American Sons of Liberty of 1776
Initiation Ritual in the Initiatory, First, Second and Third Degrees


Primary Obligations and Answers
Q-Do you believe in the Supreme Ruler of the universe?
A-I do.
Q-Do you believe in the Constitution of the United States and separation of church and state?
A-I do.
Q-Do you believe in the Protestant religion?
A-I do.
Q-If admitted to this Order, will you submit to voluntarily obligations, oaths and affirmations, binding you to secrecy in this Order, and keep its laws, rules and regulations involiate, regarding all transactions, meetings and business of this Order.
A-I will.
Well enough; I shall report to President; you to await his pleasure.
Oath of Allegiance, dedicated to our country and flag

Place your left hand over your heart; raise your right hand and repeat after me.
I-before God and man here assembled, DO SOLEMNLY SWEAR UPON MY SACRED WORD OF HONOR that I will well perform the duties as a citizen of these United States of America, that I take this oath of allegiance, to my country and flag, without any mental reservation, or purpose of evasion.
I furthermore promise, that I will not serve any foreign KING OR POTENTATE. Should I voluntarily leave this Order, or be expelled therefrom, I will consider this oath of allegiance as binding out of it as in it.
That I will forever defend my flag, my country, my home, even so with my own life.
I do furthermore promise that I will guard and protect each and every member of this Order. Should I betray or make known any or all parts of secret work of this Order, that I may be looked upon as a traitor to this country.
I declare this my binding oath of allegiance. So help me God.
President - General
Vice-President - Brigadier General
Treasurer - Colonel
Financial Secretary - Lt.-Colonel
Recdg. Secretary - Major
Chaplain - No Rank
Musician - No Rank
Captain - Degree Staff
Right Body Guard - General.
Left Body Guard - Lieutenant General.
Right Body Guard - 1st Lieutenant.
Left Body Guard - 2nd Lieutenant.
Warden - Sargeant.
Conductor - Corporal.
Members shall be styled patriots. All officers and chairs must be respected. Captain Degree Staff to remain free to conduct all ceremonies in degree work, and must be free to act in that capacity, and at all times be in accord with the officers of the Post. Not eligible for office as long as he remains as Captain of Degree Staff. must resign as such to run for office. He, also as Captain D. S., shall place all officers and men, as he sees best fit for the Post, on team.
His orders subject to countermand by president's chair only.

