Danish Brotherhood


Opening of the Meeting

President, * *:
Officers and Brothers, take your respective stations; Inner Guard, secure the doors.
Inner Guard:
The doors are secure and no one will be admitted until the meeting is open for business.
Brother Conductor, place the Constitution open upon the Altar and take the password from all present, that we may know them to be brothers.
The Conductor, having given the president the yearly password and carried out his orders, stands before the Altar and reports:
All present are members of the Danish Brotherhood.
Brother Secretary, call the roll of Officers; Brother Conductor, answer present or absent.
The names of officers absent are entered in the minutes of the meeting, also the names of the brothers substituting for them.
President, * * *:
Brother Ex-President, what are your duties in the lodge?
Brother President, my duties are to place our symbols on the Constitution, to give and explain the signs of the Brotherhood, and to assist at the initiation of new members.
Brother Vice-President, what are your duties in the lodge?
Brother President, my duties are, during your absence, to take over your functions in the lodge, to watch that the Inner Guard performs his duties and to see that our signs are given correctly.
Brother Secretary, what are your duties in the lodge?
Brother President, my duties are to keep an accurate account of the status of the lodge, to keep accurate minutes of its proceedings, and to carry on the correspondence of the lodge with the Supreme Lodge and brother lodges. I am to perform these duties in such a manner that it will strengthen and sustain the interest in our Brotherhood.
Brother Financial Secretary, what are your duties in the lodge?
Financial Secretary:
Brother President, my duties are to give a receipt for all money received; to deliver all money received to the Treasurer the same evening, get His receipt therefor, and to keep an accurate account of receipts and disbursements.
Brother Treasurer, what are your duties in the lodge?
Brother President, my duties are to keep an accurate account of all receipts and disbursements of the lodge; to be keeper of the lodge funds as prescribed by the by-laws of the lodge, and be responsible for same.
If the lodge has no Financial Secretary, the Treasurer may answer as follows:
Brother President, my duties are to keep an accurate account of all receipts and disbursements of the lodge; pay all disbursement orders issued by the President and Secretary in accordance with the by-laws of the Danish Brotherhood and the lodge, and to be keeper of the lodge funds and be responsible for same.
Brother Chairman of Trustees, what are your duties in the lodge?
Chairman of Trustees:
Brother President, the duties of the Trustees are to render an accurate account of the properties and the financial status of the lodge whenever the lodge demands it, and to assist at the initiation of new members.
Brother Conductor, what are your duties in the lodge?
Brother President, my duties are to receive the password from the members, assist at the ballotation for and initiation of new members, and to carry out the orders of the President.
Brother Inner Guard, what are your duties in the lodge?
Inner Guard:
Brother President, my duties are to receive the password from late-comers; if a person seeking admission to the meeting does not have the password, then to report same to the Vice-President.
Brother Inner Guard, request the Outer Guard to enter the lodge room.
Brother Outer Guard, what are your duties in the lodge?
Outer Guard:
Brother President, my duties are to demand and receive the yearly password from late-comers and see that no one but members are admitted, also to see that the lodge has a registration book in which every visiting brother writes his name and the number of the lodge to which he belongs.
President, * * * *:
Officers and Brothers, I hope and expect each officer will do his duty, and that all brothers present shall, by a proper conduct, help to make these hours of benefit and interest for the Danish Brotherhood. It is the duty of the President to conduct our meeting in accordance with established rules of order, and to judge impartially of every transaction. I trust that all will act not only with integrity, but with zeal tempered by prudence. I also remind you of the promise we have all made to keep secret everything that takes place at the meetings.
The opening song is sung.
The Ex-President will place the symbols upon the constitution and also give and explain the signs of the Danish Brotherhood.
The Ex-President carries out his instructions.
Brothers, in behalf of the Danish Brotherhood I demand our sign. — I declare this meeting open for business during which time all religious and political discussions are strictly prohibited. *
Brother Inner Guard, inform the Outer Guard that the meeting is opened and that any waiting members may enter.

