The Royal Purple Degree
Initiation Ritual



No degree in the ritual appeals more strongly to intelligent and thinking men than does the Royal Purple. It typifies the journey of life. Its teachings, rightly understood, reflect the experience of nearly every human life. The charges are chaste and beautiful.
The degree must be conferred in a solemn and dignified manner. Nothing shall be permitted which shall in any way offend or humiliate the candidate. No burlesque performance or rough usage is allowable, nor shall the candidate be assaulted or subjected to any indignity of any kind.
He shall not be subjected to "rain" during the storm, nor permitted to fall into the river, nor otherwise wet.
He shall not come in contact with electrical or kindred appliances
He shall not be hurried over the rough road or other portions of the way in an unseemly or dangerous manner.
The use of guns, pistols, blank cartridges, explosives of all kinds, and every kind of firearms, or offensive, irritating, or over-powering drugs or chemicals is strictly prohibited.
In conferring this degree the use of any animal, or representation thereof, or noises indicating the presence of any animal, except birds, is strictly prohibited.
No mechanical appliances shall be used except such as are herein provided for and constructed in substantial compliance with the following:
The narrow pathway should be formed by means of two light poles or narrow boards that will yield or spring, held or fastened about waist high and close enough together so that the candidate may feel the narrowness of the way, but not so close as to squeeze or press him. Lines of patriarchs against whom the candidate is jostled cannot be substituted for the poles.
The woods may be represented by trees or soft suspended rushes or kindred material, but the candidate should not come in contact with the limbs, foliage, or rushes in such a manner as to injure or annoy him.
The rough road should be made of wood and be about two feet in width, built in sections, each about three feet in length, with a smooth upper surface, and so arranged by cleats or other support (not more than three inches in height), fastened on the under side, as to permit tilting or seesawing when the various sections of such road are trod upon. The sections should be so united, by joint or otherwise, as to present a connected surface that will not permit the candidate to fall or stumble when passing from one section to another. Railings may be used in connection therewith. Rough roads constructed of stones, stumps, limbs of trees, brushwood, etc., are not permitted, and the use of any such construction is strictly prohibited.
The bridge should be at least two feet wide with railings which should be about hip-high, and if so arranged as to swing, the movement should be forward and back and not sideways, and the swing not over three inches. The pathway should not be more than six inches from the floor, and the approaches thereto should be by a stationary inclined path so that the candidate will not stumble onto the bridge nor drop when leaving it. To the bottom of the bridge may be affixed tin or other projections which may be inserted into pans of water, or water may be allowed to drop from a tank or other receptacle into a basin, so that when the candidate crosses the bridge, the splashing or dropping of water may be heard.
Every fixture should be constructed so as not to injure or be offensive to the candidate.
While passing over any mechanical construction the candidate’s hands should be placed upon railings connected therewith, or the Guide should place his hands upon him so as to direct and steady him.
Appropriate scenery, wilderness settings, costumes, and furniture may be used, the same being left within reasonable limits to the option of the encampment, but in no case must such additions be allowed to conflict with or modify the form or language of the ritual.
Appropriate vocal or instrumental music, consistent with the ritual, is permissible at any time, and with this limitation, the degree may be further illustrated by tableaux or projectors.
At no time during the conferring of the degree shall any patriarch be substituted for the candidate.
The Grand Patriarch of each jurisdiction and the Chief Patriarch of each encampment are expressly charged with the duty of enforcing all of the above regulations.


Chief Patriarch:
Scribe, have any candidates been elected to receive the Royal Purple Degree?
Should there be more than one candidate, change text throughout the ceremony from singular to plural.
Chief Patriarch, Patriarch … reading name in full has been duly elected to receive the Royal Purple Degree.
Scribe hands two cards, each bearing name of candidate in full, to Chief Patriarch, who wdl retain one of these cards during entire ceremony.
Chief Patriarch:
Junior Warden handing card to that officer, retire to the anteroom and ascertain if this candidate is in waiting.
Junior Warden, bearing crook, retires in form and re-enters in form, and reports from center of floor.
Junior Warden:
Chief Patriarch, Patriarch … reading name of candidate in full is in waiting for the purpose of being exalted to the Royal Purple Degree.
Junior Warden resumes his station.
Chief Patriarch:
Junior Warden, retire to the anteroom, receive and introduce the candidate.
The Junior Warden retires in form, bearing crook.


