Court of Honor


Opening Ceremony

Promptly at the hour of opening the Chancellor will assume his station.
Chancellor, *:
… Court No. … is about to open. Let order prevail. Sentinel, take charge of the outer door and guard us from intrusion. Guard, close the inner door and allow none to enter until directed so to do. Other officers, assume your stations. Here fill vacancies.
Conductor, satisfy yourself that all present are entitled to seats in this Court.
If a large attendance makes an assistant Conductor necessary the Chancellor will appoint one who will assist in taking the passwords.
Conductor, saluting:
Chancellor, I will perform that duty.
Gives passwords to Chancellor, then beginning at his left takes them from members, giving out odes as passwords are taken. Each member will rise to give the words—first, term, then permanent password. If a member cannot give passwords Conductor will say:
Conductor, saluting:
Chancellor, I find brother (or sister) … without the passwords.
Brother (or sister) …, you will advance to the Recorder’s station and qualify.
The member goes to Recorder’s station, pays dues or assessment if delinquent, end receives passwords from the Recorder end returns to seat.
Having taken passwords from all present Conductor passes to altar, salutes, and says:
Chancellor, I find all present entitled to seats in this Court. Returns to station, by way of the Chaplain’s station, turning square corners.
If an assistant Conductor is appointed he gives passwords to Chancellor, then takes them from members, beginning at the
of the Chancellor and working as far as to Vice-Chancellor. When both have reached the Vice-Chancellor’s station Conductor and assistant advance to the altar and report.
Conductor, saluting:
Chancellor, I find all members on your left entitled to seats in this Court.
Assistant, saluting:
Chancellor I find all members on your right entitled to seats in this Court.
Will … names some member relieve the Guard and Sentinel and direct them to report for roll call?
The person named goes to anteroom and takes charge of doors. The Sentinel enters the Court room and stands by the side of the Guard.
Recorder, you will call the roll of officers.
Recorder calls the roll and officers as their names are called answer present, step forward, and take their places. Conductor answers for absent officers.
Sentinel, where is your station, and what are your duties?
My station is at the outer door. My duties are to guard, the door, and take from members the term password.
Guard, where is your station, and what are your duties?
My station is at the inner door. My duties are to attend all alarms, to admit only qualified members, and to allow none to enter during the opening, initiatory and closing ceremonies.
Conductor, where is your station and what are your duties?
My station is in front of and to the right of the Chancellor. My duties are to take up the passwords, to have charge of the Rituals and Odes, to prepare the ballot, to conduct candidates during initiation, and to introduce visitors.
Recorder, where is your station and what are your duties?
My station is at the right of the Chancellor. My duties are to keep a record of all meetings; to attend to the correspondence; to collect all dues and assessments; to payout money by order of the Court, and to make report of its financial condition.
Chaplain, where is your station and what are your duties?
My station is on the side of the Court from the Chancellor's right, facing the altar. My duties are to conduct the devotions of the Court, and to assist in the initiation of candidates.
Vice Chancellor, where is your station and what are your duties?
Vice Chancellor:
My station is opposite that of the Chancellor. My duties are to have charge of the wicket, to assist in maintaining order, and in conducting the ceremonies of the Court and to preside in the absence of the Chancellor.
Past Chancellor, where is your station and what are your duties?
Past Chancellor:
My station is on the side of the Court from the Chancellor's left, facing the altar. My duties are to assist in teaching the lessons of our society.
Directors, where are your seats and what are your duties?
Directors (answer given by the Chairman or in his absence by one of the other Directors:
Our seats are at the right of the Recorder. Our duties are to act as custodians of the Court's property, to look after its financial interests, and to provide a place for its meetings.
The Chancellor's station is at the head of the Court. It is his duty to preside, to maintain order, and to conduct the proceedings of the Court in accordance with its Laws and Ritual. But only as he has the co-operation of all officers and members can he successfully discharge his duties.
Officers, resume your stations.
Officers return to stations and remain standing until seated by gavel.
Vice-Chancellor, saluting:
Chancellor, all officers have resumed their stations and our portals are guarded.
Chancellor, *:
Recorder, for what purpose was the Court of Honor organized?
Recorder, rising and saluting:
To provide protection for its members and those who are dependent upon them. Wealth may vanish and financial distress overwhelm us. Life is uncertain, and the Angel of Death may come without warning. Therefore it is the duty of men and women to safeguard their loved ones with beneficial protection. Such protection our Society affords, and through its financial aid brings cheer to bereaved homes.
Vice-Chancellor, what is another purpose of our society?
Vice-Chancellor, salutes, then comes toward to altar and drapes stars and stripes across it:
To teach its members the love of home and country, for thus is a nation made great. He who loves his home will love his country more, and will seek for his dear ones the blessings of Liberty.
Chaplain, what is another purpose of our Society?
Chaplain, salutes, advances to altar and opens the Bible thereon:
To Leach the lesson of Brotherhood, and bind hearts together with cords of fraternal love. The Holy Book directs us to cheer the sorrowing heart and to bear the burden of the weak; to forget self in serving others, and to love our brothers as we love ourselves.
Past Chancellor, what is still another purpose of the Court of Honor?
Past Chancellor, salutes, advances to altar and lays a copy of the Constitutions and Laws across the Bible:
The Constitution of the Society requires this Court to hold regular meetings for the transaction of business and for the initiation of candidates; and to provide social entertainment for its members. It is by mingling socially that we become broad, sympathetic, and of service to humanity. When man gathers with his friends in pleasant concourse, his nature responds to the genial fellowship as a flower to the rays of the sun.
The lofty purposes of the Court of Honor should endear it to every member, May our lives reflect the lessons taught us within these portals, and be in accord with the principles of our Society. ***. Let all join in singing the opening ode.
Again with welcome greeting,
We gather here tonight;
Where, Justice ever ruling,
We try to do the right.
So let us be united,
And to our cause be true:
With purpose undivided,
A noble work to do.

