Zeta Beta Tau


The Initiation Ritual

The rush process, having adapted to better selectivity procedures, ends with the offering of bids for membership. Immediately upon the acceptance of those bids, new members are to be initiated (note the requirements on the completion of the necessary forms and fees - including the Four Year Loyalty Oath) for the ZBT Initiation Ritual.
While this is a momentous occasion in every ZBTs life-long membership in the Fraternity, the excitement of the moment may not permit an adequate forum for the true and deeper meaning of our beliefs and ideals to be understood. It is the ritual that we practice daily which forms the foundation for our lives as Brothers and as responsible members of society. A mere single exercise of the ritual does not, in and of itself, provide the basis for that life-long learning and practice.
In our Fraternity, ritual is not sacramental. It does not transform the participant· rather, it points the way - the way to Brotherhood.
Once a new member participates in the ritual for the first time, he is a full member of ZBT. The ritual provides us with challenges for the conduct of our lives. It is these principles which direct both the member development process and the challenges placed upon each Brother.
The Ritual of the Six Orders
The rituals of our Fraternity make demands on us. They show us what we must do if we are to be Brothers - one to another - and they cause us to promise to each other that we will willingly undertake those obligations. Our rituals are designed to insure that by the time of graduation, each Brother will understand what it takes to meet the challenges of Brotherhood.
The Ritual of the Six Orders elevates Brothers to Orders of achievement. They are the achievements of growing, maturing, responsible human beings.
A Brother begins with the first degree and having attained that accomplishment, moves on through the Orders, in succession. It is hoped that each Brother will strive to meet and satisfy the challenges of all six Orders by the time of his graduation. The challenges of a maturing Brother are captured in the names of our Orders;
A Brother may move through the sequence as quickly as he is able and as he demonstrates by word and deed that not only has he fulfilled his charge but that he lives his life toward a continuing commitment to the ideals and values of our Order.
In addition to these charges to our lives, each Brother has the obligation to study the history of our Fraternity, the fraternity movement, his university or college and the structure, organization and operation of his Chapter. This study should be completed prior to the end of the first semester of membership and before being admitted to the Order of Service.
The Ritual of the Six Orders should be performed as often as is necessary so that it recognizes the achievements of Brothers in a timely manner. Current thinking is that the ritual should be performed once toward the end of each semester thus providing an ample opportunity for each Brother's growth.
Additionally, this ritual which elevates Brothers to new levels of achievement provides a regular opportunity for all members of the Brotherhood to rededicate themselves to the ideals and values we hold dear.
The Graduation Ritual
The Graduation Ritual is designed to ceremoniously transfer a Brother's affiliation from his undergraduate active Chapter to his Alumni Chapter and to provide a forum for the public sharing of the significant role each graduating Brother has played in the life of the Chapter.
The ceremony should be performed at either the last regular Chapter meeting of each semester (assuming graduating seniors at that time), or at some special Chapter meeting called specifically for this purpose, or even at a banquet function held to honor the Chapter's graduating seniors. Since the Graduation Ritual does not contain any esoteric elements, it provides a wonderful opportunity for Brothers to share with non-brothers their personal experiences in what the Fraternity has meant to them.
The Mission of Ritual
Ritual is fundamentally a communications form. When the concepts are clearly presented and understood, they allow the individual to personally identify and subscribe to those concepts. The dignity of ceremony, well performed, validates the concepts. Ritual provides a structure for permissible human interaction that would not otherwise be accepted as a part of day-to-day life.
The Initiation Ritual
The Chapter is entrusted with the obligation to conform to the following rules which will enhance the significance of the ceremony:
1. Each participant should be thoroughly familiar with his part. Last minute substitutions detract from the proper presentation of this Ritual.
2. The CHAPLAJN shall insure that the audience is instructed in proper decorum: no food, drink or smoking, proper attire, silence.
3. A dress rehearsal is strongly recommended.
4. The CHAPLAIN is responsible for preparing the setting and staging and, with the assistance of the USHER, insuring that all present are in their proper places.
5. Every effort should be made to see that the setting is exactly as described. Where it is impossible to follow the directions to the letter, substitutions should be made as close to these directions as possible.
6. Every direction has been carefully conceived and much thought has been given to the dramatic effect on all those present.
7. The VICE PRESIDENT must have an alphabetical list of the full names of each of the CANDIDATES and be certain of the proper pronunciations.
8. Where those present are to repeat after the PRESIDENT, double slash marks / / are used to indicate places to pause.
9. When open flame candles are utilized, extreme caution should be exercised by all ritual participants. Care should be taken to insure that furnishings, articles of clothing, ritual robes and paraphernalia are not allowed to come into direct contact with candle flames. Dripless candles should always be used, candle holders must be used, paper hand guards must be used by participants who hand carry candles during the ceremony. Ritual robes should be made flame retardant. Your local fire department will be happy to spray the robes for you or recommend a commercial source.
10. The CHAPLAIN is responsible for the safeguarding as well as the proper storage and maintenance of all ritual materials and scripts.
11. No person may be initiated who has not taken part in a Pre-Initiation Meeting as prescribed in the Brotherhood Program. At the Meeting, CANDIDATES will be presented with a copy of the Initiation Examination (it may be in the form of our Minimum Membership Standards or the Four Year Loyalty Oath - all three commitments are equivalent). A CANDIDATE should not present himself for initiation unless he is prepared to subscribe to the Initiation Examination completely and without reservation.
12. The Brotherhood and the CANDIDATES should be dressed in coat and tie for all ritual events.
13. Initiations will almost always take place prior to receipt by the Chapter of the INITIATES' membership credentials. Resultingly, BIG BROTHERS should use their pins at the time of initiation and allow their LITTLE BROTHERS to wear them until their initiation credentials are received from the ZBT Office.
14. The USHER is responsible for the Order of Admission into the ritual chamber and for the chamber's security during the ceremony.
The Order of Admission:
A. The USHER allows the ritual team to enter the chamber, robe and take their places.
B. When the ritual team is in place, the USHER invites the MEMBERS of the Chapter into the chamber.
c. When the Chapter MEMBERS are at their places, the USHER invites the MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR to escort the CANDIDATES and their BIG BROTHERS into the chamber to their reserved places.
