Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen


Opening Ceremony

At the time designated for the opening of the Lodge the President, or Acting President will assume his station and will call the meeting to order by giving three distinct raps with the gavel. Officers will assume their respective stations and members their seats. Visiting members and candidates will retire to the ante-room, except that the International President or his representative may remain. The President will fil1 all vacancies by appointment. In the absence of the President, Vice-President, Past President, International President, or his Representative, the members shall select the General Chairman, or a member of their lodge to act as President Pro Term. Officers who are selected to fill vacancies will serve Pro-Term during the session, unless relieved by the arrival of the duly elected officers.
Brother Outer Guard, you will retire to the ante-room, close and lock the door, and guard it until further orders.
Brother Inner Guard, you will close the inner door and return to your station.
Brother Warden, you will advance to the President’s station and qualify yourself to examine the Brothers.
The Warden approaches the President’s station, places his left hand on President’s right shoulder, and with the right hand gives the grip, which is made by … and whispers the word in his left ear. The Warden will then examine each Brother in turn, they qualifying in like manner, commencing at the right of the President, passing around the Lodge, concluding his duties by examining the Outer Guard, seeing that the Guards are at their posts and the doors securely locked.
In the examination of the Lodge, should the Warden find an officer or member without the word, he will address the President as follows: "Worthy President, I find Brother … not qualified". The President will then inquire of the Financial Secretary as to the Brother’s standing, and if he advises that the member is entitled to the word, the Warden will be instructed to communicate it as heretofore described. When the Warden has completed the examination, he will return to his station and announce:
Worthy President, I find all members qualified to remain.
The President gives two raps with the gavel and all members will arise to their feet and remain standing.
Brother Chaplain, you will advance to the Altar and open the sacred Book, in which is taught the beautiful lesson of Charity, Peace and Brotherly Love.
Ceremonies at the Altar may be dispensed with, excepting the opening of the Bible. For those who may wish to introduce prayer, the following is offered:


Chaplain’s Prayer

Grant us, Heavenly Father, that these our Brothers, assembled here in the name of our Brotherhood, may labor in harmony; that all our doings may be acceptable in Thy sight. Guide us in the path of duty and enlighten our minds with that understanding of our laws so as to make us devoted to our Brotherhood. Remember the families of our departed Brothers, and may we so prosper that at all times we may respond to the call of Charity, and practice those virtues with which our banner is inscribed, and when is ended may our reward be such as cometh to him who doeth all things well.
At the conclusion of the Prayer by the Chaplain, he will return to his station.
My Brothers, we are assembled to transact the business of our Lodge. Let peace and harmony prevail. I now declare … Lodge No. … of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen open in form. Brother Inner Guard, you will notify the Outer Guard that this Lodge is now open and ready to admit all qualified members; ascertain and report if there are any visiting Brothers in waiting.
President then gives one rap with the gavel and seats the Lodge. Should there be any visitors in waiting, the President will address the Warden as follows:
Brother Warden, you will retire to the ante-room and examine such visitors as are in waiting, accompany them to the Altar, and introduce them to the Lodge.
The Warden will retire in form, go to the ante-room, and be introduced by the Outer Guard to all visitors, and will receive from them their grip, quarterly pass and receipt for monthly assessments for the month in which the visit is made.
In the event of a visitor being without the quarterly pass, but having an official receipt for the current month, the Warden will permit him to enter the lodge and announce the fact to the President, who will at his convenience, examine the receipt, and if found correct, will communicate the password,
In the event of there being two or more visitors, the Warden will receive and examine them singly in the ante-room, and when all are examined and found qualified, the Warden will give the proper alarm upon the inner door. The Inner Guard will open the wicket and the Warden will announce:
Warden of this Lodge, with duly qualified visiting Brother.
Inner Guard will announce to the President:
Inner Guard:
Worthy President, Warden of this Lodge with qualified visitor.
Brother Inner Guard, admit the Warden with visitor.
The door will then be opened by the Inner Guard, President will give two raps with the gavel, and all will arise and remain standing, Warden will enter with visitor (or visitors), in a single file, and cross the lodge room in front of the Vice-President’s station, so that in approaching the Altar all will be in company front, When they reach the Altar the Warden will introduce them. After being greeted by the President, the Warden will then escort them to seats.
Worthy President and Brothers, I have the honor to present at the altar of our Brotherhood, Brother … of Lodge ….
Brother, I bid you welcome. I trust your visit will be one of pleasure as well as profit. Please be seated.
President gives one rap with the gavel and all members will be seated, Regular order of business will then be taken up.