Then may we all remember
The Order and its aim,
To help relieve our loved ones,
Who on us hold a claim.
Though great may be our pledges,
We’re sure to meet them all;
Hail to the Court of Honor,
And equal rights to all.
Members will give the sign of devotion while the Chaplain invokes the Divine blessing.
Eternal Father, we thank Thee that we are once more permitted to meet as a fraternity. We thank Thee for Thy loving watchcare, and for the blessings of Life, Liberty and Brotherhood. We pray that we may live in accord with Thy holy will, and the teachings of our Society. We ask Thy blessing upon our labors in the interest of humanity. May we brighten the lives of those about us and live ever to Thy glory. Amen.
All respond:
So be it. Lower hands. Past Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor and Chaplain return to their stations.
I cordially welcome each member present, and trust that all will be attentive to our work. Let brotherly love unite us and harmony prevail. I now declare … Court No. … regularly open for business. Guard, you will so inform the Sentinel. *.
Guard, opening inner door:
Sentinel, this Court is now open for the admission of all members qualified to enter.

Ceremony of Initiation

Conductor, you will retire and ascertain if any candidates are in waiting.
Conductor, rising and saluting:
Chancellor, I will perform that duty. Goes to altar, salutes and retires.
Conductor, returning to altar and saluting:
Chancellor, I find in waiting and ready for initiation … reads names.
Recorder, you will retire and collect the fees.
The Recorder salutes and retires, taking the benefit certificates which he will have the applicants sign in the anteroom when he collects the current assessment and dues.
Recorder, returning to altar and saluting Chancellor:
Chancellor, all fees have been collected.
Conductor, you will retire, prepare and introduce the candidate(s) for initiation.
Conductor salutes and retires.
Conductor, to candidate(s) in ante-room:
My friend(s), you seek admission to the Court of Honor, but before you, can be admitted it will be necessary for you to give satisfactory answers to the following questions: Do you believe in a universal fraternity which binds all men together in a common brotherhood?
I do.
Are you willing to take the solemn obligation of the Court of Honor, and to assume the duties it imposes upon its members?
I am.
Are you ready to proceed with the ceremony of initiation and to become a qualified member of this Court?
I am.
Your replies being satisfactory, I will now guide you to those who will instruct you in the principles and workings of our Society.
The Conductor hoodwinks candidate and, taking him by the arm, advances to the inner door and gives four quick, loud raps.
Chancellor, there is an unusual alarm at the door.
Guard, you will attend to the alarm and report the cause.
Guard gives two raps upon the door and opening it, says: Who comes here, and why this alarm?
A friend(s), who is favorably impressed with the tenets of our Society, and desires to become a member, that he may assist in its good work and share in its benefits.
You will wait until the Chancellor has been informed of your desire. Closes door, salutes and says: Chancellor, there is a friend(s) at the door who is favorably impressed with the tenets of our Society and desires to become a member, that he may assist in its good work and share in its benefits.
Let him be admitted.
Guard, opening the door says:
By direction of the Chancellor, I admit you.
The members of the team in uniform, having taken their proper positions, the Conductor will enter with the candidate(s) and pause in front of the Vice-Chancellor’s station while the team executes its floor work as shown in drill manual, and then advance to Chancellor’s station with candidate(s) and say:
Conductor, saluting:
Chancellor, I present to you a friend(s) who desires to become a member of the Court of Honor.
Chancellor, *:
My friend(s), I welcome you to our midst. Your desire is commendable, for our work is a worthy one. As the star of Bethlehem guided the Wise Men of old, so has the star of fraternity led you unto this haven of security. The Court of Honor wraps about its members the mantle of protection and ministers unto them in the hour of affliction. As Chancellor, I greet you, and pledge to you the fellowship of this Court but before you can receive further instruction you must take the obligation which binds you to our authority. This obligation must not be lightly taken, for it binds you to the service of the Society and its fraternal duties. Are you willing to proceed?