D. When all are in the chamber and at their respective places, the USHER closes the door(s) to the chamber and guards it during the ceremony from the outside.
Once the USHER has dosed the door, NO ONE is permitted to enter the chamber during the course of the ceremony.
15. The USHER is responsible for noting and protecting as "Reserved" the seats set aside for the INITIATES and their BIG BROTHERS.
Lighting, Audio-Visual Equipment and Props
1. The ritual chamber should be partially darkened. Remember, people will be moving about the room during the course of the ceremony. There should be enough light to insure safe transit Because the room will be darkened, and candles will be used, exits need to be clearly marked and kept clear for safe emergency passage.
2. All audio-visual equipment should be installed/placed so that power and speaker cords are either out of the way or securely taped to the appropriate surface.
3. Candles: Dripless candles should always be used, secure candle holders must be used, paper hand guards must be used by participants who carry candles during the ceremony.
A. candles lit when entering the ritual chamber:
1. On the head table:
a. Two in front of the PRESIDENT
1. Robes
C. Red robe for the CHAPLAIN
2. Tables and Chairs
A. Head table of sufficient length to comfortably seat the PRESIDENT, the VICE PRESIDENT, the CHAPLAIN, the TREASURER, the  SECRETARY, and the MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR. Ideally, the table should be on a riser. Six chairs should be placed behind the head table. The table should be draped in a. white cloth.
B: A row of chairs divided by a center aisle, but of sufficient number and total, to accommodate all of the CANDIDATES for initiation should be placed six feet or more from the head table and facing it. An equal number of chairs, placed in the same arrangement, should be set immediately behind the CANDIDATES' chairs. These chairs will be for the BIG BROTHERS.
C. The Chapter should sit in rows of chairs, divided by a center aisle, behind the CANDIDATES and their BIG BROTHERS.
3. Ritual Books: One for each participant, at least seven: six spoken parts plus the person handling the music.
4. The Chapter Membership Book on the head table.
S. Alphabetical list of CANDIDATES held by SECRETARY
6. Seven dripless candles and seven secure candle holders
7. A ZBT flag or banner
8. A tape recorder, record player, or cassette player with speakers and appropriate recorded ritual music.
9. Matches
10. Fraternity Pins. BIG BROTHERS should bring their Fraternity pins to the ceremony and give them .to their LITTLE BROTHERS at the appropriate time.
The Ceremony
See Instructions for the Order of Admission into the ritual chamber.
With the Chapter assembled in their appropriate places in the ritual chamber, the MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR escorts the CANDIDATES and their BIG BROTHERS into the ritual chamber and to their seats. The CANDIDATES' BIG BROTHERS will be seated behind the CANDIDATES. When the CANDIDATES are at their seats the MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR will instruct them to be seated.
Music fades out.
PRESIDENT: My Brothers, what are the watchwords of our Fraternity?
If the Chapter Members are uncertain of the appropriate response, the PRESIDENT may advise them that their answer is, "Justice and Brotherly Love.”
ASSEMBLAGE: Justice and Brotherly Love.
PRESIDENT: Justice and Brotherly Love are truly the watchwords of our Fraternity. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. And, what does the Lord require of us? To do justice, to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God.
Before we proceed further, I call upon our CHAPLAIN to invoke a heavenly blessing on this gathering. In so doing, we acknowledge again our belief in the Brotherhood of Man and the Fatherhood of God.
CHAPLAIN: Our Father, when you asked Cain, "where is your brother, Abel?" Cain replied, "Am I my brother's keeper?"
We confess that we, too, have, at times, denied our kinship to our fellow man.
We ask this day for Your special blessing on Your sons, those who have long been bound to one another by the pledges of fraternalism and those newly among us who are committing themselves this day. May we all be worthy of the promises given and received by each other.
We rejoice and are thankful that You have given us Brothers as companions, helpers and guides. We ask for strength and wisdom sufficient to be worthy of the gift of our Brothers. We ask, also, for the courage to keep our Brothers by helping them in need, confronting them in error and rejoicing in their health, prosperity and good fortune. Amen.
Music fade in, fade out.
MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR: Brother President and Brothers, it is my high honor and fraternal pleasure to present to you a candidate (several candidates) for initiation into our Fraternity. As I announce each name, I ask that the CANDIDATE rise and remain standing. They are: ….
At this point the MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR announces the names of each of the CANDIDATES. When he is finished, he continues: Brother PRESIDENT, they present themselves now for our examination.
PRESIDENT: Oh, CANDIDATES, I shall tell you why you have been chosen to be one of our Company. You were selected because the Brothers of Chapter of Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity deem you to be one of us in spirit and in the things which we seek in life. The judgment that you shared our values and that you and we would find mutual pride in association was made by each of us in our own heart and mind.
Before we proceed further, I am obliged to examine you on your intentions and good faith. If for any reason you cannot respond affirmatively to any of my questions, please advise your BIG BROTHER who will see you safely escorted from this chamber.
CANDIDATES, if you find that you can answer my questions affirmatively, please respond to each with, "I do."
1. Do you agree to study and master the ideals expressed in our rituals and further agree to make them a part of your life?
2. Do you agree to strive for academic achievement and to practice academic integrity?
3. Do you respect the dignity of all persons? Do you promise not to physically, mentally, psychologically or sexually abuse or haze any human being?
4. Do you promise to protect the health and safety of all human beings?
5. Do you respect your property and the property of others? Do you promise to neither abuse nor tolerate the abuse of property?
6. Do you agree to meet your financial obligations in a timely manner?
7. Do you agree not to use nor support the use of illegal drugs? Do you agree to neither abuse nor support the abuse of alcohol?
8. Do you acknowledge that a clean and attractive environment is essential to both physical and mental health? Do you agree to use all of your power to see that the Chapter property is properly cleaned and maintained?
9. Do you promise to challenge your Fraternity Brothers to abide by these fraternal expectations and do you promise to confront those who violate them?
CANDIDATES, please be seated.
MUSIC fade in/fade out.