All of the candidates must be conducted through Part I. When more than one, the officers will add the plural number to the text.
The Junior Warden will approach the inner door with the candidate, who is not blindfolded and give the usual alarm.
Inside Sentinel, opening wicket:
Who comes there?
Junior Warden, responding, is always to speak in a low tone, so as to be heard in the encampment room only by the Inside Sentinel:
The Junior Warden, with a patriarch who now seeks such instruction as will enable him to safely tread the difficult pathway of life.
Inside Sentinel opening door:
Enter. Your appeal shall not be in vain.
The Junior Warden leads the candidate around the encampment room, and they finally reach the Senior Warden’s chair. While passing around the room the Junior Warden says:
Patriarch, you are now about to receive the last degree of Patriarchal Odd Fellowship. Thus far in your progress through the Order, each degree has illustrated morals that will, if observed by you, give ultimate rest. Here is the Senior Warden; let us seek his advice.
Senior Warden, I present to you Patriarch … giving name in full, who has served as a
novitiate on the mountains and in the wilderness with the herds, has been assailed and has suffered for his religious faith, and he now hopes, among the patriarchs, to find rest.
Senior Warden:
Rest? Knows he not there is no rest but one. That once launched on life’s broad wilderness, thenceforward all is turmoil, even from the cradle to the grave. Rest cannot be found on earth. Behold the joyous child basking in affection’s sun; its careless hours are each beguiled with some new hope or beauty. See, next, the gladsome youth his ardent heart, deep-filled with young ambition’s fires, is ever mounting to some new achievement. Then view manhood’s loftier state, and mark through what immensity of danger, toil, and strife he struggles on to reach some wished-for, though imaginary, goal. Thus is it ever. Proud aspiration and never-ending hope lure a man’s restless spirit, until exhausted nature sinks, and the weary body finds repose beneath its kindred earth.
Junior Warden:
Nay, but my friend is sound of body and of mind. The world is before him, tempting his stern energy; and he has confidence to stem its wild and reckless torrent, shunning the rocks and whirlpools which have proved the wreck of others’ hopes.
Senior Warden:
I am glad to hear of his laudable ambition to enter upon the career of life, with a determination to avoid the errors that have destroyed the hopes and usefulness of others. Animated by such a sentiment he will ever have the encouragement of good men, and the commendation of his God.
What assistance, Junior Warden, can we give the brother?
Junior Warden:
The protection of the patriarchs of the Royal Purple Degree.
Senior Warden:
Junior Warden, you will retire with the candidate to the anteroom, and prepare him for further instruction.
The Junior Warden, without form, will retire with the candidate to the anteroom.