Opening Form of Business

Opening Ode: America.
1 Roll Call of Officers-answered present by Sergeant-Warden.
2 Roll Call of Members-answer by each (here).
3 Bills and Communications read and disposed of.
4 Reading of Enlistments for Patriotship.
5 Report of Investigation Committee.
6 Report of Sick Committee.
7 Balloting on Enlistments-I: 1, 2, 3.
8 Report of Visiting Committee.
9 Report of Foes in Waiting-for advancement.
1 0 Report of Finances.
11 Unfinished Business.
12 New Business.
13 Good of the Order.
14 Closing Ceremony.
Closing Ode: Star Spangled Banner-Retreat to be blown by trumpeter.
President calls Post to order.
Officers and Patriots, take your respective stations. *.
Sergeant-Warden, take up our pass words, that we may know them to be Patriots.
Sergeant-Warden takes up pass word, assisted by Corporal-Conductor.
Sergeant-Warden and Corporal-Conductor announce all present are Patriots.
Open the Bible.
Vice-President, what is your duty in this Post?
To have charge of the outer and inner sentries; to admit no Patriot, unless qualified to sit with us as such, and conduct the Post in keeping order; assist you in the Post in keeping order; assist you in all your duties, and to fill your office, when in your absence, and obey your commands.
Vice-President, what is the duties of your Body Guards?
Right Body Guard (1st Lieutenant):
See that all Patriots, who are qualified and admitted, conduct themselves according to our rules and regulations, and assist you in keeping order; fill your office during your absence; obey commands of President and Vice-President.
Left Body Guard (2nd Lieutenant):
Assist your 1st Lieutenant; act for him during his absence; obey commands of President and Vice-President.
Hon. President, my Body Guards are correct, and all Americans are on guard.
Colonel, what are your duties in this Post?
To receive all monies from Lieutenant-Colonel and bank same, and keep accurate records of all monies expended.
Lieutenant-Colonel, what are your duties in this Post?
To receive all monies, dues and fines of this Post; remit to ·Colonel and take his receipt therefor at close of each session of this Post.
Major, what are your duties in this Post?
Hon. President, to have charge of membership; assist Colonel and Lieutenant-Colonel; keep accurate records of sessions of this Post and attendance of its members, and note absentees.
General, what is your duty to this Post?
Open and close lodge due form; by Trumpter, obey your commands.
Brigadier General, what are your duties in this Post?
Brigadier General:
Hon. President, assist General; obey your commands.
Sergeant-Warden, what are your duties in this Post?
Hon. President, to take up passwords, assisted by Corporal Conductor; place and replace regalia; in careful way, assist Captain Degree Staff; obey your commands.
Sargeant Inside Sentry Post No. 1, request Sergeant Outside Sentry Post No. 2 report this chair.
Sergeant, Outside Sentry, what are your duties in this Post?
Sergeant Outside Sentry:
Hon. President, to guard Post No. 2 from all foes; permit none to pass our lines, unless Patriots in good standing and qualified in pass-words and Tokens of all degrees of this Post.
Be serious, in discharge of your duties; resume your Post, but before you go, give us the Token.
Sergeant Inside Sentry Post No. 1, what are your duties?
Sergeant Inside Sentry Post No. 1:
Hon. President, to see that all Patriots, passing from Post No. 2, are in possession of passwords and tokens in degree which Post is working; permit none to enter unless qualified and in good standing.
Trumpeter, what are your duties?
Hon. President, blow bugle calls according to our rules and regulations; take orders from Degree Captain or President of this Post; obey your commands.
Captain Degree Staff, I will signal you for orders to Trumpeter.
Patriots, we are now about to open this Post, and I trust that each Patriot will discharge his duties well, that it may be said of him that he is a loyal and true Patriot to his country and flag. To act with prudence and caution, that we may enjoy the liberties of free men, and keep our country for Americans. Let no Patriot stand aside and not discharge his duties to his country and flag. I charge each and every officer and patriot to see that all Americans are placed on guard, fitfully discharge his duties thereof.
We will now sing our opening ode, America:
My country 'tis of thee,
Sweet land of liberty,
Of thee I sing. Sweet freedom's song.
Land where my fathers died,
Land of thy pilgrims pride;
From every mountain side
Let freedom ring.
Let music swell the breeze,
And ring from all the trees,
Let mortal tongues awake;
Let all that breathe partake;
Let rocks their silence break-
The sound prolong.
My native country thee,
Land of the noble free,
Thy name I love.
I love thy rocks and rills,
Thy woods and templed hills;
My heart with rapture thrills
Like that above.
Our Father's God to thee,
Author of Liberty,
To thee we sing.
Long may our land be bright
With freedom's holy light;
Protect us by Thy might,
Great God, our King.
Let us bow our heads in prayer with our Chaplain.
Opening Prayer

(Robe must be white.)

Almighty God, our Heavenly Father and Creator, we meet tonight for our common cause of freemen, so that liberty, truth and justice may prevail; to uphold the laws of the United States, and reverence our flag that peace and harmony may be promoted among us. Bless, Oh God, with Thy mercy, that we may carry our flag forever. With Thy grace we aske it-AH MEN.
All patriots and officers must acknowledge by the words:
General, proclaim this Post open.
By the authority of President, I declare this Post open.
E. P. U.:
Captain, order Trumpeter to blow call (A)***
Captain Degree Staff:
Trumpeter, by order of President sound call to arms (A).
Trumpeter sounds call (A)--Time-* (Token).
Officers and brothers advance sign of …Degree.