Ceremonies of Initiation

Officers and members of Lodges, when conducting the ceremonies of an initiation, are prohibited from using any appliance or device which will result in physical injury or mental shock to a candidate.
Prior to the initiation of a Candidate, and before the Past President and Financial Secretary retire to the ante-room for the purpose of examining the Candidate, the President will ask the following:
Brother Recording Secretary, have you the name of the Candidate (or Candidates) in waiting, and has he been elected by our secret ballot?
Recording Secretary shall give the President the required information and hand him the application for beneficiary certificate, if any, of the Candidate, or Candidates, in waiting.
My brothers, Mr. … is waiting for initiation. The Past President and Financial Secretary will now retire to the ante-room, examine the Candidate (or Candidates), collect such fees as are necessary and return with the Candidate (or Candidates) provided examination is satisfactory.
The Past President and the Financial Secretary will retire and secure the necessary information and fees.
Outer Guard:
Mr. …, I have the honor to introduce to you the Past President and Financial Secretary of this Lodge who desire certain information of you, and the fees of initiation.
Past President:
My friend, were you ever rejected or expelled from any Lodge of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen? If so, which one?
Candidate, or Candidates, shall answer yes or no. If the answer be yes the Past President will make such inquiries as are necessary to satisfy himself as to the fitness of the Candidate.
Past President:
Do you seek membership in this Order of your own free will, and are you prepared to take an obligation to cheerfully obey all the rules and regulations of the Order, and to faithfully keep your vows?
Candidate, or Candidates, answer yes or no. The Financial Secretary will collect such fees as are required by the Lodge before the initiation, and return to the Lodge with the Past President and Candidate, being admitted by the Inner Guard by an unusual alarm. The Inner Guard reporting the return of the Past President and Financial Secretary as follows:
Inner Guard:
Worthy President, the Past President and Financial Secretary of this Lodge, with the Candidate (or Candidates).
Admit them.
Inner Guard opens the door and permits the Past President and Financial Secretary with the Candidate to enter the Lodge. They will approach the Altar in company front, and report as follows:
Past President:
Worthy President, I have examined Mr. … and I am satisfied he is worthy of membership.
If the Past President is not satisfied with the qualifications of the Candidate, he will return to the Lodge and report accordingly.
Financial Secretary:
Worthy President, the initiation fees have been collected.
Past President:
You now stand before the Altar of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen. There is an obligation, severe in its solemnity, and as binding as the laws of God to man, which you are required to take before you can be accepted into membership. You will be asked to pledge your full support and strength to this organization, and adhere firmly to its laws, rules and regulations; in none of which will you be required to violate the duties which you owe to either your God, your family, your country or yourself. With this assurance are you still desirous of proceeding farther?
Candidate, or Candidates, will answer.
Past President:
To impress upon you the seriousness of our obligations, the sacredness of the relations which exist between members, and the penalties for a disregard or violation of these obligations or relations, your attention is especially directed to the law of the Brotherhood concerning slander, which provides that any officer or member who shall write or cause to be written, circulate or cause to be circulated, any false or slanderous letter or document of any kind, or circulate or cause to be circulated any false or slanderous report or statement concerning the policy of this organization, or any of its officers or members, or who, in allegiance to any other organization, shall perform or cause to be performed any act derogatory to the interests of this organization, shall, upon conviction thereof be expelled from all the benefits and privileges of the Brotherhood, including participation in the Insurance Departments.
