yen flue permanent pass word.
Captain General whispers permanent pass word to candidate, who repeats it, also in a whisper.
I will now give you the annual pass word for the current term.
Captain General gives the annual pass word in a whisper and candidate repeats it, also in a whisper
In the Loyal Guard there is no grip, as the means of recognition are fully provided for by words and signs.
I will now give you the voting sign of the Order. Captain General gives sign.
Captain General taking up the gavel, says: This is the instrument with which the Captain General rules the Division.
One * demands order and seats the Division.
Two ** call up the officers.
Three *** call up the entire Division.
Four **** call up the Division to form the Circle of Fraternity.
You are now entitled, when corresponding with a member of the Order, to use the letters T.H.P. & L., which signify Truth, Honor, Peace and Loyalty; and you may use the letters M. L. G., signifying ‘Member of the Loyal Guard’ in signing your name whenever you choose.
The pennant of the Order is made with a purple background, upon which appear the three outer stars of red, white and blue, with the central star of pure gold, and with the grand central letter ‘L’ in its proper position.
When the secret work has been given, the Standard Bearer steps in front of the Altar with the flag, and the Chaplain takes hold of the flag and says: Sir Knights and Noble Ladies, loyalty to country has ever been considered among the highest virtues of mankind. The stain of disloyalty is worse than death. Behold this banner of matchless beauty! Points to flag, the Guards forming around it. The history of this flag is ever on the side of liberty. Under it first rode Washington and his army. Before it the embattled line of every hostile foe has been broken. It has its birth amid the thunders of battle, where fathers, sons and brothers fought, and mothers, wives and sisters prayed for liberty. The crimson of its stripes was caught from the best blood that was ever poured on freedom’s Altar. The prayers of the purest souls that ever faced the great white throne are woven in its bars of gleaming white. Its field of blue is fragment of Heaven, wherein are set God’s stars of eternal hope for man. Let us resolve, here and now, come life or death, we will maintain its honor and glory, in all its original purity and luster, and beqeath, to those who come after us, the glorious heritage of liberty which we received at the hands of our patriotic forefathers.
Captain General returns to his station, music starts and all march around the hall, officers and members taking their seats, the senior Lieutenant presenting candidate to the Captain General’s station.
CAPTAIN General: Esteemed friend, you have been required to pass through these solemn ceremonies that you might be impressed with the dignity of this Order and of its purposes.
You have received at the Junior Captain’s station the Star of Truth,——its color red; at the Senior Captain’s station, the star of Honor,——its color white ; at the Chaplain’s station, the star of Peace, its color blue; and now you are entitled to receive the grand central star of our Order, a five pointed star whose tips spell the word ‘Light’, typified in its color of pure gold, representing the golden sunlight of true friendship and brotherly love, which fraternity has shed upon the world.
This grand central star of gold is surrounded by the three great stars of red, white and blue, which colors direct us to patriotism and good citizenship.
The grand central letter of our Order is ‘L’ indicative not only of ‘Light’ and ‘Love’, but especially of ‘Loyalty’. Love being the foundation of all true happiness, and Loyalty, the cornerstone upon which the Loyal Guard has been erected. Thus the teachings and purposes of our Order are symbolized by four stars, of which the three outer stars—Truth, Honor and Peace, surround and protect the grand central star which hears on its face our grand central letter ‘L’, especially representing ‘Loyalty’, the motto of our Order. In joining the three outer stars to encase the grand central star, there are nine outer tips, each of which may represent a letter, from which each Station forms a word.
Senior Lieutenant, what do the nine points represent at your Station?
SENIOR LIEUTENANT: Captain General, this station spells the word Character from the nine points of our emblem, teaching us that character is a chief requisite in the Loyal Guard.
CAPTAIN GENERAL: Junior Lieutenant, what word do the points form at your station?
JUNIOR LIEUTENANT: Captain General, this station ends the word Fraternal formed from the nine outer points, indicating the fraternal spirit which always governs a true member of the Loyal Guard.
CAPTAIN GENERAL: First Sergeant, what do the nine outer points reveal at your station?
FIRST SERGEANT: The word Permanent, Captain General, representing the permanent protection afforded in the Loyal Guard.
CAPTAIN GENERAL: Second Sergeant, how do you read the letters of the nine outer points?
SECOND SERGEANT: Captain General, the nine letters spell Stability, which is the groundwork of our Order.
CAPTAIN GENERAL: Recorder, will you please form a word for your station from the nine outer points?
RECORDER: Captain General, this station forms the word Emergency, which directs our attention to the Emergency Fund of our Society.
CAPTAIN GENERAL, giving candidate a lapel button or pin: Sir Knight (or Noble Lady), wear this emblem, and by so doing, proclaim your membership in this great fraternity. Upon its face you will find the colors of our Order,—red, white and blue, and the five pointed star. This emblem, its colors and the star, should admonish you never to forget your obligation to this Order and its members and continually remind you of the protection which this fraternity places over your home.
CAPTAIN GENERAL: What is the tie that binds us together in the great beneficient work of this Order?
All respond: Fraternity.
