Ancient Order of Hibernians in America


Each Division shall determine for itself the number necessary to constitute a quorum. If that number be present, they should be called to order, at the appointed time and proceed with, the business of the meeting. The presiding officer will fill all vacancies with pro term officers, who, however, will vacate the station they occupy if the regular officers enter.
The President, having taken the chair, gives one rap of the gavel, orders the Sentinel to lock the door and admit no one until the meeting is duly opened, and says: The Division will now come, to order, officers will assume their respective stations.
Whereupon the officers of the Division take the positions indicated in the diagram and invest themselves with their respective badges of office.
The President then directs the Marshal to take up the current password which must always be given in a whisper: The Marshal will now take up the current password and ascertain if all present are duly qualified to remain.
That officer performs his duty by collecting the password from each member present, the member rising when giving the password. If a member is without the password he shall be sent to the Presidents station, the President will ascertain from the Financial Secretary if the member is in good standing and if so shall impart the password to the member.
The Marshal then advances to the center of the hall, salutes the presiding officer by placing his right hand over his heart, and reports the result of his examination by stating: Mr. President, I find all persons present in possession of the current password, except ...
The President then raps twice with the gavel, calls the members to a standing position and requests the Rev. Chaplain to offer the Opening Prayer. In the absence of the Chaplain the President will perform this duty. He then says: Brothers will kneel and gives one sharp rap of the gavel whereupon the members will kneel and the President (or Chaplain) recites the following prayer:
Opening Prayer
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, and in the name of St. Patrick, the Glorious Apostle of Ireland, I open this meeting and beseech our Heavenly Father to watch over us and protect us, may He grant that peace and harmony may always prevail among us, and that Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity inspire all our deliberations, - through Christ, Our Lord, Amen.
Conclude with the Our Father, the Hail Mary, and the Glory be to the Father. The president will then rap his gavel twice and all will rise, and remain standing while the Organist plays the Opening Ode ODonnell Aboo which the members will all join in singing.
At the conclusion of the Opening Ode the President will recite the following: I now declare this meeting duly open for the transaction of such business as may properly be brought before it.
The President with three raps of the gavel orders all to be seated.
Here the following Order of Business may be taken up.
1. Meeting called to Order.
2. Taking up of Current Password.
3. Recitation of Opening Prayer.
4. Opening Ode, O’Donnell Aboo
5. Roll Call of Officers.
6. Reading of Minutes of the Previous Meeting.
7. Propositions for Membership.
8. Report on Candidates for Membership.
9. Balloting on Candidates.
10. Initiation of Candidates (Lesson of the Motto).
11. Collection of Dues and Fines.
12. Reading of Communications and Correspondence.
13. Report of the Committee on Sick.
14. Bills and Claims.
15. Report of Standing Committee.
16. Report of Special Committees.
17. Unfinished Business.
18. New Business.
19. Reading of a Chapter of Irish History, a short: Irish Biography, or some piece of Irish Literature, or a talk on some subject of current events or of general interest.
20. Good and Welfare of the Order, including literary and musical exercises.
21. Reading of Names of Members in Bad standing.
22. Receipts of the Meeting and Report of the Treasurer.
23. Closing Ode: Soldiers of Erin and Star Spangled Banner (or in Canada O Canada).
24. Adjournment.
(Reading of Names of absentees from last regular meeting is optional as an addition to the Order of Business with the Division.)
O’Donnell Aboo
Proudly the note of the trumpet is sounding
Loudly the war cries arise on the gale, -
Fleetly the steed by Lough Swilly is bounding,
To join the thick squadrons in Saimers green vale.
On every mountaineer,
Strangers to flight and fear,
Rush to the standard of dauntless Red Hugh
Bonaught and Gallowglass,
Throng from each mountain pass,
On for Old Brin: O’Donnell Aboo!
Princely O’Neil to our aid is advancing,
With many a chieftain and warrior clan,
A thousand proud steeds in his vanguard are prancing
‘Neath the borders brave from the banks of the Bairn.
Many a heart shall quail
Under its coat of mail,
Deeply the merciless foe-man shall rue,
When on his ear shall ring,
Borne on the breezes wing
Tyrconnell’s dread war-cry: O’Donnell Aboo!
Wildly oer Desmond, the war wolf is howling,
Fearless the eagle sweeps over the plain.
The fox in the streets of the city are prowling,
All who would scare them are banished or slain.
Grasp every stalwart hand hackbut and battlebrand
Pay them all back the deep debt so long due.
Norris and Clifford well
Can of Tyrconnell tell
Onward to Glory O’Donnell Aboo!
Sacred the cause that Clan Connaill’s defending
The Altars we kneel at, the homes of our sires
Ruthless the ruin the foe is extending
Midnight is red with the plunderers fires
On with O’Donnell then
Fight the old fight again
Sons of Tyrconnell all valiant and true
 Make the false Saxon feel

Erin’s avenging steel
Strike, for your country O’Donnell Aboo!
Balloting for Candidates
When the Order of Business Balloting on Candidates is reached the President shall state: Marshal prepare the ballot box.
The Marshal shall take the ballot box to the Vice President who will inspect it and then the Marshal shall take it to the President who shall also examine it and see that it is ready for use. The Marshal shall then place the ballot box on the center pedestal and then stand at least five feet to one side: The President shall then read the names, addresses, ages, and occupations of all candidates and the report of the investigating committee thereon. The President then states: Brothers we are about to ballot on candidates for admission to this Division of our Order. Their names are now before you for election or rejection. Form in single file at the other side of the center pedestal and cast your ballots. Remember that white balls elect and black balls reject. Vote for the best interest of the Order.
The President will rap his gavel twice and the members will proceed to the centre pedestal and each member before casting his ballot will salute the presiding officer in the usual manner.
After the members have cast their ballots, the President will state: Have all voted who wish? If so, I declare the ballot closed. Marshal take the ballot box to the Vice President, for inspection.
The Marshal takes the ballot box to the Vice President and then to the President.
President: Worthy Vice President, how do you find the ballot?
Vice President: Worthy President, I find the ballot ...
The Vice President announces the result of the ballot, favorable or unfavorable; and if less than five black balls are cast the President will declare the candidate or candidates elected. If five or more black balls are cast the President will announce an unfavorable ballot. In that, case if more than one candidate has been voted, on at the same time, the President shall order a ballot taken separately on each candidate. After the balloting has been finished, the President will again call the names of the candidates elected and the name at the proposer of each candidate and instruct the proposers to see that the candidates are present at the next regular meeting.
Initiatory Preamble
The ritualistic ceremonies of the Ancient Order of Hibernians are designed:
1. To provide a dignified and orderly method of conducting the meetings of the society.
2. To impress the members with the meaning and prepare them for the practice of the motto of the Order Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity.
3. To awaken in them a pride in the ancient race of their fathers, and develop an interest in the history and destiny of that race.
4. To encourage them, to live the ideals and practice the virtues which distinguished the Irish people from the earliest ages.
5. To strengthen them in their faith, make them practical in their duties and loyally observant of the precepts of the Catholic Church.
For these purposes the ceremonies include:
1. An instruction on the Motto of the Order, in which the President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Chairman of the Standing Committee take parts.