At the conclusion of the charge, the Past President will address the President as follows:
Past President:
Worthy President, I have the pleasure to present at the Altar of our Brotherhood Mr. …, who is prepared to obligate himself in accordance with our solemn rites.
At this point the President will give two raps with the gavel, officers and members will arise; the President and Chaplain approaching the Altar; the President facing the Candidate; the Chaplain standing at left of Altar. Other officers and members will quietly advance and form a complete circle around the Altar by clasping hands, surrounding the President, Past President, Chaplain and Candidate, excepting the Vice-President. Inner and Outer Guards, who will remain at their respective stations.
My friend, you will now listen to the advice of our Worthy Chaplain.
My friend, as all good workers have been apprentices to their trade, so are you now an apprentice in our Order, learning those first lessons that are the ground work of all success in life. Our principal object is to promote the welfare of our brothers and their families in sickness and health. In order to carry out these benevolent objects, the assessments of each member must be promptly paid; and yours with the rest. Law must govern every society, and law must govern us; to this law you must submit, or be false to your oath. Not only do we aim to be benevolent, but we aim to teach the great lesson of sobriety. Be honorable in your dealings, faithful at your post, and I can assure you, my friend, our Order will be proud to number you among its members. Remember, the motto of our Order is ‘Protection, Charity, Sobriety and Industry.’
Having received instructions as to your duties, I now admonish you to reflect and answer for yourself before these witnesses if you still desire membership in this Order.
Candidate, or Candidates, answer.
Worthy Past President, you will have the Candidate stand erect, place his left hand over his heart and raise his right hand, open palm outward, to level of his head.
When the Candidate is in proper position the Past President will then announce:
Past President
: Worthy President, the Candidate stands in proper form and awaits your pleasure.
The President will then proceed to administer the following obligation:
You will now pronounce your full name, and repeat in a clear and audible voice the following obligation: I, …, of my own free will, before God and my fellow man, solemnly promise and vow that I will never, by word or deed, betray any of the rites or mysterious ceremonies of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen, as here revealed to me. I will faithfully keep inviolate my solemn oath of membership, and at all times and under all circumstances discharge every duty devolving upon me as a member. I will obey the Constitution and By-Laws and always recognize the authority vested in the officers of this Lodge and the Grand Lodge. I will never incite rebellion, or antagonize the brothers on account of religion or nationality, but at all times put forth every effort to maintain peace, harmony and brotherly love. I will never speak ill of my brother, or in any manner knowingly do him an injury. I will never write, paint, cut, carve, hew or engrave the secret pass, grip, signs, or any of the mystic ceremonies, so that they may become revealed to an impostor, nor permit the same to be done by another if in my power to prevent. Should I violate any part of this, my solemn obligation, may I be driven from among the tried and true, and be pointed out with the finger of scorn as a man devoid of principle and honor.
President then takes Candidate by the right hand and says:
My Brother, for by that name I am now privileged to Call you, having been received and obligated by the most solemn vows, I greet you as a member of … Lodge No. ….
Vice-President gives one rap with the gavel at the conclusion of the declaration of membership to the Candidate, or Candidates, by the President, when entire lodge will quietly return to their seats, and officers to their stations, except the Past President, who will escort the newly admitted member, oz members, to the President’s station to be instructed in the secret work.


