Companions of the Forest of America
Initiation Ritual


General Regulations
Chaplain occupies station formerly assigned to the Chairman of Trustees, the three Trustees to be stationed in front of Sub-Chief Companion’s platform, Chairman in center. If space will not accommodate these three officers, then Chairman will sit on platform with Sub-Chief Companion.
Circle Deputy will always occupy chair on right of Chief Companion.
Inner Guard will take seat on side of Sub-Chief Companion after meeting has duly advanced.
Chairman of Auditors and Third Member of Finance Committee shall be seated on each side of Past Chief Companion.
Hostess and Chairman of Delinquent Committee shall be seated at each side of the Chaplain, Hostess to the right.
Sub-Chief Companion shall announce to Chief-Companion all members seeking admission.
Members entering shall cross to Sub-Chief Companion’s station, walk a straight line to altar, salute the flag by placing right hand over the heart. Then salute the Chief Companion. Reverse upon retiring.
When a Supreme (or Grand) Officer is announced, the Chief Companion requests the Right and Left Guides to retire. Upon re-entering, the Guides will proceed to altar in advance of Supreme Officers, cross flags, Officers pass through, then Guides stand on a direct line, when all salute. Guides then proceed in direct line to dais in advance of Officers, cross flags high enough for Officers to pass under. When platform is reached, Chief Companion presents the Supreme Officers (mentioning name and title of each) to assemblage; then seats Circle. Guides resume stations, shortest route.
The Welcome Ode is sung by members as soon as Supreme Officers enter.
Never keep candidates in anteroom longer than necessary. Transpose order of business and proceed with initiation immediately upon candidate’s arrival.
Members are not properly initiated unless presented with membership certificates.
]n class initiations, when a number of candidates are presented to the Chief Companion the second time, Guides will arrange candidates in a semi-circle, that they may have a better opportunity of seeing the salutation sign, etc., as communicated by presiding officer.
Degree Teams must not introduce in floor work any measure that will cause any deviation from the ritualistic work.
To help preserve decorum, Secretary should endeavor to collect dues before meeting is opened, or during recess. If possible, please conform to this suggestion, as the collection of dues during the transaction of business of Circle has a diverting influence upon the members.
Meeting should be opened not later than 8:30. Non-attendance of members points to the fact that meetings are started too late.
Members addressing Chief Companion will always salute.
Members are not permitted to cross Circle Room without first stopping at altar% giving salutation sign.
New Password will be communicated on roll-call under “New Business.”
Under “Good and Welfare,” Social Committee should not serve refreshments while any member or visitor has been accorded the privilege of addressing the Circle.
In Grand Circle jurisdictions the word “Grand” shall be substituted in lieu of “Supreme.”
Ledger and Medical Dictionary must be on the Recording Secretary’s desk at each meeting, for inspection of Finance Committee when supervising claims for benefits.
Beneficiary Book and Members’ Register shall also be on Recorder’s desk, enabling Hostess to procure signatures of new members.
Chaplain is added to list of elective officers.
Officers’ march is optional. (See Degree Book, sold by Supreme Circle.)
All floor movements should be by square corners when not otherwise directed. Guides carry flags all through floor work and cross flags whenever possible.
Duties of Hostess
The duties of the Hostess are as follows:
To receive the candidates in the anteroom, remaining with them until Guides are in readiness to escort them for initiation.
To see that during recess the newly initiated members sign the Beneficiary Book, which, some time during the evening, must be attested by the Chief Companion, Sub-Chief Companion and Financial Secretary.
To promote a friendly spirit between new members and other members present by introduction, etc., and to accompany newly initiated members to anteroom, upon their retiring when Circle is closed, and solicit future attendance at meetings.
In general to make every member feel she is thoroughly welcome, and her attendance appreciated.
NOTE: Chief Companion assumes station and calls assemblage to order.
C.C.: By virtue of the power reposed in me, I call this Circle to order. The Hostess will conduct those present not entitled to the privileges of the Order to the anteroom. The Officers will assume their stations; the Guides and Guards will advance and communicate the current password.
NOTE: The Guides arise, facing the Circle.