All working paraphernalia, such as rough road, bridge, woods, narrow pathway, etc., should be placed in such positions as are best suited to the arrangement of the room.
All officers occupy their stations, except the four Watches, who, bearing spears, patrol their beats as indicated in the diagram for the patriarchal degree, and the Junior Warden, who is with the candidate in the anteroom.
Only one candidate need be conducted through Part II. More than one may receive the degree at one time. While the one, acting as candidate, is being conducted through the dramatic parts, others may be seated where they may easily view the work. The Junior Warden should inform those who are being seated that the candidate who participates in the dramatic work is representative of all.
If it is desired that all candidates personally participate in the work, each must be conducted separately.
The candidate is blindfolded and a short dark gown is placed upon him.
Lights dim in encampment room.
The Junior Warden will approach the inner door with the candidate and give the usual alarm.
Inside Sentinel opening wicket:
Who comes there?
Junior Warden, responding, is always to speak in a low tone, so as to be heard in the encampment room only by the Inside Sentinel.
Junior Warden:
The Junior Warden, with a patriarch who wishes to make the journey to the High Priest.
Inside Sentinel:
He may enter, but he must beware of pretended friends.
The candidate is conducted to the chair of the Senior Warden.
Junior Warden:
Senior Warden, I present to you a brother Odd Fellow, who has become an obligated patriarch. He wishes to make the journey to the High Priest.
Senior Warden:
Is he aware of the difficulties he will meet in the journey before him?
Junior Warden:
He is not; but he is prepared to meet them, and he has faith in his ultimate success.
Senior Warden:
Then let him onward. Go on! Be that the word even the countersign. Go on! But give him safe guidance and the best protection. I should think, Junior Warden, that you are too inexperienced to conduct the brother along the difficult pathway of life.
Junior Warden:
There is a Guide near by who is, by good habits, well qualified to conduct the brother, so as to shun all places of vice and men of evil habits. This guide has been a sinful man, but now he is willing, by industry and example, to make atonement for the errors of his past life.
Senior Warden:
Place him in charge, then, and remember the word, "Go on."
Junior Warden:
Halloo! Halloo! Guide of the Wilderness!
Who comes there?
Junior Warden:
A pilgrim awaits you.
Guide approaches the Senior Warden’s chair.
Junior Warden to Senior Warden:
Here comes the Guide, who will conduct the brother safely through the wilderness.
Senior Warden:
Guide, in taking care of this brother you assume a great responsibility. Be sure that you warn him of all dangerous places, so that he will be benefited by the light of your experience.
I will prove to him a faithful companion. Entrusted to me, I will conduct him safely. But, is he prepared for the hard, uncertain fare that waits him by the way?
Junior Warden:
No, except through mere intimation; but you can advise him as you proceed.
Well, be it so. We must take our leave, for we have a long and toilsome journey to perform.
Junior Warden:
My friend, give me your hand. Here we part and may never meet again. You have, as through life, a rugged journey before you. It is beset with difficulties; you must meet them with confidence and courage. Be not too hasty in forming opinions against the one having you in charge. Farewell, my brother.
Guide and candidate proceed on their journey.
See instructions peculiar to the Royal Purple Degree.
You are safe with me, my friend, though, if you hear me spoken of, no terms of flattery will be used, as you will find. Be cautious now we are near the First Watch, an unerring indication of our onward progress.
Whenever one of the Watches commands the Guide and candidate to halt, he should place his spear across the breast of the candidate.
First Watch:
Hold! How entered you the wilderness?
First Watch:
Have you the countersign?
Yes, or rather my pilgrim has.
First Watch:
Your pilgrim! Who intrusted him to you?
His friend, and he did well.
First Watch:
I have seen such as you before, and know you think so; yet many have been led astray on this route. But, now to talk is profitless. Pilgrim, give me the word.
Candidate prompted by Guide:
Go on.
First Watch:
Aye, "go on" and beware how you tread. The way is encompassed with difficulties. On the one hand is a straight and narrow path, presenting a toilsome and laborious progress; while on the other, your safety is hourly endangered in a broad and expansive plain, beautiful to the sight, but abounding with infections, the most poisonous and destructive to human happiness. Death in its most frightful shapes lurks constantly by the wayside. May heaven grant you safe deliverance.
Come, my pilgrim, you must have confidence; be not alarmed by the words of that man. Pause. Here, the pathway is narrow.
The Guide and candidate enter narrow pathway.

We meet here an impediment, such as too often discourages a timorous sPirit. But press on pause, be not dismayed.
The Guide and candidate having passed through narrow pathway, proceed to and enter the woods.

And now, we seem encircled by a wild and dismal thicket. The living here is very bad. The traveler is often in want of water, as well as bread.
But, here is the Second Watch, another index of our progress.
Second Watch:
Stand! What is your object in entering this wilderness?
It is decreed that we shall travel through
Second Watch:
Have you passed the First Watch?
Yes. He directed us to go on.
Second Watch:
Then I will not detain you, except merely to admonish the pilgrim that, as the road grows rougher, he be not tempted to seek momentary ease at the expense of future pain and sorrow. A single aberration may tarnish and forever overcast a rash, though well meaning, spirit. One false step may cost a limb or even life itself. Beware then, that you plunge not down some dark and deep abyss involving disaster, the most sad and irreparable. Beware how you proceed.
Come, let us go. We can make our way. Pausing. Yet, how strangely varied are the paths before us. Merriment, seeming to be distant. Hark! Heard you the voice of mirth and revelry? How fascinating! How easy of access is the path that leads that way. Yet it is beset with dangers. Lust intemperance—sensuality—vice, in all its odious forms and all its horrors, lies deep concealed beneath tempting blandishments. We must not be deceived. The clash of arms is heard at a distance. There, again, from a different direction comes the clang of arms and sounds of deadly strife. A sad display of worldly glory, where cruel war tramples meek humanity in the dust. It is the stern warrior’s sport to gratify the statesman’s proud ambition. Fame would tempt us on, but we must keep aloof, lest we be slain, or, surviving, imbibe the same fell spirit of destruction. No, we will not turn aside, neither for fleeting pleasures nor the soldier’s honors. They who till the soil or ply the loom or hammer are far more happy. There surely is some good in store for us. Passing the ruins or other rough place. Ah! What is this? It is the ruins of an old castle where pomp and vanity once held sway! Can we already have come so far? How quickly time flies! I see by the waning light, through the dense forest before us, that our course lies around a deep declivity—beyond which will terminate our pilgrimage.
They proceed to rough road.