Exemplification of the secret work by the President

Entering a Lodge

Brother …, you will now give your strict attention while I instruct you in the Secret Work of this Order. Desiring to enter a Lodge of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen, you will give any alarm at the outer door that will attract the attention of the Outer Guard, who will open the wicket and inquire: ‘Who demands admission?’ You will then give him your name, and say: ‘Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen, Lodge No. ….’ The door will then be opened by the Outer Guard and you will be permitted to enter the anteroom. You will, then (unless the Lodge is performing the opening ceremony) advance to the inner door and give raps which are as follows: three distinct raps.
"The Inner Guard will report to the Vice-President an alarm. The Vice-President will say, ‘Attend the alarm and report.’ The Inner Guard will then give three distinct raps and upon the wicket being opened by the Inner Guard, he will inquire: ‘Who demands admission?’ You will reply by giving your name, the name and number of your Lodge, and in a low whisper the Secret Word. Having communicated the word to the Inner Guard, the wicket will be closed, and the Inner Guard will report to the Vice-President as follows: ‘Worthy Vice-President, it is Brother … of … Lodge No. ... and he is correct in the word.’ The Vice-President will reply: ‘Permit him to enter.’ The Inner Guard will then open the door, and you will enter the Lodge and quietly take your seat.

Secret Word

The Secret Word is a pass which gains you entrance into the Lodge, and which changes quarterly on the first day of January, April, July and October. The word for this quarter is: … This word can only be given to you by a Grand Lodge Officer, the President, or the Financial Secretary of your Lodge, or the President or the Financial Secretary of a Sister Lodge, when you present an order for the Secret Word, or by the Warden at the examination of the Lodge, and under instructions of the President. Under no circumstances will you communicate this word except to the Warden of your Lodge or of a Sister Lodge which you may be visiting, or to the Inner Guard upon entering this lodge or a Sister Lodge, unless you have been specially deputized by the President of your Lodge to communicate the pass to another. This word you will at all times carefully guard, for should you in any manner divulge it, expulsion from the Order under the most trying circumstances will be the penalty.


The Brotherhood has adopted a Grip to be used by our members in the Lodge room, and in the ante-room by the Warden when qualifying members, and is made as follows: you will grasp the two first fingers of the Warden’s right hand with your two first fingers, allowing your thumb to touch the ends of your fingers around the Warden’s fingers, at the same time placing the left hand upon each others shoulder, which signifies: we are linked together.
Retiring from the Lodge

Desiring to, retire from the Lodge while in session, you will arise from your seat and say: ‘Worthy President, may I retire?’ If your request is granted you will proceed to and in front of the Altar, facing the President’s station, and give the Retiring Sign, which is made as follows:
Right hand extended straight outward towards the top of the Altar, fingers closed, palm upwards, which signifies, ‘No malice do I hold;’ then opening the hand, palm still upwards, which signifies, ‘None do I carry with me;’ then carrying hand to and over the heart, which signifies, ‘My secrets I shall keep.’
The President will respond by placing his right hand over his heart.
Whereupon you will advance in a direct line to the station of the Vice-President and from there to the inner door. The Inner Guard will then open the door and permit you to retire to the ante-room. When you are prepared to depart the Outer Guard will open the outer door and allow you to go about your business.

Visiting a Sister Lodge

Desiring to visit a Sister Lodge, should you be present before the opening of the Lodge and in the Lodge room, upon hearing three raps of the gavel by the President, you will immediately retire to the outside anteroom and there remain until the Warden of the Lodge is introduced to you by the Outer Guard for examination. Should you not arrive before the Lodge opens you will give any alarm at the outer door, and upon the wicket being opened by the Outer Guard, you will give your name and say, ‘Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen, Lodge No. …’, which will gain your admission into the ante-room, and the Outer Guard will convey the information of your presence as a visitor to the Inner Guard. When the Warden of the Lodge enters the ante-room, and you have been introduced to him by the Outer Guard, the Warden will say to you: ‘Brother …, you will qualify for admission.’ You will then hand the Warden your receipt for examination, showing your standing for the month in which you are visiting the Lodge, and give the Warden your right hand and with it the Grip. With the Grip you will whisper the Word in his left ear. Having necessary receipt, and being correct in the Word and Grip, the Warden will escort you to the inner door, where he (the Warden) will give the usual alarm, and upon the wicket being opened by the Inner Guard, he will announce, ‘The Warden of this Lodge with visiting Brother (or Brothers), duly qualified.’ Upon the door being opened the Warden will escort you to the Altar in the usual manner, and will introduce you. After being greeted by the President, the Warden will direct you to a seat.
Should you desire to visit a Sister Lodge and find yourself without the Word, you can only gain admittance by having a Receipt for your assessments for the month in which you are visiting. In such cases the Warden will permit you to enter the Lodge room where the fact of your being without the word will be announced to the President who will direct the Warden to communicate the Word to you.

The Raps of the Gavel

The Gavel is used by the President of the Lodge to preserve order, and is the badge of authority to be recognized at all times by officers and members alike. The sound of the Gavel is just as imperative and potent as is the voice of the President. Members will respond to the raps of the Gavel. Three raps of the Gavel call the Lodge to order, and the officers to their stations, preparatory to the opening of a session of a Lodge. Two raps of the Gavel call the Lodge to their feet. One rap of the Gavel seats the Lodge. Any other raps of the Gavel are known as false alarms.
As the President raps the members present will properly respond.

