Supreme Union of Ethiopia or the Ethiopian Union of the World
Ritual for the Installation of Supreme Officers



When a King or Queen shall have been elected, the Supreme Priest shall cause the Supreme Union to assemble; Supreme officers will take their respective stations, and the Union called to order.
The Supreme Loyal Priest shall say:
Sir Knights and Daughters of Ethiopia, it appears to be the will of the Almighty God to place at the head of this great organization of ours, Sir or Daughter … (name) to rule and direct this great people. It is our duty to be loyal subjects, and lend every effort to make his (or her) leadership a success. Let the people say Amen.
Loyal Master at Arms, please escort the King (or Queen) elect to the altar that (he or she) may take the oath and obligation.
Master at Arms obeys.
Master at Arms:
Supreme Loyal Priest, I herewith present the King or Queen to you for oath and obligation.
Supreme Loyal Priest:
Thank you Sir Loyal Master at Arms; take your station.
Supreme Loyal Priest to King or Queen:
Sir … (or Daughter …) (name), you have been duly elected by the citizens of the Supreme Union of Ethiopia. to the highest honor within their gift. This means that the citizens have the highest respect and confidence in you and your ability to direct them. Are you willing to accept the honor, and if so, are you willing to uphold the principles and the constitution of the Supreme Union of Ethiopia with God to help?
King or Queen elect:
Answer is, I am.
Supreme Loyal Priest:
Then make it further known by placing your left hand upon the Holy Bible, raising the right hand toward Heaven and repeat after me:
I, …, in the presence of the Almighty God and these witnesses, do solemnly declare and affirm, that I will do all in my power to uphold the principles, and the constitution of the Supreme Union of Ethiopia and to further its aim, and to render fair and impartial justice to all citizens of Ethiopia, and to labor continuously for the best interest of the order, to the extent of my ability, so long as I am King or Queen. All of which, I pledge my sacred word and honor to do, God my helper.
Supreme Loyal Priest:
Let us pray.
All bow.


All wise, and everlasting Heavenly Father; Thou who knowest the secrets of every heart, in thy Holy discretion thou hast seen fit to place at the head of this fraternity, this, thy humble servant.
We pray for him (or her) thy divine guidance and protection, and beg that thou wilt teach him (or her) how to deal justly with this thy people, that in the judging of this people, he (or she) may discern the just from the unjust, and that his (or her) heart may be at all times inclined toward justice. Father, we pray, that his (or her) heart may trust in the fully, and that thou wilt teach him (or her) just how thou wouldest have this thy people led. Preserve his (or her) health, secure his (or her) tranquility, and at the last day resurrect all of us unto everlasting life, and the praises will be thine forever, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
The Priest, with right hand lifted:
By virtue of the power invested in me and my office as the Supreme Priest of the Supreme Union of Ethiopia, and by the will of the citizens thereof, I now pronounce and proclaim, … (full name), King or Queen of the Supreme Union of Ethiopia, with good conduct in office, for three years, beginning the … day of 191., and continuing until your successor shall have been installed.
Let the people say:
God save King (or Queen) … pronounce full name.
Songs and greetings to the new ruler.

Installation of Supreme Officers, other than King or Queen

It is understood that all old officers shall maintain their office until their successors shall have been installed, after which the new officers take up their duties immediately.

All newly elected officers will be arranged upon the platform or rostrum according to their rank; the highest, first and so on, all seated. The installing officer will acquaint himself with the duties of each officer to be installed, and proceed to install by starting at the first or highest officer, (in rank) and continuing in order to lowest ranking officer.
As each name is called, he or she will stand up and standing until
The ceremonies necessary to install the officers have been purposely omitted in order to allow the installing officer to display his own Judgement, as well as to save time and expense of printing a much large volume which would be solely for the sake of verbosity.
According to this arrangement, the ceremonies may be made an elaborate occasion, or very simple, according to time and custom.

The order of arranging the Officers
The order of arranging the officers to be installed:
1st, Supreme Loyal Councellor;
2nd, Supreme Loyal Recorder;
3rd, Supreme Loyal Endowment Treasurer;
4th, Supreme Loyal Priest, Home Aid Department;
5th, Supreme Loyal Priest;
6th, Supreme Loyal Prophet;
7th, Supreme Loyal Treasurer of Burial Department;
8th, Supreme Loyal Treasurer, Home Aid Department;
9th, Supreme Loyal Guide;
10th, Supreme Loyal Master at Arms;
11th, Supreme Inner Guard;
12th, Supreme Outer Guard;
13th, Supreme Executive Commitee and
14th, Supreme Trustees, (3); Supreme Lecturer; Supreme Pages, (2); Supreme Mother Princess.
The Supreme Attorney and Medical Examiner may also be installed according to this arrangement, whose duties compare with subordinate officers.
The religious ceremonies connected with the installation may be carried out according to the desire of the installing officer, and any other feature so long as the general order is not affected.
The insignia of the Supreme officers are the same as the Grand and Province officers with the exception of the latter denoting Supreme.