Anti-Thief Association
Ritual to the Ladies Auxiliary of the Missouri Division


Opening Ceremony

1 rap calls to order.
The officers will take their stations and the members be seated. If there are any present who are not members they will please retire to the ante-room. Pause until they have retired.
If the secretary, marshal or guard should be absent the president fills their place before proceeding. Other vacancies are filled after the secretary has called the roll and noted absentees.
Guard, rise and salute you will see that the sentinel is at her station, and allow no one to enter or leave until this lodge has been properly opened.
The guard retiree and informs the sentinel that the lodge is being opened, re-enters, advances to the altar and salutes the president, and says: Sister president, the sentinel is at her station and your orders will be obeyed.
President: Marshal, you will prepare the altar.
Marshal goes straight from her station until opposite the altar, then turns to the altar and facing the president opens the Bible and places it with top towards the presidents station and returns to her station same line of march as when going to the altar.
We will now have the pledge to the flag, and the americans creed.
3 raps.
Marshal rises and takes flag holding it to the left in front position passing completely
around hall and on reaching presidents station turns and proceeds to the altar where patriotic instructor gives pledge to the Flag and American’s creed.
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and the republic for which it stands. One nation, indivisable with liberty and justice to all.
I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are dericved from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union, one and inseperable; established upon these principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.
I therefore believe it my duty to my country to love it; to support its constitution; to obey its laws; to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.
We will join in singing the opening ode:
Sister L. A. to thee,
Our voices joyfully
We lift in song;
Let sisters all proclaim,
Our object and our aim.
And with a loud acclaim.
The sound prolong.
Unite in praise to thee,
Our grand society,
Sister L.. A.
In sweet humlity,
Let sisters faithful be,
To our fraternity,
Sister L. A.
Our aims are good and true,
O! keep them e’er in view,
And them obey;
That others all may see.
Our true sincerity,
E’er find in harmony,
Sister L. A.
Then sisters Jouous sing,
While gladsome echoes ring,
More loud! each day;
In love and charity,
With watchful constancy
E’er dwell in, unity,
Sister L. A.
The Chaplain will lead in prayer.
Our Heavenly Father we thank Thee for Thy goodness in watching over us. Deal graciously with us, oh Lord. Make us a people after Thine own heart. Be with the members of this order in all their deliberations and lead us in the path of fraternal love and mutual helpfulness. Give us ready hearts to assist those who need our help. May we be guided from evil ways, may we not do anything that will be contrary to Thy will. May all that we do be done in Thy name we ask for Jesus sake. Amen.
Secretary you will call the roll of officers and members.
Secretary remains seated and proceeds to call the roll. The marshal stands and answers either "present" or "absent." Each officer and member rises as her name is called and remains standing until seated by the president. Secretary marks the roll. President fills vacancies as title is called.
1 rap, each officer rises and salutes.
Vice-President, where is your station and what are your duties?
Sister President my station is opposite you at the rear of the hall, and my duties are to assist you in maintaining order in the lodge, to occupy your chair when temporarily vacated by you, to assist during the initiation of candidates, and to perform such other duties as the laws of the order or the by-laws of this lodge may require.
Past President, where is your station and what are your duties?
Past President:
Sister President, my station is at your right and opposite the altar, and my duties are to assist with the initiation of candidates.
Secretary, where is your station and what are your duties?
Sister President, my station is at the left of the president, and my duties are to keep a correct record of the proceedings of each meeting, and to conduct the correspondence of the lodge. To forward promptly all reports due the state order and perform such other duties in connection with my office as the order may require.
Financial Secretary, where is your station and what are your duties?
Financial Secretary:
Sister President, my station is at the right of the President, and my duties are to keep correctly the accounts between the lodge and its members; to receive all funds due the lodge and pay the same to the Treasurer. taking her receipt therefor.
Treasurer, where is your station and what are your duties?