I am.
Conductor, you will present the candidate(s) at the altar.
The Conductor and candidate(s) following the team approach the altar from the vice-Chancellor’s station.
Chancellor, the candidate(s) is at the altar.
Chancellor, ***:
Officers and members, you will advance and witness the obligation.
Chancellor, advancing to altar, gives candidate the copy of the Constitution that lies upon the Bible and says:
You will take in your left hand this copy of the Constitution and Laws of the Society, raise your right hand, say I, repeat your name, and say after me: I, …, do hereby solemnly promise that I will be loyal to the Court of Honor, and live in accord with its teachings; that I will never reveal the secret signs, grip, or passwords, nor make known the secret workings of the Society; that I will obey the Constitution, Laws and regulations of the Court of Honor, and submit to its authority; that I will not knowingly propose for membership any person of bad repute or in poor health; that I will protect the good name of the Society, promote its welfare, and work for its continued prosperity; that I will be upright in my daily life, and honorable in my dealings; that I will not knowingly wrong my fellow members, and will hold their interests sacred; that I will not neglect my fraternal duty, and will do all in my power to aid members who are in distress, and to comfort those in sorrow. To the faithful performance of this obligation, I pledge my sacred honor.
Conductor you will remove the hoodwink. Candidate lowers hand and returns Constitution to altar.
it is written in the Holy Word: Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law; turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest.
Chancellor returns to his station.
Chancellor, *:
Conductor, you will present the candidate(s) to the Vice-Chancellor for instruction in the first lesson of the Society.
Conductor, saluting:
Vice-Chancellor, by direction of the Chancellor, I present to you a friend(s) for instruction in the first lesson of the Society.
The first lesson of the Court of Honor is Patriotism. Upon that basis rests this Society; upon it rests every great nation; from it springs the host of minor virtues that make our Republic beloved and powerful. Patriotism serves the nation best when it serves the home. The home is the altar where the devoted patriot pours out his heart’s best love, and the truest patriotism is that which protects and safeguards the domestic sanctuary. Thus by care for the dependent, we practice patriotism and maintain our home triumphant and happy in the hours when want and calamity come nigh. . The emblem of patriotism is our glorious flag, whose rippling folds proclaim freedom and justice. Pins a tiny flag upon the candidate. I present you with this emblem, trusting you will ever be a true patriot and a loyal defender of the
Home, that spot supremely blest—
Love’s altar and haven of rest.
Conductor, you will present the candidate(s) to the Past Chancellor for instruction in the second lesson of the Society.
Past Chancellor, by direction of the Vice-Chancellor, I present to you a friend(s) for instruction in the second lesson of the Society.
Past Chancellor:
The second lesson of the Court of Honor is Liberty, for Liberty inspires the noblest deeds of patriotism.
‘Tis Liberty alone that gives the flower
Of fleeting life its lustre and perfume;
When Liberty is gone the flower fades,
And life becomes as hopeless as the tomb.
The desire for Liberty is implanted in every breast. Even as the Children of Israel prayed to escape the bondage of Egypt, so each human heart longs for Liberty. As the lily requires the sunshine to bring forth its radiant blossoms, so man needs the blessings of Liberty to call out his noblest achievements.
Liberty, however, is of little worth unless attended by Justice and Equity. Men are born with certain inherent rights which Liberty must protect and Justice maintain. The flag of our nation stands for free hands and free lips, with fair play for every man. To secure these rights it is necessary to enact laws which must be respected and enforced.
The Court of Honor ever maintains the cause of Liberty. Within its portals Justice is accorded each member and Right prevails. This is assured by the Constitution of the Society, a copy of which I present to you.
Steps forward and presents the candidate with a copy of the Constitution.

