Ladies of the American Buffaloes
Opening Rites
M., * *: If any are present who are not entitled to meet with us,
they will kindly retire to the ante room. The marshals will present themselves
to me for test.
Marshals arise, turn toward each other, advance each two steps, face M., and
advance close to her. Each in tarn gives M. the annual pass-word and grip. Then
inward face, face altar.
step forward to line to their chairs, and walk directly to them, seating
M.: Monitor, care for the door.
MON.: M.R.F., you will post the guards.
M.R.F. arises, proceeds to lower side of altar where she salutes Mon., goes
toward Mon. and to door, where she stands facing Mon.
MON.: Inner guard, attend the outer door and ask the O.G. to
present herself to the marshal for test.
I.G. passes out and O.G. enters, salutes Mon., goes to the left side of
M.R.F., gives her pass-word and grip. and returns to outer door. I.G. returns,
salutes Mon., does the same and remains standing at her station. M.R.F. returns
to her station, saluting M. at the altar.
M.R.F.: Monitor, the guards are posted.
M.R.F. salutes Mon. and she and I.G. seat themselves.
M.: The marshals will take up the pass-word and grip from all
If any member can not give the password the marshal on that side will say:
Mater, I find sister … without the pass-word.
M.: Scribe, is this member in good standing?
Scribe replies yes or no. If in good standing Mater says to the member:
You may approach and receive the pass-word. Then the
pass-word must be given to the Marshal.
If the member is suspended and pays her arrears the password may be given
her, otherwise the password will not be given. A member in arrears can not vote
or talk, hold office, or receive password until re-instated
Marshals return to altar together, both saluting.
M.R.F.: Mater, there are no strangers in the right flank.
M.L.F.: Mater, there are no strangers present in the left flank.
M.: Then we may proceed without fear.
Marshals both salute again, proceed to their chairs and seat themselves.
* * *.
Officers rise and as each is questioned she salutes and M. responds before
she replies.
M.: Monitor, what are your duties?
MON.: Station No. 2. My duties are to assist the Mater by
superintending the door and doing whatever requested by her.
M.: Chancelor and Scribe, what are your duties?
S.: Station No. 5. Mater, as Chancelor I keep in my possession all
papers, seals and documents; as scribe, I keep a record of all transactions,
conduct all correspondence, and receive the dues and assessments paid in by
M.: Banker, what are you answerable for?
B.: Station No. 4. Mater, I am answerable for all monies that pass
through my hands. I pay all orders that are signed by yourself and the scribe,
and no others. I keep an account of the disbursements, and present written
report of the same to the managers twice a year.
M.: Marshals, what are your functions.
Both Marshals rise, step two steps to R. and L. of chairs respectively, and
face obliquely toward Mater. M.L.F. salutes, saying: Station No. 7, and
Mater responds. M.R.F. salutes and responds to query alone, thus:
M.R.P.: Our functions are, first, to collect pass-words from
members; second, to examine visitors; third to conduct candidates through the
initiation, and to act as pages to the matter.
* .
Officers seated.
M.: Inner Guard, what services do you perform?
I.G.: Station No. 8. My duties are to take up the pass-word and
grip at the door, and allow none to enter who can not give those, unless so
directed by the Mater.
MON.: Inner Guard, you may take the place of the outer guard and
allow her to enter.
O.G. enters.
M.: Outer guard, what is your service to the Herd?
O.G., salutes: I guard all approaches to the Herd, I challenge all
who enter and allow no strangers to molest.
MON.: Take your place again and bid the inner guard return
O.G. salutes Monitor going out and I.G. salutes her on coming in.
G.M., giving Mater’s salute: Mater, what duties devolve upon
M.: Station No. 1. Grand Mater, I preside at all meetings with
justice, see that the officers learn and conduct their parts, enforce rules of
the order, declare results of ballots, and am also the custodian of the charter.
G.M.: Let the officers do their best, and all members should
become familiar with the ritualistic work of the Herd. Remains
* * * *.
All arise.
M.: Let us sing the opening ode.