The Guards advance in front of Sub-Chief Companion’s station, proceed to altar abreast and salute, then walk a straight line on each side of altar toward presiding officer and assume position between Guides, who then face Chief Companion, communicate password and grip, commencing with Right Guide.
C.C.: The Guards will secure the doors and the Guides ascertain that all present are in possession of the password, reporting to me all irregularities.
NOTE: Guards and Guides face Circle.
The Guards return to their stations the reverse of entering. The Guides remain standing until Guards assume stations; the Guides then take up password and report to Chief Companion upon return to their stations. (Members arise when communicating password.)
C.C.: The Recording Secretary will call the roll of officers, and each officer will respond.
NOTE: Upon responding, each officer will arise, salute and remain standing until completion of roll call, when Chief Companion sounds gavel.
C.C.: Worthy Chaplain, what are your duties in this Circle?
CHAPLAIN: To preside over all religious services, officiate at funerals of members, drape the altar in memoriam and invoke the blessings of God on all our fraternal activities.
C.C.: Worthy Sub-Chief Companion, what are your duties?
S.C.C.: To assist you in maintaining order, to officiate in your absence, to announce to you all Supreme Officers, members and visiting companions seeking admission. To perform all other duties enjoined upon me by the regulations of this Order.
C.C.: Recording Secretary, what are your duties in this Circle?
R.S: To keep accurate minutes of the transactions of this Circle, to read same in open Circle, call the roll of officers, read all communications and bills, transcribe in minute book list of dues and expenditures from carbon sheet submitted by Financial Secretary, and perform all other duties that are required of me.
C.C.: Financial Secretary, what are the duties pertaining to your office?
F.S.: To keep correct accounts between this Circle and its members, receive all money due the Circle, pay the same to the Treasurer, taking a receipt therefor; assist Auditors in making a report quarterly of the financial condition of the Circle and the standing of all the members; attend to the correspondence of the Circle, and perform such other duties as the laws may require of me.
C.C.: Treasurer, what are your duties?
TREAS: To have charge of the funds; to pay all bills legally authorized; render at each meeting a true account of all money received and the disbursement of same; deliver, when properly authorized, all money and other property in my possession belonging to this Circle and the Supreme Circle.
C.C.: Right Guide, what are your duties?
R.G.: To examine all persons present before the Circle is opened that are seated on the right of the Chief Companion, and report those that are not correct in the password; to take proper care of the regalia; to assist at initiation and obey your commands.
C.C.: Left Guide, what are your duties?
L.G.: To examine all persons present before the Circle is opened that are seated on the left of the Chief Companion and report those that are not correct in the password; to assist the Right Guide in the care of the regalia, assist at initiation and obey your commands.
C.C.: Inner Guard, what are your duties in this Circle?
I.G.: To have charge of the inner portals of this Circle Room and see that no one enters without communicating the current password.
NOTE: While stating duties, Inner Guard stands at portal.
C.C.: Inner Guard, you will request the Outer Guard to enter.
NOTE: Outer Guard enters, proceeds to altar (by way of straight line from Sub-Chief’s station) salutes the Chief Companion.
C.C.: Outer Guard, what are your duties?
O.G.: To have charge of the anteroom; secure the circle room from intrusion; see that no one enters who is not qualified.
NOTE: The Guard retires, reverse of entering
C.C.: Worthy Jurnor Past Chief Companion, what are the duties of the Chief Companion of the Circle?
J.P.C.C.: To have charge of the Circle; preside over the sessions with courtesy and justice; to enforce the laws, rules and regulations of the Order and all decisions or orders emanating from the Supreme (or Grand) Circle or officers thereof; sign all orders and documents requiring your signature, and perform all other duties as specified in the general laws and constitution.
NOTE: Chief Companion will call the Circle to a standing position.
C.C.: All of these duties I am under solemn obligation to perform with kindness and justice. Let us realize, during this session, that we are consecrated to the loftiest spirit of service to God and humanity. Let the most kindly feeling prevail during the transaction of the business of our Circle.
We will now sing our Opening Ode.