Sister President, my station is at the right of the Financial Secretary, and my duties are to receive from the Financial Secretary all funds due the lodge, and pay them out only upon the order of the lodge, and after such order has been duly attested by the President and Secretary. To report at each regular meeting the amount received and expended since last report.
Chaplain, where is your station and what are your duties?
Sister President, my station is at the left of the President and opposite the altar. My duties are to conduct the devotional services of the order, and to assist with the initiation of candidates.
Marshal, where is your station and what are your duties?
Sister President, my station is to the front and at the right of the President, My duties are to ascertain that all present are qualified to remain; to prepare the ballot, and take charge of the candidates during initiation, and. perform such other duties as the laws of the order may require, or that the president may direct.
Guard, where is your position and what are your duties?
Sister President, my position is ad the inner door, and my duties are to allow no one to enter or retire without your permission.
Sentinel, where is your position and what are your duties?
Sister President, my position is at the outer door, my duties are to secure the door and permit no one to enter the ante-room without your permission, unless qualified with the proper pass-word or official receipt.
Three raps.
Officers and members, we hope that each officer will do her duty, and the members will be orderly and attentive. Be earnest and zealous, but be kind in al1 your deliberations. Remember that you are the rulers and we are your servants to exercise the brief authority you have conferred upon us. Remember in union there is strength. So let us work together in harmony that our efforts may be crowned with success. I now declare this lodge duly opened for the dispatch of such business as may be properly brot before it.
The exemplification of the secret work. The members will join in exemplifying the work.
Salutation sign: President gives it, members answer.
Recognition sign; Answer.
Word between the L. A. and A. T. A. Answer, (very low voices).
1 rap.
Guard, you will admit any waiting members. Guard obeys.
Sister Secretary, you will read the minutes.
Secretary rises and reads the minutes which shall be written in ink in the record book. Names of all who make or second motions are recorded and read.
Are there any corrections, or objections to the minutes as read? Pause. Hearing none they stand approved. Or, with the corrections offered they will stand approved as corrected.
Secretary makes notes of corrections and places slip with corrections where it belongs and makes mention of the corrections in present record.
Sister Secretary, are there any committees on applications ready to report?
Sister President, I find the application of … returned signed by the committee. Read names of the committee and be seated.
Sisters, we will hear your reports.
The committee should give their report be unfavorable. If uncertain as what report to make they should ask for further time to investigate, for be their report favorable or unfavorable, ballot must follow and the ballots cast decide the acceptance or rejection of the applicant.
You have heard the report of the committee, we will proceed to ballot (or the committee have requested further time which has been granted.

Balloting on candidates

We are about to ballot on the application of …, remember the white balls elect and the black balls reject, be careful of your ballot, and vote for the good of the order.
Marshal, you will prepare the ballot box.
Marshal will rise salute, and present the box first to the vice-president, then to the president for inspection.
They shall ascertain if there are sufficient number of white and black balls that each member may have their choice.
President casts her ballot and says:
Marshal, you will present the ballot to the musician and return to your station.
Marshal passes either to the right or left presents the ballot and turns facing the president while the musician casts her ballot. Marshal then returns to her station.
Marshal, you will place the ballot in its proper place upon the altar.
Assistant marshal rises and advances on a line from her station, to the altar with the marshal. Marshal will place the Bible to the side of the altar next to the chaplain’s station.
When they reach the altar, the assistant marshal places the ballot box on altar and in center. They both return to their stations and remain standing.
The members will in response to the gavel proceed to ballot, led by the marshals.
At the first tap of the gavel all will rise and step in line; at the second tap all except the marshals will turn facing this station; at the third tap, music will start and all will proceed to ballot lead by marshals.
The Secretary leaves her station at the right and falls in line behind the assistant marshal.
The Financial Secretary leaves her station at the left and falls in line behind the marshal.
Treasurer steps forward and turns to left and falls an behind the financial secretary.