Initiatory Degree or the Degree of the Eagle

President appoints patriots to fill chairs on retiring of officers and degree staff to robe for initiation. Captain with degree staff, after robing, seats officers, beginning with President, Vice-President, Chaplain and Ex-President.
Captain Degree Staff, take heavy guard, and escort the foes through our lines, who seek to join our ranks and become patriots of the land of freemen, that they may proceed on their way in the light of liberty, justice and freedom.
The truth shall show the light. Then await my commands.
I will.
Sergeant Warden, retire and ascertain if any foes are in waiting. Get their names and report to this chair.
Sergeant-Warden salutes flag; answered by President.
Sergeant-Warden, salutes flag:
I find in waiting a number of foes to be admitted to Pass Guards on duty.
Captain and Heavy Guard await your orders.
Major, why do the foes on Outpost No. 2 demand admittance?
By the election of patriots of this Post to become Americans in justice to our cause to be freemen.
President, calls up patriots:
Are you satisfied that the foes without will make us true patriots and citizens?
I do.
Inside Sentry (Sergeant), request Captain Degree Staff to re-enter and report to this chair.
Captain, join your guard, and escort them within our ranks. You notify Guard Posts No. 2 and 1, so they may report to Vice-President.
Inside Sentry, to Vice-President:
Outside Sentry Post No. 2 reports foes passing through our lines. Outside Sentry awaits your pleasure.
Hon. President, Inside Sentry reports from Post No. 2 that foes are passing through our lines. Outside and Inside Sentries await your pleasure.
President, to Vice-President:
By what right do they break through our lines-is there a traitor on guard?
Hon. President, no traitors on guard; all Americans, but these foes have been captured and desire enlistment in our ranks for the soul principals that tend to make man free in the land of liberty; to abide by the laws as set forth in the Constitution of the United States of America for Americans; to sponsor our cause when it is just, and this be our motto: In God is our trust when freemen shall reign over the land of the free and the home of the brave, and the Star Spangled Banner in triumph shall wave. I move the captured foes be given due trust and chance, that they may become good American citizens.
President, calling Post to rise ***:
Patriots, you have heard the plea of our Worthy Vice-President. What have you to say?
Enlist them. (E. P. U. musician plays Star Spangled Banner.)
Vice-President, notify Sentries on picket duty, Posts No. 2 and 1. Allow foes to pass under Heavy Guard to be sworn in and accepted under the Eagle Degree.
Musician to play Washington Post March. Musician takes whistle signal from Captain of Degree Staff to proceed and stop only in degree ceremonies.
Inside Sentry, notify Outside Sentry to hold foes for the arrival of Heavy Guard to escort them within our ranks, to be sworn upon their sacred word of honor.
Inside Sentry:
Outside Sentry, by the command of Vice-President, I notify you to hold foes for arrival of Heavy Guard to escort them within our ranks.
Outside Sentry:
Inside Sentry, notify Vice-President that Americans are on guard, and will hold foes for arrival of Captain and Heavy Guard to pass our lines.
Inside Sentry:
Vice-President, Outside Sentry holds foes and Captain with Heavy Guard, and now awaits your further orders.
Inside Sentry, admit foes with Heavy Guard.
Captain at inner door blows whistle for musician to play National Anthem.
President calls up Post, ***. Trumpeter blows Assembly or Call to Arms.
As Captain Degree Staff enters with foes (candidates):
Captain, why are the foes passing our lines?
By enlistment in our ranks, and passed on by worthy patriots.
Place all Americans on guard.
Captain salutes with sword, and passes on, followed by team. Captain stops at Chaplain station for question of rights, which shall be answered only by Captain.
Captain, why seekest thou this liberty and freedom?
By the election of brother patriots, we seeketh this liberty and freedom.
'Tis well you seek this liberty and freedom, but before you depart on your way, heed well the cause of humanity, our country and flag-be thou serious. Place all Americans on guard.
Captain marches foes around hall twice, bringing them in one line in front of President for instruction of this degree, and final delivery of principals.
Captain brings candidates in line of President's station for views of this degree.
Captain, halt. Where goest thou with these captured foes?
To the land of liberty and of the free.
This is well. Advance, Captain, with foes and be recognized.
Officer of the Day (any high ranking officer):
Captain, why doth thou seek to bring the captured foes within our ranks, and how did you pass the guards on picket duty?
Officer of the Day, by the election of worthy patriots of this Order. We fared well by the Guard on Duty, but the road was pretty rough and steep. We had to be on our guard all the time.
Officer of the Day:
'Tis well, Captain, you fared so, but while on your journey, lest you forget, remember your oath and comply therewith.
Captain salutes and marches on, until stopped by other guards.
Halt, halt, halt! Where goest Captain with foes captured?
To the land of liberty and of the free.
Advance, Captain: be recognized.
Captain advances with candidates, and answers for them.
Captain, depart on your way. Heed well the cause of this degree.
Trumpeter to sound call.