NOTE: At completion of Ode:
C.C.: I now declare this Circle duly and legally opened for the transaction of such business as may lawfully come before it.
NOTE: Members salute Chief Companion and remain standing.
C.C.: Our Chaplain will now invoke God’s blessings.
NOTE: Chaplain will step to Altar shortest route and salute Chief Companion.
CHAPLAIN: Gracious God, we acclaim Thee. We realize Thou art the guiding, sustaining and strengthening influence in our fraternal endeavors. We glorify Thee for enabling us to meet each suffering member’s need.
We meditate upon health, not alone for our members but for the sick of the world. Restore and comfort them.
We commit to Thy care our members in hospitals, our orphans and aged, that they may be enriched by Thy divine grace and comforted by Thy divine love.
We pray Thee envelope in Thy protection our absent members, inspire in their hearts an intense interest in our Fraternity.
We pray Thee to illumine all present, that we may go forth from this meeting with a clearer vision of our duty to Thee, our Father, and to humanity.
We ask these graces in Thy blessed name. AMEN.
NOTE: Upon completion of prayer, Chaplain salutes Chief Companion and returns to station.
C.C.: We will now pledge allegiance to our flag
NOTE: When pledging allegiance to the flag, members stand erect facing the flag, with right hand over heart, and say:
“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
C.C.: We will now sing the first verse of America
NOTE: During singing Guides hold flags aloft and wave.
Chief Companion seats Circle
C.C.: The Secretary will read the minutes of our last regular meeting.
NOTE: After the reading:
C.C.: Companions, the minutes just read are the records of our last regular meeting. Are there any errors or omissions?
NOTE: After a slight pause:
C.C.: There appearing to be no errors or omissions, I now declare the minutes, as read, approved and confirmed.
NOTE: If any corrections are made, omit the above and say:
C.C.: I declare the minutes, as corrected, approved and con6rmed by the Circle.
NOTE: Right Guide brings Record and Roll to C. C., Left Guide brings pen and ink from Financial Secretary’s desk (shortest route).
C.C.: The officers will report members who are now sick, or those reported sick since our last meeting. If any Companion knows of a member who is in distress, or if there is a member present in distress, make the same known to  Companion at recess.
C.C.: The Secretary will read the commiunications and bills received since our last meeting.
NOTE: Communications shall be acted upon immediately after reading. All bills, and claims f or benefits are read, and referred by Chief Companion to the Finance Committee; said Committee shall be in readiness to respond when the Chief Companion calls for reports of Standing Committees, and shall refer to ledger and medical-dictionary to ascertain if members are entitled.. The Finance Committee shall complete its duties during recess
C.C.: Worthy Recording Secretary, are there any candidates to be balloted for? If so, kindly read application for membership.
NOTE: After application is read:
C.C.: Will the Committee kindly report.
NOTE: Investigating Committee shall sign application form prior to opening of meeting, if possible, and report verbally at this time.
C.C.: The Guides will prepare the ballot box.
C.C.: Worthy Companions, you are about to vote for or against (candidate’s name). Remember that white balls elect, and black balls reject. Be careful how you vote. Let me remind you, the ballot is a sacred instrument of protection. Violate not this privilege, but let justice prevail in the casting of your vote.
NOTE: When more than if one candidate is to be balloted for:
C.C.: If there are no objections, the ballot will be a collective one.
NOTE: If any member objects to a collective ballot, then each candidate should be voted for separately.
If Chief Companion wishes to vote, she will request the Sub-Chief Companion to take charge of Circle, immediately after declaring the ballot open.
If Sub-Chief Companion wishes to vote, she proceeds after Chief Companion resumes her station.
The pianist casts her vote immediately after the Sub-Chief Companion.
C.C.: The members will vote in consecutive order, commencing with the Recording Secretary on the right.
NOTE: Members give salutation sign upon reaching altar, before voting.
C.C.: Have all voted who wish, on my right? If so, members on my left will now vote, commencing with the Financial Secretary.
NOTE: After all have voted, the Chief Companion will say:
C.C.: I now declare the ballot closed.