We ask you to study it, that you may become familiar with the plans and purposes of the Society. Only when its provisions are obeyed can prosperity and harmony prevail. You are expected to obey our laws, and in return we pledge to defend your Liberty, to accord you Justice, and to protect your Rights. The truest Liberty comes from upright living; therefore you are urged to be strong of heart, pure in thought, and honorable in your conduct.
Conductor, you will present the candidate(s) to the Chaplain for instruction in the third lesson of the Society.
Chaplain, by order of the Past Chancellor I present to you a friend(s) for instruction in the third lesson of the Society.
The third lesson of the Court of Honor is Brotherhood. This is the supreme lesson of civilization. Through all ages it has been the mystic tie of fellowship. The Supreme Father has commanded that his children love one another, and to those who obey does life pour out her richest blessings. To give courage to those in despair; to bind up the wounds of those who fail in the battle of life; to care for the sick; to comfort the sorrowing; and to assist the needy—this, my friend, is the noble work of Brotherhood, as exemplified by the Court of Honor.
We live in deeds, not years; and he most lives who accomplishes the most for humanity. As we minister unto our fellowmen we strengthen our capacity for good, and rise, step by step, unto the goal of universal Brotherhood.
It is in giving cheer and love,
We find our quest
It is in doing kindly deeds,
Our lives are blessed.
I now present you with this white rose, an emblem of purity. Pins rose upon the candidate. Its mission is to brighten the world. May this flower remind you that, as a member of the Court of Honor, you are to live a pure and upright life, and that your mission is to brighten the lives and bring cheer to those about you.
Conductor, you will present the candidate(s) at the altar for instruction in the secret work.
The Conductor and candidate(s) following the team approach the altar from the vice-Chancellor’s station.
Chancellor, the candidate(s) is at the altar.
Chancellor, ***:
Officers and members, you will advance and attend instruction in the secret work.
Chancellor advances to the altar and says:
My friend(s), I will now instruct you in the secret work of the Court of Honor.
The outside or term password is the word … Gives it. It is changed, on the first days of January and July of each year.
The inside or permanent password is the word … Gives it. It never changes.
You are never to impart these words to anyone except to the Sentinel or Guard upon entering the Court and to the Conductor during the opening ceremony; and you can receive them only from the Chancellor or the Recorder of your Court, who are the only officers empowered to impart them.
The grip of the Society is given thus … Gives it while talking. It typifies that the members are combined to relieve, counsel, and protect each other. Like the strands of a cable, alone we are weak; in a brotherhood our weakness becomes strength. You are particularly cautioned not to impart this grip to any one unless known to you to be members of the Society, save when it is used as a test, and I will ask you to exercise the greatest care that no unworthy. person may obtain it.
The salutation sign is made in this manner … Gives it. It is used when addressing the Chancellor; in saluting the Vice-Chancellor upon entering, retiring from, or crossing the Court room, and in voting.
The recognition sign is made in this manner … Gives it. And is answered thus … Gives it.
The sign of devotion, used during the prayer in the opening ceremony, is made in this manner … Gives it.
The motto of the Society is Justice; and the flower the white rose, the emblem of purity.