Voting Sign of the Order

The Voting Sign of the Order is made by lifting the right hand, open, palm outward; and you are required to vote upon every question that arises in your Lodge unless excused by the President of the Lodge.

Travelling Card

The Brotherhood has adopted for the use of its members a card known as a Traveling Card. This is a Traveling Card shows Card. It will bear the exact date upon which it was issued, the name and number of your Lodge, the President’s name and the Financial Secretary’s name; also the signature of the General Secretary and Treasurer, the Local Lodge Seal and the Grand Lodge Seal. The number of your Lodge will be perforated through the top of the Card. Upon the back of the Card will appear the length of time for which the Card is issued, where you are employed, if upon a railroad, and what one, and the Card shall bear your signature in your own handwriting; also a description of the bearer, and upon the margin of the Card will be the months and days. The letter ‘F’ opposite the description of the bearer, and the expiration of the Card, will be punched with Official Punch. When traveling, if desirous of introducing yourself through this Card you will address the party as follows: ‘Good morning’ or ‘Good evening,’ as the case may be. The party whom you approach, if he is a member, will say ‘Good morning,’ or ‘Good evening,’ as the case may be. The holder of the Card will then say: ‘Where have I met before.’
The party addressed, if a member of the Order, will say: ‘You should know.’
The holder of the Card will say: "Am I mistaken.’
The party addressed will say: ‘Key’.
The holder of the Card will give number of letters in quarterly word.
Then the party addressed will give last letter of quarterly word.
The holder of the Card will then give first letter of quarterly word; at the same time present receipt for the current month together with traveling card, saying: ‘examine my card an receipt.’
The Card or receipt shall not be produced until both have made themselves known to each other as members of the Brotherhood, by the interchange of the Secret Work, when the Card and receipt will be presented for identification.
I desire you to make yourself familiar with the use of this Card, so that if a stranger should call upon you bearing a Card, you can prove him a member, if such he be. You should not recognize a person having a Traveling Card or receipt unless the foregoing secret work has been gone through with to satisfy yourself the person having Card and receipt is a member in good standing. In order to obtain a Traveling Card, under any circumstances, you
must be in good standing. In the event of you having a Card in your possession, and it having expired by limitation, it must be returned to the Financial Secretary of your Lodge before another can be issued.
My Brother, you have been instructed in the Secret Work of our Order. I now present you with a copy of our Constitution and By-Laws, which you should study thoroughly, so you will fully understand what our Order expects of you. I now grant a few moments intermission, whereby the brothers will have the pleasure of greeting you as a member.
Lodge will be called to order at the expiration of the intermission.
Worthy Past President, you and the newly admitted member (or members) will retire to the ante-room in form, and you will assist him in working his way into the Lodge.
NOTE: In conferring this lesson upon the candidate, make it brief but impressive; prohibit any member from using profane or abusive language or the word SCAB, or any other phrase which will mar the intent of the lesson taught; this is imperative.
During the absence of the Past President and Candidate, or Candidates, the President will appoint two members to act as Prosecutors, and two members to act as Defenders for the Candidate, should he sign, or attempt to sign the Register Test. it is understood that not more than one Candidate will be taken through this part of the ceremony at one time. During this part of the ceremony the floor will be kept clear from all obstructions, as it is intended to make this ceremony impressive on the mind of the Candidate, and the strictest order must prevail.
When Past President and Candidate work their way into the Lodge they will approach the Altar and remain standing while the President says:
Brother …, you will be required upon bended knees at our Altar, amid the silence of our Lodge, to fill out this blank, President hands blank to Warden who will take it to the Candidate and if you subscribe to all that is required thereon, you will be entitled to a seat in the Lodge. Worthy Past President and Warden you will assist the brother in filling out the blank.
Should the Candidate sign, or attempt to sign, the Quarterly Pass, the Past President will seize and hold him, while the Warden will seize the blank, and hold it until the President gives three raps of the gavel, and says;
What is the cause of this disturbance?
Worthy President, this man has attempted to sign away the Quarterly Pass.
Warden takes the blank to the President.
Past President:
Worthy President, perhaps he can justify his action.
Sir, have you any explanation to make that will justify your action?
Candidate makes his explanation.
Brothers, are you satisfied with this explanation?
At this Point the Prosecutor will arise and say:
Worthy President.
My Brother.
Prosecutor will then reprimand the Candidate in such language as will be appropriate for the occasion. When the Prosecutor resumes his seat one of the Defenders will arise and say:
Worthy President.
My Brother.
Defender will use such language as is appropriate In defense of Candidate. The Prosecutors will then be heard, and the last Defender will conclude, closing his remarks with a motion that the Candidate be forgiven for his offense and restored to good standing in the Lodge. If a motion is adopted the President will summon the Candidate before him.
My Brother, our Lodge has shown you that we practice charity in its broadest sense by extending to you forgiveness, even though you had violated your obligation. I therefore extend to you the warm right hand of the Brotherhood and welcome you to our fold with all my heart.
President grasps him by the right hand and shakes it cordially.
Worthy Past President, you will now escort our newly admitted Brother to his seat.