Opening Ode
Oh! our best, our noblest motives
Should direct this daily life;
Protect us from our evil passions,
Keep us from all rage and strife.
Thus, by daily upward striving,
We may turn away our past:
And by higher, better living,
Come into our own at last.
See the wealth of friendly feeling
In this band of sisters dear;
It turns our hearts from bitter dealing,
Makes the path to Kindness clear.
Thus our best, our guardian spirits,
Watching o’er us from afar,
Will have cause for great rejoicing
As they guide from star to star.
M.: I now declare ready for business Herd No. … of the Order of
Ladies of the American Buffaloes.
Initiation Rites
M.: Marshal of the left flank, you will ascertain if there are any
candidates in the ante room waiting to be admitted.
M.L.F. goes to altar, salutes monitor and passes out; returning, stops at
altar and salutes Mater.
M.L.F.: Mater, I find: … gives
full name
of candidate
who wishes to be admitted to this Herd.
Resumes her seat.
M.: Scribe, have these candidates paid their assessments and dues?
If S. says they have not mater continues:
M.: Scribe, you will repair to the ante room, accompanied by the
marshal of the left flank, and make the necessary financial arrangements with
the candidates.
Scribe and M.L.F. approach altar, salute Mon., and retire to ante room, where
scribe collects dues and assessments.
As soon as they have left the room mater calls someone to the chair and the
officers leave the room to put on their regalia and when ready to return march
in, following line of march for opening rites. Orator remains in ante room.
SCRIBE: Mater, the arrangements are perfected and the candidate is
M.: Marshals, you will prepare the candidates for the ceremony of
Marshals arise, go to altar, salute mater, turn, salute monitor, and leave
the room, and the room is arranged as is necessary.
M.R.F in reception room to candidate: You need have no fears: we
will not play any tricks upon you, nor hurt you in any way, but, you must let me
take you into a room which is dark, where you will sit alone long enough to
think over your past life quietly.
M.L.F. also assures her that no one will her or lay hands on her, and that
they (the marshals) will be just outside the door and will come to her when it
is time.
The O.G. and marshals stay on outside of outer door after they have seated
candidate just inside the door of the ante room, which is absolutely dark. The
orator allows complete silence to last until candidate has become in an
expectant mood, then speaks slowly and distinctly.
O.: As this darkness which surrounds you is void and repellant, so
is the evil which darkens the soul of man. As Stygian darkness enveloped the
spirits of Hades, while they were conveyed in silence over the River of Death,
so does this gloom pervade the space around you; as this darkness so are the
fetters of the evil one, which he lays heavily on the soul burdened with wrong.
Draws a long sigh and rattles a heavy chain.
But a clear conscience will make all darkness clear as noonday, and solitude
merely allows quiet for reflection.
Short pause. Heavy bell strikes once. Would sound best if struck by I.G. near
wicket of inner door.
O.: The bell strikes one. We take no note of time, but from its
loss; to give it then a tongue is wise in man.
O.: Before you enter the portals of yonder hall, consider why you
do so. Is it solely for amusement? for selfish gain? for idle curiosity? If so,
then I would advise you not to enter─for those who enter into this
sisterhood must labor for a common cause, and earnestly endeavor to upbuild the
institution. Listen to these scriptural admonitions.
1. A tale bearer revealeth secrets. She that is wise concealeth the matter.
2. And lo! when thy friend was said to do wrong, consider, for it may be she
hath not done it.
3. For often it is but slander, and believe not every tale.
4. Stretch out your hand to the poor; reach forth your hands to the needy.
5. For who so stoppeth her ears at t he cry of the poor, she shall also cry
herself, but shall not be heard.
6. Be in haste to visit the sick, and comfort them that be in sorrow.
Are you willing to meet with the rich and the poor, and to do what good you
can in this short life?
Candidate answers: ….
O.: Then you may proceed upon your journey. Farewell.