2. The Lesson of the Tower.
3. The Lesson of Endurance.
4. And the ‘Test, in all of which the Ard-Righ, Brehon, Bard and Ollamh take parts, assisted by necessary aides.
The men giving this instruction and these lessons should be capable and well prepared. The use of books spoils the ceremony and neutralizes the impression intended to be made on candidates.
If the local officers or members of a Division cannot go through the ceremonies without the use of books, it would be well to invite the officers of other Divisions who can fill the positions properly.
In the Instructions the President will preside and the positions of the officers will be their regular places, as provided in the diagram showing the positions to be held during Division meetings. The four pedestals before the chairs of the officers should be draped with small banners suspended from the pedestals, bearing the following inscriptions:
President: Order, Obedience, Love.
Chairman of standing Committee:  Friendship, painted on a fountain base.
Vice-President: Unity, painted on a rock.
Treasurer: Christian Charity, painted under a burning heart.
The center pedestal or table should be draped with a large green cloth with the Irish Harp (without the crown) embroidered or sewn on each corner.
The officers will wear their respective badges or emblems of office. The Marshal will carry in his right hand an ancient broad sword, and the Sentinel a spear.
If possible the candidates should be marched into the hall to the accompaniment of music. Irish marching airs should be played as the men are taken to each station. The Marshal should arrange for an escort to march in with the candidates and they should be men of military bearing. If each man in the escort carries a spear, it will make the procession of candidates and escorts impressive and dignified.
When the order of business known as Initiation is reached, the President will instruct the Marshal to retire and report if any candidates are in the anteroom. When the Marshal reports the names of all candidates awaiting initiation, he ascertains from the Recording Secretary if they have been duly elected; and if so, the President instructs him to retire with the Financial Secretary and duly interrogate those seeking admittance. The Financial secretary will collect the initiation fees and cost of badge which members wear on public occasions and which the candidates will receive in due course during the ceremony of initiation.
The Marshal in the anteroom asks the candidates the following questions:
What is your name?
What is your occupation?
Where do you reside?
What is your age?
Are you Irish by birth or descent?
Are you a practical Roman Catholic?
Have you complied with your religious duties within twelve months last past?
Were you ever a member of the Ancient Order of Hibernians? If so, where? What was the cause of your withdrawal?
Are you now in good health?
When the candidates have satisfied the requirements of the preliminary examination and paid the financial obligations in the anteroom, the Marshal and Financial Secretary will return to the hail and report the fact to the Division. The Marshal will then provide one escort for each candidate, retire with the escorts, arrange the candidates and escorts in line, and approaching the entrance to the Division hall, strike sharply three times on the door, and the Sentinel will ask: Who demands entrance to our hall?
Marshal: Men of our race who wish to enter the outer chamber of Hibernian brotherhood.
Sentinel, addressing the Chair: The Marshal approaches with men of our race in his custody, who ask admittance to our Order.
President: If the Marshal vouches for these men. as practical Catholics of Irish birth or descent and in good health, you may admit them.
Sentinel, through the wicket, asks the Marshal: Do you vouch for these men as practical Catholics of Irish birth or descent, and in good health?
Marshal: Yes.
Sentinel then opens the door, and led by Marshal, the candidates and their escorts march around the hall to the right while the members present rise to their feet. The candidates will be formed in a semi-circle in front of the position of the President, who will accost them: Candidates, you are requested to assure all present that you are eligible for admission. Answer the following questions truthfully, on your honor us men:
1. What is your name?
2. What is your age?
3. Have you approached Holy Communion at the proper time, as required by our Holy Mother, the Church?
4. As far as you know, are you in good health?
The questions being answered by each candidate in the affirmative, the President then proceeds with the following: Sir(s), you are about to enter an ancient brotherhood, which for centuries has labored to sustain the Catholic Church and to preserve the traditions of the Irish race. The motto of this Brotherhood is Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity. The Marshal will guide you to chosen Counselors, by whom you will be taught wisdom born of the experience of the Irish people. May the God of our fathers enable you to profit by their teaching.
President: Marshal, conduct the candidates before the officer who has been chosen to instruct them in Friendship.
The Marshal marches the candidates andl escorts around the hall, forming them in a semi-circle in the center of the hall, facing the Chairman of the Standing Committee; says: Wise Chairman, I bring you candidates seeking wisdom at the Fount of Friendship.
Chairman of Standing Committee:  Strangers, it affords me pleasure to gratify your desire for knowledge.
Friendship is an affection which prompts us to make the highest sacrifice for the person or the cause toward whom it moves. It begins in favorable acquaintance, grows with intimate association and ripens by continued exercise. Through it our members come to regard each other as brothers. We sympathize with one another in misfortune and assist one another in distress. Through kindly offices of friendship we promote each others welfare and prepare ourselves to meet every reasonable demand for the betterment and happiness of our members. Are you willing to embrace such a friendship? And will you be loyal to its obligations?
Candidate: Yes.
Chairman of Standing Committee: Marshal, do the candidates you present now understand the meaning of Friendship?
Marshal: Answer, candidates.
Candidates: Yes.
Chairman of Standing Committee: Candidates, proceed on your quest of knowledge, and may St. Patrick guide your footsteps.
Marshal, conduct the candidates before the officer who has been chosen to instruct them in Unity.
Marshal marches the candidates and escorts around the hall and halts them in a semi-circle in the center of the hall facing the Vice-President, says: Faithful Assistant to our Chief, I bring candidates instructed in Friendship, who desire to be taught the principle of Unity.
Vice-President: Unity, sirs, is a bond of strength to every person, to every enterprise and to every cause that aims to accomplish anything in this world. It is as controlling as the power that guides the stars in their courses. It is firm in resolution, steadfast in purpose, invincible in attack, impregnable in defense. Out of weakness it brings strength, out of despair hope, out of failure success. It is the inspiration of men and the greatness of nations. The Ancient Order of Hibernians aims to unite its members in sentiment, in purpose and in action. Are you willing to join with us in its bonds and be bound by its exalted precepts?
Candidates: Yes.
Vice-President: Candidates, qualified in Friendship and Unity, you may seek the third element in the bond of Hibernianism. May St. Finbarr’s missionary spirit inspire you.
Vice-President: Marshal, conduct the candidates before the officer who has been chosen to instruct them in Christian Charity.
Marshal marches the candidates and escorts around the hail and halts them, in a semi-circle in the center of the hall facing the Treasurer, says: Worthy custodian of the property of our brotherhood, I bring candidates qualified in Friendship and Unity, who desire to be instructed in Charity.
Treasurer: Charity comes from God Himself; from the Sacred Heart ever throbbing with love for mankind. Divine Charity created man, forgave him when he sinned, sent to his aid the only sacrifice which could win redemption. Charity is divine love filling the universe with inspiration and with hope. Charity is the golden key which will open the entrance to the home of true happiness. Charity of thought, act and word, is the third link of our great motto. Charity is the essence of fraternal love. Will you cultivate it in your hearts and extend it to Irishmen of every days in every land?
Candidates: Yes.
Treasurer: Gentlemen, you are now in possession of the knowledge without which you could not be worthy members of our Order. I now clothe you in the mantle of Charity (here the Treasurer places the badge on the breast of each candidate, if a badge or emblem is not used the Treasurer should touch each candidate lightly on the breast with the palm of his hand), and pronounce you ready to take the solemn obligation of our brotherhood. May the blessing of St. Columbkill abide with you.