PRESIDENT: Over our long history, tram our Founders down to modern times, Brothers have, from time to time, attempted to put into words our most significant beliefs.
In 1963, at our International Convention, a group of undergraduate Brothers gathered to share their frustrations and concerns over the then heavy societal attack on fraternities.
North America was on the verge of a great social upheaval and traditional student life was heavily criticized by new radical elements.
In response to these circumstances the assembled Brothers drafted and ultimately submitted to their fellow delegates a simple reaffirmation of what they believed to be a summary of the value of Fraternity. Their work is all the more special to us because it was not the result of elder and accomplished alumni, but rather the heartfelt expression of students.
Their statement has come to be known in our Fraternity as the "Credo of Zeta Beta Tau."
I now call upon our VICE PRESIDENT to share our Credo.
Listen closely to its words, return to it often, make it a regular part of your lives.
VICE PRESIDENT: We the members of Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity believe that the development of the individual as a responsible, mature member of society is the primary goal of the university today.
We believe that fraternity others to the university community a unique, desirable and successful means of achieving this goal.
In fulfilling the purposes of fraternity, we dedicate ourselves to the principles of:
INTELLECTUAL AWARENESS. Fraternity creates an atmosphere conducive to the expansion of the individual's intellectual horizons, the interchange of ideas within the academic community and the pursuit of scholastic excellence.
SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY. Fraternity requires the .individual to commit himself and accept his responsibility to participate.
INTEGRITY. Fraternity generates a standard of personal integrity -a framework for the individual to maintain honesty, exhibit loyalty and retain a sense of self-discipline.
BROTHERLY LOVE. Fraternity inspires and expresses the interrelation or the individual with his fellows his pride in the institution and respect for the wisdom or its tradition.
MUSIC fade in/fade out.
PRESIDENT: Oh CANDIDATES, as our Credo expresses our beliefs in words, so our elders have, tram time to time, provided us with signs and symbols that likewise express much of what we hold dear.
I now call upon the TREASURER of our Chapter to share with you the significance of some of those symbols.
TREASURER: The Fraternity's Crest holds special significance for us all. The design is composed about a heraldic shield with the Fraternity pin as its center and adornment. On either side of the shield hang the balanced censers: justice has always been an essential characteristic of our Fraternity and as you have already heard is a part of our watchwords.
Behind the shield is the facies with the axe and the torch representing, respectively, the individuals of the Fraternity bound together by common interests and unflinching truth.
Above the shield, is a mailed fist representing our determination to maintain the Fraternity's highest ideals.
Below the shield, in a folded ribbon, are the initials of our Fraternity and two symbols of special significance the clasped hands of friendship and the lamp of learning.
In the center of the shield is a replica of the Fraternity's pin but without the letters ZBT. In their place is a simple Greek temple. The Greek temple conveys to us the virtues first taught by that ancient civilization - values that have stood the test of time.
The pin of our Brotherhood is no less significant. It has the shape of a diamond whose four corners are joined, signifying that, although our Brethren may be scattered to the four corners of the earth, they remain united by the bonds of Fraternity - joined together even as the four corners of our pin.
The black field in the center of our pin represents the future with its uncertainties. The skull and crossbones remind us of the fate of those who have journeyed through life alone, denying friendship and avoiding the company of their fellow men.
Low on the horizon rises the six-pointed Star of Hope. That hope, born of comradeship and f1delity, lights our way forever.
The points of the Star are the lights of Service, Charity, Truth, Justice, Wisdom and Brotherhood.
Always treat this pin of our Brotherhood as a treasured possession.
The words of our Credo and the symbols of our Crest and pin are always kept fresh by the reminder of our handshake.
As our name is one of three words, so, too, is our grip one of three fingers. The CANDIDATES will stand and remain standing. The BIG BROTHERS will now instruct and demonstrate to the initiates the Fraternity's grip. The BIG BROTHERS will also place their Fraternity pin on their LITTLE BROTHERS.
BIG BROTHERS demonstrate the grip and place their Fraternity pins on their LITTLE BROTHERS, after which the CANDIDATES maintain their standing position facing the PRESIDENT. BIG BROTHERS are seated.
Initiations will almost always take place prior to receipt by the Chapter of the INITIATES' membership credentials. Resu1tingly, BIG BROTHERS should use their pins at the time of initiation and allow their LITTLE BROTHERS to wear them until their initiation credentials are received from the ZBT Office.
When the grip has been demonstrated and the CANDIDATES pinned, the TREASURER continues: CANDIDATES remain standing. BIG BROTHERS be seated.
MUSIC fade in/fade out.
PRESIDENT: Oh CANDIDATES, we have invited you to join our Order and you have accepted our invitation. We have examined you, here today, on your intentions and good faith and we have shared with you words, signs and symbols that hold historical and special meaning for our Brotherhood.
Upon our petition, this Chapter has been licensed by the Supreme Council of our Fraternity to initiate you into our Brotherhood. Therefore, by the power vested in me, as Chapter President, I now receive you as Brothers of Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity, and endow you with all the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of one of that rank.
From this day forward, you shall be mown as our Brothers. Your names are written with ours and the names of Brothers who have gone before in the records of Zeta Beta Tau. Our names will be joined by those of Brothers yet unknown.
New Brothers, as the SECRETARY calls your name, please come forward in turn, and at the SECRETARY'S direction, sign the Membership Book of our Chapter and thereby be enrolled.
After you have signed the Membership Book, return to your place and be seated.
The SECRETARY reads the names of the newly initiated Brothers in alphabetical order. As he does, each comes forward to the head table and signs the Chapter Membership Book. After he has signed the Membership Book, he returns to his chair and is seated.
MUSIC Fade in musical interlude during signing and presentation; then fade out.
PRESIDENT: May I ask all present to stand.
It is our tradition that at the reception of new Brothers we all reaffirm our allegiance to our Fraternity. Would all Brothers raise your right hand and repeat after me.
I swear (or affirm) before God and these witnesses / / to be ever responsible / / for the well being of my Brothers. / / Their problems will be my problems / / their wrong doings will be mine to challenge / / their joys will be mine to share. / / I swear (or affirm) that I renew this day / / the affirmative responses to my initiation examination. / / I swear (or affirm) that I shall so live my life / / as to bring honor and credit / / upon my Brothers / / myself / / and the Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity. / / So help me God / / and may he keep me steadfast. / /
You may lower your hands.