Initiatory Oath

I-before God and man, here assembled, do solemnly swear and affirm upon my sacred word of honor, that I will never reveal to any person or persons the signs, secrets, tokens or pass-words belonging to the American Sons of Liberty of 1776.
I furthermore promise that I will protect and defend a brother of any patriot organization, and lend my aid and support to the cause of free America; that I will not directly or indirectly support or aid any church or churches that tend to use their influence to the detriment of this nation.
All this which I affirm, upon my sacred word of honor.
So help me God.
In the early days of this nation, when our forefathers had fought the battles with the British and the Indians to have a land of liberty and of the free, they then set to work to decide upon an emblem, of which to denote happiness, prosperity and peace. In so doing, they decided upon the Eagle, being the king of the fowls of the air with ever ready and watchful eye-this emblem with shield placed in the breast of the eagle, with arrows in one talon (claw) and an olive branch in the other.
The arrows are to remind us to be ever ready and alert to do battle, when our cause it is just. The olive branch is to remind us of peace on earth and good will toward all mankind. The breast of the eagle is to remind us of our strength, and forever be prepared for war, that our principles laid down by our forefathers shall forever be America for Americans, the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Taps to close all degrees. If no Trumpeter words to be used, they shall not pass.

First Degree or the Degree of the Flag


I-in the presence of the members here assembled, do solemnly swear, upon my sacred word of honor, that I will protect and defend, even with my own life, my flag, my country and my home.
I further promise to abide by the laws, rules and regulations of this Order, and that I will not directly or indirectly support any church or churches whose aims and purposes are to undermine the government of the United States of America, or use their influence against the lofty deals of our nation.
To all of which I pledge my sacred word of honor.
So help me God.
Captain, proceed with the rookies to our Worthy Chaplain for further questions as to their rights to unite with us in this Order, and if it is his wish to proceed and advance candidates to higher degrees of this Order.
Captain with guard marches around hall, once halted by guards.
Guard on picket duty:
Halt! Who goes there?
Friend with captured foes, who desire further advancement in our ranks.
Have these rookies taken their oath of allegiance, and what do they promise to do in their advancement of higher degrees?
To honor, protect and defend, even with their own lives, their country, their flag and home, and defend a brother when in distress.
Captain, very well, indeed. Give them chance to prove their bonds. Captain, you will now escort the rookies to our Worthy Chaplain.
By the direction of Vice-President and worthy patriots of this Post, I present you these rookies for your admonition.
How did you prove by the Guard? Was he a true American?
I should say so. He had to prove their metal for them before allowed to pass Guard on Duty.
Very well, then. Captain, I will now administer the admonition of this Order before you shall be allowed to pass the Guard on Duty.