Initiation Ceremony

Brother Conductor, please retire to the outer room and ascertain if the applicant is awaiting initiation, and report back to me.
The Conductor retires in form.
On completion of his mission the Conductor returns to lodge room
Brother President, I am pleased to report to you that we have Mr. … waiting in the outer room to be initiated into our Order.
Brothers, we have an applicant waiting to be initiated. Brother Treasurer, has the applicant paid the required initiation fee?
Yes, Brother President, the required amount has been received.
If not paid in advance, the Treasurer leaves the room and makes collection.
The Chairman of Trustees will retire to the outer room where he will ask the applicant the question required by our laws.
Trustee Chairman retires in form.
Chairman of Trustees to applicant:
Mr. …, we are pleased to advise you that your application to become a member of this lodge No. … of the Danish Brotherhood in America has been approved. However, there is a question I must ask you before we can start our initiation ceremony. Are you willing to comply with the rules and regulations required by our laws, if I, on my word of honor, assure you that we do not request anything which can or will interfere with your duties to your family, your method of living, or your political or religious convictions?
Applicant answers:
Thank you, Mr. …. Kindly wait here for the Conductor who will present you to the lodge.
Trustee returns to the lodge and reports.

Brother President, the applicant has declared his willingness to abide by our rules and regulations.
Thank you. Brothers, we have heard the report by the Chairman of Trustees. We know that the applicant within our gates is willing to carry on as a Fraternal Brother. Therefore, we can proceed with our initiation. May I remind you that the first impression obtained by this applicant for membership is of the greatest importance. Therefore, let there be no disturbance and please do not smoke during the ceremony. The Second and Third Trustees will place the spears at their sides. Brother Conductor, you will please escort the applicant to the lodge room.
The Conductor complies.
Raps on inner door in the usual manner.
Mr. …, we will now proceed.
Inner Guard:
Who is there?
The Conductor, with an applicant who has been found worthy to join our fraternal order.
Inner Guard:
Just a moment. Turns to President. Brother President, our Conductor seeks admittance with an applicant found worthy to join our Order
Thank you Brother. While the applicant is being escorted in we will sing our initiation song. Let them enter.
* * * *.
While the applicant is being escorted completely around the hall, coming to a stop at the President’s station the Second and Third Trustees stand at the side of the vice-President’s station, with the spears resting on the floor.
Brother President, it is with pleasure I present to you Mr. … who seeks admittance into our Order.
Welcome, Mr …. You have now entered the portals of a lodge of the Danish Brotherhood, which means that we, as brothers, consider you a ma we can trust and a man who will keep the secrets of our Order. First, however, we must give you certain information pertaining to the Danish Brotherhood in America. This information will be given to you by our Vice-President.
Brother Conductor, you will please escort our friend to the Vice-President’s station.
The Vice-President and the two Trustees arise. The Trustees will rest the spears on the floor, holding them so that they are right in line with their hearts.
Brother Vice-President, I have been requested by the President to present Mr. … to you for information pertaining to the Danish Brotherhood.
Mr. …, the Danish Brotherhood in America was organized in 1882. It consists of men of Danish birth or of Danish descent, or citizens thereof. Also of men married to women with Danish ancestry. As fraternal brothers, we have joined hands through a chain of lodges in the United States of America, Denmark and Canada. Our effort is to gather all eligible men into one great Brotherhood.
Our aim and purpose is to strengthen the friendship between our members and the people of the United States and to support and abide by the laws of the land in which we live. Further, to foster memories from the country of our origin, and to assist our members during illness and distress. In the event of death, we endeavor to lessen the sorrow of the family of our brother and his dear ones.
In addition to this, we aim most sincerely to live a clean and respectable life and to take an active part and interest in the work of our Order.
Mr. …, after receiving this information, are you, in the presence of the assembled members, willing to go on further and take the Oath required?
Applicant answers:
Brother Conductor, present our friend to the President in front of our Altar.
Conductor leads the applicant directly to the Altar and the two Trustees follow the conductor.
Brother President, I present to you Mr. …, for further instructions.
Thank you brother.
The President approaches and stands before the Altar facing the applicant Trustees cross spears.
name, place your right hand on the Constitution of our Order, your left hand on your breast and repeat after me the following pledge:
