International Order of Twelve, of Knights and Daughters of Tabor.
Founded by Rev. Moses Dickson, a prominent clergyman of the African Methodist
Episcopal Church, at Independence, Mo., August 12, 1872. It is an "African
labor and benevolent association," organized on the lodge system, with an
elaborate series of titles and ceremonials. It "numbers 100,000
members" in thirty States, England, Africa, and the West Indies. The
society explains that there was an antislavery secret organization of negroes at
the South in 1846, entitled the Order of Twelve, and two others, some years
later, the Knights of Liberty and the Knights of Tabor, upon which the founder
of this society built the International Order of Twelve, of Knights and
Daughters of Tabor. Knights of Tabor now meet in Temples and Daughters in
Tabernacles, while as Princes and Princesses of the Royal House of Media they
convene for literary and social entertainment in Palatiums. Maids and Pages of
Honor, as juvenile members are called, meet in Tents. The Order pays death and
sick benefits, and, except in the juvenile department, endowment or short term
benefits also. The chief emblem displayed on its publications is an eye between
two groups of numerals, 777 and 333.
This organization is since long defunct.
The Daughters of Tabor had four degrees: Adoption, Advance, Sealed Daughter and Saba Meroe.