Czechoslovak Society of America
This Ritual is intended for the sole use of our C.S.A. lodges and must,
therefore, be considered as confidential.
The initiation of new members should be impressive and dignified. The first
impression of the candidate is often the deciding factor in his or her future
activity as a lodge member. It is the first and the most important step in
gaining the confidence of the new member and his or her willingness to
co-operate and to work gladly for the attainment of the lofty ideals of our
Society: Equality, Harmony and Fraternity.
It is, therefore, necessary that the lodge officers, who are entrusted with
the all important duty of initiating a new member or members, do everything in
their power to make the occasion an outstanding success. This can be achieved
only when the new member is properly and favorably impressed.
To be impressive the Ritual should be memorized by the respective officers.
It is recommended that wherever it is possible to do so, musical
accompaniment should be used during an initiation. Piano accompaniment is very
good and is used at practically all initiations.
At a ceremonial initiation of a larger group of new members it is recommended
that the Ritual be performed by the Degree Team of either the Grand Lodge or any
other lodge which is authorized by the Grand Lodge or Executive Committee to
perform such initiation. Each ceremonial initiation should be performed together
with an interesting and entertaining program, so that at such initiations the
members of the lodge should see and hear something different. By these means the
interest of the members in these ceremonials may be increased; and the
attendance of a larger number of members at these initiations of new members
into the Society may be attained.
Initiation of new members at meetings of our lodges is conducted in
accordance with this short form of ritual whether at a regular meeting, or at a
special meeting of the lodge called for that purpose. In every case the meeting
is opened and closed in accordance with the instructions. The arrangement of the
meeting room is in both cases the same.
When the lodge ballot is favorable as to the applicants and everything is in
readiness the new members may be initiated. It is desirable to have the
applicants assembled in the anteroom and one of the members should be charged
with this duty, while the preparations for initiation are in progress.
The ceremony should be dignified, not only to impress the candidates
favorably, but to inspire them to give their earnest co-operation in promoting
the welfare of the Lodge and the Society. It is necessary that the officers—President,
Vice-President, Guide and Sentry—study their parts faithfully and learn these
by heart, if at all possible. If need be, any member who is well versed in the
ceremony may be appointed to take the place of any officer above mentioned. To
stutter or to needlessly repeat is embarrassing and certainly is not dignified.
The first impression on the candidates is the most important and influential.
President takes his place at the appointed time. Gives one rap:
Brothers and Sisters. I request that in full recognition of the dignity of the
Society and our lodge we come to order. The officers will occupy their stations
and the Sentry will close the door and allow no one to enter. When
all officers are stationed, the President will give three raps and all present
will rise.
President: Brother (Sister) Guide, you will advance to my station,
give the annual password and proceed to collect it from all present.
Guide advances to the President and whispers to him the annual pass-word.
Then he proceeds to each person present and receives the annual pass-word in a
whisper. He reports those who do not know the pass-word to the President and
directs them to the President to receive it. After examination of all present,
the Guide will step in front of the altar and report to the President thus: Brother
(Sister) President, I have examined all present and find them to be in
possession of the annual pass-word;
Brother (Sister) President, I have examined all present, and excepting those
I have reported to you, find them to be in possession of the annual pass-word.
President: Thank you, Brother (Sister) Guide. Gives
one rap. The Guide will return to his station.
President: Brother (Sister) Sentry, your station is art the door.
Your duties are to allow no one to enter without the permission of the
President: Brother (Sister) Guide, what are your duties in this
Guide: My duties are to see that all present at the opening of the
lodge are in possession of the annual pass-word; to prepare and collect the
ballot of this lodge; to prepare and escort the candidates through the
ceremonies of initiation, to assist in the installation of officers, and to obey
all orders of the presiding officer.
President: Brother (Sister) Treasurer, what are your duties in
this lodge?
Treasurer: My duties are to receive all moneys from the Financial
Secretary of this lodge; to pay all bills when so ordered by the lodge; and to
perform all other duties of my office as required by the laws of the Society and
the by-laws of this lodge.
President: Brother (Sister) Financial Secretary, what are your
duties in this lodge?