Orator covers face and head in cloak, sheet, or any covering, so as to remain
unknown, while marshals return to ante room, turn on the light and blindfold the
candidate. Marshals inform I.G. that they are ready to enter and the organist
begins soft and slow music. In the hall between station No. 2 and station No. 4,
somewhat nearer No. 3, is a bier, on which lies a member in the attitude of
death, covered, face and all with a sheet. This is placed with head toward No. 2
and at the foot of the bier stands a member holding overhead a torch. A candle
may be used instead of a torch. This is the only light in the room. Four or five
members stand between bier and wall near the bier, in the attitude of mourners.
Mourners and orator should wear long black robe with cowl. The remainder of the
members should remain far enough away so as not to be seen, or a black curtain
may be stretched across the room on lower side of altar.
Orator has entered hail after candidate was blindfolded, and stands near
organ, or near mourners as she prefers.
Marshals escort candidate up to station No. 4 where they pause. On the way
M.R.F. speaks:
M.R.F.: How dark and dreary seems the plain on which our Herd is
gathered. The skies are overcast, and an oppressive stillness in the air.
Bell tolls. Deep sounding bell or heavy bass triangle should be struck slowly
several times to imitate a bell. Marshal remains standing near station No. 4.
Orator speaks or intones clearly, while organist plays very soft accompanying
O.: Man is like to vanity, his days are as a shadow that passeth
away; They are passed away as the swift ship; as the eagle that hasteth to the
We are but of yesterday, and know nothing, because our days upon earth are a
shadow. In a moment we shall die, and the mighty shall he taken away.
Moving to line of altar.
M.R.F.: This must be the death watch of one of the members of the
M.L.F.: It surely is. One of the members has died and her sisters
are weeping with those that weep, and mourning with those that mourn. To
candidate: We would have you see how
tenderly these women care for one another.
Removes blindfold. They approach bier passing the lower side of altar.
Mourners chant: She sleeps,
Our sister sleeps;
Free from care and sorrow,
She sleeps,
Our sister sleeps.
They kneel about the bier with lowered heads. Torch hearer remains standing,
lowers torch, and raises her face. The tableau thus formed is maintained until
candidate is blindfolded. M.R.F. waits a moment for effect of tableau, then she
blindfolds candidate again, saving:
M.R.F.: That is a sad scene, but it shows kind attention to the
sick, and respectful care of the dead on the part of these ladies who belong to
this noble order. Let us take another path and see if we cannot gain entrance to
the Herd itself.
As they escort candidate to the ante room, (beyond which she is not allowed
to stray) Orator resumes reading and organist plays.
O.: Is there not an appointed time to man upon earth? All flesh
shall perish together, but they that mourn are blessed, and shall be comforted,
As soon as candidate and marshals have gone into ante room, the ball is
lighted and everything made ready for next scene; the hail is restored to its
usual order, officers resume their proper places, lights are turned on, and
candidate is brought to entrance door. Marshals notify I.G. when ready, and
mater gives four raps. All arise and begin to sing initiation ode, when marshals
enter with candidate and march her around the room, stopping her at altar facing
monitor. At close of ode mater seats all with one rap.
Initiation Ode
Welcome, welcome stranger,
Come abide you here,
Come be one of us,
There is naught to fear.
Welcome, Welcome.
Here Kindness and Fidelity,
Love and Truth hold sway,
Justice rules our actions,
So come with us to stay.
MON.: My friends, we desire that you realize the full value of our
obligation. Do you feel confident that we would in no wise require you to do or
say ought against your conscience?
Candidate: I do.
MON.: Or against your civil or religious liberty?
Candidate: I do.
MON.: That we would not curtail your usefulness to friends, but
rather help you to a life of worth?
Candidate: I do.
MON.: The marshals will conduct you to station No. 3, and our
banker will question you further.
Marshals conduct candidate to station No. 3. facing station No. 4.
B.: Do you know that Sorosis means a sisterhood, and that in a
sisterhood the members are as one family?
Candidate: I do.
B.: Do you know that in a society of this kind you are to bury all
hatred for individuals and to cultivate a spirit of kindness toward all?