Comrades: You are now entitled to be called that endearing name until you have completed all degrees of this Order. Heed well the steps you are now taking in this fraternity, that you may always be looked upon as an upright and intelligent citizen of this nation; that we may be proud of you as a worthy member and brother; that you will regulate your conduct, obey the laws of this nation and do nothing to defile the Eagle Flag and the Constitution of the United States of America and The American Sons of Liberty of 1776.
We do not seek to teach or inculcate any religious hatreds or treacherous acts, nor will we permit any brother of this Order to do so. Any acts of treacherous nature, or violation of any civil or federal laws, will be just grounds for expulsion from this Order.
Our ideals and principles are of our forefathers-America for Americans, be he Jew or Gentile. If a law-abiding citizen, we expect him to have the same rights and privileges as any other citizen should or could have by obeying the laws of this nation.
We hope and expect that all of you brothers, who are now uniting with us, will be made better citizens, and protect and def end this country's flag in the times of peace, at the ballot box, as well as in war with your life or lives.
By this, we mean to place Americans on guard. The meaning of placing Americans on guard is that men we elect by the ballot to guard this nation, that he will not be ruled by any foreign king or potentate, but will, as far as his abilities go, ENFORCE THE LAWS of the land, that each and every subject be treated alike to the end of all.
Our country, may she ever be right in her intercourse with foreign nations, but our country, right or wrong.
By the eternal graces of God, may these lessons so enthuse you, keep you and protect you under the furls of Old Glory, our flag.
Trumpeter blows Taps.

Now, the flag of our country embodies a great, pure educational lesson:
First-We take the blue field. This is to remind us of the vast land of this nation.
Second-The stars which represent each state of the Union, there being forty-eight.
Third-The red stripes teach us to be prepared for war, and to do battle when it is just. Motto: In God is our trust.
Fourth-The White Stripes teaches us purity of nation, peace and progress, and that virtue must be held supreme.
Fifth-The colonial states were thirteen in number, which are represented by the seven red stripes and six white stripes, that formed the nucleus of this great nation, of which all true and loyal Americans are justly proud.
Sixth-Let us therefore preserve these principles of this nation, and reverence our beloved flag, that no disgrace or slander shall befall it.
Again, therefore, let us have peace with honor; for peace, without honor, is worth nothing at all.
I now greet you as a comrade in the degree of the flag, and hope and expect to see you advance to the next degree of this Order.
Captain Degree Staff, proceed with our comrade to President for final instructions in this degree, well qualified to pass Guard on Picket Duty.
Hon. President:
Captain, by the direction of Ex-President and worthy patriots, I now present you these comrades for final instructions in this degree.
Captain, have the comrades in advancement of this chair proved themselves worthy?
Hon. President, they have.
Comrades, I will now instruct you in the secret work of this degree:
In each Post there is an inner door and outer door, called Posts. Outside door is Post No. 2; inside door is Post No. 1.
There is an officer stationed at each Post, called Inside Sentry and Outside Sentry. These sentries take from you the passwords from which the Post is working.
You will make yourself known to Outside Sentry by giving him pass-word to enter anteroom, which, will be ….
You will then clothe yourself in regalia of our Order, and approach inside door, there giving your four raps ** **.
He will open the wicket, and obtain from you your name and rank, who will then close the wicket and report to Vice-President, who will inform him to admit you if correct. You then give him the token of this rank (which Post is working in) and pass-word. You will then enter and walk to Vice-President's station. Turn right, walk to the altar and salute the National colors with sword, replace sword and salute President with salutation sign. That officer will answer you with the proper sign. You then turn about face and salute Vice-President with salutation sign, who will acknowledge you as a brother by answering with proper answer to the sign. You will then be halted by the Guard or Captain, to whom you must give before you are seated, the token of the Third Degree, or …, to which officer will say, "Advance, friend, and be recognized." Then, you may be seated. (This is for all degrees.)
The sentries and duty guards, as well as the officers, must see that this is strictly enforced. If in doubt of a patriot, demand his receipt (membership card), which must be signed and sealed by the Secretary, either financial or recording.
This must be done.
Captain, escort… to … for lesson in this degree.
Captain marches foes around hall twice in each degree, then bringing to officer referred to by President.
Officer, by authority of the President, I deliver to you these …for lesson in this station and degree.
End of Degree, Captain will signal by whistle to Trumpeter to blow Taps, as Taps ends all degrees.
Musician must play pieces, accordingly, as prescribed by ritual of Washington Post March for Initiatory Degree, Representative for First Degree, Dixie for the Second and Star Spangled Banner for the Third.

