Delta Chi Fraternity
Associate Member Ceremony


A. The associate member(s) must be impressed with the fact:
1. That he has made a final selection of a group with which he wants to become affiliated for life.
2. That formal recognition of his first step in Delta Chi is in order.
B. Other groups must have means of recognizing that he has made a choice, and they should cease rushing him.
C. Most important of all, the Associate Member Ceremony must cover four important points:
1. Obligations of the associate member to the Fraternity.
2. Explanation of the symbolism of the pin.
3. Presentation of the pin and Cornerstone.
4. Responsibility of the Fraternity to the associate member.
D. All members (actives) should wear their Fraternity badge during this ceremony.
E. Everyone should have to wear a coat and tie for this solemn event.
F. Each associate member is to keep his pin and copy of the Cornerstone.
G. Associate member(s) should walk in at a normal pace or gather in the designated area prior to the start of the ceremony.
H. Parents should be invited to this ceremony.
I. The “A” and Associate Member Counselor should wear a white carnation.
As soon as possible after the candidate has indicated his desire to become an associate member of Delta Chi, he should be invited to meet at the chapter with the members. However, the Ceremony should be held no less than once a term and no more frequently than once a month. A large scale reproduction of the pin should be displayed. If there are a considerable number of associate members they may be given this ceremony in a group. In this case they should be assembled in the front of the room with the members of the chapter in the background. Have the necessary number of pins and Cornerstones available.
Associate Member Ceremony
 “A”: Our chapter has been favorably impressed with you and your Apparent potential as a member of the Delta Chi fraternity. We Believe you have the same qualities of character which we admire And promote in our chapter.
It is my privilege to assist you in taking your first formal step towards membership in our fraternity. This ceremony will make you An associate member in the Delta Chi fraternity.
There is threefold obligation which you must take before becoming an associate member. It is the same obligation which many other men of Delta Chi have taken before you. This oath contains nothing which will conflict with any duty you owe to your god, country, family or moral integrity.
With this understanding, is it your desire that we proceed with this Ceremony?
Associate member(s): It is.
 “C” : The following men are to become associate members in the Delta Chi Fraternity: ….
Associate Member Counselor: In concert with the Delta Chi Fraternity, our chapter has an
associate member program designed:
• to prepare associate members for full and committed undergraduate membership in Delta Chi.
• to inspire undergraduate men to participate in Delta Chi.
• to develop a commitment to the philosophy of involved Delta Chi membership.
• to encourage our associate members to progress through college as initiated members and officers in our chapter and ultimately become loyal alumni, participating in the affairs of our fraternity.
• to ensure the richness of fraternity realized from ‘personal growth through brotherhood.’
• to ensure an enduring fraternity for posterity.
• to assist the associate members in better developing their individual potential and ultimate contribution to society.
“A”: The … will now administer the statement of your allegiance to our fraternity.
A distinguished Delta Chi alumnus, local successful businessman, or dean, etc., should do this. If none are available then the Associate Member Counselor should be asked to administer this oath.
Alumnus or Associate Member Counselor: Raise your right hand, say ‘I’, pronounce your name, and repeat after me:
I, …, vow on my word of honor,/ as an associate member in the Delta Chi Fraternity,/ to keep inviolate/ the secrets of Delta Chi./ I promise to accept and uphold/ my responsibilities as an associate member in Delta Chi./ I will conduct myself with honor/ and as a gentleman/ so as to reflect credit upon myself/ and esteem upon my associates./ this threefold obligation/ will be my constant thought/ until i have gained sufficient knowledge/ to be initiated into full membership/ as a brother in the bond of Delta Chi.
Thank you - you may now lower your right hand.
“F”: I am witness to the obligation taken by this (these) candidate(s).
“A”: The associate member counselor will now disclose the symbolism of our associate member pin: note that the pin forms a perfect triangle, as you wear it, the pin should be a constant reminder of this ceremony and of your three-fold obligation.
Associate Member Counselor (the “B” assists by indicating, in turn, the three equal apexes of the triangle: This first point on the triangle symbolizes your promise to keep our secrets as they are revealed to you from time to time as you realize personal growth through brotherhood in Delta Chi.
The second point represents your responsibility to the fraternity, both morally and financially. This obligation accepted by both associate and initiate members alike, is essential if true lifetime brotherhood in Delta Chi is to be achieved.
This third point on the triangle symbolizes your promise to continue to conduct yourself as a gentleman with honor, integrity, and courage.
The white enamel on the pin stands for the purity of purpose, the unselfishness, with which you approach our brotherhood.
The red enamel typifies your courage to accept the responsibilities as an associate member in Delta Chi.
Associate Member Counselor: The black enamel represents the mysteries and secrets of true brotherhood which you seek to obtain in Delta Chi.
The golden letters symbolize your integrity, your sense of honesty and justice, and all other worthwhile qualities of character upon which your membership in Delta Chi will be built.
The triangular rim of the pin symbolizes Delta, the first letter of the Greek word, dios, meaning god. May he be your constant companion and greatest inspiration in making the most of your talents and life in the service to your fellow man through the promotion of justice.
The Chi is the first letter of the Greek word xaris meaning love - love of your fellow man - the most potent driving force in life.
“A”: You, the associate member counselor and your Big Brother have stood here with me, exemplifying that Delta Chi stands with you always, to help build your character, to strengthen your courage and to give you constant assurance of her care, her protection, and her fellowship. The pin of Delta Chi may now be placed on your lapel by your Big Brother.
The Big Brother or associate member counselor places the pin on the lapel of the associate member(s). When this has been completed, the “A” continues:
“A”: This pin which you have received is for you to wear proudly – so that the world may know of your affiliation – and symbolizes your first step in your lifetime of brotherhood in Delta Chi.
“B”: The cornerstone will now be presented to you by your Big Brother pause here while the cornerstone is presented to each associate member. This cornerstone is for you to use while you are an undergraduate and to keep as an alumnus:
• to be a collection of the many facts and traditions of Delta Chi.
• to enhance your fraternal experience.
• to be a significant influence in establishing your professional and ethical philosophy.
• to assist Delta Chi in becoming a meaningful and beneficial experience which enhances your ‘personal growth through brotherhood’.
• to strengthen the continuing bond of lifetime brotherhood.
“B”: Membership in Delta Chi precludes membership in any other college social fraternity.
The preamble to our constitution reminds us of our purpose. It states: we, the members of the Delta Chi fraternity, believing that great advantages are to be derived from a brotherhood of college and university men, appreciating that close association may promote friendship, develop character, advance justice, and assist in the acquisition of a sound education, do ordain and establish this constitution.”
“A”: Now, to conclude this ceremony, let us all sing the bond song of the Delta Chi fraternity.
Use the Delta Chi song tape which is available from the international headquarters to help in
singing. Everyone sings.
“A”: Would the members now join me in welcoming our new associate members(s) into Delta Chi – brotherhood of a lifetime.
The “A”, Big Brother, Associate Member Counselor, and the members of the chapter shake the hand(s) of the associate member(s).