Financial Secretary: My duties are to collect all dues and
assessments from the members; to receive and to turn over to the Treasurer all
moneys of the lodge; to keep accounts of this lodge; to notify members in
arrears and announce these in each regular meeting; and to perform all other
duties of my office as required by the laws of the Society and the by-laws of
this lodge.
President: Brother (Sister) Secretary, what are your duties in
this lodge?
Secretary: My duties are to write the minutes of all meetings of
this lodge; to receive all communications and to present them at the following
meeting; to conduct all lodge correspondence; and to perform all other duties of
my office as required by the laws of the Society and the by-laws of this lodge.
President: Brother (Sister) Vice-President. what are your duties
in this lodge?
Vice-President: My duties are to aid the President in conducting
the meetings of this lodge; to assist in the initiation of new members; to
preside in the absence of the President; and to perform all other duties of my
office as required by the laws of the Society and the by-laws of this lodge.
President: My duties are to preside and to preserve order in all
sessions of this lodge; to exercise care that all lawful requirements of our
Society are complied with; and to perform all other duties of my office as
required by the laws of the Society and the by-laws of this lodge.
I ask your earnest co-operation in the discharge of all of these duties,
which I am under solemn obligation to perform. Three
raps— all members arise.
What are the duties of each and every member of this lodge?
All Members: To meet in Equality, act in Harmony and depart in
President: I now declare Lodge … No. ... of the Czechoslovak
Society of America duly open for the transaction of such business as shall
properly come before it.
Brothers and Sisters, join me in giving the sign of courtesy. All
members place their right hand over their heart and bow slightly forward. One
rap—all members are seated.
Brother (Sister) Sentry, with due permission of the Vice-President, you will
now allow into our meeting all members who are in possession of the annual
password and report to me all those who may be without it.
If there are any visiting members, the President will welcome them on behalf
of the lodge, and the lodge may be declared at ease thus: The lodge
will be at ease while we extend a welcome to our visiting brothers and sisters.
After a short recess the lodge is called to order, thus:
President, one rap: The lodge will now come to order. After
all members are seated, the Order of Business prevails.
It is the duty of the Guide to have everything in readiness—the gavels,
rituals, emblems, by-laws, etc., before the opening of the lodge.
Note: No one is to be admitted to the meeting during the opening or closing
of the lodge, nor during the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting.
President: A report having been received from the Executive
Committee that he (she or they) is (are) eligible for membership in the
Czechoslovak Society of America, and the vote of this lodge being favorable, we
shall now initiate (a) new member(s) into our lodge.
Everything we do or say should impress the candidate(s) in such a way that we
may at once gain his (her) (or their) confidence and friendship. Let us accept
him (her or them) as (a) brother(s) (or sister(s) and by our courteous and
friendly conduct convince him (her or them) that this lodge welcomes and
respects every new member.
Brother (Sister) Guide, present the candidate(s) for initiation.
Guide, stands when addressed by the President, then retires to the ante-room,
where he greets the candidate (s) and prepares him (her or them) for initiation
thus: My friend (s), I have been ordered by the President of our
lodge to present you for initiation. Are you willing to assume an obligation to
support the constitution and by-laws and be governed by the principles of our
Society? Yes or no.
Candidate: Yes.
Guide: I am grateful for your good will to become loyal members of
our Society and ask that you now follow me. When ready,
the Guide will give three knocks upon the door of the lodge room.
Sentry: Who strikes upon the door of this lodge?
Guide: The Guide of this lodge with (a) friend(s), who desire(s)
to be initiated into our lodge.
Sentry: Brother (Sister) Vice-President, the Guide of this lodge,
with (a) friend(s) who desire(s) to be initiated into our lodge, applies for
Vice-President: Admit them.
The Sentry admits the Guide, who, with the candidate(s) on his left, enters,
and, walking slowly, makes a complete circuit of the room, finally halting
before the President, who rises.
Guide, gives the sign of Courtesy: Brother (Sister) President,
before you stand(s) (a) friend(s) who desire(s) to be initiated into our lodge
and the Czechoslovak Society of America.
President: Thank you, Brother (Sister) Guide. The
Guide will then step one pace back of the candidate(s). The President then
addresses the candidate(s).