Second Degree or Degree of the Constitution


Place your right hand over your heart, pronounce your name and repeat after me:
I--in the presence of the comrades, here assembled, do solemnly swear, upon my sacred word of honor, that I will never reveal to any person or persons the signs, secrets, passwords, tokens or any secret work of the Order, which is about to be entrusted to me; nor will I wrong or see any patriot of this Order wronged, in any shape, form or manner, at any place or at any time, but will, to the best of my ability and knowing, help, aid and lend him all assistance within my power so to do.
I further promise that I will protect and defend this country's flag and Constitution and free public schools, in times of peace as well as in war, and abide by the laws, rules and regulations set forth governing this Order.
I furthermore promise that I will so conduct myself as to be a Worthy Patriot of this Order, and meet my brothers in walks of life as I wish them to meet me.
I still furthermore promise that I will never add to or take from any and all parts of this ritual, belonging to the American Sons of Liberty of 1776.
I vow before God and man that this is my oath of Second Degree, or the Degree of the Constitution. So help me God.
In the preceding degrees, you were taught the emblematic lessons of the Eagle and the Flag. Now, we seek to teach you the lesson of the Constitution, of which this Degree is called. The Constitution of the United States of America is like unto the Holy Bible, the true and authentic Word of God. The Constitution is the storehouse of our inexhaustible supply, from whence come all our laws that are made, and such giving us our rights of liberty, truth and justice; to worship God as the dictates of our consciousness's may desire; gives us the right of public assembly, right of free speech and uninterrupted press. It also guarantees us trial by jury, of fair and impartial men, and that we are innocent until proven guilty.
Rifle (Scene) This is to signify our strength, to back our Constitution. Wipe me dry; keep me clean, and man me by Americans. I will throw a shell to Bowling Green.
Machine Gun (Scene) Is very much like his big brother.
Treat me kind and keep me clean; feed me reguarly. Oh, my, and how I will make hearts flutter as my shells do sputter into the ranks of the foes.
Brother comrades, I now greet you as a comrade of this Degree.
Trumpeter Taps.
All brother comrades, who have not obtained the Third Degree of Brotherhood, please retire in form, and address this chair only.
Officers and patriots, we are about to close this Post in the Second Degree. General, declare accordingly.
By the authority of President, we are to close Post in this Degree, to be opened in Third Degree.
Patriots, advance the sign of the Degree.
Trumpeter, sound call, Assembly.
Assembly to be blown by Trumpeter. If there is no Trumpeter, words to be used, "They shall not pass."