Treasurer: Marshal, conduct the candidates before our President, who will administer to them the obligation that binds us together in the bonds of Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity.
Marshal marches the candidates and escorts around the hall, halting them in front of the presiding officers pedestal, facing the President, and says: Respected President, Chieftain of our Division, I have returned from the path of knowledge bringing with me these pilgrim candidates who have heard and understood the lessons contained in our noble motto of Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity, and  are now prepared to take the obligation of membership.
President: Gentlemen, I welcome you. It is necessary that I should remind you before giving our obligation that if you entertain any mental reservation regarding any part of the pledge you are about to take; if you are actuated by any unworthy motive in joining our society; if you nurture in your hearts bitterness, hate or malice against any worthy member of our Order, it is your duty to proceed no further. If, however, you fully appreciate the true spirit of  Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity and are pure in mind and heart, you are entitled, to seek admittance here.
Candidates, if you take our obligation, will you be loyal in letter and spirit? Answer.
Candidates: Yes.
President: Gentlemen, place your right hands on your breasts and repeat aloud after me the following:
1. I, (Your Name) do declare and promise that I will keep inviolate all the secrets of the Ancient Order of Hibernians from all, but those, whom I know to be members in good standing, except the Roman Catholic clergy, and that I will support the Constitution and By-laws of this organization to the best of my ability.
2. I further promise that I will not divulge nor allow to be divulged, the password of the Order, not even to a member of my own Division.
3. That I will be true and steadfast to the brethren of this organization, dedicated to St. Patrick, the Patron Saint of Ireland, and that I will duly conform myself to the dictates of my legally elected officers in all things constitutional and lawful, AND NOT OTHERWISE.
4. That I will not provoke or quarrel with any of my brethren. If a brother should be defamed, or be treated unjustly, I will espouse his cause, give him the earliest possible advice and aid him when in distress.
5. I also promise that I WILL NOT PROPOSE OR ASSIST IN ADMITTING any person of a bad or suspicious character; and that I will at all times be zealous for the interests of this organization, and will not knowingly wrong a brother.
6. That I will not countenance by my presence or support any performance that may reasonably be interpreted as caricaturing or debasing the Irish people, whether in public or in private, in song, recitation or story, on the stage or on the screen.
7. That I will ever be true to the Constitution of my country and will combat any and all attempts that would tend to destroy its spirit.
8. All this I pledge my sacred word and honor to do and perform so long as I remain a member of the Ancient Order, of Hibernians.
The President will permit the initiated members to drop their hands, and will then address them as follows: You, brothers, having made this promise of your own free will, I hereby declare you, each and all, members of the, Ancient Order of Hibernians, and commend you to the friendship of its members, subject, however, to the condition that you receive the Lessons and take the Test of the Order in accordance with our laws.
If a Division so decide, the Instruction and Pledge only may be given, and will, if, well done, easily make work enough for one evening. Should this plan be followed, the candidates must be instructed to appear at the next meeting fixed for initiations to take the Lessons and the Test. If, however, the Lessons and the Test are to be given the same day, the instructions following should be postponed until the close of the exercises, and the candidates, by the direction of the President, to the accompaniment of music, marched out of the room. Otherwise the President proceeds: I will now give you such information as is necessary. to secure for you admittance to our meetings, and enable you to obtain the material privileges of the Order.
When you seek admittance you will give two raps at the door of the Division hall, and when the Sentinel raises the slide, you will whisper the password which I will now give you.
The President here descends to the floor and gives each candidate separately the password. Resuming his station, the President continues: The door having been opened, you advance to the center of the hall, salute the presiding officer by placing the right hand over the heart and bending the head slightly forward. Should the President be engaged, turn and salute the Vice-President at the opposite end of the hall.
Do not take your place until either officer recognizes your salute.
Should you desire to cross the hall during the session, rise in your place, and addressing the President, ask permission; and passing between the center of the hall and the Vice-President, salute the President and go where you desire. The space between the Presidents station and the center table is never to be crossed during the meeting.
Should you wish to retire, during the session, rise in your place, ask permission to retire, and when permission is granted, advance to the center of the hall, salute the presiding officer and depart. The salute when entering is a renewal of your obligation to be obedient to your officers in all things lawful; the salute when retiring is repledging yourself to respect your vow of silence regarding all transactions at the meeting. -
This is Division No. ..., County..., State ..., the dues are ... per month. After you are a member of this Division for six months in good standing you are entitled to whatever benefits this Division allows under its By-Laws. (if the Division does not pay benefits omit this sentence).
This Division meets regularly on the ... of every month?
The President here informs the newly initiated members of any other benefits derived from membership in the Division, stresses the importance of prompt payment of dues and hands each newly Initiated member his, due book, or membership card and a copy of the Constitution and the By-Laws, and informs them that they will receive regularly a copy of the National Hibernian and continues: I trust our future acquaintance will prove that we have secured in you a true brother and our Order a loyal member. Brothers, please face the Division.
The President strikes sharply with the gavel twice, the members arise and the President says: Brothers; I have much pleasure in introducing our newly pledged, brothers who have learned the Lesson of the Motto.
The President repeats their names. After the applause greeting the candidates, the President strikes the gavel once and says: Each member will advance, commencing at the left of the Chair and introduce himself to our new brothers.
All brothers present will advance, take each new brother’s hand, and give his name; each newly initiated member giving his in response. After all are introduced, the President strikes the gavel three times, all being seated except the candidates, escorts and the Marshal, the President says: The Marshal will conduct the new brothers to the anteroom, teaching them the method of leaving and entering the Division hall.
After the new brothers are again in the hall, they will be seated in prominent places and later when the head of ‘Good of the Order’ has been reached, the President will ask each to address the Division, giving his experience and his occupation to assist the cooperative work of the Division.
NOTE: The Division should arrange to have a member who can play the piano or organ (or even an accordion) play Irish marching tunes when the candidates are marched in and out of the Division hall and around to each OFFICERS STATION. IF THE CLASS CONSISTS OF MORE THAN THREE CANDIDATES the pianist should play SOFTLY, a song :such as LET ME CARRY YOUR CROSS FOR IRELAND, LORD, when the Treasurer is giving the emblem to the candidates and also at the time the president steps down from his station to give the candidates the password. This fills in some time and is also VERY EFFECTIVE. MUSIC PLAYED FOR MARCHING THE CANDIDATES GIVES THAT EXTRA TOUCH TO THE INITIATING CEREMONY THAT MAKES THE LASTING IMPRESSION ON THE CANDIDATES.
For Initiation Officers Titles, Robes, Emblems and Paraphernalia for giving the Lessons.
Highest Officer                  Ard-Righ (Ard-Ree)
Second Officer                  Ollamh (Ollav)
Third Officer                      Bard
Fourth Officer                   Brehon
Master of Ceremonies       Chief of Escort
Doorkeeper                        Sentinel
Robe of Ard-Righ: Green flowing robe, gold trimmings. Open book on breast; pages showing an ancient Irish cross.
This officer should be chosen for his oratorical and elocutionary ability, and a man of executive ability, in order to properly impress the candidates and conduct the Initiation ceremony. When convenient, he may serve for many Divisions.
Brehon: Ancient Irish flowing robe, Irish fox hounds bead for breast ornament:
Bard: Red flowing gown, with oracle’s flame for breast ornament.