CAPTAIN GENERAL gives the candidate a cordial handshake: I congratulate you most heartily upon your admission to our fraternity, and with best wishes for your prosperity I commend you to the friendship of its members.
It is a great pleasure to greet and salute you as a member of the Loyal Guard. You are now bound by every consideration of duty and honor, to be faithful in the performance of all your obligations to the Order with which you have united, and to serve it with fidelity. It is composed of a fraternal band, who are united for the holy and laudable purpose of helping each other, and making provision for the support and maintenance of dependent loved ones. Henceforth it will be your duty to do all in your power to advance the interests of this Order. Remember your obligations are not met merely by making the required payments, but in addition, it is your duty, as it is also to your financial benefit, to bring your friends into this Order; and you should see that no year goes by without having done your part in adding to the membership. The confidence we have reposed in you by electing and receiving you as one of our number, places you under a solemn obligation to be upright and honorable at all times, and to so deport yourself as to keep our confidence and esteem, as well as the approval or your own conscience. By so doing you will have our good right hand of fellowship, and our sincere hope that you may enjoy a long life, filled with abundant, happiness and prosperity. May He who gives watchful care to all the works of His hands, watch over you and help you, to be true and faithful to the trusts that we have reposed in you.
At the close of this session, you will sign time muster roll at the Recorder’s desk, thereby becoming a member in full standing of this Division.
Calls up Division.
Sir Knights and Noble Ladies, this friend having been found worthy, has become one of us, and is commended to your fraternal care amid friendship. Please give a greeting of welcome with the sign of the Order.
After sign is given, Captain General says: Friends, I take pleasure in introducing to you …, a member of …, Division No. … of the Loyal Guard. At the close of this session it is hoped that, all present will take occasion to meet our new associate and extend congratulations.
Senior Lieutenant, I will thank you to conduct our honored guest to a seat.
Captain General seats Division with one rap.

Closing Ceremonies
CAPTAIN GENERAL: Sir Knights and Noble Ladies, as we close this session. Let us ever bear in mind the motto of our beloved Order, ‘Loyalty.’ Let us be loyal to our God, our country, our homes, our Order, and to each other, thus impressing others with the sincerity of our purpose. Before we part, let us honor the flag of our country and the colors of our Order.
Sergeants, you will conduct the Standard Bearer to the Altar.
Sergeants march on opposite sides of the ball by right angles and take their places at the right and left of the Standard Bearer. The three then march in a right angle to the Altar, facing the Captain General, the Sergeants saluting as soon as they come to a halt.
FIRST SERGEANT: Captain General, we present our country’s flag, which throughout the world stands as the emblem of liberty and the banner of freedom.
CAPTAIN GENERAL, calls up Division by three raps: Officers, and Members, salute our country’s flag.
All give salute.
CAPTAIN GENERAL: And now, officers and members, let us give to Old Glory the Grand Honors of the Loyal Guard.
All give Grand Honors.
Here there may be a drill by the officers and members or by a drill team, which drill can be made to conform to the size of the ball, or the lateness of the hour.
CAPTAIN GENERAL: We will now sing, ‘The Red, White and Blue,’ our closing ode.’’
Oh, Columbia, the gem of the ocean,
The home of the brave and the free,
The shrine of each patriot’s devotion,
A world offers homage to thee.
Thy mandates makes heroes assemble,
When Liberty’s form stands in view;
Thy banners make tyranny tremble,
When borne by the red, white and blue.
When borne by the red, white and blue,
When borne by the red, white and blue,
Thy banners make tyranny tremble,
When borne by the red, white and blue.
When war winged its wide desolation,
And threatened the land to deform,
The ark then of freedom’s foundation,
Columbia rode safe thro’ the storm:
With the garlands of vict’ry around her,
When so proudly she bore her brave crew,
With her flag proudly floating before her,
The boast of the red, white and blue.
The boast of the red, white and blue,
The boast of the red, white and blue,
With her flag proudly floating before her,
The boast of the red, white and blue.
The star-spangled banner bring hither,
O’er Columbia’s true sons let it wave;
May the wreaths they have won never wither,
Nor its stars cease to shine on the brave.
May the service, united, ne’er sever,
But hold to their colors so true;
The army and navy forever,
Three cheers for the red, white and blue.
Three cheers for the red, white and blue,
Three cheers for the red, white and blue,
The army and navy forever,
Three cheers for the red, white and blue.
Sergeants conduct Standard Bearer to station, and return to their places.
CAPTAIN GENERAL: Officers and members, I thank you for your presence, and for the dignity, courtesy and fraternal conduct which you have observed during this session. May we part in Truth, Honor and Peace, and as we go, may we with faith and courage, loyally guard our honor and our homes, observing in our daily walk the principles of our fraternity, ever practicing the Golden Rule, remembering that they who endure to the end shall receive their reward. We earnestly request you to attend our meetings regularly.
I now declare this Division of the Loyal Guard duly closed. Strikes the gavel promptly.
Note: The Senior Lieutenant will at once take charge of the flag, swords and regalia. The Recorder will collect the rituals and ode cards.