The Past President leaves her station at the left and falls in tine behind the members who are between her station and the station of financial secretary.
The Vice-President leaves her station from the left and lines in behind the members who are between her and the station of the past president. The Chaplain leaves her station from the right and falls in behind the members who are between her and the station of the secretary.
The Guard and Sentinel leave their stations from the right and line behind the members who are between them and the station of the chaplain. (or past president, should the door be to left of vice-president.)
Members from each side march in straight lines until opposite the station of the marshal and assistant marshal, then fall in line and march to lower end of hall, then to station of the vice-president where they will line in alternately as they turn toward the altar.
The Marshal and assistant Marshal advance to the altar; the marshal salutes president, casts her ballot and steps back three feet and turns facing the chaplain.
The Assistant Marshal salutes, casts her ballot and steps back on a line even with the marshal and turns facing her. They then cross their staffs or flags, and allow but one member at a time to pass to the altar to ballot. Each member salutes before casting ballot, and turns from the altar before another is permitted to pass the marshals to the altar. Members turn from the altar to the right or left and advance to their seats.
Marshals remain in position at the altar until members are seated, and the president gives further instructions.
I now declare the ballot closed. Marshal, you will present the ballot to the vice-president for inspection, and the assistant marshal will arrange the altar.
Marshal turns and advances on line from the altar to the vice-president and hands her the ballot box, then turns facing the altar while the ballot is being inspected.
Assistant Marshal during this time arranges the altar by placing the Bible back in the center, then steps back in position same as when ballot was being taken, and waits until the marshal returns opposite hen and both proceed direct to their station. The assistant marshal stops at her station, and the marshal presents the ballot to the president then returns to her station and the marshals take their seats.
Sister Vice-President, do you find the ballot favorable or unfavorable?
Sister President, I find the ballot favorable (or unfavorable.)
Vice-President rises and salutes when addressed by the president and remains standing until she has been answered.
Members, by your ballot you have elected (or rejected) the applicant (or applicants).
Secretary, you will notify the applicants the result of the ballot.
Should the applicant be rejected the president may, before announcing the result order a second ballot, the result of which shall be final.
Should the applicant be rejected the secretary will return the Initiation fee with written notice of the result of the ballot.



Guard you will ascertain if there are candidates in waiting.
Guard rises, salutes and retires and ascertains the number in waiting, returns and says:
Mrs. President, I find in waiting … Give number of candidates and be seated.
Marshals you will retire and present the candidates.
Marshals retire from their stations to the altar.
Marshals while in ante-room will arrange the candidates, if more than two, marshal takes one upon her right arm, and arranges the others in position to follow her, the assistant marshal taking one candidate upon her left arm and following until the altar is reached and all are lined up. Marshal presents candidates.
Sister President. I have the pleasure of presenting to you these candidates who desire to become members of this order.
You will present the candidates at this station for instructions.
It is a great pleasure to see you seeking admission to our noble order, whose chief aims are for the uplifting of humanity into a higher sphere. It is our duty to assist our brothers of the A. T. A. in their noble efforts to diminish crime. M., do you state upon your word of honor in the presence of these witnesses, that you freely offer yourself as a candidate from pure motives?
I do.
Do you solicit the privilige of the lodge by the favorable opinion you have formed of the Order?
I do.
Do you pledge your word of honor that you will obey all rules of the order and the by-laws of this lodge?
I will.
Then we welcome you as an applicant, and assure you that nothing will be required of you, that will in the least conflict with the duties you owe to your family, yourself, your country or your God. With that insurance, are you willing to enter into an obligation, with us?
I am.
Marshal you will present the candidate at the altar for the obligation.
Marshals and candidates turn to left and go direct from the president’s station to the altar facing the vice-president’s station.
Vice-President advances at same time direct from her station to the altar, and facing the president gives the obligation.
Vice-President to Candidate:
You will place your right hand on the Holy Bible and repeat after me the obligation, giving your name in full.