It ever your heart is heavy and you would lighten its burden, seek a Brother. Your Brother will give you comfort. He will strive to ease your pain. He will keep your secret even as he keeps his own. He will honor your labors as you respect his.
In life's dark hours, a Brother will always light your path.
If you are called upon to aid a Brother, do so gladly, for you have sworn to support him.
My Brothers, let us now form a circle, lock arms, sing our Fraternity Song and then welcome our new Brothers.
MUSIC fade in - music plays while new Brothers are being congratulated and all leave the ritual room - fade out.
The Ritual of the Six Orders
The Chapter is entrusted with the obligation to conform to the following rules which will enhance the significance of the ceremony;
1. Each participant should be thoroughly familiar with his part. Last minute substitutions detract from the proper presentation of this Ritual.
2. The CHAPLAIN shall insure that the audience is instructed in proper decorum: no food, drink or smoking, proper attire, silence.
3. A dress rehearsal is strongly recommended.
4. The CHAPLAIN is responsible for preparing the setting and staging and with the assistance of the USHER, insuring that all present are in their proper places.
5. Every effort should be made to see that the setting is exactly as described. Where it is impossible to follow the directions to the letter, substitutions should be made as close to these directions as possible.
6. Each PRECEPTOR shall have appropriate insignias for the INDUCTEES.
7. The SECRETARY shall have in his possession the appropriate certificates for the inductees.
8. The MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR must have an alphabetical list of the full names of each of the inductees and be certain of the proper pronunciations. The list should be organized such that there is a separate list for each Order.
9. Where participants are to repeat after the PRESIDENT, double slash marks / / are used to indicate places to pause.
10. When open flame candles are utilized, extreme caution should be exercised by all ritual participants. Care should be taken to insure that furnishings, articles of clothing, ritual robes and paraphernalia are not allowed to come into direct contact with candle flames. Dripless candles should always be used, candle holders must be used, paper hand guards must be used by participants who hand carry candles during the ceremony. Ritual robes should be made flame retardant. Your local fire department will be happy to spray the robes for you or recommend a commercial source.
11. The CHAPLAIN is responsible for the safeguarding as well as the proper storage and maintenance of all ritual materials and scripts.
12. The Brotherhood should be dressed in coat and tie for all ritual events.
13. If at the time of this ritual there are no eligible inductees for one or more of the Six Orders, then the precepts of those Orders will not be spoken. Instead, the robes appropriate for those PRECEPTORS will be draped on their appropriate chair with the legend showing. No candles will be illuminated at their stations.
14. The USHER is responsible for the Order of Admission into the ritual chamber and for the chamber's security during the ceremony.
The Order of Admission:
A The USHER allows the ritual team to enter the chamber, robe and take their places.
B. When the ritual team is standing in their places, the USHER invites the MEMBERS of the Chapter into the chamber. As he does so, he instructs them to take their places and remain
standing until instructed to be seated by the PRESIDENT.
C. When the Chapter MEMBERS are in the chamber, standing at their places, the USHER invites the INDUCTEES into the chamber and directs them to their reserved seats. He instructs them to remain standing until instructed to be seated by the PRESIDENT.
D. When all are in the chamber and standing at their respective places, the USHER closes the door(s) to the chamber and guards it during the ceremony from the outside.
Once the USHER has closed the door, NO ONE is permitted to enter the chamber during the course of the ceremony.
15. The USHER is responsible for noting and protecting as ''Reserved" seats set aside for the INDUCTEES.
Lighting, Audio-Visual Equipment and Props
1. The ritual chamber should be partially darkened. Remember, people will be moving about the room during the course of the ceremony. There should be enough light to insure safe transit, Because the room will be darkened, and candles will be used, exits need to be clearly marked and kept clear for safe emergency passage.
2. All audio-visual equipment should be installed/placed so that power and speaker cords are either out of the way or securely taped to the appropriate surface.
3. Candles: Dripless candles should always be used, secure candle holders must be used, paper hand guards must be used by participants who carry candles during the ceremony.
A Candles lit when entering the ritual chamber:
1. On the head table:
a. Two in front of PRESIDENT
b. One in front of TREASURER
c. One in front of SECRETARY
2. On the Alter:
a. Two on either side of the opened Bible
3. VICE PRESIDENT holding one lit candle
B. Candles to be lit during ceremony:
1. One on each PRECEPTOR'S table, lit by the VICE PRESIDENT in accordance with the ritual
1. Robes
B. Six black PRECEPTOR'S robes
D. Red robe for CHAPLAIN
2. Tables and Chairs
A Head table of sufficient length to comfortably seat PRESIDENT, TREASURER AND SECRETARY. Ideally the table should be on a riser. Three chairs should be placed behind the head table. The table should be draped in a white cloth.
B. Six small PRECEPTOR tables (cabaret tables or card tables) each draped in white with a chair behind each table.
C. A medium size table for use as the Alter (a student's desk size) draped in white.
D. Three chairs, one each for the VICE PRESIDENT, CHAPLAIN, and MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR placed at the opposite end of the room from the head table.
E. Straight rows of chairs for Chapter Members, lined up on either side of the room, behind the PRECEPTOR'S tables.
3. Ritual Books: One for each participant, at least 13: 12 spoken parts plus the person handling the music.
4. Bible on Alter
5. Chapter Membership Book on Head Table
6. Induction certificates held by the SECRETARY
7. Order insignia held by the respective PRECEPTORS
8. Alphabetical lists of INDUCTES by Order, held by SECRETARY
9. Fourteen dripless candles
10. Twelve secure candle holders
11. At lease two candle hand guards
12. One National Flag ( USA or Canadian) and one ZBT £lag, each on a separate flag pole with a stanchion
13. Tape recorder, record player, or cassette player with speakers and appropriate recorded ritual music
14. Matches
The Ceremony
Music prelude to ritual and during the entrance of the chapter, see Instructions for the Order of Admission into the ritual chamber.