Emblematic Lecture

To be introduced, if a Lodge so desires, the first time the Candidate is presented at the Altar. If introduced it should be done just alter Financial Secretary reports that fees have been collected. A screen and lights should be previously arranged. The lecture should be committed to memory and delivered by the Chaplain, or some one especially selected by the President. The operator should shift the scenes to fit the language of the lecture. The strictest order must be maintained by members during this part of the ceremony, as it is intended to be impressive.
NOTE: It is optional with the Lodge whether or not they deliver the following emblematic Lecture, provided they have a lantern and slides for that purpose.
My friend, the purposes for which the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen was organized were to protect its members from injustice; to bestow upon them and their loved ones charitable donations that will make life’s burden lighter at a time when death has robbed the helpless and afflicted of all means of support. The Brotherhood teaches them that a duty they owe their families and themselves is not to allow a passion for intoxicating liquor to lead them to poverty and degradation. It also teaches that a man to earn a reputable position in life must be industrious. It was upon these principles that the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen was founded and for these principles the Brotherhood has labored for many years. Brothers, what is the Motto of our Order?
All members present will slowly and distinctly pronounce in concert the Motto
Protection --- Charity --- Sobriety --- Industry.
My friend, I will now illustrate to you incidents that daily occur in the life of an Engineman.
The ‘Home scene’ is produced on the screen and the hoodwink lifted from the eyes of the Candidate.
You now see before you an Engineman in the prime of his manhood bidding farewell to all that is dear on earth, his loving wife and innocent, prattling babes. It was ordained by the Creator that a knowledge of impending danger should be withheld, that our happy moments should not be marred by vision of coming adversity. This man affectionately bids adieu to his loved ones, and with light and joyous heart sees for the last time the little cottage, the pride of his being, the scene of his happiest days.
Scene changes, showing a roundhouse.
He now approaches the field of his everyday labor while earning for himself and family those necessaries and little luxuries that it is his pride to see his family enjoy. Here is the busy engine-house. Men getting engines ready for the road; others returning to their homes after a day of honest toil; and yet others preparing to go out on trips from which some may never return except as a mangled and lifeless form.
Scene changes, showing a railway train.
A train laden with precious lives speeds on its journey. The engineer and fireman, loyal to the trust imposed upon them, having the confidence of those in their keeping, faithfully perform their duty. Faster and faster speeds the massive engine; dashing through village, whirling by the riverside, out upon the broad prairies, through valleys, over hills and through fields of yellow grain.
Scene changes, showing the wreck.
The veil which covers the face of futurity Is woven by the hand of mercy.
No man knows what the morrow will bring forth. Death comes like a thief in the night and steals away that which only the Creator can return.
Scene changes, showing the funeral.
The last debt that we can pay our fellow man is to consign him to his grave, to tenderly and affectionately lay him to eternal rest. We here see all that is mortal of our departed brother pausing on the brink of the grave. A heart-broken mother, an aged father, a despairing widow, weeping orphans here fix their eyes for the last time on the quiet, pale face of him that but yesterday was in the vigor of life.
It is a mission of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen to perform these last sad rites, to comfort the bereaved parent, to console the widow and orphan.
Scene changes, showing the paying of the claim.
It must be a bright ray of hope; a moment of happiness, though in the presence of death, when the thought flashes on the mind of a dying man that he has provided sustenance for those whom he is leaving behind. What must be the agonizing thought of a man on the verge of eternity when he realizes that he has done naught to protect his loved ones from hunger and cold, has carelessly allowed to pass by opportunities to provide for their future welfare, and has left them to the charity of a heartless world. It is here we see the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen perform its sacred mission. The weeping widow is ours to solace. The defenseless orphan is ours to protect and keep. It is at this moment that the Brotherhood pays its greatest obligation by securing to the widow and orphans the means by which a home may be purchased and the orphans educated.
Scene changes. showing the three graces, Faith, Hope and Charity.
And now abideth Faith, Hope, and Charity, these three; but the greatest of these is Charity.
Scene changes, showing the Grand Lodge.
A charitable organization, like all others, must be governed by law and order. Here is illustrated the law-making body of our Brotherhood. Each and every member is entitled to representation in the Grand Lodge and it is his sworn duty to obey the rules and regulations emanating from this assemblage. Without this allegiance to the Constitution our Brotherhood would soon cease to exist, and without our Brotherhood where will we turn for that protection that it alone can give. My friend, you will now look upon the symbols of our Motto: Protection --- Charity --- Sobriety Industry.
As the Chaplain pronounces each word the appropriate symbol is produced upon the screen.
The Chaplain should allow the Candidate sufficient time to view each symbol before announcing another.
The Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen is an International organization. We know no political or geographical lines in our jurisdiction. We recognize no political or religious creed. We are a band of brothers, united for protection under the banners of the United States, Canada and Mexico.
As the Chaplain says this the coats of arms of the above named countries are produced on the screen.
Many years ago a man who has since passed away conceived the idea of this Brotherhood. By his efforts it was made possible that you should stand beneath its protecting influence. That man was our first Grand Master, Joshua A. Leach, to whose memory we gladly extend the affections of our grateful hearts.
As the Chaplain pronounces the name of Brother Leach his portrait is produced on the screen. The light from the stereopticon is then entirely concealed and the Chaplain proceeds.
My friend, you have thus looked upon the scenes incidental to the life of an engineman. You have witnessed the grand work of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen, and I hope its influence will ever be impressed upon your memory. You will now be initiated into the deeper mysteries of the Order.