I, …, do most sincerely promise never to reveal any of the secrets of this order, I will be cautious in speech, helpful in good word and work; I promise upon my word of honor to obey the laws and rules of the Ladies Auxiliary of the A. T. A. I furthermore promise that I will do all in my power to assist this organization in entertainment, mentally and morally; I will aid in increasing the membership of this lodge; I will not knowingly recommend for membership any person whom I know to be unworthy; I promise to be honest, just and true in all my dealings; I will not bring any personal matter into this order; I will never reveal any secrets, signs or grip; or communicate the pass words to any other than the proper officer of this lodge; and I will pledge myself as a member of the order; to do all in my power for the advancement and protection of the young girls and boys in my community; to all this I pledge ray sacred word of honor.
May you ever bear in mind this sacred obligation. Marshal, you will conduct the candidate to the chaplain for a scripture lesson.
Marshals and candidates turn facing the past president’s station, advance to that station, turn and advance to lower end of hall past vice-president’s station on around until the chaplain’s station is reached. Always turning square corners.
sister Chaplain, I present these candidates for scripture lesson.
we have selected for our lesson five verses of First Corinthians:
3rd. And tho I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and tho I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.
4th. Charity suffereth long and is kind; Charity envieth not; Charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up.
8th. Charity never faileth, but whether there be tongues they shall cease; whether there be knowledge it shall vanish away.
12th. For now we see thru a glass darkly, but then face to face now I know in part, but then shall I know even as also I am known.
13th. And now abideth faith, hope and charity, these three, but the greatest of these is charity.
Our Heavenly Father we humbly ask Thy blessing on the members who have just taken the obligation of this order. Give them strength oh Lord, to aid in the uplifting of mankind into a higher and better sphere. We ask Thy blessing to rest upon our members. Be ever near us in the hour of danger, protect us from all harm; give us ready hearts to aid those who need our assistance, we ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Marshal, you will conduct the candidates to the past president for further advancements.
Marshal turns with candidates and advances toward the secretary’s station, on around the room turning square corners until they reach the past-president.
Sister past-president, I present these candidates for further advancement.
It gives me pleasure to forward you on your way into our order of the Ladies Auxiliary of the A. T. A., and we hope that you will do all in your power to help prevent crime. Also to help any member who is sick or in distress.
Faith, hope and charity, a trinity sweet.
The life of our order the joy of our band,
Will ever in grace and harmony meet,
And ever in unity go hand in hand.
Should a side degree, to create a little fun be desired, it should be decided upon before admitting candidate to the room, and be ready to proceed with part 2, and 3, of the past-president’s charges. If there is to be no side degree the past president omits part two and three, and proceeds with part four.
Part 2:
Past President:
Has any one any objections to this candidate being admitted to full membership in our order? Pause.
Objection must be ONLY in fun.
Part 3:
Past President:
Can you prove yourself clear of the charges preferred against you?
Some member should defend the candidate.
Past President:
Having proven yourself worthy of membership in our order we will now proceed to instruct you.
If no side degree the past president starts with part four which is also used following the side degree.
Part 4:
Past President:
My friends you have taken our solemn obligation and received the scripture lesson of the order, and we shall trust that you may always bear them in mind and fulfill every promise you have given. We, In turn shall give you our protection and assistance so long as you live up to the vows you have given and remain a member of the order.
Past President:
Marshal, you will escort the candidate (or candidates,) to desk of the financial secretary to register and advance dues before presenting to the president for final instructions.
Marshal will turn with candidates and advance toward the rear of the hall, turning square corners, proceed around the room until the station of the financial secretary is reached. The member signs the register, receives her receipt for dues.
Marshal turns with candidate and advances to the rear of the hall past the station of the past president, then on around the room until they reach the president.
Sister president, I present this candidate for final instructions (or these candidates.)
