Order of Eagles
Back in 1898 in Seattle, Washington, a small group of theater owners met
to form a fun organization.
They called it the
“Seattle Order of Good Things.” A few years after its inception, the order
chose the eagle as its symbol, calling itself the Fraternal Order of Eagles.
In time, the fun orientation of the FOE became less pronounced, and the society
shifted its emphasis to fraternal service. The order, however, still has fun too.
It has drill teams and bands and in some localities participates in public
parades with a motorcycle contingent. The fun spirit also manifests itself in
the numerous Eagle clubs, where bowling, billiards, and beer are available.
One of
the Eagles’ publications expresses the change in the following words: “In
line with modern needs and up-to-date procedures, the colorful regalia trappings
of yesterday are no longer. Gone, too, is the secret password, the roughhouse
initiation.” Still another Eagle publication says: “The emphasis has shifted
from solely recreation to a more balanced program of fun and fraternal
activities of wide scope. The accent now is no longer on secrecy but rather on
The change in the Eagles’ objectives from fun to more of a service posture
also showed itself in the order’s offering its members life insurance. In
1927, however, it was decided not to sell regular life insurance any longer, but
rather to make available sick and funeral benefits for those who desired to pay
somewhat higher membership fees. As a result, the FOE has two categories of
memberships, beneficial and non-beneficial.
service orientation of the FOE has not been confined to its own members. In 1941
the order donated funds for the construction of a dormitory at Boys Town, Omaha,
Nebraska. A few years after the Boys Town contribution, the society built Eagle
Hall at Home on the Range for Boys, Sentinel Butte, North Dakota. High Girls
Ranch near Midland, Texas, has also received a dormitory from the FOE. With the
establishment of the Eagles’ Memorial Foundation in 1946, the order has
regularly given financial assistance to various medical research projects. In
recent years the FOE has joined the environmental ecologists by lending strong
support to the efforts to protect the bald eagle from extinction. It has also
lent its influence to save the golden eagles as well.
since Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal, the FOE has been actively engaged in
promoting social legislation. The order has furthered the cause of workmen’s
compensation, mother’s pensions, old-age pensions, and the Social Security
system. In the 1980s the society was contending for citizens to be able to work
beyond age sixty-five. It is also trying to get the federal authorities to
return the Social Security system to its original purpose, and to secure the
integrity of the Old Age and Survivors Trust Fund. An article in the January
1979 issue of the order’s bimonthly periodical, Eagle, clearly showed the
Eagles’ sentiments relative to senior citizens. The article was entitled:
“Freedom from Want for Senior Citizens.”
in 1959 the FOE began building a retirement home for elderly Eagle members.
Located in Bradenton, Florida, the home is part of Eagle Village, where other
facilities are available to the senior citizens. More recently the Eagles have
embarked on their “Hometown, U.S.A.” program, which seeks to make hometowns
better places to live. The “Home and Family” program, also a recent
undertaking, is designed to preserve and strengthen the American family.
Regarding membership eligibility, the FOE requires an applicant to believe in a
supreme being, be twenty-one years of age, possess a good character, not be a
Communist, and be a Caucasian. While the written requirements in recent years do
not formally bar nonwhites from joining the Eagles, the society has not really
welcomed them. Like most fraternal secret societies, the FOE employs the
ball-ballot system. This system makes it difficult for a nonwhite applicant to
gain admittance. Prejudiced members can easily cast blackballs as the voting on
new membership applications takes place. Thus while in theory a fraternal group
does not bar nonwhites, in practice the blackball method may keep the society
all-white for a long time.
The Milwaukee Journal (May 26, 1979) reported that the Eagles in Milwaukee were
attempting to have a federal lawsuit dismissed that alleged the FOE was
violating the 1964 Civil Rights Act by not allowing blacks to use the athletic
facilities of the order. The newspaper article noted that an Eagle official
could cite only Joe Louis as a black who held membership in the FOE.
Although the FOE membership is predominantly composed of blue-collar men, it has
attracted some high-status individuals. Presidents Theodore Roosevelt, Warren
Harding, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, and John F. Kennedy were
members of the FOE. Other renowned individuals like Earl Warren, J. Edgar Hoover,
Father Flanagan, Stan Musial, and Jack Dempsey have also brought honor to the
order by their membership in the fraternity. More recently, the FOE has been
proud to claim President Jimmy Carter and Vice-President Walter Mondale as
members. The present membership roster has about 800,000 members. This figure
has remained relatively constant over the past decade.
members are required to go through an initiation rite. Part of the ritual has
the candidate say: “Before God, and on my honor, I promise that I will never
make known to anyone the rituals of this Order, except to Eagles in good
standing, and then only if I am authorized to do so.” Willful violation of the
candidate’s pledge is reason for expulsion from the organization. The ritual
is interspersed with religious phrases. Prayers, for example, are usually spoken
by the aerie chaplain. The lodge room is furnished with an altar and Bible.
The structure of the FOE is similar to that of most fraternal orders. Local
units are known as “Aeries.” The order has fifty state groups. The national
structure is known as the “Grand Aerie.” It meets in annual conventions.
Columbus, Ohio, serves as the order’s headquarters.
More rituals and texts are published on our Download
Moose/Elks/Eagles/Buffaloes Library.