Ollamh: Flowing uniform robe with crossed quills for breast ornament.
Chief of Escort: Cloth imitation of scale armor, with helmet, and round shield with center spike or buss, and carrying a broad sword or short blade of the style of Grecian use.
Sentinel: A simple black flowing robe with an emblem of a crossed sword and battle-ax spear on the breast. A mask or a hood like mask pointed at the top with eye slits cut in the cloth should be worn by the Sentinel.
Eight Escorts: Some style of armor, helmet and shield, and an eight foot spear with spear-hand about twelve inches long, including socket, and a cross-bar beneath the head of the spear.
These should be among the tallest men in the Division, and of military bearing, having some knowledge of military discipline.
The team should obtain two large shamrocks made of green felt pasted on cardboard in the shape of the shamrock for the use of the Ard-Righ and the Brehon. Also a supply of small shamrocks affixed to a pin which are placed on the breast of the candidates.
A supply of masks with closed eye lids should also be on hand with the paraphernalia.
The team should make sure that it has on hand all the necessary tools of the Test.
An effective wig and mask with beard attached may be obtained for the Ard-Righ, Bard, Brehon and Ollamh. This is an effective disguise, particularly if these parts are filled by young men.
If masks are used, by the Chief of Escorts and Escorts it will add to the effect which the Team wishes to create. Ordinary black paper mache masks with cloth attached to the lower part of the mask to cover the face should be used for the Escorts.
Lesson of the Tower
The meeting hall should be decorated with American (or Canadian) and Irish flags and each pedestal should carry the banner provided in the First Lesson. A large facsimile of an Irish Round Tower should be placed on the right side of the presiding officer (midway between the presiding officers chair and the chair of the Brehon.) The Tower should be well lit by some style of lamp or electric light which should throw the light through the windows of the Tower. National scenes or at least a sunburst should decorate the walls.
If possible to have reflected on screens, rough means of a small stereopticon some great incidents of Irish history it would add uch to the effect. The lights in the hall should be turned low, so that the chief light would come from the Tower. During the initiation no book should be used by anybody under any circumstances. Each member of the team should have his part committed to memory.
Music of a vocal and instrumental character is essential for the success of this Lesson, and it is incumbent on the officers to provide for this need.
The team for initiation will consist of:
Ard-Righ: in the presiding officers chair.
Brehon: in chair of Chairman of Standing Committee.
Bard: in chair of Vice-President.
Ollamh (pronounced Ollav): in the chair of Treasurer.
One Chief of Escort and eight Escorts.
The great need of this lesson is solemnity and the strictest silence should prevail. Any member violating, this rule after being warned should be requested to retire.
During the ceremonies no other business should be transacted by the secretaries or other officers, who, if necessary, should retire to the anteroom if their business will not bear postponement.
The chairs should be occupied by the County officers or Division officers or temporary officers if the former are members of the Degree Team. The presiding officer should see that the password of the First Lesson is taken up by Marshals appointed by him. No one must be permitted in the hall unless be has received this Lesson.
The team should be robed in the anteroom (separate from the candidates), and when the time has arrived for initiation and the chamber is ready, the Chief of Escort should knock at the door and announces his readiness. When the Sentinel opens the wicket he asks: Who demands entrance to our inner Chamber?
Chief of Escort: The officers of the inner chamber of Hibernian Brotherhood.
The Sentinel opens the door, the officer presiding raps his gavel TWICE and brings the members to a standing position. The organist should play ‘The Valley Lay Smiling Before Me’ while the team is marching around the room: The team enters in the following order:
Chief of Escort
Two Escorts
Two Escorts
Two Escorts

Two Escorts
Marching to the right of the chamber until he arrives at the chair of the President, the Chief of Escort halts and raises his sword, when all halt.
Turning about, the Chief of Escort salutes the, Ard-Righ by raising his sword until the hilt is in line with his mouth and remains in that position until the Ard-Righ takes his place on the rostrum followed by two escorts; who stand one at each side. The officers occupying the chairs will vacate them as the officers of the team approach. The presiding officer surrendering the gavel to the Ard-Righ. The same ceremony is repeated with each officer, in turn until all the officers and escorts are in position, when the Chief of Escort, standing at the center of the hall facing the Ard-Righ, again salutes and says: The inner chamber of Hibernian Brotherhood is now prepared to welcome guests. We are informed there are some who ask admittance to this inner chamber that they may learn the Lesson of the Tower. We await your instructions.
Ard-Righ: Be seated. Valiant Chief of Escort and worthy protector of our inner chamber. I will ask the counsel of our Brothers.
The Chief Escort salutes and carrying sword smartly at his side marches to his seat at the side of the Round Tower.
The Ard-Righ; from a list provided by the Secretary of the Division, reads the names of the candidates awaiting in the anteroom and continues as follows: These men have proved worthy of admittance to our outer chamber and come clothed in the garb of Christian Charity to learn more of our ancient and honorable Order. Even now we should carefully consider their fitness for admittance. Is there any reason why any of them should not be permitted to go further? Let no motives of worldly gain, personal connection or friendship seal your lips if you know aught of any of these men which if known would make him unworthy of our closest confidence. Should he be present who can give such information as may protect us from the unworthy, let him speak now or be forever silent.
If there be no response, the Ard Righ continues: Then signify your consent and approval of their admittance by extending your right hands.
All present extend their right hands with palm upwards.
Ard-Righ: Valiant Chief of Escort, I request your attention.
Chief of Escort advances to the center of hall and stands facing the Ard-Righ, with sword at salute.
Ard-Righ: You, the trusty guard of our inner chamber, will proceed to our anteroom, secure the men who desire admittance, place them under guard, bring them within this chamber, treat them with gentle courtesy, and assure them that no harm will befall them, even should they fail to satisfy our requirements. (Ard-Righ hands list of names to Chief of Escort).
Chief of Escort again salutes; marches close to the pedestal of the Ard-Righ, and facing the hall, says: Escorts, attention!
Follow me.
The Escorts near the Ard-Righ fall in behind the Chief of Escort, who marches to the Brehons chair, when the Escorts there fall in behind, then to the Bard’s chair, then to the Ollamh’s position. When all the Escorts have joined him, he lines them up in the center of the hall where he salutes the Ard-Righ with his sword and the Escorts salute with their spears at present, wheel to the Brehon’s chair, and salutes, then to the Bard’s and Ollamh’s successively, saluting each without leaving the center of the hall.
After saluting, the Chief of Escort and Escorts leave the hail and proceed to the anteroom. Slow marching music such as ‘The Memory of the Dead’ or other Irish air should be played during this portion of the ceremony.
While the Escorts are absent is the anteroom the members present should join in singing ‘The Harp that Once Through Tara’s Hall’, and when the Chief of Escort knocks at the door, denoting that the candidates are ready, the Ard-Righ will strike twice with the gavel and the singing ceases.
Sentinel: Who asks admittance?
Chief of Escort: Pilgrims seeking entrance to the inner chamber of Hiberianism.
Sentinel: Noble Ard-Righ, pilgrims seeking entrance to the inner chamber of Hibernianism are without and ask admittance to learn the Lesson of the Tower.
Ard-Righ: Admit them, but halt all comers on the threshold for cautious inquiry.