My friends, we commend your zeal for promotion in our order, and trust that after you have been fully invested with the secrets you will have no unpleasant recollections of the proceedings, and the order have no regrets for having admitted you to full membership in the order. I will now invest you with the secret work, and admonish you that the secrecy of our unwritten Work is of grave importance, and no member is allowed to impart it to any one.
I will instruct you in our work: On entering the room after the lodge has been opened, you will advance to the station of the vice-president, then straight to the altar and give the salutation sign president gives sign which will be returned by the president, you then turn to the right (or left) and take a seat. Should you desire to retire while the lodge is In session, you will rise, salute the president and ask permission to retire, and if granted you will retire on straight lines by way of the altar, having already saluted when asking permission you need not salute when at the altar.
Use of the Gavel.
One rap calls to order, or seats when standing. Two raps calls up the officers officers respond Three raps calls up the entire lodge members respond.
One rap seats all takes seats.
Alarm at the door give instructions.
Salutation sign, give it and have candidate follow.
Recognition sign, give it and candidate follow.
Grip, exemplify.
Word between the L. A. and the A. T.A. in whisper.
Annual pass word the president steps from her station to give secret word. Leaves her station from the right and returns at the left.
You are now in possession of our secrets and signs and are a member of this order and entitled to full fellowship.
3 raps by president.
Marshal turns candidate facing altar.
Sisters and Brothers, I now have the pleasure of introducing to you … as full fledged members, and commend them to your confidence and protection.
We will proceed to greet our new members. All on the right will face this station and those on the left will face the vice-president’s station.
The assistant marshal will take her place at the right of the new members and introduce each member as they pass.
Marshal, you will lead the march. Music starts and all march around the hall and greet the new members, when all have passed around and are back to their stations the president gives 1 rap.
All are seated and the marshals find seats for the new members then take their places.
Report of special committees.
Committees report if anything to report.
Report of standing committees.
Unfinished business.
If anything has been left over at previous meeting it will be brot up.
New business.
Election of officers comes under this head.
Reading of communications. Secretary reads them if any and files them.
Has any one any claims against the lodge?
Anyone having bills against the order should make it known at this time.
Reading by-laws.
These should be read at each meeting in order that none may plead ignorance.
Is any member sick or in distress?
Good of the order.
Relief given, child welfare work calls on the sick and flowers given should all be reported under this head. The secretary makes a record of all and reads it at each meeting same as any other minutes that are kept.
Report of the financial secretary.
Financial secretary reports all members six months in arrears and notifies them that they are in arrears.
Report of treasurer.
The treasurer reports all receipts and disbursements. This report is handed to the secretary and filed.
Is there any further business to come before this meeting?

Closing Ceremony

3 raps.
We will all join in singing the closing ode.
God be with you till - we meet again,
By His counsel guide, uphold you,
With His sheep securely fold you;
God be with you till we meet again.
Till we meet, till we meet,
Till we meet at Jesus’ feet,
Till we meet, till we meet,
God be with you till we meet again.
My friends, we are again about to separate. As we go forth to mingle with the outer world, let us each be mindful of our obligation, not to reveal any of the secrets of this order. Let us at all time; be zealous and fearless in the discharge of our duties, as members of this order, and keep ourselves ever ready to lend a helping hand. Above, all else let us be kind and considerate of each other.
Closing prayer by the chaplain.
Our Father, Thou hast directed us to make our wants known to Thee by prayer; be Thou our guide, give us wisdom, let the light of Thy countenance be upon us in what we do, grant us ability for all that may be required of us, and if it pleases Thee, give us success; keep us from temptation, be with us in every place and accept the service we would ever render to Thee thru Jesus Christ. Amen.
Marshals, you will collect the rituals, ode cards and badges and place them on the desk of the secretary.
Same line of march as taking up pass word.
I now declare this lodge closed until the next regular meeting, which will be on , or a special meeting called by the president, or at the request of a quorum asking for a meeting.