Candidate: I do.
B.: Do you believe you can always lay aside all ill will toward
these your sisters so that you may deal fairly by all?
Candidate: I do.
B.: Then you are ready for the obligation which will he
administered to you by our grand mater.
Marshals take candidate to lower side of altar facing mater. G.M. approaches
upper side of altar and faces candidate. The by laws may be placed on bible or
may be substituted for the bible it any object to its being used in this way.
Mater gives four raps of gavel.
G.M.: Place your right hand on your heart, your left hand on the
bible (or) the by laws of our society. Say I, give your own name, and repeat
after me, thus:
G.M. says: I, candidate repeats:
I, and gives her own name, and G. M. proceeds with the
obligation, section by section, candidate repeating it after her.
I, …, do hereby promise that I will hold forever sacred all the secret work
of this order of whatsoever kind which may be intrusted to me never revealing it
to any save those entitled to receive it. I promise to obey the laws customs and
requirements of the Supreme Herd; to faithfully work for the best interests of
the order and of any Herd thereof.
To uphold the good name of all members. To attend, whenever possible, all
meetings of this Herd and to assist at all times cheerfully in the business or
work required of its members.
I vow and affirm in the presence of these witnesses that I will faithfully
observe this obligation or suffer the displeasure and discipline of this
Response by all members: We hear and will remember this vow. Mater
gives one rap of gavel.
G.M.: You may resume your natural position and our characters ‘sill
proclaim themselves.
When the proper character is in her place according to the drill book, she
will take one step forward, present banner and deliver her part speaking
distinctly and effectively. Then the others in their turn, will do likewise.
KINDESS: Be kind! be good, and let who will be clever.
In presenting to you our doctrines, we wish to impress upon you the need of
humanity, of benevolence, and good deeds. We have constant demands made on our
sympathies by friends and neighbors, by kinsfolk, and also the stranger that is
within our gates. Let us not become callous, nor let our hearts get cold, but be
ever ready to befriend the needy, defend the helpless and bestow kindness with
open hand.
Points to symbol on banner: In faith and hope the world will
But all mankind’s concern is charity.
The escort on her left steps forward holding lighted candle. If electric
lights are used in hall, turn the switch at word charity, leaving the candle the
only light in room; lights to be turned on when K. has finished, when she and
her escort step back to place.
K., pointing with left forefinger to candle: See how far that
little candle throws its beams: So shines a good deed in this naughty world of
DISCRETION, pointing to symbol on banner: The symbol of Discretion
is the key which keeps close shut the spirit of misrule. ‘‘Discretion is the
better part of valor.’’
How true it is that prudence will disarm violence; will keep in check those
hasty words and actions that unbridled might lead to dispute and ruptured
friendships; will act as a handmaid unto wisdom, and keeps the tongue from
unwise utterance. Bear in mind the proverb of the Silent Arab, "Remember
thy friend has a friend and thy friend’s friend has a friend", therefore
be discreet.
FIDELITY: The faithful soul is the one who never shrinks from duty’s
calls; whose loyalty as a member of our society is unquestioned; whose fealty to
her friends is never quenched; who responds alike to demands made upon her
strength, her time, her friendship or her piety.
Points to symbol on banner: Fidelity clasps hands with Dependence
on the shield of protection over the cross of misfortune.
"For friendship, of itself an holy tie,
Is made more sacred by adversity."
TRUTH: A deaf mute was asked to define truth. He drew upon a paper
a straight line. He was asked to define a lie and he drew a crooked line. How
potent was this answer. The, child who could not speak, neither could he hear,
still had the clearest insight as to the meaning of this word; the wonderful points
to arrow on banner accuracy, exactness and directness of truth. Truth
is simplicity itself, and yet this world has been made so crooked, so warped and
twisted, that we seldom see her face.
The ancients said Truth lay at the bottom of a deep well, where few could
find her, and she was ever seeking the light. But she is always here. Oh, do not
obscure her visage but let her dwell with us on these our own green plains.