Chief of Escort and candidates with Escorts enter, (the organist should play an Irish marching tune such as Garryowen while the men are being marched into the hall) and as soon as the last are inside the
door the Chief of Escort says: Candidates, Halt! Then facing the Ard-Righ, he continues: Noble Ard-Righ, I bring with me pilgrims who have been admitted to our outer chamber and have proved themselves worthy associates. They seek further advancement in our Order and are ready to meet such inquiry and assume such bonds as our worthy brotherhood may demand.
Ard-Righ: Let them answer to their names as you repeat them. Conduct them to the center of our chamber that all here may study their faces. We must guard our threshold against the unworthy and the self-seeking.
Chief of Escort and Escorts bring the candidates to the center of the hall, and having disposed of them in an orderly manner, salute the Ard-Righ, who says: Brothers, study those features well and if through any neglect of ours there should be any who have no claim to place amongst us, it is not yet too late to remedy the error.
After a pause, the Ard-Righ continues: If then no obstacle stands in their path the valiant Chief of Escort may present them to our Brehon, Bard and Ollamh, whose wise words will convey the message all must receive before they are prepared to take a seat in this chamber.
The candidates are marched around facing the Brehon, and while this is being done the choir sings The Harp that Once Through Tara’s Halls:
The Harp that once through Tara’s halls
The soul of music shed
Now  hangs as mute on Tara’s walls
As if that soul were fled.
So sleeps the pride, of former days,
So glory’s thrill is o’er,
And hearts that once beat high for praise
Now feels that pulse no more..
No more to chiefs and ladies bright
The harp of Tara swells;
The chord alone that breaks at night.
Its tale of ruin tells,
Thus Freedom now so seldom wakes,
The only throb she gives
Is when some heart indignant breaks,
To show that still she lives.

At end of song the men are lined up before the Brehon, and the Chief of Escort says: Ancient Brehon, these strangers invoke your aid and ask that you will lift aside the veil that hides the glory of our ancient race for twice a thousand years.
Brehon: As my friend(s), you stand on the threshold of the mighty past, rich with inspiration and with memories of the olden days when Ireland was the home of learning and the cradle of soldiers. We bring you with footsteps slow to these portals of silent temples, and invite you to befit yourself for the journey every true child of Erin must undertake before he can reach the inner chambers of the House of the Gael.
Gaze upon yonder miniature representation of the ancient Round Towers of the land of your forefathers. Those monuments of whom the bard sang:
The pillar towers of Ireland,
how wondrously they stand,
On the mountains, in the valleys,
By the rivers of our land,
In mystic file throughout the isle,
They raise their heads sublime,
Those gray old pillar temples,  
Those conquerors of time.
Mark, my friend(s), the straight shaft pointing heavenward. See each stone laid upon the other in even circle round; see the door placed some distance above the ground; see the whole fabric knitted together by some cement whose composition was known only to the Master Architect of by-gone days, the ‘Goban-Saer’. Recall that twice one thousand years those venerable monuments have withstood the attack of time and man. The arches of imperial Rome, the temples of Classic Greece are gone, but still remain those towers of our sires. Once they were the home of wild pagan custom, and the abiding place of false gods. Purified of error, they became the shelter of Holy Faith, and the treasure house of Mother Church. When the glory of Innisfail was lost in days of gloom, their deserted columns still remained silent sentinels over the relics of the past.
My friend(s), reflect those towers saw the coming of Milesian, Dane and Saxon. Those pillars witnessed the glory of Con, of McNessa, and of Brian of the Tribute. Those mystic temples heard the prayers to Bel, the hymn of the Druid, and at the psalm, of Patrick, and since then welcomed no other faith. My friend(s), read the Lesson of the Tower. Time must not change the Irishman. No matter among what peoples we wander, if bound by the ties of Friendship; we can withstand the glow and sunshine of prosperity as well as the bleak and bitter winds of adversity. As the tall tower points upwards, so must your hopes and aspirations be directed to high and noble ideals. As the door to the chamber within is some space above the ground, the entrance to your heart must be placed too high for the creeping serpents of slander and envy to enter therein. Stepping from your old life into the new life of Hibernianism; like those old towers you must be purified and cleansed of the errors of the past to worthily receive the new faith of Irelands destiny. Crossing the threshold of the tower, leave behind you the evils and prejudices of the past, and resolve to become a zealot for our race and a crusader for our faith. Ever teach that our people must cultivate the spirit of true friendship, which, coupled with forbearance and fortitude, will, like the cement of the tower, bind them as an enduring monument.
Sons of Milesius, are you ready to assume this hold obligation?
Chief of Escort: Gentlemen, answer.
Candidates: Yes.
Brehon: Worthy Ard-Righ, I bespeak your attention.
The Ard-Righ steps from his pedestal, moves into the center of the circle, salutes the Brehon, and turns to the candidates. The Escorts step forward and present their spikes lengthwise of the line of candidates at the command of the Chief of Escorts: Escorts lower pikes.
Ard-Righ: Gentlemen, place your right hand upon these pikes, your left hand above your heart, and assent to the obligation our ceremonies impose.
I promise faithfully and sincerely on my honor as a man and member of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, and as a loyal Citizen of this Republic (Commonwealth in Canada), conscious of the dignity and glory thereof, to obey all just laws imposed upon me by the rules of this society, I pledge myself to hold every member of this, Order in true friendship; never to provoke a quarrel with a brother, and always be ready to assist him when in distress. I promise to uphold, with dignity and honor, the good name of the Order, to the best of my ability.
All assent to the above. Ard-Righ withdraws and Brehon resumes.
Brehon takes shamrock in right hand, holds it aloft, and says: Brothers, salute the national flower of Ireland.
Choir answers by singing:
‘Tis the shamrock, the shamrock, the shamrock immortal and green,
On Ireland’s hills, by her murmuring rills.
The shamrock can be seen.
Brehon: Valiant Chief of Escort, retire these pilgrims for further preparation to pursue the Path of Knowledge.
Chief of Escort and aides march candidates to anteroom, while the organist plays ‘The Boys of Wexford’, the choir and members joining in the singing. In the anteroom the Chief of Escort gives the candidates the password of this lesson.
‘The Boys of Wexford’
In comes the captain’s daughter
The captain of the Yeo’s
Saving brave United Irishmen
Will ne’er again be foes
A thousand pounds I’ll give to you
And fly from home with thee
I’ll dress myself in man’s attire
And fight for liberty.
We are the Boys of Wexford
Who fought with heart and hand
To burst in twain the galling chain
And free our native land.
And when we left our cabins, boys,
We left with right good will
To see our friends and neighbors
That were at Vinegar Hill
A young man in our ranks
A cannon he let go,
He slapped it in to Lord Mountjoy
A tyrant he laid low.
(Repeat Chorus)
Lesson of Endurance
Division in order and robed and seated as before; the Bard presiding.
Bard: Valiant Chief of Escort, you will ascertain if all now in this room are entitled to remain during the conferring of this lesson. If they are in possession of the password of this lesson, then it is well; if not, they will be retired by you to the anteroom.
Here Chief of Escort takes up password and reports to the Worthy Bard: All present are members entitled to be present and I vouch therefor.
Bard in Chair: Valiant Chief of Escort, I am informed that we have candidates waiting the honors of this lesson. You will, therefore, repair with suitable escort to the anteroom, prepare these candidates for such honors and conduct them to this chamber.