We will cross this rugged path and see what lies beyond.
Candidate steps on rough road.

Be careful—and not too hasty.
As candidate leaves rough road he is challenged by Third Watch.
Third Watch:
Stand! Whence come you?
Through the wilderness.
Third Watch:
And passed the Watches?
Yes. Informed of our purpose, they bade us go on.
Third Watch:
You have done well in arriving at this Watch; for ere they get thus far on their journey, many sink by the way-side, overcome with difficulties which they cannot surmount. You are now far advanced, though some troubles, such as you have passed, still appear in the distance. There is yet another Watch, whom many have tried in vain to reach. You must be careful when you get to the river Jordan. The recent rains have raised the water almost to the bridge, and you may not be able to cross. The stream there is very deep and rapid. Be careful, therefore, and follow your Guide. While his reputation is said by some to be bad, he was never known to be unfaithful to a pilgrim placed in his care. Go on my best wishes attend you.
Yes, we will go from such a comforter as this. But, so it is all along this road, and no one can ever judge of his treatment ‘till he reaches its end. Then, alas, it is too late. Our progress, however, should be calmer, much less exciting, and, with our experience, freer from danger. Your eyes are covered for your good. All who travel here are blinded. They neither see nor know what may befall them. Pause. A sudden change has come upon the air, indicative of an approaching storm. Thunders. It is near us, but we have naught to fear. Let us pause beneath this oak tree until the rain is over. How strangely significant, for the oak is the symbol of hospitality! Pause. We will now proceed, for I see in the heavens the bright rainbow of promise, reminding us that we are under the protection of a covenant-keeping Father, whose goodness is effectual to dispel the wretchedness of man.
They proceed to the bridge.

Here we are at the river. It is very high and muddy. I am afraid we cannot cross. Pause. It is dangerous for us to stay here at night, as beasts of prey infest these woodlands. Pause. We must venture to cross on this bridge. I will go before you. They step on bridge. Hold to the side-supports, and be careful. Fear not! They cross the bridge. We are now over the worst of our journey. Here is the Fourth Watch.
Fourth Watch:
Hold! How far have you come?
Through the wilderness traveling by night, as well as by day.
Fourth Watch:
Pilgrim, I congratulate you on having journeyed so far with such a Guide.
He that has experienced my care is best qualified to judge me. Good or bad, few would desire to try the journey over again, even could they endure its fatigue.
Fourth Watch:
I merely apprised the pilgrim of the company he is in. I am rejoiced at his arrival, and, if admitted to the society of just men, he will find the way more pleasant, and the paths less difficult.
The Guide should pause, face the candidate and address him, while standing still, as follows:
I suppose, pilgrim, you think it very strange that all these Watches tell you of my bad character. You will see that it is prejudice. If a man commits an error, some people can neither forgive nor forget it, nor consider the beam in their own eyes. The Third Watch gave me the credit of not neglecting a pilgrim placed in my charge, and that is all that you require.
We must pass on, for night is approaching.
After walking a few moments, music is heard in the distance. This music may be instrumental or vocal. It must be dignified.
Hark! I hear music.
Music continues to be heard until it gradually dies away.
How sweet those notes! They soothe the heart and fill it with aspirations for the eternal home. Let us pause for a while, and learn the cause of such a charm in these solitude’s. Pause. Oh! I see pilgrims full of joy coming this way.
Patriarchs wearing gowns and turbans may enter from anteroom, pass near the candidate and retire to anteroom, and during such marching they may sing the whole or any part of the following ode:
We are pilgrims on this earth,
Journeying onward from our birth,
Every hour that here we roam,
Brings us nearer to our home.

We are pilgrims,
We are pilgrims,
We are pilgrims,
On our journey home.

Let not trifles by the way,
Tempt our hearts or steps to stray
From the narrow path and straight,
Leading to the golden gate.


For beyond this vale of tears,
Lies the land that knows no fears,
Where our steps no more may roam,
Pilgrims, we are going home.


When our days on earth are spent,
Safely reached the High Priests tent.
All the toilsome journey o’er,
Pilgrims, rest for ever more.