President: My friend (s), of your own free will you are about to
become (a) member(s) of this great Brotherhood, united to achieve— by
co-operation—security for our loved ones.
To attain this result, it is required of everyone of us to fulfill our
obligations promptly in justice to ourselves and in justice to the Society.
By accepting your application(s) we evidenced our belief in your honor and
integrity. It is our hope and our wish that you will prove to be (a) true and
loyal member(s) of this Society and thus make our belief a reality.
I welcome you as (an) applicant(s), willing to pledge yourself (yourselves)
to aid us in our work and in disseminating the principles of our Society—Equality,
Harmony and Fraternity. Are you willing to pledge your cooperation?
The candidate(s), prompted by the Guide if necessary, will answer: "I
President: Brother (Sister) Guide (who steps forward) you will
conduct the candidate(s) to the Vice-President, that he (she or they) may assume
the obligation of our Society.
The Guide gives the sign of Courtesy, and conducts the candidate(s) to the
station of the Vice-President, who arises.
Guide, gives the sign of Courtesy: Brother (Sister)
Vice-President, I have been instructed to present this (these) candidate(s),
that he (she or they) may assume the obligation of our Society and receive
further instructions.
Vice-President: Thank you Brother (Sister) Guide. Guide
will step one pace back of the candidate(s).
Vice-President: Place your right hand over your heart and repeat
after me:
President gives three raps of the gavel and all present arise.
I solemnly promise — upon my word of honor — to support the Constitution
— and to obey the By-laws — of the Czechoslovak Society of America — to
abide — by all lawful decisions — and regulations — now in effect or
hereinafter adopted — by the Executive Committee — the Grand Lodge — and
my subordinate lodge — and to govern myself accordingly.
To co-operate — to the best of my ability toward the advancement of this
Society — and lodge … No. … of which I am now — becoming a member. To
never disclose — the transactions of this — or any other lodge — of this
Society — to anyone — whom I do not know — to be a member — of this
Society — unless authorized to do so.
I further promise — that I will promptly pay — all dues and premiums —
levied by lawful authority — and never allow myself to be suspended — for
non-payment of dues — if within my power to prevent it — because — I would
deprive myself — and my beneficiaries — of all benefits — dispensed by
this Society.
I promise — to do all in my power — to aid all worthy members — of this
Society —in need or distress — and to exercise — the principles — of
Equality — Harmony and Fraternity — toward all members — in the same way
— I would ask for myself.
To the faithful fulfillment — of this, my obligation, — I pledge — my
sacred word of honor — and call upon as witnesses — all members —
assembled here tonight.
President gives one rap of gavel and all are seated.
Vice-President, continues: I will now give you instructions
pertaining to the inner affairs of the lodge.
No one may be admitted during the opening—nor may anyone leave during the
closing—of the lodge.
When the lodge is open and you desire admittance, you will give three light
knocks upon the door. These are symbolic of the motto of our Society: Equality,
Harmony and Fraternity.
The Sentry will obtain your name and receive from you the annual pass-word.
He will then report to the Vice-President, who may order you admitted.
You will then proceed to the altar—in the center of the lodge hall—face
the presiding officer—and give this Sign of Courtesy, thus: illustrates—place
your right hand over your heart and bow your head slightly. The presiding
officer will answer by a wave of the gavel. Then drop your hand to your side and
proceed to your seat.
If you wish to leave while the lodge is open, you will proceed before the
altar and give the same sign. If the presiding officer will recognize it with a
wave of the gavel, you may leave, otherwise you will return to your seat.
This sign indicates your remembrance of the obligation and must be given by
all upon the opening and closing of the lodge and by all who enter or leave
while the lodge is open, except those who are executing an order of the
presiding officer.
The voting sign—used in both the affirmative and negative vote—is given
thus: illustrates, raising the right arm
halfway, palm outward, the fingers and thumb together.
The gavel is the emblem of authority of the President. It is used to call the
lodge to order—to call the members to their feet and to seat them. One rap
(illustrates) calls the lodge to order, two raps call the officers to arise,
three raps call all members to arise, four raps call members to form a brotherly
circle, and one rap seats them.
Brother (Sister) Guide, conduct the candidate(s) to the President for further
instructions. The Guide gives the sign of Courtesy, and
conducts the candidate(s) to the President, who rises.