NOTE: Left Guide will take the ballot box to the Sub-Chief Companion for inspection, return it to altar, then Right Guide takes it to the Chief Companion. The Guides in taking the ballot box to the stations will march in a straight line from center of altar to officers’ stations, and reverse to altar. Guides place ballot box on the pedestal directly in front of officers and take one step backward. Chief Companion inspects ballot.
C.C.: How stands the ballot, worthy Sub-Chief Companion?
S.C.C.: Favorable, (or unfavorable), worthy Chief Companion.
C.C.: I, also, find it favorable, (or unfavorable), worthy Sub-Chief Companion. Does any member desire to inspect ‘the ballot?
NOTE: There being no response, the Chief Companion then destroys the ballot and Right Guide returns ballot box to the altar.
C.C.: I hereby declare (names of candidates) elected (rejected) as members of this Circle. Worthy Guides, you will kindly return to your stations.
NOTE: Guides return to their stations. Right Guide carries ballot box and rests it on floor at right of her station.
C.C.: Worthy Inner Guard, kindly report to the Sub-Chief Companion if there are any candidates in waiting.
NOTE: Sub-Chief Companion reports to Chief Companion names of candidates.
C.C.: Worthy Financial Secretary, kindly retire and collect the balance of initiation fee, dues for Hospital Association and Old Age and Orphans’ Fund, and report if the candidates are qualified.
NOTE: The duties of the Financial Secretary often necessitate her absence from the room for so lengthy a period that to prevent delay in proceedings the following Order of Business should be transacted:
Proposition of candidates
C.C.: Worthy Recording Secretary, has any member presented an application for membership? If so, please read same.
NOTE: After reading of application, omitting immaterial printed matter:
C.C.: Worthy Companions, what is your pleasure in accepting this application?
NOTE: The Chief Companion shall appoint an Investigating Committee, provided the Circle has voted to accept the application.
NOTE: The Financial Secretary, upon returning, makes her report at altar, reading name, age, residence, and birth p lace of each candidate, also names of pro poser and seconder. (Secretary does not read all of the printing on form.)
C.C.: Companions, are you satisfied that the candidates whose applications have just been read, and who are in waiting, are worthy of becoming members of our Circle?
NOTE: Members will respond. If response is satisfactory, the Chief Companion will continue:
C.C.: Worthy Junior Past Chief Companion, you will please retire and propound the necessary questions.
NOTE: Junior Past Chief Companion salutes and retires.
J.P.C.C.: I have been instructed by our Chief Companion to propound to you certain questions and I trust that your answers will prove satisfactory, so that I may have the pleasure of recommending your admission within our portals.
There is nothing in our laws or customs that will conflict with your religion, social or political duties; being thus assured, are you willing to conform to the rules of this Order?
J.P.C.C.: Believing that there is nothing in our laws that will conflict with any of your lawful duties, will you promise to remain true to your obligation as a Companion of the Forest of America?
J.P.C.C.: You will remain here in patience until I have informed the Chief Companion the result of my investigation, when, if the report be favorable, proper officers will be authorized to conduct you through the ceremony of initiation.
NOTE: Junior Past Chief Companion returns to the altar, and after saluting, will say:
J.P.C.C.: Worthy Chief Companion, I have propounded the usual questions to the candidates in waiting, and am assured the candidates are worthy of being admitted to our Order, and would therefore recommend that you authorize your officers to proceed with the initiation.
C.C.: Worthy Junior Past Chief Companion, I am grateful for the results of your investigation, and in behalf of the Circle I thank you for the fidelity y6u have manifested in the discharge of your duties. You will kindly resume your station. Worthy Guides, you will please retire and conduct the candidates through the ceremony of initiation.
NOTE: The Guides will arise and march down each side of room until they reach the altar, when both give the salutation sign and retire, the Right Guide leading and the Left Guide following. Guides carry American flags during initiation ceremony and will turn square corners in conducting candidates around meeting room.
I.G.: Worthy Sub-Chief Companion, an alarm at the door.
S.C.C.: Attend to the alarm.
I.G.: Who comes here?
R.G.: Strangers, seeking sociability, sincerity and constancy.