They are harvesters. They have finished their work, and are now keeping their annual festival.
Guide and candidate proceed on their journey.

We have passed all danger and soon shall be at the end of our journey. You have escaped bad company and journeyed safely through dangerous places.
They arrive at station of High Priest.
Guards of Tent stand at their stations.

Ho! Here we are, at the High Priest’s tent, and are safe.
Guards of the Tent, I have a patriarch who desires to see the High Priest.
Guards of Tent salute High Priest.
First Guard of Tent:
High Priest, a patriarch has arrived and desires your blessing.
High Priest:
Present the patriarch.
Guide advances with candidate.
High Priest:
Restore him to light.
Blindfold is removed.
If the dramatic work is to be repeated on other candidates, the candidate may be seated until the last one shall have reached this point; then all will be presented to the High Priest, when he will proceed:
High Priest:
Patriarch, I welcome you to this temple of our Order. Your progress here may have appeared tedious, but we trust that the lessons you have gathered by the way will prove profitable. Human excellence is the reward of perseverance and toil in avoiding danger, such as we have endeavored to picture to the imagination in the mimic journey of life through which you have been conducted. This scene has not been rehearsed for idle amusement, but to awaken rational meditation in a mind mature as yours. The uncertainties of life are ever present to the understanding of considerate men. Literally blindfolded, and beset on every side with danger and temptation, we struggle through this earthly pilgrimage. With desires never gratified, we are the subjects of endless toil and care, of never-ceasing hope and never-ending disappointment. The false and flattering charms, which in the distance so attract our admiration, disappear the moment they are placed within our reach. Frail mortals that we are, we know not what a day or an hour may bring forth. Encompassed with peril on every side, with the seeds of disease implanted in our nature, and the very air we breathe impregnated with death, all the promises of life are but dust. They fade as a leaf, and pass as the shadow that fleeth away. How essential, then, that we should understand our true position and keep constantly in view, the realities that surround us. How essential that we should learn to practice those living and immortal virtues, which, not only secure ultimate happiness, but contribute largely to smooth the troubles and soften the asperities of life.
Junior Warden, you will retire with the candidate, and, having prepared him, re-enter and present him to the Chief Patriarch for further instructions.
The Junior Warden and candidate retire to the anteroom and the gown worn by candidate is removed.
The encampment room is restored to order. All accessories such as rough roads, bridges, etc., are removed, and the officers resume their stations.
If there be more than one candidate upon whom the dramatic work is conferred separately, each, after receiving Part II, may remain in the room until the last shall have passed through that part, and then retire and re-enter with the last candidate for instruction in Part III.


All of the candidates must be conducted through Part III. When more than one, the officers will add the plural number to the text.
The inner door being opened to admit them, the Junior Warden, with the candidate, who is not blindfolded re-enters and proceeds to the center of the floor where both face the Chief Patriarch.
Junior Warden:
Chief Patriarch, by direction of the High Priest, I present to you Patriarch … giving name in full for further instruction.
Chief Patriarch:
Patriarch, in congratulating you on your elevation to the highest rank in the Patriarchal Branch of this Order, it would be useless for me to attempt to add a word to the moral instruction which has already been bestowed upon you. If this instruction shall have served to impress your mind with a train of moral thought, founded in principles the most pure and exalted, our labor will not have been in vain, your time will not have been wasted, and neither you nor your brethren will have cause to regret your connection with our fraternity. We earnestly hope that such may be the case, and that, as your mind shall advance in the progress of calm investigation, it may be continually blessed with a brighter and yet stronger light, until it realizes the fruition of all its earthly desires, and the care-worn man shall have bowed him down before his God.
Patriarch, I will now instruct you in the mysteries of this degree.
Chief Patriarch Lnstructs according to the unwritten work. In this degree there is an alarm at the inner door or entersign, a password, an explanation of the password, interpretatLon of the password, sign, and answer to the sign.

Voting in an encampment, unless otherwise provided, is by yea and nay.
You will now give me the sign of the Royal Purple Degree and I will respond with the answer.
After satisfactory rehearsal the Chief Patriarch shall say.