When the Chapter and all participants are standing in their appropriate places in the ritual chamber, and the USHER has closed the door; the ceremony proceeds.
MUSIC fade out.
VICE PRESIDENT: Brother President and Brothers it is my high honor and fraternal pleasure to present to you several or our Brothers for induction into the Orders or our Fraternity. They have achieved the requirements ror entrance into their respective Orders and they now seek elevation to their proper rank.
MUSIC fade in/fade out.
PRESIDENT: My Brothers, what are the watchwords of our Fraternity?
If the Chapter Members are uncertain of the appropriate response, the PRESIDENT may advise them that their answer is, "Justice and Brotherly Love.”
ASSEMBLAGE: Justice and Brotherly Love.
PRESIDENT: Justice and Brotherly Love are truly the watchwords of our Fraternity. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. And what does the Lord require of us? To do justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with our God.
MUSIC fade in/fade out.
PRESIDENT: MyBrothers, welcome to this solemn investiture ceremony. We are gathered here to honor those among us who have achieved much in accordance with the things for which we stand. Their accomplishments add luster to the name of our Fraternity.
What they have achieved insures their right to serve as our counselors and our judges. Our University, our community, our Fraternity is enriched by their example as they strive to become the best of what college manhood is capable.
We honor them because they have honored the great truths and simple certainties of all civilized men. Before we invest them with their new rank, it is appropriate that we remind ourselves of those simple truths.
As such, I would ask the CHAPLAIN to offer an invocation to the Author or Brotherhood.
Following the invocation, please remain standing.
The CHAPLAIN moves from his seat to the alter and offers the following prayer. When he is finished, he returns to his place and remains standing.
CHAPLAIN: Our Father, when you asked Cain, "where is your brother, Abel?" Cain replied, "Am I my brother's keeper?" We confess that we, too, have, at times, denied our kinship to our fellow man.
We ask this day for Your special blessing on Your sons, who are here to be honored by us. Their lives prove that they have accepted responsibility for their Brothers.
We rejoice and are thankful that You have given us Brothers as companions, helpers and guides. We ask for strength and wisdom sufficient to be worthy of the gift of our Brothers. We ask, also, for the courage to keep our Brothers by helping them in need, confronting them in error and rejoicing in their health, prosperity and good fortune. Amen.
CHAPLAIN returns to his place and remains standing.
MUSIC fade in/fade out.
PRESIDENT: The Companions of our Orders not only recognize the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man, but are also loyal sons of their native land. let us, therefore, now pledge our allegiance to our Country by reciting the pledge to the flag.
I call upon the TREASURER to lead us in the pledge.
The TREASURER moves from his seat and stands a few paces in front of the National Colors, places his hand on his heart, and leads the assemblage in the recitation of the pledge of allegiance. Upon conclusion, he returns to his seat.
TREASURER: Brothers, join me, in the pledge to our Flag.
I pledge allegiance to the Flag,
Of the United States of America ,
And to the Republic for which it stands,
One Nation, under God, indivisible
With justice and liberty for all.
PRESIDENT: Brothers, please be seated.
MUSIC fade in/fade out.
PRESIDENT: My Brothers, we are now ready to elevate and invest worthy men to the rank and honor to which they are entitled.
It is not so much what we do but rather what they have done that gives them distinction. They honor us by their good works.
The PRESIDENT moves through each of the Order Ceremonies as noted below and as there are CANDIDATES for induction. If there are no CANDIDATES for induction for a particular
Order(s), the PRESIDENT skips over that Order and moves on to the next Order for which there are CANDIDATES for induction.
The Orders
Order of Service Ceremony
PRESIDENT: I now charge the SECRETARY to announce to us all, the INDUCTEES to our first degree, the Order of Service. As your names are called, please rise and move to the center of the room forming a semi-circle facing the MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR.
The MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR, carrying a lit candle, rises from his chair and moves to a spot midway between his chair and the Alter.
The SECRETARY then calls out the names of the INDUCTEES to the Order of Service. The INDUCTEES come forward and form a semi-circle in front of the MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR. When they all are in place, the MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR taps each INDUCTEE, in turn, ceremonially on the left shoulder three times. When the MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR is finished, he returns and takes his seat.
The VICE PRESIDENT, carrying a lit candle, approaches the INDUCTEES. He instructs them as follows: INDUCTEES, you will follow me to the Station of your induction.
The VICE PRESIDENT then leads the INDUCTEES to the PRECEPTOR OF SERVICE, fanning a semi-circle in front of the PRECEPTOR'S table. When in place, the VICE PRESIDENT lights the candle on the PRECEPTOR'S table and stands beside the PRECEPTOR facing the INDUCTEES.
SERVICE: Service is a bridge from man to man. By giving aid, comfort, or companionship to others, your bridges grow in number.
And remember, Brothers, your bridges will carry back to you the good will, the esteem, the aid and the affection of your Brothers.
Nature makes us all interdependent. Look for the chance to do something for others. Service is the lifeline to your fellow man. No pain or grief or misfortune of one's own gives reason for cutting that lifeline while the power to serve still remains.
Cultivate the habit of service. Exclude it from your life and you will stand alone, shrunken into the narrow limits of your own frame and senses. Make service a part of your nature, and it will make you strong. a man among men.
Cultivate the habit of Service, my friends, always.
MUSIC fade in, play during the presentation of the insignias/fade out.
When the PRECEPTOR has completed his address, he places the insignia of the Order of Service on each INDUCTEE.
When ail the INDUCTEES have been presented with their insignias, the VICE PRESIDENT says: Companions of the Order of Service, please return to your seats.
The Vice President returns to his seat and remains standing.
Order of Charity Ceremony
PRESIDENT: I now charge the SECRETARY to announce to us all the INDUCTEES to our second degree, the Order of Charity. As your names are called, please rise and move to the center of the room, forming a semi-circle facing the MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR.
The MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR, carrying a lit candle, rises from his chair and moves to a spot midway between his chair and the Alter.
The SECRETARY then calls out the names of the INDUCTEES to the Order of Charity. The INDUCTEES come forward and form a semi-circle in front of the MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR. When they are all in place, the MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR taps each INDUCTEE, in turn, ceremonially on the left shoulder three times.