MON.: The marshals will guide the candidate to the station of the
M.R.F.: Mater, we have brought to you this lady for instruction.
M.: The marshals will seat you.
Marshals place chairs for themselves and candidates about five feet from
mater’s station facing her.
M.: You will pay close attention to the instruction I now give
Our permanent password will now be given you.
Directs M.R.F. to do so.
M.: This is never used in the Herd, but is used as a test of
membership. If you wish to test the membership of a lady ask her to spell the
test word of our order. She must begin with B─I; You will respond with S,
and she must complete it with O─N. The annual password will now be given
Directs M.L.F. to give this.
M.: If you are late at any meeting, knock at the outer door with
any knock you please, and when the outer guard appears at wicket, you will give
the first of the words lust given you, when you will be admitted to the ante
room. Here you will give five raps on the inner door in this manner: ** ** *.
The inner guard will demand the password from you and you will give her the
last of the two words lust given you. The inner guard will now admit you to the
Herd, but will demand the grip from you as soon as you have passed the door.
This is given in the following manner: The hands are clasped as in shaking hands
but each person makes pressure with the thumb and forefinger.
Then you will advance up the side of the room to station No. 3 and cross over
to the altar. Here you will give the salute, which is made in this way: right
hand on level with face; middle fingers clasped with thumb, fore and little
fingers extended, palm forward.
The mater will respond with this salute: the hand with extended fingers and
thumb is brought to right temple and thrust four inches forward and back.
Then you will take your seat. If you wish to retire or cross the room you
will arise from your seat, say Mater, and saluting her, ask the desired
permission. If she makes the response to the salute you have received
permission. Otherwise you will resume your seat. On leaving the room, salute the
Monitor, standing with back to altar to do so.
The traveling or recognition sign is made thus: Fingers held same as in the
salute with thumb under chin, extended fingers on right cheek, then sweep little
finger down, sweep forefinger down.
The response to it is made same as salute with tip of forefinger stroking the
right eyebrow outward.
The sign of recognition between the American Buffaloes and L.O.A.B. is the
same as the Mater’s salute except that it is made with the left hand. The
grand honors are given to visiting members or to your own members for
recognition of special services and other like occasions and are given thus:
right hand at shoulder, left hand at waist, palm up strike right on left three
times, strike left on right three times and then right on left three times.
The minor honors are given on receiving the pass-word, and may be given
spontaneously whenever occasion suggests its use. This consists of the
handkerchief waved rapidly in the right hand.
Two raps of the gavel calls to order.
Three calls up the officers.
Four calls up the members.
One seats all
Our colors are green and white, indicative of the verdant summer and the
winter’s snow, denoting that even as the perpetuity of the seasons, so shall
our order endure.
Our flower is the sunflower, and its color, gold, may be added to the green
and white when further decoration is needed.
Our motto is Nulli secundis; pro bono publico: second to none for the good of
the people.
Being in full possession of the secret work of our order, you will now sign
the constitution and by-laws.
Here candidate is escorted to table of the scribe, where she inscribes her
name in a hook kept for that purpose. If more than one candidate they are taken
one by one to the desk. When this is finished the candidate is brought directly
up to the mater and she presents her with a flower, a badge, a knot of green and
white ribbon or some little token, while candidate’s chair is removed.
Marshals wheel candidate around facing altar, and about half way between the
altar and station No. 1.
M., * * * *: Daughters, stand at attention!
Members step forward on right foot, salute, and remain in this position till
mater gives response.
M.: Form the circle of Sorosis around your new sister.
Members clasp each the hand of the one next, raise the clasped hands to a
level of the breast. Then all circle past stations No. 4, No. 1, and No. 3,
making a complete circuit of hall.
M.: Break circle!
Members drop hands.
M.: Salute! *.
Marshals wheel candidate facing Mater.
M.: You are now a member of a Sorosis banded together for kind and
noble deeds. In the journey you have taken about our plains to-night, you were
placed in positions where you could not help but learn that to gain admission to
our Herd was a matter of some seriousness.