Chief of Escort: Venerable Bard, your commands shall be promptly obeyed. Escorts, you will form in double rank.
Chief of Escort salutes and passes to the anteroom. On entering same the Chief of Escort will command: Brothers, arise and permit my Escorts to prepare you for entry to our inner chamber where further honors of this lesson await you.
Here all candidates are blindfolded with closed masks.
When all is in readiness, the Chief of Escort approaches the chamber door and gives usual signal.
Sentinel: Who comes there?
Chief of Escort: The Chief of Escort and Aides of Honor escorting candidates to the honors of this lesson.
Sentinel: Give me the proper words.
Chief of Escort gives proper words.
Sentinel: Enter, Chief of Escort, Escorts and candidates.
As procession enters the choir sings the following:
‘Let Erin Remember the Day of Old’
Let Erin remember the days of old
Ere her faithless sons betrayed her
When Malachi wore the collar of gold
Which he won from her proud invader
When her kings with standards of green unfurled
Let the Red Branch Knights to danger
Ere the Emerald gem of the western world
Was set in the crown of a stranger.
On Lough Neagh’s banks as the fisherman strays
In the clear cool eve’s declining,
He sees the round towers of other days
In the waves beneath him shining
Thus shall memory often in dreams sublime.
Catch a glimpse of the days that are over
And sighing look through the waves of time
For the long faded glories they cover.
During the song, candidates are marched around the hall; at the end of song, the Chief of Escort arranges the candidates in a semi-circle in, front of the Bard. The Brehon in full regalia takes his place in front of center of circle.
Chief of Escort: Ancient, Venerable Bard, we await your wisdom and advice.
Bard: Brehon, are these men qualified for the honors of the degree of the Dove of the Cell?
Brehon salutes and says: Worthy Bard, these men are entitled to the honors of the degree of Columbkill.
Bard: Worthy Chief of Escort and Escorts, remove all obstructions to the sight of our Brothers.
Bandages are removed and Bard says: Gentlemen and Brothers, you doubtless desire to learn why we have temporarily obscured your vision. Let me say it was not because of any dark or mystic rite or ceremony, but to forcibly bring to your understanding one of the most, striking and glorious evidences of devotion, sincerity and obedience in history.
The sainted Columbkill; may his memory be as green as his deeds were glorious; who brought the highest honor to the Irish race, wore bandages likes those just taken from your eyes. Living as he did, directly following the advent of the patron saint of Ireland, he was one of the many learned and pious men that won for Erin the distinguished title of ‘Island of Saints and Scholars’, and though the number of Irelands saints and scholars at that era was countles, there was none to surpass or even rival in devotion to God and country, the sublime Columbkill. His grand passion for learning led him to a grievous error for which he was severely punished. He was banished from Ireland, never to look upon its hills or vales again, banished from the land of his birth and his love, and of which he has so beautifully and touchingly spoken: ‘Great tears are in my eyes when I turn to Erin where the young are so gentle; the old so wise, where the great men are so noble to look upon, and the women so fair to wed. The very breezes that blow over the hills of Holy Ireland are to me like the zephyrs of Paradise. In his anger he caused war between the clans of his beloved Innisfail. Faction’s horrid strife defiled the fair land, and though victory crowned his comrades arms the heart of Columbkill was heavy with the weight of his fault. The great saint knew that he who caused disunion amongst a people, committed a sin which was almost beyond measure because of its ill effects on the future of a race.
Time, the great healer of sorrows, never relaxed the rigors of the severe sentence of Columbkill. His noble soul, after thirty long years of exile, once more set foot upon the soil he loved, as an envoy of his followers in Scotland. In departing from his adopted home, his eyes were bandaged and so remained until he reached his native land, fulfilled his mission and returned to Iona with his eyes still blindfolded. There, away from the land that he loved, with a heart as pure as the dew from heaven, the soul of Columbkill passed to its God. We have taken this grand character and this pathetic event in his glorious life as the best exposition of the enormity of factionism. As an example and an inspiration for every true son of the Gael, let Columbkill’s penance to God and country be ever in your memory and heart to remind you of your duty to preserve UNITY- among the children of the Gael.
And now, turning from the life of this gentle saint and scholar, hark to the exultant song of the warrior. Let its fierce, wild notes fill, your heart with joy and inspire your soul with courage. Brothers, sing, sing the grand war song, O’Donnell Aboo.
The choir, ‘or better still, the Division sings: O’DONNELL ABOO!
Proudly the note of the trumpet is sounding,
Loudly the war-cries arise on the gale,
Fleetly the steed by Lough Swilly is bounding,
To join the thick squadrons in Saimer’s green vale.
On every mountaineer,
Strangers to flight and fear!
Rush to the standard of dauntless Red Hugh!
Bonaught and Gallowglass!
Throng from each mountain-pass!
On for old Erin: O’Donnell Aboo!
Princely O’Neil to our aid is advancing,
With many a chieftain and warrior clan!
A thousand proud steeds in his vanguard are prancing,
Neath the borders brave from the banks of the Bann.
Many a heart shall quail
Under its coat of mail,
Deeply the merciless foe-man shall rue,
When on his ear shall ring,
Borne on the breezes wing,
Tyrconnell’s dread war-cry: O’Donnell Aboo!
Bard: Valiant Chief of Escort, conduct these, men to our learned Ollamh, who will teach them to observe what will weaken and what will strengthen the virtue of patriotism.
Chief of Escort commands: Attention! and marches the candidates around the hall, forming them in a half-circle before the Ollamh. The organist will play and the choir, will sing: ‘The Men of the West’.
Whilst ye honor in song and in story

The names of the patriot men
Whose valor has covered with glory
Full many a mountain and glen
Forget not the boys of the heather
Who rallied their bravest and best
When Ireland lay bleeding at Wexford
And looked for revenge to the West.
Then here’s to the gallant old Went, boys,
Who rallied our bravest and best
When Ireland lay bleeding and broken
Hurrah for the Men of the West.,
Chief of Escort: Inspired Ollamh, I present candidates who ask for your instruction
and advice.
Ollamh: Brothers, in your progress toward the goal of Hibernianism you were reminded of the olden days. You stood beneath the grey old temples, the preachers of the past, and heard the message of Friendship from those mystic conquerors of time.
From the silent tower you turned to contemplate the Soldier, Saint and Scholar. The grand character of Columbkill loomed up before you. If there be a glorious page in the history of the past, it is that which shines in honor and virtue about the name and memory of that gifted son of the Gael. Imperial Rome, in all her brilliant history, can scarcely trace a brighter page. Yet, if there be a lesson in our Nation’s story, worthy of Irish thought, it is conveyed in the tale of the sin and penance of the Dove of the Cell. Let those sacred memories live in your heart and
mind. They are a proud inheritance, pure, beautiful and bright; let their impress never die.        
But, sirs, we have now to deal with the present, this day, this very hour, and in the name of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, we call to your attention the sacred duties that you owe to God, country and the proud old race of which you are a scion. You are possessed of the blood of an heroic and honored race, whose escutcheon is as bright today as when Clontarf’s fateful field was grandly won. Our Order speaks and charges you in the name of justice, liberty, and right, to preserve the honor of the unconquerable Celt, as spotless and as pure as it was handed down to you. These virtues should never pass from our possession while an Irish heart hath blood and love to cherish. Though in the bitter past stern fortune frowned, the conflict is still on, although through the heroic efforts and sacrifices of the Men of Easter Week and ,the determined resistance of the Irish people, our cause has achieved a measure of success, the dream of Irishmen has not yet been realized and can never be fulfilled until heavens sun shines radiantly over a free, united and fetterless Ireland.