When the MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR is finished, he returns and takes his seat.
The VICE PRESIDENT, carrying a lit candle, approaches the INDUCTEES. He instructs them as follows: INDUCI'EES, you will follow me to the Station or your induction.
The VICE PRESIDENT then leads the INDUCTEES to the Preceptor of Charity, forming a semi-circle in front of the PRECEPTOR'S table. When in place, the VICE PRESIDENT lights the candle on the PRECEPTOR'S table and stands beside the PRECEPTOR facing the INDUCTEES.
CHARITY: Charity is not confined to the mere giving of alms. For in the broadest sense, all men may be said to be in need. Charity is the positive action growing out of compassion for the need and misfortune of others.
It has been said that you shall not wait until the camel is upon his knees before you ease his burden. To help a man before he must call for your charity is charity in its most noble form.
Charity is sympathy in action. Sympathy! It is the touchstone of every secret, the key to human understanding, the "open sesame" to all hearts. In gratitude tor the gift of life, we should share that gift with others. The only true gift is a portion of oneself.
We give of ourselves when we give gifts of the heart, the mind, the spirit, and the gift of time shared. The finest gift a man can give to his age and time is the gift of a constructive and creative life.
Be thou Charitable, my friends, always.
MUSIC fade in, play during the presentation of insignias. fade out.
When the PRECEPTOR has completed his address, he places the insignia of the Order of Charity on each INDUCTEE.
When all of the INDUCTEES have been presented with their insignias, the VICE PRESIDENT says: Companions of the Order of Charity, please return to your seats.
The VICE PRESIDENT returns to his seat and remains standing
Order of Truth Ceremony
PRESIDENT:  I now charge the SECRETARY to announce to us all the INDUCTEES to our third degree, the Order of Truth. As your names are called, please rise and move to the center of the room, forming a semi-circle facing the MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR.
The MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR, carrying a lit candle, rises from his chair and moves to a spot midway between his chair and the Alter.
The SECRETARY then calls out the names of the INDUCTEES to the Order of Truth. The INDUCTEES come forward and form a semicircle in front of the MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR. When they are all in place, the MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR taps each INDUCTEE, in turn, ceremonially on the left shoulder three times. When the MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR is finished, he returns and takes his seat.
The VICE PRESIDENT, carrying a lit candle, approaches the INDUCTEES. He instructs them as follows: INDUCTEES, you will follow me to the Station or your induction.
The VICE PRESIDENT then leads the INDUCTEES to the PRECEPTOR OF TRUTH, forming a semi-circle in front of the PRECEPTOR'S table. When in place, the VICE PRESIDENT lights the candle on the PRECEPTOR'S table and stands beside the PRECEPTOR facing the INDUCTEES.
TRUTH: There is nothing as powerful as Truth. It is the death knell of tyranny and the battle cry of freedom. Though the burning flame of Truth is often eclipsed, it is never extinguished. Truth may be submerged for a time, but it will rise above falsehood as oil rises above water. The words or Truth are simple, but a false tale needs a long preamble. There is no vice which so covers a man with contempt and shame as to be found false and unworthy of trust. There is no virtue which so clothes a man with respect and admiration as to be found truthful and honest.
Advocate and defend the Truth, my friends, always.
MUSIC fade in, play during the presentation of insignias, fade out.
When the PRECEPTOR has completed his address, he places the insignia of the Order of Truth on each INDUCTEE.
When all of the INDUCTEES have been presented with their insignias, the VICE PRESIDENT says: Companions of the Order of Truth, please return to your seats.
The VICE PRESIDENT returns to his seat and remains standing.
Order of Justice Ceremony
PRESIDENT: I now charge the SECRETARY to announce to us all the INDUCTEES to our fourth degree, the Order of Justice. As your names are called, please rise and move to the center of the room, forming a semi-circle facing the MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR.
The MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR, carrying a lit candle, rises from his chair and moves to a spot midway between his chair and the Alter.
The SECRETARY then calls out the names of the INDUCTEES to the Order of Justice. The INDUCTEES come forward and form a semi-circle in front of the MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR When they are all in place, the MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR taps each INDUCTEE, in turn, ceremonially on the left shoulder three times.
When the MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR is finished, he returns and takes his seat.
The VICE PRESIDENT, carrying a lit candle, approaches the INDUCTEES. He instructs them as follows: INDUCTEES, you will follow me to the Station of your induction.
The VICE PRESIDENT then leads the INDUCTEES to the PRECEPTOR OF JUSTICE, forming a semi-circle in front of the PRECEPTOR'S table. When in place, the VICE PRESIDENT lights the candle on the PRECEPTOR'S table and stands beside the PRECEPTOR facing the INDUCTEES.
JUSTICE: Justice is a steady and unceasing disposition to render to every man his due. It is the foundation stone upon which rests the entire structure of civilized human relations. Without it, the moral world would sink into chaos.
We are born with an embryonic sense of Justice. But essentially it is developed as we grow in stature as civilized human beings.
Justice is the aim and goal of all systems of law. The closer the system approaches the ideals of justice, the higher is its station and value.
Justice includes justice to oneself as well as to others. It means insisting upon one's rights in the face of attempted wrongdoing by another.
The stability and value of any society depends on the degree and quality of justice which its members practice and defend.
A man that ignores the principles of justice, and on the contrary, pursues a plan of deliberate injustice, carries the seed of self-destruction and oblivion. A man that is imbued with a sense of Justice carries the seed or progress and is of ultimate benefit to humanity.
Do Justice and see Justice done, my friends, always.
MUSIC fade in, play during the presentation of insignias, fade out.
When the PRECEPTOR has completed his address, he places the insignia of the Order of Justice on each INDUCTEE.
When all of the INDUCTEES have been presented with their insignias, the VICE PRESIDENT says: Companions of the Order of Justice, please return to your seats.
The VICE PRESIDENT returns to his seat and remains standing.
Order of Wisdom Ceremony
PRESIDENT: I now charge the SECRETARY to announce to us all the INDUCTEES to our fifth degree, the Order of Wisdom. As your names are called, please rise and move to the center of the room, forming a semi-circle facing the MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR.
The MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR, carrying a lit candle, rises from his chair and moves to a spot midway between his chair and the Alter.
The SECRETARY then calls out the names of the INDUCTEES to the Order of Wisdom: The INDUCTEES come forward and form a semi-circle in front of the MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR When they are all in place, the MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR taps each INDUCTEE, in turn, ceremonially on the left shoulder three times.
When the MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR is finished, he returns and takes his seat.
The VICE PRESIDENT, carrying a lit candle, approaches the INDUCTEES. He instructs them as follows: INDUCTEES, you will Callow me to the Station of your induction.
The VICE PRESIDENT then leads the INDUCTEES to the PRECEPTOR OF WISDOM, forming a semi-circle in front of the PRECEPTOR'S table. When in place, the VICE PRESIDENT lights the candle on the PRECEPTOR'S table and stands beside the PRECEPTOR facing the INDUCTEES.
WISDOM: It has been said that he is wise who learns from every man.
Wisdom consists of the fullest application of one's knowledge, talents, and understanding to the pursuits of life. It is knowing what can be done and what should be done, tempered by what virtue and conscience dictate ought to be done.
Wisdom requires knowledge and discretion, but, above all, it requires understanding. Wisdom is the art of knowing what things are important and what things matter not.
As a rock is not shaken by the wind, wise people falter not amidst blame and praise.
Seek Wisdom, my friends, always.
MUSIC fade in, play during the presentation of insignias, fade out.
When the PRECEPTOR has completed his address, he places the insignia of the Order of Wisdom on each INDUCTEE.
When all of the INDUCTEES have been presented with their insignias, the VICE PRESIDENT says: Companions of the Order of Wisdom, please return to your seats.
The VICE PRESIDENT returns to his seat and remains standing.
Order of Brotherhood Ceremony
PRESIDENT: I now charge the SECRETARY to announce to us all the INDUCTEES to our sixth degree, the Order or Brotherhood. As your names are called, please rise and move to the center of the room, forming a semi-circle facing the MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR.
The MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR, carrying a lit candle, rises from his chair and moves to a spot midway between his chair and the Alter.
The SECRETARY then calls out the names of the INDUCTEES to the Order of Brotherhood. The INDUCTEES come forward and form a semi-circle in front of the MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR. When they are all in place, the MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR taps each INDUCTEE, in turn, ceremonially on the left shoulder three times.
When the MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR is finished, he returns to his chair, extinguishes his candle, and is seated.
The VICE PRESIDENT, carrying a lit candle, approaches the .INDUCTEES. He instructs them as follows: .INDUCTEES, you will follow me to the Station of your induction.
The VICE PRESIDENT then leads the INDUCTEES to the PRECEPTOR OF BROTHERHOOD, forming a semi-circle in front of the PRECEPTOR'S table. When in place, the VICE PRESIDENT lights the candle on the PRECEPTOR'S table and stands beside the PRECEPTOR facing the INDUCTEES.
BROTHERHOOD: Brotherhood is the antithesis of bigotry and intolerance. It's essence is human understanding and a respect for the dignity of man. Bigotry has no head and cannot think, no heart and cannot feel. Judge no man by his creed, class, color, or station in life, but by himself alone.
Your Brother guards your Interests as his own. He neither flatters nor deceives. He gives praise to your good deeds, and equally condemns your bad acts.
Your Brother is he who understands your silence; is true to himself and therefore to you.
You will find in the heart of your fellow man the reflection of your own image. The spirit of Brotherhood flows deep in the springs of our democratic heritage. In the broadest sense, the recognition or the inherent dignity of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world.
Brotherhood is the strongest weapon of democracy. It is the golden thread in the fabric of peace.
"The crest and crowning of all good,
Life's final star, is Brotherhood."
Live in a spirit of Brotherhood, my friends, always.
MUSIC fade in, play during the presentation of insignias, fade out.
When the PRECEPTOR has completed his address, he places the insignia of the Order of Brotherhood on each INDUCTEE.
When all of the INDUCTEES have been presented with their insignias, the VICE PRESIDENT says: Companions of the Order of Brotherhood, please return to your seats.
The VICE PRESIDENT returns to his seat, extinguishes his candle, and is seated.
Resumption of Ritual
PRESIDENT: Will the PRECEPTORS of the Six Orders please rise. My friends and my Brothers, you have been twice fortunate in what you have just experienced. The PRECEPTORS of our ORDERS have shared with you the wisdom of your degree, the essential truth of your Order. But, equally as important, you have progressed further on your journey to the City of Righteousness . Look around you and see that City. A City that is now illuminated by six bright shinning candles. The City of Righteousness is the hoped for destination of all men of good will and the native land of true Brothers.
In the name of all who wear our pin, I charge you with the solemn responsibility to live by the precepts of your Order and to teach others to do so. If there be any hypocrisy in your commitment to your Order, you will shame not only yourself but those of us who surround you here this day.
PRECEPTORS, you may be seated.
I now call upon the SECRETARY, once again, to announce the name of each Brother and the Order into which he has been inducted. As each name is read, please come forward and receive your credentials. After you have received your credentials, return to your place and be seated.
The SECRETARY should have the items organized for easy presentation, handing the correct materials to the PRESIDENT at the appropriate time.
The SECRETARY reads out the names of the INDUCTEES for each Order, starting with the Order of Service and continuing in sequence to the Order of Brotherhood. Before beginning each Order, he announces "Companions of the Order of Service." Etc; etc.
MUSIC fade in, play softly during the presentation of the credentials, fade out.
The PRESIDENT remains seated until he has completed the Resolution at the end of the section that follows. He then stands with the rest of the ASSEMBLAGE and remains standing through his pronouncement of "Amen." He resumes his seat when he instructs others to "Please be seated.”
PRESIDENT: My Brothers, although fraternity is a celebration of life it is fitting that as men who have pledged to help one another, we should pause, from time to time, to remember our Brethren who have passed to the Chapter Eternal.
They were once as we are today - living, laughing, and loving one another. The quality of their commitment to each other as school boys and the lifelong devotion of many of them to ZBT permits us to be here today. They represent our link to our Founders. It is fitting that we remember them now.