I.G.: Worthy Sub-Chief Companion, strangers are awaiting admission, seeking sociability, sincerity and constancy.
S.C.C.: Worthy Chief Companion, strangers approach our portals, seeking sociability, sincerity and constancy.
C.C.: The strangers having fulfilled the requirements of this Circle, are they under the protection of our worthy Guides?
S.C.C.: They are, worthy Chief Companion.
C.C.: Thus assured, you will allow the strangers to enter.
S.C.C. to I.G.: By direction of our worthy Chief Companion, you will admit the strangers.
NOTE: The Right Guide takes the candidate’s left arm while conducting her through the ceremony of initiation, and the Left Guide the candidate’s right arm When two or more candidates are being presented, the Guides enter, the Right Guide and candidate leading, the Left Guide and candidate following, and march around the room, turning square corners. (The Right Guide always keeps candidate at her night; the Left Guide keeps candidate at her left.)
When Guides and candidates enter, the Chief Companion will raise the Circle, and instruct the members to sing the first verse of Initiation Ode.
R.G.: Worthy Chief Companion, I take pleasure in presenting to you these candidates, who desire to be initiated in our Order.
NOTE: After the introduction, the Guides will take one step back wand and cross flags. (C.C. seats circle.)
C.C.: My friends, we are honored in accepting you in membership in the Companions of the Forest of America, realizing you are a soul sent forth from God for the purpose of expressing Him in His fullness. To you is given the blessed privilege of service in our Fraternity, as well as the power to unfold all the crowning graces of cultivated womanhood.
Evidenced everywhere is the call of the century for the ministry of women. No doors are now closed to her earnest endeavor. That her achievements are recognized and proclaimed, is a truth well established. So you have done well to embrace our fraternity as the chosen field wherein all the finer elements of your womanhood will forever find avenues of expression.
Our portals open to you a world of light, for you have truly found the light when you radiate it in such a way as to illumine the paths of others, especially in the fulfillment of the purposes of the Companions of the Forest of America in devotion to the sick, the orphan, the aged and the discouraged. You broaden your life’ when you find room to include all these souls, finding happiness and consolation for them; you share in the accomplishments, for the blessings gained through being unified with others in helpful purposes, are divinely sent.
You will now be presented to our honored officer, our Junior Past Chief Companion, for the purpose of dedicating yourselves to our ennobling ideals.
Worthy guides, you will please conduct our friends to the Junior Past Chief Companion, where greater knowledge awaits them through her fraternal message.
NOTE: Pianist plays march.
R.G.: Worthy Junior Past Chief Companion, by direction of the Worthy Chief Companion, I present to you these candidates for instruction and obligation.
NOTE: After this introduction the Guides will take one step backward and cross flags.
J.P.C.C.: My friends, you have been referred to this station by the Chief Companion of our Circle. You have been given assurances that the vital and animating purposes of this Fraternity are to be found in sympathy and co-operation. With this knowledge, are you willing to assume a fraternal obligation?
NOTE: Response by candidates.
J.P.C.C.: You will kindly place yourselves in the position that I now assume:
Left hand over the heart.
Right hand uplifted, palm to the front.
NOTE: Junior Past Chief Companion exemplifies position for candidates to assume and Chief Companion raises Circle.
J.P.C.C.: Repeat after me, substituting your name where I use mine:
I, ..., in the presence of the Companions of the Forest of America here assembled do solemnly promise to abide by and maintain
the laws and customs of the Order now in force or hereafter to be made and to keep in sacred confidence the password and other unwritten work communicated during my initiation.
I promise to give earnest co-operation in the field of usefulness to the Companions of the Forest of America in its mission of carrying inspiration, hope and consolation to less favored lives. I promise to be charitable in my judgment of others and to search for the righteous motive back of every deed. I also promise forgiveness to my enemy: tolerance to my opponent and above all to respect the religious tendencies of every member of this Order.
I further promise to cultivate the charm of beholding the good in every member I meet, every one I think of, every one I speak of and to be loyal to the ideals of the Companions of the Forest of America.