You were conducted into the Chamber of Darkness that you might have space to
reflect upon the nature of your undertaking. You were led into the Chamber of
Death that you might observe for yourself the nature of the ministrations of
these sisters one to another, as in the Death Watch, and from this scene you
learned what is expected of us in our care of ailing members.
In the brighter scenes, our ceremonies were designed to teach you useful
lessons. In the obligation you took at the altar you promised to do your full
duty as a member, and to defend the good name of all members.
Though we believe that most of our members are strong and upright, yet human
nature is weak, and some will err. When rumors of ill behavior reach your ears
concerning a member, defend her name, and if proof positive shows the rumors to
be true and your defence will no longer defend, then at least be silent, and do
not add to the weight that drags her clown.
Remember what is said of "Slander, whose tongue is sharper than the
sword whose tongue outvenoms all the worms of Nile."
Also remember that a true sister of our order does no other woman a wrong.
hut with friendship and KINDNESS for all, she acts with that DISCRETION which
marks every successful life; she clings to the TRUTH, and by her FIDELITY proves
herself a worthy member of a useful sisterhood.
Turns the empty hour glass which is at her side so that the sands begin to
Even as the sands run through the hour glass, so do the moments of your life
pass swiftly away. See that these golden moments do not run to waste.
"Lives of great men all remind us
We can make our lives sublime,
And departing leave behind us
Footprints in the sands of time.
Let us then be up and doing
With a heart for any fate.
Still achieving, still pursuing,
Learn to labor and to wait."
M.: I now declare you a member of … Herd, No. …, Ladies of the
American Buffaloes.
We will give you the grand honors and the minor honors, after which you will
be seated with the members.
Mater leads the honors. *.
Closing Rites
M.: Monitor, have you in mind anything which should be brought
before us now?
MON.: No, Mater, all has been said and done that should be.
M.: Characters, you will lay your banners on the altar. Marshals,
lay your spears upon the altar. They do so.
* * * *.
Members stand at attention.
Marshal of the right flank, at the close of the singing you will gather up
the cards and rituals and bring them to the scribe, who, in her capacity of
Chancelor, will keep them under lock and key.
Marshal of the left flank, during the singing you will gather up the regalia
and deliver them to the inner guard.
Marshals meet at altar and both salute M., then they cross past each other.
M.R.F. nearest altar, and M.R.F. proceeds to manager’s Station, where she
waits until the ode is sung. M.L.F. goes to scribe’s desk, down that side,
going to foot of hall, crossing directly in front of station No. 2, gathering up
regalia as she goes, and gives the same to I.G. Then she proceeds directly to
stations 9, 10, and 11, gathering up regalia from that side, which she takes to
I.G. and returns to her station, going past station 3. At close of ode, M.R.F.
proceeds around entire wall of room, gathers up the rituals and ode cards,
taking them to the scribe, and goes to her seat.
M.: Let us sing the closing ode.
Closing ode
Oh Ladies of the Buffaloes,
Now we look to you
To lie always cheerful,
Loyal, right and true;
Ever up and ready
To battle ‘gainst the wrong;
Thus to make life’s Journey
As one grand sweet song.
Always help each other,
Let friendship never fail,
Be ye Sisters truly,
Let loving hearts prevail;
High, oh raise your standard,
With good your lives imbue;
Dear Ladies of the Buffaloes:
For this we look to you
M.: Grand Mater, have you a word to say to the members?
G.M.: Yes mater, I have. I would remind our friends that we must
never forget during the intervals between the meetings, to practice what we
preach, to carry into our homes the lessons we learn when gathered in the Herd.
M.: Let us remember the parting injunctions of our Grand Mater and
practice our duties during the days of our separation.
Form the circle of Sorosis.
Mater steps into circle, but remains near her station.
I hope this evening has been profitable to some one, either in our Herd or
some other of all those assembled under the evening sky; That you, my friends,
may recall our past meetings with pleasure, and that all our members may be
present at our next meeting. Meantime may we all be well and happy. Daughters,
All respond: Mater, good-night.