The Supreme honors are made by placing the left hand over the heart and bringing the open palm of the right hand over the left with three strokes, repeating the word welcome with each stroke, thus … Gives them. The Court honors are given in the same manner except that only two strokes are given and the word welcome repeated twice. The Supreme honors are given to Supreme Officers, Past Supreme Officers and other distinguished members. The Court honors are given to initiates and other members at the discretion of the Chancellor.
To obtain admission to a Court after the opening ceremony, you will give an alarm at the outer door. The Sentinel will raise the wicket and to him you will whisper the term password. If correct, you will be admitted to the ante-room, where you will invest yourself with the proper badge or jewel of the Society, advance to the inner door and give two raps. The Guard will answer with two raps, then raise the wicket, and to him you will give your name, with the number and location of the Court of which you are a member, and whisper the permanent password. If correct he will admit you.
Upon entering you will advance to the altar and salute the Vice-Chancellor with the salutation sign of the Society. That officer will respond with the same sign and you will then be permitted to take a seat in the Court.
If, for any reason, you are unable to give either of the passwords, the Guard will so report to the Vice-Chancellor, who will ascertain from the Recorder if you are in good standing. If so, you will be admitted, and will advance to the Chancellor’s station, salute him with the sign and receive the password.
Should you wish to retire from the Court before it is closed, you will advance to the altar, salute the Vice-Chancellor, and upon his recognition you will be at liberty to retire.
At the close of the secret Work the Chancellor returns to his station and seats the members. If desired, authorized scenes or side degrees may be given at this time, the candidate being reconducted to the ante-room for preparation. If not those who are to take part will retire and prepare for the tableau.
Conductor, you will present the candidate(s) at this station.
Chancellor, by your order, I present this friend(s) at your station.
My friend(s), having been taught the lessons of the Court of Honor, and having been instructed in its secret work, you are qualified to receive your certificate of membership, which the Recorder will now deliver to you.
Recorder, advancing to candidate:
My brother(s), having enrolled your name on the roster of this Court it now becomes my duty as Recorder to deliver to you your certificate of membership in the Court of Honor. Hands certificate to candidate. This certificate, while in force, entitles you to all the social and benevolent rights and privileges afforded to members of the Society, and your beneficiaries to share in its great system of protection. Your wisdom in thus providing for your loved ones is commendable for it is appointed unto all men to die. We are told in the Holy Word that "He that provideth not for his own, and especially for those of his own household, is worse than an infidel."
The Constitution provides that an assessment is due on the first day of each month and payable to the Recorder on or before the last day. Do not deprive your family of this protection by neglecting to keep this certificate in force.
Recorder returns to station.
My brother(s), I congratulate you upon your entry into this Society, and welcome you as a member of this Court. May the lessons you have learned and the obligation you have taken remain deeply impressed upon your memory. We trust it will be a pleasure to you to attend the meetings of the Court and to take active part in promoting its welfare.
May your life become a blessing to the world as you follow the guiding stars of Patriotism, Liberty and Brotherhood. Points to flag and rose the candidate wears. Let this flag inspire you to devoted service for home and country and this rose encourage you to brighten the lives of your Fellow travelers along the rugged pathway of life.
I now proclaim you entitled to all the rights, privileges, and honors of a benefit (or social) member of … Court No. …, of the Court of Honor.