Guide, gives the sign of Courtesy: Brother (Sister) President, by
order of the Vice-President, 1 present this (these) candidate(s) for further
President: Thank you, Brother (Sister) Guide. Guide
steps back one pace. You have been instructed that admittance to the
lodge can be gained only through knowledge of the annual pass-word. Before you
may receive this pass-word, you must assume an obligation not to improperly
reveal it. Kindly raise your right hand and repeat after me: gives
three raps. "I do sincerely promise — that I will not reveal
— the annual pass-word — or give any information — concerning it — to
anyone —except the proper officers — of the lodge — namely — the Sentry
at the door — the Guide at the opening of the lodge — or when officially —
discharging my duties — as President or acting President — of the lodge —Grand
Lodge — or Executive Committee." one rap.
The pass-word for the current year is: The President
steps down to the new member(s) and whispers the pass-word to each. He (she)
then returns to his (or her) station and continues: To participate in
the proceedings of this lodge, you must attend meetings, take part in the
discussions and elections, willingly accept offices and membership on various
committees. Your co-operation with the officers and members of this lodge will
prove that your promise to be (a) true and loyal member(s) was honestly given by
you upon your word of honor.
With sincere congratulations we welcome you into our brotherly and sisterly
circle, and we firmly believe that you will become (a) true and loyal member(s)
of this lodge.
By the power vested in me as the (acting) President of this lodge (or the
Grand Lodge of the State of …), I now proclaim you to be (a) full fledged
member(s) of the Czechoslovak Society of America and of Lodge No.. . . ., and
invest you with this emblem. While doing so he
continues: May we always be proud of you as our member, and may you
always be proud to wear the emblem of our Society, which now bids you welcome. Shakes
hands with the new member(s).
President: Brother (Sister) Guide, face the new brother(s) (and) sister(s) to
the lodge. Done. Three raps.
Sisters and Brothers, I take great pleasure in presenting to you our new
brother (s) and sister(s). Announces the name of each.
The lodge will be at ease. one rap.
All members present will extend their welcome to the new member(s). Starting
at the right of the President, they march around the lodge room, shake hands
with the new member (s), introducing themselves, and expressing their delight at
his (her or their) joining. When done the lodge is again called to order.
President, gives one rap: The lodge will now come to order.
Brother (Sister) Guide, conduct our new brother(s) (and) sister(s) to the
Financial Secretary of this lodge.
The Guide conducts the new member (s) to the Financial Secretary for payment
of their (his or her) premium, to receive their (his or her) dues book, and the
membership certificate and then to their (his or her) seat(s). The Guide then
marches in front of the altar, gives the sign of Courtesy and returns to his
President: We shall now proceed with the meeting. The next order
of business is the Report of the Relief Committee.
The meeting then continues. Under the heading of "For the Good of the
Order" the President may request the newly initiated members to say a few
words. Visiting members and guests are also given this opportunity. The Order of
Business is then again followed and the lodge closed in due form.
Closing Ceremony
When there is no further business before the lodge, or when a motion to
adjourn has been carried.
President: There being no further business before the lodge, we
shall proceed to close.
Before closing, I wish to express my thanks for your co-operation and
attention during the proceedings of this lodge. As we are about to enter the
outer world again, let us remember to so regulate our conduct that it will bring
honor to ourselves, to our loved ones, and to our Society. I wish you a safe and
happy return to your homes, and impress upon you the importance of the
attendance of every member at the meetings of this lodge, at which harmony and
co-operation should prevail at all times. Let us hope that our next meeting will
be well attended and that all deliberations will be to the benefit and
advancement of our lodge. One rap.
Brother (Sister) Guide, collect the rituals, by-laws and emblems and return
these to their proper place. The Guide will collect all
rituals, by-laws and official emblems, place them on the altar and remain
standing in front of the altar.
President, three raps: Brothers and sisters, join me in giving the
sign of Courtesy. Done.
I now declare the meeting of Lodge … No. ... of the Czechoslovak Society of
America duly closed. One rap.
The Guide will then take care that all rituals, by-laws, emblems and the
gavel—and any and all other paraphernalia—are safely put away.