 I promise to honor the flag of the United States of America and to glorify it by emphasizing the justice wrought beneath its starry
folds that by my charity of thought and action it shall continue to bring inspiration to all nations of the world in following the Stars and Stripes in its triumphant march to universal peace.
You have now assumed your obligation, and I shall continue.
NOTE: Chief Companion seats Circle.
J.P.C.C.: My friends, the Companions of the Forest of America teaches the true meaning of life. It teaches to keep God’s Commandments. It teaches that service is prayer; that to pray one need not always have set words, for true prayer is a blessed, constructive thought of service sent out, any way, any time, any place.
The Companions of the Forest of America teaches that devotion to the home is woman’s natural expression; that by living the good, speaking the good, knowing the power of good, every woman can transform the home into a shrine, for the Kingdom of Heaven is in a happy home.
May manifold blessings await you as a Companion of the Forest of America.
Worthy Guides, you will now present our Companions to our Sub-Chief Companion, who will further unfold the ideals of our Fraternity.
NOTE: Chief Companion calls up Circle and instructs members to sing the second verse of Ode. Guides conduct candidates to Sub-Chief Companion’s statiOn, holding position on line with candidates until members finish singing Ode.
R.G.: Worthy Sub-Chief Companion, by instruction of our Junior Past Chief Companion, I present these Companions to receive your message of love.
NOTE: Guides take one step backward and cross flags C.C. seats circle.
S.C.C.: Through exercising love for our members, we find that love developes within ourselves. In giving loving service to others, we increase our own blessings and have more love to express. Think of the rose saying, “I cannot afford to give away my beauty and sweetness; I must keep them for myself; I shall roll up my petals and withhold my fragrance.
But behold! The moment the rose tries to store up its beauty and perfume and withhold them from others, they vanish. They do not exist in the unopened bud. Only when the rose opens itself up, is its beauty and fragrance developed.
So, human selfishness defeats its own ends. When we refuse to give to others, when we close the petals of our charity and withhold the fragrance of our sympathy and love, we find that we lose the very things we try to keep.”
If you refuse to give, you will soon cease to enjoy that which you have; but the moment you open wider the portals of your charity, sunshine will enter your soul. This is in keeping with the law, universal and divine.
We pray that graces in abundance shall rest upon your membership as a Companion of the Forest of America.
Worthy Guides, kindly escort our Companions to our Chaplain, who has a message of good counsel to offer.
NOTE: Pianist plays march.
R.G.: Worthy Chaplain, by instruction of our Sub-Chief Companion, I present these Companions, for your message of good counsel.
NOTE: Guides take one step backward and cross flags.
CHAPLAIN: One of the most common forms of misjudgment is criticism. We little realize the burden of sorrow we inflict upon others by expressing our unenlightened opinions. If we look beyond appearances, we can see the good in all. God’s greatest gilt rests in His forgiveness, for no matter how fallen or condemned, if one resolves to live the good, think the good, express the good, from that moment on, all the helpful forces of the Universe are standing by.
At each sunrise every soul is born anew; yesterday is but a dream, tomorrow only a vision, but today, well lived, makes every yesterday but an experience and every tomorrow a day of hope for a better and fuller life.
Let us look for nobler human expressions, and we will find them everywhere, for we shall never know God in His fullness until we see the good in every soul we contact, and recognize the divine spark in every human being.
May your membership bring you the graces attendant upon a noble and useful life as a Companion of the Forest of America.
Worthy Guides, you will kindly conduct our Companions to the Chief Companion for further enlightenment.
NOTE: Pianist plays march. Guides present members, then they take one step backward and cross flags.
R.G.: Worthy Chief Companion, by instruction of our Chaplain I again present our members.
C.C.: Companions, you have been instructed in the ideals of our Fraternity, and you have learned of the melody of being kind. Your affiliation brings comfort to the sick, shelter to the orphan, and to the aged the brushing away of tears in the sunset hour of their lives.
“Give, and thou shalt receive” was divinely spoken. Up to the present moment you have been promising to give (of service, of love, of charity); therefore, that we may give emphasis to the truth of the law “to give is to receive” we shall in some measure strive to unfold inspiring thoughts that may be absorbed in your own life.
