Order of The Builders

This order was
founded in 1921 as a fraternal organization of young men between the ages of
eleven and twenty-one, organized into chapters and under the supervision of
volunteer members of the Masonic fraternity, fathers, and majority members who
act as an Advisory Council.
The ritual of the order is symbolic and direct. It teaches the binding force of
friendship and fraternal association; it broadens the principles of morality and
right living; it impresses the necessity of duty to parents and respect for
authority; it guides the youth into the building of character; it inculcates the
spirit of patriotism.
The object of the Order of The Builders is to promote, the mental, moral,
physical, and spiritual development of its' members. To develop their activities
in all that relates to individual duty to God and parents. To promote civic,
state, and national betterment, by the defense of civil, religious, political,
and intellectual liberty, and to provide by means of fraternal association a
relationship through which to develop activities aiming for the mutual
advancement of those coming within the range of it's purpose and plans.
The organization is for young who are the sons, brothers, grandsons, or nephews
of members of regularly constituted Masonic Lodges and their immediate or
closest boyhood companions.
Master Masons may become Associate Members and be a part of the chapter’s
Advisory Council of Master Masons. The associate members from the Advisory
Council of Master Masons and five elected members to the Executive Council, work
with the chapter. Other Master Masons along with Non-Masonic fathers or
male-guardians of the young men, may attend a meeting of the Order of The
Builders after taking a pledge.
There are two degrees in the ritual of the Order, the Apprentice Degree and
the Builders Degree. Both degrees teach lessons about the principles of
democracy, Patriotism, and the ideals of Freemasonry.
Builder degrees are serious matters and are performed with dignity.
There is no rough stuff or harassment. Just a dignified informative ceremony
typical of the organization.