Thus far through fate our cause hath failed, yet we cherish the proud thought that future ages will listen to the tale of Erin’s struggle with noble pride rather than with a tear of patriotic pity. The race remains, their cause remains, both loyal, both eternal. Then, sirs, let it be your duty at all times to kindle anew the fires of patriotism until Erin is free from the center to the sea and takes her rightful place among the nations of the earth knowing that the direct path that leads to all that is dear to the children of Innisfail lies through unchanging faith, virtue, justice and loyalty.
The Irishman believes that all men are equal in the sight of God; that mans governmental duty is to provide for spiritual as well as material needs; that freedom, unaided by Christian education, opens the door of forgetfulness and neglects true ideals, which alone can make man happy, people prosperous and nations great. Will you promise adherence to these principles of lofty patriotism and respect that promise as binding on you both within and without the Order?
Candidate: I will.
Ollamh: Then repeat after me: I (your name), impressed by the story of the land where my forefathers were born, imbued with loyalty and devotion to the United States of America (Canada), my country, hereby promise before all assembled that I will promote the happiness, welfare and prosperity, of the Irish people in every land whenever in my power. I will encourage the people of my race to cooperate with each other in advancing their material interest. I will, strive for the upbuilding of the Irish Nation to the end that absolutely free from foreign control she may develop her resources, establish her independence and continue the noble record of her past in behalf of Religion and Education.
After a pause Ollamh: Esteemed Chief of Escort, present our friends to the noble Ard-Righ.
While the candidates are being escorted before the pedestal of the Ard-Righ, the choir sings Faith of our Fathers:
Faith of our fathers! living still
In spite of dungeon, fire and sword!
Oh, how our hearts beat high with joy
Whene’er we hear that glorious word.
Faith of our fathers! holy faith!
We will be true to thee till death!
We will be true to thee till death.
Our fathers chained in prisons dark
Were still in heart and conscience free
How sweet would be their children’s fate.
If they, like them, could die, for thee.
Repeat Chorus
Chief of Escort: Noble Ard-Righ, our candidates have listened to the counsel, admonitions, and inspiration of Brehon, Bard, and Ollamh. They now return to receive your consent to remain in this chamber.
Ard-Righ: Children of Innisfail, welcome thrice welcome! I offer you, the hand of Friendship. I extend to you the embrace of Unity, I share with you the spirit of Christian Charity. I now invest you with the emblem of the Trinity made sacred by the teachings of St. Patrick.
The Ard-Righ then touches each candidate on the left breast with a shamrock held in his right hand. Aides follow and pin small shamrocks on the candidates.
Ard-Righ: Worthy Chief of Escort, conduct our brothers to the places reserved for them.
Chief of the Escort seats the newly obligated brothers in seats provided, and the Ard-Righ continues: Most worthy associates and esteemed brothers, it is fitting and proper that at this happy moment when we rejoice in the accession of these worthy brothers to the ranks of our noble Order, that we learn from their lips whether they in their own persons can give evidence of the necessity of our thus meeting beneath the shadow of the Round Tower of our forefathers. The ancient methods of education included that which was imparted by propounding questions to the pupils and correcting such errors as were made in their responses. Following the example of the past we will invite our friends to answer such inquiries as we may make regarding their knowledge of the doctrines of our faith and the history of the land of their forefathers.
The Ard-Righ will call on one of the newly obligated brothers and ask such questions as may be agreed on by the team previous to the commencement of the ceremony. Should the answers be wrong, the Ard-Righ will give the correct reply and urge the study of Irish history and Catholic doctrine in every home. If the team desires they may at this time have the Chaplain or some person verged in Irish History and Catholic Doctrines give an explanation of the questions which have been expounded.
The inquisition having concluded, the Ard-Righ continues: Let no brother think the questions were for the purpose of embarrassing him; but rather let him believe it was intended to impress on him the need of Education and Patriotism among our people. Let this lesson suggest that every school where it is practicable for our children to attend, should be one where the doctrines of our Faith and the History of our Nation are taught and explained, to the end, that amid the unbeliever and the stranger all may be fitted to advocate and defend Holy Church and Mother Country. In this moment of enthusiasm and interest; let us rise and sing God Save Ireland.
High upon the gallows tree,
Swung the noble-hearted three,
By the vengeful tyrant stricken in their bloom;
But they met him face to face,
With. the spirit of their race,
And they went with their souls undaunted to their doom
God save Ireland! said the heroes;
God save Ireland! said they all,
Whether on the scaffold high,
Or the battlefield we die,

Oh what matter, when, for Erin dear we fall.
Girt around with cruel foes,
Still their courage proudly rose,
For they thought of hearts that loved them far and near,
Of the millions true and brave
O’er the oceans swelling wave,
And the friends in holy Ireland ever, dear,
God save Ireland! said they proudly;
God save Ireland! said they all;
Whether on the scaffold high
Or the, battlefield we die,
Oh, what matter, when for Erin dear we fall!
Climbed they up the rugged stair,
Rung their voices out in, prayer,
Then with England’s fatal cord around them cast,
Close beneath the gallows tree,
Kissed like brothers lovingly,
True to home and faith and freedom to the last,
God save Ireland! prayed they loudly;
God save Ireland! prayed they all
Whether on the scaffold high
Or the battlefield we die,
Oh, what matter, when for Erin dear we fall!
Never till the latest day
Shall the memory pass away
Of the gallant lives thus given for our land;
But on the cause must go,
Through joy, or weal, or woe,
Till we make our isle a nation free and grand.
God save Ireland! say we proudly,
God save Ireland! say we all
Whether on the scaffold high
Or the battlefield we die,
Oh, what matter, when for Erin dear we fall!
If the Test or Fourth Degree is being exemplified on the same day the following will be omitted and will be used at the conclusion of the Tests. If it has been decided to give the test separately on a different night, then the following will be used to conclude this lesson.
Ard-Righ continues: Noble Escort in Chief, you will prepare to dismiss our worthy associates, and guide us from this chamber, bearing with you the emblem of our ceremonies assisted by your guard.
To you, brothers all, and to every Irish heart we wish: Bannacht Die Libi (Liv). (Gods Blessing he with you.)
Two raps of the gavel. All arise.
Chief of Escort salutes Ard-Righ, advances to pedestal of Ollamh, who steps down, and two escorts take places by his side.
Chief of Escort proceeds in succession to Bard; Brehon and Ard-Righ. The Ard-Righ proceeds to center of hail, accompanied by Escorts, and halts, facing entrance. In turn, Brehon, Bard and Ollamh take positions behind Ard-Righ. When all are in line, Chief of Escort again faces Ard-Righ, and facing around, raises his sword as a signal to march. Leading the team he guides them to the anteroom, and all disrobe.
Immediately after the door closes on the team the proper official will assume charge of Division, and giving three raps of the gavel, all take their seats ready to proceed with the routine business.