In the presence of all the assembled members of this lodge and Order of my own free will and accord I, … name, make the pledge that, as a man of honor I will support the Constitution and By-laws of this Order and I pledge myself to keep secret anything which I may hear or see in this or any other lodge of this Order, even if I should withdraw from it or should be expelled by my lodge brothers. I further pledge myself to attend the lodge meetings as often as possible. I make these pledges at the Altar of the Danish Brotherhood upon my word of honor.
We are all witnesses.
The Assembly:
We are all witnesses.
Brother Conductor, please escort our new member to the Secretary that he may sign our constitution and by-laws.
Brother Secretary, I present to you our new member that he may sign our constitution and by-laws.
New member signs.
Thank you. Here is a copy of our constitution and by-laws. Brother Conductor, please present our friend to the President for his final instructions.
Friend, you have just received a copy of our constitution and by-laws. May I suggest you read them carefully so that you may know your rights and privileges. Now for your final instructions. The symbols you found displayed on the Altar embody our official emblem and the meaning of each symbol is as follows:
The Anchor is a symbol of Hope—it denotes the hope we have that our Brotherhood will always be able to withstand the storms of adversity. The Key represents security and protection —it is indicative of our work and desire to keep the secrets of our work within your heart as though it were under lock and key. The Plumb signifies that the deeds of our organization as well as of each member must always be true and correct. Whenever you approach the Altar and you see the symbols thereon, you must salute first the President, next the Vice-P resident with our sign which is thus …. When you are requested by the Conductor of the lodge to give the annual password, you shall, in a whispering voice, answer …. If you wish to enter the lodge hall after the meeting has started you must, in order to gain admission, rap twice on the outer door, and give the Outer Guard our annual password which I just gave you. At the inner door rap three times. The Inner Guard will then request you to give our standing password which is ….
After you have been admitted into the lodge hall, you step up before the Altar facing the President, whom you salute with the sign I just gave you and then turn and give the same sign to the Vice-President, after which you may be seated. If you wish to visit another lodge, when traveling, you should present a receipt from your own lodge, showing that you are a member in good standing.
We have a written sign consisting of …, which is derived from two Danish words … meaning in English, think and be silent. It may be used in personal and business correspondence to secretly indicate that you are a member of the Danish Brotherhood.
The President has a gavel with which he conducts the meeting.
The assembly responds.
One rap (*) indicates the subject completed.
Two raps (* *) calls the members to order.
Three raps (* * *) is a request for the officers to arise.
Four raps (* * * *) request the entire assembly to arise, and
One rap (*) seats the audience.
While our meeting is in progress, you are not allowed to cross the floor between the Altar and the President.
The officers have their respective stations as follows: Indicate to the new member where each officer is seated.
Brother Conductor, please have our new member face his brothers.
President, * * * *:
Brethren, I have the pleasure to present to you our new member … name. I declare him to be a lawful member of lodge No. … of the Danish Brotherhood in America. We have added another link to our chain,—the chain of Danish men, and husbands of Danish women, who have joined hands and promised to stand by each other when illness and sorrow comes to our homes and dear ones. Members, let us, one and all, in our daily lives strive to be good citizens. When we assemble in lodges of the Danish Brotherhood, we will not forget to commemorate the principles upon which our Brotherhood is founded, nor our purpose of aiding the sick and needy members, their widows and their children.
Intermission to allow the members to greet the new brother.


Closing of the Meeting

Officers and Brothers, I will thank you to rise and assist me in closing the meeting.
* * * *.
Brother Ex-President, what is the purpose of the Danish Brotherhood?
Ex -President:
To unite in one great fraternal Organization all men of Danish origin and husbands of Danish women.
Brother Vice-President, what must be done to maintain the Danish Brotherhood?
Each Brother must keep his promise and work for the advancement of the Danish Brotherhood.
Brother Conductor, what is the penalty a Brother must pay who breaks the pledge he has made?
The respect of the membership shall be denied him.
Brothers, as we take our leave, let us be mindful of those grand principles, brotherly love and mutual aid, which are the foundation stones upon which our society is built. Let our actions and deeds then be such as seem fit and proper among brothers. I hope this meeting has served to bring us in closer union as brothers and as friends.
The closing song is sung.
Brother Conductor, as soon as the meeting is closed you will collect the symbols, regalia and other properties and see that they are properly stored.
Brothers, I thank you for your attendance tonight and I hope all of you can make it convenient to be present at our next regular meeting the …. On behalf of the Danish Brotherhood, I demand our closing sign. I declare this meeting closed. *.