Rise, please and honor their memory and our heritage by a moment of silence, each in his own heart, pledging, once again, to do our individual part to insure that we will pass our Brotherhood on to a new generation.
The PRESIDENT pauses to allow all to rise, then continues: We resolve to remember them. Though mostly unknown to us in person, we share a sense of loss at the passing of true and loyal Brothers.
MUSIC fde in, plays softly during moment of silence and for a brief period following the Amen, fade out.
All remain silent for a moment. The PRESIDENT signals the end of the Memorial by saying, "Amen." he then says: Amen.
Please be seated.
My Brothers, we now behold the 'City of Righteousness .' From each of these candles emanates a glow of friendly warmth, of kindly light. They are the lights of Service, Charity, Truth, Wisdom, Justice, and Brotherhood. As the stars shine forth to illuminate the heavens, so must these lights of man's character shine forth to illuminate our lives.
To understand the hearts and minds of our Founders, when they committed themselves to the creation of a new Brotherhood, we must hear the text that they heard, and that they used, as the foundation for what they created.
It is important to note that they drew not upon their own inspiration, but were inspired, instead, by the promise of the Prophet Isaiah, whose prophecy has ever been held dear by those who believe in the possibility of a more perfect world.
Therefore, I call upon our CHAPLAIN to share with us once again that greatest of prophecies - the justification for the commitments we make and for our hope of true Brotherhood among all men.
The CHAPLAIN goes from his sear to the Alter. The Bible is opened to Isaiah, Chapter 1, Verses 24 through 27. He reads the passage from the ritualbook. The translation of this passage may differ from text to text. After the reading, he returns to his seat.
Therefore, says the Lord, the Lord of Hosts,
The Mighty One or Israel ,
I will console Myself from My adversaries,
And I will avenge Myself of My enemies.
And I will turn My hand upon you,
And purge away your falsehood,
And will take away all of your impurities;
I will restore your judges as at the first,
And your counselors as at the beginning;
Afterwards, you shall be called the City of Righteousness ,
The faithful city.
Zion shall be redeemed with justice,
And they that return to her with righteousness.
The CHAPLAIN is seated.
PRESIDENT: The Greek letters, Zeta Beta Tau, represent the Hebrew of Isaiah, which we have translated into English, " Zion shall be redeemed with justice."
Isaiah's prophecy was adopted by our Founders as the name of our Fraternity.
These words of Isaiah bring to all mankind the promise of Zion : namely, that redemption may be found through moral excellence. The Prophet teaches us that a better world is dependent upon the lives we live.
Our pilgrimage to the City of Righteousness is a lifelong journey. It is here and now, however, that we pledge to each other to make a beginning. Although the journey will be difficult, it is marked for us by the milestones of Service, Charity, Truth, Justice, Wisdom, and Brotherhood.
Those who travel on this pilgrimage with us may be known, if in doubt to each other, by our password. The password is composed of the first letters of the first names of the founders of Phi Epsilon Pi. It is the one method of recognition between Brothers which no outsider can secure. The password is given in the form of a charge or challenge and the words are never to be used together. Thus, the first part of the password, is a challenge, and the second part of the password is a response spoken by the person who is challenged.
Let me demonstrate.
The PRESIDENT faces the Chapter and issues the challenge to the Chapter: AWA.
The CHAPTER responds, in unison, to the challenge with: MASA.
After the charge and response is given, the SECRETARY and PRESIDENT exchange the Fraternity grip.
The PRESIDENT and the SECRETARYare then seated and the PRESIDENT continues: Although we have done it here for demonstration purposes, in a real encounter, the parts of the password are never spoken aloud but are always whispered.
In fact, the password is rarely used. In my own experience as an officer of the Chapter, I have rarely, if ever, used the password other than at ceremonies such as this. It is to be used only as a final method of recognition of a stranger when all other methods have definitely failed to establish the fraternal identity of that stranger.
Recognize him who gives it as a Brother. If he is in need, help him. God divided man into men that they might help one another.
My Brothers, as it is our custom, at such ceremonies, I ask all to stand, raise your right hand, and repeat the oath of rededication.
Brother CHAPLAIN, please approach the Alter, and on our behalf place your left hand upon the Sacred Scripture of Isaiah, and lead us in the oath of rededication.
The CHAPLAIN moves to the Alter, places his left hand on the open Bible, and leads the Chapter in the oath: Following the oath, he remains at the alter to offer the benediction: Brothers, raise you right hand and repeat after me: I swear (or affirm) before God and my Brothers / / to rededicate myself to the precepts of our Fraternity. / /
I also swear (or affirm) to carry out to the best of my ability / / its aims, ideals, and aspirations. / /
I swear (or affirm) that I will always stand ready / / to help a Brother in need. / / To confront him when he is in error / / and to rejoice with him / / in his health, happiness, and good fortune. / /
I swear (or affirm) to keep close to my heart / / the prophecy of Isaiah / / and to continue my pilgrimage to the City of Righteousness . / /
I further swear (or affirm) that I will at all times / / conduct myself so as to reflect honor / / upon my country / / upon my university / / and upon the Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity. / / So help me God / / and may he keep me steadfast. / /
You may lower your hands and remain standing.
PRESIDENT: Brother CHAPLAIN, will you give us the benediction. Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!
CHAPLAIN: Our Father, as we leave this chamber, we ask that you send us forth into the world to do the work you have given us to do and that you will keep us safe and dose to each other until we convene again. Amen.
PRESIDENT: If ever your heart is heavy, and you would lighten its burden, seek a Brother. Your Brother will give you comfort. He will strive to ease your pain. He will keep your secret even as he keeps his own. He will honor your labors as you respect his. In life's dark hours, a Brother will always light your path.
If ever you are called upon to aid a Brother, do so gladly, for you have sworn to support him.
My Brothers, let us form, a circle, lock arms and sing our Fraternity song.
The Brothers move from their seats and form a circle with linked arms and sing "Here's to Our Fraternity."
Brothers, we stand adjourned.
MUSIC fade in - play while Brothers leave the ritual room - fade out.