Test, or Fourth Lesson
At the close of the previous lesson, the Chief of Escort will command: Gentlemen and Brethren, you will please arise, form a single file, and accompany me to the anteroom.
All arise and when arranged in proper order under the lead of the Chief of Escort and his guards march to the anteroom while the choir and the assembled members will sing ‘The Felons of our Land’:
Fill up once more, well drink a toast
To comrades far away.
No nation upon earth can boast
Of braver hearts than they.
(II) And though they sleep in dungeons deep,
Or flee, outlawed and banned,
We love them yet, we cant forget
The Felons of Our Land!
(Repeat II)
In boyhoods bloom and manhoods pride,
Foredoomed by alien laws,
Some on the scaffold proudly died
For holy Irelands cause,
(II) And, brothers, say shall we today
Unmoved. like cowards, stand
Whilst traitors shame, and foes defame
The Felons of Our Land?
(Repeat II)
Some in the convicts dreary cell
Have found a living tomb
And some unseen, unfriended, fell
Within the dungeons gloom!
(II) Yet what care we, although it be
Trod by a ruffian band
God bless the clay where rest today
The Felons of Our Land!
(Repeat II)
Let cowards sneer and tyrants frown
Oh, little do we care,
A felons caps the noblest crown
An Irish head can wear!
(II) And every Gael in Innisfail
Who scorns the serfs vile brand.
From Lee to Boyne would gladly join
The Felons of Our Land.

(Repeat II)
The Escorts remain with the men while the Chief of Escorts returns to learn if the
tools of the Test are in readiness. When all is ready, the members arise and in a standing position await the return of the Chief of Escort with, all the candidates. The organist will play ‘The Minstrel Boy’ as the candidates are being marched into the room:
The Minstrel Boy to the war has gone
In the ranks of death you will find him;
His fathers sword he has girded on,
And his wild harp slung behind him.
‘Land of song’ said the warrior bard
Though all the world betrays thee
One sword at least they right shall guard
One faithful harp shall praise thee!
The Minstrel fell but the foemans chain
Could not bring his proud, soul under,
The harp he loved ne’er spoke again
For he tore its chords asunder.
And said, No chains shall sully thee,
Thou soul of love and bravery,
Thy songs were made for the pure and free
And shall never sound in slavery!
The men are formed in a circle. The Ard-Righ, Ollamh and Bard and Brehon are in full regalia in center of circle. When the men are halted the Chief of Escort says: Worthy Brothers, the men are here.
Ard-Righ says: Brothers, you have clearly shown your right to a limited membership in our honorable Order. The questions of faith and blood have been successfully met by you. It now remains for you to prove your right to unlimited membership. The matter of your physical courage and manly daring is now to be put to the test by which you may gain or lose our everlasting love and respect. Manly courage is an attribute inseparably connected without ancient and loyal race. It nerved the heart of every hero of Innisfail from the days of Gadelius down to this very hour. To claim kindred with this mighty host of history, we demand that you, at this time and place, demonstrate that you are worthy of such honors. That green shamrock we placed upon your breast would wither and drop at your feet in shame, should you fail to prove that the ancient spirit is in you.
Here retire all but one candidate. Organist plays ‘The Dead March’ as men are marched out.
Ard-Righ says: Behold this (No. 1,***). Observe its (No. 2,***). Come forward, sir, and in the name of Irish Chivalry, confront its terrors. The brave man dies but once; the coward, many times. Let us burn the daring soul of a Celt into you, never to depart while a wrong remains to be righted, in the cause of our Fatherland. We desire to extend to you the right hand of fellowship. We wish to clasp a warm and valiant hand. Now, sir, advance and (No. 5,***) the (No. 4,***), to show your assembled brothers your courage and devotion. Advance! Obey!
Here the fine work is introduced by friends whispering: Don’t do it; it is cruel and wicked. When candidate refuses, take him out and bring in candidates one after another until all are tried out. When all have been tried out, arrange them in solemn line about the (No. 5,***).
The Bard advances and says: Worthy Ard-Righ, as a representative of the days of Irish Chivalry, I desire in the name of true Christian Charity and Brotherly Love, to prove its value still. I will redeem the failures of this night through these new brothers. Bard advances and (No. 6,***) his (No. 7,***) into the (No. 8,***) takes it (No. 9,***) calmly and continues: Now, Worthy Ard-Righ, show these men their folly.
Ard-Righ explains the (No. 10,***), and, after the usual (No. 11,***) extends the right hand of fellowship, with the following words: Brothers, in the name of ... Division No. ... (or the County Board of County) of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, I welcome you to our Order.
Note: The explanation may be given as suits the Chief of Escort. After this the men are taken by the Chief of Escort to be introduced to the brothers of the Division.
For missing sentences, officers will consult the explanatory circular, which has been issued from headquarters.
Great care should be exercised in the preparation and giving of this test. It is as good as can be devised, but requires great skill and ability on the part of the men who conduct it.

The President with ONE rap of the gavel, requests all to kneel, and either the Chaplain or the President recites the following closing prayer: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, and in the name of St. Patrick, the Glorious Apostle of Ireland, I declare this meeting closed. Grant, O Lord, who makest the minds of the faithful to be of one will, that we, Thy people, may love what Thou hast commanded, and desire what Thou hast promised, and that amid the changes of the world our hearts may ever love and obey Thee, Through Christ, our Lord, Amen.
Chaplain (or President): Let us pray for our deceased brethren.
President and members recite the ‘Our Father’, the ‘Hail Mary’, and the ‘Glory be to the Father’, etc., and the ‘Eternal Best Grant to Them O Lord’ to which members respond: And Let Perpetual Light Shine Upon Them.
Chaplain (or President): May they rest in Peace.
Members: Amen.
The President then raps twice with the gavel and requests the members to rise while the President says: Brothers, you are cautioned against speaking of anything that has transpired at this meeting to any but those whom you know to be members in good standing and bound by the same fraternal ties as ourselves of Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity.
The organist will then play the Closing Ode, ‘The Soldier’s Song’ and ‘Star Spangled Banner’ (or in Canada ‘O Canada’, which the members will join in singiIng. At the conclusion of the song, the President then raps the gavel three times and says: This meeting now stands adjourned until our next regular meeting ... except in the case of emergency, in which event you will be duly notified.
‘Soldiers of Erin’
I’ll sing you a song, a soldiers song
With cheering rousing chorus,
As round our blazing fires we throng,
The starry heavens o’er us;
Impatient for the coming fight
As we await the mornings light
Here in the silence of the night
We’ll chant a soldier’s song.
Soldiers are we, whose lives are pledged to Ireland
Some have come from a land beyond the wave,
Sworn to be free, no more our ancient sireland
Shall shelter the despot or the slave
Tonight we man the Beargna Wail
In Erin’s cause come woe or weal
Midst cannons roar and rifles peal
We’ll chant a soldier’s song.
In valleys green, on towering crag,
Our fathers fought before us,
And conquered ’neath the same old flag
That’s proudly floating o’er us,
Were children of a lighting race,
That never yet has known disgrace,
And as we march the foe to face
We’ll chant a soldier’s song.
Sons of the Gael, men of the Pale,
The long-watched day is breaking
The serried ranks of Innisfail
Shall set the tyrant quaking,
Our camp-fires now are burning low,
See, in the East a silvery glow,
Out yonder waits the Saxon foe,
So chant a soldier’s song.