Third Degree or Degree of Brotherhood of Man


Place your right hand upon the Holy Bible, pronounce your name and repeat after me:
I, before God and man, here assembled, do solemnly swear, upon my sacred word of honor, never to reveal to any person or persons the workings of the American Sons of Liberty of 1776, or any part heretofore that may be established; that I will do all in my power to preserve the ideals of our forefathers of the United States of America, in which I will, to the best of my ability, promise to abide by the Constitution of the United States of America, of which I am a subject; that I will use my influence with my friends, both male and female, to the furtherance of the cause of our country in her intercourse with foreign nations (May she always be in the right, but our country, right or wrong); that I will forever bear witness and swear allegiance only to the Stars and Stripes of the United States of America.
I furthermore promise, that in case I should leave the Order or be expelled for any just reason or cause, that I will forever withhold and keep secret locked within my breast, all signs, secrets, tokens, passwords, business meeting and all transactions of this Order, and never speak in open public, outside of regular Post or Hall, of this Order. I will consider this oath as binding, out of it as in it.
I furthermore promise to govern myself accordingly, that I will not recommend for membership in this Order any person or persons, who are classed as detriments to this nation; that I will respect and defend the virtues of the female sex.
I declare this my binding oath. So help me God.
Ex-President to give this oath.

We now come to the importance of our tasks of which, as brothers united in a great cause of freemen, in liberty, truth and justice, that our cause may forever reign supreme. We must serve God with all our hearts, soul, spirit and body, for the days are numbered here on earth. We must meet our brothers in walks of life, as we expect to meet them within our ranks, of which to protect and def end this nation in times of peace, as well as our loved ones at home, who look towards the furls of the American flag for protection.
Our aim and purpose is to aid the cause of free America, and keep her for Americans; to put upright, honest and trustworthy, dependable men in office, who will guide and defend this nation to their utmost ability; who will not be ruled by any foreign king or potentate, but will discharge his duties for all people, of which this government is founded for the people and by the people.
While we do not seek to teach or inculcate any religious hatreds, we, nevertheless, must observe the principles of our forefathers, and place Americans on Guard: as the saying of our first president, George Washington, to his men after crossing the Delaware: "See that all Americans are on guard."
Not for once, in our daily intercourse with the commercial world-at-large, lest we forget the principal prophecy of our beloved and immortal president, Abraham Lincoln. There is a dark cloud arising on the horizon, that seeks to grab us by our throats at every turn of the road. Let us not forget that notable hero, who has made a night ride to awaken the people in time of distress-Paul Revere.
Let us live and let us die by Old Glory as freemen, and not to forget the lurking foe in the dark, who preaches hypocrisy, fanaticism and socialism. We stand for the allegiance to the Stars and Stripes, Constitution, separation of church and state, free public schools, free press, free speech, and to worship God as the dictates of one's own consciousness.
Captain, you will now escort with Guard our worthy brothers to President for instructions of this Degree.
Hon. President, by the direction of Ex-President, I present these brothers for final instructions in this Degree.
Foot Note-Give three raps, calling patriots to arise, seconded by Vice-President, thirded by Ex-President. Each officer, so named, must use gavel in like manner. No deviation from this rule will be permitted.
Uncle Sam (Scene)You have now come into my friendland, and have before you this scene to impress upon you your sacred vows you have taken upon Old Glory, our flag.
Now, remember your oaths, that you may forever be a true and loyal patriot.
Brother comrades, you are now about to take into and complete your sacred vows to your country and flag, while I trust but neither of you become a Judas nor a traitor to the spirit of which this lesson is to teach.
King (Scene) I am the supreme law of the universe, and no law supreme, while civil laws, are not approved by me. My laws reign supreme. So, therefore, if you are not loyal to me, then I must submit to def eat. What do I care for you or any other, who does not see it our way-all others, bah!
Let not no man raise his finger or voice, otherwise, woe be unto you!
Captain Degree Staff, by what authority do you stand by and see patriots, as well as Old Glory, be defiled by this representation?
Captain Degree Staff:
By the authority of the Supreme Commander of this Post, to present this scene to the candidate, that they may, with a different eye, impress upon their minds their loyal duties as patriots to defend the flag.
Trumpeter, as we progress, you blow Call.
Captain, this shall not be-they shall not pass by this character, who has defiled the flag of our beloved country. We demand all Americans to be placed on guard.
Team, attention! Right dress forward! (Pause for about 20 seconds.) March! Musician plays Stars and Stripes Forever. Captain marches brothers around the room twice, bringing them to attention in presence of President.
Captain must stand at the right and First Lieutenant at the left.
S-Commander, I present candidate for further duty and principles of rights before you grant advancement to Patriotship in this Post.
You must voluntarily, of your own free will and accord, submit to vow, binding you in this Degree.
Brothers, kneel upon your right knee and repeat after me, which is the last vow of secret work, and binding to Post your membership:
I, …, vow before God and man, here assembled, that I have this day (or night) taken upon myself freely, without mental reservation or purpose of evasion, all degrees and secret work, appertaining to The American Sons of Liberty of 1776. Therefore, I am not to add to or take from, any part or portion of the ritualistic work of The American Sons of Liberty of 1776, either by writing, engraving, printing or shorthand, in any manner, shape or form.
I furthermore vow this is my binding vow. So help me God.
Patriots, what do you think of these brothers?
Are you willing for them to be instructed in this final Degree?
Patriots in Body:
We are.
Then I shall, by authority invested in me, duly give the secret work of this Degree: Brothers, there is an outer guard stationed there, called the Outside Sentry, to whom you must give password and token before you will be admitted to the anteroom. This Sentry is called Post No. 2. You will also, after being admitted into the anteroom, so clothe yourself according to your rank, and advance to the inner door, which is called Post No. 1.
The guard there is called Inside Sentry, both guards ranking as Sergeants.
There, you will deliver to him the token, your name and rank, of which your rank will be (Private) Patriot. Password is …. Token to be ….
There are signs of this Degree, which, at all times, must be made properly, or you will be called down by the Picket Line (Duty Guards).
At all times during lodge (Post) hours there shall be no talking. The Duty Guards will see to that. Military discipline will be fully enforced by them, backed by the authority of this chair-this chair being supreme authority under the jurisdiction of the founder, with Vice-President in second command, backed by Ex-President of this Order.
The signs of this Degree are: First-Recognition sign made thus-with right hand. Second-Answer same as sign made with left hand. Third-Sign made thus-right, and answer made with left hand. Third-Sign made thus-right hand; answer made with left hand. Distress sign made thus-answer made with left hand. Distress cry-. Answer-.
These signs are used in each Degree as given to you. The secret work can be secured from the Recording Secretary. Without signs, tokens and passwords you will not be admitted. To be entitled to benefits you must be in good standing and attend all regular and special meetings.