Closing Ceremony

When the business of the Lodge is concluded, the President will arise and say:
Brethren, our labors being concluded, we will close. Brother Chaplain, you will attend at the altar.
The President will give two raps with the gavel and all members will arise and the Chaplain will advance to the Altar facing the President and offer the following prayer:
Our Heavenly Father, bless, we beseech Thee, the labors of this meeting. May we all profit thereby. May a spirit of peace, harmony and good will prevail among all the brothers, and may we go forth to our duties upon the rail with renewed courage. Protect us from all danger, and when life’s work is ended, receive us into Thine everlasting kingdom. Amen.
At the end of the prayer. Chaplain will close the Bible and return to his station. Prayer may be dispensed with at the discretion of the Lodge. In such cases the Chaplain will close the Bible.
Brother Warden, you will collect the rituals and Lodge property, and return them to my station.
The President will take charge of the rituals and see that they are placed under lock and key for safe keeping.
Brothers, the business of this meeting being concluded, we will now close, until our next regular meeting, unless a special meeting shall be deemed necessary; on either occasion I hope to see a full attendance. You will give the Retiring Sign.
Members in giving sign at the close of Lodge, will repeat in one voice with the President the following explanation of the retiring Sign:
‘No malice do I hold;’ ‘None do I carry with me;’ ‘My secrets I shall keep.’
Guards, you will open the doors and permit the members to retire, as the Lodge is now closed.