The honors of the Order are the same as in the Odd Fellow lodge, the Junior Warden leading, and are given to all elective officers of all recognized grand bodies of the Order, when visiting an encampment officially or when introduced with an official visitor. They may be given to a District Deputy Grand Patriarch when officially representing the Grand Patriarch.
The following portion of the ritual, between the double lines, may be used or omitted at the option of the encampment, and, if used, the emblems may be illustrated by banners, charts, projectors, or other presentation consistent with the ritualistic work. The candidate may be seated during the presentation.
Chief Patriarch:
Junior Warden, conduct the candidate to the High Priest for further instruction.
Junior Warden:
High Priest, by direction of the Chief Patriarch, I present to you Patriarch … for further instruction.
High Priest:
Patriarch, I will now instruct you in the significance of the emblems belonging to the Patriarchal Order.
Three Pillars. The Three Pillars represent Faith, Hope and Charity; but the greatest of these is Charity. Although we may possess all other virtues, if we are destitute of charity we are but as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal. As symbols, the Three Pillars direct us to an enlightened faith in God, the Father of Spirits, the Maker and Preserver of the Universe, and impress upon us the importance of always wearing the mantle of Charity and Brotherly Love.
The Tent. The Patriarchs dwelt in tents, and esteemed hospitality as one of the greatest of virtues. To them costly mansions were not necessary to acts of humanity. The sympathizing heart will provide the cooling draught and shelter for the stranger in the humblest places of abode. Without it, they cannot be found within palace gates.
The Pilgrim’s Scrip, Sandals, and Staff. These emblems symbolize the journey of life. The Scrip to contain the food, the Sandals to protect the feet, and the Staff to support the wearied limbs. How much more important to make provision for a journey which begins in infancy, lasts through life and ends in death; for all beyond three-score years and ten are but labor and sorrow. We soon pass away and are gone; and be your journey long or short, let it be guided by wellregulated industry, perseverance in all good works, and an humble reliance upon God.
The Altar of Sacrifice. The Altar of Sacrifice symbolizes Faith in God and obedience to his commands, and implies that no sacrifice is too great for the creature to please the Creator. Self-denial and submission are constantly recurring events in a virtuous life, and when called upon you should not hesitate to sacrifice comfort and personal gratification upon the altar of duty.
The Tables of Stone, Crescent, and Cross, The Tables of Stone, the Crescent, and the Cross are symbols that signify, to an Odd Fellow, Universal Toleration. In works of humanity, all differences in politics, creeds, or worship should be forgotten. The Tables of Stone, with the moral law written upon them, present a common basis of worship and pure morality for all mankind. They teach that God is our Father, and we are Brothers. Let the Golden Rule prevail; whatsoever you would that men should do to you, do you even so to them.
The Altar of Incense. The Altar of incense reminds us of the crude altar of the patriarchs, and of the simplicity of that true worship which the Ruler of the Universe requires of His intelligent creatures; no costly oblation, no rendering of the fruit of the body for the sin of the soul but act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God. Therefore, if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there, rememberest that thy brother hath aught against thee, leave there thy gift before the altar and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift.
If the candidate has been seated, he must now rise.
High Priest:
Junior Warden, present the candidate to the Chief Patriarch.
Junior Warden:
Chief Patriarch, I present to you Patriarch ….
Chief Patriarch:
Junior Warden, you will now clothe our brother with a royal purple collar, emblematic of this degree.
Junior Warden advances to chair of Chief Patriarch, receives regalia from that officer, returns to center of floor, and places regalia upon the candidate.
Chief Patriarch:
Patriarch, in reaching this exalted position in our Order, you are now entitled to all the additional rights and privileges of the Patriarchal rank, and have assumed the additional obligations are connected therewith. Through the degrees you have received and the obligations that you have taken, you have been made acquainted with your duties to your brothers in the Order and to your fellow man. There is also a responsibility to the encampment. The progress and welfare of the encampment depends upon the members, who must support it by their attendance and the prompt payment of dues. All of us have the same rights, privileges and responsibilities. We trust that you will find much happiness in your membership.
Chief Patriarch calls up the encampment.
Chief Patriarch:
And now, in the name and by authority of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, I declare you duly exalted to the Royal Purple Degree. You are now entitled to seek the Patriarchs Militant Degree, whose members are mustered in cantons and are uniformed, providing a semi-military department our Order. We earnestly commend this degree to your attention.
Patriarchs, I now introduce and commend to you Patriarch … giving name in full as a member of the patriarchal family.
Chief Patriarch seats the encampment.
Junior Warden escorts candidate to a seat and then resumes his station.
Chief Patriarch seats the encampment.