There is real grace of character in forgetting the conditions that disturb the harmony of life. We want you to be too noble for anger, too strong for fear, too courageous for worry, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.
Then put the past behind you, press forward, confident of your ability, and grateful for the powers within you to succeed.
Then let go the memory; forget it utterly. God un His own good time makes all things right.
Then realize Heaven is not some distant place. You can have it here and now, for in sending to others your blessings of service, you build an invisible channel from earth to Heaven, through which peace and content shall flow to you.
Then realize that all about you are opportunities. Refuse to entertain any thought but that only good has place in your life. Tremendous opportunities unfold at the dawn of every day, so let go any thought of discouragement.
Then let it shine through your smiles, radiate through your words, pass it on in numberless ways to those less favored, to be absorbed in their troubled hours. Thus you will be truly expressing the purpose of your creation.
C.C.: I shall communicate to you the Uniform Work of our Order, which regulates the deportment of members while in attendance at meetings.
C.C.: I shall instruct you in the salutation sign. This sign is used when the Circle is declared open, when entering or retiring, crossing the circle room, upon approaching altar to cast votes, and when addressing the Chair.
Place the right hand over the heart long enough to say “Worthy Chief Companion.” Drop hand to side, palm to the front.
The permanent password of the Order is “PEACE TO THE WORLD.”
Worthy Guides, you will kindly communicate the quarterly password.
NOTE: After password has been communicated:
C.C.: This password cannot be revealed to other than the Inner or Outer Guard upon seeking admission, or to the Guides when the Circle is about to be opened.
C.C.: The voting sign is the right hand raised, palm to the front.
C.C.: In respect to the presiding officer, a member must never pass between the altar and Chief Companion’s station.
C.C.: Worthy Guides, you will kindly invest our Companions with membership regalia.
This regalia is emblematic of our Order. We rest confident in the fact that you will wear it, a credit to the principles of our Fraternity.
C.C.: Worthy Guides, you will kindly present laws. These laws which are placed in your hands will, I trust, be studied by you. You will not be permitted to plead ignorance in justification of any violation thereof.
C.C.: Worthy Guides, kindly present Certificates of Membership. These Membership Certificates are presented to you in the hope that they will occupy a prominent place in your homes, which we trust will inspire pride in our Order, and will perhaps be the means of attracting your relatives and friends to membership.
C.C.: I will now instruct you in the use of the gavel, the emblem of authority. You will please face the Circle and note the effect. One rap calls the Circle to attention and seats it when standing. Sounds gavel. Two raps call the officers to their feet sounds gavel; and at three raps the entire Circle will arise sounds gavel.
C.C: Worthy Junior Past Chief Companion, will you kindly demonstrate for our Companions the proper way to enter and retire from our circle room?
NOTE: After Junior Past Chief Companion returns and salutes at altar, Chief Companion will say:
C.C.: Worthy Junior Past Chief Companion, I express the grateful appreciation of the members present for the assistance you have rendered. You will resume your station.
C.C.: Companions, I am honored in presenting to you our new members. I trust they will find as much happiness in affiliating with us as we do in accepting them. Your expression of welcome will be signified in the singing of the Welcome Ode.
NOTE: At Conclusion of Ode:
C.C.: Worthy Hostess, you will now assume charge of our new Companions; please see that they are properly introduced to other members, that fraternal greetings may be exchanged.
C.C. raises Circle
C.C.: We stand at the close of the evening. Night lowers her curtains. Love, hope and service we see reflected in God’s writing across the sky. Our souls quietly receive the benediction of this hour, and lifting our eyes heavenward, we perceive the good deeds of the Companions of the Forest of America written in stars of gold. Our souls touch the spirit of our Father, and Godward we send our praise.
We shall rest peacefully tonight, Dear Lord, because we know Thy love hath blessed the fraternal assistance and kindly influence that have been given forth at this meeting.
C.C.: Companions, what is our affirmation?
C.C.: I now declare this meeting closed.
NOTE: Members salute. Chief Companion returns salutation. Sounds gavel.