The Tableau

The tableau should now be given by the members who have been preparing for it during the preceding ceremonies.
This tableau may be given by use of a stereopticon or microscope.
A curtain should be arranged on a wire across the foot of the hall at or near the vice-Chancellor’s station.
At the center of the scene a woman with white flowing robe, a crimson toga and a purple crown, stands upon a pedestal. In her right hand she supports a globe; in her left hand she holds a staff. This represents Liberty.
At the right of Liberty a woman in white with a sash of red, white and blue diagonally across the chest stands, holding forward a flag; behind her, in line stand several men with swords or spears as if ready to defend the flag. This represents Patriottism.
At the left of Liberty a woman in black stands. Beside her, with an arm about her, stands a woman in a lighter gown. If there is room several men and women will stand in line at the rear. Facing the woman in black stands a man holding
out to her a draft as if paying a death claim. This represents Brotherhood.
Should a Court have little space the tableau can be given in three scenes, one at a time, instead of showing the three at once. The room should be darkened and a strong light thrown upon the tableau, A good lamp with a reflector will answer.
When the tableau is ready—and there should be no waiting—the Chancellor will say:
You will please face the altar.
As the candidate(s) turns the curtains are drawn and the following explanation is given:
Behold a representation of the three great lessons of the Court of Honor. The scene at the left represents Patriotism, and symbolizes love of home and devotion to Country.
Past Chancellor:
The scene at the center represents Liberty, and symbolizes Justice and Protection.
The scene at the right represents Brotherhood, and symbolizes the Court of Honor bringing aid and comfort in the time of sorrow.
The lights of the room are turned on and the curtain is drawn.
Chancellor, ***:
Officers and members, I take pleasure in introducing to you Brother … who is a qualified member of the Court of Honor. I bespeak for him your hospitality, friendship, and brotherly protection. You will join me in giving the Court Honors. All give honors. You will now come Forward and give our Brother the hand of welcome and fellowship.
The Recorder leads and all members come forward in single file and shake hands with the candidate. The Chancellor stands on the right side of the candidate and the Conductor on the other. After the members shake hands they pass on around and form a circle, the Recorder coming around to the right of the Chancellor and the last member in line stopping at the left of the Conductor. the entire line of march forming a circle.
When the circle has been formed, all join hands while the Chaplain says:
Blest be the tie that binds
Our hearts in Brotherhood ;
In fellowship we’re pledged to work
For our Fraternal good.
The members will resume their seats.
Chancellor, *:
Conductor, you will seat the Brother(s) and resume your station.
After Conductor has returned to station the team may entertain the Court with an exhibition drill, if desired, and the Chancellor will so announce.

Closing Ceremony

… Court No. … is now about to close. Has any duty been left unperformed?
If there is no response the Recorder will say:
Recorder, saluting:
Chancellor our work is finished.
Have the lessons of the Society been exemplified?
Vice-Chancellor, standing before his station and saluting:
Chancellor, the flag of our nation, reposing upon the altar, has kindled anew our patriotism. We have been inspired with deeper devotion to home and country.
Past Chancellor, standing before his station and saluting:
Chancellor, Liberty has attended the deliberations of this Court; Freedom has prevailed; Justice has held sway, and equal rights have been accorded to all.
Chaplain, standing before his station and saluting:
Chancellor, we have been drawn together by the ties of fellowship and sympathy. We have cared for the sick and distressed. Our hearts have gone out to suffering humanity.
What is the keynote of fraternity?
All members, in unison:
What is the motto of fraternity?
All members, in unison:
As we depart from this Court let us carry with us its teachings. Let us daily perform the duties our obligation imposes upon us. Let each member speak well of the Society. Be just and upright in your dealings, with malice toward none and charity for all. Wrong no man. Give the world cheerful words and kindly deeds, for thus man builds a monument to his memory. Let us join in, singing the closing ode. ***
Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, Chaplain, and Past Chancellor come forward and at the same time all Other officers and members, except Guard and Sentinel, advance and form a circle around the altar. The Chancellor stands in line between the altar and his station, the vice-Chancellor stands just opposite the Chancellor while the Chaplain and the Past
Chancellor stand in front of their stations facing each other. The members and other officers take places between these four officers so as to form the circle. All join hands while singing the second stanza.
Good night, a kind good night;
Long live our Order bright,
Our hope and pride;
Let us again renew
Our friendship strong and true,
Giving each Justice due
O’er land and tide.

Let us then firmly stand,
A strong, united band,
Pride of our land;
Our duties all fulfill,
And by each other still,
All stand through good and ill
Joined hand in hand.
The chaplain will pronounce the benediction.
Chaplain, stepping forward and standing at the altar:
Eternal Father, as we depart to our homes we pray.
Thee to go with us and to guide us in all our ways. Grant Thy mercy to Thy children everywhere. Bless all who are in distress and comfort sorrowing hearts. Keep us from danger, and bring us here again in safety. We ask it with all honor to Thy name. Amen.
All members:
So be it.
Chaplain resumes place in the circle.
Conductor, collect the rituals, odes, badges, and report.
The Conductor passes around the circle, taking rituals, odes. etc.. then comes to altar, salutes, and reports, and then takes place in the circle.
In closing I wish to thank the officers for their assistance during the meeting, and all members for their presence and attention. Let all strive to be present at the next meeting on … gives date. Let not a trivial excuse prevent you from attending. We need your presence and you need the inspiration of the Court. I now declare … Court No. … closed until the next stated meeting.