Closing Ceremonies

Retreat by Trumpeter.
Officers and Patriots, time has arrived to close this session of the Post.
We will now sing our closing ode (Star Spangled Banner).
Let us bow our heads in prayer.
Chaplain, Form of prayer:
Almighty God, our Creator and Preserver, bless us this day that we may be better patriots in thy eyesight and true loyal, American citizens; that our principals of our forefathers may reign supreme over this great land of ours; that freemen shall stand between their loved ones and war's desolation.
We earnestly seek Thy blessings in Thy grace and mercy that the heaven rescued lands shall forever be America for Americans. Lift us up, Oh God, and give us Thy strength, and we will give Thy glory unto Thee. Amen.
All patriots must say:
Vice-President, I thank you to perform your duty closing this Post.
Patriots, I thank one and all for this, your duty call, and hope and expect that you will bear with us our next meeting night. We insist upon regular attendance; to be entitled to receive benefits, must meet regularly.
Sergeant Inside Sentry, soon as Post is closed, allow patriots to retreat.
Sergeant Inside Sentry:
Hon. President, I will.
Sergeant Warden, collect the rituals and replace the colors.
Sergeant Warden, what are your last duties in this Post?
Sergeant Warden:
Collect the rituals and replace the colors.
General, proclaim this Post closed until next lodge night, to be reopened for all lawful business Epu. F. H.&C.
Captain, you may have Trumpeter sound retreat.
After last rap of gavel.
President, one rap gavel; Ex-President, one rap gavel; Vice-President, one rap gavel.

